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I would out try my best by the help of God to be as an amenity as possible and the basics you will discover that there are few men apart from Abraham now when the Lord was introducing the new scripture introduce them and their wives was not even introduced with Sarah God called Abraham God called him out vs. letter Sarah came in but this is long as we see as God was introducing the man as we are talking about the man's commitment the wife's commitment was also ranked in side by side so this a couple that is what studying about and this effect was the pastor's daughter because the Bible says she was on the trap of Aaron she was the lineage of Iran and the limits of Aaron our goals were given custodian as leverage to take care of the house of God so she grew up she understand disputed a lot and sometimes when a man is getting married but ground matters that some people are going to address the minister as a politician you don't need a good marriage to succeed know how to lie just want to tell lies flatly endanger a politician just like Sam who put I would put gold in your toilet which is not supposed to be as a musician you don't need a good marriage to release a song many musicians the secular world of meritocracies you don't need a good marriage to lecture in the class there are many professors who are divorced where as a pastor you cannot succeed in ministry without a good manager because ministry does not begin in the puppet it begins in the home this car costs a man is fast member is his wife if God has a woman and is a goddess power to save the world and she asked the minister said her husband then according should be questioned their family issues the same today the marriages please say this after my ministry will not destroy my marriage my marriage will not disturb my ministry he said I was in my ministry will not destroy my marriage my marriage will not destroy my ministry before ministry before the work of God it is the home fest now where some people come in this trip so impotent and managed the courage so less important is a crisis I with my wife with a consciousness that this is my number one member a spiritual life means a lot to me so have to be careful so that my action and attitude do not become a stumbling block to a spiritual group there is a way which treats his wife she will be too broken to pray she be too bruised to pray she would speak she beat you down to pray and there's a way a woman will treat the husband no matter no entities is always depressed there are so many issues that kill a home a man can go to the mountain God awaits and a lot burns fast and set the face of God and yet when live in the house he has not spoken to his wife leave the mountain leave the mountain come to the valley and talk to your wife fest 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 7 he said treat deal with women according to your wives according to wisdom so that's your preyas and likewise the husband dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessels and spin hairs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered how you treat your wife is our God treat your Priya if you are keeping manage your wife don't bring God is not a Trinity this shop grieved and a half is broken resistant and a half is broken that pillar don't bother to pray don't bother to fast don't bother to preach don't bother said to infest because you have no message that time some people are preaches the approaches they are preaching and their wife is have broken they talked to her in directly from the Phuket there are we men we man we man goddess of Jezebel the love would deliver some man from daughters of Jessica's he's talking to his wife he's talking to his wife just beware God Almighty replace Queen Vashti with Esther that's how come we place them Joris times coming your esta is coming your esta is coming your esta is coming then the wife gets angry did only - she's permitted to leave Korea she said that a man that's evil [Music] just wear gloves visitors happy cow I took a when nappa and brass David David is coming your DVDs coming yeah the members the members on the receiving end just watching watching free movie what are the what are the reasons have a lot to share the reasons why we see problems in marriage number one bad foundation the truth is that once the foundation is bad there is little or nothing you can do entry point matters a lot bad foundation can I be free can I be very free canal okay there are people who murdered their wives because of sexual attraction it can t be home today crying you're saying attire you can be fired what attracted you was something tempura bad foundation there are people who got married to their husband or their wives because the further God called them to be evangelists so they need a person with a good singer to back them up in prison worship so they need somebody who can back them up so the Saudi was in the choir and they forgot that there is optical data to the character that shows up after singing there are pastors who had grown up I know many recommend rheticus at most matter in working class lady I am full-time my wife has to be walking and the period the via engage she was supporting him on this walk of God she was supporting him buying suits curricula to his house happened to buy amp because she was working as fast was concerned if you will continue finally she lost a job then he now sees remarried a pastor a lady Medifast once said in the place I needed a future partner cinema was spring after a while she was a manager of a small bank she now told me said they have given us a Visa Lottery we want and the Silvia permitted to go abroad to America for a month vacation and we can go with our spouse or any family member and it's gonna be at least September that was in May is there please pray for me let God said to me between now and then this pastor was single the pastor held the hand is he I need to ask the Lord the necessary came is a don't wear anymore the Lord spoke to me that he actually brought up us together for a time like this in married the lady around July around August the bank was distressed the trip was canceled the man said no I'm not marrying Hennessey you must marry you are wondering when they found the shot is bad the problem is that your entry points into marriage matters a lot do you attract that man of God you say yes to him because you say massive profits you serve as an anointed man by the tablett prophet not enter the house you saw a different person you don't marry a gift this is the problem that is why you see some marriages today you find you can sell them you talk to them you advise them that can be pleased because the foundation is bad and some 11 verse 3 says in the foundation be destroy that's not you can do it's nothing that's what marriages that can be remedied they need grace to just host in them bad foundation some get married on the balcony shove some camera because of pressure from family family put pressure they put pressure on them the only son the mother says we want me to die without care my children there is one girl I know you want me to die with academic tests a girl who was also raised up well my parents genitals consider ha today's pressure pressure some of them also pressure on themselves I am a walk people are coming they will respect me if I don't have a wife so I needed wife I've not seen that before and what I'm going to be telling you is true life Amalia to tell you Greek and Hebrew today is practica Somalia to Greek and Hebrew there are pastors who like a particular kind of living she has to be saying some like a lady she has to be tall somebody level just on a particular shape let me say this to you anybody can be an issue while there is something physical you want when there is something physical you want another form of our foundation is manipulation when the devil fires an agent from him into your life there are women who enter a man's life from the pits of hell their assignment and the mandate is to send him to extinction to ruin him there are men who and a woman's life from the pits of hell to ruin that woman there are people that enter people's life and the other specific assignment a specific mission bad foundation bad foundation good foundation is friendship your wife must be your friend build friendship before you build spirituality look at what we see in the life of decent people they are devoted together you can't help espoused spiritually when you don't love her physically you gotta have a partner spiritually when you don't love him physically friendship fruits fruits attitude characters conviction by the Holy Spirit maladies are broken today because of lack of friendship one of the one of the one of the one of the traits of friendship is communication communication is a major tricks in friendship so we are saying you have a partner you have a spouse who is your friend your communication is solid you don't stay a whole day you don't still so long without dropping the world communication and purpose friendship honesty and there are people that will never in life advance a cause advance a cause of progress in life because their spouse is grieved she is grieved is grieved another Pinner help a minister to a good home is brokenness brokenness brokenness brokenness brokenness brokenness broken there are people are not broken up remain men there are no broken in some fifty seven and the seventeen some 57:17 the Lord was talking to us and telling us their sacrifice that God desires a broken spirit in proverbs 30:4 18 o is who is on the console bring the Scriptures out as I'm calling them some 52 this 717 proverbs 30:4 18 God also speaks of brokenness maybe ministers are not broken in Hebrews chapter 4 if you live from this 15 he said we have not an High Priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infinity we have not an High Priest your wife is begging you for five days you are not an High Priest nothing touches you yes don't move you she will cry she bad she will plead he said Jesus our high priest it can be touched you can be touched what