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here we are in your presence and we ask oh god that you show us mercy prescott santoria [Music] constabulated we make a demand on the heavens as we shut down every transmission that is not coming from the holy ghost we bind every transmission that is coming from the kingdom of darkness everything that has been planted in this territory that stands against the kingdom of god we command you to bow tonight wow before his majesty [Music] before his glory thank you lord thank you father [Music] in the great name of jesus i sense a movement and anytime i sense this movement it means the kingdom of darkness has risen and there is war in the spirit are you ready to learn can we insist that any transmission over this atmosphere that is contrary to the holy ghost be shut down can you can you insist can you insist on can you insist you can insist you can stand against the walks of the devil [Music] mosquito pressure escort feliz hello broncos [Music] ah we shut down we shut down every transmission from the kingdom of darkness [Music] we absorb the lord jesus in this place [Music] and we give him all the glory [Music] thank you lord in the name of jesus it is unto you that the gathering of your people must be thou great king of kings thou monarch of the cities of zion we make obeisance we remove our crowns and we cast them before you oh terrible one that dwells in the midst of fire we come with worship we come with surrender and we ask that you pass through the northern part of ghana and bring down everything that is an image of jealousy that has been erected to adorn the name of satan walk through this land and cut it off in the name of jesus is he not written that every tree that you have not planted has only one destiny but to be rooted out and tonight we root out we throw down we cast down we destroy everything that you have not planted in the great name of jesus from the heights of heaven look upon us with mercy strengthen the weak heal the afflicted bring deliverance to the tormented bring salvation to the laws and let your name be glorified oh thank you thank you thank you because we pray in jesus mighty name amen can you celebrate jesus tonight [Applause] glory glory hallelujah amen amen sorry i'm not so good with names but while we came into the territory even at the airport we had a powerful hostess that came to receive us we've been to several parts of ghana but we've never been received like this oh my [Applause] god and when i came into the place i was looking out to to see the hostess and i found her adorned with with blazing yellow oh thank you so much and i salute your husband every academic functionary that is has been planted on this ground to provide capacity building and also to provide witness for the kingdom of god i salute you laborers within the territory bearing the instrument of grace to extend the frontiers of the kingdom of god i salute you friends brothers and sisters that the lord through his sovereign power has ordained to collocate in this environment this evening in order to be a partaker of that which has been vocationed by destiny i salute you in jesus name amen you may be seated god bless you welcome to the house of god in view of the fact that we you join me in 35 minutes in view of the fact that we had to reschedule this meeting to make provision for those that just finished their examinations so um refreshing themselves and catch up with what god wants to do i will not take your time so turn your bible with me quickly we'll do bible study for 35 minutes and we'll pray for a few more minutes and then the lord will do those things that he normally does [Music] psalms 8. we'll take a reading from verse 4 just if you can if you can give me 35 minutes of your time with full attention so that we can navigate together trusting god to set the coordinates for the pilgrimage that we will be engaged in as a company when i consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou has ordained what is man the dao are mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor thou madest him to have dominion over the walks of thy hands thou has put all things under his feet 35 minutes of bible study before we progress from that point if you are still with me say amen the contemplations that are captured in the scripture of interest tonight are such contemplations that leading theologians believe resulted from an angelic debate in the presence of god and their contemplations were not without knowledge but the height of the inquiry was a huge question and the question is what is man not who is man but what is man it is because of what man is that the bible reveals that god is mindful of him it is because of what man is that that god visits with him my attempt tonight is to answer that question because if you don't know what you are it means you have not been in sync with your manufacturer the purpose of a product was first of all conceived in the heart of the manufacturer just like it is so easy for you to get about and be doing your business without understanding that there was a creator that set you up and put you in motion the what of your life is in the manual that your manufacturer put in place which is supposed to be a set of instructions a set of insights that reveals your purpose and a set of instructions that are matching orders that you need to imbibe if you are going to stay consistent and compliant with what that purpose is we're trying tonight to lay a foundation the foundation must be properly laid before we can embark on the adventure that i believe that god has ordained for us during the course of this weekend if you are still with me say amen there are two things that are natural offshoots of what man is just like i mentioned it is because of what man is because you see he spoke about the creation the expanse of the creation and you will think that what preoccupies the heart of god is striking the necessary balances that are needed to keep creation in motion for instance um in a primitive environment there is a cyclical motion of gases that is required in order to maintain balance and equilibrium whereas you take in oxygen you give off carbon dioxide the plants will need the carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis and give up oxygen so there is somewhat of a cyclical balance in a primitive environment and god struck all these balances in order for perpetuity and continuity to find expression you will think that god is laboring to ensure that uranus and saturn does not collide and that their orbits are quite distinct enough to keep them in their separate parts you will think that hallelujah what is preoccupied with is not uranus not saturn not the animal kingdom not the plant kingdom but you and if you don't know why he's mindful of you it means you don't know what you are so we are attempting to answer the question what is mine first of all i want to confirm indeed that god is a visiting god because someone in this auditorium might feel that that statement may not be true because he is in a situation she is in a situation that has been perpetual and it doesn't seem that god's mighty hand has any intention of orchestrating a visit a few scriptures will be needed in order for us to clear your doubt first scripture we need to bring out is acts chapter 17 verse 24 to 26. acts 17 24 to 26 if you are there say amen this is this is paul trying to bring a presentation i need to give you the background of this scripture paul entered into a certain location and this location was like the ivory tower where i find myself tonight there's a lot of knowledge on campus diversities of areas of learning and paul came into a certain place where there were greeks that were hungry for philosophy and there were diverse times diverse models diverse types of philosophies that were available in fact there was a location ariopagos it was like a marketplace of ideas and just in case you had a theory you had a philosophy you had an intuition that you believed could give explanation to a few mysteries about life you came to ariel pagus in order to propound your your theory and then if what you say has logic has a flow of thought then your position is adopted and people begin to view life through the lens of your visibility it was that kind of an environment that paul found himself those people in that locality were not people that had the bible to be their reference so when paul came into that space he couldn't quote scriptures because they cannot relate to scriptures and they don't they don't believe in the authority of scriptures so when paul came into that space he spoke from the perspective of poetry the first authority quoted was one of their poets just like someone comes into a space where godless people are seated and then you make a quote if i if if i was in nigeria there used to be a musician that was called fella i know you you people would not know him but i don't have the ghanaian replica of of fella now fella was a musician he was a social engineer preaching alignment using the instrument of music he was not a godly person but he was just talking about criticizing things that were going wrong and mostly criticizing people in power now so paul had to quote that kind of a reference in order for him to bring his point and eventually after this delivery paul became the champion of areopagus that means he presented the way of christ as a legitimate issue in the marketplace of ideas and his defense for the way of christ excelled so much that among the greeks