Anupam Kher Conversation With Sadhguru On Various Life-Relevant Topics

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[Music] good evening Namaskar I must clarify beforehand that my questions do not need to necessarily make me out to be an intelligent man I don't want to be intelligent or to be taken so seriously that that said gurus responsibility to answer them my questions will have the curiosity of a child who wants to sort of know maybe I am representing all of you but I don't mind making a fool of myself as long as I get some answers you're in a very advantageous position that is because there can be nothing wrong with a question only answers are a problem so it said one day to you the very beginning great let's start with my first question there's a very intriguing people make these great prophecies about world coming to an end etc will the world come to an end in 2012 so all those people who firmly believe that the world is going to come to an end the coming year what I would tell them is we have a lot of work to do I have lots of work to do 2013 first January because anyway 2012 the world is going to end and 2013 first January all your wealth and money and everything please write it to Isha Foundation there's work to do the world is anyway going to end what are you going to do with your money for them this is just an entertainment they don't believe enough to give up everything and get ready they just want to play with it all Wayne mines are always looking at prophecies they're looking at predictions because they don't have a plan for their life those who are incapable of making plans always fall back on predictions and prophecies yeah but I will just request to give me two percent of that money that goes to your foundation do you believe that there is a God let's come to this before we handle God let's handle belief first why do you believe something one believes something because they are not sincere enough to admit that they do not know there are only two ways to be either you know something or you do not know something but whatever you do not know when you yourself it's called is belief instead of simply admitting I do not know you want to believe something somebody believes there is God somebody believes there is no God both are in the same boat they think they are different but both of them are not straight enough to it that they do not know what is the problem in saying what I do not know as I do not know they have a problem because they do not understand the immensity of I do not know I do not know is a tremendous possibility only if you see I do not know the possibility of knowing arises within you if you see I do not know the longing to know will come if the longing comes seeking will come if seeking comes the possibility is alive in your life everything that you do not know if you believe you're destroying the very possibility of knowing there are belief systems and belief systems and belief systems but at the same time the idea of God is universal why this is come easy it is perfectly all right for people to create a god this is the thing about this culture here we have 33 million gods and goddesses because these are only culture which understood God is our making there's something called as Easter devatta you can create your own God today if you can look at all the existing gods if you don't like them you can make your own God a tree in your garden a rock in your garden your mother your wife anybody you want or whatever you want you like this vessel you can make this your God nobody thinks anything weird about it in this country because we understand this is our making after all in every piece of creation the hand of the creator is there whatever you can relate to you use that it's perfectly fine I don't want to argue on this so do you think all our epics mahara Rama and Shankar Rama Sita they are fake no they were historicity there are buildings to prove that they were they're still in dispute the dispute is on means they were definitely there is okay [Applause] no I will still want to probe a little further on this topic we have major man there mustard issue io TI issue etc etc we're still fighting about that so why is all that fighting infighting going on if there is no God or if there is a I did not believe that no you said there is a belief people needed somebody believe all the Gaul the fight in the world is not between good and evil as people project it to me all the fight in the world is between one man's belief versus another man's belief if you saw I really do not know you wouldn't fight with anybody because you believe one thing and somebody believes something else you are invariably going to fight today or tomorrow it's just a question if you can manage them for some time some day it will spill out on the street there was a time when people worked with the instrument of belief when the human intellect was in a certain way today it is time there is substantial intellect on the planet today it is time that we establish a certain level of seeking in a human being rather than just pumping him up with belief why do people believe you who said they believe me this is a you'll full house no they look everybody is there I think they're evaluating every word that I say I don't think they believe whatever I say I have performed in this auditorium it's never been so full so there has to be something in their belief in you which makes me them look up at you why do they trust you why do they believe in you so much now let's take off the word belief yes they trust me okay I mean my voice may be different do you think that guru has powers which you don't