priest are you low priest then we man whose husband offended them five years he doesn't lift them a woman woke her husband up look in the hope in the money around for five woke up sure why do you wake me up he said to this our anniversary of what is it was five years ago you cheated cheated on me exactly 25 years ago today's the anniversary not in touches no please no bad no apology your axes are Dean you are not broken you might say this thing doesn't make me up you can stop it this particular person I'm happy do your was just not broken it means much into you big awards those was a diss character is real hurts me this I am if at all my sister's reallythis even my mom before she died she was ladies if you will notice that their families have you know that mama - didn't even better they are worse same character just is it nature we have with nature that we have Jack I'm gonna say something and listen there is not the Kaufman ISM check most feminist feminism is this act of being equal equal demand what you call the man you can do without a man you can do without a man the man the man is nothing feminism should not be quality reminiscent of equality a matter dissemble here you can never be equal to man in office do you know you cannot run any organization when everybody is equal which organization can you run when everybody is equal no boss no assistant not deputy and women under us no we are equal in creation we are equal before God we are equal before children we are equal before society but in the organization of marriage we are not equal somebody has to call the shots not to be a bully not to downplay their life but you need to have ahead and as I repeated all the time that no feminist can be a good Kristin can I'm gonna get the Word of God that's truth bab'aziz submits is in scriptures there's nothing angry about it the Bible says submit that's what the Bible said and check most feminists they have the filled marriage that the fed relationship so they are now trying to and thus they are mystic by saying they don't taik nonsense from men hallelujah the Word of God has pledged to us the official site we'll check that later we'll check that later by the Colossians 3 if you read 18 and 19 God made it clear the duties of both parties wives submit yourself unto your husband as it is feet in the Lord whenever you submit yourself to your husband is re not submitted to you are submitting to the Lord people kneel down to agree dear husband is name is the Lord verse 19 husband love your wives be not bitter against them don't about bitterness on brokenness they are so arrogant nobody can talk to you as a woman there's no discussion about which add your husband that it ends when the man doesn't allowed to use people to talk to you because both of you have a discussion your voice is louder my husband is talking about talking what is talking about you say it doesn't talk anymore and now you're complaining is not talking when he is talking you don't let him talk that a women I can listen that determine the tone you talk to them why are you shouting why are you shouting why you suppose you shout you bring your voice down talk if you want to talk that out knock out everything's a problem okay okay now you know okay yeah somebody's correcting you you are determining how you correct you ready to be corrected the quality that determining the tone is it this moment I you are shouting and you didn't walk me up at night country sit in the money so we now have the time of the day when we correct people we are not and it's very important because people are not broken that's the problem we have I have seen the husband and the wife talking hours with now both of them the man says stop let me talk this bisoder let me talk without forgets to see how my savvy finish enzyme hey papa to remember now let me talk this lady needs to know what is called sanctification when they hold the fruits of the spirit begins to control your emotions what I'm telling you is what is happening you can never broken if I give an instruction in this church and my wife it was not there maybe to a group and she comes on this a contrary instruction for example she wasn't there when I said what I said I said nobody should do this or do that and say no you have to do this and I'm told I don't talk about it I don't call us it didn't ask me what instruction those issues are to Betsy to be discussed that with Betsy I don't talk about it sometimes I would at least look at this is ELISA because mama does say we should it okay okay okay plus we got nothing cocoa so we wouldn't have the member say this ministry who is the overseers in me or I was so stupid is it me I don't talk about it the same mama says okay okay okay no problem because that's your number one member you see women impatient about women we may not watch him make them forgive a woman k she would give you concern to give him peace she will give you tranquility she would check in the peace if enters into her she gives it back to you you give her good morning she goes to the market use it you give you food you give us semen she take it nine months time she give you a child you give our problem she take it in she give you a challah [Applause] put on your forehead say in the name of Jesus I receive brokenness I receive brokenness there are ministers have problems in their home number what now okay I think I just writing like downtown number that's nice that's nice okay minister gamma for any number ministers a problem in their home because of selfishness and stinkiness there is selfishness and there is tanginess selfishness is where you cannot give to people you cannot spend on people you have you can spend it on them and stinkiness is where you have you can't even spend on yourself some pastors are selfish gifted a spouse must be accounted for every motive the last combo as Monson splenius let me just play me this is 17 area us skipped this dose is 17 that I didn't talk about that ahead and that's all sanera forward once in the wife - your wife money don't ask a question waiting for what I just - you that mean a lot to her it's to you is small say I'm just dashing you this if every money the main are giving some some pastors and some men or they would their life or their I post them is feeding money they said once I give you money that's my money Philemon is not money is not your wife's money freedom money is our money is not your wife's money is our money bloggers eat it from there that's not well give her a portion for what just you anything you want to do and please as you give up forget it forget Ito and I may not be there have money in theory yes just talking about it February I gave you money what you do is it give her so before survivor so we're putting their heads down hallelujah I say hallelujah I make it a point of duty to - my wife money every week Sasha shouting yes yes yes yes yes [Applause] every week as I come taking every week just a tick I don't ask that love money for food on is for you just take CA there is a way you be wicked to a woman in real life you will see on your dream [Applause] you know say she's a witch she's not a witch she's been trying to get your attention to change you where you are conscious to change you when you are with to change you where your sensor working so she couldn't she will pray to entire subconscious where you have no willpower where you cannot ab you are asleep you cannot add you so she we enter that dream and you know pour a heart to you now you say she's a witch is not a witch stinkiness pastors the color change pastas who can never buy new clothes for their wives but they buy for themself [Applause] the man is changing shoots the wife is there the only repatha your wife has that is good is the last rapper for like two years ago it was a barrier [Applause] [Music] yeah weekend man yeah we can man some pasta people take care if I you said pastor talking on the odds I will pick up a member is it I'll pay your school fees you might be shocked yes money she's not even aware that - money is pay rent for people anyway his mother-in-law as no paid rent charity begins at home oh these happy people is family the wife's brothers and sisters a stranded be wise you have to be wise and go just live in my heart that should give this to you the wife has been begging for more than a month he said to have that man is taking ministry more important than Islam when there is a challenge in ministry is only your wife you have to cry - am I talking to somebody here so men are selfish ammonia they are selfish with their body I'm watching on the Lord you never you don't you don't stop watching on a lot do - come over say stop stop I'm fasting ok when will you come down the wages and we are not coming down this video see we're not coming down this period is very serious um look at the church can you see empty chairs supposed to be spiritual your wife can't even tell you when she wants you she can't because the response you give the way you will answer her even if she's dying she rather keep quite a maintainer self-pride you have come to you and she's asking my husband you know now squad room as it flash flash flash flash you have the flash that's selfish but when you want it there's no room as it when she wants it's romance it some women to a selfish selfish yachtsman has to beg beg beg with a you tella you are waiting on the Lord you turn in right there with no the Lord the mob will plead why are you doing this husband a wife that discussion on the bed one hour gap begging is like a prostitution a conference please now please now listener you must say yeah I passed I passed I passed Oh respect yourself a story specialist a guy passed over a leaf is the Ximena we saw your old man take a tiny plan of God is an improvement my body my body seems a particle but asleep pray pray pray [Applause] see pretty quickly Guam free and as a crisis I another time all the time other strange and selfish women on the game motions the mayor will please note my gifts who buy gift I'm back she's okay okay before evening I'll check if I'm in the mood anta anta mood now anta it's a problem you are fasting