Working Dogs - Farm To Fork Wyoming

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad people liked this so much! I grew up with working farm dogs (pyrenees, hound, blue lacy) and they're really special dogs. Everyone should get to know them!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gc4life πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OutWestTexas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very cool. It was interesting when they discussed the positives and negatives of each different breed of herding dog and guardian dog.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Your support helps us bring you programs you love. Go to, click on support and become a sustaining member or an annual member. Itβ– s easy and secure. Thank you. - As that habitat fills, and there's no more food source for those coyotes that are coming here. [Spiritual Music] - I have this great personal respect for my dogs. Here you have a very large animal that is willing to fight to the death to save a weaker species. [Sheep Baas] - This takes a lot of understanding of how their mind operates you know. - There's two different instincts. There's the chase and just don't care if you make a mess, and then there's the border collie that wants to gather the cattle, wants to control'em. - They're just really versatile. - They're descendants of wolves, and the young dogs used to go get the herds stopped, and then bring'm back to the old dogs. - [Female Narrator] Working dogs. On this Farm to Fork Wyoming. (Spiritual Music) - [Male Narrator] Funding for this program was provided by the members of the WyomingPBS Foundation. Thank you for your support. (sheep baaing) - [Female Narrator] On Wyoming's open range lands, the working dog is as important to the rancher as the livestock itself. - Yeah, if it wasn't for the guard dogs, we wouldn't have sheep here. Today. Period. The wolves are here, the coyotes are here, and it's prolific coyote country. [Suspenseful Music] And so our guard dogs are the only real line of defense that we have. Being the last guy in town with sheep is really a problem. (Herd Baaing) - [Female Narrator] The keeping of flocks and herds has always been tenuous, but made easier through our ancient relationship with the dog. - I don't think that anyone really has any idea how long livestock guardian dogs have been used around the world. There is art that indicates that there's probably six to 8,000 years old, so we know that guard dogs have been used to guard livestock since then. There use is very widespread. It's everything from domestic turkeys and chickens all the way up through sheep, goats, cattle. They're actually used with water buffalo. They're used all over the globe. (Sheep Baaing) - [Female Narrator] And there's another ally on the open range who gathers and herds. - They are a tool to us, they are also a moon, obviously companions too, but we couldn't do our work without'm. We have lot of brush, and bogs, and areas we can't get into that our dogs can to help us. - They're always eager to come. Sometimes the kids aren't as eager to come. (Laughter) Stuff like that. - They're good employees. - Yeah, they're great. (Beth laughs) - Where we're working with the BLM in this case the Four Service on public lands utilizing these grazing permits you have to have dogs and horses in my opinion. It's just something a guy could do on an ATV. The bigger range operations, cows are essentially free to roam up to 40,000 acres of the forest. That is a pretty good amount of land to cover. - [Female Narrator] These ranchers and their dogs share a bond that was forged in a boundless landscape. - [Cat] The transhumance method of moving with livestock by the seasons was the historic way of doing things. And then we had variant types of governance whether it was communist government or what wanting to take the free people off the landscape and have control of them. [Uneasy Music] We know that that happened a lot in the former soviet republic countries. In Europe where they collectivized farms, where they brought all of the livestock in and actually bulldozed villages and had people move into more populated areas so that they were more easily controlled. So we lost a lot of that traditional migratory culture. But even where it's been lost, there was always some that hung on. Whether it's the bedouin or what. There have always been migratory people. People move with their livestock, and with their livestock guardian dogs. - [Female Narrative] It's an intricate inner play between man and the animal world. - [Cat] We talk about the relationship between like myself and my guard dogs, but my guard dogs have relationships with all of these other animals as well. They have the relationship with the entire flock as a whole, and then they have relationships with the individual animals in that flock. - Guardian dogs are there own dogs. They like you, they love their sheep. - [Cat] Sheep are a highly social animals, and some of them will develop a real affection for certain guard dogs, and the guard dogs will feel the same way about the sheep, and they will actually seek out those individual sheep, and those sheep will stand and have their faces licked by the dogs. - [Female Narrator] And where herders must keep track of the sheep, these guardian dogs make that job easier as well. - There's an important animal to count as the sheep. See the red sheep? Okay, they count those red sheep every morning. There's about 1 to 50. They can make a fast count on those red sheep, then they know if they're missing any sheep. These dogs will stay behind with a sick animal. And so if they're missing a dog, they know that they got something outlying away from the herd. And then the dogs will hear'em come to feed, they'll come and then go back to that animal that just follow back. We've had a lot less loss because of it. 