Apostolic Church of God (Bishop Brazier) 1st Broadcast

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you at this time we are going before the Lord in prayer I have before me at least 200 names on our prayer lists for this Sunday now I do not have the time to read them all but I'm going to ask each of you to remember this prayer list because as this church goes before the Lord in corporate prayer I am firmly convinced that God will hear and bless these people in reference to their specific needs but I am going to call the names of a few people who are sick in the hospital or shut-in at home and I want a special remembrance for Virginia slaughter who's in the maccabees Hospital Aquila Johnson in Bernard Mitchell gene Davis jr. at Heinz Calvin Cole in Michael Reese Celia Johnson at Northwestern Memorial Katherine Griffin at Mount Sinai and SATA Janet Kendricks who is at home recuperating and I want you also to give a special prayer for Gregory more he's back in Chicago you know he was shot in a robbery at him two weeks ago he is now on the road to full recovery and I want you to keep him before the law I'm going to ask Minister miles to come and lead us to the throne of grace I want each of us lift up our voices calling upon the name of the Lord we want you to pray on the sleep calling on his name for we know that God is a merciful God and that he will hear and answer prayer some of you may pray silently others of us pray audibly we call on and we call out on the name of the Lord and so we want you to pray we want you to give God the glory and to give him the thanks for the good things that he has done for you minister Myles let us pray again most heavily gathered ourselves in your house of worship this morning the minghua voices in praise and thanksgiving to thee we thank you for your goodness and your kindness and your mercy that I was shown toward us this week Lord we thank you even for the opportunity to assemble ourselves here we thank you O God because this week we have tried you and you still God all by yourself we needed you and you are present help in the time of trouble WA and Lord we come this morning just to say thank you for the opportunity thank you for your goodness thank you for your blessings Lord we come here this morning asking in the name of Jesus that you administer us today Lord we need to help Lord we need to strengthen we need your guidance we need your Lord because we know what we cannot make it Lord on behalf of those are on this prayer list we ask that you would go into the sickroom write down Lord we a soul God whatever the situation is that your healing virtues would flow we have from God those that are shut in this morning uh let them know that you are still by their side those on God who are having or other domestic problems up in other situations in their lives that will not allow them to be in your house of worship this morning Lord we ask for God that you wouldn't minister with him personally Lord us we need you this morning uh but right now Lord we ask that all those are all this friend is a hospital home wherever they may be and whatever the situation might be that you are deal and move on their behalf but lord we've come here to lift up our voices and praise to thee we ask from God that you would anoint this service that you would lord the breach of this warning as a local school that we as oh god that some heart would be break though some soul will be touched as they may go down in a precious name of Jesus and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost we have Ogada Judah North acquire unlock the musicians Lord let everything that is done this day yeah because of your Gloria and to your honor we ask these blessings now in a matchless name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray hallelujah amen I'm going to ask the congregation to say after me from the great passage in first chronicles chapter 29 vine or Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heaven and earth is thine thine is the kingdom Oh Lord and thou art exalted and head above all let the church say Amen I'll try Oh Oh Oh what right Oh Oh Oh Oh a little too strong Oh Oh Oh ah Wow Oh Oh Oh Hey ah I'm so glad you yeah Oh let the church amen we do want to thank our choir for the tremendous impetus that they have given to us the tremendous inspiration that we have received from that singing this morning and certainly every song that they sang touched our hearts and of course that's what Christianity is all about it's not about joining church it's not just getting your names on some church roster you must be born again and I am indeed thankful to God for all of you who have come from all over the city of Chicago metropolitan Chicago for that matter gathered here together this day around the word of the Lord and I hope that in this message this sermon that I give to you today that you who are God's people will be strengthened and encouraged to go on with him and that someone whom the Lord has brought here who is not yet saved that before you leave here today you will have been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we have water in the pool we have dressing rooms for men and women someone to baptize you God waiting to fill you with the Holy Ghost we are not asking anyone to wait until the first Sunday of the month to be baptized oh and we're not asking you to wait until the weather warms up when you make your decision for Christ we are ready to baptize you in Jesus name when Jesus came down to the River Jordan John didn't wait until the first Sunday he went down in the water and Jesus was baptized and when it came up out of the water the Holy Ghost appears a dove and a