they believed that he was in custody of the most accurate philosophy as touching humankind such an expert should be heard and that's why i want to quote him this night hallelujah you see there's no time for us to do some beautiful bible work but um the lord will help us the lord will help us now this is this was his presentation he said god that made the world and all things therein seen that he is lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands so all the people in that congregation that had built shrines that had collected idols and they needed an idol as a medium through which to interface with the unseen realm by this statement that paul made that god is so mighty he's a custodian of everything and so he cannot dwell in temples made by human hands he had already developed a terrible blow on everyone that thought that he could interface with god on the strength of something that was visible and quietly he had debunked so many arguments and so many philosophies that held that perspective just by showing the untouched people the magnitude and the capacity of the person that was behind the genius of the physical creation he his presentation compelled his audience to think because most times people don't think they put their heads their brains in the pocket when they say hallelujah but our god is a god of balance a god of order is a god of sustainability and the things that is set in motion have not had any need for adjustment he is full of wisdom he's a god of knowledge and by him actions are weighed so he brought this presentation and the next thing he said was that neither is worship with man's hands as though he needed anything seeing that he give it to all life and breath and all things then verse 26 is my emphasis he said god doesn't need anything from you he's the one that is supporting creation just imagine what happens if god decides that we'll pay for the oxygen that we breathe the last time a situation compelled us to pay for oxygen well i don't know the value in ghana cities but it wasn't sustainable see so this god that gives us what he gives us freely gives us oxygen gives us life gives us all things this god is not in a need he doesn't have such need that we think that he has because he's not in that frame of reference his reality is captured in a frame of reference what the kind of need that men have is not the need that he has what he's trying to do is to get them to think then he brings a punch the real punch in his delivery is found in verse 26 when he said and god has made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth and has determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation there were two manifestations of the sovereignty of god that is captured in verse 26. first of all are you with me you are now with me oh my stay with me stay with me just for 35 minutes it's a god is the one that determined our the boundaries of our habitation how many of you students on this campus wanted to go to knusty but you found yourself here in the north how many of you wanted to go to university of ghana what you found it seems it seems nobody had this place in mind originally but the reason why you are here is because there's something superior to your preference that manipulated all the variables because [Applause] hallelujah the bible says that he pre-ordained the boundaries of our habitation just like now you are in this meeting right now god preordained it we walk from time he walks from the studio back in eternity [Applause] it's not because you chose to be here he pre-ordained it and that's why it came to you as something that you had to do are you with me so the bounds of your habitation the location that you are going to grow up he determines it because the the dealings he wants to bring into your life they are they are built into your context your locational context the people that you because when you begin to pray and say lord make me patient make me patient then he'll give you a roommate that is terrible the dealings these dealings are built within the context of your location so he uses his sovereignty to determine it so that he can fit into your context the things that are needed for you to grow in him so location cannot be given to you as what you can choose what you can prefer it is captured within the items that is manipulated by his sovereignty so the bible says that he determined the bounds of our habitation and he determined the times of our visitation that means there is a calendar of god that contains the schedule his schedule for visiting you if you study the account of adam in the garden of eden you'll find that our god is a visiting god because the bible reveals that in the cool of the day he makes a move he wants to meet with adam and the thing about adam was that adam as at the time he was in eden did not have the life of god and so it was only god that could visit him he could not decide to visit god so it was a one way street relationship but you see that there was a shadow that was deliberately put in place in order to occasion a visitation the reason why god visits you is because of what you are i i don't have time to take you to the book of acts chapter one and and and show you something jesus organized a seminar and he was educating his apostles because he wanted them to understand apostolic ministry and the scope of the enterprise of the gospel that he was making available to them that's what happened in the book of acts chapter 1 was a seminar when he decided to ask them to open the floor for questions and answers the first question that was asked was will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel the question that was asked was political meanwhile the lecture jesus was doing was a lecture on the kingdom of god that means the guys that were participants in the seminar didn't understand what jesus was teaching because the the question was off and i was expecting jesus to rebuke the person that asked the question and jesus didn't do that jesus used the person's question as a means to still go deeper into kingdom matters he said it is not for you to know the times or the seasons that means the issue of timing and seasons are regulated by the authority of the father it is beyond your pay grade it's beyond your scope it is not something you can influence in fact are you here now and in that scripture in the book of acts chapter 1 verse 7 the two greek words for time were born the first greek word for time is kronos it was used in that verse second greek word for time is it was useful in that particular scripture and what that scripture was trying to say was that god had the human calendar because that calendar is held up under the father's authority and it is within that calendar that god allocates times for visitation don't don't go off the hook the reason why god allocates shadows for visitation is because of what you are and he will keep visiting he will keep visiting he will keep visiting because of what you are so it will be it will be an object of great loss for you not to know what you are secondly let's find the scripture that confirms that god is mindful of you psalms 115. quickly psalms 1 115 verse 12 he said the lord had been mindful of us he will bless us he will bless the house of israel he will bless the house of era i don't have time to tell you why the house of iran was mentioned here but at least this scripture has confirmed to you that god is mindful of you and the reason why he's mindful of you is because of what you are so the question goes what is man that thou art mindful of him what is the son of man that down this list number one man how many of you have taken time to read the book of genesis and you see god in the book of genesis chapter one he will create then he steps back like an observer looks at what he has created [Music] and until that item that he has created meets up to a certain standard he doesn't stop there is a unit of measurement that that creation must attain to in god's scheme of measurement in order for it to be approved as an item that can be reckoned with as something that god created and god's unit of measurement is good so he looks at what he has created and until it meets up with the unit called good god doesn't stop meanwhile i i don't have time to show you that your own perspective of good is different from god's good all right it's so different you know there was this guy that came to jesus and said good master what must i do to inherit the kingdom of god you still remember that guy do you realize that when you ask that question jesus rebuked him instantly jesus said there is none good but god oh you are not with me because you are now with me i will leave that one out okay how many of you still remember that in the garden of eden there was a certain fruit [Music] that was from a tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that was a good that was not god even though god's measurement for creation was good there was a good in the garden that was not god there was a preacher stay with me stay okay okay clap clap okay okay this is enough clapping for the whole weekend don't clap again for the weekend this this clapping it has is enough for today for tomorrow for all the days you just clapped for all the days so no more club now stay with me there was a good i was not god right so when that guy said good master what must i do to inherit the kingdom of god jesus said there is none good but god [Music] because jesus knows that we have a good our good is not necessarily god meanwhile god's good comes out of his