in church you're waiting on the Lord and your husband is died natural hormones are on and got that plain woman of God go back home I lift up your heads o ye gates now let the King of glory call me [Applause] you see we're laughing but there's some men who are dying silently oh man this is the month begin to gravitate towards his sister and the church she's not warm for you have opened up there room for the devil the devil are you fun I'm talking about are you following me what is it you now have timetable you know your wife timetable for such an tacos every Tuesday several to it every 29th of the month ten and eleven so by the time the husband comes home the man when you look at this watch is ten is running off because no one's eye level you know buddy move move move move move and the man rush my tummy gets home five minutes after I level Oh God you tell your wife sorry you see the wife look at the husband five minutes late sleep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you have a bad model you're a pastor's wife is a member that cancels you or talk the Wilson pastor's wife relate with members they will bring your husband's issue and before lemma nicotine Lafayette Littleton whattaya plan living we are living beyond even plan even if you leave what happens to this man that you claim to love then you have demonic attack homes are broken because they are demonic attack the devil targets good couples the devil package good couples couples that of a future couples therapy tomorrow come under the attack of hell yes attack of hell let's examine some pastors complains from general complainer pastors general complaint of your wives and general complain of their children and how to draw the line there are some men of God it is a button their wife only fights them on Saturdays is a pattern the wife that gets on the service the man is too discouraged she would not gain he entered his room she follows him the entire you will study until you answer me you will study the man is in pain pastors complain pastors complain now their wife don't show interest in the assignment not every pastor's wife is called to be a pastor there's some pastor's wife who are called to pastor their husband at home not every one of them is called to be a preacher not every one of them is called to around the world do not call your wife if God has not called her they have a bless you can occupy we're going to talk about that that's can occupy in the ministry that doesn't have to be preaching don't faster because you saw another pastor's wife does been well the pitch is so your wife must preach the white most rich bucola kappa josh is doing the one side of the call you happy to rediscover it you have it you know go to the market not buy a hats I see that wasn't she has no one had before she's used to Barrett in a Vieira hats you give us such she be a red hat and walk in white suits you not give a caution I heal she's trying to hold it hold it might be hard fall why because that woman of God you see or you saw she has to be a hot so you have a replica you are trying to reproduce what you have in your mind that she's not bastards complain that their wives attract members their wife conference members anybody you feel let me say this towards women even if you have problem with self-confidence don't let your member see it because this says then we walk on it if I'm talking to my office with a lady I'm standing talking the lady more don't know what does it come that come on Stan some pastor said oh come on Stan now I don't know you saw me I can't talk you keep talking I'll be talking you are bringing yourself down bring yourself down if you have trust issues with your husband have trust issues with him members should not see it because when they do you're respected drops a new pastor for your wife not to trust you what have you done what have you done that the trust is dead that's another computer some pastors my wife is always suspecting me my wife is always suspecting me she suspected you because some things have happened before so when he sees anything that looks like it is worried I don't if I'm seen something yet especially when your wife tells she was a man of God as a dispersant that is this in this person I don't want it you will cyst on keeping the person in that position that you start raising room for suspicion she described mistress she came in the choir when not as a leader I said she must be the leader if only there is nothing going on we have released room for suspicion oh this secretary I'm not comfortable huh this person is the best education I have you have to live with it so there are issues between her and that person you know you know a woman women women have this intuition a disaster that will happen 20 years time came a personal decision advance the qti attrition tells them a monk another disaster dies noise even see it under his nose like this you will see it but women have this disability to sense something to see it coming and say be careful don't argue when I say be careful be careful be careful be careful they see a Jezebel they know a chief nas.latif [Applause] a woman knows a woman I've addressed that passo complained that the wife uses sex as a weapon against them the wife complains pastor's wife complain that the husband values ministry more than them it was in value them its ministry in my house we don't discuss ministry at home is along with this cos one I don't prefer people in my house if you die and they bring your cops with the gates go to the church my house is not the house of God my house is my house God said I will build my church this I will build your home my house is my house I do not do it there are people with kids got kids you'll bring them to the gates ha Lyceus come and save me come out take them to the church it's a law because if you make your home a charge you make your or anybody walks in and collect pray and do that disrespect has come your family for the man of God members enter your kitchen in and out and tell your wife's room is buzzing and outs no respect it is something I've learned in life by wisdom of setting things that have happened is that a people who do not give undue privilege people can't manage privilege if I must give you certain privileges you must earn it you must end it and that's why it's a PS that I'm controversial sort of someone sent me a message about my temper and comes out you for the first time I'd like to meet with you and I replied politely as there are many songs that I have that have non-metric keep coming keep coming you need to end it when I moved myself like I mean to end it there are people who have been doing call me regularly yeah yeah it does not want to see me I'm available you just came and you want to be a son pass through the right channel so it doesn't appear that stretch fulness is not rewarded I wish I was talking to somebody oh that is something else happen now and it will come to the house who is this youth president okay I'm on my way to the church that I should come within the church oh that is something does happen who is this I want to talk to mommy was that and the quiet is it okay I'll tell as you come to the church with no is urgent wait in the church is coming are you listening there is one thing a man of God must not do be careful how you give people access that's why I'm not come to where people said we started in ministry in our sitting room I feel uncomfortable if we grow quite all right if you do well quite all right but there is the proximity brings disrespect and always check such ministry the foundation members who stutter in the living room don't stay there's nothing for them to stay now they are seen everything the foundation members who started or stay they walk away the charged clothes it is fresh people that comes because those words familiarity has brought content it's happened in the time of Jesus Jesus was bridget is rotten he was in pain the disciples saw the pain he has transferred they etc and the cannot help in the desert also on concern God brought a stranger come Mary Magdalene a broken alabasta and mantra visit familiarity has brought content the disciples saw a feat that was saw and did nothing about it personals laughs complain my husband is too close to one system let me tell you story there was a pastor ooh pastor's wife who cried to me and said that she talked to the husband as was the matter if the pastor wants to buy anything from the market from the shop it gives money to his secretary they said she badly foodstuffs the wife cooks he said the wife is very bad with money she doesn't know how to use money so it gives the section money and it is you one she has to Cornett from the secretary so I called him to come as they tell me and it gave me all this reason all this reason out the wife wastes money the wife we buy what was already at home it gave no this reason and when he was done I explained to the wife our fault and I told him as a pastor I said when a person an opposite set begins to keep something for you your emotions are building you're on your way generally before God as I know but you're almost there you have collected the form [Music] they are about to fill it so when and I have to explain to them I said because no matter how a Patna ow a Patna is deficient our partners haven't challenged it top party is not an option pastors laugh complain their husbands don't carry them along doesn't give them access to minister my husband is killing my gift when I was again this marriage has killed my ministry I had microphone so preach as a woman in my to preach to prove your ministry one person that you God uses you for will announce your name around the church are you following me one person there is a level of gifting when your husband gives you a microphone and is begging you don't write paper for you don't write people money round up you read it your squeezie the Spirit is moving reject the structure reject the structure they will write again mummy 50 min is more you look at it see rejoice destruction regenerate destruction the Lord wants to bless some people but there are agents in our midst your