have they can't ride a motorcycle like me I'm sure what are those powers what makes you different what makes you special what makes Bellavia Gupta writing a book on you and calling it you what makes people over here so many people I know who will not come to a function like this they are here and they're here on time what is it in you that makes you different because they know if they don't come in time I won't let them in [Applause] so what makes you different so what is different it is not a question of something being different when you don't try to be special when you just live as life is that you don't try to make yourself special because wanting to be special is coming from a certain an emptiness or a certain inadequacy within a human being where is the need to be special every human being is unique in his own way if he tries to be special you'll only end up aping somebody he will not be himself so when the life is unique every leaf on the planet is unique every atom in the existence is unique where is the need for you to be special being unique is better than being special isn't it you have not yet answered my question I feel that it's important for me to know yes what is unique about you see the very nature of the existence is like this the very nature of what's happening around you is like this if you can work mud into food we call this agriculture it's the same mud can you eat the mud can you take it on your plate and you didn't know but if you wait you put a seed and wait the same mud becomes and how we value it and eat it but it is something else but when you eat it it becomes flesh and bone it becomes you and it's so valuable for you and so many other people so this is the way of the life what is filth will become a flower if only you mature it in the right direction this flower its beauty and its fragrance comes from filth the more filth you put at the root better the flowers will grow so the question is not about what is different the question is not about what is special the question is just about will you allow yourself to mature or will you let yourself just roll in filth I feel very proud to be an Indian and I'm sure a lot of people feel but corruption bothers me and I'm sure you also spoke about it do you think spirituality can help get rid of corruption to some extent so let's understand this corruption properly in its right perspective rather than reacting against a bunch of people who are in an advantageous position ok why I want you to understand this is because for the first time in the history of independent India the 64 years that means two generations of people there at least 50 to 60% of them ever had such a bad deal today you and me will talk all this and go home and eat well there's a whole bunch of people almost 400 million people who cannot do that so if we handle the next five to ten years right we can change that it's a tremendous possibility which is on our threshold there's an economic possibility sitting on the threshold if we conduct this right we can change their lives those people who have not eaten properly those children who are malnourished which have the highest level of malnourishment those who are not educated those won't have opportunities those who are in that horrible social and economic pit their lives can change in the next five to ten years if we conduct our act right every Indian should understand this it is not just about economy means stock market it is about hungry people who will have food on their plate the economy does not mean stock market the economy does not mean foreign cars coming into India economy does not mean you wear better clothes or this and that improving economy means there will be no hungry children in the country which is something all of us should do something about and that possibility is being jeopardized wherever I go I speak to various economic and political leaders around the world everybody says we want to come to India India is a big possibility but the humiliation of corruption we can't bear it because it's not just about money they're willing to pay a percentage and get the work done but the humiliation that they put through on a daily basis which we have gotten used to they're not willing to go through that they said it doesn't matter if we don't do business but we don't want to come there and go through all that rubbish so this possibility is being jeopardized by a handful of people or it is wrong to say it's a handful of people it's a nation full of corruption because how many people in Mumbai streets if there is no policeman we'll stop at the red light I think only 10% will stop so there's 90 percent of corrupt people if they make if you make them the chief ministers and prime ministers you know what they will do so instead of just calling it by one bad word called corruption we need to understand we as a society are trying to move from a feudalistic way of managing our lives to a democratic way the Democratic way has still not sunk in to us so I am saying in our psyche we are still feudalistic in nature but we are trying to run a democracy democracy will not happen with an active sense of Education as to what is democracy what is the power of democracy what it means what is the responsibility of living in a democratic society this has not been done we just took democracy from the British and we think if they just put their out and get their fingers dirty once in five years everything is settled no we have not educated people we are still a few dualistic society acting to be democratic suppose hypothetical question I must announce that before that suppose you were made the prime minister