Anything This KID Can Carry, I Will BUY!!! (Fishing Edition)

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good morning hello hello stash stains and stash bags and everything else we've thought of over the past few months uh yeah good morning and stuff good morning to you too boo i got the prettiest camera person in the world boo is here to help me and uh unfortunately we aren't going to be going fishing so we're not going to see boo out fish me today so if you were here for that then i guess go watch like 30 other videos of do out fishing me but today we're doing something special um like super special and i rarely ever plan anything most time i just kind of wing it and just go to random holes and fish and call it a day but today i've been playing this for like three weeks about uh i don't know 10 videos ago for 80 000 subs i met a young subscriber jonathan at the lake and the kid is literally more passionate about fishing than most adults are about anything i thought just meeting him at the lake for 80 000 subs it's kind of lame so i started concocting some things in this small little brain of mine and uh what i decided is uh i got a hold of jonathan's mom megan and uh asked her permission to uh bring jonathan to ye olde shields unfortunately with the rona and all that crap uh some of the items are gonna be kind of out of stock and stuff but we'll do our best but basically we're gonna take jonathan in here and uh anything he can carry i'm gonna buy for him so he had a few poles but he broke one while we were there he was he had spark plugs his weights and stuff like that i'm not really necessarily saying he needs my help but i i felt like maybe helping him for 80 000 subs would be cool so he has no idea his mom knows obviously he's he's a younger kid he's 12 so i had to get permission but he has no clue so we're just kind of out here waiting for him to show up then we're going to go in here and i don't know did i forget anything boo i feel like i already rambled long enough but we're not used to doing these challenge things we just we just mainly fish but this isn't really a challenge this is uh just kind of helping out a kid as a thank you for me being able to do this every day and i just wanted to help him because he seems cool anything i should add good i think it's pretty good yeah now we're just waiting we'll let you know when he gets here what do we talk about while we're waiting boo talk about the weather uh it's supposed to thunderstorm today uh it hasn't quite yet but it's supposed to thunderstorm do you think he's even gonna act excited because when i fished with him he was just like it was another day he's chilling yeah he's just chilling the kid is straight faced straight laced straight and narrow he's like i'm a pro i don't need you you don't need me for nothing he was teaching me how to fish i was scared of the turtle when he just like lassoed that thing yo there he is we got the crew you look different jonathan i know i'm josh i'm mason nice to meet you my dad name is joshua hey well that's for josh yeah mine's joshua too i just got rid of the ua early yeah what up little homie stop long time no see yeah catch that turtle you caught yeah i got four of them i was like i need jonathan here to help me out because i was scared yeah they're weird little snake necks hi i'm josh hi i'm megan nice to meet you and that's ashley boo and uh yeah now we have to hop back in our cars and then we're gonna drive in there i think we have to find the second floor and they're gonna let us in over there so okay all right rock and roll you ready to buy me stuff jonathan do you bring your allowance [Laughter] you totally would too all right let's go i think they're gonna come let us in did you know i didn't sleep at all last night i stayed up well you need your sleep you even know what you're doing what are we doing here i thought this was your idea yeah i thought this was your plan [Music] really do you like that teacher or no yeah okay okay cut that boo cut that i'll link it down below let's get you at least another three subs subscribe to jonathan kid catches bigger fish than most youtubers combined including me do you have a gopro yet no my brother i'll have to look around i think i have one lying around i just don't know if it works you put one up yeah did you catch him i did of course he did why did i even ask oh yep gosh how you doing pretty good man how are you top of the morning to you [Applause] how you been pretty good man how are you doing so what are you doing uh i'm not telling you i came here to get you a treadmill okay so you can get all jacked up for riding your bike to home all right you ready you're probably ready to know since you didn't sleep last night you've probably been waiting for a while but basically whatever you can carry i'm gonna buy one of those things but between you and me try to keep it under 500 but if it goes over it goes over but whatever you can carry plus i'll help you carry some stuff plus i'll help you uh pick out some stuff let's get you like a bait combo that's nicer than the one you have not saying yours sucks but let's get you a nicer bait combo i know you broke a catfish pole so let's get you a catfish pole and probably a reel maybe two catfish poles and two reels depending and uh hooks and weights and whatever else yeah cause she always sticks mine yeah well now both of you are gonna have plenty so you can have his hand-me-downs or he can share his new ones with you that's between you guys but uh yeah we got like 30 minutes and yeah go ahead let's do it sonny i don't know where to start i don't either let's start with probably catfish poles if they even have any yeah a couple over here see here he knows yeah he always knows his way around more than i do you probably should get some circle hooks like these are the ones that i use definitely get those do you want some of your smaller ones i know you were using smaller ones there you go do those all right we're done all right you want a net i don't know what they got for weights i might have to give you weight separate and i forgot to bring my big spools of line i can probably spool up all your pulls don't worry about lying today i'll get you lined you could always do like one of the ugly stick combos for your bait pole don't even look at price i'll start yelling at you if it gets up to like three grand but all right i need a ultra light rod because my bait run turned into a channel catwalk yeah like any of these would be good i'd say one of these combos would be good for a bait bowl there was one over here that caught my eye all right well let's do that one then he actually smiled i've never seen him smile he's always so straight faced oh it's technically the same one yeah whatever you want man if you want it to be an ultra light there's your ultra light the other ones are kind of a little bit heavier just in case you hit bigger fish but whatever you want that's