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it's a quickening of the spirit i'm seeing a wind blowing there is a grace for intercession that is resting on people in this place right now from the front to the back is a strange way may that grace come upon you now a quickening i'm seeing people [Music] there's just a wind and i'm seeing fire resting on people it's an ignition even at the overflow outside i'm you will never be the same immersed in his glory praka told when he comes you will know he's here [Music] what do you do sir this man you yes real estate because i am seen there is a breakthrough december this december i don't know you from anywhere and i fear god you've been trying to do something that has not worked is that true you have tried you've been disappointed this is three times one two three this is what the lord is revealing to me but here at this conference i bring you the road of a higher priesthood that in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god and by the anointing of the holy ghost i shift you into that possibility in the name of jesus the christ of god [Music] please wherever you are in one minute open your mouth and make demand of something that must come upon your life in this conference [Music] [Music] the grace for intercession intercession intercession i'm hearing in my spirit i'm restoring i'm restoring i'm restoring this is what god is saying you have lost time you have lost things i come tonight with the road of a higher priesthood help them please restoring families receiving restorations in the name of jesus please help that woman [Music] just bask in that glory for a minute or two the lord is bringing you restoration by the spirit of the living god [Music] i don't know who this man is my friend look at me lift your hands i see an anointing coming upon you the lord is restoring everything you've lost take that grace now in the name of jesus christ restoring everything that was lost restoring everything that was lost there's a lady in the choir the lord is bringing your family this year will not end before you see this restoration there is an anointing that is coming on you this is what the spirit of the lord is saying [Music] it doesn't take god alone it takes god and yielded man the power of god is coming on one of you and i'm seeing what looks like a chain breaking because jesus is in the midst of his people i tell you the grace of god is mighty and strong in this place please just coordinate them just walk with the ushers in the name of jesus christ listen to me there is a name that is above every other name bring her the lord says concerning your family remember not the former things nor consider the things of old for behold i do a new thing behold i do a new thing [Music] let the voice of lamentation come to end in your family in the name of jesus the christ of god did the bible not say when you come out to mount zion there are in an innumerable company of angels it says darin is also the spirits of just men made perfect jesus himself the first begotten [Music] what can't you do jesus [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] now in the name of jesus for those of you who are trusting god for the fruit of the womb i stand in faith with your pastor and i prophesy to you in the name that is above all names according to the time of life return with miracles believe it i'm not motivating you listen listen it is seen it is seen to make bold proclamations that you do not have the grace to support it the bible says that everyone should minister according to the measure of grace [Music] in the name that is above all names again by jesus the head of the church we decree and declare in the name that is above all names barriness of all sorts begun now and forever be gone now and forever [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus let me pray for you tonight in the name of jesus standing in agreement with the grace upon your pastor i speak over your life that which has remained in your life as a challenge tonight in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god i declare that it lives your life now and forever [Applause] help those under the anointing there [Music] every door that has refused to open please hear me in the name of jesus i speak to that dog a father be open [Music] be open be open my god please help them be open hear me whatever should have entered your hand and by whatever means has refused to come in the name that is above all names i compel them into your hands now [Music] tonight in the name of jesus a supernatural quickening upon your mind receive that grace in the name of jesus that as you sleep tonight we activate visions and dreams revealing the matters of destiny in the name of jesus christ [Applause] and can i speak over someone's life that before the sun rises tomorrow you would have returned with a fearful testimony i say this from the depth of my spirit every challenge is at the mercy of the grace that confronts it the bible says as they went the leper found out he had been cleansed as you go tonight i speak to you in the name of jesus christ and by the ministry of angels strange testimonies strange encounters for some of you your prayer life that is dead or dying tonight fresh fire upon your prayer altar [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord please i want you to agree with me every proclamation that will come receive