Apex Legends The Origin Story For Every Heirloom

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what's going on guys my name is Omega and welcome back to another Apex Legends video so in today's video I'm actually going to be showing you guys the origin story for every single heirloom in Apex Legends now some of these signify a specific event that changed the Legends lives for the better others are just a reminder of the dark and complicated past that many of these Legends have been suppressing since joining the Apex games now I will have time stamps on this video in case you guys are curious about the origin story for a specific heirloom but without further Ado let's start with the origin story for wraith and her kunai knife so this story started with the voidwalker story from the outlands that we got like in the beginning of when Apex Legends was released now voidwalker wraith was on a mission in order to find and kill Dr Amer Singh who is the lead IMC scientist that actually LED The Wraith project now before she was known as wraith she was actually known as Renee belazzi and worked besides Dr Amir Singh before he turned on her now while void Wacker wraith was in this facility looking for her Target she realized that the doctor had already died at least in the dimension that she was currently in she was caught by an IMC scientist and forced to flee back into the void while escaping a voidwalker wraith noticed another version of herself being tied down by an IMC scientist boy Walker wraith tried to warn the other wraith about the situation which at that point is actually how we learned that the voices that rape hears inside her head are actually herself talking to her while in the void when the warning didn't work voidwalker wraith left the void in order to save the other version of wraith she knocks out the IMC scientist and frees wraith using her kunai knife before handing it over to her now one of the most important scenes in regard to this heirloom is when wraith and voidwalker wraith were discovered a fight breaks out and regular wraith here's a voice to watch out behind her and when she throws the kunai knife at the scientist who is about to attack her she gets the chance to kill the scientist with her knife but decides instead just to knock him out when voidwalker wraith asked her why she hesitated and didn't kill him regular wraith responded by saying I not looking for Revenge I want to know who I am [Music] too bad well maybe one day you'll get what you're looking for now what's cool about this is how the different personalities of the two race actually are void Walker is clearly just looking for Revenge while regular wraith just wants to know why she is the way she is when woodwalker wraith gave her the kunai knife it almost resembled the passing of a torch from one dimensional character to another voidwalker wraith had already completed her Mission by finding Amir Singh while regular wraith was just beginning her Mission searching for answers the story ends when regular wraith escapes the IMC Facility by entering the void for the first time she leaves the facility and sees herself standing in front of the building site for what would be the start of the Apex Games on King's Canyon now next up we're going to talk about bloodhound's heirloom which came from the old way story from the outlands when Bloodhound was a young child being raised by their Uncle Arthur after bloodhound's dad was killed in a giant avalanche now what's interesting is that both the heirloom and the raven that flies around with Bloodhound were both originally owned by Uncle Archer now this story starts off with bloodhound's Uncle handing them the Ravens bite heirloom so that blood town can complete a rite of passage in order to be accepted by their Village but Hound's only task was to hunt down a Prowler and kill it using the heirloom if blowdown succeeded they would be accepted as a permanent member of the tribe if Bloodhound failed this Mission however they would be forced to leave the village and never return now while on the mission Bloodhound finds the prowler but realizes it was already killed by something much bigger after following the trail of blood through a cave a bloodhound discovers the charge rifle which was hidden away and being guarded by this giant Beast the Beast tries to kill Bloodhound but since they had the charge rifle they were easily able to defend themselves and ended up severely injuring this giant thing before heading back to the Village Bloodhound to bury the charge rifle and presented the Tusk to their Uncle Arthur in which Uncle Arthur told Bloodhound to leave and never return since it was very obvious that Bloodhound had used some kind of technology to kill this Beast they returned the heirloom before leaving when they realized the giant Beast had come back to terrorize The Village Uncle Arthur ends up sacrificing himself by jumping on top of the Beast and trying to cut it with the Raven's bite he did not succeed obviously and ended up being killed by the giant Beast right before dying he gives a very emotional speech before returning the heirloom to Bloodhound you will be the first the old father guides you now [Music] Bloodhound ends up returning to the Beast Lair to finish the job when Uncle Archer's Raven appears which also hints the Bloodhound that they should try and break the pipe The Raven was currently sitting on both hand throws their heirloom breaking open the pipe that sprays cryogenic gas everywhere this kills the Beast and Bloodhound is forced to crawl away before picking up a respirator that was being worn by a Dead Soldier but Hound finishes the job