Apostolic Church of God(Bishop Brazier)"The Gospel of Grace"

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any preaching that does not include the grace of God is not the true gospel [Applause] gospel a decision that is based upon materiality whose focus is on gaining material position [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now join Bishop Arthur embrasure and the Apostolic Church of God as we praise and worship the Lord together [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God King of Kings is not you up king of pain Oh [Music] and the King of Kings went too far [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] my God is an awesome God [Music] holy [Music] stole [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh let the church they praise the Lord let the church say thank you Jesus once again we are back in the house of prayer and giving God the praise in the glory for the many blessings that he has showered down upon us or if we could only have a thousand tons we could not praise the Lord enough he is good to our variance it's very soul so now the time has come for us to go for the Lord in prayer we know that many of you have special prayers we know that though there are those who have called in and we place that name in our prayer registry book let's pray for them that the Spirit of the Lord will bless them in every way let us call upon his holy name our Heavenly Father who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ who saved us and washed our sins in his own blood for this we thank you Lord we thank you because you have brought us back here again together that we should worship you in spirit and in truth you have put joy in our hearts we feel your presence so father be with us lift us up above the shadows we ask that you remember those who have called in for prayer we pray Lord or whatever that situation may be whether it's a wayward son or daughter whether it's a problem on the job or without a job whether it's the illness whatever it may be stressful with your hand touch heal strengthen and encourage we ask law that you were blessed those who are here who have not yet received Jesus Christ as their Savior we ask this request Lord not perfunctorily but we do it from the very balance of our heart because somebody needs Christ somebody needs Jesus we pray law that when this service comes to an end and the doors of the church open that they were surrendered to Christ we ask you Lord to bless your servant as he speaks your holy word bless our choir as they say into your glory and you honor and we ask these blessings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord a man this Sunday mornings responsive scripture reading comes from first Peter the first chapter the 22nd to the 35th verse seeing he have purified your souls and obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the Brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently [Music] for all grass all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass the grass withereth and the flower they're all falleth away but the word of the Lord endure forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you and all of God's people said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] your friend Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] sure [Music] [Music] Oh the Lord he has me [Music] Oh you have recall ah Oh [Music] Wow Oh Oh Oh [Applause] what rejoicing to know that His mercy endures forever this mercy is always with us oh we thank God for choir how they have inspired us this morning as they do every Sunday thank you thank you very much now having been inspired by a choir the musicians that so wonderfully accompanied them we now ask you to open your Bibles and let us turn to the word of the Lord I'm going to ask you to open your Bibles to Paul's epistle to the Galatians yes and I want to speak to you about this gospel call grace someone says you know bishop you talk a lot about grace I do because I don't want you to forget it I don't think there's enough of us who are ministers who are talking about it as much as we should it's a part and parcel of my mission as a preacher of the gospel because I have seen what Greece has done for so many people but thousands upon thousands upon thousands I have seen God's Greece saving sinners and I've seen God's grace in strengthening the Christian who is weak in the faith the Christian who stumbled a lot the Christian who was sometimes in and sometimes out the Christian that you had a hard time knowing who's a Christian but I've seen God's grace take ahold of that person and I watched those people grow as the Apostles in Greece I've seen them develop as powerful witnesses for the Lord God grace works in many ways I was talking to one of our members I think that about family must be about 15 of them in this church I save people how they came to this church was purely regards grace their father I had ice cream truck the part on the front on the sidewalk we've got to every Sunday and so one of his children that said dad what gestures would go to say where has this church to that cell asking this seemed like some nice people why don't you go there and the donor came he got saved she went back and told all the relatives and after a while fifteen or twenty of those same people got saved because that one man who is going on now who never set foot in this church but he tell other folks pulling that church they seem to be some nice people God God works in mysterious ways you can find God's grace in places where you wouldn't thinking would be so I'm thankful to that brother you never came to our church but that's alright he always said somebody else God can use other people and God can use other people he can use you so I'm gonna read from chapter one verses 6 through 12 [Music] Paul writes to these Christians tomorrow that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received let him be accursed for do I now persuade or seek favor of men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of