of this country for one month how will you change things see there are enough instruments in the democratic process making me or anybody a prime minister one month is a cruel thing okay for five years yes is not sufficient it doesn't matter who who comes to power for one month he can't do anything in a nation as diverse as india to get this nation moving you need to understand this you cannot move this nation with policy with rules you can only move this nation when anything that you want to achieve in this country you make it a movement if you do not make it a movement if people do not emotionally connect to that no rules no policy is going to work in this country it is only people who have been implanted from somewhere who have not grown up with Indian people who do not understand this they think if you make a rule everything is going to work this is not Switzerland if you announce in the noticeboard everybody will follow here you have to make a movement out of it you have to make emotional people connect to what needs to be achieved if you are not able to do that nothing is ever going to happen so whoever becomes the Prime Minister I don't imagine myself there what do you think should be done it can be very easily done there are examples of states which are going leaps and bounds ahead if you saw Bihar just ten years ago it was just I have driven through Bihar just wanting to see what Biharis it just look like Afghanistan large parts of it correct today things are happening absolute wonderful things are happening just one man things are happening in Gujarat just one man absolutely so can't we produce 25 men or women like that in this country for every state are we so important that we cannot produce 25 human beings with some integrity who will do something straight for this nation and today you don't have to do much India is sitting on a boom time you just have to just manage a few things and let it happen that's all you just have to see that economic process do not go out of control you just have to manage that you don't have to do anything it's boom time the whole world is looking towards you the only two economies everybody is banking on is right now China and India India is better equipped because it's a democracy because all the numbers are scrutinized but what is in China cannot be scrutinized so many people are very suspicious and fearful because it's supported by the garland India has a proper corporate structure India has a reliable stock market which is a leading Indian market is open you can study what you want do you know where you're putting your money so definitely India would be a natural destination for every investor in the world only thing is they're afraid of our corruption not the system they like our system our corrupt system system is not corruption corruption the reason it's the people who has a way of making me say things that you want people who are Manning it of the problem but how to find them you mentioned two states you mentioned good rather than you mentioned Bihar and strangely they are not the states which which we have in the center so how do we are we politically corrupt politically completely bankrupt how do we do that it is it is only because common people are not participating in the democratic process participating in the democratic process does not just mean once in five years you cast you out most people don't even do that but I am saying even if you do that that is not enough democracy is an active sport it's not a spectator sport you can't sit back and say let somebody to democracy democracy means you are the boss you can't sleep on it you have to be active to everything around you if you do not bring that consciousness in people that awareness and activism in people it'll not work at the same time for everything you protest for everything you call a bun for everything you know it's our culture people have understood the technology of how to stop the nation bun hurtle but how to run the nation it's a different technology I am saying at least once a month in your street in your region whatever is the sticking points in your area in your street just make a list of that get a few people together whoever the councillor the MLA call him for a meeting talk to him what needs to happen casting out once in five years is not good enough because you employ somebody and you don't see that he works that is not doesn't make sense isn't it I grew up in a lower middle-class family small town as a child I had a great sense of wonder about everything I till today have a great sense of wonder I'm very happy to be talking to you I don't see that in today's children I don't see a sense of wonder in today's children because they replaced the wonder with www exactly that's right they know the whole universe before they're six exactly do you know everything they just have to press Google and all the information but information does not necessarily translate into knowledge at all so how do and they always say this that's the way I am I don't see my grandfather even at the age of eighty percent that's the way I am so what is this that's the way I am I am bored dude cool I think that to be bad is being cool if you see I'm a good man is a boring man usually they are yeah they are for the world for the marketing part of it the breaking news after every 15 minutes for millions of channels is never about good things it's only about disaster rape swindling of money we are marketing fear we are becoming people who are constantly made to fail suddenly in India also that we are living in a world which is not very very peaceful which is which is not to be which is a