Bow Fishing FLOODED Marsh For INVASIVE Fish!!!

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disgusting good morning you dirty stash bags is early kidding 30 it's not that early when I just woke up and I'm gonna go right back to that Creek where I was at in the last video I try to catch some big fish that's all that's all we're gonna do that's all we're trying to do and I don't take anything we can get and you never know what you're gonna get that dirty old Creek says we've found out from previous explore of nations videos so I'm gonna go back and explore that Creek a little bit more I didn't have that much time last time so see what we can catch there's some pretty big fish and I'm gonna try to catch some see where the day takes us and stuff let's go you got creeks in your area you should really go down and try them especially spillways and waterfalls like this cuz you never know what you're gonna catch and it's just it's just different it's just more exciting more fun in my opinion I always get stuck on the bass fishing in the early spring because they're just so fat and so angry but yeah I keep breakfast room for at least another week or two and then see what else we can come up with like I'm see him down here I can see you yeah yeah yeah yep nope shining on rocks this weightless worm thing is actually pretty fun you see carp swimming around with their mouth at the top of the water they won't bite your jig head or your bottom cart corn rig die on something weightless throw it in the current and hold on tight oh yeah oh yeah that's a larger one he's going downstream I don't know if this will ever get old I know how big it is last time I was here I saw some number 20 pounds I don't think this one's 20 pounds but it's definitely larger yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep come here you freshwater boner fish come here bud come here little Timmy I'm a big head I poked you in the face but at least I'm a little fella saying at least I'm gonna let you go I don't know now I might have to kill you after that and for that stunt just kidding I won't kill you [Music] I mean this is a little creek it's like a five pound fish little bud get out of here bye-bye Timmy Mike Carp Timmy uh I caught two carp ya know shoot the out of him now I probably would shoot my foot instead of the fish or something I've never even seen anybody do it so yeah I'm doesn't bother me I actually wish you would I want to see it yeah I got like three hours I'd do it I'm down I might break your arrows deal I might try to shoot a carp today even though it's against my kind hearted carp loving nature there's obviously plenty of them and I've always wanted to try it so I think we're gonna try it okay a little midday update yeah but it at a local community man I didn't get his name yet we'll ask something later that said he's gonna go get his boat she's got two boats I've never tried bow fishing so should be pretty sweet I'm not guaranteeing I'll hit anything but certainly gonna try that my buddy Jim that's the good thing about fishing inner-city creeks and like that because you run into people and I've always wanted a bo fish and Jim gracefully gracefully graciously what word am I looking for English and we're gonna go out and see if we can't shoot a carp don't expect much out of this I imagine he's gonna hit a bunch of fish and I imagine I'm gonna miss a bunch of fish but it's worth the shot let's do it as long as I don't lose my shoes well actually I don't care for lose my shoes that'd be easy walk along until I start to see their shadows but if we get too close to water we tend to spook them they just feel the vibration I got bifocals shoot low you know there's a bird we can shoot the bird yeah even harder there there I'm gonna tie my shoe before I eat look like there's two or three right there didn't look like one fish so what's this called a recurve bow and that's a compound bow look at me go I'm an expert well usually if there's one there's more grip this hat off seabass get him I saw it's like swirl though I mean that's a at least we saw some yeah we're gonna see more but I mean just walking right down here right away seeing some I actually saw that one without the sunglasses see his back he just way in there is it I actually saw one Oh fail what happened there am I just a failure is he still there since he loved grass carp you nasheed him no I won't see you you kind of just hard without the polarized glasses go for it at DCM I don't even see him anymore without the sunglasses shoot him yep one two three did I get him are you sure no I think he did oh I shot so what should I have done differently just and real it no well yeah probably let me take a little bit line just the wait a little bit because their scales are so thick you barely got under the skin gotcha I was just going to tell you grass carp pull off real easy well I think we found the spot though yep I think I got a scale on it that's a big yep hey guys so I just didn't dude very I felt that all but yeah yeah I didn't go through so what I just didn't pull back hard enough probably yeah he's out there little ways for that bow yeah you got em I saw the arrow zoom out well you felt and pulled in yeah well yeah my lines like oh that is a large scale and what do you think is like 10 pounder I'm gonna keep that that's my first scale maybe I'm maybe I can do this I don't know I just sprayed and prayed and happened to hit him his body was it honestly if my arrow didn't fall out that first time yeah I might have been able to get him well I guess I got him I just didn't I just didn't get him I think we found him bud left side of that bigger they don't look large though do they that's a big one these whole heads all the water one just move the weeds over there - oh I saw I saw a spin stick out I think he's the other direction now another one over here I think is low I was somewhat close seems like