3 Hours Of Only Using Weapons I Hate In Apex Legends

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we're going live hello everyone i hope you are well today we're playing apex legends but i can only use the weapons i hate the most so if you watch this channel for a while you know that's going to be the bow check the repeater the hemlock the prowler basically any weapon that i know as soon as i pick it up i'm just going to die with i'm going to be using today so it's going to be pretty hilarious now if you are watching as a vaude um just want to remind you that about 64 of you haven't subscribed so if you sub then that means you're going to get notifications for when i do go live so you're not going to miss these streams but you know you can always watch it as a vod they will be public and my usual stream times are monday to wednesday evening time pacific time um around 8 pm so yeah thanks for watching my friends now i'm going to talk to the live chat if you were here live then um hello hello hello good day my friends how's it going so yeah today we're using only the weapons that i am terrible with um i feel like it could be pretty fun not gonna lie let's see how it goes i'm not sure if it's going to go absolutely terrible or maybe we'll leave the day with a new favorite weapon who knows we'll do it um right time to turn crap into gold how's it going fabi hello hey tjm how are you i'm good much and can you please do the one gun challenge well this challenge i think is nice and uh interesting how much hey jack gear how are you good morning march good morning good morning absolutely these weapons aren't bad i'm just bad with them that's that's the important big fan from india hello welcome my friend what do you think about the olympus change from what we have seen um i don't know man like i olympus is olympus someone's gonna love it but i hope they don't change too much okay let's find a weapon that i hate i just got here what other guns you hate i hate the bow check the repeater the prowler and the hemlock uh the re45 as well i actually like the eva 8 so we're going to move on usually these are the weapons that i find everywhere there we go oh you really did that amount of damage on me just because i picked one second live inside right got no weapon boy [Music] get i gotta nice work dude oh dear double ahri okay the reason why i hate the re-45 is because the recoil in this game is all pretty similar but the ra has a very diagonal recoil so i don't have any ammo technically the turret is not a weapon on the same team [Music] i just need to light ammo okay oh dude i missed the alternator so much too it was my favorite weapon to land on uh and when i removed it the loot pool just went to mozambique's repeaters um re45s everywhere and it was just didn't work for me it hasn't worked for me for so long if the alternator was in ground loot it's gonna be my early game weapon of choice for sure cheating it's my ability [Music] that unfortunately that's what i mean by this happening oh why can't i climb this hello we're doing all right so far 3am go to sleep it is 10 am for me 10 am all right we're doing okay so far with a double re it's not going so bad i think we should craft a purple mag though um let's drop this player a bat and two medkits [Music] the thing is with the re is it's just a really low dps as well like it doesn't really make sense to ever use it unless you have to all right there we go a really boring skin for the ra there's some really nice re-45 skins actually [Music] looking for a barrel i don't think we have one evil shield here level shield set found an extended energy mag i'll be yours i live in southeast asia i do uh she seems to be busy you know i'm not too fussed about trying to get some crazy kill record or something um so let's just craft some more ammo shall we i don't let the prowler know i'm really mad at burst weapons oh messed up we messed up you're a mirage man and people say mean to you i know how that feels being around part um yeah people just silly dude people are just selling all right let's go my shuffle steps do you think the budget could have become better again yeah very easily 20 kills and i'll donate i mean it's not impossible i'll see how it goes yes punch boost with me you have to switch your main for one day who would it be and why for one day depends on my mood you know maybe it could be horizon maybe it could be mirage it really depends on my mood right let's use it oops there's almost always people up here right here very much how's it going hello i'm squidgy i am doing well how are you my friend video should get buffed is your quality okay how much of your how's the rank grand going just got diamond for the first time by solo queuing hey zanus congrats my friend i also got diamond recently and then i stopped diamond is a different beast especially when you're solo queuing um i never even bother to go farther because i just become incredibly bored [Music] do you hear people somewhere over here yes players you want to be using long range well they're all down here not all of them actually oh that sucks dude [Music] i'm cover for you mates out weapons let's go there's a full mix ring's closing in 45 soften up some abs cover nice dude we're doing all right with the re we are actually doing all right with it it's not going badly is it okay fair enough we might be able to get that 20 bomb uh let's not die this way cool that's what we're looking for there we go shield battery here all right enemy over there just waiting to be stepped on and you take us love your videos and keep up the good work exo gaming thanks so much for three months remember i really appreciate that thank you i've got alum shards what should i get flacco thank you for the donor my friend uh it just depends who's your main who do you play the most right another rampart she won't expect this got a replicated the weird thing with the recall there another squad really careful careful careful careful what is going on charging my shields let's continue let's continue we've got to admit the one thing with the arias the fast weapon equip speed is it's just crazy dude how many blitz we got 55 that could kill somebody [Music] the rest just happened a here and i want to make sure that dies out oh that's what we need oh wait i'm backpacking chef for you my friend come get it boy i'm cover for you mates we gotta go oh now we die dude yeah i knew it man as soon as i had to get that oh well oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god save me save me holy moly dude the clutch that's why you give lifeline the gold backpack oh my god what dude i'm so happy your lifeline that was incredible oh my god [Music] uh i think they're over there i can smell the desperation rings close got a minute to shield battery here that was insane don't take it dude i can't take it stay under their line of sight get a little closer what's going on here first hello they have bro yeah gg man well done dude well done that was a great game i didn't do anything wow that's insane like i wanna approach to the lifeline yeah the lifeline i read that