Could You Pitch a Roof With This Tool?

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so why did you invent this then there's plenty of other things out there that can do the job it's plenty of ways of maken at birth Smith but I was to find it quite heavy putting a pattern on top of the raft to draw around it you can use a couple of bevels you can use a speed square you still got to mark the backing line mmm so with these once you set up I'll simply measure every raft up and then just mark many birds may $4.99 this lightweight easier very accurate accurate that's the one okay let's well we've already got started so let's just take you through that process now this raft at 30 degrees we can start off there just see the height of it make sure it's not too obtrusive so basically these are totally plates so I've measured overall plates and that is four seven sixty it now I'm gonna take the ridge off of that and divide it by two and that gives me two seven Toto because the measurement that I wanted from the outside plate to this line here plumb down it'd be about there so that now he's to seven Toto like 2 3 5 7 and we times it by 1 point 1 5 5 that is on the chart here I'm 30 degrees 1.15 so he turns them together and that gives us a 2 7 Toto and this is our after him from the top of the ridge there straight down to this point here and then when we put the tongue on it that will give us the bird's mouth it's not to the point in the bird's mouth it's in the top of Ralph's stuff like we've worked at this length here and all the numbers here that come through it would say as the pitch comes up the rafters are gonna get longer and this has worked it all out for you so if it's really steep the rafters are much longer because this is the measurement that we won for 760 - the ridge which is 45 mil divide that by toe and that would give us 2 3 5 7 from this point here to there now we've got our lymph we go to the chart and we're doing 30 degree pitch so this is one point why five-five is the multiple and that is a multiplier okay so we put that in our 1.15 Tom did buy the two three five seven and it gives their after lymph to seven to toe from here to here top of the plum cut on the rafter so now take my square line the arrow up move 30 degrees then lock it off and now the square set for the pitch is there after a quick look down it it's we've got a slight bow in it it's gonna go up we keep all glare rafters with a bow up because a roof is only gonna go down so I want all the bows up at Timbers a 120 and we shine you really take 1/3 maximum out so we take funky mill out just a little bit under this will be our bird's mouth there's a tongues already set up 30 degrees and just slide this up swimming air line and this will be our bird's mouth put fuzzy degrees on the saw because we can do a 30 degree pitch [Applause] [Music] what an amazement was to seven toto so I've simply put the tape on now measures down the top edge to seven Toto which was the rafter limp that we've just worked out from our chart then simply put the square on slide it then till it makes this point here say they're lymph to around a bird's mouth this is the top of the rafter and we line up there and this is the plate it's going to sit on lover down here this is the undecided or after but the reason I invented this roofing square is its various ways of doing rafters a lot of people will make one more I'll make a pattern and you put a pattern on top of the rafter and draw around it it's very good but the rafters can be a little bit a little bit bowed you never get them lined up properly well be this I measure it out stick the square on now draw around it it's very accurate every time and I find it quite a lot easier and lifting out the heavy rafter on top of another one I did a plumb cut first as you just noticed little bit something nice to measure off this can't that's it it can't move nice and solid pulling and they don't mock me limped out so I always do the plumb cut first measure it off and into the bird's mouth rather than cutting out with a bird's mouth seems like the work limb at the plum cut out right today I've got the Oldham chop saw out because I just look at the job and it one's different it's low level got plenty of room of work I'm getting pink set up and put me in a chop saw get lovely cut it's all good other jobs he's got a forklift on-site lifting the materials up then I'll cut with a plum cuts with a skill saw and the chopper won't come out just depends on the jobs really but today we've got loads of room to work 30 degrees he's fine for the lot bikes lights are gonna go on the roof when we finish deal he's got about loads to cut to seven toto is the magic number watch I'm gonna go check this now before we cut them all up just to make sure he's looking good so in cut love him there Gary yeah what we get that one fired in I'll throw it back to first there up that's it you enduring them off I think my region until I know it real good oh good s lovely alright but check that me props slightly too low which I warned it don't - I want a bit wobbling that but that's near enough plumb due to the boundary and be following a building of the boundary to get maximum Ania every rafter the pictures with a change slightly which I hadn't quite visualized to begin with so that means 30 and he's gonna gradually creep down to 25 this end every rafters groove measured and probably just and change the pitch a little bit every feel for rafters will change the pitch very slightly yeah it's good to sit on there lovely job it's the tops better we have a beam through here two little hips coming up which going