'Cause they won't turn loose of a sick one, or anything that strayed off. If there's a coyote kill, they'll guard the kill. They'll sit on that dead ewe. - And it's like so then when I look at the lamb, and it's like well 'Thanks guys, but we can't do anything for this one.' Then they'll take him off and eat'm. - Just as they have relationships, my dogs know the wolves, and the bears, and the moose, and everything else that share the same range with them. They come in contact with each other on a regular basis, so just as I can see and recognize that oh this cow, moose, and calf have been here for so long, my guard dogs are the ones that see them more often than I do. Those guard dogs have individual relationships there as well. - They know what is a threat, they know what's not a threat. We have skunks around here and stuff, and they're like, "They're not gonna hurt my sheep." Then coyote comes along, and he's gone. Or a badger, or you know, defend against the wolves and the bears. [Spiritual Music] - I tend to look at guard dogs in terms of whether they're softer dogs or harder dogs, and softer dogs are just not quite as aggressive, they're more easy to handle. Things like that. And I think that the Great Pyrenees dog is a perfect example of a soft dog. If you've ever met a Great Pyrenees dog they're just the most lovely animals to be with. Once wolves really moved into our area, and we started having a lot of wolf problems, that changed the process for us and what we needed from a dog. - We try to run three breeds in a herd. The brown dogs are like these scout dogs. They'll be out three miles off this herd. Okay? The heavier white dogs stay closer into the herds. Especially the long haired dogs cause they heat up, get too hot. And then we have that smooth haired line, and they're not as rangy, what I call rangy, they don't cover as big as area as these browns. Those working dogs will pick a fight. They'll go out and pick a fight with the coyotes, then these guys come in, and take care of business. They'll finish the fight. Fight starts, they'll finish the fight. These dogs'll take on a bear, they'll take on a coyote, they'll go out and look for anything that's trouble. It takes us a week to ten days to police out an area, so we'll pull in, cause we're migratory, so we'll pull in, we stop. It'll take those brown dogs and those smooth haired white dogs about a week to find all the carrion- all the dead in the area. Okay, cause that's the easiest food source in the country, see and that's what coyotes like. Coyotes are, well they're opportunistic, and so they take whatever is the easiest food source out there. These dogs will come in and replace the canine factor in the ecosystem. They'll police the area, and move the coyotes away. First hostile action we have usually is enough to drive them away. And once we get that done, then we have peace in the valley. They go their way, we go our way. We don't know what we're gonna have with these wolves 'cause they are not going to, I don't think, shy away as easy as these coyotes do. - When wolves come down, and are trying to come into the sheep, we have had so many actual battles between wolves and our guard dogs, and there are many times that the dogs can just bark, and chase, and be aggressive, and make the wolves go away, but sometimes those wolves come into our herd, or try to get into our flock, and it is a full on brawl between the dogs and wolves. We have had so many guard dogs tore up, and we've had several guard dogs killed, and that is a heartbreaking, heartbreaking thing. Besides being an actual emergency that we have to deal with on the ground because those guard dogs are our single best defense against wolves, you know, they are the first thing that the wolves are going to encounter, and they are out there with the sheep all of the time, and it's a pretty difficult thing to go through. - It's gonna take a multitude of animals. We have wolves here now, and they're back up in that mountain range, and they come out in here once we leave, so we still have a deterrent factor. Our dogs are enough that, you know, it's like leaving the lights on in your house. The thief is gonna come to your house and see the lights on, and they're gonna go to the next house where there's no lights. That's what's going on right now is we have a deterrent. It's out here. So they don't come to us. - Livestock guardians work because there are thousands of years of breeding and selection for that guardian behavior. We used mainly Akbash, which is a large white breed from Turkey, and then we also use Central Asian Ovcharkas from Central Asia. We really like crossing those two breeds in the natural breeding system that we have here. - And that happens a lot in the guard dog business. You end up with somebody else's dogs staying up with some of your dogs, it's kind of a touch and go deal. (laughing) It's kinda how it works, but they're rangy, in our environment they're hard to keep with your own bunch, you know, cause when we get on the winter ranges, there's thirty-five, forty thousand head of sheep down there, 8 companies, 9 companies, and so we all have our own dogs, then we're back and forth trying to catch'em, so what we've learned is we need someone like Cat who can