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[Music] yes [Music] your goodness and i stood in the power of your presence for i found the depths of your mercy and oh how your love it always surrounds me [Music] [Music] my [Music] and i stood [Music] [Music] your goodness and i stood in the foreign [Applause] [Music] is is oh [Music] worthy worthy [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so it always surrounds me [Music] [Music] [Applause] is supernatural something supernatural [Music] good morning good morning good morning everyone good morning good morning good morning alexis good morning miss dominique good morning jennifer good morning elder gwen good morning good morning good morning james good morning elder bernice good morning good morning good morning jerome good morning aj good morning welcome you guys welcome do me a favor this morning let's evangelize and share this uh broadcast on this morning good morning miss leslie good morning miss meoda good morning miss judah good morning good morning give a couple more seconds all right well i just want to say welcome welcome welcome welcome to the creative prize with the prophets of anwar memphis i am rashad bean and i have myself a court and i have my husband this morning ministering with us on today which is a prophet antoine and then we also have a practitioner with us on this morning so we're excited to be here share god's heart with you on this morning and give honor to god um just waking us up on this morning it's just amazing to just be here and just be alive amen we just we honored our apostles uh apostle brandon and prophetess christopher just all the great leaders of all nations memphis amen so today we're going to just go in a little and teach uh for a while and we're going to be talking about obeying and trusting the voice of god all right obeying and trusting the voice of god now prophecy produces great blessings okay in your life if obeyed what does obedience truly mean you guys well obedience in hebrew is shema it means to hear to listen to give attention to understand submit to and obey there's only one word in hebrew for obedience and it's generally generally translated as to hear to hear god's word and act accordingly obedience in the outward expression of a heart that has turned to god obedience can be spoken of as an attitude or particularly as a faith-rooted disposition god desires for his people to prosper in every area of their lives obeying his voice always been the key to prosperity now i have a lot of bible for you guys on this morning so just get your notebooks out in your opinions our first scripture we're gonna uh go into is deuteronomy chapter 28 verses one through three and it says if you fully obey the lord your god and carefully follow all his commands i give you today the lord of god will set you high above all the nations on earth all these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the lord your god you will be blessed in the city and you'll be blessed in the country amen exodus 19 chapter 5 says now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant out of our uh being out of all nations you will be my treasured possession oh that's good although the whole world is mine so by obeying the voice of the lord we'll find out we'll find that the land will provide us with blessings just because we obey the voice of the lord this in the scriptures you guys it's it's in black and white it's in the scriptures amen uh another scripture says in isaiah chapter 1 verses 19 it says if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good things of the land but if you resist and rebel you will be divided by the sword the key to the blessing is always obey the voice of the lord and let's talk about trust trusting in god means that whatever we suffer in in the end can be used all for our ultimate good trusting god is not just understanding him trusting him means transferring your confidence and hope from yourself to him it's more about know who god is then he'll do why only when we miss god when we desire and be able to obey him now obedience is closely connected to abiding in christ into the fruit bearing image now john chapter 15 verses 5 and verses 8 again john chapter 15 verses 5 and 8 jesus tells his disciples i am divine you are branches amen he who abides in me and i in him he bears much fruit not a little fruit but much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing so we act out uh when we act on our trust by obeying we become fruit bears you guys it's not to bring glory to ourselves but to glorify our father amen so it's always worthwhile in the long run i'll i'll never re i've never regretted an act of obedience i've resisted it but i've never regretted obeying i have enough of my track record to know i have never flourished in disobedience it just it just hasn't never worked but the history of the israelites illustrates that for us the bible chronicles seven deliverances for israel and all seven are unique and creative no two were identical for example god impart the red sea the same way for moses and the people in the same way that he parted the waters of the jordan river years later for joshua the one only one of them only had to raise his staff and stretch out his hands but then while the other which is uh joshua he had to step in the water first the point is that god wants his people to place their trust in him then his methods trust is a dynamic process of growth let me say that again trust is a dynamic process of growth of insight into who he is this process sometimes can be difficult you guys it's not always easy but god often