it by faith believe it and shout a loud amen as proof that you believe it are we together in the name of jesus christ [Applause] delay comes to an end now delay comes to an end now delay comes to an end now [Applause] everything representing shame and reproach in your life and that of your family it comes to end this night in the name of jesus [Applause] i pray for your spiritual life the kind of encounter that you have not had from january till now strange encounters revelations of heaven receive that grace in the name of jesus [Applause] and if our god is for us that new could ever stop us and if our god is with us if our god is for us then who could ever stop us and leave our bodies with every world that stands before you and the next dimension i decree and declare by the spirit of grace that was upon the nation of israel standing before jericho i command every war go down flat go down flat financial wars go down flat career walls go down flat in the name of jesus [Music] and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon every man that was sent for you to come out from where you are to where you need to go to of the dimensions that you seek to enter i compel favor from them to you i compel favor from them to you in the name of jesus [Applause] there are angels that harald the influence of a man listen honor is a grace when that grace is not upon you no matter how noble you are you will never be honored all know is a grace and when that grace is on you only god can take it away it says ancients was more honorable than his not more prosperous not more favored more honorable many people do not know what honor is the fortitude for preference there is an action from god that fishes you out of the crowd places you in a position where the eyes of men must discern you reward you recognize that which god has invested within you listen to me there are many gifted people the eye that can bless has not seen you there are many men of god the eyes that can discern and lift you is not there let me pray for you there is a grace for honor therefore god even thy god hath anointed you with an oil of gladness that sets you up of your fellows i pray for you in the name of jesus may the mantle that makes for honor territorial honor on at a national level in the name of jesus receive that grace now [Applause] receive that grace now [Applause] [Music] you will be surprised to see the workings of this grace in your life [Music] when the grace for honor and favor is upon you you will always be found in the midst of your destiny helpers listen it's a mystery that cannot be explained [Music] you will be suspended until they appear then you come blessed is a ways to fight battles without reward david said what shall be given to the man that will do this to goliath sometimes it's a waste to do noble things in the face and the presence of people who have no fortitude to discern and to reward i pray for you may the lord position your destiny help us and cause them to love you and to honor you the lord asked me to wear this as a prophetic representation of what he's still doing it is still a year of extraordinary fruitfulness i stand by the god of heaven have the faith to believe don't sit down questioning leave your mind and trust god it is within his power to make great he takes a man from the donkey overnight and turns his life around i'm praying for you for some of you before this year is over into a dimension of prepared blessings prepared blessings prepared [Applause] i release you into a dimension of prepared blessing listen believers i want you to believe this do not doubt what the power of god can do hallelujah in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god the grace that will produce results of wonders in your life may that grace rest upon you now prepared blessings that take you to realms 10 years put in one month i release that grace upon you listen these gracies are not some kernel show of wealth no they are time redemption systems understand what they are they seek to conquer time and give you the convenience and the allowance to serve the purposes of the kingdom in the name of jesus the grace for ease that brings you into supernatural results receive that grace right now receive that place in the name of jesus i pray for every family represented here the sound of mourning the sound of pain and anguish by the spirit of the living god let it come to an end these nights [Applause] everything that has refused to walk in your life by the power of the highest i compel it to begin to work now [Applause] men you do not know may they carry good tidings about you to the ears of your helpers in the name of jesus christ [Applause] i pray for you the presence of god the weightiness the substance of his presence that must rest upon you especially if you are in ministry by the power of the holy ghost be a career of divine presence [Applause] in the name of jesus everyone here trusting god for a job before this year runs out may god give you a miracle every family here trusting the lord for any and every kind of breakthrough we call upon the god of the heavens in the name of jesus let there be an abundant supply of that grace hear me whoever ignores you will pay for it hear me any man that fights you goes down instantly let me say it again any man that fights you goes down east country [Applause] i pray for every ministry here under the sound of my voice