Aphmau's 100% IMPOSSIBLE Sky Base!

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these minecraft mouse may look normal but inside hides my secret cloud base this base has everything and anything a minecraft player needs to survive but it also has the most secret entrances and expands across other clouds in the sky and when base invaders try to take over my cloud i'll have to use every trick my face has to keep them away let's see just how amazing this secret base is oh hey up here be sure to hit the subscribe cloud thanks okay all right so i got some sticks i just need to make some more iron and then i told you you just drop stuff on these is that clever uh obviously because you fell for it ah no the sand fell for it and oh my gosh you know what you know what how about you stay there you stay there and you try to get me again all right i'm gonna pass by oh yeah yeah you stay there i'm gonna pass by again and you try to see if you can hit me how about that okay all right good good good good luck it's so easy to get you into fall for something you know what i'm gonna do i have a secret base in the clouds and this cloud lift here is going to help me get to it so all i have to do is just activate it like this you got it diamonds wait whoa whoa how about where are you going scream i am going to come over here and uh how about i grab some of my tools here where is there yes okay okay let's see almost got him i gotta aim closer oh what is it what where did these come from this is not working too much strange there it goes you should do another one just maybe a few [Music] the clouds are out to get me i knew this day would come i got i i i i gotta get my stuff i gotta get my stuff i got a plan i gotta figure out how i'm gonna get the clouds oh ian it's more than just the clouds and that's my secret cloud base hmm i'll have to find other ways to use a space against him it's obvious he's out to prank me look at the little man what are you doing down there i am so tall what is he doing he's climbing all right if the clouds won't do what they're supposed to do i'm gonna have to just find out how the cloud's doing what they're doing okay okay i gotta let's see i have a i think i have a place above me and house uh uh oh oh maybe over here let me see let me see uh over here open this see all my cloud bases they're all up here oh and there's my other camera i'm coming for you guys there don't worry i got him oh and light it like that oh get him get him get him get him get him get him get him this one pass me what oh that was so good okay all right he won't dare do that again what else is he gonna do huh he will be able to get back sometimes all right no good thing i have my backup eli try in case the scaffolding didn't work what are you up to clouds tell me your secrets i can't believe you're smart oh no oh no oh no what is this what is this oh man i'm gonna just break this door and find out the truth what's going on what you just broke my ass though the clouds took you i knew the clouds were up to no good and pierce out of his aliens but no that would be ridiculous of course aliens didn't take you it was the clouds fine and you caught me come on in or you know as in as you possibly can i'll fix this yeah that that seems dangerous yeah yeah yeah just leave that there yeah okay welcome to my secret base in the clouds that's right the clouds kidnapped you wait what your your secret my secret base as in i made this as an eye can see everyone from the top of the world that does explain the tacky color how dare you sir i'll have you know that your color's checked yeah oh yeah i'm the color of the sky what are you the color of love oh i'm leaving and you know what you can leave go ahead leap what fine this is a pretty cool secret base all right how about this i'll make you a deal is that your one and only elytra um [Music] yeah okay well you know what house rules uh noah light was in the house because this is a cloud base nope so you got to put it here inside the uh elytra box uh yes elytra box that are you sure that's an electro box um yes elytra bread yes put it in mine it's like leaving your shoes in the door you gotta leave your lights out the door please okay okay but but but i took some bread okay that's fine here let me give you a small tour of my secret face so as you can see over here i have like lovely little workshops down here you know i can see everything over the hub and i saw up here it's like just freaking out about the aliens it was like it's been really weird today i don't know why i don't know why either but let me show you the cool parts of my base okay so here is a really cool area um let me see how do i explain this um i mean i got some cool bamboo what what do these lovers do uh stand in the middle of the room to find out oh cool there fixed jeez okay okay oh okay hey i'm back oh you know where i live i see you fixed your door anyway uh that wasn't very nice i don't appreciate that and i still want to see the rest of your base was that my fault you clicked the lever without asking me what it does your base yeah and you could have waited and asked me asked permission but just follow me i'm eating more of your bread