I Made Valkyrie Mains Compete For An Heirloom

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the moment we've all been waiting for i'm gonna be giving away a free valkyrie heirloom to one of these lucky competitors if you guys are enjoying what i'm gonna do you guys like that i give away heirlooms and you guys want to see another one definitely comment down below like it share it and let me know what other mini games i should do to put all the contestants through for the next one game number one which is the valkyrie race where they are going to be starting here at dome and they have to race their way all the way to trials they are not allowed to take the jump tower they have to either move by foot they have to either fly or they can use their valkyrie ultimates the valkyrie ultimates will be allowed they have to make their way to trials jump in to the trial pit crawl out of any of the exits make their way out and they have to make their way back to dome the first valkyrie that lands right here on the center glass center glass that you guys are standing on wins the race here's some other information you guys should know valkyries not only are you guys allowed to use your ultimates you guys are allowed to use your tacticals and slow each other down yes this is basically a death race now the first three out either by death of valkyrie rockets or the bottom three of the race will be uh eliminated and not make it to the next round but please don't quit you guys because i'll still need those three people you three people are gonna have a very very important role in the next game valkyries three two one go good luck valks all of you guys oh yeah look at him go first one to dome down the tunnel exit the tunnel make it right back to the starting line chad here we go tyler we're on trailer remember tacticals are allowed they have to all be careful let's go ahead and take a look and see who's in first place just by an inch the person that's in first place is silverfish t-tv why am i allowing tacticals you might be asking well just know that in a vr like you know apex legends is a vr you'd be lucky if if missiles are the only thing being shot at you guys let's think of it this way the person that is making it to the next round is just that much better of a valkyrie you guys got to be able to fly you got to be able to maneuver your way and find the best way possible to get from point a to point b uh we have some people in the bottom three nobody's been eliminated yet no deaths three legends here in first place or fighting for first place which is aqua lol expert gamer boy and silverfish everybody should be racing for their life last three people are the ones that will be eliminated any route they can take any route some people are going around staging some people are choosing go through the tunnel that is landslide let's take a look at tyler and see what he is looking like on his path first person to be coming out of the tunnel let's see will he be the first person kind of in the lead to trials if you think about it you guys tyler does have the best route however we can't count count out the team that went through staging expert gamer boy kind of in the league neck and neck but on the other side of the map right behind tyler is yup one of my mods yup playing as valkyrie let's take a look at the people in the back three the potential people that could be eliminated we have dobby who's in the back we have icy migs and we have stripes well let's go ahead and take a look let's see who are the first people to come through this tunnel some people crank in their valkyrie oh that's why it's very important if you get your valkyrie out you guys can crank it and steal your way back to first place let's go ahead and see who's coming up here tyler looking like he's the one of the first people oh no aqua go ahead and yoinking the spot is anybody gonna hit the button in grief of course they are they are demons they want it more than the people in the back oh look at that some people are getting stunned by the tacticals yup making his way to the tippity top does he have an ultimate is that what he's gonna do he does have an ultimate let's see how this works for him not only did he take off right behind him he actually took off behind everybody on a roof this is this is gonna change the game yup in second place of vibing leon remember there's no prizes for first place except bragging rights right you just don't want to be the bottom three let's go ahead and take a look at the map we have spam killers who just made it to the end these prowlers over here greeting them taunting talking all kinds of crap spam killers fight with honor finish with honor hopefully you make it out the person that they need to cross cross is lifeline mommy lifeline mommy technically the last safe person who can qualify in unless somebody's been eliminated and i totally have missed it nobody's died good i was really i'm really happy because if you guys died at tacticals we're gonna have to have a talk about some private training sessions and apex legends good job good job guys moving on let's take a look at the first place racer vibing leon again so far so good i feel like the people that have the advantage in this that can time it are the people that are very comfortable with valkyrie understand her jet pack how to maneuver but not just that you guys looking at the people that really have a high amount of map knowledge knowing the best way to get to where i told them to get to and how to get back and again a lot of it is due to timing your guys's valkyrie ultimates which path you took put it all together you pretty much got what we got right here coming up in second place from out of nowhere is nick makes content nick makes content oh getting taken up by bulky boy nick getting absolutely stunned could have had our first elimination right there as he is weak i think if he takes a couple more stuns he's gonna die nobody's died yet tyler is pretty close to dying as well long-range valk tacticals trying to slow down the last few valkyries that are about to cross over and then we have our first place winner congratulations to vibing leon valkyries congratulations the first 17 that have made it unfortunately for the three that just came in spam killers dobby and mix you guys are eliminated congratulations to the top 17 on to game two game two is going to