London School of Economics - Youth and Truth [Full Talk]

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[Music] [Music] that's clear an absolutely selfish world that means what I want for myself I want for everybody in the world [Music] since the dawn of humanity we the mortals are obsessed with something during our youth it's it's a question it's a burning question that what is the truth what is the reality what is behind the curtain of life why are we born why do we grow up why do we die where do we go and if at the end if we have to die then what's the point of all of this hustle and bustle and this jigsaw puzzle of life where you have to go through pain pleasure you have to win you have to lose we've been struggling through with this question for generations and then we have best dawned upon Oracle's prophets Saints gurus and then in an all and in a shock we go we ask them questions we want to listen to their answers we want to soak in their wisdom only for the purse weight of truth from Buddha to Krishna from Moses to Muhammad peace be upon him we have been exploring delayering experiencing truth in different shades on one hand we have this quest for the truth which unites us but on the other hand it's the answers that divide us into religion sex and fractions and there have been many extraordinary people who have come to this world and who have an access to the window of the unseen people who have had the opportunity to interact with them have been privileged and I must say every single one of you sitting here today is privileged because we have the presence of Sadhguru with us [Applause] he is a man who was dedicated to physical mental and spiritual well-being and also gifted with the utter clarity of thought and perspective his areas of infall involvement diversify from architecture to visual design to painting poetry driving aviation sports and music can we please give him a standing ovation welcome sir [Music] [Music] Smyrna lever shoddier circle um Corona sir my yard okay long good afternoon everyone I said good afternoon I thought you're not already on talking terms with me well if I can just explain the chant what it is is well Belov was raising this question why are we born from where we come where we go all this well we can get to those questions later but right now what are we here as we sit here what we call our life is on one level just a combination of two things time and energy time is rolling away for all of us at the same pace you can't hold it you can't stop it you can't accumulate it you can accumulate wealth you can accumulate money you can accumulate knowledge but time is running away for all of us people might think they're doing different things but every minute we're just one minute closer to our grave that's all that's happening we think we are going here we are going there we are going somewhere else no as far as the physical existence of who we are we're going straight to the grave hello this is not my wish that's our life is designed so time is running away for all of us but how come one human being is here one human being is another one is joyful one is misery one is success one is failure it's the energy how you manage this neither you can turn it against yourself or you can make this into your phenomenal process if the intensity of your Energy's life energies are managed in different ways what somebody does in ten years you may do it in one year so if you live here 400 years people feel that your impact on life on this planet is like a thousand years simply because of the intensity of who you are so the chant was just about this but the last line was about but if you become samehada potat that means if you become master of time then you are delivered into a completely different space because time is a concern only because of our physical nature how how deeply you're identified with your physical body to that extent time rules you you don't have to look at your watch as we sit here slowly your bladder will tell you which two hours [Music] yes so what you call as physical body cycles of time what you call as planetary cycles of time what you think is a day is just a rotation what you think is a month is a rotation of the moon and what you think is a year is a revolution of the planet everything is in cyclically motion one who transcends this cyclically moment of physical nature now he becomes a master of time then life moves into a completely different dimension this is the aspiration of the human being knowingly or unknowingly everybody is aspiring for it but if you ask fire consciously there is a possibility this so you just mentioned that every single day we are going to go that way I strongly believe in that not that you believe you are I think we are stopwatches we have stopped words on top of a head which we can't see I think all of us are on life support even though we can't see it because we don't control our breath our next breath but we can't want to be in control we are dying every single day so what's the whole purpose I mean I would want to be in control of what my plans are in two weeks two months if you'll plan for two years [Music] what's the purpose of planning so that trying to control when you don't control when you come in and you don't control when you go out now you could control when you go out when you come in is not your business somebody else [Music] that also somebody planned all right they plan it was their plan that you must come in at this time but when you go is your plan you can plan isn't it good people who come under you know car accidents they've got planned it just happens they're driving say they must understand this physical world physical reality is subjective various forces if you manage those forces well you will ride it if you don't manage it you will get crushed by the same thing so many people are using their cars to make their life every day yes or no one day either because of your mistake or somebody else's maybe somebody did not handle that force properly speed properly suddenly you're dead but there are so many millions and millions of people across the planet or handling this right and making their life isn't it so if there was no automobile you think I would have reached here or you would have reached here maybe you live here but I would have reached here I'm saying it's making our lives well when we don't handle it right it'll crush us of course this is the nature of the world and it's good it's like that because if competence is not rewarded and incompetence is not punished there would be nothing to live for here isn't it so what would you live for it is 737 then most generally women do not dare to fight against them fighting all the time maybe within the house the place so they do not dare to fight against few corrupt fully system menu doctor see I come from India so I'm hungry when logic fails women like I say strips that man I'm and question I would tested in the process how do I bring this over and still keep continuing to voice out especially in places like a police station no women you shouldn't be going to the police station I a lot of people don't go to the police station you're going to police station now well either somebody did something wrong so you went to report it or you did something wrong and you got a ride free right this happens once in a way the less it happens the better police are there to handle situations only when they go wrong how often in a society situations are going wrong will determine how often we are all going to the police station isn't it the idea of civilization is to minimize that we've not been able to eliminate that but we must minimize that that our life situations don't lead us to police station prison hangman whatever it shouldn't go this but unfortunately we've never managed to create a society where nobody goes there somebody's always going there how much percentage of people are going there is the important thing anyway for your information India is one of the least bullish states okay for the amount of population you have the number of police you have is very minimal most people never go to the police station they sort out their issues in the village in the town by themselves well in United States for example if a mosquito bites they'll call 9-1-1 and India it's not like that even if a tiger comes we try to deal it deal with it ourselves and about what you are saying about police whatever you are experienced that's not true everywhere police have come a long way in India but you must understand the systems of policing in India no I am NOT I'm not trying to criticize anybody but the systems of policing in India largely come from the British era when the English were there they created police to control people not to make them safe but to control and oppress people that was a purpose of the police at that time but the same training processes actually same training institutes are still training our police same systems so still many of the police have still same attitude that they still think they're an occupation force the freedom has not entered there as an idea has not entered their head not all of them much has changed but still there are some so you may face something it is on the way out you have to bear with it because when a nation goes through centuries of occupation the hangover of occupation remains in people's minds that has to go we have to work it out my question petition and as most of the students here with no unless