husband when our rights my wife time is going on this is too - that's how you do Mike say after me nobody can kill your gift people that I always eager to I always loved us of the microphone they love the mic give them a permanent assignment they'll be tired permanent the wife loves the mic don't argue then I choose the power service and hand it over to you after four of socialization tell aspire to choose the powers or Wednesday deliverance meeting Wednesday what and accept you pally and if you want to wonder who make it very good make it a vigil only ha she will start my level by one she's looking for you and where's his dyad measure you leave the other entered the crowd let her lost in you should be looking plainer looking for the other ba ba ba ba ba buh buh buh buh buh by bicycle she's looking for the magical for him Baba Booey Baba Booey Baba prayer pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray you want Mike this is Mike this is you this is people go ahead [Applause] I'm telling you signals have been proven somebody came from a wearing their wife would drag Mike because you have to bless offering the box a lift up your offering begin to speak speak speak speak speak every strong Marco tell you my finances speak speak speak speak you know bless often she say in Jesus name Amen why don't you put on a plaque on Sania offering now Oh God I will not go lesser than this I will not go less that speak speak speak speak speak speak speak they have issues of demands our economy our system to bless the often do I was angry they brought themselves and I said she which I called the man I said you know what you are going to do say no sir I said you do vigeous monthly videos on weekly is no sin they do two one is for workers one is for church so I knew that church owned was a risk you can you can use and in movies because you are trying to test up to on that kind of risk I said what Castro let your weapon do it he understands as Iannetta handle Priya clout you come to round up and make sure it gets to five again he say did it first time so no get get into one the divide was sweaty she has Adam all the parents are finished message are finished hold on let me say what what did he was on the outside st print he was just going along said you have came to him and say you know I'm struggling you are looking at me you help me he said no all night that was now if it was not a blessed officer homicide come out somebody else can do it now [Applause] Misaka mounts some pastor's wife compete is very funny some pastors who have complained that their husbands feel stretching but they are 19 so they also feel threatened my husband know that when I mean is that what happened so because of that he blocked my he broke my ministry he blocked me give a microphone she's your wife let a minister have a son whose wife practically if I when the wife gives him goes down the man is angry steady talk to her the news going on don't what's going on the gift is just doing nothing something again will pray she's depressed or pray God is pushing the wife instance is at each other what the wife is in the prophetic he's pushing the wife she that's your gift yummy rami profit I made a teacher when his teaching will tell you if you have a problem I will say I need to know is only Bible I see but my wife can see he pushed the pusher give you a wipe the opportunity give up but no woman should get so proud and think that the husband is threatened that is bright that is pride my husband is stressing buy my gift so who may complain the husband don't show care that some pastors everything about them is the spirit if the one food from their wife is the saint spiritually the dogs I want to eat they will be right back Shabba I've been waiting on the Lord I want to bring now to evil obsessed with their wife a spiritual that was per capita in the act in the act of sex the web was not say ended up in that Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus if she said any other team they stopped where do you learn that from she will be Jesus thank you Lord thank you love now spiritual man [Applause] so the wife in the act she cannot be free she can be ourselves if the obstacles and attacks I love you the carry bladder I love you the wife senators I love you they reply it is well we're in the weary [Music] some women complain this is it all my husband is a man of God is not romantic II know every spiritual your wife is a better last year what you give up King James Version Bible compare yawn you give her you there's nothing you know if you go out and book you back is to address what you perceive is a character she has there's nothing natural about your wife that a past was not I don't even know their wives the size of a shoe they don't know who makes ahead they don't know their shoe shops they're not matching about the woman are the noise the Bible Bible say Papa if it's not the Word of God I'm not interested my concern is the world no romantic nothing your wife frown you saw it you pretended you can ask what's the problem this this elementary but it means a lot to a woman it means a larger woman appreciative attitude you are done making love with your wife listen I wanna say something is funny now don't make love then I thank you you're looking at me because you played re-emerged EP 14 era the money you paid on your wife you have to check that money we are finish it all you have used more than that re a Pascal so have cried to me as was the matter he said in the act of lovemaking with his wife the wife says she likes silence the man was not say anything so the male be dying he wasn't himself a stomach ache terrible son he wants to talk moon I remember a student talks is that the mantle Miss Emma Fanta I'm tired I said understand you do Massa no I don't want destruction I'm doing something I do it and I go why no passion no emotion she is doing it because like I know it's like she has to do it not because she's interested in it say what's up if I give her money science email the tigress in her she's motivated by what a man can give and the man's in ministry is seen all kinds of people that gravitating towards him and the devil begins to give him an idea which I'm talking to somebody [Applause] amen amen some pastors have complained also my husband resists others appreciates them but never appreciates me canapé I can appreciate these people appreciate that bro sister I appreciate that department but I've never stood on the altar one day chuckle the support and the love of the partner what is the line that we draw the line how do we draw the line as a minister of God you must love your wife or love your husband unconditionally unconditional love facilitates peace in the home unconditional Bute on anything but on Christ unconditional love unconditional love number two let Jesus be your model let the words of Jesus keep playing in your heart the words of Jesus the words of Christ as your partner offends you the first thing you see the picture of the first you see is Christ your wife does something you you feel like you feel like sharing ha you see Christ you open a website like I say WWJD what would Jesus do in this situation what which is us to the moon advances second things to you and the fashion that comes to you is that the Lord brought him to me if he's perfect go home bring him God saw this attitude in him but God brought in so I can manage him Jesus is our model this morning my wife wanted to talk to me about something and I said no no no don't bring that up now putting it down all right we are writing okay about someone sin hola hola Eduardo she pleaded they want to talk to you I said no no they don't wanna like or they won't talk to anybody it's gonna take my time I'm rushing the church did I said no it's past that you leave it tell them I'm not angry she said is important so I convinced her I won I won I convinced her she left and the Holy Spirit told me you want you can win a bruised woman she's quiet but not happy so I noticed that okay okay that she said was was not from their heart she just said it so that okay my husband you are not when she left I wore my clothes followed that behind I said hey can I see can we talk about it not because she showed anger but that leaving something inside me said this person left on happy how can I pray so let me go let's have it such a doubt there are lots of women sad please read about this man prayed about it it would change please look up to Jesus let Jesus become your mother like geez hand him over to Christ the woman complained that the husband only comes on some minutes to 12:00 p.m. every night Sony Sutra p.m. every night and I said I'd show that I watch so that will take a pen and as I write this prayer down what was the prayer father give my husband a problem that only common on any can solve given a problem that only common long any concern as he prayed considering she was pregnant one day's four minutes to 6:00 in the evening she was yelling [Music] she ran out open the door Jesus Jesus Jesus what happened is I was sitting with my friends well so we became an open fire this one is done the other one is injured asked me to the time decided following me and it in late night and it hand beam over to God Paul handed over not a believer to Satan is our handed over to Satan to Busquets in for awhile forgive and forget ask the Lord to help you to forget forgive is easy to forget you need help because the enemy keeps playing it the enemy keeps playing it anything you see looks like the pen you once went through any form of compulsion looks like the pain looks like what happened before you are seen on the signs again because in your head not that the signs are there but in your head you are interpreting them to be designed nice I received calling the nights that I closed in the night that's what I talked to him that that's how that one happened I'm same tone again so even if this one is genuine pray together have something that's binding you and your partner spiritually it might be a particular day of waiting on the Lord it may be a particular day of vigil may be particular period of studying the Word of