dangerous world we are becoming pardon my saying like America where we don't look at somebody for a little longer I was in America the two years back I was looking at somebody thinking whether should I ask him my hotel because in my hotel there was a mall so I went into the mall and when I came out I could not see my hotel because it I must have got out from somewhere else so I was looking at somebody to ask him whether should I ask him where the my hotel is so he said well what are you staring at I being an actor I said am i staring at you sir I'm sorry I did not know I was staring at you poor fellow actually dropped me to my hotel what my point is how do you retain how does one in today's time in these times retain a certain amount of innocence a certain amount of sense of wonder how does one do that see now there are two things you said wonder and innocence wonder does not necessarily come from innocence okay see for example when you were a child you definitely looked up at the sky isn't it absolutely did you ever count the stars I usually seems like there's nothing to know where did you go oh no no nothing I could not go beyond 100 or 200 so I meticulously sat down and the Terra is counting counting trying to make you know segments of the sky and trying to count Count count I have gone up to 1700 and then you get mixed up what was there is not there what was not there has come you know it gets all mixed up but today that itself was wonder 1700 just blew my mind today scientists are telling you there are over hundred billion galaxies not stars hundred billion galaxies so as you explore as you know the wonder will increase because you realize the nature of the existence then wonder will just explode so wonder is gone not because of lack of innocence or because of innocence because what we call is knowledge stupid conclusions about life nobodies today people are carrying their attention deficiency like a qualification anything in this existence will île to you only if you pay substantial attention to it but now people have become like this they can't look at anything everything is check check check check now in this condition there will be no wonder only conclusions in your head there is no perception there is only you know monologues going in on your head you know there is no perception if there is perception all noise in your head will just stop if you're looking at something absolutely beautiful and engaging everything stops why people are enjoying your cinema is just this usage of the lies they focus on the thing for those whatever few minutes or 90 minutes or whatever their usual monologues are gone something else is happening it is a tension which is making the difference it is not what play what's playing on the screen it is what is playing on the screen is instrumental in grabbing the attention but it is the attention continuous attention which is making the experience of being there so this is a rudimentary form of meditation it's called the Hana so how does one in today's time retain that attentions one simple thing is everybody must do something about themselves every child every school should bring this dimension that a child is required to pay attention to something continuously it could be music it could be dance so you cannot do music or dance unless you pay attention to it you know you'll make a fool of yourself if you do not pay enough attention but you can pass an examination without attention I have seen this simple thing children came to us we have a Asia home school which is a very run in a very different way I one day went to the assembly all this six six and a half year old kids they're all like this like this like this I said why are the kids like broken tops why are they shaking around like this then I just brought this thing simply every day in the morning sorry gamma pod Aneesa 15 minutes everybody must do you go there after two months they're all sitting like this that's all it takes you just take them into the jungle make them walk for a night without torches without cell phones without anything in a protected atmosphere you will see within one night there will be tremendous transformation in the sense of wonder in the child's life but we are making them physically incapable of these things sitting just in front of the computer they becoming physically incapable when physically it hurts they will protest they'll not do anything so it's something that parents must take care of bringing up your child does not mean just sending him to school and getting marks and rapes and nonsense your child in the body and mind should grow up to full capabilities that is when he to manifest in his life has success just Marx will not manifest his success for that parents also have to be of course peaceful and restful do you get angry you want me to right now it's not that I'm incapable of an I'm capable of everything it is just that I have not given this privilege to anybody that they can make me angry they can make me happy they can make me unhappy they can make me miserable I have not give this privilege to anybody if somebody need to be shouted at boom I'll go so what makes you angry it doesn't make me angry if the needle is shouting a little bit to them see the different kinds of people in the world there is somebody here if I just look at them they'll understand why they're being looked at there's somebody else here if you look at them they'll just stare back at you if you tell them gently they will understand there is somebody here if you tell them gently they won't get it you have to shout at them there's somebody else here even if you shout you won't they won't