he has a very intense culture of competition and a lot of the students who come here have always been at the top of their class and once they come here they could how can everybody be at the top of their class this in their different classes oh how can everybody be at the top of their class only one person is at the top of the class isn't it that's how I understand the top yeah but once they come here they they're not the top anymore because everyone used to be the top so kind of disappoints them a bit anyway so once they come here there is a big culture of competition and there's a lot of comparison that takes place whether it's comparing grades achievements internships everything I myself for example I'm not a very competitive person I'd already engage in that with others but being in this type of competitive environment I sometimes question myself should I be more competitive so my question for you is what is the meaning of competition both for individuals and society and does competition make us grow and evolve or should we solely focus on ourselves [Music] those who do not have any sense of their own competence will become competitive because their only pleasure is being one step ahead of somebody else I am on top of the class what does it mean and you say I have known this when I was in school can I tell you small incident I went there only when it's really necessary [Music] so I remember I don't know maybe at this level you're not but in schools maybe still there I don't know the practice it always was a Hello colored card and every month this card is given to you your report card and I see some children are strutting around because they are first second something some are sitting in some corner and crying they're afraid to go home I don't know what they got as soon as I was concerned it was given to me I just took it and gave it to my father I never once opened and so on because I thought this was a transaction between the teacher and my father I was not going to look into that and I was quite certain what would be there in it as far as the numbers are concerned because it was always six zeros I never wrote a single word in the test paper that was a rule for me but apart from the six zeroes the teachers wrote some literature in mind in my report cards so I give it to my father he opens it and he just blows up every time I just look at him what happened just a cord between I don't know I thought it's a love letter from my teacher to my father but he blows up every time he sees that because why I'm saying this to you is being better than somebody if it's a pleasure for you you enjoy other people's failures I call that sickness it's not as a life you want to be at your fullest you have a right to be every life in creation from a worm insect bird animal even a plantain tree all striving to their best isn't it you also but why are you concerned whether somebody's behind you why is it so pleasurable for you that somebody else else is less than you from early kindergarten levels this sickness has been brought into human mind which is causing so much unpleasantness on the planet such ugly situations everywhere but we don't seem to learn so we've created schools where children have never graded we're looking at them as individuals what we can do to evolve them to their fullest possibility now the problem is this all life has happened like this what do you think you think the blade of grass is less important than our tree in the garden hello you think so only a fool would think so isn't it hello but that's what we're doing that we call this education we call this competition we call this society no very stupid way of handling things because the important thing is for what you have come with will you blossom to the fullest human being or not this is the only question this doesn't need anything other than constantly nourishing the atmosphere not even the person if you want a plant to grow you don't do anything to the plant you just take care of the soil that must be our the ambience that's all that needs to be taken care of even for a human being that you need to take care of the atmosphere so that everybody finds the fullest expression for their life the moment you think you want to be better than somebody else you've gotten sick in some way and this sickness has permeated into the world in a huge way and we think this is the way to become come you know to achieve something in our life so if everybody is lame you little faster and you think you are doing fantastic you will enjoy other people's being other people being crippled yes no if your entire life is always sitting on top of everybody else you will enjoy other people's in capabilities isn't it this is not good for you this is definitely not good for Humanity my question is on pain and stress so I think our LIRR are a lie arrival to the world from the time we come out of a mother's womb is through stress not if we go further back somebody had pleasure [Music] and even a mother when she delivers in spite of extreme pain in the body you see mothers and delirious ecstatic yes or no tears of ecstasy they're all dripping though physically they've gone through an enormous amount of pain so don't say your life started with pain no it's not so so this this is what I wanted to come to that pain I think leads to prosperity every I think being leads to prosperity and in life if you have goals they have a price tag that includes pain hardwork resilience and when is the when this is the case then why do a lot of people shy away from stress because I from on and on an individual level up until I am Alive I want to achieve goals and it will come with a lot of stress and pain and then I can rest when I'm below because I'll spend more time in the grave then I will outside the grave do you think this is the right mentality or what is your comment this is a sure way to mess yourself up this is a this is a serious mistake a whole generations of people have done that if you study how should you study hard I must study hard if you work how should you work you must work hard why didn't they tell you you must study joyfully why didn't they tell you you must work lovingly no you must do everything hard and then you complain you complain about everything in life because you're doing everything hard there is substantial medical and scientific evidence to show you only when you're in Pleasant states of experience does your body and your brain work at their best is that important for you to perform any activity in life well that your body and your brains are working well hello is it important tell me if you are stressed and anxious does your body and brains work at their best what he can get immune to it and that is how you know like in the gym and I stress my muscle it grows when it breaks so like that we can also get a semi even if you joyfully run climb a mountain play a game still muscle will get well hello so under stress it would get better it would break and then it will be lighter together no say stress means you're always finding more and more exotic words for this somebody says stress somebody says tension somebody says anxiety and goes further alright there many many names there's some 70 to 74 different kinds of mental ailments so today that they were identified lots of exotic names essentially it's just this your intelligence has turned against you once your intelligence is turned against you no power in the universe can save you that's all if your intelligence was working for you would you keep this blissful or stressful please tell me you make your choice I'm going to bless you right now if your intelligence was functioning for you what is your choice for yourself blissfulness or stressful less what you want for your neighbor may be debatable you know we are neighbors elsewhere [Music] so suppose our mothers have set amazing benchmark the moment you say mothers they're giving a sound ambience of babies crying there's the halo effect I think yeah so they've set up quite a big benchmark of being an ideal life however I or girls of my generation feel that we cannot be as good as wife as my mother has been or our mothers have been so should I feel that I am falling short of my in my personal life or should I feel that I'm not giving enough justice to my marriage once I'm married how should I feel about this you know our Center in the United States is in Tennessee Tennessee is a little one kind of state okay Mary makovski that's not Romanian right Mary makovski got married and after their honeymoon they came home and she threatened him that she's going to make a dinner all by herself I'm sorry she she said she'll make dinner for the new husband and husband came home from work and she served the dinner and he put it in his mouth and slowly he was chewing on it and went into profound talk then she was very excited about this dinner and she said the only two things my mother taught me how to cook the meatloaf and the apple pie then he looked at her and said darling which one is this so your mother your grandmother how they made good wives largely it was believed the way to a man's heart is through his stomach today your husband we call uber eats and whatever quick picks and this and that and sweeties and whatever all right so you can't make a good wife based on how your grandmother became a good wife you can't become a good wife based on how your mother became a good wife situations have changed expectations have changed it's not in