God have what binds you together intercede for one another intercede you know when God in officience of the vine let me ask you a question would you think the home restaurant who does home rests on if you say the woman let me see your hand he said the woman raise your hand raise it wave it put it down if you said the man name is Jung Wow she of you if you say the woman raise your hand put it down if you say the man alright let's let's check officials five let's check if you are a son of the Prophet and you said a woman you look for your phase [Applause] officiants 5i solis amicus and now see the man that's in song those of you that please appear and I'm a cue those of you that said the woman you should you tell me your father is a few sons five best twenty-one okay best plenty to have you seen it why let's read it together one two go right submit yourselves unto what as on to one verse for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is Lord and is the savior of the body number two therefore the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be what to their husband in everything three three phases to the woman let's go to the man husbands love what your wife even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for each number what one that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the world number two that my present it to himself a glorious church and having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish number three so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth not his wife he that loveth his wife loveth himself number four no man yet hated his flesh but nourishes it nourishes it and cherish and cherishes it if even as the Lord the church number nama wat for your members of his body of his flesh and of his bones number four this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh number the person you spend time speaking two more is not present you are given an assignment God was talking to the man if the food God came to Adam yonada if your home was stunned the wife has 40% in fact 35% the man as 65 is the Word of God God puts home is the man that can put his foot down to say this will be or that will be sexual satisfaction unit first college and 7 2 to 5 is very very important that a women are to spiritual the actual spiritual and you know there are women listen to this listen to this there are husbands and wife in the act of sex they only have one week one traffic that's how he's done that is how he's done 15 years no change political parties of change candidates charge of change somebody in the act of says is just that pattern you only kiss your wife when you want to have sex you don't do it randomly no you must wait the rebels kamikaze in the night you know you don't know that lovemaking actually begins in the money not the night their attitudes you put on your wife see the green light you know that you are going and she's ready for it then just pounce on her like a rapist but I'm your wife is in the kitchen she's cutting onions you come close to her you have had to be cutting she's smiling my husband my husband your green pepper girls becomes they yell our wife not sweating she's clean the sweat you energize in her no she just you Josie's in the kitchen goes walk in there like a village as master how are you bless you well you're done upstairs [Applause] I'm taking too much time now praise the Lord praise the Lord the wives complain you can help each other by focusing on your scripture recruits scripture recruits your ability as your wife communicate with you as your husband talks to you you check is a transition statement you check is growth in the Word of God because this thing is the only thing that can break a man this the only in fasting control outside is the dead woman a man begins to believe and take this war too hot it will break a person it can break you some fifteen 57:17 bring it up some fifty seven verse 17 some 57:17 or some telephone eating some 30 form as a teen who's on the console the Lord is nigh unto them died of a broken heart and said that such that be of a contrite spirit broken you are easily touched you are easily approachable Amen that we have the children were the complaint the children complained pastor shouldn't complain that their parents are overprotective overprotective be careful I admitted membership masters child be careful we put a body I will give the children the children an impression that they didn't mix with somebody else they become victims so they mix a little bit and nothing happens so they go father you are the pastor you had a general Vasya you're a part of a branch allow your children are friends but let's be friends that you know let's be friends you can you know them where you can recommend them to be friends with people let's be people you know the appearance their marriage is in order they fear the Lord you can't stop them from a be friends you can only control the pen of friends they have when you catch children for too long and passes out victim the children always have a place the state the comic shop with others they don't talk to anybody they don't let anybody children are complaining our parents are always fighting Pascoe's children cv the father and the mother their own parents they are combating themselves and that is what the girl has grown up to learn there's no good model even in the house pass was children complain when luck with luck time with our parents because they are always busy I'm busy I travel always but I are as my children don't see they pick on phone sometimes they don't pick out their mother this guy's not picky know what's me no I don't see daddy I was tired and we drive engine to say you want a skinny a yogi yogi yogi I did not time no money cause somebody somebody slipping on you think everybody's like you gotta sleep sometime call them one am I awake as I'm praying that the coaching you play I'm sleepy [Applause] we have what we call timeouts with Daddy my kids and I will sit down I'll tell them stories about life tell them that their mother does it that's how much is talk to them they are crying all our children pastors chillin never assume your children are born again lead them to Christ don't assume don't assume she grew up in to know was my children they are my kids when they get to five we see them we telling the reality of heaven the reality of air they say the sinner's prayer the altar call don't assume they are completely my daughter said to me said in us to the Oscar your father's always traveling don't you feel it he said no he said why it's really this one hour my father has he will play with us that tiny-ass he will play with us you would Joe sometime I'd sugar come to my room they are laughing they have not met me they have not seen me is that this I just feel just a laughing so I determinate just still wanting to get me increase the laughter see with no you are going to make us just laugh that's why y'all sit down what's happening as your day going we have track don't see they are small children of nine and ten you don't know what they know children 15 don't see they are small talk to them talk to them give them that attention the way you love them as a man of God we make them love God the way you despise them we make them hit God some attempt well you have not picture for them they feel God has taken it with your father God has taken their mother to the hits go they hit touch anything chocolate I want to hear cause if you do condemn you scripture you don't even talk much Allah stand up that was sleeping no one that the Bible's in spare the rod and spoil the child [Applause] my first alibi what kind of son is this you see the man was talking about that in a foolish song bring get reproach to the father love we have never spoken to your child naturally as a father let him see the natural eating you let him see the not let him see his friend let him see his friend all my kids I have nickname for them Fedora nearly all of them are nicknamed an accordion limbs is accorded by the nickname I give them all of them I give them nickname up to my last baby when she is with the phone I she knows me I'm de la casa de la casa she's true you say daddy she knows this man is the only person who calls me this name that's the level of friendship that we have please it is important [Applause] do you have the questions we'll take the questions before I continue I have just one more last lap to touch we would have give you opportunity to ask questions now give me a pen [Applause] what you do you can ask like two three you have really one one you take them as like two or three so who can answer these are questions written by pastors here and I promise you're gonna answer them so you answer them one accident one by one thank you daddy first question my wife see my wife stood talking with our ex-boyfriend after several warning the last one she still went I had to buy the charge card for him now I lost I've lost trust and love for him what do I do to restore my love for her son number two Mowgli's father I am engaged to a slim lady who possess the characters I love but I love a fat lady because she's not fat I have issue with that that what should I do go ahead to marry her or should I look for a fat one but I'm afraid because of character can answer the two now yes the canals are the two the first one is um the wife is the talking to our expert ex-boyfriend is that and he has lost trust either now we are shouted let me say something we are men of God we are servants of God but marriage as a human side if your wife is talking to our ex-boyfriend is obvious she has a problem that spiritual life that's basic she needs no sanctification is but I would have dies that you have a talk with your wife before you scream or shout what does she see in him that you don't have this sincerity Frank don't don't spiritualize it it may even be the act of sex it might be be care it may be the wedding be on word talks to another some young man when they know a woman they dated before Islam married is their husband's home and the woman are opens to them what she's doing true they capitalize on that so