nature god's laws come out of his nature his good comes from his nature so if you don't acknowledge that he is god don't call him good because the reason why he is good is because he is god exactly he is not god because he's good but he's good because it's god so he rebuked the man and said don't call me good if you don't acknowledge that i am god because my own level of good as god is different from your good and i will not accept your good exactly now so god creates he steps back he looks at what he has created if he meets up with that unit called good he gives it passman the second day he stands up again goes up creates steps back looks at it if he meets up with that standard good gives it what person and that's how creation progressed until god saw man and when he saw man man did not meet up with good the only time that good was violated was when man was alone then he said it is not good for man to what be alone so he had to continue walking until the situation became good god never stopped walking so he was a civil engineer and the observer at the same time in the old testament and in the old testament he existed apart from his creation is that clear right but in the new testament something happened and jesus speaks about it i'd like to show you quickly he gave a prophecy jesus gave a prophecy in the book of john are you there all right john chapter 14 jesus gave gives a prophecy john 14 16 i want to read he says and i will pray the father and he will give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seated him not neither knowed him but ye know him for he dwell it with you and shall be in you there are two things there jesus dwelling with them was the spirit of truth dwelling with them so they had opportunities to learn how god would have operated if he were man and the book of john captures the 18 special features that were associated with the human living of jesus that pointed to the fact that he was divinity even though he was in the casement of humanity because in the incarnation god came into man so that the sons of men can become the sons of god so he had to display god he had to model god before men so that men will understand the ways of god when they look upon jesus and so jesus prophesied and said i am dwelling with you now it's a good blessing but i'm going to be in you in the days to come that means the god that was an observer he's going to become one which is creation that has never happened before that means god will wear you so that they can operate in the air i know you didn't get that okay because you didn't get that let me take you to the book of psalms 116 verse 15 to show you the royal decree there is jurisdiction in god jurisdiction psalms 1 1 5 quickly 115-16 the bible says the heaven even the heavens are the lord but the earth has it given unto the children of men this is a royal decree and the bible reveals that our god is such a god that has exalted his word above his name and the implication of that is that when god speaks he himself is subject to the things that he has spoken because his words become law so this is a royal decree and by this royal decree god has given the 8th realm to the sons of man the jurisdiction of men is the utterance so if god who is spirit comes into the atrium without the invitation of a man he will be guilty of trespassing from the day this royal decree went for are you with me you are now with me stay with me god decided to limit himself into the spirit realm oh someone is talking to me you know what the person said the person said but man is a spirit what am i saying okay i want to answer that person turn to the book of luke luke chapter 24 quickly quickly who is there luke chapter 24 verse 39 luke 24 39 is jesus speaking he said behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit heart not flesh and bones as he see me her there are two three things in that scripture first thing is behold the reason why you can behold me is because i occupy speech the reason why you can handle me is because i have matter are you with me this realm is a realm of space a realm of matter and a realm of time right oh you're not here i said the physical realm is the realm of space it's a realm of matter and it's a realm of time so jesus said behold my hands are my feet he said handle me and see that it is i myself because i have substance i have matter then he now went on to give us education he said a spirit somebody said a spirit heart not flesh and bones as you see me her now the person sitting close to you touch the person if you if you are able to sense anything like flesh tell the person it's not a spirit that's not how is what it is for a spirit does what it he has not flesh and bones as is he may have i know that most of you think that you are a spirit you possess a soul and live in the body even though that is not in the bible the position of the bible is that you have there is a spirit in man no scripture in the entire bible ever said that man is spirit in the entire bible and i speak from a studied opinion john chapter 4 verse 23 and 24 god says his spirit god is spirit hebrews chapter 1 the bible reveals that angels are spirit but he never said man is spirit even though man has his liver and jesus is coming to our rescue again he said a spirit does not have flesh and he doesn't have bones touch that person again if you find any hard object there hard stuff it's called bone spirits don't have balls are you are you with me okay now you can understand the royal decree now god by royal decree i said i give you the earth and the day he made that statement he's subject to that utterance because he has exalted his word higher than his name so he can no longer visit it without the permission of man that's why prayer is earthly permission for heavenly interference prayer is a platform to permit god to operate within a realm that is beyond his domain oh you are not with me oh because you are not with me we shut down that means you have not been taught issues of priesthood you don't know what priesthood is it is because of priesthood that you have spirit soul and body in the entire creation of god because we're answering the question what is man in the entire creation of god there is only one being that has the you can operate in the natural three-dimensional realm legitimately satan is spirit satan cannot operate here legitimately he can operate legitimately is to get men to establish a priesthood that will give him the legitimacy to come into the realm and that's why the northern region is critical because this is the place where altars dwell the place of altars when you find demons in your family oppressing people making people mad people ladies cannot get married doesn't matter how beautiful when you find those patterns who to open the gateway for the spirits that influence your family oh if you don't know these matters you'll be shadow boxing you will not understand that you need to take responsibility and extract a priesthood that will allow god access to enter into the same domain where the devil has laid siege and any time god comes into the territory it doesn't matter who was the first occupant of that territory he has a unique way of expelling the previous occupants and establishing his government within the same space but you are going to be the instrument through which he can have that level of access so in the new testament theology what god does is that he wears your spirit component in the image of god in the likeness of god the reference for man is not man the reference for man is god because he was created to carry god and so god is mindful if he wants to come to your campus what he does is he begins to look for a man that he can wear he looks for a young lady that he can wear because the moment he possesses your spirit you will carry him around that's the arrangement yes that's why he's mindful his chances in the land is dependent on the man that he can wear and how much access he will have how much yield that message will have in that vessel in order for him to express himself because in in the hearts of many people god is in prison god is bound he has not been allowed to express himself just like jesus was in that boat the tempest were raging masters of the water men like peter began to cry because the way that peter had mastered waves he had conquered storms but he saw a storm that was beyond any other thing he had seen and he had heard stories of that storm and he knew that the next thing was dead and he ran to jesus he said not doubt that we paint and jesus arrow and the bible says he rebuked the stone that means jesus can sleep in the boat he can sleep in your life and for for for most of you here he's asleep and he's snoring and so even though there's a storm he has not been awoken that's why you're going through storms all by yourself the curses in your family are still there because you have not yet awoken him that is sleeping how is jesus in you is he sleeping or is he a giant he's awake in me he's alive in me but he might be sleeping in you under the influence of strong sleeping pills snoring and so he doesn't even know that there was a storm the arrangement the reason why he's mindful is because he must wear you you are the only accommodation he designed to wear if he wants to enter into the land that's answer number one and that's why we'll close for the night he wants to wear you so that he will rise up from within you and bring judgment to the darkness in the territory he wants to possess something [Music] so that that thing will become the house [Music] the mobile house that takes him to places that spirits cannot go so god by creating that accommodation for himself he has created a situation that satan doesn't legitimately have to dwell in an accommodation that would be mobile so you don't need the shrine because he is enshrined inside of you you don't need the location and that was what jesus was teaching the woman by the way that the days are coming and they are even here now where the true worshipers would not need to go on pilgrimage to a distant place to look upon the splendor of god but everything about god will be held up in the spirit that utterance that prediction of jesus was the end of temples and shrines and from that day he was looking for men to wear men to put on so he can go to kumasi so he can visit the walter so he can visit the northern region you are his house and i want to end with galatians chapter 1 verse 26 1 24 paul said and the glorified god in me because paul was god's address and he gave god the opportunity to manifest so if they wanted to see god they would need to visit paul because in paul god was glorified he no longer wants to be an observer looking from without he has decided to be within his creation so that he can go from place to place to place and tonight he is going to rise here going to rise so strong he will rise so powerful and nothing will be able to resist him for many years god will not allow me to travel out of my nation even though i had invitations to preach the gospel in different lands he would not allow me very great places the doors opened because of cable television and it came to pass i had a few invitations i went to god i said are you responsible for these doors god says i i'm not aware there is any dog the next day i went to him a few invitations i said are you responsible say it's not aware they were they were opening all right so i stopped asking and then i got an invitation from a very poor country so there was no need to ask so even though i didn't answer that one i'm sending you there while i came to the nation i entered into i was stamped into the country where we were holding the crusade was five hours from the capital reduce your volume and be sensitive i will tell you when to increase it five hours from the capitol and we traveled got there in the evening then we went to see the church quite a big church and it was noise abroad those were the days where social media was not was not so strong those were the days of blackberry okay you you have an idea of what i'm talking about so publicity was from mouth to mouth and it was noise abroad that the preacher had come the next day we were coming for the crusade and there were pastors on this side of the road were pastors on that side of the road by the way they were waving and i was asking the pastor what's all this they know that they are welcoming you you are welcoming you they love you they love you oh i was excited it was later when i found out why they were with me in that place there is no health care so when a man of god comes into the territory he was god's messenger for health delivery hallelujah so when you start preaching so that you will not be confused so that you will know why you came they would bring a and put the here so that you will not forget that this is we have people like this we have a lot of them like this in our village but you can start with this one hallelujah i mean the guy was not just crippled his legs were twisted they would have brought someone that is not too creepy they brought someone that the legs were twisted hallelujah so when i saw that they deposited the young man here i devised a way of not visiting that side in my presentation i was going this way and it came to pass that as i was preaching the young man began to shake and when he began to shake i i wanted to inspect what was going on you know what was happening his twisted legs were they were they were going back and the bones were cracking mind you i've never seen that before it was happening and the legs came in slow motion they were going back a mighty hand was at walk there so i now got some boldness to the legs became street and the young man stood up but he could not walk but he stood up the mother was crying somewhere there and i was confused so i know that the right thing to say under the circumstances is walk but work was here but it couldn't come out so i'm trying to i'm trying to be sincere to you okay the pastor that invited me now came and said man of god so why he came and said man of god and touched me at the back so the walk that was here now came out walk walk and then the young lad can for the first time [Applause] do you know that the news of this miracle meanwhile for your information when that young man began to walk there were five other crippled people in the congregation that threw their stuff and stood up wait wait wait i i'm not aware of what made them work so i'm just telling you from my own perspective what made them work i don't know but five other people started walking and then the people from the congregation ran towards the pulpit and everyone believed that i was carrying their miracle the security people had to take me from that place you know what if when we left they took my seat they said i said sat on put it join line you will come they'll give you your time to sit on it do you know that the miracles continued even though i was not there wait you are not seeing what i am so you think i came all the way to tell you about miracles god found an occasion to come you don't even know who you are clapping for you you don't know why you should clap because if it's me you're clapping for you are wrong god found a reason an occasion an opportunity to come out and when he was out nothing could stop him even though the preacher had gone miracles were taking place in fact a woman sat on that seat and she began to profess professor began to professor and these things do you know that the crowd that gathered we had finished the conference and were about to go a crowd gathered a crowd that was more than the crowd were preaching to because the news of that miracle went out and we were not supposed to preach sunday night but they had to send the pastor's wife go and call the nigerian man the whole place was filled people had heard the story in zambia and they brought sick people in wheelbarrow two and a half days journey on foot i've never seen the hand of god like that so powerful that when we went for for baptism the people that gave their life to christ for baptism i entered into the water and prayed and then the water began to heal water for baptism this stream started healing began to heal diseases people that were possessed when they were brought into the water demons left i said i saw it myself you know what happened god was let loose my driver was taking me back to the headquarters so that i could fly back and he said this is my father-in-law's house and we went there to greet the man the man was dead and i told the man jesus will open your ear and as i was telling him he's here he's here and he stood up he was deaf from the age nine as at the time i met him he was 64. and his ears could hear as brand new when the man began to dance i noticed that his wife wasn't dancing so i went to her and discovered she was crippled and i prayed for her i said jesus says walk and she felt shifted i raised her up i said i didn't say fall down i said jesus said what she felt again and the third time i raised her i noticed she did her hand like so that she would fall on the chair so i kicked the chair away and i pushed her and she staggered and began to walk i was there for five minutes the man come here the woman covered the sun came from this door and said in his heart this false prophet said gay and i heard it as if it was audible and i went to him i said you called me a false prophet he denied and i released the holy ghost on him and he was on the ground all of that happened in five minutes my driver was crying he was crying till we reached the airport when we got to the airport the military people arrested me that i made their citizen to cry when the man saw that they arrested me he cried more and after he ended these tears he told them what happened these the military people needed prayer when he told them that story they were the ones that escorted me to the plane i came into that country as a preacher i left there like a king why god god found a means found an opportunity to come down the only means through which god can enter a matter is when one that he has possessed comes there the reason why god is mindful of you is because his hopes of dominating the earth are tied to man so having understood this if you are here tonight you come from a christian home can you rise on your feet anywhere you are listen to me carefully you are here tonight maybe you come from a christian home your dad's an elder that might be a pastor someone in ministry but since you came to this campus you have not been a follower of jesus you have abandoned the way of your heritage trying to explore life in the ways of the flesh and tonight you are tired and you are saying jesus i want to mean business with you i want to follow you i want to be your vessel the man that you will possess that will take you to the places where darkness resides so that through my life your light can shine you're saying i'm tired of sin and i want to rebel against the devil so that i can be given an opportunity to be that man you had in mind before you came down to create if that's your prayer if that's your