the stomach anymore for some it's gonna pee to the head for some is gone further south yes so you don't do that essentially what a husband and wife means is because you're not geared most people are not yet very few people in this world are geared to make this journey in life all by themselves are organized enough within themselves totally they never feel anything missing in their life because they've made themselves like that but most people need somebody else to lean on either emotionally psychologically there are needs in a human being physical needs psychological needs emotional need maybe social needs economic needs variety of needs to fulfill these needs you want to find one person that you can depend on because it's very difficult you want to find one person who with whom you can share everything that you have your body mind emotion and works so this is the idea formalizing it is so that every time you get little some little friction you don't fall apart so little tying up so that things don't fall apart very easily all right nothing else the biggest mistake humanity made was they started saying marriages are made in heaven that's why it's such a mess what's done here if you see marriages are made between us and we took responsibility for who we are how we could have made it work but the damn thing is made in heaven not suitable here it's because it's an alien stuff I have one thing he is a mess because you think it's made elsewhere by somebody else if you understand it's made by you for your well-being to fulfill your needs and your purposes so that you can go through this journey of life with least amount of trouble and friction then you would have more responsibility isn't it and according to contemporary needs not how your grandmother did her marriage you can't do it that way because expectations and situations have completely altered themselves so if you hold somebody who is your friend and who is you need you must understand you are in this relationship because you need maybe the other person also needs but that's from their side as far as you are concerned you made this relationship because you need it badly isn't it if you understand and you're always grateful for this that somebody is fulfilling all your need you would handle it well you wouldn't make a misery out of it but now you think somebody else needs you then you will make a mess out of it you understand you need it when the other person also needs to understand he needs it now there is a question if you think oh you need me so I'm going to exploit you no this is not about you squeezing happiness out of somebody or they squeezing happiness out of you if two happy people meet then there can be something wonderful happening between them but you are a misery and you think somebody else should be the source of your happiness well it will multiply can I quickly add on this because I think we share the border and the culture I can relate to what she's saying so I think what she meant is that our mothers have put certain expectations and that is as men what we have seen as well growing up and that is what I think is even younger generation we are Millennials but we've seen our mothers treat our fathers in a certain way and maybe as men we also do expect that now whereas she as a woman is not yeah for me I cannot do what you want and if my future husband is seeing this she's from the wrong side of the border well see this become a habit in everybody that everything the shortcomings that we have we would like God to take it usually that's why people invented somebody up there everything that I do wrong it's God's will everything that I do right of course I did it so the next level of passing the buck is the parents you know genetics a little boy 8 year old boy one day came up to his dad and asked further where is all my intelligence coming from where does my intelligence come from so the father said it must be from your mother because mine is intact so everybody wants to pass it somewhere this is the most fundamental thing if you want to blossom as a human being this is the most fundamental thing that you understand for everything that you are and everything that you are not is fundamentally your responsibility all the things that you are all the things that you are not yet only if you see them responsible you will explore the full depth of possibilities that you hold otherwise I got bad genes so what can I do God is you know sitting and standing you guys at Talking God you know this is happening everywhere in different ways in some cultures more some cultures less whenever something doesn't happen God's will this has to stop this is my fundamental mission religion - responsibility only when every human being sees for all the damn things that we are and all the things that we are not we are responsible we could become a great society a great humanity a great generation of people otherwise everything that we do of course very very proud of that whatever we could not do how convenient is it if that is not invisible of course parents next level no you must understand this whatever has come to you whichever way it's come to you still what you make out of it still yours isn't it hello whole lot of people even if you bola googly they hit a sixer some of them you know what I'm talking even if the worst ball is ball to you you still make much out of it if you know how to do it isn't it a whole lot of people when the worst possible situations were thrown at them in their lives they have risen into phenomenal human beings haven't they you have examples mothma Gandhi's Nelson Mandela has many many like this all over the world at different levels these may be famous ones whether many unknown ones all over the place isn't it so in every society there are many many men and women like this when the worst of situations were thrown at them the best came out of them but others complained others pointed fingers at somebody else some took it upon themselves look at nature and see if you throw the worst kind of Filth to a flowering plant see this is what comes out if you throw filth fragrance will come out should this not be your intelligence to what world throws at you is not your choice something gets thrown at you what you make out of it is yours 100 percent Sadhguru I think we today live in a society that is very goal-oriented and we constantly say oh yeah I'm the one whose would lose being a losing my wife and I think we constantly look for numbers and tangible things to prove our achievements and I think that people get so obsessed with their end goals that they forget to enjoy the process for example at LSE a lot of people see their degree as a means to an end and as a result they forget to enjoy their time while they're here because all they think is like oh that career that this degree is gonna bring me or that place that this degree is gonna bring me to and so my question for you is which is more important the process or the end goal and are we able to move forward if we only focus on the process so that's because a whole lot of people have kind of wrongly conceived that life is some kind of race if life is a race of course you must win if you win what should happen you must get to the finish line first you didn't get that if it's a race you must get to the finish line first isn't it that's intent of a race you know what's the finish line you know what's the finish class you want to get there soon no no we don't get there soon isn't it we will get there we know but we're not in a rush to get there we do our best to see that we don't get there soon so definitely this is not a race so what is it that every human being is trying to achieve right now being in a atmosphere like this maybe you're thinking of profession maybe a business maybe getting to someplace I don't know maybe you're trying to win award or something I don't know what but you must understand whether it's money or wealth or recognition fame name whatever it is essentially what you're trying to do is you want to experience life a little more than the way it is right now somebody thinks it'll happen with knowledge somebody thinks it'll happen with money somebody thinks it'll happen with pleasure somebody thinks it'll happen with you know relationships or something else doing something in the world or somebody thinks it'll happen only when they go to heaven but all of them are seeking the same thing I want you to understand the man who goes to the bar and the man who goes to the temple are seeking the same thing through different means fulfillment isn't it yes or no I know a lot of people don't like it hello well if these people won't like it but the fact of the matter is everybody is seeking the same thing you want your life to become larger than the way it is right now isn't it you want to experience love life to become more profound intense more something why do you think half the people around alcohol and drugs simply because they're seeking an experience and they found chemicals are the easiest way to have a large experience tomorrow you're broken that's another matter but right now there is an experience why do people want to go to heaven because they think the experience out there is better than here at least that's the marketing that is that's what advertisement say at least if it's such a great place why don't you go today now you must be really psyched to want to go today all others just play with it to the extent it's comfortable you're just