sits your wife down and find out what is that thing that she sees the mixer communicates that's one the number to hold our hand and lead her to Christ she's not born again then you said them the second one said he's already engaged - it's okay slim lady but she loves fats are you come pump you can pump power give our food [Applause] let me say this I will not advise him to go ahead I can only counsel a person who's already in the marriage when you are not married and you still have a chance to make a decision you don't go ahead because every time is a fat lady in be tempted so Marathi fat lady now but just know if she is fat before marriage inside marriage she will look like we actually regarded make sure you are ready to cook I would advise him to go ahead I will not I will not I will not advise because he's going to have that pain and please if the already gone far with her look for something in how to love they may be something other than a statue that you should love number three my wife have excessive anger and even me if even him both of them yes that she always want to decide what apples in the house at my ex at my expense I want to repent briefing and shouting at my wife auto repent from by backing and shouting at my wife before listen I had these problems about my wife naturally not the type that I like sex and undestand is very big challenge to me sir I am emotionally I am emotionally and that gives advantage to the spirit of lost over me what should I do sir and it helped in the like sex but you are lost let me ask is that which number is that he said I have a problem with his wife the first one says what what of their mother says him anger anger so it's not talking for himself not there was to stop it stop backing on shout another wife I think both of you at the same problem is both of them that need help only the Word of God can mould you only the water become beauty the Bible say it does no control of my spirit is like a city without walls it's not defended and both of you need to sit down address what your weaknesses are if I got married that was my problem it was so terrible if you said something I will reply you anything you want I will give it to you my wife started praying that something that we happened now some of the pastor's like Reverend kiss the fiddle East John the wax them when it happened was Papa dead they say yes and we kept quiet you see this man don't change but I do know the way I handled the Amata the other day I was what would happen John we are walking and I create an elderly woman and John just walked past we a Mitchell Godfather as it turned back that mom iguanas a good afternoon my welcome it was a good day go on greets you have to drag greeted as minor as that but today because a woman has come into my life and took it as a pressure point and prayed about it so both of you address that issue do not pretend you don't know what the problems are sit down I get angry and you get angry see what let's what might do that list your anger she will tell you the youth what you tell you what you do the most of you begin to avoid the things that lead to anger and over time that spirit of breaking from your life then the second man said is not the title like sex but he has lost he said man you say man it does I'm saying is the man that said it doesn't like sex but he asked losts is that it's not really riddance I have problem our problem okay I've had these problems that my wife naturally not disturbed at like six okay his wife doesn't like sex yes but he has lost many likes it doesn't like it yes he has lost okay now now that that that is that is a deep one there is listen to this all spiritual men there is no woman that doesn't like something that is done when [Applause] [Music] [Applause] never there is no woman that doesn't like something that you did to her when it can put the designer if you don't do it well she always be fasting when you are coming there are some men if the man says in like that and wife doesn't like it we need to ask you how like I said there are people that spiritualize lovemaking and there are some men who needs to be trained and to be taught because I grew up in the church all this life in fact was to go to seminary before God called him nice a child of God doesn't know anything there are people that got him married the common myth mama the man who say has been trying to a say I'm feeling pain as I am it's not my ministry God needs your mother and I will laugh at my heart the man will be praying before it wants to play this to be about to do Lord then we pray father we ask for your grace we ask for your strength they we pray travelchad I said that we don't we don't start we pray out so if the man has a wife who doesn't like it with him there are three answers for you what you are doing should do it well number two your wife might be possessed with his spirit husband the woman has displeased husband should know allow a husband touch her no matter how nice the man is number three you may have done something that has killed that trusts when it said we are coming she's not interested next question number five when your wife used about 30 to 40 minutes to take only players on Sunday and you try to collect her and she's not happy she said you can't stop her number six what do you do when your wife go on strike for sex because you refuse her to preach and she don't know how to preach if you give your wife and mighty use 30 40 minutes yes that I think my patient has had that question yes that give her a particular said this that is our service let us do beyond opening prayer just give a service copy machine for her let's handle it then the second ascended wife goes on strike for sex because she's angry on that show of preaching they are not giving up repeat what she does is not to preach I want to the question she doesn't know how to preach yes sir you teach her if a woman doesn't know to preach you teach how to preach but she has no right to go on strike your body belongs to your husband who's ready understand brothers clapping very hard your body belongs to your husband your husband's body belongs to you you have no right to deny him his constitutional rights question 7 what do you do when your wife is always reporting issues to children Trevor Trevor issues what children the children in the house they are children they work solid reporting your husband to their children the question is dad what do you do any time you try to collect your wife on ministerial mistakes and she picks offense let me talk about that other children if your wife reports you to your children speak of one thing she's closer to them than you there's a gap build the gap that your wife you know the advantage she has over you on the children draw them close and let them know your side of the story and not let them know that when your mother talks to them they should acknowledge it is adult stuff is not for children because if the woman keeps doing that she's destroying the future of those children she's giving them ideas that they don't need are you following me Jeff a woman you are destroying your horns money for the children you are the one that won't suffice because a time comes that do you know wise children when parents are trying to tell them about them said they are not interested wise children look at what you want listen you push your answer to yourself that's a wise child so you never report your husband or your wife to your child but rather speak positive words about your spouse to your child let the child grow up seeing their father as a role model because you destroy their father and the city fathers nothing when she needs a father figure in her life she will go outside and look for one and the payment bounced back on you the next question name I mean I'm a minister I'm a local church I have the problem of most which are controlling until I felt bitten by of animal are Keys presently diagnosed with HIV taking drugs now please I need help papa next question 10 my name and that in my question goes like this why if all these things you've told us had already happened what can you do to be restored for example if a pastor lost after a church member because of a suppression of his wife denying him in bed can okay and and the person's weakness is human oneness cannot pastor do to welcome the spit of lost I think the two questions are was the same open toed job the book of Job that one read verse one joke that's one this one I better cover up my eyes while the static of an amid proverbs chapter six verse 25 to verse 27 lost not after beauty in the heart my dad let our eyelids high extension those I Extension that they put there for by means of the worries woman a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress we earned for the precious life 27 can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned if you be free from amaura treasures the three things you must know number one immorality shortens a man's life span it shortens the man's life you can escape it number two it brings it kills your performance your gifting your spirituality you can perform at your maximum it keeps on the average level once your model is sound your aunt a nice shop don't give this a life you can become big signal I mean this happen around you have elapsed the morality kills it number three you need deliverance you need it if you under category and love that problem when we stop dream will be pre with you the youth will be destroyed in the name of Jesus the next question 11 Amanda a - abilify divided from the way for five years and she's been growing about sleep with other men eventually she went to marry another man in charge I went to marry another man is a pastor the past asking should he remain unmarried the next time 12 that one about making law would make to my wife I don't enjoy it and as such I can't ejaculate not until I begin to imagine myself having sex with somebody else it is at this point I we begin to enjoy the sex and finally chocolate I'm worried because I can't I can't do my account enjoyed this with my wife a pastor we know a pastor [Applause] if your if your wife has married