Antioch Fellowship Church | Spring Revival 2021 | Tuesday Night

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for the kingdom of god [Music] well done welcome welcome [Music] god some praise in this place if you know that this is the day that the lord has made can you do me a favor can you you know what no it's not a favor because you love the lord can you rejoice and be glad in it if you know that every day that he has made he has made it good he has made it great it didn't matter how you were feeling he gave you activities of your limb he woke you up that morning he started you on your way so it was good cause he was good it was great because he is great it was amazing because he's amazing so this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice [Music] god we love you we adore you you are bravely to be praised and we are going to usher your presence in with our praises come on everybody repeat after me we say this this is the day that the lord [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] has [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] together [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] come on you can do better than that put your hands together for a holy god [Music] we have come tonight to be revived we've come tonight to be restored we've come tonight to be revived come on put your hands together on the heels of resurrection for a holy god come on come on come on let's do something different can we all just lift our hands to god come on just lift your hands and say something to god it's cool to talk to him with our hands but let's speak to him with our mouths even if you're screaming can you open up your mouth and say something to god tell them lord i love you i worship you i adore you god you've been good to me god i appreciate god i'm grateful for your patience i'm grateful for your mercy i'm grateful for your grace hallelujah to your name you are worthy to be praised you are awesome you are mighty you are magnificent you are great the name of jesus come on say something to him the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so let's let the redeemer of the lord say something if you have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy open up your mouths and say something to our holy and the wonderful god the name of jesus god we say hallelujah to your name god we worship your name god we magnify you let us pray father today we come just to say thank you for being god and being god all by yourself master we worship you not only in our sanctuaries but wherever we are god i pray in the name of jesus that you would make that place your sanctuary and god i pray now in the name of jesus that you would allow us to worship you freely by that i mean god if you would please remove every distraction even if my phone ain't on silent put it on do not disturb god allow nothing get in the way of my time with you tonight we pray tonight god that we didn't just show up to your church just for religious reasons but we showed up to be revived we showed up because there's a word for us here we showed up because we have something to offer to you and that is our worship and our praise so tonight god i pray that you would allow you wouldn't allow anything to distract us i pray tonight god that you will not allow anything to take away from us giving you our all tonight i pray tonight god that you would open up our ears in our hearts so we may hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to his church i pray tonight god that you would allow us to experience you tonight god i pray that we don't just hear a word that make us who and i but i pray god tonight that we are here word that makes us grow i pray tonight god that we will hear a word that will plant a seed in us that will yield a harvest ten a hundred two hundred times four i pray god that before we hear your word tonight that you would address our appetite god that you would adjust our appetite that god all week long you would address our appetite god we also pray for the man who's coming to bring your preached word and we pray now god in the name of jesus that you would touch him tonight pray god now in the name of jesus that you would renew and revive him tonight we pray god that he will be able to stand with with clarity with boldness and most of all god with your voice god let us let us appreciate the gift that's in them but god let us hear the giver of the gift in jesus name amen man god is so good he's worthy of all of our praise is he not worthy isn't he so good isn't he so good he's so miraculous he's so giving he's so trusting and the one thing that i love about god that i continue to say to him that i love about him is that he's consistent he's super consistent he don't fail us he don't leave us he don't forsake us he's consistent he's always giving us brand new mercies we can count on his mercies we can count on his grace being sufficient god is consistent do you understand me there is no other god that's like our god all other gods has failed us our jobs our marriages our children and our church has failed us but he has not found us he hasn't forsaken us and all that he asked for us in return in romans it says that i beseech you therefore ye brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body as a living sacrifice it's the least this is what you can at least do you understand what i'm saying so this song simply tells us to just be glorified be glorified in my life and i feel like that's what we need to continue to say to the lord be glorified in my life whatever it is god that you're trying to do whatever it is you're trying to do through me god i am available to you here i am take my heart take my mind take my soul take everything that is in me take my body use it as you please we give our body to so much food so much listen i'm that one we give it over to so much but the lord said the least you can do i've done everything else for you can you just go ahead and give me your body can you give me your