Fishing With GIANT CUTBAIT Below RAGING SPILLWAY!!! (What Will Eat It?)

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hello glorious waterfall spillway creek thing under a bridge how the hell are you today lighting's kind of terrible it's dark under bridges that's kind of how bridges work but we're back to give it a whirl water's higher lots of leaves fall is here might be a pain in the ass we shall see pa-poopy pal what is going on you dirty old stash bags i concede we kind of ran out of uh good new ones but uh keep commenting them because uh yeah maybe one day we'll do it again but we'll stick with stash bags and stash stains and the simple ones for at least a little while but uh yeah today i'm out of the creek rained a lot last night yeah last night it rained a lot lots of wind lots of uh leaves fell in the water this is the fourth creek spot that i've been to today and uh i finally caught a fish a little bit ago but it was a tiny channel so yeah i don't know it's been pretty terrible we're gonna try our best though and our main goal today is to uh use cut bait last time i was here i did not use cut bait we brought a little gold eye that boo caught not that long ago and uh yeah i'm gonna chuck that out choke some corn out and see uh see if we can't get a big kitty it's pretty deep right here we never caught a big kitty last time we were here so i figured i'd come try it with cup bait and see if we can't get something big tried exploring tried finding new spots all morning it is now one o'clock and uh at this point i just want to catch something because i haven't fished for eight days i know i know sound like a whiny baby because i know a lot of you guys have to deal with that on a regular basis but eight days is a long time for me just had family stuff and things so anyway come along with me see if we can uh catch something other than a leaf out of this dirty muddy raging thing oh wow all right first things first let's get the gold eye out and then we'll get the night crawler back out um yeah did i say what i caught i think i did i caught a little tiny channel cat nothing special but after not fishing for eight days and after this being the fourth spot of the day it felt pretty good i knew this little mini gold i would come in handy perfect for what am i doing here perfect for uh don't blow away bag perfect for short little short little creek trips so we're gonna cut him up into pieces i'm really hoping we can catch a drum or something but we'll try to make it work not going super huge on the cut bait right away might switch over to like a head section eventually and uh might get desperate and bust out the corn eventually we didn't catch any big carp here but we ran into a few last time we were here and uh they seemed seem pretty large pretty deep pretty deep problem is it's very hard to get a bait to stay in place right now that's been the biggest issue at all the spots we're gonna have to do a lot of casting and a lot of adjusting and hopefully a lot of catching but don't hold your damn breath because you might die get the crawler out and hopefully nab another one and i uh i said i caught one fish here which is true but uh yeah i've been here for half an hour too so i might just be talking to my damn self this might never even turn into a video but that's just part of it how the hell are you guys today you guys been fishing did you guys take eight days off of fishing involuntarily almost kinda i hope not hope you're getting out a lot and i hope you're catching more than leaves because i like you guys anyway enough sappy let's uh there's already eight leaves on my catfish pole let's check the crawler out and see if we can't get a bunch of leaves on that too and maybe catch a fish hopefully maybe but when the water's muddy and the water is high like this sure you can throw moving baits or you can let a jig head bounce along but personally think just bottom baits are the way to go gotta let it sit there and let it soak let them find it and i also think that uh cut bait and stinkier baits like uh goldy well are actually kind of helpful it makes it makes it easier for them to uh find it i don't know if this fish still has it it was definitely a decent bite though felt something but i'm still unsure no fishy so deep out there crazy there's got to be a damn fly head here probably like six or seven feet which is pretty deep for this creek but we'll probably just stick it out here because it's the only spot that i've been able to even get a damn bite and uh hopefully we can weed through the little ones and connect with something big and at this point big is like five pounds it's been a rough couple months rough couple of months we'll take what we can get now let's get something otherwise you aren't gonna believe me that i even caught one fish don't make me out to be a liar creek that's big that is big flipped it down just to the left of me and stood out in the main pool and hit it instantly we might actually do something worth the damn after all what are you you ain't small and you're growing hell yeah nothing like old drag peeler you know i think the gold eye got tapped a couple times too but i could be wrong but i will take this song for sure i don't even care what it is might have to try down creek a little bit maybe they're sick of the damn current in the leaves too i think we hooked him pretty good so we're just gonna kind of back off a notch take our time enjoy the sweet moment that is catching a fish finally and uh yeah hopefully we can not screw it up what are you friend definitely bigger than anything that i caught last time