get it you have to knock them on the head and tell them different levels of sensitivity in the world your action should be appropriate to the situation in which you exist I am NOT bound like this I will not say these I will be gentle I will be nice have no such things I am just appropriate to the situations if nature exists what you need I will do if you need only shouting I will do what's my problem what's your shortcoming my shortcoming is I am not tall enough the tallest man right now you're here we know them little short do you feel lonely when you are alone if you feel lonely obviously you're in bad company [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great journey to be talking to you I must say if you have to describe before we go to the questions to the audience if you have to describe yourself in one word what will that word be apart from mystic okay would you consider wildlife as two words or one word for you it's one word wonderful life uncultured uncultivated just wild and as it is that's me you're very warm wonderful just like nothing else it's been very uninviting talking to you I must say that I am feel it I feel rich okay so questions from the audience yes please chironji wants to ask you a question yes I'm sure it's for him and not for me all the questions for Anupam still remain unanswered even though I've asked them very often suppose I won't attempt it again but I want to say that I'm very privileged to finally see you in person your book Mystics musings which I read many years ago when I lost my brother my younger brother and was a great tragedy in the family and something that I was finding very difficult to cope with it gave me it gives me great amount of courage and made me feel much better also it talked a lot about spirits it talked a lot about life being a continuous continuous process in that you you write about when you and your wife everybody was constructing the dianna Lingam and you talked about how the thread of life or the grasp of life something to that effect became very fragile when she could not hold on to it and she passed away what exactly did you mean by that the life within you manages to stick to the physicality of who you are physicality is something that you gathered it is not you it is material it is just a piece of this planet what you gathered from the planet if it has to stick to the life that you are you must be in a certain level of reverence if you drop an intensity below a certain point you can't hold it that is called as dying of old age if you have seen anybody close up who are dying of old age you will see his eyes become feeble life becomes feeble it's like the body is struggling to hold it but it can't hold because it's become too feeble if the reverberation goes below a certain level of intensity it can't stick to the body it will leave so that is generally understood as leaving peacefully because without struggle it just passed on so that is if the intensity drops another way to leave is you raise the pitch of life's intensity to such a pitch it went beyond normal pitch then also you leave the body so spiritual sadhana is trying to get the pitch of your life to the highest point because only the intensity of life is high it's like the old age is high that's where the lights are bright if your voltage is low the lights will be dimmed your awareness will be dreamed dim your perception will be dimmed all you will know is just survival process so you want to pitch it up so when you pitch it up beyond a certain point there is always a danger that you will slip out so we will fix certain things we will fix certain things when a spiritual aspirant as parent is progressing with a certain rapidity we will fix the body in a certain way so that that cannot happen just yesterday our son satsang when we were there one lady asked why women are asked to Turing's when they get married because marriage was supposed to be such a huge experience that they could leave the body at the age of eight they would marry them they will never see each other till they're 14 or 15 but emotionally psychologically she is cultivated and cultivated to believe that her husband is like God when she meets him life will explode that possibility in the child's mind has built up when she is physically mature she's brought into marriage because in this country in this culture there is no business there is no marriage there is no child is no family everything is just a tool towards your liberation and Mukti you get married because you want to use that as a tool to your liberation you raise children because you want to use that as a tool to your liberation you become a sannyasi because you want to use that it does not matter what you do everything is towards your Mukti or liberation because of this they nurtured this girl and boy in such a way that for four to six years they have not seen each other but they're made to believe when they meet something is going to happen in the child's mind it's grown to such a big possibility something does not mean like how today today's teenagers are thinking something means there's only one thing there's no something okay they are not thinking about that one thing alone it is not just two bodies meeting not just two minds and emotions meeting two lives being merged into one so we created various devices you know there's something called as Mangal Sutra Sutra means what is a kite in Hindi Patong Patong is it you have a Sutra for that I adore so if you have the right kind of Sutra the kite will fly so the Mangal suit is that that you prepare it in certain way it's an energy thread and you are supposed to replace it every