Antique Collection at Lehman's - Part 1 Small Household and Farming

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real heritage on rfd-tv is brought to you by rural heritage magazine a bimonthly magazine featuring articles about farming and logging with draft animal power small-scale diversified family farming and homesteading and other aspects of our rich rural heritage grill heritage magazine borrowing from yesterday to do the work of today for subscription information please call three one nine three six two three zero two seven or order online at occupying most of a block in downtown Kidron Ohio is a store unlike any other begun more than a half century ago as a small shop filling the needs of nearby Amish farmers layman's hardware has since become the go-to source for many people interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle and while the store is firmly dedicated to serving the needs of today's farmers homesteaders and others working off the land its founder J layman maintains a strong affinity to the past he's collected a tremendous number of vintage and antique tools implements appliances and vehicles and has many of them on display scattered throughout the sprawling store he spent an afternoon showing us some of these pieces this week we'll focus on some of the smaller household and farming items come back next week when we look at some of the bigger pieces Jay has saved restored and put on display I got my start in the local garage here in Kidron being a mechanic and that's what what got me interested in doing mechanical things and repairing repairing things back in 1955 I had just come back from Europe building houses for refugees over there and I had had no job and it so happened that the hardware with the local hardware here in Kidron was for sale and I was looking for a job and so I decided well this might be a good job hello I had no experience in hardware business but I did have a lot of experience in mechanical work I was a mechanic for a number of years and at that time repairing things was a big part of the hardware repairing engines preparing guests refrigerators and washing machines so forth so that part is what really interested me more than the retail end of it did and so basically I was looking for a job and this was a good opportunity at first the big part of our business was kidding to the Amish and their needs doing repairs for their my washing machines and stoves and so forth and as time went on it became well especially in late 70s when when there was when it appeared like we're gonna run out of energy out of gas when there was a gas shortage everybody was worried what they're gonna do and so they looked to the Amish and said well they they never doing all right let's see what they're doing and that broadened our plates because we we were serving the Amish and so it made sense for them to start getting ready to live without electricity and that's what really put us on the map when the oil embargo came on and everybody was looking of hand-operated non-electric things and that word got out that you go with the layman's for that we got started mostly by trading in old things after the war everybody sort of wanted to go modern and a lot of modern things came out and so people people want to get rid of their old things and I started like these old things the old stoves and so we started trading things in and kept them and after a while I thought what is something interesting I think I'll just keep on collecting antiques so one of the things we have here as antiques we originally trade it in on new things people were happy to get rid of them I was happy to get them a lot of the things that we sold was probably not as good as the things that traded in the things that they traded in where the last is a lot longer than the things they bought although they look more modern and so people like them and and I just sort of had a liking for these old things at the time we didn't have any places to display most of them so he's just sort of stored him in a warehouse and then eventually when we had room discipline we start displaying him and I would guess right now maybe 80 percent of all the antiques we have in here were brought in by somebody who thought we would might like him and display him and some of them we bought some of them are here on loan some of them are donated there's quite a few things here they said my kids don't particularly want him and I'd like to see him kept someplace and I'll bring him to you and you we display them and in some cases they say well no put my name on there then if my kids later want them they can come and get it again if not they'll just say her you think about it like that roughly a hundred years ago when there was no computer no books no drawings how did they know how to make a tractor like it same thing as a cream separator how did how did anybody know nowadays when you want to build something you get in the computer and you look up you get information we had none of that but they they came up with all these good ideas although as when as time went on they didn't improve them but how they got the original idea how to make things even that threshing machine we got they never saw a picture of it - never knew about a thrice unique how did you know how to make one I was told that that box box was made primarily when they built the Panama Canal they send thousands of those down there to keep the workers keeps everything's cool the top the top rim there is about foot long that's all ice and the bottom big door is where you kept your food I guess it's like meat or cheese you can set that different than make different thicknesses of slices this conservo I don't know if you know what I consider used to can everything is a candy state is a conservator the heaters put cans in there and okay put water at the bottom and put them so like we put them in a kettle well scale will weigh 1,600 pounds and if you started you you it's so well-balanced that if you started once like that it'll go for a long time it's just it'll just keep on going like that for a long time and the numbers on the one side go up to 400 and the numbers on the other side you up to 1600 and you use two weights like this this one right here you need one more way to weigh 1,600 pounds something weighs 1,600 pounds I don't know how you get it up there to be generous that that's the way head but then these are scales that came out of some warehouses where they used to weigh grain when that when it came in that's a turnip cedar planter and the timothy's that long there is 10 sec planner you know you wrote the you take all that those two handles and push it down the field and then all along the Tennessee seat comes out and this this was if it's all together it's a