Christ but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached to me is not after man well I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ and all the people said amen the Apostle Paul was writing back to these Galatians he had preached him out of darkness it's a whole region love of churches here that Paul founded here in the region of Galatia and as you know the Apostle was a missionary the greatest Christian missionaries ever lived after they were saved he taught them preach to them and then moved on following him were what we called the Judaizers the judeo-christians who had been saved but yet the law of Moses were so ingrained in them and they did not have the full knowledge of the grace of God that they followed Paul and told the people yes you have received Christ that's wonderful but Christ was not enough they said to these converted pagans these converted heathens these people who did not know anything about the law of Moses at all but had received the Holy Spirit to their faith in Christ they said to them unless you are circumcised and keep the law of Moses you cannot be saved and they had a devastating effect on these people because their heart was open they wanted to be saying here come people saying that there's something else that you must do but the thing about it was that it happened so suddenly it was so quick it wasn't like Paul had been away from them for or five years it could have been months later some theologians say that maybe two years later and this is what was so astounding in Paul's mind he said I marvel I'm shocked I'm surprised that you're so soon so soon removed from him who called you into the grace of Christ as we read these seven verses I want you to notice that the word gospel or its equivalent was used seven times one can easily see that the gospel was a stream important in the man of this apostle this apostle one of the three apostles that dominated the New Testament the other two were Peter and John Peter to whom the Lord gained the keys to the kingdom now don't misunderstand what the Lord is doing here he didn't get Peter the key to open the door for others and lock the door for others Peter was not standing at the door admitting people in or keeping them out he gave him the keys of the kingdom which were the keys of knowledge it was Peter who on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost failed it was Peter who stood up and was a spokesman for the other eleven it was Peter who preached the Word of God the Lord and said the same Jesus whom you have crucified God that made him both Lord and Christ the great crowd was convicted they didn't know what to do what should we do we were crucified the Son of God they said what shall we do Peter had the key he said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission or the washing away of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost that was a powerful sermon three powers and souls were added to the church on that day it was Peter who opened the door of the church to the Gentile he had the key there was a man by the name of Cornelius he was a Roman centurion he was a preemie the Bible said he prayed to God all the time not only that but he was a humanitarian he gave money he gave alms to the poor but he wasn't say and while Cornelius was praying one day an angel appeared to it they said Cornelius said your prayers and your arms have gone up to God as a memorial now we'll tell you what you must do sitting down to Joppa to one house named Simon the Tanner there's a man there his name is Peter Simon Peter said for him he'll tell you what you must do to be saved Peter was a one of the dominant men in the New Testament job he had a brother named James and these did these two men workers were rather fierce in their personality they were they they wanted to stand out above everybody else though that mother said to Jesus him we want my son James and John to sit on your right in the left hand were you when you arrived and your kingdom they were rough he was some rough customers Jesus was on his way some went I think to Jerusalem and and some Samaritans he was passing by the way to Samaritans and they blocked his path John said Lord he said do you want us to call down fire from heaven and consume these people he said that John you don't know what you don't know what spiritual God said the son of man did not come to kill people the Son of man came to save John was filled with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost and John's beard was changed and he he's another one who dominates the the New Testament with his gospel of love one of the key words in John's first epistle is love love love ye one another behold what manner of love the father had bestowed upon us and we should be called the sons of God herein is love not that we loved God but that God loved us James and John will call the son sons of thunder Jesus give him that name he gave that name boy boy large as the sons of thunder but then that was his third man Paul who brought to the Christian consciousness salvation by grace alone without the deeds of the law and it's intolerable burden his words to the Galatians still read down the corridors of time stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ has set us free and did not again entangle with the yoke of bondage this is the Paul minute by the use of the word gospel it is the good news that Jesus Christ died for us on calorie and by doing so he took all of our sins upon himself my brothers and sisters I want you to remember that when the devil attempts you the devil tries to to get you to turn away from the Lord remember what Jesus did at Calvary remember his passion is suffering the good news is that your slave had been washed clean the good news larger didn't like and then cleaned up by the blood of Christ his plot says he has filled us with his spirit Bible said that when the Holy Ghost is come you shall have power and that my friends is a power that you have to have to meet all the temptations and passions of your own life to meet