uses the crucible he often uses crucible of adversity to force christ's life in us for example a chance to learn uh obedience by being told to pick up a bowl of ice cream and eat it but he learns obedience by being told to pick up his his or her toys and put them away it's the same thing with us you guys god's much more interested in changing us than changing our circumstances now a good question to ask ourselves is this will i truly trust god in darkness for what he has revealed to me in the light and then again will i trust god in the darkness for what he has revealed to me in the light now god's past performance is the basis for our future alliance we can't necessarily see the future but he can all right and we can know and trust him with it we don't put our trust in our just ourselves but we trust him we just gotta loosen our grill commit and surrender ourselves and our futures to him now proverbs chapter 3 one of my favorite scriptures verses five through six it says trust in the lord with all our your heart and lean to your own understanding but in all your ways submit to him not just from our ways but always submit to him and he's going to make a path straight so putting our trust in god is it still forward we should set aside our anxieties set aside our doubts and just turn it all over to him so you might ask well rashad how do we treat do this how we truly set aside all of the doubts and anxieties first you got to be honest with yourself you got to be honest with yourself and then second be honest with god and tell him because he's gonna help you with that task he leave you here to do it by yourself remember when we are weak he is strong all right jeremiah chapter 17 verses 7 through 8 it says but blessed is the one who trusts in the lord glory to god whose confidence is in him they will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream it is not fear when he comes it leaves its leaves are always green it has no worries in a year of drought and it never fails to bear fruit now this verse serves as a reminder that's a trusting god truly is a blessing your faith in him allows you to create a fulfilling and happy life psalms 56 4. i told you i had plenty bible for y'all this morning and it says in god whose word i praise in god i trust and i am not afraid hallelujah what can mere mortals do to me although there might be obstacles in my path remember god is on our side and that's the main thing truly really you guys another psalm 28 7 says the lord is my strength and my shield and my heart trust him and not only he helps me glory to god my heart leads for joy and with my son i praise him placing faith in god and learning to trust him it's just a joyous experience you guys another scripture second corinthians 5 7 says for we live by faith and not by sight now this is short and simple hallelujah but it's essential to truth we live by trusting in god and allowing him to lead us hallelujah allow him to lead us hallelujah another scripture says proverbs 29 25 fear of man will prove to be a snare but whoever trusts in the lord is kept safe anxieties of course about this world they're true they're real but so long as we trust in god we'll be able to get through all these situations why because god has he's given us an instruction manual through the bible to tell us how to get through every situation you guys so we're not anything alone scripture says psalms 27 14 it says wait for the lord be strong and take heart and wait for him and sometimes a huge part of trusting god is his timing i'm in a situation right now i'm i don't understand what's going on but i trust god i trust god it ain't happening as fast as i would like to but i'm trusting it because god is a promise keeper hallelujah he's a promise keeper he hasn't failed me yet but i'm trusting him you know through we might have to wait to see where the journey is going to take us we just continue to put our faith and trust in him trusting god does mean that no matter what happens you'll see we gotta turn to him instead of away now obedience is not meant to be painful or to catapult us into suffering in fact it's quite the opposite our god is a god of love he's a god of peace and kindness everything he asks us to do he's willing to do himself our savior is the perfect example of obedience why because he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on the cross although obedience was never meant to be painful it often can be you guys because we're humans and we struggle to remember that our flesh has been crucified with christ that's uh you can reference back to galatians 2 20 and jesus jesus obedience brought him to death on the cross likewise our obedience will lead us to death why physically but spiritually it's the death of our flesh and our selfish desires remember sometimes you guys we we are forgetful people and we fail to remember that we want a new life with but when the enemy attempts to trap us into thinking that our flesh and our own ways are better we can believe that the lie god is we can believe the lie that god is not for us but i don't know about you guys i often want to know the answers to all my questions though before and i know some of you guys i feel like that but that's rarely if ever the way god works he wants you to obey remember his what he has before us and what he tells us is good he provides just enough light for each step of the way now for example if abraham had chosen to hesitate doubt and questioning god he wouldn't have the opportunity to see him provide a miraculous uh uh to see him provide in a miraculous way he would have truly missed the opportunity to enter into