the grace and the wings of the spirit that will take you to dimensions untold may that grace rest upon you i pray for every man and every woman of god here the aerons and the horse that will hold your hands loyal men indeed may god give them to you [Applause] anyone here who the testimony over your life is ichabod i declare by the spirit of god a restoration happens now [Music] thou shalt not be afraid of the snare of the fowler nor the noise on pestilence not the destruction that wasted in noonday says a thousand shall fall by your side and ten thousand by your right side it says none shall hurt you but with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked i pray for you as a bird is escaped from the snare of the fowler may you escape from every evil may you escape from every trap in the name of jesus christ i speak over your life go from glory to glory the remaining weeks of this year i'm speaking to you may there be weeks of strange wonders if they speak over your prayer life over your word study life whatever has stolen your joy whatever has stolen your fire whatever has stolen your passion whatever has stolen your focus in the name of jesus by fire let it be restored tonight [Applause] may the gifts of the holy ghost operate freely in your life may you be a wonderfest to yourself and then may you be a wonder to everyone around you in the name of jesus anyone here being eyed by the spirit of death to see to it that you will not finish this year well to see to it that it will not be well with you and your family the hanzo came and met the woman and said it's all well it's all well with your household i pray for you because the bible says to say to the righteous it shall be well therefore i speak over you it is well i declare over you all is well in the name of jesus christ i want you to receive every prophetic word because the creative power of god is going to swing into motion the creative and prophetic power thoughts of delay [Music] i command you be opened in the name of us [Applause] delay be gone delay be gone delay delaying marriage delaying jobs i curse it to his root i release you in the name of jesus every academic bondage every academic bondage [Music] in the name of jesus be free be free be free [Applause] mental blockage be free from it academic bondage i set you free this is the best exam you would have ever written in your institutions of learning i prophesied by the power of the highest [Music] i call this session for you a season of seven full restoration [Applause] sevenfold restoration seven four seven four not one fold not too full i speak it [Music] where you are being victimized any student here who has been victimized right now whether it is project or service yeah or whatever i change it in the realm of the spirit [Music] any one of your loved ones that has no job i command cheerful supernatural choice [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] every room called barry i don't care whether the womb has been removed or not right now in nine months time you will celebrate miracle children [Applause] be open everybody be open hallelujah every plague of death over your life or your family members make sure you are lifting your hand to every break of death by the blood that speaketh better things because i see miscarriages that the devil wants to bring to many families i see miscarriage of children every place of death i command you to pass over you forever [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus he said because thou has love righteousness and hated wickedness dear for god even thy god has anointed you with a type of oil called the oil of gladness that sets you above your fellows the anointing that brings you above i call you in the realm of the spirit rise up in the name of jesus rise up a new level of prosperity a new level of lifting a new level of wisdom [Music] and jesus grew in wisdom in spatula and in favor with god and with men as solely as the lord god of israel leaves let a cloak of favor hit you where you are [Music] favor favor favor favor favor favor every terminal disease in this place hiv cancer in the name of jesus we dominated once and for all [Applause] be free in the name of jesus be free in the name of jesus ss as we change your genotype in the realm of the spirit [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] every demonic oppression that is responsible for where you are where your family is tonight it is time for the new anointing cut up your loins and be ready every yoke of bondage surely must be broken i command every captivity over your family by the shed blood of jesus christ captivity ends in the name of jesus [Applause] in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] i'm standing in the spirit before i get and the lord is telling me let god's people walk to it and move forward in their life i command you by the spirit and according to the vision of the lord to me move forward [Music] go forward no more stagnation in ministry place of anointing enter your place of rest and tie it i bless you inside it i take you into the mantle of your life the prophetic oil of your life i release it [Music] move forward go forward in the name of jesus christ and i speak to you every egyptian you see today you are the one who knows the egyptians so lift your hands with faith in your spirit everything called an egyptian as surely as the lord god of israel lives once