mind can you give me your spirit [Music] so we just want to worship the lord and if you can just take a few moments before the word comes up and just begin to ask the lord to use you he can use you right here in this moment he can open up your ears and he can tell you something through the word and he can make you go and operate and go go out and go forth he can do something new on tonight all we have to do is just say lord i'm available can you reach up to the lord and say god i'm available lord i'm available i'm available to you god come on open up your mouth and begin to just tell them i'm available that's worship god i'm always i'm available lord here i am i'm your servant god use me as you please god i'm here god i'm here lord god you've been loyal to me father let me be loyal back to you father i need you god lord i need you right now [Music] god be glorified be glorified in my be glorified be glorified help me sing say in my life [Music] my [Music] can we do that one more time [Music] in my mind [Music] you get the praise [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] get the blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we want you to [Music] oh lift up appraisal to the lord let them know you want the lord god we want you more god we want you more god we want you to overflow let your words take over let your word take over let your power take over let your anointing flow god let your anointing blow let the mercies of god [Music] are [Music] everybody feel [Music] [Music] me [Music] me says this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sorry [Music] loves [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] father in the name of jesus we thank you tonight [Music] for this privilege of worship we thank you i bless you and praise you that the steadfast love you have toward us never ceases your compassions never come to an end they are new every morning and great is your faithfulness in the name of the lord jesus christ we pray now that our worship would go higher as you deepen our understanding of your word open our eyes that we may behold wondrous things about the lord jesus christ help us tonight to lay aside all filthiness and rampant wickedness so that we may receive with gentleness the implanted word that is able to save our souls then help us to be doers of your word and not hear us only lest we deceive ourselves i pray afresh tonight for physical strength and spiritual energy speak your word with faithfulness clarity authority passion wisdom humility and freedom and as the seed of the word is planted and watered only you can give the increase so in advance we reserve for you the highest praise and full credit for the fruit that shall come from this time in jesus name amen good evening church if you will get your copy of god's word we'll get right down the business and i will point your attention again tonight to matthew chapter five as i mentioned on last night matthew five through seven records the sermon on the mount it begins in matthew 5 3 through 12 with the beatitudes of jesus statements of blessings he announces on kingdom citizens we look last night at verse six would you drop down tonight with me to verse number eight blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god the word of god thanks be to god thank you you may be seated blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god i want to label the message tonight the window in your heart the window in your heart gw target wrote a short story entitled the window it was about two gravely ill men who shared the same hospital room one man's bed was next to the wall the other man's bed was next to the window the only window in the room over time the two men became friends as they talked about their childhoods their education careers families their sickness and their impending deaths the highlight of their time together would be a daily hour in which the nurses would come in and lift up the man prop up the man who lay near the window to drain fluids from his lungs as he sat there propped up he would spend that hour describing for his roommate the beautiful things he saw outside the window father and son fishing at the lake lovers having picnics together at lunchtime parade passing by these daily descriptions of life outside the window always encourage the man who lay next to the wall until one day a foreign thought came to his mind why is he the one that gets to see all of these wonderful things outside of the window and i'm stuck laying here next to the wall bitterness began to grow in his heart one night in the darkness the man who lay by the window began to choke sickness overcame him so aggressively and rapidly that he was not able to call for help his roommate however could have easily rung his bail and saved the day but he sat there quietly and listened to his roommate choke and hack and struggle until there was silence deathly silence the nurses came in and discovered the man laying their dead removed them from the room and when the man by the wall deemed it appropriate he asked if they would mind if they moved him to the window they moved him to the window and when he finally had the room to himself he propped himself up took a deep breath and with a big smile on his face took his first glance out the window for himself only to see a brick wall staring back at him do you get it what you see is more determined by what is in you than by what surrounds you in a real sense that's the message of matthew chapter 5 verse 8 blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god this sixth beatitude is arguably the most famous of the beatitudes of jesus that introduced the sermon on the mountain yet at the same time it is the most obscure of the beatitudes the blessed characteristics may be hard to adopt the promised rewards may be hard to believe but this beatitude is just hard to understand what exactly does it mean to be pure in heart what exactly does it mean to see god this sixth beatitude if i may suggest as well