by using the Ravens by in order to destroy what was left of the Beast now while bloodhound's heirloom obviously saved their life it also gave them a permanent breathing condition in which they were forced to wear a respirator for the rest of their life this also now signifies to Bloodhound how important the old ways Traditions were if Bloodhound had never went into that cave never picked up the charge rifle there's a good chance that their Uncle Archer would still be alive so that is unfortunately something that Bloodhound is going to have to live with for the rest of their life moving on to octane's butterfly knife now while we have not seen his heirloom being used in any cinematics we do know that his butterfly knife is definitely an attest to octane's personality butterfly knives are obviously very quick to use and can also be very dangerous many experts who wield butterfly knives also like to show off their skills which is exactly what octane did in his past as he attempted very dangerous stunts in public before joining the Apex games now what's interesting about his heirloom is that not only is it a weapon but it's also a way for octane to inject himself with stem while we don't know what exactly is inside his stem we do know that octane takes it from Silva Pharmaceuticals which is the same company that his father owns now one thing you may have never noticed is that up until octane's heirloom came out we never saw him use the stem for recreational purposes in other words we would only see him use it during a fight in order to actually run faster now after the release of octane's heirloom an animation was discovered where octane would twirl the knife in his hand and inject a little bit of the stem into his bloodstream when doing this he did not run faster instead he would just feel super happy in jittery that he got some stem into him this basically confirmed what many people originally believed which is that octane is addicted to using his stem even when he is not participating in the games you can definitely notice this when octane is not moving he gets very jittery whether you're in game or just on the main menu screen so while his heirloom is very cool to use and definitely reflects octane's daredevilish personality it also shines light onto a darker more addictive side of octane that doesn't really ever get talked about in the lore now moving on to Lifeline shock sticks lifeline's heirloom is similar to Octane in which it hasn't yet appeared in any cinematics on YouTube however the past two seasons we have learned a little bit more in regards to why lifelines heirlooms are shock sticks so at first many people thought that her heirloom was supposed to represent defibrillators that were shaped into drumsticks the drumsticks aspect of it was a mystery up until the end of season 6 when we discovered that Lifeline used to be the drummer in a band called the flyer Liars you could see this from an image on Watson's desk that Apex Legends actually posted their Twitter a couple of weeks before the launch of season seven apparently don't know who actually gave Lifeline her shock sticks I don't think it has anything to do with her parents we've seen from the quest line she doesn't really have the best relationship with her parents but this is kind of one of those heirlooms that I think was just more thrown in there for fun and not really because it had any significant importance to the lore next up we're going to talk about mirage's trophy heirloom which out of all the heirlooms is actually probably one of the most depressing backstories so mirage's heirloom as you guys know is a golden statue of himself that definitely reflects you know his overly confident and Charming personality but it also shows a very dark and depressing side to mirage's life while inspecting the heirloom Mirage has a voice line where he laughs and says mom is going to love this now we know from the Lord that Mirage and his mother had a very close relationship growing up she was a holotech engineer who originally introduced Mirage to the technology that would allow him to create decoys Mirage and his mom had such a close relationship that he actually got her permission before joining the Apex games because he didn't want to do it unless she supported his decision what's important about mirage's mother is that she either suffers from a Dementia or Alzheimer's disease and has a hard time remembering who her son is this was confirmed from an Easter egg on Mirage Voyage where you could hear a phone call between Mirage and his mother in which he has to remind her that he is Elliot her son yeah that's right Mom 30 seconds Elliott yeah yeah of course don't worry I'll win for you today always for my number one fan yeah you go enjoy your pork chops I know they're your favorite I'm gonna go with um the chance I'm gonna be the best all right love you moms so where did mirage's trophy come from now one theory is that Mirage made the trophy for his mom so that she would have an easier time remembering who he is this might explain why Mirage has been involved in the Apex games for so long he knows that his past memories with his mother will forever just be memories since there is a good chance she is going to one day completely forget who he is another theory is that mirage's Mom did make the trophy for him before he entered the games but doesn't remember due to her condition maybe the trophy is something that Mirage has shown his mom before and maybe he just likes seeing her new reaction every time she sees it again regardless his heirloom definitely symbolizes mirage's charming and outgoing personality but it also shows a