back cut the valleys up there into the existing or a my mouth it's two weeks at me out and like tights a lot bellies down yeah tubes in the front going up I might kick that I've linked to Gary might give you a bit lower not 30 degrees might be caught high I'm gonna drop it down a little bit but we can really look at that and discuss it drop it down a little bit maybe on this little front small section so we might just drop it down a little bit lovely yeah and and with the hips at the front it just tight take the edge off it a little bit rather than a gable here so up here on the roof plates roof plate - roof plate overall the measurement it's two five one five so we're going to find out a measurement so 55 mill was in reach 45 mil off that is to 470 divide that by two that gives us from overall plate to this line here they had a 25 degree pitch roof and the number on this chart is one point 103 so the 12:35 timed it by one point 103 is 1362 that is limp of air after so again from here to here it's 1362 okay now i just want to ask you when you say your chart you look at your chart there is 25 degree pitch there 1.10 free as your pitch changes that that figure changes yeah every time the pitch gets bigger the number gets slightly bigger as well as because the rafters getting longer as as the rafters going up they getting longer so it's number to meet around or the number there let's get longer so again under 25 degrees numbers one point 103 on this one we have to know what quite often though you going to the existing property to a level line on the existing rafter then once you transfer that line put the square on it and get that line and then it will give you the pitch of the roof so on existing roof you just do a level line there nice plumb line then and then you keep that line that we have plumb line there swivel swivel this arm round and then it will give you the pitch of the roof that gives you a number I just going to check the top of the timber that's it there [Applause] so I'm gonna help me tight one nail come on okay they're square on side up to the line draw around it there's that birds mouth a fan center of our building here and mock to Airy besides this is their end common rafter now that measurement near yes IDs 12:35 their foot Tanya come up 12:35 and it's a big to the face of our last full rafter but she's gonna come through here tell you that in common gaining well now right Daniel on this one I'm going to measure from a seedling line roughly to the top of the ridges 700 I'm going to bring that out here and put a couple of noggins in ready to take high reach I'm gonna stick it well above the ridge so our months of valleys come down depending on if it's fiberglass or laid their noggins we'll take the valley as well uncut love a pair of rafters in here there can level from the top of that out that will give me the length of my reach [Music] [Applause] but I've got these into rafters up here and this is the ridge height I'm just going to now level out from them this will get the longest point of my Ridge it's a 60 degree cut because this is a 30 degree pitch it's the reverse because this is a 30 degree pitched roof we're going to stick 60 degrees a cut down here that'll sit on top of these noggins of pain I'm just gonna check that this rafter sitting nice and we can put a little level on here on that plan cut and that's nice and plumb so that should be sitting just what exactly were up on it and now can measure their overall Ridge limb and I'm going to cut it out in seven types so that's a real real money height in seven eighths balling go [Music] well I think I'm just a little bit long they own me line is hilarious yeah it's largely I but that's right that's good [Applause] the to picture these two ropes are so different this is 25 we wanted to keep it a little bit lower this main ones 30 degrees then we'll cut a labeled in here so I'm gonna bring my level it's long enough for this a nice small roof and this is the intersection points there and there whether to roast meat and then we'll take a bevel from the top here I've just put me level right in meda to roast meat and I'm just going to take a Babel off of that I just did this square up into there I can work at me other cut off of this one because this one is showing it's at 43 degrees so that one of the 47 degrees it's got two off cuts of timber here and their label was gonna sit right up here so I've marked this line here now this is gonna be like my longest point there and then it's gonna come in down to here and that's where I want it to make where it's hitting this roof there so that should be natives for that point now I've got a lot longest point to longest point 16:55 top band 43 degrees square cut longest point knowledge point bottom ones would be 47 degrees and ie ass play on it of 30 degrees to match the main roof it should just start down there Oh golly first time never gab unlabeled this cut down here is 30 degrees on the chop saw you can stood out on the skill saw that's the same as this roof and in this one it's 47 degrees it is off of the the top mumbles probably free that's 47 because it all adds up to 90 times it all adds up to the magic 94 the square Z square so we free top foot we serve it at the bottom 30 on display now if what I normally do is if you cut that through here cut that throat first on your lamps you get two out one and then you're gonna get the other side major out here 400 and there 400 okay longest points along this point we get a little valley rafters in here so these top cuts gonna be 25 degrees like the rest of the roof and then that bottom display cut it's gonna be 