Apollo 13 | "Houston, We Have a Problem"

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hey we've got a problem here what did you do nothing I stirred the tanks whoa hey this is Houston say again please houston we have a problem we have a main bus b undervolt we've got a lot of thruster offline oh there's another master alarm Houston I'm checking the quarks there was no refresh baby two quads we've got a computer restoring configure the RCS we've got a great ease right fire nothing multiple caution and warning houston we've got a reset restart alright I'm going to s yes Jesus like the heart rates are skyrocketing he come what's your daddy telling you Oh to tank to not reading at all tank one is at 725 psi and falling fuel cells 1 & 3 are wrong Oh what's going on here flight let me get back to you flight GNC flight they're all over the place they keep going close to gimbal lock I keep losing radio signals like this one at a time one at a time econ is an instrumentation problem or we looking at real power loss here it's reading a quadruple failure that can't happen it's gotta be instrumentation my immediate yeah the turtles really talking at all we got a pretty large bang they're associated with a master alarm shitting space I say houston we have a main bus a undervolt down to its reading 25 and a half bay Busby is reading zip right now we got a wicked shimmy up here we'll content see these guys are talking about bangs and shimmies up there doesn't sound like instrumentation to me just stow it we've been hit by a media we be dead by now I'm gonna try to get us out of this lair just be here in the bud did you say switch to Omni Bravo Roger and the signal strength on the sliding me what's the story here jack we keep flirting with gimbal lock Houston I'm switching over quad see two main a-ok you you sell one you zone three we got a main bus b undervolt cryo pressure - compressor 80 plus one AC bus - command module computer maybe this is a caution and warning Kirsten we are venting something out into space it's got to be the oxygen Roger Odyssey we copy you're venting quiet down quiet down let's stay cool people procedures I need another computer up in the RTCC want everybody to alert your support teams wake up anybody you need get them in here let's work the problem people let's not make things worse by guessing take a look at the two on number one 200 pounds and falling ot tank to steal zero tank one to 18th es line can we review our status your side let's look at this thing from the familiar standpoint of status what have we got on the spacecraft that's good I'll get back to you gene we're not gonna have power much longer ships bleeding to death flight flight I recommend we shut down the reactant valves to the fuel cells what the hell good is that gonna do if that's where the leak is we can isolate it we can isolate it there and we can save what's left in the tanks and we can run on the good cell you close them you can't open them again you can't land on the moon with one healthy fuel cell gene the Odyssey is dying from my chair here this is the last option okay Capcom let's have them close to reacting vows 13 this is Houston we want you to close react valves on cells 1 & 3 do you copy are you saying you want the hall smash closing down the react valves for fuel cell shutdown shutting down the fuel cells did I hear you right yeah there'd be right tell them we think that's the only way guys stop the leak yeah Jim did he copy that do you copy Jim yes Peters did we copy we just lost the moon good Fredo shut this down let's see what this does this doesn't work we're not gonna have enough power left to get home shit Houston Oh two-on-one is still falling better how long does it take to power up the lemon three hours by the checklist we don't have that much time okay now jet before the batteries completely die on us in here let's power down everything we can save as much as we can for re-entry 15 minutes oxygen that's it the command module will be dead okay okay guys listen up here's the drill we're moving the astronauts over to the LEM we got to get some oxygen up there right tell me you control I want an emergency power procedure the essential Hardware only dnce comm will be shutting down the command module at the same time we'll have to transfer the guidance system from one computer to the other so I want those numbers up and ready when our guys are in position okay we got a transfer all control data over to the LEM computer before the command module dies lunar module just became a lifelong to see Justin we need you to power down immediately we already have Fredo in the land how much time can you give me number well we're looking at less than 15 minutes of life support in the Odyssey we got 15 minutes Fredo is worse than I thought you
Channel: Universal Pictures
Views: 5,650,683
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Keywords: universal pictures, apollo 13 houston we have a problem, apollo 13 full movie, apollo 13 scene, apollo 13 movie clips, apollo 13 tom hanks, apollo 13 kevin bacon, apollo 13 ed harris, houston we have a problem, houston we have a problem apollo 13
Id: YwG4F-16Tno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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