Antonio and Molly Manzanares: The Last Shepherds

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[Music] I love that picture to remind myself porque me cause it's got to be him because he's the only one that walked we have been 90 turn it with Mende well when I started I had 90 but then we got married for that one and we still had chickens I'll be doing that didn't last very long there's Augustine again with some showmanship how was Osteen good he was only about four okay four or five maybe you is well 30 years that's about oh look at those guys that's crazy [Music] we just have to sort the two rows from the from the ramble ace and turn the box out with each group this is not the best time to breathe it's the best time for us but you know for us getting multiple births this is not the best time you want to do it earlier in the season now our concern is more survival right we want them born when there's some green grass or some green feed on them on the ground and they use milk better so if it's a get a good start and the mother's got good milk and she mother's up to him well they take off the rest of the year but if they struggle the first two weeks forget it you know they're struggled on their whole life you don't know how to handle the dogs at all Bert come here this guy hasn't been around sheep very much oh he don't know what he's doing all time that's what woven with me Sam in these situations I was in the wrong one couple days ago on just working with Burton wasn't making the same to find another another dog start from scratch it's not the first time we've done it so I guess we can do it again come here Bert come on Bert come here Bert see you don't pay attention easy come on Jenny welcome they know what we want polish is easy Bert Bert Bert easy easy easy easy what's rush easy we separate the two rows to one pasture so we breed them just pure o2 churro and white face won't leave up here we turn out the ramps that we're gonna use that year with them I'm checking the balls basically see if they're good I don't have any did immitis what we call it look like a venereal disease I guess you could say that makes him still yeah Timmy Cinco Oh Cho yes aunt of the Tracy Tracy arepa Quattro sienta fascist okay boys do the job they better know what to do stupid thing some do we like to leave the Rams in with a use for 34 days to heat cycles basically sign mahabharath Kulkarni I dunno yes sir you can get away with two per hundred but it depends on the situation and how good the Rams are some of these are new ramps see they don't know don't get to get the hang of it see those old guys every day they take off and when hang out with just want and Stan took a heavy Anissa Petra and the harem Mariko I don't know Cassie and emoticon I'll say hey no is it your posse yeah and a star on the throw I wanna pony to come for they shall wait for logically [Music] there's this [Music] Oh the winner was okay into January and then in January we started losing some stuff - no doesn't bother is that much win in the killer I see [Music] [Music] repeat here [Music] Oh [Music] mahlia nice to share everything ourselves then we start having kids and so she had to stop and I shared shoot them all by myself on here I sort the grays and the blacks and the light Gray's in the whites don't contaminate the wool with all colors Burke Burke easy easy easy easy [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we're starting the decent taking up the undesirable parts so that it can be made into yarn resort that the sheep and do all the round away first and then we do the shooters but we also sort them according to a color and it comes in a lot of natural colors from white to black and it takes the dye very well also we use the remm belay to make Betty blankets for Betty because it's soft and it's better for apparel yarn and that kind of thing we make a knitting yarn with it also I grew up in a cattle ranching family and I like cattle a lot but over the years I've gotten very fond of the sheep because they do they do give a lot in Spanish we say la Vega's muy Grande see de meaning the ship is a grateful animal and give you its wool it's lamb and then you know when her life is about over her life - basically for Martin so it's true you separate those twins out first if we can its integrity at all topic of rhonchi another beardy we don't normally try to help sheep land we like to leave him alone as much we can the real heavy lemming only less about about 20 to 21 days lambing I think would be the hardest the hardest time of the year because it's intense because you're trying to save all these lamps and and you have a lot of enemies fighting you you have the weather you have the the Predators you have to be out there paying attention all the time I don't know if that's a said in the front or not it's very intense it's a lot of work but it's the time of the year that makes her breaks the she business I actually really like this time of the year I like the hard work honey I'm gonna put him with uh with that year's got the other little black lamb in the jail and I'm gonna release one from jail Ida had a poor aura even sometimes the lamb shows up who does he belong to well nobody knows and and then we have to try to pair him out many times you don't but it's just really intense the other killer doesn't their work take evoke a pillow no creo my mother dreaming too hungry no summer we know nothing we we're getting no no no no no locator never the helmet okay obviously there is a it's very satisfying because you you got to save as many lambs as you can okay this you her lamb died so we had this little lamb there his mother didn't have enough milk for two of them we put him on her we grafted him and this one this one just so he firm up with her that's her lamb but this you had that try to steal a line from another you she was insistent that the other lamb was hers but it wasn't able from another jewel