the clutch revived the clutch backpack swap ah that was insane what a great uh way to start the day what a great way to start the day awesome well we got the 4k and the 20 bomb nice with an re45 like what wow make it into a short while you give life in the gold bag absolutely that was there we had a pretty pretty worrying moment there did i warm up i didn't warm up i just jumped onto the game uh yeah that's nuts and with the re i'm very close to unlocking this revenant skin actually but we gotta wait for the daily challenges to reset please hello say hello to my dog louis hello louie does he understand english my wife asks is he a corgi what kind of dog can you see us talking yes 145 isn't bad that's a really low dps in time to kill it's strange what high time to kill strange that it ends up being decent guess i gotta take it off my hate list now yeah i mean it did well it did very well did that duo versus trio as well that lifeline what a legend i haven't had yet most of those with with the rampart though we didn't get okay if you saying most that has to mean at least 50 percent we didn't get 11 kills with the rampart turret good job man nice win this is for the 20 kills billy jordan thank you so much my friend thank you i appreciate that thank you i'm playing with subs and members on monday evening streams so uh next week introducing your champion i make things by hand and kill things by hand it's a boston uh quite similar yeah very uh cute my dude what guns on the list tonight re-45 repeater prowler hemlock bow check when do you think that would get her heirloom uh coal fox i don't know yeah i'd say in like two to three seasons because he's quite a popular legend thank you so much my friend thank you oh wow there we go both weapons that i don't like let's go much just in time to see that hey thank you jackson thank you so much appreciate that thank you and we have to use the hemlock and burst yeah told you man i hate it i'm so bad with the bus i don't know what it is you gotta practice though right logo more i've got my early mistake and i got the rampart nice looking thank you for the donation my friend i appreciate that thank you it's awesome yeah no surprise really we went on controller um it's a little harder to use i'd say but it's still very very decent mozambique thank you so much for the donation i actually really like the mozambique strangely enough nobody tony i like the p tony tony as well yeah well we'll accept that that was the lifeline you want me to play the left line again uh he's very um yeah they were a very friendly player there i can't actually see them yeah they were a good teammate yeah some people were just rude and toxic for no reason you look at this it's called newbie right it's not a newbie audi he's an audi wait what i don't like about the re45 is that it has a diagonal recall it just messes up my brain better than the other way around favorite tea uh in in asia milk tea and fruit tea is very popular i don't really have a favorite but my favorite drink is coconut coffee it's very nice well sweet jesus i'm the jump master you wouldn't fall to me eventually desperation arrived i arrived at the best clutch revive yeah that was crazy bad column oh really you think revenant and magma have voice lines maybe we will have to wait and see um i'm just gonna take this real quick just in case i need to help my team here you know i don't want to make it difficult for us come on oh this is a weapon i really hate and for good reason dude ah ow will i be able to hit one bow check shot question we'll never know the answer to because i feel like i'm gonna die before i get to use it coming i'm coming up coming i'm sorry how do i get them to fight each other or something um i can't hit anything with this thing any armor is in there oh dude all right good luck i need armor okay wow yeah the bow man that's my biggest biggest challenge really bad with the bow watching your streams slash gameplay play i can't speak make me really want to play apex and then when i do play i ever have a lot of fun i want to bash my head on the wall wolf pine thank you so much for that donation thank you yeah the game can be frustrating i think it's just the nature of battle royales you know there's so much that's out of your control maybe by the end of this we won't have any weapons that we hate i saw our um the very end of the aojx finals yeah thank you flacco thank you let's try um [Music] let's try a different legend maybe we'll try i wanna fuse okay this won't take a second you say hi to your dog what's your dog's name i'm using the 30 30 the bow the hemlock the prowler the re45 those are the weapons that i really don't like hold on fellas i never did finish jump master training hold on fellas my favorite gun um right now maybe the wingman rampaging car those three my favorite [Music] uh adam i mean i guess i just think that like i don't think about losing i just think about am i having fun in each fight and if i'm not having fun what can i do to change that i don't really care about winning oi ow dude this ain't good i'm just gonna use this real quick to help these guys i got yeah yeah yeah we'll definitely add more guns we're trying to fall over time any weapons here that i enjoy holy moly havoc i guess uh i don't really mind to have it and i knew there was a player behind me but i can figure out where this morning shotgun oh yeah yeah we gotta win uh first game on we got a win with the ari45 which i think was crazy crazy alright let's play um uh we can play valk good just like old times dad hi everyone i'm new to the stream hello my friend welcome this is your champion do octane yeah we might play some updates soon hello love your video keep up the good work thank you favorite character um my favorite legend to play is around my favorite character like personality wise is probably fuse lobo does make challenges easy yeah i mean it's not so much a challenge today as it is just using the weapons that i don't like to challenge myself um so there's no specific rules so if i land on a building and there's people there i just pick up whatever i can until i find a weapon i don't like see peacekeeper here uh like this for example i take it for now i missed that someone's been a rascal heavy ammo round one thanks a bunch fellas countdown have any ammo for the crow oh there's my ammo because hip fire on it's really good anyway gibraltar's literally just squidward [Music] good ammo there we go it was refreshing to play with teammates after doing no failure yesterday actually i'm gonna take the shatter caps because there's one person that has asked for a shatter caps video for like so long but every time i try and do it i just suck so badly with it i just like oh i'll save it for another night or legends you hate that's the challenging part because i don't really hate any legends you know oh my goodness i don't know what we're doing this time let's go have a look hey thanks [Applause] keep on moving so what i mean by hating this weapon dude i think i know my issue though with the best weapons i just need to pull down but for some reason i moved