1929 Air Compressor Restoration - Restored to New Condition - I Didn't Think It Would Run
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Two Hands Restorations
Views: 5,395,815
Rating: 4.6127715 out of 5
Keywords: restoration, air compressor, restored, rusted, rusty
Id: T0e51SI8d2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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No wonder nothing would budge, you used WD40 when you should be using something like Penetrating Blast.
I love the design of these little air compressors. Beautiful industrial artwork.
You should look into a cogged belt. Continental makes fractional horsepower v belts that are much more flexible than the one you have installed. Will have less vibration as it won't have near the 'memory' that these outdoor style belts have.
When I saw it was about half an hour long I figured I'd be skipping through some of it since I have no mechanical knowledge whatsoever, but I didn't! I watched it through and it was so satisfying. Thanks for sharing!