and not that man you are not bound the Bible says you are not bound but make sure you deserve that Union to tell you that some people don't know it just okay this message has moved on as Mary somebody has voiced coop with you somebody they jump into a marriage know before you jump this song call the two families your family and our family as to Mitch is with a man now your family family have to meet and this you return the diary you dissolve she didn't deserve it before she move you deserve it because the Bible says once the woman has moved on you are no more bound in the truth you're not bound you are not bound you confirm she is in fact when adultery fidelity has come in that's why I tell people that I don't support divorce no I don't support divorce but divorce is not something that is totally ruled out in some issues a myriad as an exception is no moral law a man shall put away his wife except once this exception is very long when a woman I there are some marriages that I can sense the pressure there are women there are very foul ends where they are fighting the carry sharp objects I will tell you man go to appearance for some time instead of two people to go to hell let them separate for some time you go this way while we are praying and see what God will do there are men who have lost their lives they are dead some women practically match if their husband because they believe there's no option the blossom mother body can't do anything it can separate you can't kill him and the man who says if he's making love to his wife he has to think of somebody else I don't I don't understand that how do you think of somebody yesterday with somebody else that's that's the spiritual problem oh look at the Bible says Matthew chapter 5 verse 28 whoever looks at a woman lustfully to - to what at a loss Tata in his mind he said yes already so that man is a strategic adora because I don't know did you need God to work on your mind the problem you have is not your wife because you'd have a problem is you to have a problem is not the woman was a problem because she is ok with you you are not ok with her if you'd I have a problem and if you ended come out see me after service your problem is an emergency to be with somebody and you're thinking on somebody else it you need a lot of help the enemy wants to make you lost or go after the presence that we are not giving very soon we are gonna fall with that person or you may have already done it you have already done it and you enjoyed what you did so it keeps coming back and it's not every it's not everything you said in that that's not so we'll see we under category to adapt as a chance see me the next question question 13 we are with mindful since about 2015 and the stone issue in marriage yet my wife is always running to our parents for help and I pressed told her that the problem is because of the ministry now church members are get it to know about this so what do I do question 14 I got as I met a lidded up in multi man for five years by the mountain unbeliever but eventually they are divorced and the ladies no names are written the dowry back to the ramen should I go ahead and marry her yes the first one the first one the man is saying that the parent in law saying that which idea since 2015 I think the lady needs to blow up because yeah if you have your parents home as an alternative admission you have not yet grown and you need to grub it's a plastic problem of immaturity if you want the fruit of the womb by unrest in your parents house how will you get it the carrier of the fruit is at home and you carry the wound to your parents the carrier of the fruits after me to the carrier of the womb so that they can be fruit of the womb so always be around your husband always be around your husband a lemma says something I need to tell you this can I [Applause] there are many times you are believing God for the fruit of the womb and you want children it's okay to pray but sometimes I advise you to seek medical council that times you need to see a doctor to know what is wrong what the doctor says both of you are perfect there's nothing wrong we now know what we are confronting with what you are battling but there are people who are so some men will refuse to go for medical checking they say they are faith faith is substance faith is not fiction so most times advice couple you go and see a doctor let's know what the matter is if you are rebuking abandon us know what we are binding so if you are problems with fruitfulness I advise sometime we seek medical help they will know how to address it so she's always going to appearance its mission is to grow up and it means the parents also need to help her there's no way you can be pregnant when you are not at home question 15 sir I hate having sex with my wife but I don't know why same person 16 when I'm angry I can unleash it on anyone around me him 17 same person she's very very disrespectful to me but love other men of God outside she never support me in any ways but regretted marry me because she she normally say that she needs a man she can control that may not be the way she put it all that may not be with him woman put it the man say when he when he's angry he can unleash on anybody will not a great man in that kind of man you are angry you can unleash and when you unleash it on the woman anger she can say things that she doesn't mean and so when she says she once we can continue man know your anger may have moved at the foundation of the problem here now is you address your anger the other man of God she like she may like that because the youth when she sees them relates in with your wife the way she sees them know having fellowship Adela so she likes that and you don't do that whatever you want in your partner you seen another partner transplant it put it in your partner and enjoy it don't keep eyeing that message transplanted amen amen they may question it's in that Papa I felt I felt a woman in my church and I confess it to my wife and the lady has come to to tell my wife to confess but let it keep sending the certain messages messages to my phone what do I do not understand it fell in love with a woman in this church and eventually through this the wife but lady no way to me the word the device also lady will church they bought it so the god yes Daddy so because they have brought to the church so late night keeps his thoughts in the pastor issues - Remus's issue block a line block a line if the confession is good is very good the Bible never permits us to confess public to the church when somebody did that I was a little confused because the person you really offended is your partner confess to your partner confess to the Lord so if the woman says she won't tell you Church it means she has a plan she came for an assignment she wants to destroy that walk so there is a block button on phones and go we bless the person that invented it there are people that send a message you don't want you block their numbers and get your sanity thank God for you now you were bored enough to tell your wife so you have already gotten victory because the strength of the devil in marriage is unconfessed sins once you have been bow to tell her let them let it go to hell let it as you drive if you tries that again you can even get arrested now you have the mimosas and that is it having the readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled so you have a good wine you have a good wife who could take you in and could take you to ourselves so it's now left for your wife to pick up that fight is now her fight those messages as she send them to you if you don't have a blog button for them to your wife not to afford it back to Ana done know you are getting the messages is now between them amen all right 19 my wife and I are always correct even before I came to this meeting Australia what is missing yes I'm ok anytime I sense any any good in coming there always be according God chose me she is controlled by the python spirits I told her she disagree with me we have been married since 2016 did know no child question 20 daddy I get that a girl and I engaged her and she accepted but a model refused to let us get married all in the name of traveling abroad to Canada that that issue out of our mother because mother's agreements argument came in and she got angry I returned I make is my own management party d-ring since then I have tried my best to reconcile the relationship all the faults are proven abortive what should I do that is it my fault let go [Applause] mother refused she has now refused what is your problem God somebody we still got to travel abroad I want to my dad's a pastor she loves abroad God is giving with deliverance already let ha cool the first one that was the first one said God told him that the wife has pythons breed that is why when such no problem no problem the only thing that we have to know which God there's a module ha the solution the Shango we need to know which God that told you your wife has a Python spirit it so many men the unnatural witness is being spiritual eyes you are your way here you on your wife warrant and God has already told you that she has with Python spirit ok when a wife is possessed another demon a man from the Quran he told me the wife has 17 powers so that's what is troubling and as if you as a man of God cannot minister to a wife who has got 17 powers that you don't need to have a church your wife has cast Python spirit cast it out custody battle spirit and steam area while I'm answering like this there are so may we need to know what you do there's a way you get a woman and you get a reaction that's the truth dancing will you cheat a woman and you get a reaction so if you I pass Python spirit cast it out crush on Twitter no 2321 lost I have a me lost light spirits and anger 22 wait wait one person yes that 22 I don't have feelings for my wife 23 I don't listen to my wife advice is this insane man okay he has anger that he has lost a light spirits and lying yes that is you leave the puppet this you leave the puppet fest if you if you have such vices and also you have feelings for your way just leave