a deeper intimacy with his heavenly father but god knew he knew what he was asking but instead abraham chose to trust and obey god even without knowing you guys our trust has to be um so high in god where is it i can give you an example of trust and it's like you sitting down in a chair you're about to you you're posturing your body to sit in a chair and you know for a fact that your body is not going to hit that floor but your body is going to hit that chair we have to put our trust in god it's like we put our trust in the fact that our body is not going to hit that floor but it's going to hit that chair amen but like i said for him he chose to trust god even without him knowing so it truly comes to this you guys will we trust god or not because when we trust him we obey him hallelujah and remember there is a blessing in the obedience and when we obey him we get to know him which is the greatest prize there is hallelujah that's the greatest prize there is remember there is a blessing in the obedience you guys there's a blessing in the obedience there is blessing in the trust when we trust the father to do what he says he's going to do remember his promises are yes man he hasn't failed us yet hallelujah hallelujah so let's pray you guys father we just thank you for this morning god we thank you hallelujah for uh just your strength god we thank you for your word on today that we're able to walk in the next level of obedience god that we're able to walk in the next level of trust father that we put our trust in you god that we don't necessarily look at things so what it looks like god but we're trusting you father how do you know the end you know the beginning and the end god and you love your children god and you want us to prosper in all things father and i just thank you father for every person alive on this morning god that they trust you on another level god that they experience the blessing hallelujah that you they put their trust in you god and father we just love you we honor you we thank you for our next god in jesus name amen amen hallelujah we're going to go in and we're going to prophesy on this morning hallelujah and we're going to ask prophet shawn to get us started hallelujah all right so the first word that i i received this morning would be for uh tracy draper um for you it's like god is showing me that there are wells of trust that has been built up within you um there has been areas where you felt uh fearful or hesitant to step into but he says daughter go into those wells pull up that trust that's been placed in you you i've proved myself to you you know that i will come through for you he said you have wells of trust built up use those to get you to that place where you're scared to go um that's for tracy draper amen amen uh kimberly beasley kimberly beasley the lord says that he wants you to take the risk tr your this message was specifically for you uh he wants you to literally jump take the risk the lord gave me vision of you standing on the verge of at the end of a mountain looking out and you're watching all of this beauty you're seeing the sky you're seeing the ravine you're seeing water's flowing you're seeing people all around this area having this amazing time in god but you're standing on the edge of this mountain watching and you're in tears you know wondering when is it going to be my time when is it going to be my moment but god is giving you that vision and that view for one reason and one reason only and that's to trust him and to take the leap of faith uh you're being called to trust the lord you're being tested in the area of trusting god and by doing that he wants you to not only take the leap but he's going to keep you in the leap and not only that he's going to prosper you greatly as you leave so don't think about the provision don't think about the chance think just take the chance amen obedience in your case is greater than sacrifice that is the word of the lord for you kimberly beasley all right this next word is for miss rocky it's rocky smith all right and the word of lord for you is daughter step out into the deep the father says he's giving you some instructions uh to do um but you've hesitated in this in this past season but god says step out into the deep trust me when you can't even trace it rocky you say he's got so much plan uh concerning this particular uh instructions that he's giving you he said but trust me daughter trust me if i get it all laid out to you when you take one step i'll give you the next instructions when you take the other steps i'll give you the next instructions it says i provided resources i've provided resources in this hour says the spirit of the lord um the next one will be for judith reader judith reader god says go where i have sent you do what i have called you to do yes it's new territory yes this feels different yes this is frightful he says go do he said i looked for somebody to send it i couldn't find anyone so he's sending you um in this moment where you're stepping out to this new territory this new place doing this thing that he's called you to do he said you got to be like david was when he said if i open my eyes in heaven you're there if i open my eyes in hell you're there be that confident in the fact that where he's sending you to he's gonna be there with you he's gonna carry you through uh so just trust in him go where he sent you do what he's called you to do and that word is a tracy reader uh carlita carlita arnett carnita annette the lord is saying to you don't have any fear for he didn't give you a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind you're in the