yeah thank you i appreciate that but you know what okay so over here over here i have a nice little room let me show you the coolest part about this room all right hang on hang on what i don't know if i want to why don't why don't you just tell me about it uh show don't tell all right geez look at this another cloud room okay there's cake out there oh that sounds nice but this this isn't gonna drop me is it no no no no no no it won't especially all that gold out there that's totally underground this isn't too bad hang on [Laughter] [Applause] you said you wouldn't drop me anywhere how did i get over here you said don't drop me now don't trap me on the cloud it's just different yes but how do i get over there you took my elytra um oh eating your eating this bread oh dear you eat my bread sir don't eat my bread it's mine right now well it's my clown you know what hey i got another present for you come over here what do you mean come over here i got a cat you want a fork what do you mean fork i i don't need a fork for the bread okay that was so good look at that i'm good with these forks you just gotta go like this see my cloud base how dare you it's my fault i fell down ugh that fork jeez i'm a good shot no i really shouldn't wait my voice oh i'm sorry are you all right everything okay yeah yeah they don't take your plate [Music] you know you can trust me right you can tell me anything that's going on with you because i told you where i kept my diamonds you stole them and traded them for sheep with i'm a noises guy now it is the wood absolutely won't do anything with diamonds bad again although you're definitely dealing with aliens pierce there's no such thing as aliens in minecraft what now you've got to go i've got some stuff to do okay go shoot hey that's exactly what casey said why it's getting very suspicious up in here yes i dropped my thing you don't have to worry about it oh okay well hey let me let me just go grab it for you real quick hey at least i could do considering i i think i was going to scare you over before peter's just passing me back oh yeah yeah yeah sure here you go thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what is it by the way nothing you know what nothing hey do you want to help me and i can tell you the truth oh i do like the truth right about now i know the truth is i'm sad and i just need it from you yeah yeah what do you need uh okay all right so what's good what do you need what do you think i need to take this stick okay take that right there there you go it's kind of weird and i need you to smack me with it okay smack you i can't handle this alien technology what did i do okay all right i got all of my stuff you see i can be a prankster too it's not just ian and pierce okay you know what i'm going to show them up for all the times they pranked me let's see what's going on here all right you know what i'm going to go pay a visit to ian's house just uh what if i did something like so much fun okay all right i stuck my landing hello [Music] my baby i'm gonna blow up his face first you know what i'm gonna put this right here put some of this down there we go there we go set that on and leave it okay where am i gonna go next uh i could prank pierce but what is noy up maybe you know has more [Applause] [Laughter] all my fault thank you daily right there seriously alien dude what all right all is well on the server ian hasn't exploded my base yet but i assume he's going to be somewhere here uh huh wait what's that oh is pretty good in my house he needs to knock he didn't even knock how dare he let me go where is my fishies how are you all today let's see come through this way and hey i know there's proof of aliens in here there's something in there ooh hey diamonds wait she she might have got those for mail this might be alien type it's oh well i just better take these it's just uh evidence yeah the community for the regular time no i better come over here to pierce's bait just walk into my base i'll just fall into yours like this he's not here yet let's come over here and close it and open up my okay just secret wait for him to come back i have that okay okay i made it back time to use my super special secret bedroom lab to figure out how good these diamonds are i just gotta look at it and then maybe figure out maybe the aliens on the diamonds i'm on you aliens i know where you live i think maybe you might be above us you might be below you might be the titans wait wait what is this what's going on wait no why do i turn this off how do i turn off this is what the diamonds return him yes of course alien sky people no i'll go run i'll let him just leave let me make me legally alone why are you coming down here no why don't you get my dog is still here no what do you mean she's still here she's dieted and taken by aliens who also brought her back to life or with aliens or with dying aliens she's up in the clouds and she's applauding our demise somehow the point is guided aliens though right all right fine you know you know yeah pierce she athmos died and is in the clouds we should build a way to get up there wait you you could just do that yeah obviously help me out with this okay take some