65 degrees would be a big long cut through here and then I'm gonna put a 30 degree spray cut because the main roof is 30 degrees again so here we have our Valley rafter 25 degrees at the top then this one the big long cut 65 degrees there and I laid the saw over on 30 degrees for this blade cutter to get my rose and here we have it certainly new [Applause] knickers we're doing the square this is 6525 from 90 65 degrees so that's a 65 degree cut down at the bottom always contract to 90 once you got the top man this is square off of that the label sitting there square off of that and it's all cut up to the 90 degrees so 65 25 I just got a 45 degree line straight through now this is a bit of timber it's going to sit on there the hip and that beats gonna be cut out for the birds may have to sit on so it should be 45 through there this is the same thickness as our hip material that's gonna sit up in there so I'm going to put that there and I just mock the shoulder line it's been so long story short the big foot on the type it can be a little bit dodgy at time just it's great for obviously opening on I ain't very same thing not the holidays but with the chart that come to the square we're doing 25 degree pitch so the hips 18 degrees as I'm gonna put 18 degrees up on the saw and a top cut goes our miter so I'm going to put 45 degrees on here when I cut through that now it's not actually 45 degrees with a saw [Applause] [Applause] there's we can see this nightly 45 it's a little bit out but they just gives you the right angle there to mark the birds mouth hair this is an ordinary rafter and we're gonna measure this height here height above plate it's about ninety eight mill at ninety eight so I'm gonna measure their den this plumb cut ninety eight mill like that never to square and put 18 degrees on here that is our hip Punk up 18 degrees inside the arm then until we meet a line there now it's all set up for the birds mouth for the hip as you can see we're taking quite a lot out you normally take a lot more out and hips quite a bit wider so therefore it's a big bird's mouth so I've already done the measurements eighteen thirty from this point here this is to the corner to wall plate here and up there I'll put a timber on and mark the shelter on you came up from the from the longest point it's just a matter of preference I've always we've always done it from the shoulder maybe old dog new tricks so wherever you measure from just keep it good sister as long as it's the same it doesn't matter now the squares off you'll set up this time now I've actually measured to the birds mouth not the top edge because we've measured the wall plate and then we just slide that there let's head 18:30 line so it's a lot bigger birds mouth this time but we got much bigger timbers yeah so here you can't do anything there if you major that there we've got it's about ninety two mill and the timber is where on the rafter there this one it's about eighty eight milk so it's only for meal it's not a lot different but it does vary and this is that the you've always got to measure it on this plumb up there because this is where the toe roof sort of meet in the plane they're not not square but plumb down okay so make sure we're along your plumb line down the plumb line but she's the same as out that there is 97 mil and I would anoint you 7 mil now Nestle [Applause] that internet it's marginally long little bit longer for measuring a little bit by taking it off that one [Applause] I'm smidgen long steel [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] this is the same birds man that heads on the other officers there and this is going down the jack rafters I'll use it still set up exactly the same flat birds man there's this is a mind of vain evil Robert it go I just wanna put up top and there it's a bit so he's there Jack cuts we've got 25 degree pun cut there I've laid the saw on 45 display cut but when I saw go through citrusy snot he still be out 45 but it gives the right angle [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] today we have the value up there labeled the little Valley rafters going on ridges in rafters ring hips in and all little jack rafters rolling always put a line throw afterwards because I'll commiserate err accurately and cut it off but the reality is it will be a little bit bumpy so I never cut them until the end and then I'll measure out a vein depending on the weight for the soffit put a line fro and then level the line round and cut it off in situ because this is warm or even a little bit of a bow in it here and now and to come off that it's never dead flat so I always cut off afterwards [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we have the road fully pitched with my roofing square we covered all the elements the hips the valleys the jack rafters you can buy my roofing square from essential carpenter tools thanks for watching [Music] in a fair before the light infantry face no wonder why
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 215,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate Roofing Square, hips and valleys roof, hips and valleys, hips and valley roof construction, common rafter, common rafters, common rafter roof, hip rafters, common rafter cuts, daniel cox, roofing square how to use, common rafter layout, framing hips and valleys, speed square, birdsmouth cut, uk site carpentry, common rafter length, common rafter length calculator, common rafters calculator, birdsmouth cut rafter, Roof framing calculations, scarf joint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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