valley of decision on a couple of things and god is wanting you to seek him first his kingdom and his righteousness and all things you're taking on too much in your own strength the lord says and he wants you to walk in him entrusting him he is a light into your feet and a lamp until he's a lamp until you're feeding the light into your pad and he is doing that for you uh the valley of decision is a place where he's had you for a while and one decision one step one act of obedience of god is going to literally split that red sea for you and it's going to open up many other difficult decisions that you've had to make challenging decisions that you that you have to make and you're looking at making very easy from your obedience of taking that one step you take one step toward god he's going to take ten toward you and that's the word of the lord for you carlito and this word is for tracy l draper tracy draper god wants me to pray for you and uh my father i just thank you for your daughter tracy god i think that her eyes are open to see what you are saying and her ears are open to hear what you were saying in this season father and i just bind the works of the enemy i come against fear in the name of jesus and i thank you father god that she has clarity hallelujah i thank you father god that you will visit her in dreams and visions god hallelujah uh for instructions for this next uh this next assignment you've given her god and i think i come against a cloudiness guy in the name of jesus and i thank you for clarity hallelujah clarity for your daughter tracy god clarity uh i even hear you going back and forth uh is this you guys issue god god says uh even now starting now at this very moment that you will be able to see in here the more see and hear the more for your for instructions hallelujah thank you it is so all right um the next word is for dominique walker the father said uh trust that i am here with you trust that i've always been there with you um it's almost like i see you back and talk ends up like in fear like no i don't i want this like you're scared you're terrified even in that place i was there with you and even this place you are today i'm here with you trust me i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you i am here with you i am father god and i protect you in moments where you don't even know you're being protected uh the the the it couldn't get to you because i was there um and received the fact that the father always with you there with you uh trust him in that word mr dominique walker hallelujah uh deshawn mays man of god uh i saw your name passed by a couple of times and the lord gave me for you son prime investments the lord wants you to trust him with your finances he says to test me in this and don't and see not that i will not park the heavens for you and bring a blessing to you that you cannot contain there is a seed that he's been contemplating in your heart to sow uh you've had this challenge for a few times uh you've met it on some occasions on other occasions you just kind of like oh that's not you know i think i already did that you know but no he's having you make multiple investments but there's one in him in trust in the bank of trust with the holy ghost but there's one particular seed that keeps coming up and uh he is challenging you in a way for you to do this but it's really a test to him for to you uh literally a malachi 310 situation is unfolding before your eyes and he wants you to sow that seed not because of the seed itself but because of your obedience he is really stretching you in the area of your finances and because of the fact that he's stretching you there will be spoil at the end not for monetary but for spiritual you will receive uh rewards that will not spoil that moth cannot destroy uh act of obedience will bless you abundantly sir and not only that he will give you vision for your ministry and give you ideals for 2022 in jesus name and this message is for miosha my elesha uh and the word of the lord is uh for you uh he gives me the scripture proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 um where it talks about trusting in the lord with all thy heart and not to your own understanding in all your ways it says to at the end of that to submit to submit to him and he's going to make your path straight god says even with that entrepreneurship that business idea um that he's giving you he's submitted to him submitted to him he has the resources for you don't walk in fear in this next place this next season of your life he says submit it to him because he has a blueprint for it and that's the word of the lord from the ocean uh the next word is for tara mickens uh tara i sense for you just the father's love for you um it's hard to explain only a a parent knows that feeling of unconditional love for their child um it's it's only a feeling that a parent would know him because you're a parent he knows uh he says i never called you to perfection daughter he said i never called you to that i called you to my love i called you to my grace i called you to my obedience um the scripture that he gives me for utah is second john 1 and 6 and this is love that we walk in obedience to his commands as you have heard from the beginning his commit he's commanded you that you walk in love that's the only thing that he's calling you to at this moment he never called you to perfection daughter and that's the word for you amen amen amen robin jade kwamba scream god is saying to you daughter to obey simple as that obey him uh you have for a long time uh been god's cheerleader when it came to uh other people uh in their