voice from heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased so today we're going to be speaking to your hearts now I want you to pray with me and I want some heart to open up for the Lord I'm going to call your attention to the second epistle of Paul to Timothy chapter 1 verse 12 and it reads this way for the rich cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day we have gathered here today to worship and to hear what thus saith the Lord there are many sermon topics that I could preach from this morning such as this struggle for human rights that is now going on in South Africa or I could speak of that great American dr. Martin Luther King whose birthday we will soon be celebrating and talk of the tremendous sacrifice that this man me yes even to the sacrifice of his own life I remember his last sermon when he told the congregation that he had gone up to the mountaintop that he had seen the promised land I could talk about the spreading blight of world terrorism and how it is affecting people all over this world of ours all of these are important subjects of the highest magnitude and should be given serious attention at the right time and in the right forum but today at this present hour I am concerned about the eternal destiny of every soul in this sanctuary the most important question today I repeat the most important question today is not whether the Bears will go to the Super Bowl but where will you spend eternity it is this question that reminds us so vividly of our own mortality life at its best is quick and transient the Apostle James said it is like a vapor that appeareth for a little while and then vanishes away Peter said that it was like the grass that withereth and the flower that falleth away always in the background of our lives is that haunting eerie ominous shadow of our own impending demise always that ultimate silence on the other side of the grave but when we turn from ourselves and turn to the Word of God we find a wonderful sense of energy exhilaration and overpowering vitality here in this text that I have just read in your hearing we see the great Apostle Paul whose life is almost over lying in prison facing a violent death that is in X or oblique drawing near he writes about Jesus to his son in the gospel Timothy and says that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day it was Paul's faith in Jesus Christ that sustained him throughout his life all the way to the end this is what we need today a strong faith in God not a diluted mixture of half belief of doubt a fear but a strong simple faith that takes God and His Word ladies and gentlemen I find it frightening how some people can play with God how they can sit around philosophy using their human logic wondering whether there is a God or whether there isn't a God the atheists and the agnostics who fumble around all their lives with the query is their God or is not their God I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said I can understand how a man can look down on the earth and be an atheist but it is beyond my comprehension as to how he can gaze upon the Stars and say that there is no God ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters our immortal souls are are too valuable for us to sit around playing guessing games about whether there is a god or not it's alright to play trivial pursuits when you have nothing better to do but life is not a trivial pursuit life is serious business today the formidable ruthless forces of evil are playing havoc with the lives of men and women everywhere nation is rising against nation Kingdom against Kingdom earthquakes famine pestilence of world terrorism dogs howl every footstep people are turning to alcohol and then to drugs and back to alcohol again rock music our sales our ears are on almost every radio station rock concerts with that drug leading audiences remind us of Sodom and Gomorrah it seems as if the world has gone mad and means hearts of our feeling them for fear but jesus said when you see these things are brewed up for your Redemption draweth nigh you know I'm always reminded of the prodigal son who found himself in such a forlorn condition he left the safety and security of his home and went into a far country now you know I believe that that's what a lot of you have done the day I believe that a lot of you have left the safety and security of the values that your mothers and fathers taught you when you are down on the farm I believe that a lot of you have left the safety and security of the Christian values that you want scale dear when you came up to the big city and got lost in the crowd there are a lot of us today you feel that if we can just get a lot of money and go to the big city we could have a big time we can spend money like water we can buy long automobiles we can go to the nightclubs and the cabins we can have the men and the women are all around us we can buy friends and just enjoy life to the fullest and I imagine you can do that as long as your money holds out you know people tend to hang around folks who have money you can't get rid of them when you got money you can't rest at night when you got money you can't go anywhere when you got money but when you spit your last you see money don't grow on trees son when you stick it on then you have a lot of time on your hand cuz all your friends will be gone because you will have Hawk to that mercedes-benz you will have sold that Rolls Royce you will no longer live in that condominium of on Lake Shore Drive your friends or will be gone and then where will you be I reminded of the prodigal son who went to his father and said give me my inheritance and left home and the Bible says he