my aim left to right i don't know why it's just a bad habit i've gone that was like a trailer moment right there [Music] nothing's wrong with the prowler i'm just really bad at burst we did all right but my aim failed me massively um the form if you submit your details once every single time i give away 1000 apex coins you'll already be entered you'll automatically be entered so don't worry you just have to submit it once and every time i give away apex coins for the gaining 1000 new subscribers um i will you'll be entered you'll be entered i'll just pick one randomly using random number gen generator out of the people that are currently in the game um rotate the skin the voc swapping with some weapons in the care package could be amazing it'd be awesome to see a cat package bow check amateur hour's over time for the big leagues harder faster stronger let's go get the job done brothers life is meant to die accept your fates do you like pina coladas uh i don't really drink what is your opinion on the legend editions retiring i don't really know why they're doing it i guess i'll find out soon uh can you play revenant uh i'm not sure thanks to your videos and way of explaining the game i've now made it from bronze to platinum four months a nice one well that's awesome congrats i like every weapon here oh i feel so cool uh i might now count to spam um i think that if you have the same email uh it will be counted as a duplicate so you only have one entry just felt optics here sniper barrel stabilizer here level two good for ranged engagements thank you all right sorry friends slightly fk uh what buffs do you think crypto could get i'm not sure i'm so silly dude i thought i was away from that charging shield oh man i am bad with the hemlock are we did okay with it there to prepare nice job there's one left they got it they got it what do they have about this game oh no oh another team oh dear we screwed wraith has purple armor favorite wife's cooking recipe uh from her channel um give me a sec i i think that because i love mexican food i'll always say the octane one but also the uh ban ban the rice paper mix it's very very yummy it's such a nice snack uh that's probably my favorite yeah the video title is a yummy vietnamese snack you have to try these wings aren't just to get around their legacy should i add this comment scream schedule username streams from mondays to one day at 7pm pt every week your games every monday at 7pm yeah that would be really good actually yeah thank you apex uh pete honey i guess let's make a varsity play for the deck for the giveaway you gave me origin codes when i play on steam um you may have entered into the form that you're on origin um so can you email me and just uh let me know and i can get it sorted for you don't worry what am i doing charging on my shield oops i used a vault okay what uh what's going on once we get the um the like burst pattern down a bit and just remember to pull down instead of go left to right with my a the prowler is fine i think i need to probably take it off the hated weapons yeah we'll do that one day he did that one day oh me and yuty could use that all right we did okay ah this is not good that hit me ow what oh what oh no it's another squad that's crazy for you random uh race out of nowhere me on twitter but when i put the code in it said already redeemed uh what is your twitter username champions i'd imagine hasn't that gun it's pretty good my friend how's it going the guns you hate from tolerable to absolutely awful okay um tolerable prowler pretty bad uh repeater and re-45 it really sucks hemlock and absolutely awful that i just can't bear to even look at it the boat check oh nice try okay that's kind of a nut start all right we got yes we are leaving storm point that i'm happy about twitter name is okay let me just check let me check um has already redeemed let's stay ready even after it says that they're gonna work was this a code for um [Music] x uh xbox games past that was like a stream i did uh sponsored stream unfortunately all those codes are gone now um it was such a crazy thing i was just trying to give away 500 codes in one stream so maybe that i accidentally just didn't realize that i'd already given that code away get ready to stitch him up try not to blink you may miss me i love it uh what i'd say is uh sign up for the giveaway there and the google form um and hopefully you'll get a chance to win something this looks like a good place for a funeral this looks like a good place for a funeral i actually tried that um to get one kill of every gun in a single game i realized that was too hard so i did do a damage rather for every gun in a single game that was incredibly hard um so i switched it and did it did do damage of every single reactive gun skin in the game and we can't remember if we managed to actually complete that or not team seems to be a little far away so we only have one just gotta wait right gotta be patient i suck with this thing i this is the worst weapon for me it's the fact that i have to hold the mouse button down to fire i'm going to try something real quick actually how did your thematic pack go i actually opened it um let's see on my second channel it gave me apex coins no i'm sorry i was distracted keep your pants on i'm coming what i'll just arcstar them at this point you know what i think it is oh wow can i reach it hey thank you dude yeah kind of that was the video yeah oh dear what server shutting down what the why is the server shutting down that's weird i've never seen that before what the hell is the game is the game down oh no oh we're in ah that's a shame we'll never get to see what happened or what would happen usually i do a law uh video right every season where i read the story i'm probably still gonna do it but i'd like to hear your opinions would you like to see a video where i read this episode just quest i feel like as i've shifted more towards gameplay people don't really like seeing it on this channel as much but i'm gonna make a video about it anyway just because in the future it'll be useful to look back at it if i need to like see the comic again because once it's out of the game you can't really see it so easily oh wow 75 say yes okay we'll do it we will do it awesome cool all right 66. but still that's the majority so far which is actually quite nice to see um my one of my worries is that people don't like lore anymore on this channel because i've i've just grown so much to have quite a general audience in the past it was very much a lot of lore fans but yeah 71 it's nice to see my favorite videos of the lore videos there's bots last night yeah it's getting kind of wild right now you got the glitch soon uh and you won oh wow yeah that guy i feel bad for him too [Music] all the comic pages on my switch so i can read them again that's a good idea that's a good idea i feel like the servers are being a little wacky right now that's not good [Music] not really seeing any issues though i think the game is just being a bit odd uh the twitter comics are there more twitter comics i try my best to read everything