Antique Hand Cranked Hammer Drill - Restoration
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Channel: my mechanics
Views: 20,067,768
Rating: 4.7832165 out of 5
Keywords: my mechanics, Antique Hand Cranked Hammer Drill - Restoration, rawlplug mechanical hammer, rawlplug hammer drill, antique tools, vintage tools, broken tool repair, how to remove rust, using a manual lathe, using a manual milling maschine, welding steel, wood turning, how to, metal work, machinist, awesome restoration, perfect restoration, bluing steel, how to turn steel black, my mechanics restoration, asmr, asmr restoration, mechanical asmr, sandblasting, heat shrink tube
Id: zTyZgOkWs4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
this video has kept my attention longer than most things. Such an amazing process. Bravo.
my mechanics is definitely the best restoration YouTuber out there. This was just more evidence of that.
All I wanted to see was the thing being used. I think I'm a bad person.
This is just so brilliant! I was absolutely mesmerised!
What's the black stain oil for? And why does it only go on some parts?
Something I particularly like about this video is that you can see pieces he previously restored or built being used is his workshop. At 5:08, (, you can see him using the Arbor Press, which he restored in this video:
At 21:57 (, you can see him using the anvil he built out of a section of railway track, in this video:
The King of Restoration
On initial inspection it looks like an antique phaser gun.
The skill that went into this restoration is commendable. Respect!