ministries uh and their their walks of faith and you have been a great cheerleader for them but god is saying for you uh i i have not forgotten about you but i there's an act of obedience that i need you to perform and this will open up doors for you it's a simple one word prophecy obey that's the word of the lord for you daughter uh this next word is for crystal terry crystal terry i have a scripture for you and that's uh psalms 28 7 and this one says uh it's almost like god wants you to decree and declare the scripture over yourself so i'ma say it again uh psalms 28 7 and you will put in there crystal uh the lord is my strength the lord is crucial strength and crystal shield crystal's heart trusting him and he helps crystal crystal's heart leaps for joy and with the song crystal praises him and he's saying place your faith in me crystal and learn to trust in me what i'm going to pour out so much joy to you in this season but trust me on another level says the word from the says the lord of the word for you crystal all right the next word is for priscilla ethridge uh priscilla uh a simple dead to the point word for you guy says close the door close the door uh i literally can see you standing in front of a door the door has just been slammed he says wash your hands watch your feet go in peace don't look back the door was closed on purpose like that's it that's all it's finished move on to your next season hallelujah hallelujah uh robin j the lord is not done with you he says that you have a massive amount of authority that he's placed on you and yet they're not exercising or walking into this authority uh you have the faith the issue is is that you're not exercising the faith you have faith that rivals the centurion who said for i am a man that's under authority i tell this one to go and he goes i tell this one to come and he comes and so you just speak the word lord you actually have that level of faith but you do not exercise it it's literally like having the keys to a ferrari and yet you don't drive it having the the the codes to win every video game but you don't use them so god wants you to exercise your authority he wants you to do that by spending time with him he will give you divine instruction for that that's the that's the uh word of the lord for you again uh that was that would be for robin j uh corkumba green i pray i got your name right sweetie uh this next word is for naquita woodard naquita water and the lord says to you daughter he says uh seek my face seek my face like never before in this season uh and i just come against torments uh in your mind hallelujah i come against uh every demonic assignment sent against you so even distractions where you don't uh you feel like sometimes you don't even have the time like you need to spend time with your daddy god but he says even now he's he's it's already been destroyed because the blood covers you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet but he said seek me in this season for some things that i have even waiting for you to be released from heaven but if you seek me daughter i just want to spend that time with you find intimacy in me and this one once again this word is for naquita woodard uh the next word would be for uh veronica dennison uh veronica dennison for you it's it's different from the words that we've been given this morning for you uh god says you ha it's like you already know to trust him um you have trust build up he's he's pleased with you because you have obeyed him um it's like i can hear you singing that old song i will trust in the lord i will trust in the lord i'm not a singer but that's what i hear you singing it's like a muncher of your life like you walk in daily trust of him um he's pleased with you because of your obedience to him you know that if he sends you right you go right because that's where he is i can just sense a reward on your life i can sense appreciation from the father for you and that word is veronica dennison all right this next word is for miss uh shannon tate with shannon tate i i saw your name earlier um the and the word of the lord is for you god says he's giving you beauty for your ashes uh in this next place uh god said he's removing uh removing up hey man hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah do we lose a couple people all right can you guys hear me and see me awesome we're gonna end by um we're gonna end on this morning can you guys hear me can i get a thumbs up okay awesome so we're gonna end on this morning hallelujah uh we guys we're truly blessed on this morning and we're going to end by giving an opportunity uh to sow hallelujah and partner with this word of god on this morning uh if you want to sow you can text 77977 to a n w a m e m and also 7 7 9 7 7 to a n w a n a s h and you guys uh from memphis i know you can select the 5 a.m devotion hallelujah you can select the 5 a.m devotion hey guys let's partner in faith by sowing a sacrificial seed on this morning today is october 1st hallelujah so let's sew an 11 seed on this morning ten plus one is eleven let's sew a sacrificial uh seed uh on this word on this morning amen amen well i love you guys i have enjoyed i have enjoyed uh sharing this word with you on this morning i pray that you guys were blessed hallelujah and um that you guys uh just learned to obey and trust god on another level amen and until next time i got i will see you guys on sunday morning at 9 00 am bye i left you you
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly- Memphis
Views: 154
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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