trying to handle heaven they dress trying to handle their psychological situation with heaven as a fruit up there because if you remove it they will get fearful where am I going then but if you really believe it's a better place you must be gone today before all these fools get there isn't it hello because you want to be on the top of the class so we must understand this that this is not a race this is not a race this is not something that you're going to win or lose see you don't have to fear about this life it is not like LSE you understand you only if you study to certain extent only if you do this project only if you write this paper you will pass it's not like that everybody shall pass here this is not unfair like LSE everybody shall pass only question is how profound is my experience of life isn't it how do you make it profound that's a question right now suppose I'm saying yes for example suppose you start seeing something more than everybody else is seeing would your life become somewhat profound compared to others if you start hearing something more than others are hearing would it become from now yes or no so essentially it's enhancement of your perception which makes you profound so to enhance your perception you drink your drug sexuality fooled this that a million things success money destroy the whole damn planet just to make your experience little more program I'm saying all human experience all human experience misery our joy agony or ecstasy anything or anything everything comes from within you is it so hello the stimuli may be from outside but both pain and pleasure comes from within you isn't it if you just take charge of the fundamental process of what generates experience within you the seat of your experience if you sit there consciously you can create any experience you want look at my eyes I'm always toned yeah never touch the substance but always like this only people wonder how was it said guru 1820 hours a day non-stop seven days of the week you going on you don't go crazy how is it because I'm stoned all the time nothing seems to bother stone tone what is tell me is is this human mechanism their most sophisticated and complex chemical factory on the planet is it if you were a great manager of things would you create very pleasurable chemistry or a messy chemistry because you decided you want to make it hard if you are a good manager of things would you make a pleasure a pleasurable enjoyable ecstatic chemistry or would you make miserable chemistry for yourself what would you do legible but static yeah yeah it's the world wouldn't agree to that the world would throw it so well why should the world agree huh yeah I am blessed out they don't agree that's their problem like the world will still throw it struggles in jail you although of course they do especially if the world is throwing things at you is it not all the more important that you please doubt hello especially the world has they you know not necessarily by intention they've become like that simply not necessarily because I hate you simply people are throwing things at each other all the time especially when you're living in a world like that is it not very important if the outside situation is not conducive you keep yourself absolutely conducive for life is this not very important but most people do not even know how to sit here peacefully forget about ecstasy in their life they've never seen that you have to pump some chemical into them for them to know some sense of blissfulness otherwise they don't know that I'll tell you clinical situations of course I was supposed to speak at Tel Aviv I'm flying out of Atlanta I am to land there in the morning mid-morning and speak at 6:30 in the evening but due to some flight delays and stuff and I land at 6 o'clock in the evening so I'm traveling an American airline nothing edible on the plane so I am famished I'm super hungry but I land at 6 o'clock so I quickly change in the airport and I am rushing to the venue because in these 37 years as I said earlier in these 37 years have never been late to a single event yet though sometimes in a day I'm in two different countries in three different cities things like this still have not been late this will take a lot of work because I don't want people who come on time to feel like idiots isn't it people who come on time must be horrid people who come late must be made to feel like idiots but right now in most of the events people who come on time or the idiots people who come late or the important people isn't it so unfortunately social situations have become like this so I am rushing to the venue and when I landed the venue to my amazement this doesn't happen at all to me I am speaking at a fine restaurant when you're this hungry just the place to go then I walk in people are already coming in they're greeting me and one man comes up to me and says Shalom I asked him what does it mean he says this is the highest way of greeting I said that's your opinion but what does it mean he said no no this is really the highest way of greeting I said fine what does the word mean he said it means peace then I say why is peace the highest way of greeting unless you're born in Middle Eastern in South India if you come in the morning and say peace I'll say what's wrong with you so anything we are deprived of slowly we will export it to heaven today if we say peace we say divine peace if you say love divine love if you say bliss divine bliss these are all things human beings are capable of hello are you capable at least some moments in your life you're peaceful you joyful you're blissful does it happen to you these are all human qualities certain idiots have exported it to heaven and it's becoming harder and harder to get there now you're evolving or fellows philosophy how to suffer through my life and achieve something what will you achieve we'll just worry you or if you come to India we'll burn you that will happen anyways you know yeah mine too so anyway it's going to happen what is the most important thing this life should find full expression in this limited amount of time that we have is invented if you want to find full expression there is substantial fine scientific and medical evidence to show you only when you're in Pleasant states of experience will you find fully expression to who you are does everybody endorse this please hello many of you look too serious for me many people have become dead serious when I look at the way they're walking on the street I think they're practicing for the last pose I want to tell you the last posture that you will have in your coffin or in your crematorium or wherever believe me it comes naturally you don't have to practice it to all your life you know what the word grave means grave means you practicing for the grave now you don't have to practice here you have to practice how to be alive that will come each life which can happen inefficiently death is always super efficient isn't it so have you ever seen death happening inefficiently have you so you don't have to practice it all your life life happens inefficiently whichever way do it we do it there is a better way to do it whichever way you do it still there is a better way to do it with life isn't it death you can't do any better you don't have to strive it will happen perfectly believe me it doesn't need you my question is everyone's looking for happiness do you think that it is achievable because I have happiness it is a goal it's a temporary feeling it goes away some people do drugs by bags by you Tyrael things but it is temporary you're not even looking at me do you think it's contentment and blissfulness that would only come when you are selfless is that a way to achieve it what is there any other way what is selfless when you do thing that mean you lost yourself now when you are focusing on not on yourself but trying to uplift the society and help others which society will you uplift your society is that they also sell isn't there no no not just my society the entire world well it's your world isn't it that is also self but you have a choice you know like you can me if you make a choice that is self is something true all kinds of bombastic words have been thrown around like this become self less that means what with ourselves is possible no no see I would say just be greedy okay you're an LLC yes be absolutely greedy right now you are very stingy with your greed only you want to be well suppose you got married you and your wife want to be well you got children you and your children want to be well your family wants to be well why don't you say I want all life to be well be absolutely greedy about what you want you want this isn't it every human being wants this or no you want to be well why don't you expand your greed a little bit why are you so conduce those of you who don't understand not from Indian background conduce means actually come juice that means no juice in you your lifeless even with you greed your stingy means your lifeless isn't it at least in your greed be limitless what I want for myself I want every life on this planet to have it why not what's the problem I know I know in intention he doesn't take time isn't it hello in intention thought and emotion it doesn't take time it's only action which takes time if you are limitless in our intention our actions will go as far as it can go but if we limit our very intention then we become constipated from being constipated to become this is the important