and for all bye bye to them forever [Music] bye bye to them forever in your family bye bye to them bye bye to them i release signs wonders i release miracles take it take it take it take it from the depth of my heart according to the order of christ take your miracle take your miracle take your miracle [Music] everything your hand touches from today [Music] in the name that is above all names i command it to [Music] multiply this is what i'm demonstrating to you what i saw in the spirit that god is connecting you to the people who will take you to the next level of your life may the lord take you where your gift will be needed may the lord take you wear your gift i command demand upon your oil demand prophetic man recognize [Music] uncompleted family project [Music] every uncompleted family project the lord shows me the number 21 in the realm of the spirit and i pray that between now and the next 21 days i command angels of help [Music] i release it to your families receive it receive it help help is coming scions help the helper of zion move across families move across families i tell you as surely as the lord leaves between today and the next 21 days you will see fearful testimonies by the hand of god hallelujah lift your hands i impart spiritual gift upon you at the count of seven let fresh fire fall upon everybody every one two three my god do it i see angels four five six here it is come on make it take it take it take it take it outside take it pack it pack it in the name of jesus take it take it take it fire the prophetic the apostolic evangelistic pitching mantles pastoral graces leadership entrepreneurship i fire it into your spirit [Music] everywhere you have been deserted so that no man goes to you i call you an eternal excellency and a joy of many generations in the name of the lord jesus does be open breakthrough breakthrough many of you don't know what breakthrough is you just receive it breakthrough i release it breakthrough [Music] i release it breakthrough i release it breakthrough an angel stands in this room take it breakthrough take it back it take it take it right to the back take it take it [Music] are we together the very serious prayer we're going to pray now you're going to pray that if by any means there is any spirit entity in my life or around me it's time for you to come out it's time for you to go listen as you pray this prayer many strange things will start happening to you don't worry about it you just focus on this prayer and pray with all your heart and watch what happens say in the name of jesus say it in the name of jesus i decree and declare by the authority of the lord jesus christ that any spirit entity finding expression in my mind in my body around my life hear the word of the lord i cast you out of my life now lift your voice and pray [Music] pray fire is falling pray fire is falling shall attack i cast every spirit i cast every devil i cast every spirit by the power of the holy ghost my mind my body around my life around pynonya in the name of jesus around my family [Music] if you are married also pray for your family pray for your children i cast every devil foreign [Music] great [Music] in the name of jesus there's no place for you in my mind there's no place for you in my life i come against ordinances oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord is healing fibroid i'm seeing the lord healing now the lord is healing fibroid the lord is healing fibroid in the name of jesus i command that devil the lord is healing fibroid [Music] now the lord is ministering to me a mighty deliverance is going to happen now it's starting with ladies any spirit entity that comes in the form of a man and attempts to oppress you in the night right now in the name of jesus christ let the fire from heaven fall right now and command i command that spirit to go help them right now any spirit entity using the face of anyone inside outside i command deliverance now i command deliverance now let the daughters of jacob possess their possession in the name of jesus christ hallelujah i'm hearing in my spirit uncontrolled anger it's a spirit it's living people right now uncontrolled anger is an unusual anger rage it comes you can't see anything and you can do anything i'm seeing fire in the name of jesus christ anyone who is a victim of his operation right now in the name of jesus i bring you deliverance i bring you deliverance by the power of the holy ghost uncontrolled anger i come against [Music] i'm seeing a vision and the lord is asking me to pray on that case in this vision i'm seeing someone dream that's what i'm seeing now and in that dream you keep seeing yourself going back either to your old house or to a primary school or writing an exam you are finished is a strong spirit of delay i stand by this apostolic and prophetic place help your wife right now in the name of jesus at the count of three the spirit of delay hear the word of the lord let god's people go now one two three i command that spirit go now go now please help them go now this one thing i do forgetting the things that are behind no devil should take you back again i command that spirit god now i curse that spirit now [Music] if there is anyone you know whether you are here or anyone you know that for some reason has not been able to take in in the name of godliness whether you are here or you are standing for them i want you to agree i want to pray