we're here i can tell you that for damn sure and sometimes that's a good thing about high water you might not catch as much but sometimes not all the time you catch some pretty good what are you tammy watch it's like one pound it can't be one pound it's gotta at least be a pound and a quarter where are you hey a kitty why didn't you eat the gold eye homie he was shallow ain't a bad one hopefully that's signs of things to come i'm actually glad he ate the night crawler instead of the gold eye my catfish pole would whoop this thing's ass but on the little rod uh yeah it's it's fun it's good it's fun videos like right in here only like three feet deep over there's like six or seven and hit the bottom and got got eight i know he's nothing like super special but he's like he's special to me so if you got your negative opinions you can shove them up your ass all right put this in the pole holder quick get out my big camera and show you a channel cat even though you've seen don't you do it don't you do it you can get in the shallow water but don't you go swimming i know that's what you like to do is swim but you might be the biggest thing we catch today so i want to take a better look at you you son of a biscuit we'll just shorten your leash it actually works out now you can now you can get a drink of water be all healthy and stuff shouldn't break off key word is shouldn't and we'll get a look at him a little looksy come here little tammy i'll let you go i will let you go he wasn't going nowhere all righty i think he can see me maybe i don't know anyway who really cares where's the sun who really cares about that either but i don't know what do you guys think three pounds something three and a half on the old night crawler pole always a good damn time this is what we're after plus maybe a little bit bigger potentially and maybe a flathead but we want to catch him on goldie really and who knows maybe on the uh the lighter spinning rod i might just put a small chunk of gold eye on it or something but feels good to catch something that can pull some damn line sorry about the arkansas videos if you watch those they were fun exploring catching new species but all the damn fish were tiny not saying arkansas sucks i'm saying i sucked might have been a tough time of the year i can think of as many excuses as i want but arkansas was not my best showing and neither is this but we'll take it all right little kitty bud you look kind of tasty but we'll let you live have a good life my friend have a good life all right getting it back out back to waiting moving some stuff hopefully catch some more pow and stuff and things and more things and stuff well that was fun probably is bigger than any fish i caught last time i was here and that's our first one on camera today so i guess we'll take it i think we're gonna have to move the gold eye though he's just like wiggling around over there doing whatever the hell he wants because the current's beating his ass over there and uh yeah add a little more night crawler just for shits and gigs and we're moving this operation shallower because that was quick maybe they're sick of the current even though the current didn't start that long ago just rained last night but i don't know maybe they're already sick of it fish can't talk so i can't ask them f and debris why do you gotta exist a breeze nobody likes you you're a creek river fisherman's worst nightmare just make everything harder than it needs to be and i don't like it holy that just got hit hard you guys see that he's still getting hit hard i can't really tell maybe definitely got slammed ripped off the entire night crawler that was left over from the kitty and left us just a damn scrap we might be on to something boys and girls we might be on to something all right i hate to do it but i'm gonna do it still got our gold eye out still got our crawlers out but i know there's some damn carp here and i want to try to catch one and you know what the good thing about uh using corn is over crawlers you can eat the and it's pretty damn good right out of the tim tasty tasty but we had corn last time never really tried corn last time so give it a whirl can't do any worse than what we've done or actually it could it really actually could at least we caught the two channel cats on night crawlers so still could do worse definitely has the corn oh bud there we go hooked up i actually in my head i was like i gotta give up because i actually just caught about uh i don't know half pound carp on nightcrawlers and i was like all right i can't even do my damn job and record it when i catch fish so we should probably just quit for the day but now we got a dirt ridden carp i think catfish eat nightcrawler or corn too what the hell am i even using catfish will eat corn too so hey it's not a bad one look at that little carpet come here friend why aren't you fighting very hard what's wrong with you you broken hey look at him he's not doing anything there he goes now he woke up i figured the second i walked up to him he'd go nuts and get me soaked so that's why i did that and in the sun it's pretty nice today but in the shade it's not really all that nice so i don't really want to get wet what up tammy how the hell you been let's get you in your own little little swimming pool over here if we can my night crawler pool getting ripped in no it's not see if we can do a little bit better fish handling when uh compared to when me and me and old youtube dad did some fishing well we were just off our game that day our game normally isn't that great but it was extra bad that day so let's see if we