the puppet Fest address your life and if you have changed the first person that will know is the woman in your house for now take a break from the poopy don't preach go back address yourself there is no character no negative vice that a preacher should have but this was you mention should not be found in the past water so for now withdraw from the puppet and IV retreat address yourself if you have a mentor approaching so you can place you on spiritual exercises before you think of coming back to the puppet properly for that papa thanks for this great opportunity I am I am addicted to pornography and masturbation and I married my wife news of its 25 as a pastor that is waiting and believing God for direction and the Ministry and the ministry we acknowledge my Colleen does not believe on women in ministry and and they want to ordain me and my wife is a pastor what should I do and the minister does not believe in mentorship also let me show you something about pornography in the Bible you don't know pornography is in the Bible it is second somewhere level second somewhere in heaven verse 2 I have you found it and it came to pass in the evening tide that David rose David arose from of his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from their roof is saw a woman washing herself the woman was very beautiful to look upon ography free David was watching free pornography what happened next and they be sent and acquired after the woman and one said is not this Russia but the daughter of Eliam the wife of Uriah the Hittite most Busta's some ministers abound with the spirit of masturbation ministers of the gospel and the deceit are seen because they believe that somebody else is not involved it is is same any thoughts of evil will one day produce evil and we see what's happened to David you know the story how did is that how did is that you can't have lost and it leaves you until you stop putting these things in place to let it go total from it God can deliver you from it where the pastor testify here like got free from it God can deliver you from it so if you are bound with such spirit those are part of the things we are going to address all start praying God will deliver you from it in the name of Jesus 27 for my evangelist our challenge of anger 28 our challenge of a forgiving spirit 29 our challenge of all good of going to school or not going to school what do I do that it challenge I'm not going to school damage the rewards is same because it's not educators affected in ministry like go to school the only way to stop long winters is by going to school at every level you can be educated there is adult education at every level a certificate crosses at every level if you want to be educated you can so that's that's not something as an issue but you see present in our church in our ministry if you are not a gravid you don't in you yes because the way the ministry is going in the future it happened to one great man of God one great man on college name when the fire came upon the assignment people in living their school living the academics living everything to enter the ministry 1998 in fired everyone there's not a grab it if fired all why because if you know that teenagers can come to a past one say let me select which costs I'll read in school we are not educated what do you say you stop ring so it's very important and they talked about being in the ministry there was a question somebody in the ministry really don't believe in when yes if you're in the ministry you should saw me - what they believe in you cannot be in a ministry and they don't believe in certain things and you are repenting so long you are - will lawyer - what they believe in you can repent we know that women up when they say like if Santa's in church I've taught the story of what happened it has not to do with preaching but if your ministry does not believe in it follow what the ministry says so long you are there you must believe in what they believe in if they are telling you and not on than your wife they have every right because they are the leadership of the ministry you cannot rebelling against them come 30 mi I'm a lady full and a woman and this shoe seems to be identified with all assistance the issue most times I want to enter Jerusalem so she will not be ok she will not be ready she is results in anger what do I do we have a silly question like that before we answer something like that before that's one my family don't just take like five more Oh God that's one my family is a polygamous family no one about nowhere about best in their marriage then my marriage I made the covenants with God to stay in my marriage despite that ICC challenges troubles a lot of lack of peace my marriage please I need God's help he will help you next my Stella - God spoke to me that I should always listen to my wife now in ministry whenever I want to come up with ideas to carry out programs or new innovations in the church she's already always taught sit down what should I do in this case if God spoke to you God knows - yes good counsel to give to you but your presentation matters a lot how you present something matters a lot if you present something in a very rushed manner there spawns you get you may not like it if God told you listen to your wife please listen anyhow she takes it listing but misrepresentation is okay but cannot tell you to listen to somebody who has nothing to say 33 my question is sir you love your wife and you want to show her love by playing with her and she doesn't want she doesn't want it what will you do by what by playing with her and she doesn't want it playing playing there are different kinds of play there must be a place she likes she may not like the particular place you are initiating so you have to look for what she likes and fluid every woman likes to be happy everyone likes to be happy around a partner around the hospital everybody likes it but you must know what she likes amen there are some plays that are very muscular most kind of play to carry away from your head and run without it or you drop ERISA Tony I cannot place that so know what she likes you can ask her I can discuss with her you can find out what she likes and we know what she likes you do it yeah to a 300 in the last one thirty four thirty fight to resist institution where you have your wife and she stole ready to sis sorry for any wrong true or admit are wrong anything when one washes wrong three no matter what you do for her she will not appreciate what you do you keep teaching and keep praying for her keep teaching now by own action when you are wrong sin sorry initially she will capitalize on that to always want to make you do it by time you add preyas with it she will change there's no body that God cannot change no matter the character of the partner no matter how bad the partner is God can change the partner even if is a demonic problem there are families today we are the father at marital crisis the pastor is now a man of God the same science same thought there are families we are ladies to stand there marriage is a crisis now the same sign is showing forth in the on home God has power to deliver God has power to deliver Hebrews 7:25 says is able to save to the uttermost them that come to God through him believe in that he ever liveth to make intercession for them so today as we pray now anything that God has not planted now wants to mess you up in your marriage I see freedom coming away let's be on our feet I see freedom coming your way I kinda your email out I see if you don't call me away further I want to thank you I want to pray for two things the Lord showed me as a pastor you are here you know you have spiritual attack spiritual problems we are dreams we are oppressions you have prayed about it it will be stopped no matter how much you fast once that dream comes he brings it back to square one it has been on for long if you under category come forward let me pray with you once that dream comes sometimes I think I will be used to your selfie of Hama building it can be used yourself in in an old house your family house once that Lee shows up once it shows up no matter the fasting it's like you start from square one it has removed favor from your life it has remove your opportunities it has kept you on one spots begin your cry to the Lord you cannot cry to the Lord ask the father for help ask the father for help Ashley father Papa Mouse I on the shuttle deliverance and holiness the answer of Jacob shall possess their possession ask him for help lord help [Music] set me free from foundation operations spirit of setback ritual crashing help help me Lord help me Lord helped me a lot [Music] Tashia catalyst in Jesus name by the power of the Holy Spirit I joined my vintage of it and I decree that experience is over forever that demonic gadgets that chicas such attacks is over forever whatever God has not planted any seams of your current that triggers and opens you up for it regression seen yourself in old buildings in your own town in your firm a location is in school uniforms see yourself writing and exam they never finish all those manipulations they die today they died today the day today we in the name of Jesus I decree you are free you are free in Jesus name congratulations you're free God has given me authority on serpents give me the alternative don't trample on something and stop and no enemies authority I
Channel: Ministry Guides
Views: 34,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omega fire ministries worldwide, apostle johnson suleman, celebration tv, african prophet, minister's without blemish, prophecy, nigerian prophet, bishop david oyedepo, pastor ea adeboye, rccg tv, holy ghost congress, dag heward mills, prayer, deliverance, worship song, nigeria latest gospel song, natheniel bassy, dr paul enenche, duncan williams, dunamis tv, sons of the prophet, dr dk olukoya, mountain of fire, mfm tv, prayer rain, power must change hands, marriage
Id: 5Q4bkilyxVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 16sec (7396 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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