let's see the devil that will stop them from taking me in the name of jesus anyone you know and you are standing for that the devil i don't care what the medical report is that the devil has come to make sure that they will not celebrate children in the name that is above all names we release children from heaven in the name of jesus we release children from heaven we open every paring world in the name of jesus christ hallelujah [Music] the lord is showing me a group of people you see you have dreams frequently and in the dreams you see yourself receiving things and it's something that in the physical you are hoping to receive but the moment you see it in that dream it will never happen again it's an irony it's like the opposite of what you see in dreams is what happens the lord is asking me to deliver those people now please help her help her just stand near your wife so that she doesn't have to fall right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] let there be deliverance for you now let there be deliverance for you now [Music] if you have seen this pattern i'm about to describe in your family then i want you to listen carefully it's always that the future is worse than the past you never have a situation where you live certain things and go higher and higher you look at all your loved ones they once walked they once married they once had children they once had a house you are in a situation where the future is never brighter than the past it's always once upon a time this was happening i need to crush that devil from your life please help them once upon a time i was rich once upon a time i was married once upon a time i was on fire for god once upon a time i was a pastor i had a church now the path of the just is as a shining light that shine it ever brighter onto the perfect day when your tomorrow becomes worse than your yesterday there is a spirit reversing the equation lift your hands i want to pray for you in the name that is above all names i declare that any force from hell that is responsible for aborting a glorious tomorrow to take the events of the past and still bring it into your tomorrow right now at the count of three i declare that spirit must let you go one [Music] let them go now let them go now by the anointing of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ [Music] my spirit is heavy circles of repeated sicknesses i want to pray now it's not a normal thing whether it is hepatitis whether it is a blood related disease or whether it is every month malaria every month malaria every month typhoon you treat it it still comes back every month headache every month whatever it is [Music] hold on please [Music] the lord is showing me something i just saw like a pile of money and then i saw it disappear and the lord said there are people money physically disappears like lives their life i'm not saying you waste it you can keep ten thousand and come back and find seven thousand and nobody was in that house it's not just money items you can wash clothes and hang it you you didn't steal it you will come back you will not find it listen well this is a deliverance series just allow me to help that lady i'm seeing a lady in a vision now you were alone you washed your underwear in the night by the next day you didn't find two of them again it's gone from that day something happened in your life in a strange way severe menstrual pain is one of the things we started having uncontrollable pain and take care of that in the name of jesus everything the devil has taken from anyone i decree and declare by the anointing of the spirit let there be restoration now let there be restoration now let there be restoration now [Music] the lord is showing me someone every time you see someone die in the dream a few weeks later it will happen physically now you have seen your loved ones you saw them last week you saw like somebody was announcing to you that i don't know if he's your mother or something that died if we don't pray for you it's going to happen in the name of jesus christ i declare all death where is thy sting all grace where is thy victory i prophesy right now upon your by the anointing of the holy ghost i command that death to pass over your family i command that death to pass over your family hallelujah [Music] just just let me just talk about two issues i'm struggling to share what god is showing me now this has to do with a group of ladies listen [Music] there is a lady here every time you see yourself in a dream you are a man not a woman that's why i'm struggling to share what i'm saying physically you are a lady but every time you see yourself in a dream it's like you are carrying the form of a man this thing has affected you even in the area of relationship if a guy looks at you and says i love you it's like it's like um it's it's like you feel as if you are gay it's like something has numbed the capacity to receive love as a lady because of that encounter is a demonic thing that i have to pray for you for a very demonic thing i'm seeing like smoke this is strange and then it is it's just like moving around in the air wherever those groups of people are i don't believe it's just one person it's an operation of darkness in the name of jesus i stretch my hands right now and i decree and declare by the power of the holy ghost be free from that demonic siege now be free from that demonic siege [Music] now hold on there is a