forge build in an hour and 40 minutes for free

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are you doing everyone its Kevin I'm back in another video today we're going to be working on a forge buddy of mine last summer asked me if I the building before Jan I told him I would not build a forge until he got winter he got cold because this is some hot work so it's nice and cool now we're gonna build him his Forge this porch does not have to be pretty it just has to be functional so and there's not like there's any money in this thing there is one piece I'm missing I'll show you guys the piece that I'm missing but we might even be able to work something out on that flooring but we're hoping by the end of this video we've got a functioning forge quick out of scrap metal okay this is the stuff that I'm gonna be using to build this Forge this may be just about it but just a couple little pieces I might need and I'll gather them up as the process goes it's not going to be too bad we have a brake rotor brake drum I don't care what you call it it's got a rotor on the outside and it's got a drum on the inside so I call it a brake rotor drum so this is off of a dump truck so it has a pretty decent sized Bowl in it as you see the bowl is pretty decent so we're gonna be using this and we're gonna be putting a 2-inch piece of pipe this is a pretty heavy piece of pipe here we're gonna put this this is gonna come down through the center of the Forge this is the plate and it goes on the bottom of here now actually these are the pretty much the only thing I'm not gonna be fabricating but you could cut this out of just a piece of quarter-inch steel with a torch and it'll work just the same oh I had a friend of mine that worked in a shop and he cut me a few these years ago and I had some of them leftover so that's gonna be the base to cover up all the holes it's gonna be pretty simple build nothing major we're just gonna get him on the road and getting building or getting using this Forge I'm gonna use these old roof bolts as legs for this I think they're gonna work out really good it's gonna be a little rustic but it should work just fine so we're gonna get to building I was curious just how long it's gonna take me to build this thing it says it is 750 - it's 750 - Friday November 29th day after Thanksgiving we're gonna see how long it takes us to build this board okay the first thing I'm gonna do is I need to cut this piece of steel here up because I need two pieces out of this this is gonna be there our air draft and our ash pit so we're gonna cut a couple chunks out of here and you welded on there so I'm just gonna cut about 12 inches off the bottom maybe I'll do now - 12 I'll do 12 inches off the bottom of this where this threads are because that's where we want to screw our cap on there for Ashes so I'm going to go ahead and Mark this at 12 we're gonna have to cut two pieces out of this and I will be using the chop saw or the cut-off saw on this just to make it a little bit easier for me but you could use a 4 inch grinder cut this right off all right now while that's cutting off we're gonna go over there and start cutting some other metal and away we keep this guy rolling alright this is gonna be our clinker breaker I'm gonna cut about an inch and a quarter off of this of an inch and a quarter so we're just gonna cut I'll probably just cut this with the 4 inch grinder while that's over there cut okay we got us about an inch and a half off of there now we got to drill a hole in the side of that we need a hole in there [Music] big enough to put this 3/8 towel inside of it so that's what we're going to do now all right we've got this piece cut off we're cutting another one off over there right now but this piece here is the one where the air is going to come out the side and the clinker breaker is going to go on we cut that little piece off and then we drilled a 3/8 hole through it then we have a 3/8 dowel that's going to go through this and through this here so this will be in there so we can break the clinkers up sort of like a great Navy shoulder like so all I got to do now is I get to get my 4 inch grinder we're gonna we're gonna make sure that this fits down in there real good so we're just going to take the grinder and we're going to be grinding two slots in it okay I just cleaned this up on the belt grinder a little bit make sure it fits in there good it may be a little bit tight but I think we could get it in there beat it in there tight and that's where it's gonna set but we got to get it I got to get it down in there a little bit more I'll get that tapped over there and then we'll get it set up right see we don't want that to come out of there it's gonna be a spot where he can actually turn it all the way around to you so to break up the clinkers so this is the way that's gonna work now what we got to do is we got to put this we got a we got to burn a hole in this piece here for our air so we'll go ahead and get that done and get that attached on there the other piece [Applause] that here that's what allow air to get down inside kind of not just over that kind [Music] [Applause] that's not too bad once we grind that up a little bit it should fit on there pretty decent okay I was just working on grinding this one out this is the one that goes right onto the side so we're pretty much done with it it looks pretty good we'll fill it in with well don't have to look good it just has to function right all right we got this all lined up pretty good where we want it and we're gonna go ahead and weld this all the way around just make sure it's welded up nice and tight [Music] [Music] okay this is our little clicker breaker so we got to go ahead and weld it to so this ball don't move around inside there we want to make sure that it doesn't break loose all right so we got just about everything done I just tack that in there in case we need to grind it out of there or something but I think it's gonna be fun a couple of tacks on we're hearing you put this thing together all we got to do we gotta cut our legs yet so we'll get this welded on there and then we'll get our legs cut all right this is how it's gonna work basically that's gonna be like your clinker breaker and you're great for your ash this will work out really well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get that tacked into place and you'll be able to shake that in and out and twist it back and forth just to break up any clinkers get in there so I'm gonna go ahead and get this tacked up and then we'll get it welded and it'll be ready to get on that thing and we'll burn a couple holes in there and put our bolts so let's get that tacked together [Music] [Music] [Music] couple little tacks and then we'll turn it around turn it over a whoa that should do it now we should be able to flip this guy over upside down like so and give it a well we'll go ahead and just weld that right around there whoo [Music] [Music] okay we got it all welded up so now we got our place for our hair dryer to go in our air