is also the most difficult of the beatitudes to relate to others as you read through these beatitudes you will see a pattern progress but this six beated two defies any attempt to categorize it in any group it defiantly stands by itself in fact this six beatitude is the most inaccessible of the beatitudes you can legitimately stand up tonight and testify to being poor in spirit meek mournful uh peacemaker persecuted but be suspicious of anybody who would dare say i know i'm pure in heart proverbs chapter 20 verse 9 says who can say i have made my heart clean i am pure and clean of my sins the answer to the rhetorical question is no one yet jesus says to the masses of people who would hear the sermon on the mountain if you are pure in heart congratulations you are already blessed and you don't even know it william barclay is right this is the beatitude that demands that everyone who reads it stop and think and examine himself the question on the floor tonight the same question from last night do you want to be blessed jesus here says god blesses the pure in heart so what does it mean then to be pure in heart and thus blessed by god consider the text with me first thing to consider here tonight is a matter of the heart a matter of the heart the first beatitude in verse 3 says blessed are the poor in spirit the whole phrase counts jesus does not merely bless the poor he blesses the poor in spirit the same principle works here at verse 8. jesus says blessed are the pure in heart not merely the pure but the pure in heart that's not semantics that's significant if jesus just said blessed are the pure then this beatitude would be a blessing announced on the scribes and the pharisees the scribes and the pharisees the religious leaders were morally and ceremonially and religiously pure but they were not blessed in fact matthew chapter 5 verse 20 says unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the pharisees you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven the the the scribes and pharisees were considered the most righteous men in palestine but the truth was their self-righteousness was not true righteousness their righteousness was was just compliance with religious ritual rules and regulation and that's not how righteousness works true righteousness operates from the inside out there are three types of religion in the world hand religion head religion heart religion hand religion tries to get right with god by doing good works head religion tries to get right with god by gaining deeper knowledge heart religion says to be right with god you just got to be born again i submit to you tonight that christianity is a religion of the heart that doesn't mean that the practices of religion don't matter you should go to church you should serve you should give you should witness all of that's important but none of it matters if your heart ain't right with god summer of 2008 i was called to pastor the shiloh church in jacksonville florida i lived in los angeles where i had passed to the church for 18 years this was a new experience for me to be the new guy i mean i was a new pastor before but i was pastoring the church that i grew up in uh this this new assignment i didn't know anyone in the city much less the church and i just didn't i didn't when i get boots on the ground where should i start and i called a friend of mine who um i know it had a couple of pastoral transitions and i said what would you advise a new pastor who's just starting out as ministry what advice would you give me when i get to jacksonville and get boots on the ground where would you tell me to focus my attention and he he got all parabolic like jesus and started telling me a story about bandits who tried to rob a bank in a country town but the the bank was guarded so well that they couldn't break in but they wouldn't give up they they went out a few miles and started setting barns on fire and all the towns people went out to put out the fire in the barns and while they were putting out fires in the barns the bandits robbed the bank he said hb when you get boots on the ground whatever you do make sure you guard the bank [Applause] uh that that that that that story really is the principle by which we should govern our lives proverbs 4 23 says above all else guard your heart because it is the wellspring of life everything else flows from what's happening in your heart are you in here with me tonight uh in fact this is why many times we are not experiencing true change we don't experience true lasting change in our lives in many instances because it's like a polluted stream and and to address pollution in a stream of water there's one or two ways downstream or upstream and many of us try to make change downstream we pull out pollution and dirt and habits but the more you clean up the more it flows in to really see change you gotta go upstream and deal with the root of the problem and then downstream you're not listening to me tonight we'll take care of itself you you if you want to be right with god if you want to see change in your life god above everything else your heart pray psalm 139 verses 23 and 24 search me o god and know my heart try me and know my anxious thoughts see if there is any grievous way in me and lead me in the way that is everlasting [Music] jesus begins here with the heart for two reasons quickly the heart controls life first samuel 16 god fired saul told the prophet go to bethlehem one of jesse's boys is the new king and when he gets there you remember jesse presents to the prophet the sons he thinks will make a good king and and and one of the boys looked so good that even the prophet was fooled he saw this boy and and said surely this is the lord's anointed and the lord pulled the prophet aside first samuel 16 7 and says uh to the prophet now you just be quiet while i'm handling my business because you and i are not looking for the same thing because man looks at the outward appearance but god looks at the what god looks at the heart the