plea that's your cry put your right hand on your chest anywhere you're standing listen listen to me listen let me explain myself again what you are saying is you want to surrender to him you've been running your life by yourself you will see sin sometimes you choose sin morality you will choose it above god tonight you are saying lord i'm tired i want to follow you i want to be your verse if that is your desire and you mean it from your heart the way to indicate is to put your right hand on your chin if your right hand is on your chest leave your seat and come here don't remove this hand from your chest just put it there and come here those of you in the balcony do not allow satan to win the argument over your soul the scepter of the mercy of god is stretched for you remember the prophecies that were altered over your life and when you came to campus that's when you lost your virginity and now you are running on a frequency that you know the only thing ahead of you is destruction you can join at this point satan will want to bring an argument into your soul we want to make you argue with the conviction of the holy ghost may the devil not win this argument tonight those of you in the front begin to ask him for mercy quickly quickly quickly i'm still waiting for some people up there to join great opportunities that you were given or when you came to campus you became a rolling stone and god is lacking men to possess he's been shot out of the land i'm even seeing that one of you went to pick up some some charms you that came from a place of purity now you have dealings with darkness can you cry to him and ask him for mercy i'm waiting for you those of you that are upstairs i know you have finished your exams but there is another exam that you need to write before jesus can you cry for mercy don't look around don't look at your neighbor this this contract you're about it's a personal contract and god is willing to blot out that sin he's willing to pudge it by his blood so that you can have another opportunity remember how you began there are some people in the choir god is speaking to me they are not supposed over there you have an opportunity to come do not present a hardened heart i await you those among you that can hear the call because strives with your soul so that the darkness can be destroyed i await you i await you the man on the balcony struggling struggling with god let the struggling cease because today is the day of salvation oh i see someone in the congregation a strange demonic voice has been speaking to you in recent times [Music] run and join us here quickly and surrender jesus said if you are ashamed of me in this broken world i will be ashamed of you in the kingdom of my father talk to him talk to him talk to him talk to him you gave money for abortion recently talk to him and ask him for mercy ask him for mercy ask him for mercy lord look upon your people look upon your people with mercy with mess there are vessels before you vessels that you can sanctify vessels that you can purify vessels that you can port from iniquity so that your spirit will have an advantage i am waiting for you [Music] there are seven people i'm waiting for now join them join them join them join them from the main floor and from the balcony [Music] confess that sin don't speak in tongues don't speak in tongues no confess it this is what i did i committed abortion i killed i spill blood have mercy that's how to pray this prayer [Music] this is what i did have mentioned happiness happiness happens happiness talk to him by yourself and ask him to have mercy mention the sin mention it before him thank you lord in jesus name can you say lord jesus i approach you tonight have mercy on me i accept that i am a sinner and that i cannot help myself have mercy on me plot me blot my name from the book of death blot my name from the book of sin sins by your blood write my name in the book of life every covenant i entered into knowingly or unknowingly tonight i renounce it let his power over my soul be broken lord give me the grace to live for you to despise sin to despise the devil all the days of my life in the name of jesus um vice chairman how do we prophecy now listen to me those of you in front we are bound to begin a miracle service for 30 minutes where are they counselors can you wait no counsellor so where are they going let the counselor indicate first okay counselors you have 15 minutes get all your details and release them is there still any exam tomorrow ah okay there are some exams tomorrow all right okay so that means i can't see you in the morning if not i would have come to meet with those of you that have made this decision in the morning but there's no problem we'll see what we can do about that um that's where to go please just move this way the councillors will take your details and so that we can communicate with you i would like to meet you at at least once before i leave the northern region he they will take your details just for 15 minutes then you join the miracle service this way this way this way those of you in the congregation can you salute them with a club offering okay the vice chairman said i can meet you tomorrow so we'll give the information about the venue of the meeting and the time please counsel us make haste we have just 15 minutes there are some miracles that need to be delivered this night those of you in the congregation is time to pray there are three prayer points i'd like us to prosecute effectively tonight oh my god are you still here if you're still here say amen three prayer points counselors please don't keep them you get their details and you release them some of them might have miracles in the harvest that god wants to deliver tonight everyone must be a partaker first prayer point you are praying for your family if if you can if you can take this prayer seriously god will answer it first prayer is you're asking god to uproot any tree that he has not planted anything that has not been planted by god in your family that has found an illegal entry into the ecosystem you want to ask god let it be uprooted let it be uprooted i can't hear you someone is not praying let it be uprooted let it be uprooted come see last 15 minutes you have isoscela may not kill abrasive [Music] let it be taken out that the lord will stretch for his hands and take out anything that god has not planted that he will take it out tonight [Music] is there an altar in your family that is regulating the destinies of men the destinies of women you can demand tonight that will be uprooted that will be uprooted that will be taken out of the way it is written that any plant that our heavenly father has not planted it shall be uprooted so tonight we want to uproot we want to approach it we want to uproot it we want to approach it [Music] [Music] [Music] we asked tonight we ask tonight stretch for your hand o king and undo anything that you have not [Music] you can demand it let it be uprooted many destinies are being manipulated many people are afflicted many lives are wasted but tonight you can take hold of the steering wheel of that family and say god let everything that you are not responsible for that is manipulating the destination of man the destiny of women let it be uprooted tonight [Music] hey [Music] it must be uprooted tonight [Music] [Music] it must be removed tonight [Music] it must be removed tonight [Music] if only you can raise your voice satan will be humble [Music] thank you lord thank you father [Music] in jesus name now to seal that prayer if i say in jesus name give me a very dangerous amen we'll do that for like four to seven times in jesus name someone is here today and yesterday night you had a major oppression it was as if you were gasping for life in the middle of the night yesterday as if a being had had held you down and it was by the mercy of god you survived yesterday night where is that person come to me here come to me here quickly your case is an emergency you survive by the mercy of god yesterday now in jesus name i'm seeing someone vomiting i'm seeing someone vomit now this question i'm talking about i don't know i can't i can't see the number of days but i don't know what happened to you you easily vomit and it's a recent matter it's a recent thing that i started you have started the experience where's that person join them here quickly vomiting in the name of jesus hi this one is terrible listen to me carefully listen careful this person saw a human being he saw a human being in the night but this human being came into your closet he came into your closet through the wall you saw and you saw the person you saw the person dark shaped human being and he came through the wall you saw that okay in the name of jesus [Applause] hey one of you here in your dream you saw someone with a knife and the person actually stabbed you come here quickly quickly quickly your case is an emergency how many days ago bro two days ago okay this is you have been mocked for a sacrifice but we are going to send the debt back to the person that sent it [Applause] there's somebody here you hear a voice giving you commands to do things that are not good you've been resisting the voice but you've not been feeling good where are you join them quickly your case and emergency there's still one on the balcony from what i see in my vision join them how many amen have we said so far four so we can add three in the name of jesus this one is difficult now listen to me careful because we must help this person if we don't help you i don't know when help