journey that we need to make yes right now we constipated constipated means what it happens little bai liqi right now this is our life is happening little by little little by little now you think it's me then you get mad at one more person then you have two children two more people why what is the problem does it cost any money hello does it cost any money to sit here and think whatever the best I want I want for everybody in the universe does it cost you anything now what will happen to you is everything that you can do you will do in your life in your life if you do not do what you cannot do it's not a problem but if you do not know what you can do you're a disaster I am just telling you don't become a disaster by limiting your intent [Applause] we will talk a bit about what's gonna happen soon the Indian elections Oh so the last election was about achayan good days to come this time is about India Pakistan conflict so India Pakistan not in conflict just little love affair slow heart blow cold blow so few of us a few of us here are 2nd time voters a lot of them are first-time voters how do you think we should approach this how do you think we should see this election coming and how do you think we should decide on that is there a certain matrix or anything that we can use in order to understand our own decision making for our elections being millenials you are asking me to make the judgment for you no I'm asking if so this is one thing suppose in India I give out a call out for this party or this person I may be able to move maybe fifty million two hundred million votes I will never do that because the idea of a democracy and the idea of secret ballot is that every individual will think for themselves an old on 18th of April I'm getting back all the way from United States just for one day to vote and again come back here and my daughter is in London at that time I told her you have to come back so she's traveling just for one day to oat so she asked me whom should I out for I said I won't tell you today there is information everywhere it's your business to access some information what's happened in the last five years should they should we give them one more chance or not it's something that you have to make up your mind that is the beauty of democracy that even somebody who may be just 18 years old who's not done anything else in their life yet even they can decide the future of the nation isn't it if I tell them all of you out for this person or this party this is just feudalism in the name of democracy isn't it whether you vote in the name of religion or a caste or a guru or whatever you have destroyed democracy democracy means every individual must think you don't even want to think why because you don't understand democracy democracy is a participatory sport it is not a spectator sport that all of us are participants we are not spectators only those people who are telling standing for election are not the players in the democracy we are the players in the democracy isn't it so it's everybody's business to make some evaluation out of their own understanding out of their own experience of life has it gotten better or worse don't listen to anybody else your own life as a Chilean happened for you or not happen for you is a judgement you have to make isn't it there are many issues a country means fundamentally there are security issues there are economic issues there are social issues and then there may be individual issues of Education health this that everything depending on which straight up society you belong to right based on this you cast your oath it may be right it may be wrong that's not the point the bill the important thing is you are thinking for the nation that is the important part of democratic process in Tamil language democracy means Jen and I come this means people are the leaders you are the leader it is not that somebody else is a leader that you are the leader you are only asking somebody to represent you as a leadership but you are the leader that's what it means democracy so please be a good leader for the nation as a Pakistani who's studying with Indians here and you know we live in harmony outside that region they do wonderfully well of course it is that we are divided by a border but we share a lot of things we share poverty we share hunger any miseries you name and you know both sides of of the countries are going through it we have people who go to sleep hungry school children who don't go to school how do you think this the youth because the majority of Indian population is used and so as Pakistan how can you think that we can come together and really alleviate the miseries and work together for a better future wow that's a dicey question you must understand this a nation is not some god-given stuff okay only when you identify for a mechanician on a religious basis you may believe so otherwise we know we made it we write a constitution not a god-given document we wrote it subject to amendments subject to changes as it is required for the well-being of the people so what is a nation today in the world is still we have not come to that place where we can all embrace each other and live as one nation the entire planet I wish someday we will get there but you see you're already break sitting say what what Europe has done in the last 15-20 years is a truly phenomenal fantastic achievement after World War 1 World War two nobody ever thought the Germans and the French and the Italians and English could come together nobody imagined could you have imagined this in 1945 I'm asking you no but you achieved this European Union it's not a small thing don't think it's just an economic arrangement it's a huge evolution in human consciousness yes or no but now you break sitting you can say whatever people have voted for it all right people have chosen because for some economic reason or some other fear of immigration or whatever all right I'm not trying to blame anybody for that prancing similarly this india pakistan bangladesh this whole region including Sri Lanka Nepal everything was like one nation though politically we will be different nations there were times when we were over 200 different political entities but still we were one nation in culture in in many different ways in our transactions together but whatever reason there's no point doing historical post-mortem and blame this person that person this situation that situation it's happened somebody drew lines without considering the geography of the land simply across rivers across villages across mountains simply simply somebody drew lines the kind of lines that you cannot defend the kind of lines that needs constant engagement to keep it safe between the two nations and above all see one thing that we need to bring if you if young people all of you and all of you if you are interested in the future of this world we've still not come to that place where people can just live out of there just living their religion their heaven and stuff and all that but we must do this much in your generation the coming generation must do this much religion should be a personal pursuit for people those who wish to they push you personally their own stuff but this ambitious way of approaching that my religion should conquer the world must go this is one achievement you must do in the next 25 years otherwise with the kind of technological advancements we have we will have a massive disaster on this planet isn't it the days of the sword are over the days of the sword are over now if we continue with the same attitude we will have a super massive disaster which will not benefit anybody for that matter okay will not benefit the planet will not benefit any creature on this planet everybody will be hurt because of this I am saying one thing all of you are getting educated in premier institutions one thing you must carry home wherever you go whatever religious background you come from make everybody understand your religion is your personal curse you do whatever you want all right you look up you look down you look whichever way you want it's up to you all right don't tell me where to look yes don't tell me where to look don't force somebody else that this is the way or that is the way if this one thing goes away India Pakistan will settle because culturally there's so much engagement okay I would say there was a South Asia conference and by which I recently attended but just at that time there was a terror attack in India and we had to invest insist that all Pakistanis drop out of the conference and it happened unfortunately I was looking forward to that engagement but they had to drop out because this thing happened what this is looking for is we were all pushing for this that South Asia region which means India Pakistan Nepal Sri Lanka Afghanistan Bhutan this geographically one thing we're looking at something like EU politically you can still be different you can do whatever damn religion you want but economically if we come together we were the most prosperous part of the world at one time that is because we operated as one at that time in many different ways but today there is no way everybody is trapped in their own little boundaries so this is one thing we should push for if you want to push for this the most important thing is religion becomes just purely a personal pursuit never a national goal or a global goal it is actually a global goal right now it should just be personal pursuit never a global goal