make these dogs easy to catch. (Cat Laughs) - Hello. Hello We don't really do much training. It really is natural instinct, but we try to do - -come on puppies! Is influence some - -come on of that behavior. Livestock guardian dogs are by their nature very independent decision makers. They will decide what a threat is, and how to react to that threat. Hi Panda! Well what we try to do is from the time they're very young, we try to socialize them, or acclimate them to things that we expect that they will encounter later on in life, so they will not be afraid of those things. We try to ride bicycles around them, we ride motorcycles, snow machines, we have draft horse teams, men on horseback. Just a lot of different things they have to know. They have to come when they're called, or when I whistle, they have to know the command, "Go to the sheep." So all good things happen while they're with the sheep. Here comes Harriet the Horrible. (Cat laughs) Harriet, come here! How are you this morning? - Initially we didn't humanize them at all. Human habituate them at all, and so we couldn't get them caught when we need them, but now we can catch almost every dog we have. - [Female Narrator] The herd dogs look predatory when herding sheep. Guardian dogs understand their place. - [Cat] We rarely ever have conflicts between the guard dogs and herding dogs. (Whistles) Good boy. (inaudible) - [Jeanne] With the Border Collies, they have a relationship, they know that the Border Collies are there to move the sheep. - I mean, there has to be a human supervision, and someone talking to those dogs to let them know that, "No, they're allowed to be here." It's not like some stranger, or even a friend could come in with their herding dogs and work our sheep without having our guard dogs trying to take those dogs out. - If the dog is in a good work ethic, a nice calm, going to be kind, kind as a sheep, I've had Creatus run out there and just flatten'em. (Jeanne laughs) He just like holds them down, and he's like, "Be nice to my sheep, or you're not going to get to work my sheep." - [Jess] The Border Collies have a unique breeding because they bred them for 400 years in Scotland. - [Jeanne] The dogs that weren't any good didn't make it, you know, they were called out. - [Pete] They're naturals at it, so it just makes your job so much easier if the dogs a natural. They have natural abilities. - [Jess] Collies were initially really renoun for being sheep dogs. Relatively, it kind of a new thing was adapting them to cattle. Lie down. Because cattle are quiet a little different than sheep, and the old argument with Border Collies is that they don't have enough power to be on a cow, you know, a Heeler might go in there and rip'n'tear a little more. (whistles) - [Jeanne] The instinct of the border collie is to gather to you. A bitable will gather to you on his own, but if you tell him say, "Go over here to nine o'clock", and pull him that way, he'll do that and come behind you. Push him away from you, he'll do that. It's just a dog that is willing to listen to you, and override his natural instinct, and that is what makes him so easy to train. - They're just really versatile. - [Mike] They're descendants of wolves, and the young dogs used to go fetch, or get the herds stopped, then bring them back to the old dogs. You're the alpha person that they're trying to please, so they'll go 'round naturally to them to the front of the stock. Their real, real strength is fetchin' to ya, or bringing'em to ya. We take that away from them a lot out here drivin'. - The one thing that we work on a lot is being fair to the cattle 'cause that's really important. - [Mike] Gotta have a relationship between the cow and the dog, and really if the cow is walking away leavin', then the dog should give the cow distance, and have that respect. Where as if that dog goes in and cheap shots him, and gets her stirred up and she was leavin' anyway then you got issues. You're not respecting your cattle. It all comes down to respect of the cattle. They have a lot going on. Cow-calf pairs are really the college work of the Border Collies. The cow is trying to protect her calf, these dogs stir up the predator instincts in them. So you end up in some battles with young dogs. 'Cause trying to get that distance, some of these old dogs would be walkin' along, looking at cattle, and you don't even know they're working. Yet, they're moving along, the cows are leaving, everybody's going along, and they'll be real loose eyed about it and stuff, but they're all business, and they're working those cows. - [Female Narrator] Some ranchers mix these breeds to suit their circumstances. - [Pete] We have a hanging tree collie line, okay, pretty famous line, working dog line. Then we have a Mcnab line. Mcnab line is a Scottish breed, it's a herding dog. This is a cross on a collie dog with a Mcnab. They're pretty good. They're not barkers. But we have a Bearded Collie. We prefer the Bearded Collie, but we can't hardly hold the strain, they don't breed very well. We prefer a Bearded Collie because they're barkers. They bark. And so, we don't like the borders as much because they have to go sheep to sheep to sheep to sheep to get them to move, but these Bearded Collies will get out and bark, and gather the herd in these big areas, and they're a lot more resistant. They'll make the trail. See, we're 175 mile walk one way, so these borders will wear their foot pads out. They don't hold up as well on the long distances as well as the Bearded Collie. They're a trailing dog, they're