will come again listen carefully there is someone here you are not a twin but once upon a time you saw yourself in a dream and you saw your replica your replica okay okay the lord says you have seen it twice and you have seen your replica but you know that you are not a twin i'm looking for you anywhere you are come here anywhere run quickly run here now those of you with this case stand this way people that have this case i know you're an usher are you coming out for this case okay you stay here if you have this case of seeing your replica this is your side i'm still waiting oh i'm still waiting now can you okay um barista take a mic i'd like you to interview this are you tired no it's not time to be tired by the time we are done here you will hear news from your village by time we are finished [Applause] islam only a killer makaku by the time we are done to interview let's let's be sure that that is the case before we proceed please do that as quick as possible i'm seeing a creature like an alligator is challenging me now as i'm talking he's challenging me and asking me why i came here in the name of jesus this is what i'm saying and not your umbilical cord it's as if there's a creature that lives there just if there's a creature that lives there that preacher will come out this night and that's why we had to do what we did to separate everyone from the devil faith if not satan will get angry and punish people this night now so what's happening have you confirmed that yes sir so far i've interviewed these three sisters and the description of their experience tallied exactly with the case of seeing your own twin your replica exactly should i tell you it's a it's a type of witchcraft it's a unique type thank god you're still young oh okay was i not supposed to explain to them because when i started they say wow thank god you are still young that person that you saw would have been collecting everything that is yours what we're going to do we'll conduct a surgery this night okay how many amen have we done now six are you reducing it make it the way i'm extensive in the name of jesus ah now listen those of you here listen to me isn't careful there are three of you here your case is an emergency and those three people jesus will begin to minister to you by himself all right three of you father in the name of jesus i ask those ones whose cases are an emergency i ask that you commence ministration begin to minister to them and let the yoke on their lives be broken he's coming closer minister to them minister to them minister today minister today minister today minister today minister today minister today minister to them and let the yoke let the yoke be broken put your hand on them those three individuals put your hand on them so that the yoke might be broken so that the yoke might be broken so that the yoke might be broken it's coming stronger it's coming stronger coming stronger it's coming stronger it's coming stronger minister today minister today so that the yoke so that the yoke might be broken so that the yoke might be broken so that the yoke might be broken it's coming stronger there is still one more the lord will touch you he will touch so that the yoke might be broken so that the yoke might be taken away minister today minister today break the yoke break the yoke remove it remove it in the name of jesus now let me deliver these ones from this strange spell before we continue let her be released let her be released let her be released let him be released in the name of jesus that arrangement ceases to exist from this night ceases to exist ceases to exist if i touch you you can go the arrangement ceases to exist from this night in the name of jesus it ceases to exist in the name of jesus ceases to exist in the name of jesus he ceases to exist in the name of jesus you are released the yoke breaks and the curse is reversed in the name of jesus there are yeah there are five people i'm looking for three two two are here father in the name of jesus help me find those two that are here help me find the two that are here help me find the two that are here help me find the two that are here help me find the two that are here help me find the two help me find two of them here two of them ushers have you seen two of them or is one you saw one lord help me find the second one let me find the second one help me find the second one there are two on this row further help me find the two on this row help me find the two help me find the two here help me find the two put your hand on the two put your hand on the two here let your hand come strong let your hand come stronger come stronger come stronger come stronger now help me bring those people i want to talk to them oh my god okay i'm looking for one here father that one here help me find that one help me find that one help me find that one help me find that one help me find that one put your hand on that one put your hand on that one let it come strong let it come stronger let it come stronger oscars help me find the one oh okay it's obvious that ushers here are not trained to to do this job oh so how can i do the the deliverance is not possible because i will you can help me with the people we are the two that is difficult for you to find one two okay lord let the yolk break let it break from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet i release you from the yoke in the name of jesus i want to transmit some power to so that you can help me okay you can't go let me transmit some so that you help me with your deliverance matter in the name of jesus the name of jesus let her carry it let her carry now this hand i just sprayed on put it on her waist and begin to speak and talk where's the second one wait put put your hand on the head speaking thunder squeaking time there's some there's listen there's still one here there's a chain on your leg and i i need to get you father in the name of jesus okay you are you are close to me here help me find that one lord help me find by fire let your hand descend let your hand descend stronger let your hand come stronger so you can bring here okay okay okay okay okay okay okay losing losing losing okay all right so we can pray for the sick first thing i want you to do if you are oh you are not listen to me listen to me you have a hearing problem what you need to do is take this finger put it in the ear that has a hearing problem if you are here one of your ear hears better than another ear let me see your hand okay so take this finger put it in the ear that cannot heal properly this finger here if it's this one this one cover cover the ear block it exactly number two if you need glasses to read let me see your hand you need to read with what remove the glasses from your eyes put them in your pocket and lay your hands on the eyes okay did you hear that instruction oh you can't hear okay so don't put your hand again the eye people i won't pray for you again until you can hear the instruction bring that lady quickly listen listen i listen to me i remove your spectacles put them in your pocket and then lay your hands on your eyes don't remove the hand until i tell you to do so bring her up here bring her up um where is that usher that helps me did i transmit come up come okay this is where it is just spraying tongues that's all praying tongue now listen to me listen if you have a sick relative and the relative is not in this conference the relative is at home or in the voter or in central region or in in ashanti region or in lagos or in los angeles take your phone now and call that person and keep that phone running while i pray i hope the instructions are easy enough for you to follow huh all right make the call quickly make the call quickly oh just bring down that one bring that person quickly make the call make the call have you made a call all right let us pray in the name of jesus that your amen is dead in the name of jesus [Applause] in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus [Applause] lord tonight i bind every deafening spirit deafness spirits be bound and come out of the ears in the name of jesus i bind every blinding spirit blinding spirits be bound come out of the eyes in the name of jesus [Applause] i command every growth every two months every cancer every fibroid dry up in the name of jesus [Applause] i command every pain pains on the tummy pains on the legs pains on the lungs pains on the back begun in the name of jesus every symptom of paralysis i arrest you tonight i break your hold i command you come out of your bodies in the name of jesus i'm seeing someone with the condition on the truth and you've been having pain in your throat i bind that pain i cut it off i release you from that pain from that yoke in the name of jesus migraine that is three years old i break the yolk of migraine right now in the name of jesus amen hey the spirit of death has been coming to take someone to take someone to take someone father anywhere that person that the spirit of death has been attempted maybe on the balcony or in the hall right now i ask oh god that your hand might descend upon that person from my left hand side to my right hand side help me find that person holy ghost help me find that person holy ghost help me find that person now that one that person there a spell of death has been casted but tonight we are going to break it i speak to anyone with a genotype condition maybe your ss your genotype is ss lord let the genotype change let it change let it change let it change let it change let it change in the name of jesus thank you