word heart is used more than 900 times in the scriptures and the vast majority of the times it is used metaphorically uh but it's not used the way we use it we refer to the heart primarily in terms of emotions but in scripture heart metaphorically is the seat of personhood it is one's innermost being that reflects the mind the will and the emotions in fact this is not just where they reside the heart presides over how you think how you feel and how you act the heart controls life the heart is the cockpit of life it's the control center of life it's the white house of life it is the governing place of life but not only is the the heart controls life the heart corrupts life the 19th century novelist ivan turgareth said i do not know what the heart of a bad man is like but i do know what the heart of a good man is like and it is terrible that's the pervasive nature of our fallen condition we are so tainted by seeing that even a good-hearted man is still just a bad-hearted man the bible says isaiah 64 6 that all of our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment not our sins our righteous acts are polluted this is why there's a whole another sermon i don't have time to chase that down but let me just give you the sermon point and you go home and preach it to yourself but but follow your heart is the worst advice you can give somebody the bible says in jeremiah 17 9 that the heart is deceitful and is desperately sick who can understand it and that's why for the record you should be very careful about judging other people's hearts you it's it's sickness in your own heart you don't even know about why you judge and what's going on in other people's hearts matthew 15 verse 9 10 says out of our hearts comes evil thoughts and murder and adultery and sexual immorality and theft and false witness and slander all of that this is also why i got a bunch of sermons along the way here but that's also why you go home preach this to yourself that's why you also shouldn't go around talking about what you would never do [Applause] you're not hearing me here because the worst of sins is hiding in the best of hearts and our hearts are so corrupt that that no no no superficial solution can fix our sinful hearts a makeover can't cure cancer a car wash doesn't fix a failed engine a paint job doesn't address a leaking roof a screen protector doesn't handle a software virus and self-help can't fix a sinful heart there's got to be a change on the inside and only jesus can change the heart the bible says first john 1 7 that if you walk in the light as he is in the light you have fellowship with him and the blood of jesus christ his son will cleanse you from all sin i stand to tell you tonight that if you trust in jesus the blood of jesus can take a heart that is blackened by sin and make it white as snow the bible says later in first john 1 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnesses so first tonight church there is a matter of the heart but which you consider secondly a blessing for the pure blessed are the pure in heart this blessing is not a blessing for those who have achieved sinless perfection that does not exist there are some who teach that christians can attain a complete sanctification in this life but that's not biblical the bible says in first john 1 8 if we say we have no sin we lie and the truth is not in us the pure heart is not a perfect heart then what does it mean to be pure in heart two answers quickly first to be pure in heart i submit to you tonight is to be sincere the word pure here means clean in fact depending on what translation you find it may be rendered that way the two terms are basically synonymous a pure heart is a clean heart psalm 51 verse 10 david says create in me a what a clean heart praying that he acknowledged his heart wasn't clean and he's awesome his heart was not clean his heart led him to to sleep with bathsheba and to kill her husband uriah and then play the hypocrite for a year his heart wasn't clean uh and he prays acknowledging that nothing he could do could make his own heart clean in fact lord have mercy the word create psalm 51 10 is the same hebrew word create genesis one and one in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth which means you can no more create a clean heart in you then you can start a new world around you but david prayed because he had confidence that god could do for him what he couldn't do for himself and he says lord i'm looking to you create within me a clean heart matthew 23 verse 25 and 26 jesus says one of you scribes and pharisees you you hypocrites you clean at the outside of the cup and the plate but you leave the inside filthy that's that's hypocrisy that's my working definition of hypocrisy to be a hypocrite is to have clean hands before man and an unclean heart before god in that regard everyone who is not pure in heart is a hypocrite and god only god can change the heart and make us sincere proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6 says trust in the lord with what all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding eight part of verse six in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path charles swindon summed it up good for me he said that if you want to see a person who's living this kind of life that jesus talks about here in pure heart he says simply this person is living the kind of life where if their life was being videotaped there would be no need to do any edits y'all are not in here with me tonight at work at home at play wherever you were they could film it and nothing would need to be edited out it's to be sincere but it's also is also not only to be sincere i think predominantly the meaning of this text is to be single a pure heart is not merely sincere it's i think the idea here is that it is single the the word pure does mean clean but but it it it also means unmixed it's not just cleaned from stain it's clean from mixture it's it's if this the term was used for water that wasn't diluted it