be hide and seek those first three people that were eliminated from the last race they are going to get the revenge they are now the seekers the first six valkyries that are found are going to be eliminated you are not eliminated until you've been put in a death box so run for your life there will be a zone in play so that's gonna put a lot of pressure not just on the seekers but on the people hiding to continue changing their hiding spot making it their way to the end and be able to qualify to the next round expertgamerboy says tony my power went out oh no um i haven't decided what we're gonna do about that i'm gonna have the show's gonna have to go on unfortunately expert gamer boy so so far nobody's been eliminated yet no one's been discovered let's check in on the seekers spam killers is playing as fuse i see migs as octane dobby as rampart big dude said i died to a prowler gg how big dude well that's two out gg's though big dude oh no you're not allowed to shoot back tyler you're not allowed to shoot back you got to run you got to run oh whoa whoa you better get the hell out of there oh remember valkyries you're not allowed to shoot it's just flying away and tacticals we have another elimination which was caesar how did caesar die you guys just flying off the map what are you doing we had one die to prowlers i got stuck on the rocks and got timed out of battle zone it happens that does count as a death unfortunately i can't tell you guys how bad i really just want to go see where people are hiding but i can't i can't i'll give out their hiding spot i just can't do that we are now in ring two and we've only had one two three oh we have two more people four and five people have been eliminated and still not a goddamn seeker has got a kill what is this you guys are dying to zones i got timed out during my ultimate hey you know what though it's as crappy as that sounds at least you guys know for next split when you guys are ratting out for that last little rp to not go negative don't hide in those zones ever again the more we know don't hide in those zones ever again all the valkyries that are listening that are in here five people have been eliminated once one more person's eliminated technically hide and seek is over this is intense spam killers is on people dobby is looking for uh any potential last-minute valkyrie rats but it looks like he's going in to help his teammate out who is this who's gonna be the one eliminated who's been discovered who has been found it is nick makes content but he gets away with a sliver of health a sliver of health this is an intense final ring as most of the valkyries are now cranking their ultimates flying away let's take a look at this zone though this zone is going to end out in the open right here the only safe place is really like these roofs over here are we going to get a potential knock people are being spotted left and right i'm looking at the kill feed zombie has found somebody missing their shots dobby is missing no one has died yet i'll tell you guys what valkyries are not safe on the ground they got to be in the air dancing like ballerinas as much as possible are they gonna get this elimination here we go intense final circle here they're we're still waiting for one more valkyrie to die they're on the last little chase and hunt for the valkyries that are up here on the height they figured out how to get up here look at him guys look at him run who's gonna be the first one who gets turned into a death box he's chasing with a mozambique with six bullets in a dream does he get a knock no he doesn't he only got one bullet left oh breaks the shield of that valkyrie doesn't quite get her we need one more valkyrie death no one's death has been collected by the seekers will be they be eliminated by a seeker or are we gonna have all six valkyries die to some sort of storm or natural cause disaster dobby is mowing somebody down dobby got a kill silverfish is eliminated he is the sixth person oh no all these valkyries they did make it unfortunately silverfish my mod was the one that got deleted alt f board that was an intense hide and seek we have a little bit of a situation here last game expert gamer boy got disconnected and instead of doing hide and seek all over again i wanted to put him through a challenge the caustic gas bunker challenge if he makes it through the bunker challenge alive he gets to go on to the next round and his disconnect from the last game will be forgiven so let me go ahead and give you guys an introduction of what the bunker is going to look like they have a lot of caustic traps they have to get through so many traps okay the rooms are safe rooms so caustics please no gases in the rooms they have to make their way through the top of the bunker he has to now make it to the final spot which is the exit he has to cross and make it to this side of the bridge whether it's over it or under it doesn't matter if he goes over he'll be greeted by a lot of people on rampart turrets if he goes under he has to cross through the fences if he makes it through alive he will have a chance to get into the next game we have a couple of wraiths here who are looking to try to get this man to the next round will it happen i don't think so but i'm allowed i'm gonna allow it there it is yep weapons are allowed expert gamer boy is 100 allowed to use weapons tacticals ultimate grenades everything this room is your safe room can he fly over the gas i don't think so oh he can oh he made it to the safe room but man look at how disruptive the gas is it's just blinding look how much damage he's taking you better hook up to that that lifeline drone lifeline is trying to help him yup look at the classics here the caustics are blocking him at the door which is allowed but they got to be careful because he is allowed to shoot [Music] he's trying his best to fly out here he goes it's the final zone does he make it out he flies and hangs her right does he make it he he made it he's flying away and they shot him anyways because they were petty about it you know what i don't know how else to say this look they had valkyrie turrets up here they had some death totems i just don't think they were prepared for him to come through like that big chad moment chat ggs for him okay he made it through hell he deserved it [Music] here we are now on to game four which is going to be a trivia