father i'm seeing something that is buried it's buried in the ground lord anything that is buried that is responsible for patterns for sicknesses for curses in the name of jesus right now this night let it be uprooted let it be uprooted let it be unprotected let it be putin let him be putin in the name of jesus [Applause] oh thank you lord so the miracles have started you can remove your hand those of you that asked you to put your hand in your ears remove that finger from the from the ear that has a problem block the one that can hear block it and anyone that is by their side block it like this with a finger this thing block it anyone by the side of those people with hearing problems help them test the other ear quickly those of you that call someone get back to them now bring that lady up here where is the lady come if you sense that there is a miracle this is where to stand you stand where jerry is here i take three miracles and then i run away from the name of you do you know the spirit of death have you ever seen it before you don't know it okay i will show you now put your hand here print on braintown where is the other lady put your hand on her head i'm praying talks make sure you're touching make contact keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying yes keep don't lose contact with the head loser yes okay okay okay now lord we send this debt back to center back to send back to sunday i told you that before we finish the conference strange things will happen now check your body check that ear check the eye check the place where you have the pain if you have a miracle you come this way we'll take we'll take three we take three you have a miracle you can come call confirm from the person on the phone now now if you if the report is the report of the miracle i heard that we may not be using this hall tomorrow so i want to bless you so that if today is the only day we hold this meeting i know that i finished so after this i will release something so that if tomorrow we need to be going back i will just take my bagando the vice president has to confirm that yes check your body quickly check check check um put this hand on that young man's chest and just sprinkle print on keep praying in tongues until i tell you to stop keep praying in tongues until i tell you to stop yeah that's how it sounds i command you go back to center go back back to center amen in the name of jesus [Applause] okay all right you can release it there is a change i'm seeing someone that is healed from a pain on your back you came here with a pain on your back and the person has been healed and the person is still in the congregation i'm waiting for you yes god so this sister has been out of the use of one of her ear for 10 years for 10 years she could not she has been using only one of her years she's been using one ear for 10 years and as soon as the decree went forth the earth opened and now she's there so she can hear human beings can open now amen so which ear was blocked okay close this one did you hear that anything i say you say five five okay she can't hear father in the name of jesus i wanted to bless her you know okay this brother also has been laboring under deafness in one of the yoke of deafness has been over him for the past 15 years 15 years he's been deaf in one year 15 years wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm seeing the spirit of asthma i'm seeing asthma oh i hope you know ashman is a spirit are you okay you're not father that one that is tormented by the spirit of asthma i arrest asthma i arrest asthma i arrest asthma no wait it's not amen wait wait that's my that's not how that's not how we know that asmr has gone i saw the spirit here just moving here lord in the name of jesus that one that was tormented with a breathing condition a breathing condition i asked oh god that you helped me find that one by a touch of the anointing by a touch of the anointing by a touch of the anointing by a touch by touch let it come so strong that it comes so strong let it come so strong let it come so strong let it come so strong holy spirit i ask for your help holy spirit i asked for your help holy ghost help me find that person quickly this is number two this one too i'm seeing as much but i'm seeing one asthma in the congregation help me find that person now you will see how asthma goes maybe she has an inhaler i don't know but when we finish this prayer she won't use that in her life no he's not a man no stop that this is not i'm trying to i have friends friends i will show you asthma how it works [Music] okay this is this is asthma you see asthma this so this is asthma this is how the height makes them breathe are you saying i see this asthma okay vice president this is come let me show you this height okay because you delayed we will use your handkerchief where's those i'm training those deliverance ministers that i'm training are you interested in this training okay let me release more oil more oil load more oil more oil more oil more yes more oil more oil more oil so this is asthma can you see this i know it see i have friends that are professionals of medicine i told them that asthma is not it's not sickness they say pastor i have been trained by the holy ghost i oh my i don't want to take your time if not in this place you will you will think i'm using something that's why i didn't even come with wedding ring so that you will not say ah this man no he trained me in the wilderness so this is asthma um let me show you the simple way put this thing on her chest she'll be healed just put it there she'll be healed you see she'll be here now let me tell you let me tell you what you don't know when you begin to grow in the spirit god will give you he will show you teach you about some spirits and mandate you to displace them the first he taught me about his debt if i see that i know it just like we saw those cases second one he taught me about is asthma there are people that are giving authority to deal with some spirits that's why i know them and it is because we started late that's why i will not go far we'll just do i know this day not they will notice a strong place so messy men after tonight they will not sleep this night they will never all tomorrow will do something [Applause] see this one healed without prayer this one let's ask me so anytime where are the two deliverance up you're already tired you'll be amazed when i go these ones will begin to do what i'm doing this time so that's asking meanwhile there's no time we can i can't tell you what is in this world okay let us give this one raise her up will give her so there is something called the oil of job you will see it on her this is a spiritual thing if you go to where there are money you can release it there they will just be happy i mean why somebody died but they can't cry again all right barista what's happening there quickly quickly so his brother yes he had a problem with his left ear for close to 15 years now 15 years he was healed of the air condition and he was also healed of an eye problem he was okay come on oh listen to me there some people had phone calls miracles where are the people this is one of them one of them his brother no no wait wait wait they are still someday phone call you call someone and the person is healed join them yes so his brother has been under this courage of her death for three years for three years three years old headache killed this night he was where's your brother in a crowd so a miracle was posted through the phone to a crowd father in the name of jesus we give you praise and we seal this miracle with the blood of jesus your brother is made poor tonight in jesus name this brother also had a near problem of up to 15 years wait see the angel of the lord has come and the engine touches me here the engine touches me here it means that an anointing will come on somebody now at the count of of five the angel is touching me here one two three four five the engine shows me the engine shows me that there is someone called into the office of an evangelist and that this person is supposed to carry the fire of god from the north to to the central from the north to the center from the not to the center and at the count of seven the fire will come upon that evangelist one two three four five six seven yes on he has a near problem hearing problem now listen there is a deliverance minister that god is going to anoint and then you will be brought into the school and god will begin to train you he'll begin to train you so the oil is coming upon you the oil is becoming strong it's coming stronger i'm seeing a lady there is a lady there is a lady that god is anointed there is a lid and the fire is being given the fire has been released the fire has been added there is a level that this thing will come out i can't control it and then the whole place will be infected that's when i will escape that's you will just see me i'll i'll go the whole place will be infected now i'm seeing my friend that came to pick me from the host from the airport and the lord is multiplying the oil on your life it's multiplying that oil it's multiplying that grace is coming stronger it's coming stronger coming stronger from the crown of your head to the source of your feet it's coming strong it's coming strong there's a flame there's a flame it's bunny there's a flame that is burning there's a flame there's a flame it's a flame of heaven it's a flame of god say flame of god say flame of god it's burning it's burning there it's a flame of god hey there are three