was that's pure it was used of windowed wheat where the chaff had been removed it was used for even an army where the coward soldiers had been dismissed to be pure in heart is to be single zorin kirkegaard the danish theologian i uh wrote a book with that title the title of the book was to be pure in heart is to will one thing to be pure in heart is to will one thing the idea is it is to have a single hearted devotion to god it's not to be james 1 8 double-minded a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways but but a person who is pure in heart has a single minded devotion to god psalm 27 verse 4 david says one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all my days can i ask you tonight are you a one thing person can you say can you say can you say with paul brethren i do not count myself to attain it yet but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching for what lies ahead i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus there is a matter of the heart there's a blessing for the pure finally would you consider with me for just a moment the promise to see god virtue is his own reward but here we see that the pure in heart it is a blessing but it also brings a blessing it's a remarkable blessing if you appear in heart jesus says you you will see god this promise of god is about god if you are pure in heart uh the bible is clear you you can't see god john 4 24 says god is spirit first timothy 6 16 says god dwells in unapproachable light who no one has seen or can see first john 4 and 12 just bottom lines that no one has seen god at any time jesus says but if you're pure in heart you shall see [Music] god y'all not in here with me tonight ancient kings were notoriously inaccessible and you could you could you only the royal court could have audience with the king but if you run to the cross and trust in jesus heaven's king throws open the doors to his throne room and beckons you to come to the throne of grace they and only they shall see god let me lean into this just a little bit they shall see god on earth and in heaven lord hold me up for just a moment i i believe this is this is this is not just about eternity this is this is on earth i believe the pure in heart can see god on earth the pure heart see god through christ remember in the upper room philip said uh show us the father all this all this father talk my father my father my father just show us the father and we'll be satisfied remember what jesus said john 14 verse 89 you mean you've been with me all this time and you don't know who i am uh if you've seen me you've seen the father [Applause] we see god in scripture second timothy 3 16 says all scripture is breathed out by god the bible is not man's thoughts about god it is god's self-revelation of himself the purine heart can see god in nature the heavens declare the glory of god and the earth shows forth his handiwork hold on to your seat the pure in heart can see god in suffering [Applause] on the other side of his trouble you don't believe me job 42 verse 5 on the other side of his trouble job said to god i had only heard about you with the hearing of the ear but now my eyes have seen you am i talking to somebody here before you went through what you went through you had only heard he could make a way you had only heard he could bring you through but now you you don't need nobody to tell you you've seen let me testify for myself i thank god for the mountains and i thank god for my valleys and i thank god for the storms he brought me through because if i never had a problem i would know that god could solve it and i wouldn't know what faith in god can do but i stand tonight to tell you through it all [Applause] i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god we'll see god on earth but we'll see god in heaven i said we'll see god in heaven some years ago i'm wrapping up i was uh i was uh at a my favorite little book store in westwood and um while i was checking out the old man behind the desk said uh reverend charles you pointed the head above his head and said reverend charles do you see jesus i looked up and there's a picture above his head several of them i said no sir he said look again he says it's new we just got him in it's a picture in the picture and and uh just look it just look keep look hard and you'll see jesus i looked and i couldn't see jesus and barry who was with me he's like oh man i see it do you see it junior i could see it i said i don't see it man he's like stand over here and look look look straight at can you see it and they kept trying i couldn't see it i lied i said oh i see it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i said just to get this over with him but i never did see jesus that day i never saw jesus that day but i learned a lesson you can only see what you can see if you can't see it nobody can make you see it but the bible here says if you are pure in heart you shall see god the pure heart see god exclusively the pure in heart see god personally the pure heart seek god continually the pure in heart seek god increasingly the pure in heart seek god pervasively but i'm sitting down when i tell you that the purine heart will one day see god eternally y'all ain't hearing me here and i think the problem of the church today is that we have lost our doctrine of hell and our doctrine of heaven [Music] we wouldn't be tripped out about the circumstances of life the way we are if we remember that one day when this earthly tabernacle be destroyed we have another building a house not made with hands but it's eternal in the heavens hey when i was a boy the old preachers were trying to describe what heaven was like and it's as if they didn't have the words to describe it and so they would describe heaven by negations they would say it's the land of no more y'all ain't in here with me tonight it's the land of no more crying no more sickness no more broken heart i don't know about you but i can hardly wait for that great day when this journey is