Apollo 13: Failure is not an option HD CLIP

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from this moment on we are improvising a new mission oh come on sorry we'll get somebody to look at that how do we get our people home they are here you turn them around straight back director board house and elsa we get them on a free return trajectory it's the option with the fewest question marks for safety i agree with jerry you use the moon's gravity sling shot them around no the lem will not support three guys for that amount of time apparently hold on i mean we've got to do a direct abort we do an about-face we bring the guys right home right now get them back soon absolutely we don't even know if the odyssey's engine's even working and if there's been serious damage to this spacecraft they blow up and they die that is not we are talking about time not whether or not these guys come on i'm not going to sugarcoat this void let's hold it down hold it down people the only engine we've got with enough power for a director board is the sps on the service module what level has told us it could have been damaged in an explosion so let's consider that engine dead we light that thing up could blow the whole works just too risky we're not gonna take that chance in fact the only thing the command module's good for is re-entry so that leaves us with dilemma which means free return trajectory once we get the guys around the moon we'll fire up the lem engine make a long burn pick up some speed and get them home as quick as we can gene i'm wondering what the what the grumman guys think about this we can't make any guarantees we designed the limb to land on the moon not fire the engine out there for course correction well unfortunately we're not landing on the moon are we i don't care what anything was designed to do i care about what it can do so let's get to work let's lay it out okay capcom uh fly he says it'll be ready in time after this burn we've got to build some time in the flight plan for them to get some sleep running by the fao i'd run it by the fbi do we know how long we're going to fire that pcb we specifically wanted a quote from a flight director who wanted a quote the president the president nixon he wants us we are not losing the crew gene i got to give him odds five to one against three to one i don't think they're that good we are not losing those men ah troll how long are they gonna have to burn the engine at pc plus two look turn them three to one so you're telling me you can only give our guys 45 hours that brings them to about there gentlemen that's not acceptable without it they don't talk to us they don't correct their trajectory they don't turn the heat shield around we got to turn everything off now they're not gonna make it to reentry what do you mean everything with everything on the lem draws 60 amps at that rate in 16 hours the batteries are dead not 45 and so is the crew we got to get them down to 12 you amps run a vacuum cleaner on 12 amps john you got to turn it off we have to turn off the radars cabin heater instrument displays the guidance computer the whole smack whoa guys computer what if they need to do another burn gene they won't even know which way they're pointed the more time we talk down here the more juice they wasted up there i've been looking at the data for the past hour that's the deal that's the deal okay john minute we finish the burn we'll power down the limb all right now in the meantime we're gonna have a frozen command module up here in a couple days we're gonna have to power it up use nothing but the re-entry batteries never been tried before hell we've never even simulated it before gene well we're gonna have to figure it out i want people in our simulators work in re-entry scenarios i want you guys to find every engineer who designed every switch every circuit every transistor and every light bulb that's up there then i want you to talk to the guy in the assembly line who actually built the thing find out how to squeeze every amp out of both of these goddamn machines i want this mark all the way back to earth with time to spare we never lost an american in space we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch failure is not an option you
Channel: Binge Society
Views: 1,466,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entertainement, movies, clips, Apollo 13, BSOIMSS4E647, apollo 13 scene, apollo 13 tom hanks, space movie, tom hanks, apollo 13 clip, failure, Universal, tt0112384
Id: TA8SXpyg4O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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