can not get wet and let's see if we can land this fish without hurting it come here tammy get me here come here just come on up here there's no rocks for me to drop you on just sand and mud which you don't really know this or maybe you do but sand and mud is softer than rocks bud and they'll pow and they'll hurt you less all right come on i know your big bad almighty carp and you fight harder than chet but just like just like maybe give up a little bit give up give up there we go now let him do his flops real quick stand back he wasn't going nowhere all right got her out night crawler pole's still there see if we can pick this greasy thing up without it freaking out a little butterball cool lots of carp and fish and tiny fish videos lately but we're getting by we are getting by thank you friend 10 out of 10 on the land and release on that guy at least so that's good we can live with that like i said i was thinking about leaving i'm not catching much and when i do i'm not recording for at least two of the four fish this one's down and damn narnia cause of the damn leaves but we're gonna keep going get the gold eye back out get some corn out adjust the crawler and see what happens and i know guys super repetitive this year and lately as far as content and stuff but this is just what i like to do and it seems like you guys like it because people watch the out of it but i did buy a very expensive new toy that i'll be showing you guys soon comment down below your guesses as to what it is but it's definitely the most expensive fishing thing i've ever bought by a long shot and i've never used it still we won't forget our roots we won't forget where we came from we won't become stuck up or any of those those things people say about youtube fishermen sometimes maybe we aren't going to do any of that but we did buy ourselves something nice and it's all thanks to you guys so thank you you're awesome i'll show you soon and it should be a cool way to get some uh different kind of content for you guys that's all i'm saying those are the only hints that's all you get okay bye i got something ain't big but it's something what are you another little curb guys are being picky little bastard today i don't like it i don't appreciate it it's a little chub oh bad fish handling again nope other way other way well i suppose it's a fish i'm getting hit too or just dragging getting it too somehow i hooked him my bail opened this one's bigger that was crazy i was just kind of picking up my trash and double double treble carp just hit it so damn light especially when you factor in the debris and current it's just really hard to tell if they're even even biting i ain't a bad one pissed you absolutely pissed you guys ever noticed that carp kind of bite and spurts it's almost like they're grouped up or something go like two hours without a bite and then two in a row two in a row i don't know how much bigger this one is but it's definitely bigger not bad not bad i think the first carp was bigger i knew there was a lot of carp here we just weren't catching them they biting today they are biting today kind of nothing else really is but one channel in the cart bar i thought he was much bigger at first still not a bad one we'll take him i still hooked the out of him even though my bail flipped open there we go carper fattening up that's for damn sure and the channel is actually pretty fat too well i'll give it a little while can't really leave after catching two in a row like that and like i said i haven't fished for fish for a week so i'll take some dirty old curbs absolutely well check them back out and go back to cleaning up all the uh crackle everywhere and then hopefully we can get one more in the process see you there all right glorious overflowing waterfall spilling way in this weird hole that actually has water in it halfway tempted to drop a bait in there but i think it would work out just about at how everyone would expect which is uh probably not very well so we'll maybe save that for another day bye whole you're kind of creepy all right well did okay first time fishing in like eight days so i was gonna take anything i can get i came here with high hopes of catching something on the gold eye because gold eyes an awesome bait and we ended up catching maybe the only big-ish catfish in the hole on nightcrawlers i don't know maybe there's bigger probably a flathead there like almost has to be but i don't know i just haven't been able to find it i'm gonna give up this on this spot for the year i'm gonna just kind of cycle through some of the old spots see which ones are still good see which ones aren't but yeah i have uh i bought something cool that i'll show you guys eventually so stay tuned very grateful that you guys allow me to do this and buy cool random that i'm not telling you about right now it means a lot and uh yeah if you like this video give this video a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe appreciate you watching thank you as always means a lot see you soon stuff and things [Music] you
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 63,040
Rating: 4.9508796 out of 5
Keywords: fishing for spillway monsters, spillway fishing with live bait, spillway fishing with cutbait, spillway catfish fishing, best catfish bait, catfishing with night crawlers, carp fishing with corn, creek catfishing, creek fishing adventures, creek fishing for carp, highway bridge fishing, sewer fishing, puddle fishing, Nebraska spillway fishing
Id: RhJZpm0mTuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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