make videos about it and we play the game that was a crushing hard on n a uh reagan i'm not sure but i'm pretty sure soon quite nice skin too all right jake warren thanks for watching my friend hey march how's your day going it's going well how's your day advice on pushing aggressively was still using ramparts balls in combat um put them down as you're moving like let's say you're going from point okay let's let's get let's get microsoft paint open shall we let's say you are um you know uh how can we describe this right so let's draw some pieces of cover let's try some pieces of cover right got a box here a box here a box here and this red arrow is gonna be the enemy okay so that's the enemy uh and you're here right so the path that you can make to get to a player is you can walk oh no uh you can walk here right actually we'll do we'll do a blue line for the walls right you walk here uh and then once you're at this cover you could put a wall here sorry it's a blue line for wars uh there we go so you walk hello you walk there and then you put a blue line there for cover a blue line there for cover as this one is building like this guy is going to shoot this wall right and then they're going to shoot this wall once this one is building you can then uh move to this cover here right and then you could potentially put up another wall or pick this angle and try and shoot this guy whilst your walls are building up cool down um and then you're already close enough to this point where you can kind of get a you know an angle on this wall here angle on this side you can put walls you can put walls potentially uh depending on how they react to your walls you could then move up to this cover as well and then you're right in their faces right uh hopefully that makes sense not a bad start yeah uh ebay i did a video all the way up to season seven um i'd have to do a new one for sure in case you didn't know good luck why would streamlabs give me my points um i'm not sure let's place a wool on one side go to the other and shoot the enemy usable as a decoy yeah yeah that's a super super good strap oh yeah uh i could make shorts about that it's just usually i'm asleep by the time they release those so i just i just forget i'll take this for now another squad whoa dude what's going on i'm taking so much silence damage on that is that a repeat that's what i wanted um interesting you want to get the ghost stalker skin yeah get it you're not going anywhere you've got the repeater don't you you do what i needed there we go what do you play dying like two when it comes out i really like the first i like it just i'm not sure how it would do on the channel so i haven't made my mind up yet i haven't made my mind up it's just bad timing with season five being so near just always wanted to do this too ah the wingman headshot oh no it never works jump pad with a trident it's i mean a sheila is never a good idea dude yeah we're in a bit of a pickle here above us most hyped i am for season 12 is olympus coming back control mode the potential for the alternator to come back to ground loot um yeah these things very happy it's just gonna make my everyday experience playing ranked uh sorry apex so much better hello what's going on i don't know i cannot claim that hey dylan thanks for coming remember thank you my friend thank you oh this is what i mean but i don't like this weapon i'm so bad with it okay is carrying on the floor i feel like i want to use the uh repeater because we oh my god how have i ended up with this many syringes i did all right with the aria already right we gotta try and keep mixing it up you can climb on the lamppost thingy even without the ramp at war yeah it's just i don't know maybe the position is a bit wrong or something that's weird i used to always be able to just climb this so frilly and it's like that you got to touch that little thing there out allows you to get more distance all right good job rev um so we do craft a bat wait for people to come there's only 12 people left that's quick thing is i know the 30 30 is a good gun it's just once again it's another gun that has a bit of a weird recon you just have to like refresh your aim mix giving my shields a recharge cannot get an angle i'll be a brazilian grenade so i'd assume something good what did i just kill you dude oh good work mates capped off that squad charging my shields one minute brings clothes plenty of time to damn you good all right we managed to hit some bus shots for the hemlock there see this is like a good exercise in uh practicing you know because a lot of these weapons are pretty decent really and just it's like i'm scared of them i forgot you could put the boosted loader on here ah they're on us i teleported on the roof fire time one left the reverend wins it because he's really good at the game oh yeah easy easy peasy dude oh no oh nice try yeah uh we did all right with the hemlock we did very terrible with the bow once again there was three gibraltars back to back yeah and i think they all had the same skin weird very weird experiment and there he is again wow it just makes life go faster it's just about to pass skin for this season right it makes sense i'll just get a me drink god happy birthday my friend i hope you have a great day i still believe the bow is good it's just very bad of it that's all i'm coming for you friend oh the revenant got stuck yeah this ain't too bad of a spot and if we die where's the other guy are taking over yeah i think that is a reference to that it's a slight little hint that way sorry it is way more bass than it need to but we did get it in the end oh yeah maybe not the best idea but i think we're going to walk outside the wall anyway oh no ha ha maybe they fixed that dude in the past you would literally clip outside the building oh no what's happening right now reloading stuff oh yeah i just got beamed man the weapons i'm using are definitely hitting a spot where we're just quite able to compete good there we're learning we're learning [Music] one thing uh that me and my wife are trying to work on right now is some cool valentine's merch designs so if you are an artist that has experience creating apex uh themed like uh what's the what apex chibis like cute little apex designs of the apex characters or you know somebody who is then uh please reach out to me on twitter because i um yeah we're looking we're looking for a good artist still just a little reminder dream squad and apex for rotations valkyrie yeah that's it and fight maybe in the future i'll bring back reddit videos we'll have to see not too sure you know name or anything i'm not a long-time fan but i found this content about two months ago uh people can we merge tgm merchants i love the chat oh lilika yes um just send me a message on twitter uh because yeah i'm looking i'm looking what good artists is oh no jokes on you this weapon sucks yeah see you later boy still going down the thing is i need your weapon that's the issue here oh you're still alive oh no there it is don't can you land up here please hang on i just need to use this my loot oh okay did i i'm just not