like the ultimate car for all that'll take you like three years to get that in all right so you got your bait pole they really don't have that much for catfish poles yeah are you right-handed or left-handed you like it on the left yeah i think i'll get this one yeah we'll ask him if we have it in stock you sure you want to do that right-handed reel stuff though yeah i'm on big castles yeah let's get you that and then let's find a rod somewhere where oh yeah i got a couple look at you boo they are ugly sticks and this one would be fine which is so dang long and it's like super wiggly and it's a crappie rod it says mr crappie on it yeah we don't want that you catch too big of fish jonathan you'll break that no problem pow all right well if you want the longest rod in north america you get the longest rod in north america and then they even have any weights i didn't even notice oh yeah they've got little ones that's like one ounce let's get you one really nice catfish set up we'll get them to pull you out one of those reels and then you'll have that hole in that reel and then you'll have a big hole and you got hooks and then wait i'm not sure what they have for weight so yeah if you want some one ounces i usually use two ounces or one ounces i usually use big ones because they use live those are the ones huh you want swivels or do you not mess with swivels we do have one thing all right come tell them what reel you want if they have it in stock that one works for you we'll get you taken care of sound fair yeah okay we'll get some wine put on for you what kind of line you want you should do some mono to start it or i uh i have big spools of line i was going to put it on but if you want to throw line on there you can i got mono bolt we can just load it up for it yeah mono or do you want braid what do you normally use you want to do braid yeah i got i have like five thousand yards a little bit on the back side right on it that'll work yep sounds good man thank you all right back to jig heads we had to get the important thing out of the way you kind of need a reel to catch fish some of those those will work for carp too but they also work pretty well for bluegill should get you those super small ones for chads shots or anything i already got like one of those containers well what else are you thinking i tried to use a new tackle box let's end her on a tackle box i think there are most of them are over here that red one's kind of messy i like bees well you pick out whatever you want man whatever you're feeling little homie like this oh yeah i could be like you now mission with the bag yeah that's easier to put on a bike for sure yeah but i i wired a little basket in the front of my bike hardcore perfect it's hardcore all right one more grand finale you an old greeny what is it a medium something rather seven foot medium heavy that's about as good as it gets for just about everything it'll work for catfish i didn't even know you liked bass i thought you were better than that yeah [Laughter] i'm just kidding yeah you seem to break a lot of them don't you that's what happens when you fish as hard as you do though i break like three rods a day they always pop by tires well you'll have to handle the tires we'll handle all this stuff yeah i know how to fix tires i'm sure you do i'm not surprised let's go over there see uh see what he's got for your reel it sounds like we're getting a little bit different reel run right down here and we'll get you all taken care of okay that'll work can we throw some wine or anything on there for those two are you gonna take care when you get home that's up to him but i got giant bulk spools if you if you want mono on any of them do you want mono on your bait pole or do you want braid okay one on that spinning setup i'm gonna do some ten pound eight pound ten pounds ten pound work good for you okay i'll get schooled up here quickly it's the fishy stuff all right you're paying for this right here you guys going out today or sorry yeah i think he's going you're going yeah he's going out a little bit later got to test out the new stuff you know exactly make the two rods at the first day you got to catch a fish on every rod today or you can't go home you also have to work here for the next six months to pay all this stuff off medium he did good but he didn't make me go broke so that's good and then you can go ready and do you want just a prank receipt or do you want to email it uh just a print it'll be fine thank you very much thank you appreciate your help all right garage and reels for you okay guys good luck out there thanks all right you bet appreciate you i'll be back in in five minutes beside you here in just a second sounds good man all right thanks thank you all right well we're back outside now everything's paid for uh i don't really have anything else to say this video is all about jonathan so uh yeah is this what you were expecting um kind of when my mom said shields kind of i know it was pretty happy i asked her where are we going and i asked her if i had to bring my rods and she said no because we were going to shield town and she was like i was like shield he thought i was going to try to make you buy me stuff right yeah yeah you have to work it off yeah no i'm just kidding it's all yours man keep fishing and stuff and making videos and making videos i'll link his channel down below he's uh he you made one video so far he's gonna make a few show em what the stash fam is all about and head on over to his channel and uh subscribing things gotta get you a gopro 2 next maybe that's the next task if this video gets like 5 000 likes i'll give them a gopro sound good yeah you better make a bunch of fake accounts and like yeah because i never get 5 000 likes so you got to make a few of them but anyway we're going to wrap this up uh shout out to shields for helping us out anything else dad you got anything to say are you excited he's going fishing today i'm not i got work stuff to do so bowl ring not all fun and games on the youtube scene folks and i got a kid getting ready to go to kindergarten so we got to do that too but anything else to add nope all right well tell them thanks for watching tell them to like share and subscribe to your channel not mine and uh then hit the camera you can do the honors thanks for watching like and subscribe um check out my youtube channel unsubscribe from josh's in the face [Music] you
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 52,281
Rating: 4.9818087 out of 5
Keywords: anything you can carry ill buy, buying anything he can carry, Walmart fishing challenge, amazon fishing challenge, Scheels fishing challenge, act of kindness, helping out young anglers, spillway fishing, creek fishing, stream fishing, river fishing, anything you can carry challenge, fishing, helping kids in need
Id: obQGOP3_IyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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