went into a far country some of us who went into a far country speakers money had a great time but how did he end up he ended up nibbling in the swine pit in the mud with hogs or he ended up nibbling on caught us but I'm so glad that the story didn't end there I'm so glad the story didn't end there for the young man laying there on his elbows nibbling on those corn husks and eating the food of the swine the young man the Bible said came to himself I hope somebody this morning was gonna come to himself I hope somebody this morning is going to say listen I'm out here in a farm country munching on corn husks we're not gonna be eating in my father's house you know what he said he said I know what I'm going to do says I'm going home how many of you are munching on corn husks in a far country today you ought to say I'm going home to my father's table I wonder how many of you here will have the faith of the woman who touched the hem of the Masters garment the woman who had this issue of blood this hymn Regina for 12 long years the Bible says she went to the physicians and the physicians couldn't help her in fact after all this time she was not any better she was worse she has been all of the money going from one doctor to another and pound no relief this is not a sermon against hospitals this is not a sermon against doctors I want to thank God for the doctors of I want to thank God for the hospitals because it's in the hospitals are that pain and Springer is alleviated is because of the advances of in medical science that the lifespan of being a hell went from 35 during the days of Julius Caesar to up to 73 years old today thank God for the hospitals are thank God for physicians because I believe it's good and the Bible saying that every good and perfect gift comes from above and cometh down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning but he sometimes are ladies and gentlemen the doctors are at their wit's end sometimes or the hospitals are can't do us any good this woman said the doctors are can't do me any good but you heard that Jesus was passing by and the crowd was all around him and she knew that she couldn't get to him for Jesus to ignore her head with oil she knew she couldn't get to him and for Jesus to take time to lay his hands on her and touch her she knew that but she said I know he can lay his hands on me I know that he don't have time to anoint man but if I can just touch the heel look of his garment and I can just touch the hem of His garment I know that I will be made whole who will have the faith of this woman this morning how many of you will have the faith of this woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment this morning oh yes how many of you would have the faith of those 10 lepers of who met Jesus off on the way and said master have mercy on us me and who were walking around with lesions in their bodies I mean with open sores and their faces disfigured of being who ostracized from the congregation and from the cities or the Bible said these 10 lepers are stood afar off for they want some to come near to you anytime according to the law that a leper was coming down the road and he saw someone come into the leper was supposed to cover his face and cry unclean unclean so that those come in and would go the other way these ten lepers stood afar and he said master master have mercy on us and Jesus he didn't anoint them with oil he did not do any hocus-pocus or he didn't tell understand in the prayer line he didn't call up for delivery section or all Jesus and also go on and show yourself to the priest step these men though filled with lepers here turn and went on that way to show themselves and the Bible says that as they winter as they winter hey were healed I don't care what your problem is today if you can believe Jesus up as you go he comes up into your life I'm talking about a God who is evil Paul said I know that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that hair who will have the face of ease of lepers today because our God is powerful our Christ is strong has nothing that he cannot do the voice of Jesus a rise above the shrieking howling wind and the roar of the waves and says peace be still the voice of Jesus travels up to the dark labyrinths and caverns of the grave and says Lazarus come forth nothing too hard for my daughter and your partner jesus said peace I leave with you my peace I give you all in the Philippian jailer placed in a dark and desolate dungeon bodybuilding and bloody his speech in Stockton changer joyously sang the songs of Zion the at the midnight hour our forefathers are shuttled to the long sweltering night a chattel slavery until God his own good time or struck loose the chains of slavery only handles of freedom nor I say to you children no matter how dismal or catastrophic things may appear to be here we are not alone for Christ is with us and when it comes our time to pass all the Johanna with the river misting or in our faces or we have a God who will lead us to that mysterious Road called death and bring us to that city of indescribable beauty call New Jerusalem ah oh our phaser in God makes it possible to accept that which cannot be changed to absorb disappointment without abandoning our over and trust in Jesus er who will lead us to eternal salvation and give us the best of that there he is in right I say we put our trust in him he will never feel us nor forsake us there may be those of you hearing right now who are wondering how you're going to go where you're going to go and when the Lord is coming into your life I say to you or that you need one to know more you need think no more I say now is the time I say the day is the