the slings and arrows that Satan hurls against you we mean this divine power to stand strong in the kind of world in which we live you've been reading the newspapers the newspapers are not filled that could use the newspapers are filled with tragedy do we have cameras here that belong to the television stations are they here to give the good news or what Jesus Christ did somebody shoot somebody let something bad happen it will fill the pages of the newspapers the name this is the kind of world we live in a world where scandalous inequality prevails on the one hand on the one end of the spectrum is luxury and indulgence on the other hand you find people live in poverty and deprivation diem Lord Jones wrote of the sin and squalor that should shame us all the greed and selfishness of me and their lust for place and power the petty scheming the chicory the dishonesty it was in this kind of sensing world that Paul said by the grace of God I am what I am this word grease has a special meaning for us because it comes straight out with the Apostle Paul called the gospel of the grace of God and I say to you ladies and gentlemen and I say it sincerely any preaching that does not include the grace of God is not the true gospel it is a different gospel in it bridging that is based upon materiality whose focus is on gaining material possession the pursuit of wealth is a different let's read verses 6 and 7 again I marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another dust which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ the Apostle is ready from his heart and course the King James Version is a little difficult to understand because he says that I marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another it's a little difficult because you've got seemed like a contradiction cause you to the grace to another gospel which is not another but it's really not when you have understanding of the language in which this book was written Greek and the words another there are two Greek words more than war more than two but two special words for another one is Etta Rosetta Rose which means different and another is allies which means the same and so Paul writes and says that he is marveled they are removed from the grace of Christ into and or a different gospel this is not another or a loss which is not the same kind of gotten the word elahh lost what heteros means different the word Allah means another if I had before you if I'm sitting before you and I and I am I have a a bowl of grapes in my hand and there's another bowl of grapes on a table and there's a bowl of cherries on the table and I say to you bring me another bowl of fruit and I used the word head to Ross and I've got a bowl of grapes the fact that I used the word head of office is another which means different you wouldn't bring me the bowl of grapes you'd bring me the bowl of cherries bring me another bowl of food and I use the word he would not bring me a bowl of he would bring me a bowl of grapes because it's the same kind so Paul says you haven't moved from another gospel to a different kind of a gospel than what I preach to you and that's what we're hearing today television says we are not hearing about salvation we're not hearing about the grace of God we're hearing a lot of psychology we're hearing a lot of country we're little a lot of pop psychology telling people about the other what about salvation rights in their life do whatever they want to do without Christ but yet in their heart they are learning for something different why do you think people turn to narcotics why do people who don't have no cloudy's turn to it because they are looking for something I'm told I'm not talking about people who are living in squalor I'm talking about people who got good job do you drive nice cars people who have nice homes the lead food good food they did surrounding and they need to inch things they are eating a wonderful food exotic food why put a man in that situation start experimenting with drugs I'll tell you why they in there satisfied they are they are looking for something they're trying to find something brothers and sisters you don't have to turn to marijuana don't turn to narcotics [Music] well why should I go going turn to God turn to price turn to Christ the boundless grace of the Lord Jesus but is that for me Reverend yes God's grace is not just for a few who are less guilty it is for the those who are more than guilty everyone needs to be saved no one is excluded no one is exempt whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved now it's not uncommon to run into people who question the need to be saved they say rather say from what see them really heard him they've been listening but then but they have heard but let me say look around you look around you everyone can see that there's something radically wrong in our society in spite of our Western culture in spite of our humanitarian ideas in spite of our towering skyscrapers our gleaming jet aircraft in spite of our hospitals and social concerns the gross imperfection of human nature are unmistakable no one can deny that man is not what he ought to be and how he came to be what he is is clearly spelled out in the Bible I believe that I can truthfully say that no honest person can look at the spectacle of human life without being concerned read your newspapers look at TV the Middle East Africa Europe here in America where those in positions of power only concerned about a wielding more power they are not concerned at all about alleviating human misery brothers and sisters you know people who are your relatives be with whom you weigh every day what are they doing with their life where are they going how do they want do you realize that there are many people who don't know what they want they complain I mean listen to slogan yes you Jesse recently just this week when it was 85 degrees and a cold front came through please cold what's wrong I'm too cold before it was hot but the tips is going up and all those folks who talk about is too cold League