really ready for it my brain was a little confused oh no bloodhounds did they get sealed oh maggie uh i'd say wait just have to wait and see we don't know what maggie will be like have you ever played overwatch i have um but i'm pretty bad at that game very bad i sent you adm thanks for mentioning awesome cool check later uh is it just me or solo do it easier than any fail game sometimes it feels that gonna do a way test oh tests are fun well they're not fun do not stream on twitch currently i just stream on youtube monday to wednesday evening 8 p.m around 8 00 7 00 pm pacific time intelligence will guide us to survival safety you may miss me right i'm the governor time to cause some mischief i'm gone this looks like a good place for the funeral of my game here we go mixing on his thoughts on mad maggie in the games um i actually think a character is great they just did a bad job of like overusing voice lines why does it do that enough what is this plan doing were literally afk and they absolutely destroyed me what what okay we have no uh evidence but i actually really think that player was cheating because they hit two headshots of the repeater but they stood still they were weird that's really weird i use rampa's ultimate quite a lot um oh nice i really think that players are cheated they seem so unaware but also meanwhile they're hitting headshots every headshot unfortunately we can't spectates they're already out of the picture whoa which spectate glitch of course you're the new kill leader the mask don't lie nice i'm going to bear her back while she does her thing one second friends progress oh i'm in the ring already hello the reason i don't facecam too much is um the main reason huh yeah my room is a mess basically i live in a really small area right now and the view you have in the camera is just it's not yeah it's a wardrobe it's a bunch of stuff hanging on the wall it just doesn't look good um i don't know maybe in the future i'll upgrade to agree getting a green screen or something but for now we don't really use it that often remember me friends i may kill you all right this looks like a good place that actually worked okay okay it's a long drop fun next weapon in the game i don't know remember the nemesis ar which we saw leaked in one of the well they accidentally leaked it themselves in one of their trailers oh are we trying to do a super glide that's right oh my god three people in there oh no ah nice try crazy [Music] um that was uh interesting i love watching players that are like very experienced with something in the game whether it's movement aim like they use a legend very well i find that very interesting well on we go um i will be right back very quickly just a couple minutes the championship is ours hey we both woke up today not a bad start introducing your champion i expect the results of this will be utterly delightful let's land here hold your breath if you have to breathe all right i'm not done yet first heads up mates another squad coming in ah they got me nice shot though recharging shields opening fire on here oh um oops sorry about that france i was missing an action two days fourteen hours for a new store two days fourteen hours be on the weekend yeah that makes sense you died a terrible death i didn't see it what happened this is your champion they say death catches up to everyone he can certainly try i'm the jump master can you feel the speed yeah baby how do you stay motivated to play so much apex legends um how would you stay motivated to play opex legends i mean i just enjoy the core mechanics of it like as long as i'm not playing too badly i never get bored of it some people are asking how we met um we well i came to vietnam on holiday because i kind of wanted to travel a bit and looking for some friends because i was traveling alone that's not supposed to happen yeah so i just met her i was traveling recharging shields i am seen some arrows ah hemlock okay oh no hello someone just looted my box one smelly boy dude i think he got started ah sorry beautiful it's not you it's me i love coffee t-shirts thank you my friend yeah the rampage literally fell through the floor the game was like look just pick up a weapon you're good with for once well that's crazy that was crazy [Music] 30 gameplay eaton hello thanks so much for that donation my friend thank you yeah we'll try if we can find it definitely need to get better with it it's not mercurial it's patient hello tic tac life welcome welcome hey zach nice to see you here for the first time introducing your champion introducing your champion which should go without saying eeny meeny miny uh how about that i love this part holy yeah the server shut down the moment i picked up a bow and now rampages are falling through the floor landing in front of me like james is trying to tell me something peacekeeper peacekeeper here just give a peacekeeper here just get the biscuit here wow i'm on my way but i wanted that thank you are you on the other team i was there looking at it can i say it wasn't there an enemy right there at everybody okay i am repairing myself all right looking for a repeater i think that we should try that yeah i could use that and now we're doing okay with the um pizza hey not doing so bad of it heading up of a zip line not take it big mod repeater oh yeah that's a good point youtube isn't sending notifications that you're live to everyone um oh did you guys not get a notification for this video this stream what's your experience oh that is correct there's one man right there oh they're up there wait oh hi oh i'm sitting in a thermite that entire time i didn't even realize it did not even clock to me that was sitting in there didn't see notification never get notifications for your streams it doesn't notify us all at once for a big channel she took itself no we don't uh i did notification today however i was already waiting no notification uh yeah if you want to get notified um this is what you need to do specifically here so you go wait to my channel one second um entire time so let's say i mean here here's the subscribe button right if you click this you won't get notified you actually have to click this and then put it on as all if you want to get notified for everything i do that's what you need to do otherwise you won't uh you won't get notifications you'll only get some notifications depending on what youtube thinks you want to watch this is your champions okay let's go it's getting a bit bit repetitive can you now use all weapons but i still haven't mastered a lot of these well i feel like um you can still keep going it does just end up being the ire a lot because and that spawns more often than everything else it's all right there kind of waiting for them they are oh you already stopped that oh we're dead then uh another way you can walk faster with a shield back we should grab that respawn better oh no fuse is just like well i would like to do some kind of viewer requested challenge but i don't want it to be donation based because i feel like i want everyone to take part you know just have to think of the best way to do