day you have come a long ways you have passed churches all along the way you have a ride here at the apostolate Church of God that you might hear this message this morning that you might open up your heart and have the feel of the prodigal son that you might have the faith of the woman nerve who touched to him of Jesus is gone after that you might have the strong simple faith of the lepers er who went on that way and they were healed I appeal to you I'll open the doors of the church to you I call out to you to receive Christ to open up your heart to him don't look around at the crowd don't look at around and in either paraphernalia but just look to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith saying to Christ Lord I want to be seen the Lord I want the Holy Spirit to Lord I want to be broken again Laura I want to put on the roles of gazai ah no I want to walk around your throne no what I want to be saved if there's one you like that now get up out of your seats right now and come on down these aisles god bless you over here god bless you over there god bless around here god bless you right here how are you look that's some coming down here come on oh I'm coming down to meet you that's right no comment - gee yeah Oh Trustin have a simple feat intricate about the simple things the take colonies were we is that someone and the face of cream the Lord's hungry I shall see along one day our university with its all are you go slow and one day coming over on that side but even gonna leave this side that doesn't mean that you can't get on from and till my stone don't worry about television you're here Oh Oh Oh I you alright somebody wants to come the law in dealing with somebody maybe your maybe you don't want to make that trip all by yourself I want everybody to turn don't feel embarrassed nobody's gonna put no pressure on you but just turns one of your friends you see do you do you want me to walk down the aisle with you just trying to somebody and somebody say yeah get up and bring them on down honey that's time to somebody that said you want me to go with you come on be a witness let's get up now come on down with a boner this alright like that nobody else we get away the cold we don't want to close without you we know you own the bird we know you're ready get up now don't let us close without you all right may the Lord bless you at this time we are going before the Lord in prayer you have a special request that you're asking the law but either yourself or your family or some loved one going to ask the congregation to stand and while we're praying if you want to be saved you get up come on we're not we said we told we've just closed formally but the door is always open so while we're praying if you want to Jesus come right on out and we will take you to the baptism god bless you can do wherever it is you have God gonna bless you it gonna ask you minister aid coming lead us to the total grace you're gonna ask him to pray with us that God will bless us ministry every night Jesus our Father in our God we thank you this our Lord for this great opportunity that you have given us Lord once more - yo yo word directly from your throne by our ministry we thank you O Lord Jesus must analyze and gather together this our Lord and we made feast upon your world marches we thank you we thank you with we thank you Lord for the songs that have come for me baptized in water in your great name we thank you Jesus for heaven are the understanding would know that you have all power standing right now in a need for one thing is some another Lord Jesus when we realize that you know I need better can we do ourselves to Jesus in your name we thank you Lord because you are going to face Jesus Jesus in your name Lord we pray that ever comedy lesson especially not you know the desires of our hearts we pray Lord that ever be with her longer this might be a light a beacon light in the city that men and women may continue to come in between these four walls and ask question what shall I do to be saved we bail out of that were trouble of water this morning for me godly prayer that I will prepare the hearts and minds receive the new birth we pray Lord nasty presence we ask these blessings and in Jesus name we pray I'm a man and a man the congregation may be seated and don't forget this is a very sacred moment in which we are baptizing people in the name of the Lord Jesus the less movement we have the most sacred the occasion please remain seated we're going to dismiss very shortly we know it's crowded but let's not flock out the door where we are baptizing in Jesus name such a sacred Rite must be respected probably in heaven we ask your blessings Lord God souls that have surrendered to be baptized in the name of thy Son Jesus grant them full repentance feel them with the Holy Spirit yes and reserved for them a place in your kingdom we ask it in Jesus name Amen my dear beloved sister we now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost thank you Father I will say our Lord he is my strength he is my shield and my buckler in him when I trust I will bless the Lord all time my dear beloved sister we now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the whole ego is crazy she'll tell you to be in my mouth Jesus hallelujah as millions of my table understood we now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your fear and you shall receive the gift of the Holy go thank you Father you you
Channel: C. Billingsley
Views: 20,540
Rating: 4.8216562 out of 5
Id: tAzRFxwvP0o
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Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2015
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