Aphmau was SHIPWRECKED In Minecraft!

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today we're surviving on this ship which means what is [Music] that don't worry guys we'll be safe right all right everyone good we made it all safe I'm almost dead goey two 3 4 wait wait there's someone missing I'm fine get out of the water watch out Cal no okay it's gone the thing that killed the ship my cruise ship my vacation it's all goodone it's all ruin a aren't you glad you to buy the drink package now yeah and that's what matters exactly oh stupid jellyfish here don't go throw food in the water oh we need that exactly what Aaron said no whatever I'm trying to make that thing mad and if I'm mad hey should be me too Ian you're being ridiculous you need bigger rocks like this oh yeah chill we need to figure out a way to get off this island without harming nature and I think I have the perfect way s my boat I'm going to sink your face okay be careful the fire getting too close to Nature is all right there we go perfect this is totally going to burn down the tree looks perfect won't burn down any nature everything is safe fire is a part of nature we've got this all right let's see I still don't understand why we can only make these Firefly butts and not flitting steel uh it's kind of an island and so so stuff is kind of weird we on Islands you know this right is this a good idea absolutely it's genius what the what's genius what oh you guys made one too oh yeah you definitely need to see this it's really really smart oo let's see what you did what it say what does it say 1282 no it's not just numbers it's our coordinates you know cuz on Minecraft now people will know exactly where we are dude if they see it they're already going to know where we are yeah what you think it's 1282 p.m. yeah that's why it's oh see I told you we should have just written save us hey you could have just wrote help I just wanted to be smart about it I'm sorry that's my fault a now I'm done oh wait Ian was involved in this uh Ian what did you do what' you right got to check it out uh I'll please tell it says help jungle wood plank I guess you did it without any help Ian oh let me guess you just wrote your name didn't you oh no no it's four letters you know unless you spell it wrong does that say is that but oh so you did spell your name wait I didn't R my oh very funny he is a butt all right I give an a for creativity yeah and for burning down everything we care about yeah anyone can see the fire where are all these gross bugs coming from bug more fireflies I think I saw a bug is that a I saw bat bat there's more bats eat bugs but oh why are there then why is it attacking us wait maybe the lights are bringing them in wait a you still have those glow buts right right oh oh that's not the only thing there's a giant B oh it's a big one it's a humongo chongus back all right I'm taking shelter in my house uh what Ian maybe help us out a little bit you know I don't want to they're going to eat me quick just use the gold bus from earlier oh yeah yeah sorry Ian I've got this sorry about what ow what are you doing there you go wait what are you talking about well you set my house on fire for one sorry fireflies let's see if this work I'm going to have to rebuild my house ow ow hey qu why is it attacking only me because they're glow butts and uhart maybe delicious gross I always imagine e it would taste disgusting wait wait wait you imagine eating us Zane only in situations like this but don't worry I definitely cook Casey first I mean all the sweets she eats she'd be delicious wow okay then can't believe uh so romantic you know that's a little weird dude what it's just being practical all right let's try to get rid of this bad it looks like Ian's having a rough time Ian you're supposed to lead it away from the island there we go doesn't this look great all right let's see how aon's doing now that we've got our survival hunt oh nice waa what is that it's a spear I found the recipe and I wanted to try it can I can I have a you can make your own you just need sticks string and Flint oh okay I got six and string he fine you can have my Flint here we go isn't it awesome this is so cool I know oh I can't wait to use it we can hunt KY remember she's full of cake like Zane said casy stop being crazy all right let's see Aon where's our food at what do you mean we got food I was just going to take our food I wasn't actually going to hunt casc we got a thief but I think I know who stole it follow me come on yeah right behind you hey Ed or get eat down here where'd you put the food I didn't do it our food oh oh I didn't do that either well you know I'll just make sure hey get out of my house got seashell you sell seashell by Shore what what hang on where's my food did you guys take my food oh no Zan KY hello oh hi see we're suddenly out of food and someone committed a crime on the island oh well that's so weird cuz I ran out of food too when I was starting to one no no no wait wait I'm being serious I don't have any food I don't have any food on me I'm really serious I I just have a sword right now okay hey guys oh thanks Z for finding this delicious food it's not all for cats though okay look I have many cat mouths to feed but I was being a little over ambitious but look I was telling the truth I was going to get more food for you all afterwards okay but where Zane you cooked all the potatoes now I can't make anymore where get more food at I don't know I was going to look around all right well then we're