if you do this one thing India Pakistan all these nations and many other nations coming together will become a reality [Applause] Thank You Satguru for the wisdom we would now open up the questions for the flow and you can raise your hands I thank you very much that group for the Hey okay thank you very much for that exciting discussion so I wanted to ask normally as students we start the term very exciting very excited and we do things very as you said Lesley but by the end of the term we with a lot of outside pressure we moved from blissful to stressful so my question is how to maintain that positive or Pleasant State experience well you need to understand the simple mechanics of how this functions see now all of us are sitting I don't want to pick on all of you let's say three or four of us are sitting here each one of us is sitting in our own different ways the geometry of your body and your chemistry are very related how you hold your body will determine I'm a quick learner this is results so the simple thing that we need to learn is we become conscious of how we hold our body how we breathe how we work how we move and also how our thought emotion are the things function within us just sticks you have the necessary awareness and intelligence it's just never been applied you busy applying it to the world by applying it to the world a few situations in the world may change but your experience of life will not change see as a generation of people never before another generation of people knew these kind of comforts and conveniences that all of us are enjoying isn't it so hello aren't we the most comfortable generation ever we are but are we the most joyful generation ever No so obviously by changing the outside situation we can create comfort and convenience you cannot create well-being because human experience happens from within there is this is not just a random thing there is an entire science as there is a science and technology to address external well-being there is a whole science and technology to address inner well-being today our education systems I'm sorry I'm not making a critique of an institution like this our education system from kindergarten onwards there is nothing about you you're reading about the worm you're reading about the butterfly you're reading about the plant you're reading about the globe you're reading about other galaxies nothing about this one yes but human experience is 100% manufactured within you is it so have you seen in the same given situation one person is thoroughly enjoying it another person is immensely suffering it so obviously it's not the situation isn't it you can do whatever you want because they did not handle it properly they invented heaven okay heaven means what should I go into this anyway everything is fantastic out there that is the marketing why nobody wants to go today because they don't know if it's really there when somebody believes that is really there they will know totally dastardly things all of this just a little psychological hold on food is best if you're you know in Hindu heaven food this fantastic if you're if you're a foodie you must go to Hindu heaven in another place all those white ground ladies are just floating around in the clouds if you like that kind of ambience you go there in another place you'll encounter virgin problems if that's what you're looking forward to that's where you go there but you must understand this you go there only what is the qualification to go there you have to die hello yeah use it so in LSE also if you have to go to heaven you have to die when you die we usually either burn or bury or cut you and put you two birds depending on your culture we do whatever one thing is this body is a loan from this planet when you are done with it you must put it back if you've not done anything ecologically sensitive this is one thing you will do alright so you left your body here and went to heaven when you don't have a body what do you do with good food and virgins and all this stuff I'm asking these are all bodily issues isn't it hello when you have a body all these things so I want to down the heavens people should eat good food here people should float around like angels here whatever lustful longings they have when they are young they must finish it here they should not become sick dreaming that something is waiting for them up there what do you think should be down there heaven and above all and above all do you have any proof do you have any proof to prove to me that you are not already in heaven and making a mess out of it do you have any proof you are already in heaven making a terrible mess out of it if you sort yourself out you will see this will feel like heaven of all the planets we know in whatever explorations we have done in this universe this is the best place do you agree with me you are already in heaven why are you such a mess you need to sort this out the only reason why you are such a mess is you are not fixed like other creatures for all the other creatures nature put two lines between which they live and die but for human beings there is only bottom line there is no top line that's what they are suffering if you're suffering your limitations I can understand your suffering your freedom that is what is the disaster right now if you were fixed like every creature you wouldn't be stressed isn't it all other creatures are like this term accrual life setting but you are made like this stomach empty only one problem stomach full 100 problems this is simply because you are not able to hang your own faculties we gave you a supercomputer but you did not read the user's manual that's all your problem is thank you Namaskar rooms at them I would request you to please guide us more on the issue of hole interpretation of religion as you said that it has to be a personal matter religion as a concept as I you've mentioned before it was a new concept for India and its surrounding places earlier but people do lines on those leaders and social cultural aspects as well which eventually led to conflicts so how do you see inner engineering yoga as the way of resolving that conflicts and turning towards the inner self and breaking the barriers of religion well you want a prediction or you want a plan those who are not in Cape who those who are incapable of making a plan and executing the plan always look forward to predictions what prediction means is you just hope it will happen you are not willing to lend your life to make it happen that's why I'm telling you all of you young people should strive towards it of course people will derive you somebody wants to kill you I have never abused anybody but people want to kill me death threats keep coming what for simply because you ask questions for which they have no answers I have never abused them I have not abused their gods I have not abused anything I'm just asking questions you went to heaven all right but without a body so how are you going to eat food good food and how are you going to do anything with these virgins what are you going to do when I asked them why are they feeling so insulted so this is one way for a long time it's been like this for a couple of thousand years one way to handle questions is kill the questioner it's been an effective way till now but no more he's not going to work like that because today not this one person is going to ask questions a billion people will ask questions yes once you raise a question the whole world knows this is a and everybody will ask the question there was a time where only one person raised the question in a village or a town and you killed him and the question was over those days are over so this is why you don't have to abuse anybody but you must ask relevant questions isn't it hello dering relevant questions whatever matters in our lives should we not ask questions at least even if you don't have answers you don't have to abuse anybody you don't have to derive anybody but you must ask questions because if you ask three intelligent questions 90% of the scriptures on the planet and all the three heavens will collapse right now with your blessing I've started my journey one question I like we share that we meet people we meant to meet or is it a destiny luck or fate have you just fallen in love with some no no because I don't want to disturb the romance say look at it this way since you woke up to their money till this moment let's leave the sleeping time since you came awake fully from that moment to this moment your body has been doing its things isn't it so physical activity is happening both outwardly and inwardly happening or no that's why we are alive it's happening mental activity has been happening emotional activity is happening energy activity is happening how much of these four dimensions of activity did you perform consciously from the moment you came awake till now how much do you think what percentage what percentage well below one percent believe me when you perform activity consciously less than one percent over 99% is unconscious everything will look accidental something everything looks like divine intervention because 99% of the time you're unconscious do one thing when you drive today - wherever you drive 99 percent of the time close your eyes and drive you will see how many people you will meet but if you drive with your eyes open fully conscious you're not going to meet anybody like that this is the bank good things will happen in a completely different