you then she lammed and just walked away from this one still wanted the other one so we're just burning him up with her that's all she's Oh she'll be all right this one she showed up without a lamb yesterday and that lambs mother died so we're gonna graft him on her this one if you let him nurse as long as they're in the jail here she'll let this little guy nurse well you turn her out over there and then she decides he doesn't want him anymore and that's it [Music] see like that that used to be a little Gary the Kremlin came in it killed of blueberries that little building over there my Uncle Frank is to have a little dairy there they sell the milk to foremost when did you know there was a route to here hormones that are out there was other people that have new dairy and they milk the cattle there yes please' Blanco across the river my great-grandfather ran a band of sheep and then my grandfather had abandoned sheep also it was big sheep country now it's Karen is finito la piel is something else church needs to have baths here on Saturdays as far as I know there's only two herded bands of sheep that good the old traditional way it's only two of them left in New Mexico each other than ever our reservation nice to be my Uncle Frank sounds like they're the one that rented dairy and I grew up in this house up there tearing down now it wasn't blue they're tearing it down and I used to be my grandfather's place there - it just abandoned it got sold and they've just let it deteriorate like I said man ro ro L Emilia they had four boys that's who they live and that's it that's that's all of La Puente but all the houses need to be inhabited I don't even like to come to town too much anymore because I see you know you know if I won the lottery I'd do some rural renewal state of urban renewal I probably clean it up and try to get it populated again nice home so it makes me sad but you know that the world changes this happening all over the United States all over rural America you know that right now there's so many rural towns in New Mexico that the same things happening I mean you were just down in the Lordsburg area there's just a lot of places are there's nothing happening there I will get sometimes our own Munafo three cuatro Cinco seis siete Ocho Nueve Diez once Doce friend cut off the ginger still octopus medulla Penta where I stand on Omaha Leona me Bing Bente is Tobias Tommy Hawk in escuela de lo llamó palakollu a clear to the Powell a the pop up for the cow rocket missile will hit the Pablo cuarenta power ok Sal let me go you know hello Anna Marie Barrios no food no I'm alone you know les Anna given the treadmill don't let her me huh very open the hopeful URL a to the power n TC o no cincuenta no no no Chuck in a bomb for la Cantina we just don't know how many more years with you pull it off every years this time of the year is the toughest time of year we make all our money in a month from the time we share to time we finish lemming which is approximately a month in everything that we that we depend on happens in that month because we have no war we have no product no yarn woman good know nothing with a wall and if we have no land or we have known no product to sell later we have no income so really we make all our income within 30 days of the year that's the way I look at it and that's what we really really focus on these 30 days about three days ago I told Tony oh this is I just so I feel so good because I enjoy a little lemming and everything that we do here but that day it just seemed like we were just a team and we didn't even have to talk we just everything was it was very smooth and it just felt really good that's not good well we don't have duck cuz don't think you really well oh sure oh we just won't we learned it together we and we developed it together and here it is if something happens to either you or I just independent of what's gonna happen anything both nothing happens to us and we just get old dirt it would be pretty third it be pretty tough for just one person to take take it I asked that question a lot mom answer question he doesn't like to hear and I don't just go along your plan is kind of it's developing itself in a sense with us Molly and I discussed this all time my friends and I discussed this all time this is not just our a problem with our family this is all over the West I'm sure and transitions are are kind of hard our kids are struggling I think with whether to come back home and take over the business or not we have a son who's in the service had been in the service for about eight years we have a daughter that's come back home now who's was an artist we have an attorney who works in Massachusetts a daughter who's a veterinarian it's really hard to say what our kids are gonna do we think we've built a business the business up to four it's just a matter of stepping into it and taking over and running with it but you know it's tough work their kids grew up in it they've seen what we are we struggled and can't really blame him for not wanting to work this hard so I don't regret it I'm happy that we did this I'm I'm still content doing what I do and I'll do it till I can't do it anymore or till somebody comes in and says move over old man I'm gonna do it now right around the 5th of June we can get up on the forest so we trail the Sheep it takes us about four days to get there because we're going with little lamb small and we had to truck them last year because the creeks were so swollen we figure we moving across the creeks with the legs it's a little easier to haul them it just take one day when we go on the trail it takes three or four days and there's a lot of planning logistics how to get the camp's here and the people here and everything so yeah I think that's it basically not enough help getting tired or getting tired [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how our way here okay mm-hmm rano mucho no be stupid to