source go in here I just don't have that cap yet and he's supposed to actually pick me one up so we get that cap I don't know what else to do I thought I had cap in here but I don't so we're gonna go ahead and get this guy get some legs fur I've got to get the legs cut out for okay like I said we're gonna be using the rebar put the legs on this we're just gonna cut out three foot sections and we'll get them cleaned up so we can get them well at all [Music] cleaning up all the edges so we can weld these onto that plate okay what I'm doing now is I'm just welding I'm just tacking the legs on there we're gonna get it welded and then we're gonna bend them into shape [Music] and I'm not doing any special measurements on this like I said function not eating okay we got our legs all vocal in there now what we're going to do is we're going to angle each one of the legs out a little bit so it's got a bigger wider base of the ball that way it will keep it from falling over [Music] all right our legs have all been bent outward to give it a good wide base at the bottom the only thing I'd like to do now is I'd like to weld something around these to hold it together so they don't spread out so let me set it down on the floor and see what it looks like here okay there's her legs don't set too bad it's not too bad I think it's gonna be just fine this piece here it's gonna sit right up on the top of here so we could actually go ahead and burn a couple holes in there so we can get our bolts and that's what we got these bolts for probably good if you had some stove bolts but I think these will work just fine we'll get them marked out we'll get a couple holes burn okay I just took some soaps down took my little piece of soaps down here and marked out two holes where we're going to put our bolts and we're just gonna burn it up just gonna take the torch and fire it up and burn them out real quick they ain't got to be pretty like I said just got a function [Music] so now we got our holes burned in there clean that up just a little bit and then she'll be ready to sit down on there and get the top mounted on [Music] [Applause] [Music] figure out a knock out on the ground just a little bit to get some of the rust out of it [Music] okay we got one more thing to do here we've got a bend this thing down a little bit so he'll be able to twist that back and forth to knock the clink what we're gonna do just heat this thing up now that looks pretty good yeah that looks pretty nice right there and he'll be able to grab onto that and twist it back and forth so basically we got almost a working Forge here the only thing I got to do is wrap a piece of metal around the base there so it'll hold them legs from spread and way out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay basically all we need is a hair dryer hooked on this and that little cap to screw on the bottom and this Forge is done let's see what how long it took right there's the time same date it's nine thirty nine Friday November 29th so that's how long it took me to build a forge okay alright on the bottom here I just put some aluminum tape over that right now where the the the cap will screw on there just to keep it on there because he's supposed to get me the cap he's gonna pick one of the caps up that's the only thing I couldn't find and then this is my old hair dryer Oh make sure this thing still works when I first made my first forge this was the hairdryer I used and it does work and I picked up this piece of this is like real good rubber and it's you don't melt or nothing I have it on my other forge it worked real good it's I think it's for some high temperature or something but it fits right on here like so and this is how I use mine when I had the other forges and then I would just plug that in and then fire it up so we're gonna take it out and fire it up and make sure that it works okay of course I don't think we have any problem with it but we're still gonna take it out and fire it up okay I got the footage set up outside here and unknowingly what I do is I throw I've been thrown just a little bit of match light charcoal down in the bottom and then once it gets going it'll help that coal gig so we're just gonna go ahead and get it lit up all right we got the forage warmed up pretty good and I just took a knife that I had been working on in there and it has just a tiny bit of a bow in it as you can see that knife is hot already it's getting a good good hot spot down in there I think this Forge is gonna work out really good now if you would like you could actually build a bigger top on this so you could put a big hump of coals on there because the bigger that hump of coals is the better hot spot you got in the middle and that works really nice for if you had to draw a knife all the way across in there you'd be able to do that if your bed of coals were higher but this is really nice for small knives this really works out great for small knives but I can actually verily even more coal on there if I wanted and get that a little bit higher but a bigger table with like a square box maybe three inches high wouldn't have to be out of heavy steel eighth inch steel would be fine and you could work off of that pretty well so you could see this knife is good and hot this thing is gonna work out just fine to make knives I think he'll be pretty happy with this you could see it it's pretty daggone pong so I'm gonna get this knife warmed up and get it in there and straighten it out a little bit it has a little bit of a bow in it I just need to get it out of it so that's the forge not too bad well the forge is done I think my buddy is gonna be really happy with this he'll be able to make some knives and then he can always expand he can make this Forge bigger if he wants by building that box I was telling is about it should be pretty good I think it'll work out just fine now a lot of you guys probably think that this belt I'm down here gets hot where do I put this rubber boot on here it does not get hot I'm actually touching it with my bare hands and there is a very hot fire in there and this does not get that hot so piece of rubber here is not really gonna hurt anything so if you guys find you a piece of rubber to hook your hair dryer up I think that'll be fine like I said my bare hands on there and I got a really hot fire in there so I would like to tell everybody thanks for watching my video don't forget to subscribe leave me thumbs up thumbs down or comment if you'd like until next time oh yeah don't forget click that little bell down there if you want them alerts and don't forget to share this video till next time
Channel: Kevin Robinson
Views: 239,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forge build, how to build a forge, how to build a free forge, fast and easy forge build, fun forge build, keep it real and clean, kevinrobinson6688, kevin robinson, how to videos, diy videos, build a forge, free forge
Id: cSpqWr41WsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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