it [Music] [Music] ready for a match introducing your champion no we're landing here someone made a good uh point that we can get the thirty thirty different here we'll respawn release private service next season i doubt it's coming next season i hope it does come though they did kind of talk about it coming at some point this depends when you have enemies devotion here oh hi we can consider mozam as a pistol yeah it has shares similarities with the pistols the movement stats are said with some extra supplies do we have a repeater um no we have a hemlock though all right we're doing the hamburger 6000 degrees above critical or the rear portion adjusting feed rate to match velocity of stacking tip top where to put the bubble gum dispenser the thermite doesn't have a bubble gum dispenser i want a bubble gum dispenser in my thermo my rampage yeah whatever all right squeegee thanks for watching my friend i need a barrel mod we could check out here i feel like this game is going to um take a while temple that's weird whoa so weird imagine you're just like chasing some dude right you don't see the jump pad he's just running along and then suddenly he just goes like that and out of nowhere he's just we gone harmon thanks for watching my friends here around i always gotta turn around faster to do the punch all right let's find some players the only way nice travel zero g oh god this guy has zero fear he's just running straight in i love it i love it okay well they're fighting nice shot dude grenade yes i could use it on single fire but i feel like the purpose of this this is used portions that i don't like someone's out there hi nice you can tell how bad my aim is by looking at all the bullets oh look at that these are all the shots that i missed whoa okay someone asked what software i used to edit my uh videos i use premiere pro now but i did use a free software for a long time called hit film express where are they okay okay just spotted someone out there see someone out there hi closed door here i think that's still there no oh that's hilarious obviously the helmet should just be in single fire that distance but what a practice why is lifeline so far oh that's a good point i don't know the moment i went to premiere pro and got used to using it my productivity went so much better because um it just works mover it doesn't crash it's not laggy i can like export videos so much faster for me to play legends that i hate but i don't really hate any legends so that's the only difficult part about time we got ourselves a fight i hear ya do i have fun making my videos um yeah i would say so 90 of the time the only time i don't have fun is when i'm like pressured for time and i don't have any footage it can be stressful oh we got some fights turning someone out there two squads away from a win amigos what i do with this weapon is i always just put my aim for my aim uh go left to right when i could just pull down oh dear it's awesome if i killed you dude oh oh i'm so silly i thought there was only one squad left i thought okay i totally misread that i thought there was one squad left so when that thermite guy started shooting the lifeline i'm like oh this is just an easy 2v2 so i know the bloodhound i'm like okay it's just a 1v1 against the valk and then i'll go kill the uh rampage guy i didn't realize there were two squads it's very silly of me okay so good one stone point now right yeah all right that's fine be right back two seconds ready for this dance i lead right time for a bit of a float this is your champion okay video playing with my worst legend um i'd say my wife's engine is probably krypto i've played him quite a lot recently let's go does anybody remember windows movie maker from like the windows xp days now that that was something special i'm not sure how i feel about landing here to be honest open it up for me what have you got thank you appreciate that uh you've got an arrow in your head just saying that's kind of painful another crypto a different team i don't have much ammo holy moly ah i feel like landing there it's just a bit too nuts oof okay [Music] thing dears so far my experience has been the re isn't so bad i'm still very bad with the hemlock i'm okay with the prowler and i'm terrible with the bow i haven't really found the repeater that often this is your champion angelo alexander thank you for becoming a member my friend thank you appreciate that thank you so much here we go time joining a channel wow thank you appreciate that so much thank you we have a lot of friends got an enemy i didn't even crouch ain't closed check out this way hey we're going bad guys let's go see what's going down oh there didn't have the ammo didn't have the ammo whoa that's kind of nuts that's the horizon sorry oh no problem no problem i also failed is this live i hope it's live a long time a fan of the channel it is indeed hello hi anthony good luck with your games my friend just a scratch dear what time is it it is 12 16 p.m country living currently i live in vietnam whoa whoa that's kind of crazy and that was just wild good morning from the uk oh very early good morning good early morning um hmm who should we play to mix things up a bit let's play ash i'm gonna play ash and i'm also gonna play a little bit of solo versus duos tokyo servers wasn't necessarily that sweaty per se it was like a very decent selection of players but yeah i think the thing is of tokyo is that it's very popular region for apex so i think that no matter what you're going to be put with similar skill players because you know spm is actually going to work you're back hello perfection perfection [Music] okay let's continue let's continue losing isn't fun that's why i don't do it which wear the car i suggest a scale of one to ten uh 10 or 9.5 yeah they'll bring the raider skins back definitely at some point there's no doubt [Music] all right temporarily i'm gonna pick this up oh nevermind here we go hello octane hello there we go i got picked up by that recharging an entire squad you're going inside outside on the roof oh the bow okay i'll try hang on a minute there's something that's happening a little strange there's a horizon sneaking about somewhere come in come on i can do it can i suck up these weapons it's unbelievable this is funny holy moly and that is a stack of death boxes if i've ever seen one chase the effort an appropriate title oh dear so i'll take my one arrow back the one arrow i managed to hit should craft some more arrows hmm boosted loader that's weird there's like a floating thing floating bullet hit what's it called i literally have to go into the video settings to remind myself impact mark there is a floating impact mark [Music] a reticle color i made a video about it um a short video on my main on this channel it's called like is this the best reticle color or something like that i remember the exact number pop up the it's not in the game that likes to come back uh hammer points definitely hammer points we'll do it like this i suppose where are the players healing uh manny i haven't how you my dude hello four months thank you so much my friend