on me saying it's too hot complains complaints complaints one complaint files another and complain they wanna pay raise the next year they want another one they already got a house then that satisfied I want a bigger house Blaise Pascal the 17th century philosopher said that everybody complains princes subjects Nobles workers the old the young the strong the weak the wise the ignorant to help to the sick in every country in every age in every condition he went on to say that an ordeal of complaints so long so continuous and so uniform should convince us that we are powerless to arrive at the good by our own efforts but I say to you my friends that you can arrive at the good not that what you do but with the help of the holy spirit with the Holy Ghost in your life and that's what we need the early church had that and because they were filled with the spirit they were able to give in and covered who those who were to those who were tempted they believed that God was able the same to the other mode they believed that he was able to keep them from falling they believed that he was able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think if only more people today understood the power of Christ in the church did they would not be plagued with anxieties and deal for pudding they would not have pessimistic moves all the time today many people are being taught that the church is some kind of a haven that can shield them from all life's difficulties they are told that God does not want them to be poor they are told that God does not want you to be sick and then somehow they can escape sorrow and hardship misfortune and travail this is not true today and it never has been true at the advent of Christianity we read of the difficulty that the followers of Jesus had they had troubled on every hand inside they were looking for something better and they found Christ and they knew that Christ could save because they also knew that Christ was lighted to save and I say to you that your case is not too hard for God as I near the end of the sermon let me say to you that the Lord saved others just like you Paul called himself the cheapest of sinners and you know if God can save the chief he can save you too when one receives Christ one receives an indescribable sense of energy and security because you know that you are in the care of one who is able this was the word these early Christians knew he is able not we are able he is a those are any seats were magnificently alive and they had a destiny and enthusiasm for their feet they did not suffer from the restraints that hamper and restrict so many people today on the contrary they were alive with an overpowering vitality that enabled them to confront life's most difficult problems someone might say to me Reverend you mean to tell me that I can do it overcoming it in today's world yes you can be an overcomer Paul wrote and said we are more than conquerors through him that loved us to be more than a conqueror means victory to the superlative degree it means that the evil and sin that we face in the world can never separate us from God's love it means that every obstacle in our environment can be overcome it means that even with all a hard pressed by temptation we can be triumphant it means that we not only can be victorious or the power of evil but we can be blessed in doing so my friend it means that grace is authenticated and the victorious quality of our lives are put a stamp of approval or what God can do nothing too hard for him that's what Greece is all about grace is not oh I can live in sin and go to heaven hi I'm sir can we be to talk about the grace of God means you can live in sin and go to him well when I talk about the total security of the child of God I get there report all Bray's your means that you can live a sinful life and still go to heaven we have went down into the depth of absurdity where the Lord speaks to us and says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed Oh all things according to the word of the Lord says put off the old me put on the new be the Word of God and Greece does not lead us into seed it leads us away from seeing that's where I can talk about eternal security because I don't know about the power of God God is not a weak God seeing you today and lose you tomorrow he's not a weak God that can't keep you so I said oh yeah you gotta do security if you stay in crime yes that's right and the power of God will keep you in Christ oh it will not keep you automatically but what God does is he puts a power in you he puts the strength in you so that you will want to be saved you're not going to heaven being drug to heaven Wow I don't want to go to heaven I don't want to be say oh let me alone Lord I don't want to go no no no when the Holy Ghost comes in you turn around yes Lord before no Lord no Lord but when the Lord is here yes Lord yes well now I'm yours I wonder if there's a man or woman here this morning would like to give themselves to Christ you're here we arise from your seat and give yourself to God now is the time rise from your city come follow and say Lord I want to be seen that's the God will you come will you come god bless you coming down the aisle there god bless is coming down the aisle here god bless you coming down the aisle there god bless you come in there [Applause] [Music] as another brother coming and there's another brother coming come on there's another cookie come [Applause] as a brother right behind today [Applause] come on down young lady where's your mother we hope that you have enjoyed dr. brazier and this saving grace broadcast coming from the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago we hope that you have been blessed and we invite you to visit us in the near future here in this beautiful edifice at 6320 south Dorchester in Chicago Illinois [Music]
Channel: C. Billingsley
Views: 3,949
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: eiet0x_HA0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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