Kiki Donna Ferrando get the wire no they were asking of him Vito Dorado Rado gente en los perros Rivera can an urchin stay again June animala Edie are you there's a critical Gavin algunos on Lobos turned over come on Kiki this is not like a coyote kind of like yeah a mournful sound yeah gady percent on the seriouser keep out early ho no no that's written ago ray Gasca a metal officer will karamanian telemental City Otis fire not only told ward of tobacco nails per vehicle arrived in Doha literally I am the winter reto Romero love eating salami well you're showing us home right meta-level sorry to come happy nice body dragon Tesoro poor I use economic rent parasya Yolo even come on come on I don't catch a killer pessimist uncle come on Leo Kamali hit the car vestroia known Fantasma I sell a camel tank el Fantasma hora the cambium el nombre Cheryl Tom kales a lumen or Alec Hamilton que el Fantasma mingoes my banker gotta pay these guys well because you know they like your bankers they all the money in from them care about hundun my yeah you and Charlie under a lot of people don't realize that you considered the lowest person on the totem pole but they got all the money on the hoof right there in front of them all summer long the lowly shepherd dr. hunter will turn and not in a much of gesture you create I will read that by me but no man not a fella called yes all ask a viable case when all highest order say one entered Monty knowledgebase he a second I only I've asked each other's I am doesn't matter ok lava ok grotto are you also idly only some yen those anomalies common novel raiga story one more level quality Alice Welch others in a parka yes no tiene mucho mucho CNT a serve first or you know love para tener mucho mucho you I am pero por trabajo muscle caballo universe cranky almost understand he was yelled again param we got ready boss although the world understand as a kid I always like to come up here to the mountains and get on the horse no no that kind of stuff just learning about the animals but lately yeah I've been yeah I've been spending quite quite quite a time with him and see what I can learn from him because he's taught me a lot of things since I was little all the dogs let's call you up this is mercy can't be kind of difficult for thing you get used to it after a while you feel tired eat early or brush my teeth and go to bed yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I would say we told about 14 miles of her stay but we have to trail through the forest into some private land and we can only travel on certain days because they hunt on those private lands and they don't like us going through when they're hunting so we try to accommodate them and they try to accommodate us [Music] [Applause] [Music] they put me in the truck goes on a little more hot-tempered I'm not that patient with traffic and if they come in and start honking stuff I kind of lose it I've been at a guy's hood with a rope one time he came up honking aerosol that was not fun we come out on highway 64 up there but 11 has miles from Cara Maria and we trail all the way down to 84 when we go about a mile and 84 and then we go back north again for a couple mile to the ranch normally then we'd like to take the Sheep into some kind of wound Reggie we used to take ever when it rains up in the desolate area but now we're looking for something else it's Forest Service's not cooperating really well to put it nicely in 1982 I think was might have been the first year that we took him out to the forest that was when there's oldest son was I was expecting him and we've been doing it I guess for about 32 years there's no long we been coming back and forth it's just who I am I I'm right now have the extra job in town and but this is this is really Who I am so I really it's just comfortable yeah even when the weather bad and it's even when it's bad it's good that's right even when your horses giving you fits it's it's alright the worst part of the whole thing is when you need because about there there's all these guys around and you got a hundred piece of the clothes on that's the hardest thing in the whole day it brings back a lot of memories of the what we used to do bringing the cattle down and gathering in the fall I have a book called tough by Nature it's written by some lady that spent 19 years interviewing women ranch women and drawing sketches and paintings of them and just a short interview and there's one lady that said if there's a woman that I'm pretty much do everything it's because she had a dad that said you can do whatever and he didn't say you're a girl you can't do this and that's us [Music] this day is a stressful one because of all the traffic and dealing with the publican I don't know if you saw how many I mean course we had lined up behind us there on the highway but people enjoy seeing it because they used to see it a long time ago on and then we're the only ones that they see now so with the last of the Mohicans come on hotoae yeah Cabo policy you never know somebody'll decide they want to do it and if they don't push your karma this is door oh it makes me feel honored and proud in many ways but it also makes me sad that it's gonna be gone makes me sad in a way because people have lost so much connection but two three sometimes in four generations removed from agriculture anymore so people don't know where their food comes from so it makes me that makes me a little sad it makes me angry too sometimes when I went to market the stuff people complain about the price or something they don't know what goes into it really you have to do to get that food to their table get Mock the boy here [Music] you
Views: 30,530
Rating: 4.9520383 out of 5
Keywords: shepherd, sheep herding, sheep ranching, sheep, family farm, dying way of life, traditional, new mexico
Id: CzirZ8pabgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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