intercessors three ladies that used to pray together and god has come this night he wants to change your rank he wants to change your rank three ladies that you used to pray you should pray in one location you should pray in one location and the lord will begin to anoint he will anoint number one now number one number one number one number one number one number one he will annoy number two number two number two number two number two number two lord anoint number two anoint number two anoint number two anoint number two anoint number two anoint number two now you anoint number 3. further number 3 yes your rank is about it it will look as if something wants to tear your stomach but it's an impartation it's an impartation of the grace of god of the grace of god where's number two at number three yes one go on this is 15 years ear problem 15 years lost of hearing in one of the years of hearing in one of the years for 15 years and the hearing is restored here in this restaurant can you give your hands give jesus come which of the ears could not hear and the hearing has been restored 15 years oh my god father we give you glory we give you praise we exalt your name be glorified in jesus name it is permanent yes this brother also has a hearing problem in one of the year for 12 years for 12 years 12 years and now he is healed this night and now release the flame of heaven from the crown of your head it will come strong don't worry to come to come so strong let it burn let it burn in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let it burn come come in the name of jesus not that release that flame let it burn let it born let it burn stronger from the crown of our head to the source of our feet let it purify this vessel and stand upon her with flames of jesus now it's time for intercession as we pray in tongues when i say in jesus name stop do it twice then i run away someone your your two legs are becoming hot is burning where are you your legs are hot it's burning you're feeling heat yes father let this be the beginning of miracle the beginning of the beginning of miracle you are feeling that heat there that hit yeah let this be the beginning of signs and wonders the beginning of miracles the beginning of miracles that is let it begin strong strong on your life let it begin strong on your life the beginning of miracles the beginning of miracles of signs and wonders of signs and wonders the beginning of miracles of miracles of miracles of miracles the beginning of miracles of miracles of miracles in your life oh oh oh oh the beginning of miracles signs and wants now see i'm seeing the engine so no need to touch you anymore the engine is doing like it so you do like that do like that no not two hands only the right one just do it and leave it do it and leave it further those words that you are delivered oh oh those ones that you are delivering things into their hands begin to put the things put the things put the things put the things put the things put the things put it there put it there put it there put it in the hand put it in the hand put it in the hand put it in the hand put it in the hand now listen listen there is there is an oil there is an oil that one person will carry your right palm will soon become very hot yeah ah okay okay okay you see a spirit wanted to do something when he saw the fire run away so now we are ready if you ask anything and you what you're asking is connected to your calling god will act will answer this night he will answer if we answer if we answer he will answer he will answer he will answer he will answer he will answer this night this night he will answer this night he's going to answer he's going to answer you he's going to answer you he will answer you he will answer you he will answer you if you ask him lord we have come to the north anything that is planted here that will be drawn from this place to attack your purpose in this nation we have come to the north and we disallow it in the name of jesus [Applause] christ [Music] you will see a sign you will see a sign this prayer will resist a major plan of the enemy in this nation [Applause] maybe in the future you will understand there is something that the devil is planning it will not work you will see a sign and when it happens you will know you will know we come to this acknowledge we come to deny it from manifestation in the name of jesus you are liberty to ask god something that will enable you fulfill your calling ask him now ask him now don't be quiet don't be quiet don't be quiet [Music] korea thank you lord father tonight we dedicate this campus into your hands that revival will be kindled here this place will become the home of prayer the home of revival men will come to this place to catch some fire this place will be a blaze a blaze with holiness a with revival ablaze with fire this place will consecrate to you it will be a different campus in ghana a place for incubation a nursery where god will raise the things that will shape the nation so shall it be so shall it be so shall it be and tonight we see the covenant anything that has been planted from the north that will be used in the days to come to derail this nation we cut it off [Applause] we cut it up so let it be written so let it be done in the name of jesus we can do better unto god we can do better and still standing i want you to open your mouth and begin to pray and speak ways of life into the man of god begin to bless him begin to bless the man of god just open your mouth and begin to speak in tongues in the language of the spirit and bless his life for the investment he has made upon our lives we are invest we are we have speaking tongues into it in the name of jesus christ he has decreed worship of life into our destinies he has created the great words of life into the future we are enforcing it in the name of jesus christ just open your mouth and begin to speak it out speak it out in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ just speak in tongues in the name of jesus in the name of jesus have we prayed amen amen hallelujah shall be seated please kindly stay till we are done then you can leave okay kindly stay when we are done you can leave hallelujah please we are taking our second offering [Music] mascara hallelujah oh hallelujah please can we rise up and then have an orphan hallelujah please are you ready to rejoice oh i can't hear you are you ready to rejoice oh it seems are you sad oh i are you sad please i want you to tell your neighbour that it's time for me to rejoice i want you to be on your feet tell your neighbor the neighbor oh i want to hear your neighbor it's time for me to rejoice because the lord has done a lot for my life today it's time for me to rejoice oh look at your neighbor and say neighbor it's time to rejoice neighbor it's time to rejoice amen [Music] [Music] so come on [Music] give a shout it's time to rejoice [Music] [Music] is oh come on [Music] it doesn't matter what comes my way is and [Music] oh [Music] is victorian [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] praise the lord can we be mighty clap unto the name of the lord [Music] yes we want to thank you so much for being part of tonight's encounter and tonight is just the first of three days that we'll be gathering here to fellowship with the spirit of god and then tomorrow we'll be here again to continue with the apostolic invasion and i want to encourage all of you to invite a friend that will invite a friend hallelujah and by the grace of god apostle will be here again to minister unto us so let's invite as many people as we can to be part of tomorrow's encounter hallelujah and those that gave their lives to christ and we took your details apostle wants to meet you and we'll make an arrangement with that possibly on sunday so that he will come here and have a conversation with you as well hallelujah yes i want to plead with all of you especially the students here to stay behind and help us we need to do a little work here and i want to sincerely plead with you hallelujah in fact if if you really love me as you are busy kindly stay behind hallelujah i am pleading with you on the basis of love it's important that we stay behind hallelujah it's just a short exercise that we undertaken who live here hallelujah and all council members all council members and all working committee members kindly wait for me after the service hallelujah amen can we be outstanding for a close embrace so before we take the closing prayer i would like to make an announcement if someone left his phone out here in front so if you lost your phone during the program please come and see us for it hallelujah is it this phone okay if you are also showing the phone as a seed you can tell us so that we'll put it at the right place hallelujah yes i'll invite the former vc to give us a glossing break shall we lift up our heads to god be the glory greatest [Music] he gave us [Music] god [Music] praise the lord let the people rejoice to the father through jesus the son [Music] one more time praise the lord praise the lord [Music] let the people rejoice jesus the lord go before you may the peace of god continually to dwell in you may the grace of god locate you as you go may you go in peace may the angels of god visit you tonight may you encounter
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 18,141
Rating: 4.9581881 out of 5
Id: MK508d_Uxfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 38sec (8858 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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