based round not about apex legends but about me i think this might be a good opportunity for anybody new to the community to get to know me a little bit better rampart is a watson is b octane is c here we go question number one what was the first game i played when i started streaming was it a warzone b fifa or c fortnite go pick your answers now [Music] all right answers are locked in the right answer is fifa yes i started streaming back in 2018 and it was fifa here we go question number two what was my job recently before i streamed full time was it a martial arts coach b a bartender or c a security officer the real answer is c security officer winners make your way to the winners area losers come on back okay looks like we haven't have a lot of people in the finals which i'm okay with the last four people which legend do i have the most kills with in arenas is it a bloodhound b rampart or c mirage [Music] the correct answer is b rampart god damn it none of you guys got it wrong right get back over here last one if you guys get this wrong you will not make it to the finals what was my twitch username before it was a tony romero was it a suck a fish b sweaty fish or c i clapped your mom six nine you guys the correct answer was b sweaty fish unfortunately you last four did not make it to the next round let's go ahead and get on to the next and final one which is going to be the hardest challenge i think i've ever done for anybody we have made it to the final round we have the final eight teams each of these eight teams have been assigned a lifeline they're gonna need it here's what they're gonna be going through all eight of them are going to be starting here at the back end of climatizer starting with no loot no weapons their job the valkyries are going to be making it all the way over here to thermal station where they will need to not only survive along the way they would need to rescue their loba there could only be one lobo winner the job of the valkyries is to make it up here and rescue the loba that is being held hostage against her will against the big evil stinky caustic the valkyries have to make it up to the top over here and survive not just against the rest of the lobby but against each other all of the valkyrie teams you guys are allowed to loot weapons along the way and you guys can shoot each other there can only be one winner the first valkyrie to make it up there and through the chaos will win the ultimate prize of the valkyrie heirloom and their partner will get a thousand apex points you guys good luck in five four three two one and go good luck guys good luck to you guys let's go ahead and check in on uh team one vibing leon looks like he's gonna take the valk out with his teammate you guys can loot and fight along the way this is basically the hunger games super mario meets battle royale type thing valkyrie has to go rescue her love loba from the big stinky uh wow look at this guy he dc uh totally screwing up for somebody um but they can technically punch each other out and shoot right now look at aqua lol looking to take first shots at vibing leon and eliminate the first valkyrie dobby caustic you are allowed to be on a turret yes look at this loba here screaming for help ah somebody come help me look at loba just sitting here waiting for her knight in shining armor to come rescue her let's go see big dude got caught taken down that is the lifeline to bolster boy is he going to go back for the reds or is he going to continue on we don't know let's see vibing leon is in the lead as far as foot race goes but i don't i didn't see any weapons on fighting leon he doesn't have a hemlock in re-45 let's take a look at the map and see where everybody is at yup is basically on his own let's check out who this is over here this is lifeline equals mommy who has a long bow and a pk where these guys are gonna have the most problems is the second they start approaching anywhere near thermal station they are gonna start being attacked let's see who is in the area is there anybody in the area looks like we got some fighting over here we have a valk hold she got cancelled out of her valk oh my lifeline equals mommy she's like and that ain't none of that going down aqua lol pushing it aggressively [Music] no he froze he lagged out oh no he lagged out he was on the way to save his love oh no let's see who else is coming in lifeline equals mommy looking to land on top and steal this right away and really early looking for the classic looking to get the kill that's his bait that's her baby girl looking for the classic finds the caustics taking pk shots she is the first person on here does she get the kill is she going to die due to gas oh my god she has to jump out and evade she has to jump out anyway classic over here sending gas traps aggressively does she get the knock no she doesn't oh my we gotta go back and check in over on her lifeline equals mommy getting healed by her lifeline getting absolutely plastered by the caustic she's being chased right now she almost almost almost got the first one let's go ahead and take a look up here and see what's going on amz vader's still alive caustic is still alive takes an armor swap nobody has quite killed it yet yup yup steel over here we have a couple valkyries on top looking for the cost i'm keeping an eye on the caustic who's going to put him in the death box first is yup yup gets the knock is yep going to get the first yup seal got first the game is over yup seal got it it would have been mommy equals lifeline but god damn she missed it it actually would have been awkward too aqua lagged out wow congratulations chad i guess yup got his paycheck after all oh yeah i gotta thank you i guess he got his paycheck after all chad
Channel: Ayy_TonyRomero
Views: 412,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, apex legends challenges, apex legends season 13, apex legends 20 ultimates, tony romero apex, tony romero 350 apex packs, tony romero race, apex legends custom lobbies, apex legends exe, apex exe, tony romero loba, tony romero apex legends, valkyrie heirloom contest, valkyrie heirloom animation, valkyrie heirloom leak, valkyrie heirloom, valkyrie heirloom apex, I made, valkyrie mains, compete for an heirloom, Valkyrie apex, Valkyrie Heirloom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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