way how conscious we are will determine how much of your destiny you determine how unconscious you are determines how much of your destiny is accidental everything that's accidental we want to attribute it to some other force elsewhere now this must stop we must understand it is we is there no other force of course you didn't make the creation nor did I all right you did not create this creation nor did I create this creation there is but that is a different dimension altogether and what is happening with you right now is entirely your making from where you come from in India is the only culture on the planet which constantly told you your life is your karma karma means you're doing your life is your making whatever may be happening you may be able to logically figure out why it is so you may not be able to figure out but still you know one thing if this is happening to me this is my making this is the greatest empowerment you can have when you understand my life is my making whatever happened till now it doesn't matter how will you make your tomorrow I am asking you if you clearly clearly know 100% my life is my making how will you make the next moment how will you make a tomorrow how will you make your future in a most beautiful way isn't it so that's what needs to happen I have two questions and one is related to the should one at a time I'm a simple guy because you were just talking about our life please let me close sorry so that we make our lives right and what about what about the people that have it very high what about the people that are exploited sexually what about the people that have been like in the worst scenarios for many years of drudgery I think is so unfair I do agree with it but I think is unfair to say that this is the responsibility of the individual to be okay because for some I made a simple statement you're making a philosophy out of it okay there are many segments of society please you can hold on to the microphone and sit down see there are various levels of life happening on the planet in London City there are richest people living in highest levels of pleasure and comfort there are people who are living the worst possible life within this city yes or no you don't have to go all over the world to see that right here so if we create a society where there is such disparity I'm asking both you and me have it responsible for this no no will come will come a just answer I am asking the question now Abbey maybe we can't change it tomorrow morning I know that but are we if we see we are we will start working towards the solution otherwise we'll try to make a living out of problems a whole lot of people in this world have invested so much in the problems they are only making a living out of problems evolving philosophies of problems the only thing that matters is a solution isn't it not in how many ways we glorify the problem the only and only thing that matters when there is suffering for a human being is a solution yes or no whether it comes from up down whichever way the hell it comes who cares whether it comes from heaven or hell we don't care when somebody is in some state of suffering the only thing that matters is a solution so if solutions have to happen who created the problems you can say it's this guy or this person or that person no no we as human beings have bred problems isn't it when I have a glass of water I'm not willing to share it with the person sitting next to me why do you expect a man who has a billion dollars to share it with somebody I'm asking hello and you are not willing to share the little things that you have you have a philosophy why are the rich people not sharing with the poor people they will not because your argument is but I don't have enough but even they don't have enough they may have 100 billion dollars but they don't have enough that's what you need to understand this is the nature of human being you may think they have too much but they don't have enough as you don't have enough nobody has enough in this world yes or no only thing is just this that's why I told you your service sacrifice selflessness all these things these are all con jobs that's why I told you at least what is the worst in you your greed expand your greed towards everybody's well-being we can work towards it with all the problems go away tomorrow morning no we can only work towards it isn't it if all of us work towards it will it go away hello if every one of us really strive towards it will it go away yes it will isn't it relate or will it not usual but till now the problem has always been about how to get all the human beings on one page there are different nations there are different races they are different religions skin color this nonsense that nonsense every kind alright for the first time for the very first time in the history of humanity two things have happened one thing is our survival is better organized than ever before there is enough resource technology for every problem we have a solution at hand and for the first time we can sit here in this room and speak to the entire world never before this was possible see many people have come he mentioned names Rama Krishna Buddha Jesus this one that one all kinds of people when they spoke hardly 10 people heard yes or no this is the first time you can sit here and speak to the entire world when such a privilege is there is it not your and my responsibility to say the right things right things to put all human being beings on one page hello if we do this because never before this was possible now it is possible as a generation will we make it possible or we just a wine generation pointing fingers at each other and we will die like this this is the choice we have this is the reason why I am going from university to university though I avoided every damn University when I was your age [Music] now I am going to university to university because this is an opportunity which is for the first time in the history of humanity that if we want to change something we can because we have the resource we have the technology we have the capability and we can share this with the entire world never this was possible please let's make it happen I love what you said about we we want to blossom as human beings little closer please oh sorry we want to blossom as human beings that's how a filament I'm actually nervous talking but with new opportunities also comes fear and self-doubt and I'm wondering how can we navigate these very strong forces in order to reach our fulfillment I guess in our potential so yeah that is you there is a world or let's say there is you and there is the rest of the existence those forces you cannot ignore they're all there I want to fly away can I fly away notice gravity which holds me down like this in every activity in every possibility there are forces which supporters there are forces which holders there are forces which rises there are forces which put us down all kinds are there you haven't been surfing ok if you go in a windsurfing or hang gliding or ocean surfing somebody rides the wave somebody who doesn't figure it out gets crushed by the same wave doesn't it so hello somebody just yes riding on the wave somebody else drowning beneath the wave same wave isn't it what's the difference do you think somebody figured it out somebody did not pay enough attention to figure it out the most fundamental thing that you need to figure out is not the waves not the wind not the sunlight the most fundamental thing that you need to figure out is how does this function now you're talking about your fears your anxieties your struggles these are not waves and wind and fire and something else these are just your own thoughts and emotions listening see please under I'll make it extremely simple for you human beings are suffering all right variety of suffering there's a champion sitting there but I'm asking all of you leave those people who are in war zones who are in extreme poverty and some violence believe that we can excuse them because for them suffering is coming from outside how much of your suffering ever has come from outside I'm asking when was the last time you were stabbed with a dagger even though you are living in London I hear a lot of knife crimes in London when was the last time you were stabbed hey even you would not no yes I know but I am asking when were you stabbed no not you nobody in this room so what I am saying is the amount of suffering that coming to you from outside is minuscule rest is on self-help isn't it why are you generating suffering for yourself what is it simply because you have not taken charge of your faculties what is it that you're suffering if you ask people you will see even you let me ask you you are capable of suffering that happened 10 years ago to you isn't it 10 years ago this happened still suffering and you are capable of suffering what may happen to you day after tomorrow already yes or no so you are not suffering life let me make this very clear to you you are not suffering life you are suffering to most fantastic faculties that only human beings have which nor the creature have which is a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination you are suffering your memory and your imagination so what you're asking is please make me like an earthworm once again I will live peacefully if we remove half your brain for sure you will sit here peacefully isn't it no fear no anxiety no trouble nothing so the problem is you're complaining