year somebody who knows what it is gives you a live Sutra matches the husband and why their Energy's in such a way they are not just bound in body mind and emotion they bound as two lives any number of events have happened like this in the past which is becoming more and more rare these days if a man or a woman dies within 40 days the husband or wife will also just die have you heard of this yes yes there was a time when this film people were singing janym janym all that now they're talking expiry date for relationship no genom genom songs anymore no song because the idea was to bind two lives how the bodies match how the minds match emotions match is not important two lives are entwined so there is a kind of bonding many of them have never spoken to each other there is a bonding which is unexplainable the sense of bond that they felt was so deep because it was a scientific process of binding two lives in such a way that there is no question of compatibility this that it doesn't matter you marry a devil still you're bound and you feel an ecstatic sense within you simply because of the union within yourself not because of what somebody else is doing so now in a marriage what somebody else is doing or you what your husband or wife is doing doesn't matter just the way you are is an explosive experience this is how a lot of women lived in the past because the process was very scientific and it was done properly so they put this metal on the toes and also on the ring finger always because if there is metal and certain strategic places in your body you will not accidentally leave your body so when you do spiritual sadhana when we notice somebody is becoming very intense first thing is I will give them a simple copper ring which they must wear they must wear and they cannot remove without permission because if this simple metal is on the ring finger when they get into certain states of regu exuberance by accident they will not slip out of the body so she got into such exuberant states naturally suddenly a bit of jewelry things were there these things were never discussed till that point the many things I have refused to discuss because devices will work well only when people do not know how it works so we just put it on people we never explain but when this situation happened I had to explain what happened she sat there on a full moon day evening with everybody there were people around and after five minutes it is in the shrine she got up and went my eyes are closed I knew she got up I got a little irritated because nobody ever gets up once they sit down till we say it is time nobody ever gets up and of all the people my wife getting up and going a little irritation in me one why why is he getting up of all the people then I ignored it and I sat down after five minutes he came and sat down in another seven eight minutes she just went like that when I looked she was gone with a with a big smile on her face then I looked she is removed nose ring she's removed of bangles she removed her toe Touring's she did not know intellectually but at that moment she felt this is what is stopping her and she pulled out all those things kept next to the next to the wash basin and came back and she sat down within 7-8 minutes but this is not something that happened accidentally she announced this almost nine months ahead of time she had prepared my girl who was only seven years at that time that she's going to leave in this month but it happened one month early for various reasons that's a different aspect but this is not new in this country any number of Yogi's just sit down announce to everybody and leave their body she was not somebody who was steeped in spiritual sadhana she is just a very alive she's either up or down you know she's either absolutely equivalent or down she doesn't know the in-between she's not somebody who would whom you would consider yogi or established in sadhana nothing like that she's a very exuberant person and that's all it takes that you're alive that's all it takes it's not that you know this or that you just hundred percent alive that's the only qualification you need and she started working towards it she announced it nine months ahead that we tried to sabotage it in so many ways to slow it down but it went the way it went yesplease at the Asia Yoga Center in Coimbatore near the Samadhi of your wife is a photograph which sent shivers down my spine the feelings are of sheer ecstasy in my interpretation how does one achieve that level of ecstasy in life say every life that is here is capable of joy is capable of blissfulness is capable of ecstasy the only problem is they're not able to sustain it the problem is of sustainability everybody knows moments of all this but to be there to be there you have not built the necessary foundations see if there is a wall you can jump up and have a peak or you can go on a trampoline and have a little longer peep but you'll come down but if you build a ladder which is not so romantic as jumping but if you climb up you're across the wall instead of calling it by different names like blissful dance ecstasy this that pleasantness highest level of pleasantness this is what every human being wants if your body is pleasant we say it is help if it becomes very pleasant we say it's pleasure if your mind is pleasant we say this is peace if it becomes very pleasant we say this is joy if your emotions are pleasant we say this is love if it becomes very pleasant weak say it's compassion if your very life energies are pleasant we say this is bliss if it is very pleasant we say this is ecstasy if your surroundings have become Pleasant we say you're