spring Spring Herald I guess they call it see the wheels draw on each end handle the seat goes on there but that all becomes one machine when it's put together and it's Spring Herald oh let's see that's the fence maker the wires go through there there's three wires to go through and and it turns it and it twists somehow it made a fence fits the fence maker Wow I got a there's a couple more of those around someplace and then I got you know all kinds of old washing machines that read that I cleaned up and you got him ready and now we're using for display and this is an interesting one this was a water a water motor which you didn't see very often but you put our water hose on here and so you run water through it and that's what Nate the washing machine work Sarah lucky motor he had a water mode right well this bathtub came out of a hotel in Dalton when the throw down there was used to be a hotel in Delton and when they tore it down I got the bathtub out of it it's beautiful yeah it is people weren't people didn't need gyms back in the day I didn't have to go to fitness centers another washing machine another washing machine water water boiler when when the people used to wash in a separate house outside and had to have hot water so you'd fill this thing with water and build a fire injured and then he dipped through your hot water out of there to do your washing the idea there was to heat the water for washing and it's got nice designs on it ya know oh there's that pride in making one yeah they didn't have to put that on there that's the washing machine and that that's the washing machine and then no yeah it was yeah that's a grinder real cheese press another washing machine and that's a water boiler you run hookup water to that and build a fire in it never heat the water all these old washing machines this is one she was talking about Maytag made three hundred of those and that's one of the thing on the left it's a very very few people know in fact I even wrote the Maytag and asked him about it and they says it's not a met that you must be mistaken so I sold I sent him a picture of it and then somebody else would play oh yeah we did make they didn't make see under those one time it's double double Maytag listen this is ones I worked on the most okay yep that's the Amish almost every Amish room had a washer like that when I started huh this is double Dublin and that's again a washer and a spinner the big one is the washer and the small into the spinner no I wouldn't want to put the clothes in there and there's a - two droids back and forth like this you know it used to be at all the houses had curtains hanging up and when you wash them the curtains sort of got a shape when they dry so you stretch them while they're wet then they dry right and then they hang straight on the window curtains stretch you you're gonna adjust it either way sighs I raised or the other way but you set it to match your curtains so that that's the curtains dry that keeps their shape and this is a a sled that comes with wheels or runners and summertime you put the wheels on and the wintertime when you have snow you but the runners on it's gorgeous and that and that story and this was a guy brought it in he had it in his chicken house and the chickens would sit on here and poop all over you know so he brought in with chicken pooped all over the place you want to know if I want to buy it and he asked him how much he won before and he told me I think it was $35 so I I bought it and cleaned it off it didn't look like this when you brought in I cleaned it all up hung it up we used to have it hanging up and one day a guy come in and says you want to sell that what wagon up to us is known he says would you take $400 for it I says no I figured if he offers me for a thought Burnett yes sorry captain yeah it's interesting it's gorgeous yeah yeah but really if the runners or wheels depends winter or summer another another old Maytag bunch of old hose lamp sir these are all for Mantle's no yep those are all for rentals yep yep and there's a interesting thing they used to put that thing on top of their lamp to heat the water time for the baby gift of milk warm this is a washing machine you put your clothes in here then you push the thing down and get on the handles and turn them like this and it rubs rubs your clothes in here like this when first the washing machines came out everybody said well you can't wash this good at a machine you've got to have your hands that go so the washing machine but guys put these in my hands on so the idea is that as this washing machine goes up and down and around these hands are washing your clothes that was slowly the idea of telling the people were just as good as ends and this is a washing machine too you put this on the stove to keep your water hot then this agitator here put that down this this edges here goes back and forth in here this is a washing machine too you put this in a tub of water and you put your clothes in here then you get a hold of this and swing it and rub your clothes like it again it's better than rubbing em on the stone yeah hi I'm Joe Mishka rural heritage magazine I'm on location of one of the many events we cover that celebrates our rural heritage if you enjoy our show check out our magazine well you'll learn more about the people that blend the past with what works today you can save almost 20% off the newsstand price by subscribing at rural heritage calm or chat with us at 877 6 4 7 2 4 5 - that's toll-free 877 6 4 7 2 4 5 2 this is a stove high restored nice beautiful you know what pride that took in that make all that beautiful stuff on there yeah but it took great pride in making that look at that sad Laurel it's a laurel but I don't know where Laurel was made they at one time there were lots of stove manufacturers blossom but then you know they've all gone by the way because those are all saw sets you know when you when the saw is sharpened you got to set the teeth so they come out right so it's a those are all sauce it's just girl press you know yeah turn this in and then this here follow this keeps - as you go around every time you're out it goes one notch rather so it comes down now mmm these are old cowbells oh these are all antiques that are hanging up around here and we saw new cowbells - oh let's do it that's isn't it to cut grass and that's a the size corn yeah you know you're running through there and different sized holes different sized grains drop out yeah there's our teeth for a molding yeah each one each one has a different shape and it takes three of them to put it in a mold and the spins it'll make all kinds of it'll make the edge or whatever shape is on there that's kind of a edge you'll make Wow here there's an old an old stove it's part of an old so