a dog that was used to move place to place. The borders are work on a farm, close in okay? The Mcnabs have been good, they're really tough, and we're looking for tough. We're looking for tough guard dogs, (laughing) tough working dogs 'cause this walk is what getcha. You gotta get something that really can make the walk. It's okay. This is a Blue Merle, and it's got Collie, but it's father was a Beardie. I saved her cause she's such a pretty dog, and she's really smart. - And we have thought that as Border Collie breeders, we wanna breed for brains. Intelligent working capabilities. - Some dog that'll go out and watch a cow and work. - [Female Narrator] Some fear that as working breeds become standardized, their working abilities will be bred out of them. - [Jeanne] There's a lot of dogs being bred that aren't working, that they're being bred because they are personable dogs, they're wonderful dogs, but we're getting a little delusion there away from the actual working, you know, good dogs. - [Jess] Trainers they've fought the AKC again involved with the breed because they're worried they'll show'em for show like the big white collars. And a big dog maybe, and then pretty soon the dogs aren't working, and you have problems getting the breed, getting that back to working dogs because they lose somethin' along the way. - Another thing we've kinda seen in the last few years is the end dogs, the hot dogs, you know as far as this dogs winnin' everything, so well let's breed to him, well all of a sudden you've got 500 of these bloodlines out there, that's a pretty, pretty big chunk of our genetic pool that all of a sudden we've just, you know, they're all that. - And you know, you see these dog trials, and they put sheep in the pen, and do all of these things, and they go way out you know, 1500 yards, 1000 yards, and you can still talk to'em. That saves that man a lot of steps, right. These fellas here, we don't have a line of dogs to do that, we have a line of dogs that will go out about 300 yards, and do what you want and come back. And that's okay, that's okay. Those long distance dogs get real, they're real busy, they wanna be busy, and so they start doing things on their own without supervision because they want to be doing something, so you'll see in a lot of these camps that have those high powered dogs, they'll have the dog chained because they can't leave them without them being here. These guys, these guys, (baaing) Well you can see. They're in the middle, they're not lazy, but they're not really super ambitious either. - [Jeanne] It's cool to be able to find these dogs that are out on the ranches that are doing the work everyday, and to me that's really neat to be able to bring that bloodline in. It may be something totally unknown. - I'm not gonna spend $5,000 for a dog that can go out there, and you can whistle at. You know, I'll raise my own dogs. These dogs will come from- We had one dog jumped out of a pickup truck and came 44-miles on his own back. I raised my own line of horses. I've had them come 110-miles, cross an interstate and railroad track, and show up here to where they were birthed. These animals make these trails up and down. They know, those guard dogs know. I've had these guard dogs have puppies, and bring their puppies back 35-miles. - Different countries and different dog experts will tell ya, dozens and dozens of these breeds, but if you look at the way they traditionally been used across Central Asia and Europe, I guess I'm not so concerned with trying to define breeds because, you know, I look at'em as more as land races that these were dogs, that these were sheep, and cattle, and goats that moved the migratory systems along the Silk Road for instance. And so you have different people that are moving with their animals there that have different kinds of dogs, and they would actively trade and sell those dogs, and so you'll have dogs that are of a certain type and a certain location, but that's how breeds came about. The breeds are really the world of putting a pen to paper, and this is defining what this breed is, and I think that there's a huge variation out there across the landscape. - Say that's something I think we do need to be aware of so we don't go the way of the AKC, you know, more pretty, less performance oriented, and more genetically locked down. - The working dog thing of the guard dog thing has been a quantum leap for us. Buy yeah, if we're successful, everything works here. It's all about this migratory movement thing. We're the last of this deal, and the most important thing that I have is the knowledge. - We have active programs in place around the world, various countries do to try to get people back into the transhumance system. And Spain for instance, has a very active program. Italy is very much encouraging and supporting the use of that system if you want a good food production system, and security, you don't want to have everything clustered in one area. And so they know that the livestock are able to use landscapes that are not appropriate for farming. (inspiring music) - [[Female Narrator] Farm To Fork Wyoming is Available. Order online at This program was produced by WyomingPBS which is solely responsible for its content. To learn more and watch WyomingPBS programs online, visit us at
Channel: Wyoming PBS
Views: 877,758
Rating: 4.8755369 out of 5
Keywords: herding dogs, working dogs, guardian dogs, Farm to Fork, WyomingPBS
Id: l8ir1nQc7AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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