there's a lot more fish over here just not as big oh I just saw a bigger one yeah got him I think I think oh no I shot low I thought I yeah he's he took I thought I hit him for sure I had the I had the I saw his whole side he just there he is oh there's two of them I'm gonna catch this one of my hands oh god there's so many of them do i duck yeah he's right by my arrow he he just swam over my arrow so so cool just because it's so shallow oh yeah they're crafty little bastards Oh aim lower there you go nice shot get him Oh you bouncing off his head I thought I'd yeah you hit him right in the head they just not pull back for it probably you hit him right in that room Barnard party yeah that was uh that was a silver that was there he goes I need probably this is badass man I've never done anything like this I know I've already been freaking out and I haven't even I've hit - but what do you do with them because people are gonna ask so how do you turn them into fertilizer blend them but commons and you can do Silver's yeah make some healthier flowers I just need to pop my cherry I got blue balls right now from hitting that wanna get stale yeah knock that one in the head now for the other one in the back yeah there's a couple of them can you get on this log comfortably yeah I just don't know yeah it's it's wobbly for sure Oh God yeah you should be it's here let me I'm gonna get to the other side and then it's not very wobbly over here it's just right when you get on down there there's there's some up here too I got two I missed him I missed him again that was a that was a bigger gar now he's looking at me the back of my arrow is stuck in the old log I'm gonna try that was sketchy Oh damnit my tips gone yeah I don't know how long ago maybe before the GAR what do we do now are you sure Oh [Music] oh my god thanks dude I got him smoked you never know oh god that's disgusting he's like projectile bleeding I hit him and I panicked all right well how many years did it take Jimmy actually only took you about for good shots before you got one to stay on I don't think that guy's living so let's see he's gonna turn into fertilizer I guess yeah we'll make him into some garden foods bury him in the garden make some nice tomatoes for Jim's family and uh there's a shitload of them back here anyway so oh well you guys know that I like cars like this cart but there's definitely an abundance of them and some of them need to die and I think this one's on the verge or is he already dead there's not your nature to it so he was like there's AG line out yeah I did it I shot now what reload put your foot on it and then just loosen the tip and you'll see the add him to the pile to the part that one's that one's fertilizer the grass carp that he's smoking is back over yonder we're gonna have to go get that thing but I did it never give up I'll show all thanks to Jimmy Carr got it I got him good too like he's didn't he's done I actually want one about this size for my I'm getting an aquarium but I don't think he's gonna live in the quarry you might not want to shoot him there if you wanted for your query yeah I'm gonna have to try to catch one in the mouth I think I'm I think I'm dialed kinda I think you're ready to be thrown boa keep going yeah let me hold this dirty thing yeah it start flexing the scales too much I know they're sharp yeah all right well we're gonna add him to the fertilizer pile you're not gonna you're not gonna smoke this one are you people do eat gar if he was a like a big alligator gar something I'd give him a try yeah I'm gonna be you know much bigger scar I would try it yeah he's kind of small yeah he's doing our fertilizer pile there you go fertilizer who's that whopping three steps yeah that didn't take long I went from nothing to two in a hurry yeah that wasn't too bad for for a damn rookie yeah I was I walked almost right up on him before I saw him and he didn't move so done did it all right I am tired but that yawn is forced bowfishing is it it can wear you out we were up in the flooded waters walking around slopping around and my Nike press toes that are pretty much ruined now but that's okay they weren't very clean to start with I don't know how I've ever have never tried bowfishing I just thought I'd never be able to hit anything and I actually Jim could be lying to me but he said I actually ended up being pretty decent my first shot I actually hit a pretty big grass carp it was probably like 15 pounds or something maybe 20 and I just didn't pull it back hard enough for something because it didn't stay in there but I don't know that's like I've only shot like two other things my life and there and yeah I've never really been in the hunting I've never really shot and killed anything and you'd shout out Jim crazy-house stuff like that happens and you just randomly run into people and you're fishing at public lakes public streams creeks and stuff like that because just sitting there talking he offered to take them go fishing and we went bow fishing and it was actually pretty badass yeah if you want to see more bow fish you can comment down below leave a thumbs up and subscribe something I definitely want to try again I don't know if I'm gonna get real into it like by my own bow or something but let me know what you guys think and maybe I'll do some more I think I covered everything rambling for d long talk to you guys back together [Music]
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 52,163
Rating: 4.8236332 out of 5
Keywords: Unexpected fish in tiny creek, bow fishing in tiny creek, bow fishing for spawning carp, creek fishing, river wading, spillway fishing, spillway bow fishing, hidden creek bow fishing, shallow water bowfishing, sight fishing, creek fishing tips, bow fishing tips, nebraska flood 2019, texas flood 2019
Id: 58dGEM3xaKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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