just part of it here's here's a completely Oh which that would have been sort of the Cadillac do at the in this day and that there is a one of the first Xerox machines that it was dressed and used that to pay to make prints yeah yeah it's big white drawers because that big white sheets then put the sheet on there and that special bulbs in there never reproduce the the drawings so it is one of the first Xerox machines I guess exactly and that there's a pant penis grinder a Pedro structured see it could be a coffee roaster Jew Jose this is a double cup double 12 wouldn't washer again back in the stage this is probably the Cadillac and wash machines what I like particularly is this woman's friends and it has double wash a double wringer yeah wringer for this one and a wringer for this one and and and you can operate just this or just this by the controls on the back and you put an engine on here yeah spin it so I could wash your clothes and wring them and yeah stop dog or horse right the dogs or a horse or goats right you know you you set a different angles that make them go faster or slower and you hook up a butter churn or a meat grinder over a corn dry a shell or something like that right that's the food that's the cheese press there okay you turn you turn that with there's two handles that return and that brings it brings the bottom up presses the cheese and that's to squeeze the moisture out yep that's as a sweeper you pump that it makes a vacuum when you pump when you pump that thing it makes the vacuum so it's a sweeper and the bottom one is the sweeper Curia has a handle on to you pump that and that makes the vacuum and mix the vacuum sweeper and this is a press this press here does three things it it it cleans the green it sizes are green and it polishes are green it's got brushes and stuff inside so when you put their grain in it sizes it then it's got brushes in and cleans it or as a fan unit that cleans it gets the dirt out then as the brushes and polishes it the years ago then people took pride in what took what they took to the fair so they wanted to drain clean and but polished so this runs through one of those machines there's two things that I don't know I have a number of things in there that I don't know what they are and those are two things I don't know what they are but there's the milking machine when you pump that handle there's there's two vacuums there when you put that handle those Vikings go up and down and make a vacuum and it's the same principle used nowadays where you make a vacuum to do your milking and you push that long back of a cow and hook that up and you need pump it and the vacuum ah here's another what is it here's the what is is I on this one here there's a string went up here and string went up here then he's pulling the string and this thing would drop out oh I don't know what it is and then you push it push it back in again injury I don't know what it is this is a meat curing trough not a watering trough a meat caring trough that put make a brine in there for water and salt in there make a brine and put their hands in there and let them cure Wow okay this is a fence maker you uh well there's a picture here of it here see there's wires will go through every hole everyone has a wire through it and as you go down it twists and yeah make it makes a makes a wire fence oh yeah each one each one these red things has one wire through it and you move it down and keep spinning it and twisting this came out of a blacksmith shop that burned down and burned all the handles out yeah so but every one is a different shape so the blacksmith you always knew which one to pick up depending on the job you had to do that's a butchering table you put your hog on there when you're cleaning in the butchering it and all the things he's only one fall down and yeah and you work on to do the butchering this this this came out of a barn used to be a feet cart you'd fill this thing up with feet and you'd push it through the barn and then you take a shovel and give each cow you know all the time yeah but never I would yeah that is Dallas right oh that it's an elevator the box is missing you know there was a box on there and then as you moved range from one floor to the other but there wheeled it up no came out of an old mill so you knew what that was not many people know what that is well you got a picture today it looks just like that but it's all know square yeah yeah the principle is still the same no yeah I think so you changed the pins yeah I've gone quite a number of things I have a sign owns what is it and though and the reason the sign is on there is that I didn't know what it was when it was brought in but because of the sign some people told me what it is and so some of the things I now know what they are but I have quite a few things that but I don't know what what it is and nobody else seems to know what it is but at one time it was a it was made for some function and this is a butter maker you put your butter in there and you turn this thing and this thing rolls back and forth and needs the butter and as this thing go oh it's all tied up but as you turn out of handle that thing keeps going back and forth here and these things go down in the butter and like kneading the butter I don't think you'll see that anyplace in a retail store no it's the third element or later they were used for feeders in the back they put some runner up and later they put the track in the front of the cows and then there's using four feet yeah you pull that chain and the whole thing comes down you know and what's full you bring it up and it's got a transfer thing on it you can go to that room or this room or straight ahead out to the nurse rotor then turn back down that's all the time we have this week to spend with J layman founder of layman's in Kidron Ohio but be sure to come back next week when J shows us more of the amazing antique machines and tools he has restored and displayed at his store including an old Rumley oil pulled tractor a Model T Ford automobile a wooden threshing machine the skeleton of a timber frame barn and much much more thanks for joining us today at rural heritage and rfd-tv where we borrow from yesterday to do the work of today this program is available for purchase to order your copy please call three one nine three six two three zero to seven or visit [Music] eat line of back-to-the-land books dvd's and calendars 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Channel: Rural Heritage
Views: 10,372
Rating: 4.9627905 out of 5
Keywords: rural heritage magazine, antiques, antique farm equipment, antique housewares, antique washers, antiqe maytag
Id: VY3dPikb2ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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