Apollo 13 - Power-Up Successful

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look i know this sequence works john the sequence looks good we're just over budget on the amperage how much three or four amps god damn it john is it three or four four four we know they have some power left in the lem batteries right yeah we have an umbilical that provides power from the command module to the limb all right it's back up for the lamb power supply i'm listening so reverse it reverse the flow and see if we can draw these four amps from the lem batteries before we cut it loose why can't we do that we don't have a procedure for that do we you're gonna lose a lot in the transfer ken yeah yeah but all we're talking about here is four amps i want whatever you guys got on these power procedures gene they're already i don't want the whole damn bible just give me a couple chapters we've got to get some up to these guys they're working on it now all over the simulator and get an estimate i don't want another estimate i want the procedures now up on my reading mind so far again you're under the limit keep going okay floodlights to fix okay here we go ken go ahead is your computer on now up and running how do we look john i think we got it buddy
Channel: Aegis
Views: 369,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x9kN_AEh58c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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