going to help you food boy you know just in case yeah just to make sure he doesn't eat the whole island I literally didn't eat any of the whatever it doesn't matter you wasted all the food all right let's go hunting what are we going to hunt we going to hunt um bugs or like there's no bugs here ra we already killed them all the only thing that's left isord guys it's bacon I think Ian it's your cousins and the hog means that we can eat it right I mean yeah they are pigs guys get the Breon let's get them I mean got it got it got it it oh oh wait it's already dead it was kind of kute though behind you watch out we can eat it it's attacking me sorry you look just like him okay they're a little violent use the Spears get him got him come here W good throw at all right all right Nice Shot oo with these things we're going to be full like forever yeah well this isn't going to replace potatoes someone ate though I call [Music] it get your dad out of here that must be oh the big board okay maybe I deserve that a little oh no okay help help help we're on our way too helpie and just calm down my wooden sword isn't strong enough at least you distracted him oh nice hit my gosh that's a big steak big steak this is awesome all right this may be better than the potato we'll be able to feed our people for ages yeah everybody but Zane though yeah yeah yeah all right get the B oh it's so big I'm cooking this right now I want it no you're not getting it all right um go over here okay got some Vines Aon Aon wait what I got some Vines so we don't have to build more ladders cuz we can just have an infinite ladder okay we don't need more ladders though we need buckets H I wish found more iron actually hey hey AAU check this out what what is it Zan felt really bad about stealing your food so so I went looking and I found some of these a strawberry sort of fruit Oh weird fruit oh my gosh dud you just ran off and found weird fruit we don't even know what these are you think it's like a gum gum fruit or something like that what is it's poisonous that's a good point uh hey Ian could you come here a sec what no Zane for the last time I will not take that stupid cat wait what you're so funny uh anyways I just wanted to offer some delicious fruit to you oh who hang on what yes this a good idea yeah yeah this is my fruit I got to eat it give me wait e it might be poison please be careful see wait you might think it did you just use me to test that it's poisonous well they're not poisonous so far all right whatever I'm out of here you guys can have fun doing whatever you want wait w hang wait did you jump high maybe it's the jump jump fruit guys I can jump high oh it's got to be the weird fruit all right this better not kill me let's try it wa awesome these are so cool oh we don't even take fall damage yeah I've never been into fruits and vegetables but this is I can even get on the roof this is pretty wait wait a second are those what the heck is that oh my gosh get out of my face guys where'd you go they're like they're like palm trees but oh I can't see where are you wait I'm by the fire oh wait I'm by the fire oh these things are ugly wait wait how come wait I'm by the campfire wait guys wa we're the ugly palm trees wait no help me oh it was a weird fruit Z look what you did uh this is definitely in here hang on let let me make sure let me make sure oh no who was this no know hey hey hey stop painting each other guys guys we don't need to attack knock off hey you as hey stop attacking me one two there's way more than five wait why are there six who's this guy wait a minute how do we tell who's who yeah hang on I don't know well um I just killed someone uh whatever that's a risk I'm willing to take I'm attacking the I jumped and J and jump ah oh sorry Casey that's you I will defend my house oh I got one I got the Imposter the F which one are you it's dead I got get off my house uh oh who oh no no no Casey wait it's me I'm sorry I'm so sorry there you are yeah everyone chill two here watch out Casey got him okay but how do I know you guys are the real people because we're people that makes no sense Ian you all look the same before when you were Birds I don't know Hey look it's me I'm not a bird anymore yeah I know dude but this is for stealing our food and giving us that weird fruit H please I'm sorry I thought I already made up for it already no you just made it worse yeah that was pretty weird huh no anything yet guys no n hang on hang on hang on huh you got something I got a tire not helpful yeah it's just an old Tire yeah but it's my old Tire M we can't eat that we are out of supplies fast though and there's no more seeds and there's no more potatoes or we are going to die well technically there is still one animal Zane we are not eating each other not the cats no stop that's the last resort mhm right right right right nothing nothing wait there's still one place we haven't looked oh wait I just had a genius idea why don't we go check the ship for more food oh my gosh I just race you there suckers is there monster out there guys there is yeah there is and it's about to kill him oh hey don't worry I'm sure you can find it maybe I can swim around it hang oh that's got a ho did you find any food out there okay we can't swim over there no no it doesn't look like it don't worry guys I'm back I responded all right all right this is fun and all but what do we do listen app's about to tell us her plan right well I was going to say the b supplies but we need a way to get over there heit bubbles