darker side to his life one where he needs to constantly participate in the games because he knows how happy it makes his mother seeing Mirage win even if she does forget that Mirage and her son are one in the same now moving on to Pathfinder's boxing gloves it is still currently unknown how Pathfinder actually got his boxing glow love set however the recent fight night story from the outlands did answer some question that we had regarding its origin now before joining the games Pathfinder was doing random side jobs before he crossed paths with Victor maldra who's an ex-cop that got laid off after getting to a fight with his supervisor when he failed to capture Alexander Knox AKA caustic Victor was also a boxer who at one point in time was friends with Forge another professional fighter who as you guys know was murdered by Revenant back in season four while Pathfinder's specific heirloom did not appear in The Fight Night trailer there was a scene in the beginning where Pathfinder picked up a boxing glove that was on Victor's desk obviously signifying his interest in you know fighting and just learning what that was Pathfinder most likely learned his boxing moves though from watching Victor fight during the fight night cinematic now there isn't really much information on how Pathfinder got his boxing gloves which were obviously made specifically for him he most likely won them by entering boxing matches before the Apex games we do know his town takeover is a boxing ring on Olympus which is actually the only time we have seen Pathfinder use is boxing gloves in any kind of cinematic next up we have caustic's Hammer now caustic's Hammer mainly symbolizes the fact that caustic used to work for Vincent Dynamics which was confirmed during the broken ghost Quest Vincent Dynamics is a weapon and Titan manufacturer from the TitanFall series they were also the same people responsible for rebuilding Ash into a simulacrum following the Battle of Typhon now there's actually a secret animation when using the caustic heirloom where a giant spider will crawl out of the heirloom for a quick second before crawling back in this specific spider is actually mentioned in caustic's death certificate when he was formerly known as Alexander Knox the text says that the chemical components found in his gas are very similar to a large Forest dwelling spider found in the Amelia mountain ranges on Gia now there's still a lot that we don't know about caustic's heirloom including like where he got it from who gave it to him whether he built it himself or whatnot we are most likely probably going to learn a little bit more information throughout this year since we are planning on getting a caustic Town takeover very soon now the last heirloom we're going to go over is the one for Gibraltar despite this one being like the newest heirloom that came out we actually have a lot of information on where it came from and how it actually got into gibraltar's hand so first off gibraltar's heirloom is called a Batu which was custom made for him by his ex-boyfriend Nicholas we met Nicholas in the season 7 Quest when Gibraltar ran into him at a party Gibraltar was obviously not over his ex at this time as he still carried around the heirloom that was custom made for him Nicholas even refers the gem on gibraltar's heirloom as little mouse which we really don't know too much about it might be just something that they had like an inside joke about or you know maybe just something that really connected them on a deeper level now during the comic Gibraltar and Nicholas almost get killed after an explosion caused part of a building to fall right on top of them once everyone is safe inside gibraltar's Doom Gibraltar explained to Nick that he felt so bad for destroying his life now for those guys that don't know gibraltar's Allure starts off by saying he only began to understand the value of protecting others when he and his boyfriend stole his father's motorcycle took it on a Joyride and got trapped by a deadly mudslide his parents saved them and his father lost an arm in the process Gibraltar has never forgotten that sacrifice and has devoted his life to helping those in need so this heirloom origin story was definitely touching I mean it's obvious that Gibraltar still cares about his ex-boyfriend but he is definitely still haunted by what happened to him when he was younger you know probably feels really bad for his dad losing his arm he feels bad that Nicholas was even involved in that altogether because it looks like Nicholas took the blame for what actually happened I'm sure just like with caustics everyone will probably learn more about this you know in the future maybe if Nicholas ever returns in like a future Quest or a comic we'll probably learn some more information about this heirloom now hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video let me know down in the comments below which story really spoke out to you the most or anything that you guys just didn't know before watching this video anyways hopefully you guys have a great rest of your week I will see you guys on the next video peace out
Channel: Omega
Views: 2,457,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, apex, apex legends heirloom, apex heirloom, apex legends heirloom lore, apex legends lore, apex legends origin, apex legends anniversary collection event, Gibraltar Heirloom, Caustic Heirloom, Pathfinder Heirloom, apex legends season 8, apex legends heirloom shards, how to get the cheapest heirloom, apex legends cheapest heirloom
Id: I_WMwZmwtqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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