a success this is all every human being is seeking isn't it nothing more you want your insights Pleasant you want your outsides Pleasant this is all a human being is seeking outside pleasantness you need people's cooperation yes it is a craft you have to arrange you have to compromise you have to deal with situations properly creating outside pleasantness is a certain talent a certain capability not everybody is able to do the same thing on the outside but when it comes to interior tea all of us are equally capable nobody has come better endowed than the other every human being is capable of the same thing in the inward dimension so somebody is sitting in a state of ecstasy how to get there is it possible for me don't even ask the question is it possible if it is possible for me it is for sure possible for you but what I do on the outside is it possible for you maybe may not be but what I do on the inside is it possible for me definitely definitely possible inner experience nobody can be denied external capabilities are different so what needs to be done whatever you've been through the inner engineering is the fundamental you if you get this one thing right you will naturally grow into that the problem is every day you keep undoing it you understand so every day in the morning you do this now we are giving the Isha Kriya City also all over Mumbai but every day in the morning you give yourself a three-minute crash course in inner engineering you will see in three months time you will be feeling very pleasant in six months time if you simply look at a tree you will burst into ecstasy if you look at a cloud you will burnt burst into ecstasy if you close your eyes you will get there no matter what you just need an excuse you will become like that for sure because these are the fundamentals that is that's why I'm saying is engineering because if you want to engineer something you have to do it right otherwise it will not work you can't somehow so you want build is building you can't somehow place something and hope it will stand it will not stand you have to place it in a certain way then only the building stands up isn't it similarly you have to hold yourself in a certain way then only this experience holds up otherwise moments up and then down also I feel with your permission I think if you depend on others to make you happy I think there's a possibility you may not be happy if you decide that you need to decide to be happy then there is a possibility estimating her husband all of you Guruji I would like to know your own man is always craving for more and more and not happy at all with whatever he gets I suppose you just explained how happiness is an internal state of being what would you tell to normal people as to how to get peace and happiness in their lives the problem is not that human beings are craving for more they are craving too little right now instead of when human consciousness is able to grasp the whole cosmos instead of craving for that their craving for an apartment in Mumbai just stupid so their suffering is not because they are craving for more they craving for too little they can juice even in their craving that is their problem please crave for everything you will be wonderful there will be no misery you are craving for little things that's your problem when such a big possibility is there going for this it's very its criminal I would say so it is because of this crime they are suffering they are being punished for this crime not for craving too much they are not craving enough when creation and creator is possible they just want this little pea a property that's all the thinking of they can't think beyond that so they suffer for limiting themselves not because of craving for too much can I do a change yes please could a tourniquet encouragin car my jam Vernon Ayana Jung [Music] - um but uh [Music] Lita Morita [Music] so dramatic joj occurred or not dead joj occurred or not [Music] ountry my heart ever shampoo now immediately the question is what is the prayer it's not a prayer that is you need to understand there are no prayers in this culture there are only invocations prayers are a recent happening prayer means you're trying to talk to somebody invocation means you're trying to bring out what is the greatest thing within you now what this chant to put it in a simplest form is everything third that I walk upon the air that I breathe the water that I drink the food that I eat the very space in which we exist the hand of the Creator is active the only most beautiful thing that you can do is to be absolutely involved with this but still not distort the hand of the creation you do not distort the hand of the Creator that is something that you do is an aberration to work the creative intense the intelligence behind creation what it is intending to be in tune with that not to do some rubbish of your own thing so this is a journey from being a piece of creation to being the Creator every human being is capable of this it's my vision my blessing this should become the reality in your life thank you very much for being here [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Divine Blessings
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anupam Kher, Anupam Kher interview, Anupam Kher interview with sadhguru, Sadhguru On Various Life-Relevant Topics, Anupam Kher speech, Sadhguru 2018, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking, beatplasticpollution, sustianable living, meditation, peaceful videos, motivation, Sadhguru interview
Id: 2r0dFzyBzmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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