lady a physical person appeared to you not a dream i'm not talking of your dreaming physically physical like you are seeing me like this appeared to you and was having a conversation with you appeared to you and was having a conversation with you and from that conversation your life was never the same again it looked like it was a woman that was appearing and talking to you like revealing to you some secrets that had to do with the past and from that day you started hearing voices even in the afternoon you can sit down and hear like people are discussing i need to pray for you if i don't pray for you very soon they will admit you in the hospital because they'll say you are talking and behaving like somebody who has a psychosomatic condition wherever that person is in the name of jesus i may not call you out because of time but i declare right now by the anointing of the holy spirit that devil that spirit in the name of jesus be free from it now if you know in this place that you find out that certain sicknesses never leave you they keep repeating circles just place your hand on your chest i'm about to pray it doesn't matter what part of your body and what sickness you just place your hand on your chest i'm going to pray someone will shout under the anointing when that happens the anointing for this healing is not a sickness it's a pattern that god is breaking now the moment that shout happens i will rebuke that the power of god is looking for one person there's somebody that will shout [Music] that's the shout right now in the name of jesus by the anointing of the holy spirit every pattern of reoccurring infirmity recurring sickness whether it's a blood related disease every pattern i say it again of your foreign sickness recurring disease right now by the power of the holy ghost i command the spirit responsible lose your heart now lose your heart now lose your heart now lose your hope now lose your heart now [Applause] hallelujah in the name of jesus christ i declare declared by the power of the holy spirit i oh my god i'm seeing a sword right now i declare every hold of darkness shabbat even in this series help them jesus look at what is happening there in the name of jesus you know my voice i was once your victim but tonight has come as one who has been given the keys of david by the message of god i declare right now in the name of jesus everyone here under the sound of my voice who is under any kind of siege right now be free in the name of jesus christ be free in the name of jesus be free in the name of jesus be free in the name of jesus every family under any kind of siege that is mocking your christian integrity and making god's word look like a lie [Music] embrace [Music] in the name of jesus fire i'm seeing fire that's what i'm seeing from heaven [Music] mariah in the name of jesus i crossed the plague of witchcraft i caused the break of witchcraft in the name of jesus [Music] every voice speaking against everyone's destiny the bible says blotting out every handwriting and every ordinance that spoke against us the bible says he nailed it to the cross i declare and i decree by the substitutionary sacrifice of your eternal begotten of the father i cause every power that is not of god in the name of jesus christ [Applause] i reverse any ordinance in the spirit of every individual over every family i command the reversal now in the name of jesus [Music] and the sons of jacob shall possess their possession let me pray for you everything that must enter your hand mashaba kapoor's like attacker the open doors that the blood of christ release help their place everything you have seen in the realm of the spirit god has shown you dreams that you are a possessor god has shown you dreams your children your breakthrough your lifting your speed your job your marriage in the name of jesus i release it to your hands now become a possessor i release it to your hands now my project happens commander become a possessor [Music] and i pray for you the bible says when you catch a thief you won't just restore what you stole because you have wasted your time by stealing can i speak restoration let me tell you there are many of us you have lost things some you have lost time [Music] joshua said son go back move come back i prophesy to you in the name of the lord jesus i prophesy as one cent in the name that is above all names everything the devil took away from you i command the restoration now i command the restoration now [Music] whatever you have lost in time i speak to you between today and friday coming i pray that someone will have the faith to believe this prayer may my god the god of jesus arise and surprise you arise and surprise you we call him ebenezer the helper of israel i declare all god arrives oh god arrived [Music]
Channel: Dunamis Hub
Views: 7,597
Rating: 4.954802 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman sermon, koinonia, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, PRAYING, apostle joshua selman worship songs, apostle joshua selman live, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman midnight prayers, apostle joshua selman channel, apostle joshua selman livestream, PRAYER, koinonia global, prayer, pray, OCTOBER 2021, OCTOBER PROPHETIC DECLARATION, prophetic declaration by apostle joshua selman
Id: zyX7pvkY6Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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