of these yeah there we go and let me just put this elytra on like this perfect perfect perfect all right here we go okay uh so far so good it's okay but pierce you're not building fast enough sorry building by my back is fully into this right now but i gotta be careful about that fall off do it as quickly as i can but you know a little bit of support would be nice oh you know we can use some more support this staircase i don't think you had any of these stairs of this thing oh i'll add some stairs i'll add something all the way up here putting everything in there what you doing hang on athmo i just gotta just gotta tell appears to keep building this staircase up to aphmau's secret baits you need to build with more finesse in mind i don't even know vanessa um [Music] what are you doing here oh you know just dropping off some hot stuff hot stuff here's a pair of piercings i'm trying to work on this [Music] you're trying to say it's my fault for you giving me points for the precarious ones oh don't use your big fancy words with me i don't even know what precarious is neither do i let me just uh speed this along a little bit anyway anyway so how are we going to build a new staircase i wouldn't be here we're going to build a new staircase okay all right no no no no no no no no no no oh yeah i'm going to take care of that let me see if i can do my best well you know i could use some comfort food right now so uh [Music] oh that hit the spot oh no no all right now that i've uh no yeah i'm feeling kind of a sugar rush right now now i can rebuild my house get back on my feet and everything's gonna be just fine did you just eat all of them i i clearly would have won because um because i ate them all i can't believe you have a cake [Music] do you see a sign that says free cakes and actually you know why why are we arguing aufbau is clearly the one who's at fault here i don't blame her hey what are you guys doing about anything what's going on seriously you're the one's always buying all the shady stuff try to keep an eye for the aliens because you guys are holding killers i can't i can't believe you put a fake sign down the sign that is not a she's victim one with the clown where is that bout i didn't interrogate her more about those tag alien clown things with the aliens minecraft okay i gotta think of something to get those guys off my trail they're getting too smart i can't believe we did it there's like well she had a secret base up here absolutely i got it now wow the alien's so good kind of ugly you know yeah no i thought the aliens had a better style than this yeah you know there's more bread and it would bite you and your butt okay it kind of tastes like sourdough well excuse me princess having your little secret sky base itself yeah i am i am a princess in the sky base all right what you want to make of it huh i'll tell you what i'll make of it i'll just show pierce come here pierce we got a secret library it's a dark room there that one oh oh yeah this is you know you can't leave this cloud you're stuck on youtube that's uh that's that's a long time this is a really long way down yeah it really is isn't it oh i guess you're stuck here but i really don't like [Music] look i know you were gonna blow up any secret base i made down there so i made my secret base up here please get us out and i'll give you this bread that i stole from you what it's a good deal you know what if i come over there i'll show you the most magical thing but you have to forget that my secret base ever existed how about that and it'll get you down from here i promise okay fine i'll stop trying to get in your secret base just just show us the magic and let us get downstairs okay all right no no no it's not you know what it's always players it's not an eight let's stop how about this look here we go look all right so watch i'm going to summon in something really cool okay so watch this oh isn't the aliens oh wait what horses where they come from horse aliens just trust me this little this little thing that i have this little cloud lift can do anything okay so do we just like uh hop on and ride them yeah just hold on here take this put on the horse okay put on the horse sure and now it's three one two one [Music] with alien horde horses floating alien horses oh now you now you can go wherever you want oh whoa come on buddy this is gonna be a good [Music] i don't like being this high up in the air but you like the clothes we're going down real fast okay well you know at least the horses land on the trampoline i am never going in the sky ever again
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,147,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau secret base, aphmau 100%, aphmau 100% impossible secret base, best secret minecraft base, minecraft cloud base, minecraft secret base ideas, minecraft aphmau funny moments, no swearing, no cursing, family friendly minecraft videos, clean videos for kids, who is aphmau, aphmau minecraft channel, top 10 minecraft, secret base, secret fort, minecraft fort challenge, minecraft base invaders
Id: 3Uvrx5n40Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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