thank you i'm doing well i hope you're also doing well thank you uh i kind of like after more arrows and there's crafting things miles away barometer okay a big difference between the maximum graphics on pc and console graphics um i don't actually know i'm not sure i think ethan uh you're correct i think that it could potentially become a full-time mode because it's very unique it's not just a br mode right i don't know i don't know it will definitely come back multiple times it may end up being a permanent mode we have to wait and see and how popular it is right now we enter the quiet stage of storm point where you spend 50 hours wandering around trying to find players and have no luck until you've suddenly come across one player and they bring you within seconds oh here's triple tank right hello hello anybody here okay they are in the prowler then i'm coming to say hello yeah eaten i i think i think you're right not to cheetah why you cheat actually you know what if you really are the tutor i'm gonna un hide you i wanna hear your opinions on why you cheat i'm quite curious why do you do it what's the reason behind cheating come on come on come on i'm out see you later boys for the best gun combo edition thank you so much for that i appreciate that whoa um you know what i'm so sure it really depends maybe like a car and a rampage like what i like to do is get a high damage per shot weapon that's long range and a high dps weapon usually works well for me i don't have many arrows left but they're coming all right that sounds inconvenient ow the pain and the suffering i'm so bad at these two weapons it's like my confidence level dropped so i also feel very reluctant to push fights it's quite interesting i want to play some bangalore we never really played one second friends steamed up and ready to burn introducing your champions okay we have returned wait i wanted to play bangalore i'm not sure what happened so far um i guess we've learned today that i like the prowler and ahri more than i thought i did but i really don't like the bow um and i don't like hamlock phil tyler welcome thanks for becoming a member my friend thank you so much thank you anyways i remember that beginning let's do that again yeah you can you can see there by watching um what it's like when i play weapons that i'm not good with shall we do a comparison and for just like 20 minutes or so see what it's like to use a weapon that i'm used to we'll take um we'll take a wingman or something we did so well with the aria at the beginning but the prowler still still wrapping my head around it i need to pull down here's the thing this is what my mouse is doing when i use the prowler it's like kind of like this like i'm pulling down but also going side to side because i'm trying to track them but i know i think pulling down is the most important thing and i should do very slight side to side how would you play revenant do you have any tips um i haven't played revenant in a long time so i'm not sure maybe not you know what we got to just stick with it let's get good with the prowler and then we'll move on to the other weapons right either you fight with me and we win or you fight with someone else and i win [Music] the octane skin is cocktain from season four's grand no sorry season three is grand soiree i bet all right mates try here oh yeah barometer drop don't try too hot plate easy you're not trying too hard but i gotta um be conscious of what i'm doing if that makes sense otherwise i'm just gonna miss my shots yes we're doing a bit of solid duos because um okay that's the bow hello yeah we had a shot not available giving my shields a recharge cover charging my we're doing it finally now i'm concerned i want to leave because i don't feel that comfortable up close like that here come on with your knucklecaster dude there it is there it is there it is expected it of course now you feel confident you're gonna push here comes i'm gonna put the arc start sorry thermite down you're gonna feel like you're gonna push in but the fuse isn't gonna come because he's not that crazy he's crazy we did it we killed people holy moly we're hitting bow check shots man finally it didn't take that long i just had to not be afraid how did your teammate go dude he just disappeared ah he's got three million damage three yeah three million damage wow we hit some shots there we hit some shots nice feels good rickon yeah you don't need to give credit don't worry it's a very simple idea it's not like it's mine or anything just a very straightforward idea don't worry okay that was satisfying if i ever let you down it's probably because i grew a bit tired of carrying you reuben i will i will let her know thank you so much for the feedback it's awesome to hear introducing your channel chair 100 reactive yes pain death nothing phases me you have the same expression as my customers when i was a waiter i have a favorite dessert no i wouldn't say so bring the party no just real quick physics hang on a minute best what that is completely unfair thanks for that i need to find some actual weapons fellow rampart yeah you keep shooting toss in a flag shooting at me we've got another team coming in so have fun set up hmm i don't hate the wingman but it just happened to be that there was too many people around and i can't find a weapon i don't like cover hello i think he's on the roof there we go hello are you here clueless dude on the roof again i wish i could speak to him hello are you here it's on the roof again dude find a way to actually climb up there why'd you keep just climbing on the roof you are very nimble but it would be nice if you just kind of let me do that sooner you know just say break through the little gaps on the roof oh he's trying to get an angle on me oh surprise jump pad i think we're alone now we're talking [Music] try one second oh hi i got it i got it i got it lots of people behind me it's a little bit scary oh nice i'm charging my shields thank you so much for that donation thank you appreciate that thank you so much i'm not really going to push one off what about the people behind me that is not good ah man no uh do you think streaming on youtube effects regular vids um i think the algorithm is kind of it's aimed towards just creating good content if you create a good stream or stream people enjoy it's not really going to affect your viewers normal videos youtube is very good at segmenting audiences so you could stream and have an audience of people who watch your stream but they may be an entirely different audience like the majority of them to the people who watch your videos the people who watch my shorts the majority of them are different to the audience who watch my stream and different to the audience who watch my videos because youtube knows what people like and what to recommend to people so i know that a lot of people watch my shorts never even know that i stream they just don't even know what happens because youtube never shows it to them but it's like you can grow multiple different audiences on one channel i think that um yeah i think that something people should