about your evolutionary forward moment of life you want to be back there if you had the brain of an earthworm stomach full you would be so peaceful is this the way to handle this possibility I'm asking you this is the greatest privilege that every little thing that happens to us we remember vividly and we can use this memory to project and try to create those things in our life this is our greatest privilege which no the creature has on this planet at least on this planet we are the most privileged life but we are the messiest one simply because neither your parents nor your teachers nor your institutions have done anything as to how to handle your own faculties they're teaching you how to mess with the globe and of course you messed very effectively nothing about how to do this if you knew how to conduct this would you create fear for yourself anxiety for yourself misery for yourself or joy for yourself I'm asking you joy so the problem is not with the world the problem is as I said you have a super supercomputer you are refusing to read the user's manual just by accident you want to handle this it's a mess last question hi thank you very much I'm extremely impressed and I have a request one request and one question first I will put forward my request so we want to be the lucky ones who are in the same room to experience the vibe and aura that Ranveer Singh did when you danced with him so would you do that for us here in LSE guys I want you to clap we we get fulfilment there's a question me after the dancer before that okay my question so I lean around extremely low rock band here so I'm extremely impressed how you've said that religion shouldn't be a national goal it should be something very personal and we should talk about the right thing but someone you know as someone so many people look up to you know don't you think you have a social responsibility to voice your concerns about some specific parties who are trying to spread religious extremism or because we can't please everyone can be so what are your thoughts on that because I told you uh you you just said that you don't endorse a political party and you don't want to influence anyone to vote for someone but don't you think we should stand up against something which is wrong I am NOT against anything that's what I want you to understand I'm for humanity human beings have come in variety of ways it's okay with me because if all of them became like me I wouldn't want to live in this world they're all different that's why tonight look at them how different they are each one that is why it is nice but all the idiots are trying to make everybody like themselves just imagine in your home if there's one more person just like you could you live this one is too much isn't it but they want a world full of their own kind so I am NOT against anybody it's okay everybody is saying what they're saying as long as they don't get overly empowered it's all right they're expressing their opinions opinions are like attracts the more you have them the less you see so I am trying to bring clarity to them also people say Sadhguru you are seeing with the saleability why did you sit with this person you seen with this ball and why did you say that this person I say see for last 22 years I've been working in the prisons both India and United States I am constantly with murderers rapists and all kinds of people they are also ok with me because human beings do all these things the question is only will we as a generation create a situation where human beings can evolve into higher possibility or do you want to shoot this one hang that one do that do this is this your solution believe me those people who thought they are bringing solutions forcefully always caused the worst kind of situations on the planet yes or no those who believed that they're bringing a solution forcefully they did the worse things isn't it so those who believed they were going to send you to heaven they did the worst things those who believed forcefully they will level everybody and bring equality they did the most horrendous things on the planet we know what us miss make the same mistake I want you to understand those mistakes are no more affordable with modern weaponry and modern technology those mistakes are no more possible on this planet if we commit the mistake of what I'm not supposed to mention these names what Mussolini said of Hitler's Joseph Stalin's and whatever the religious nut cases have done if we attempt the same thing in 21st century will finish the whole humanity we cannot afford that anymore so the only way for all of us to progress is that whatever I think of you you actually accept you for who you are right now and see how we can all be on the same page at least on a few things we all want health we want all all of us want to live joyfully peacefully at least on these things we are on the same page well you worship that God in the East I worship this in the West I have somebody worships something else somebody else doesn't worship a damn thing it's their choice let them do whatever but the important thing is human needs fundamental human needs of this once physical needs are taken care of which fortunately for this generation like never before though still there are complaints there are segments of society unfortunately left out of that still the largest number of human beings their survival is better organized than ever before yes or no it is so today if you have the money you can go to the store and buy what you need for the next one year and not step out of your house and still manage believe me if you were here 100 years ago or thousand years ago if you want to start your day you must take your bucket and walk a mile to River Thames to get your water most of you are not even fit to carry a bucket full of water for a mile anymore yes or no so survival is better organized than ever before forever we've had problems of food water shelter clothing for the first time all of you have five times more clothing than what your grandparents had yes or no huh all of you have five times more clothing then what your grandparents had you are also eating right now how to eat less is the big deal this is the first generation which has to be worried about how much to eat always every generation of people when they sat down for a meal they stuffed as much as they could into themselves because there was so much physical activity to do if you see the last generations of people how they ate when they sat down for a meal they would sit like this you know in India they'll sit on the floor they'll eat and it's full and then eat little more and little more a little more because there is so much to do physically if you don't eat like that you'll run out of gas literally it's like gas you know like filling the tank you want to fill as much as you can this is a first generation which has to be conscious of how much to consume because otherwise you'll become like a balloon because you're not doing anything so everything is better organized than ever before survival is better than ever before this is the time to transform human consciousness to transform or to raise human consciousness we are doing various levels of activity one you know you must sit through this in many different ways otherwise you would you want to understand why we are doing variety of things for this purpose because all these things have to be done if you don't know all the points there is no game I want all of you to participate in whichever way you can to raise human consciousness either by yourself or seek our help we're doing many things across the world please be a part of it the important thing is all human beings if their focus is towards their will being and everybody's well-being irrespective of who they are he is he's a bad neighbor for me but I want him to be well alright this is important I don't have to say no you're a fantastic neighbor you're not but I want you well no I'm not making a national commentary one please do not understand whether he is from what from Pakistan are from Kerala it means the same thing I'm saying here see I don't have to say fantastic things about you yes you're a bad neighbor but I want you well because I know if you are well you will be fine with me when you're not well you will try to infect me with the same thing it's very important everybody around you or well if you want to be well isn't it so this is why I am saying be absolutely selfish it is just that why selfishness and greed also you're stingy why in that also you're stingy at least in that you can be generous you can't give away things all right at least be absolutely selfish know what I want for myself I want for everybody hmm let's create a an absolutely selfish world that means what I want for myself I want for everybody in the world that's make it happen thank you I saw you up eating you know this thing if it can hold me but so would you like to entertain the request when is like here please that's right that's right thank you thank you very much salut thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 818,318
Rating: 4.8442616 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2019, sad guru, Sadguru, satguru, sathguru, jaggi, vasudev, jakki, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking
Id: xBR9ZJrgpUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 54sec (6294 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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