oh wait are those Dolphins oh that's so cool wait what about them we're not eat the Dolphins Casey but we could use them they get over there oh yeah they could but how do we tame them dolphins do like fish we maybe we can throw them out oh yeah good idea and tires right I no not tires all right let me see um doin come here come here wait wait maybe oh maybe oh there's one below you there's one right there I think it likes it oh let's see oh W did that work wow oh let me try all right now you can run it over no come on let's go can I name my dolphin no you can't name the dolphin I'm going to name it Addison watch out don't go towards it Go Go doing what I wanted the other way go fast go fast go fast stay [Music] away go go go go go come on Addison keep going made it to the ship oh me too oh nice thank the little Dolphins thanks bye okay it's crazy bye Mr dolphin bye this a really good idea a thanks I'm glad it worked I didn't want to come back here oh but there is food we should have come here soon f f look look it's everywhere the Supply Closet oh we found it awesome oh let's check it out all right let's go wait what are these oh there's so much good stuff in here oh oh These are flare guns maybe we can actually get off the island yeah at the very least we could probably take out that octopus a bow oh nice all right let's oh Casey are you okay uh guys we've got company what is that oh no no oh what not these guys again there a private party get out all right um let's see we got to go the front get out of here watch out I don't know what these things are um okay you got it oh there's a ladder right there yeah yeah over here we should uh wait out the storm or something yeah good idea uh okay maybe there's more up here oh yeah there sure is yep yep yep yep wait how they get up here look out no oh we got to do something you ugly oh there we go got oh there's another there's another one a little more than one yeah there's so many oh no watch out a flare gun hang on I've got an idea you guys hold them off use a flare gun go go go go go out of my way don't use it all right what about the octopus waiting between us and the island uh we just need to keep a couple it's more important to stay alive right now yeah but the octopus take the others not me okay I've only only got a few for the last one I've still got a couple where did go a couple more to go what the what does that mean is the why is it it an overheating oh no oh no no no no no okay Zane Zane what did you do Z you uh noticed that I see y the ship is going to blow up uh yeah we need to get off of this thing right now like right right now oh let me s a flare what is that going to do oh exploded Zan what the heck Zane uh well at least we killed the fish things right those are one way off the last sl's gone I guess I could have waited for the rain but you know oh are we stuck here forever probably wait wait what uh I know I Ed up the last flare what if we just made our own oh that's a great idea except we have nothing to build those with um uh wait actually maybe the wreckage stuff oh you're right I mean I checked a lot of these already but check the boxes in the water maybe I missed something all right uh Zane who you need to make a flare uh well let's see uh fuel a metal tube and some of those Firefly butts to light it and we should be good to go Firefly butt oh the one that I found oo yeah I I already have the Firefly butt so my work is done okay why am not surprise but thank you I found some gas cans oh I found one too oh wait I did too good good uh let me see KC ooh I found a pipe too I got a crafting table here give it to me here you go and there's some gas in case you'd eat some it goes we don't need that kind of gas babe second that there and you think this is going to work I mean maybe I was able to make that spear ah there we go oh my god dude that's not a flare that's a nuclear bomb voila W that actually did work oh s I'm a little impressed thank you okay so we just got to light it and set it up right I guess you know flint and steel right the idea um let's see I got flint and it's raining again wait wait wait wa you know what that means wait a possibly get any worse we shouldn't do this when it rains everyone get ready oh not again those things what is this that's really big all right you guys have fun being fish food I'm using this thing to get out of here wait Ian what are you doing doing there we go Ian all right someone Light Me Up I have a better idea Ian what are you talking about ready and what hang on hang on what are you doing is going to kill me I think it actually worked wait wait did you throw Ian I did I didn't think it would actually hit but guys I see a bow huh wait the flare went off oh wait the flare must have worked oh really oh perfect okay let's see we can get in get us out of here seats just throw it in the water come on I'm trying I'm trying okay it's like a bathtub all right all right come on there's only four seat let's go okay Z hurry get in women and zays first guys's just go just go let's go wait guys uh guys Ian guys wait for me there by the boat I I don't hear Ian I was just kidding about leaving you behind yeah yeah we'll be fine hang on there's a dolphin wait a dolphin wait wait a dolphin oh oh yeah I'm coming too oh great we all made it gois
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 482,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Lc_70SOB4kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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