consider run fast hit fast win fast that was a close one we almost killed that squad uh uh we almost killed both squads to be fair but i felt like the prowl that led us down it's just once again not what i'm used to he recommends me the more i watch someone hey nice you're the dedicated four fans that really help this channel be what it is i do appreciate it if you somehow managed to watch all my shorts and i'm not all of it but you watch shorts you tune into the live stream if you watch my videos then that's awesome appreciate you attention smell a bow tossing up cover run roof soften up some abs cover okay [Applause] what's going on my shields ring's pretty close [Music] hmm whole squad down wow he's let's just craft a bat first okay nice i don't know why we need a mobile respawn beacon but hey makes more sense don't judge me okay i know i have a million syringes for no reason that's just the way i roll it's the way i roll i want to craft a uh go how's the day going devilish it's going pretty well how are you my friend okay the rest happened in north pad there right i guess they rotated the other way i can't see them yeah logan that's a good good little strat okay we'll take the heat shoves for now onwards a bow but i'm feeling this combo feeling it is that respawn i think i saw a respawn this isn't there you can't see the color of the box here i thought it's a legendary box we'll never know you know what i hear i hear the engine of a trident that's left in part somewhere so let's go get it somewhere around here um that makes sense oh you can get up here i've realized that all right let's get moving there's always a squad here not today [Music] replicated dropping in let's have a little peek in here see what's going on [Music] don't scare me oops you know i'm just helping you out don't mind me we're actually gonna lose that fight it's a really bad angle for us an octane in a rate and you know that combo is not gonna go well for us oh we hit it that's what i was trying to hit giving my shields you know what we do i am invincible inside this box i'm literally invincible nobody can find me nobody can hurt me what are you gonna do shoot me i don't think so imagine opening a loot box and you find a literal rampart inside well wait wait wait wait for this player you know there's there's a vote coming hi oh no i stood up oh i can still lie down they seem occupied okay never mind all right all right all right i get the i get it i get it i get it you don't wanna don't deal with me understand i do realize that because i'm using weapons i don't like i just end up getting the majority of my kills with the turret that is what it is [Music] cover charging my shield a little bit here's a problem we're getting pushed by that squad now we're gonna just get out a second and let them fight each other and then we shall only one guy went on the grav cannon interesting maneuver not gonna lie hey my lifeline what are you doing that's weird don't want two scouts i don't necessarily want to fight that squad but they grab lifting up there they may be going for the care package [Music] i feel like that squad's quite good i actually kind of want to win this so we're going to triumph that smart and go away from them find the other team and uh try and get them to kind of get involved with each other you know don't mind they're already involved right there who's gonna win who's gonna win you get a prize of instant death no i ah man the hemlock let me down i'm still very bad of it but hey that was fun a lot of crazy stuff happened in that game all right what's edge yeah i'm really bad with burst weapons in this game not sure why do live today die tomorrow better than the other way around better than the other way around you ever play pro uh like in tournaments uh i tried algs one time that's very bad so you know we just stick to what i'm doing that moment there was just a moment of me not knowing what to do because my aim failed me and i'm like oh no i have to use this terrible weapon it's not bad i'm not going to be very good at one point and it's decent still it's just my brain still hasn't quite got over the whole burst thing yeah i could have gotten the car could have been a play i think she was already she took damage like i could have won that fight oh yeah that's not good i stopped all right that's a whole squad down i actually climb up here now oh right gotta promote whatever i can oh wait i'm bored ready giving my shields a recharge i see you've never faced a rampart before um i see they also uh have better aim than me i shouldn't have pushed i mean if i had any other weapon i would have felt confident to push once again it's just that tricky challenge of um just learning the weapons here's hoping neither of us get the hiccups getting this bonanza da 30 versus shotgun yeah that is true viewer games merchant plays with viewers um every monday from 7 p.m to 10 p.m to join you must have at least 1k points you must at tgm and tell him your in-game username yeah could you edit that a little bit and say um 1k points or be a member and then yes that's very good thank you it is kind of like a mental block yeah it's kind of like in my head i tell myself that i'm bad of it absolutely right hello octane oh there oh that ain't good i'm dead i know it's covered hmm hello smelly why is it that your melee works and mine doesn't do hey just joined the live hello welcome i had to shorten your name and made it merch instead of the gaming machine because not enough space okay thank you so much thank you that's perfect how's it going yeah today's been great we've had some good games had some good games time to show them what they're made of what other games do you play honestly right now just apex my wrench was i was so close to the bangalore and the wrench said nothing it is what it is down we go why do i play sailor every game um i don't play cello every game a lot of today i played on solo work well it never works uh i've been dreaming of this moment all day i've also been asleep all day this is your champion hey gabe thanks so much thank you thank you sorry jfk there what do you think of respond adding a randomized election option i think it could be fun why not and if we die it was the other guy's idea all right thanks silver blade that's awesome um weapon alright friends um i am going to end the stream there thank you so much for all the support today uh we had a really good day playing it went very well um i will be back again um i'm not sure if i'll be back next week or not before or if i'll take a short break because it is almost lunar new year um so keep an eye on twitter if you want to
Channel: The Gaming Merchant
Views: 481,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends, Apex, Play Apex, apex legends streaming, streaming apex, apex s11, the gaming merchant, tgm, tgm apex, apex season 11, apex legends, s11 apex, apex legends live, apex live, apex legends ranked
Id: UMm60Hi21dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 45sec (10845 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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