over and i see god for myself sure i got a daddy up there and god knows i miss my daddy but that ain't what i'm looking forward to i want to see jesus y'all ain't in here with me the man that died for me i wanna see jesus the man that set me free yeah hey i'm sitting down when i tell you about william dyke [Music] who turned blind at 10 years old but he went on with his life graduated college without us fell in love and got engaged but right before his wedding they did a surgery that was supposed to restore his sight oh lord the surgery was a success yes but in his recovery he asked him not to take the bandage off until his wedding day on his wedding day when he was at the altar gave his vows to his bride the doctor took off the bandage and the first face he saw was the woman that he loved and he said you're even more beautiful than i ever imagined one of these old days y'all ain't in here with me one of these old days the bandages will come off these eyes hey and i'll see you by myself i don't know what it'll be like but i know he'll be more beautiful [Music] more beautiful than i could ever imagine if i see jesus if i would just see jesus if we just see jesus it'll be worth every lie they told on me when i see jesus it'll be worth every tear i've had to share that when i see jesus it'll be worth every burden that i've had to carry let me testify i travel through this land singing as i go throwing his souls to calvary and this crimson cloak many arrows pierce my soul from without and within but my savior leads me home and with him i will win oh i wanna see him whoa i wanna see him look upon his face that'll sing forever of his saving grace on the streets of glory let me lift my voice [Music] when this life is over i'll fly [Music] will be addressed [Music] what a day of rejoicing it will be [Music] when we all get to heaven day of rejoicing it will be when we all see jesus we will sing and shout victory officers are coming decision team members are taking their places i did not allow us to forget the heart of the message and that is everybody doesn't get to see him that way in our seemingly overly progressive church culture we have seemed to make this truth overly accessible people think that all you have to do to get to heaven is be good or all you have to do to see jesus is do what you consider to be the right thing but the text made it clear there's only one way to see god yes sir only the pure in heart will see him pastor charles made it clear to us tonight that we don't have the ability to make ourselves pure pastor charles made it clear to us tonight that there is nothing you can do to purify yourself the good news tonight was that we serve a god who's already done the work to offer righteousness to us and it's found only in the person in the work of jesus christ and if you will run to the cross throw yourself on the mercy of god he will clean you he will make you whole he'll make you new tonight that is what we invite you to we invite you to relationship with the one who can give you access to his heaven based on the cleansing of your heart so shanique shares in song if you're in person or online we want to invite you to commit your life to jesus to run to the cross if you are on the live stream tonight all you have to do is throw us send us a direct message put a comment this lets us know you want a relationship with jesus or email at membership and someone is ready to talk to you now about a decision for jesus if you're in the room tonight there are decision counselors who are ready to converse with you about that decision says the music ministry shares we want to invite you to commit your life to jesus the only one who can purify your heart will you come [Music] holy [Music] is what i need holiness [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] transform [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need to be [Music] is [Music] can we pray together tonight god we thank you [Music] that you have provided a way for us to see you you've provided us a way to intimacy with you as we heard tonight in the message it requires a pure heart so tonight we ask that you would cleanse our hearts as pastor charles said tonight this this message this word requires us to examine ourselves and god as we've examined ourselves through the mirror of your word we understand that we have not arrived we understand that we need you to make our hearts pure there are some things in us that that cause us to improperly and incorrectly see people to see each other to see what you've called us to to improperly see our suffering our situations and properly even see who you are god cleanse our hearts so that we can see you it's not just for heaven even for now help us to see you so god we lay ourselves before you not anybody else we lay ourselves before you and ask you to do a work in our hearts do a work on our hearts so that we can see you we want to become more intimate with you so purify our hearts we give ourselves completely to you do your work in us so that you can do a work through us in jesus name amen can we give god praise tonight for both message and the messenger praise god for his word thank you pastor charles for sharing with us again on tonight let's thank god for our guest psalmist tonight my sister shanique leggings is here with us thank you for being here sister i love you so much we are i'm so grateful for you and your team that came to share with us on tonight thank you one more night one more night one more night pastor charles will be with us again tomorrow night have you been blessed so far i am we're grateful for those who joined us in person and for those of us who those who joined online as well um let's make sure we share this experience and come prepare tomorrow night to receive again amen we're going to give on our way out if you um are online you know that we have multiple ways to give you can text afnbc to 77977 you can give via the app you can give online or at the drive-thru experience saturday if you're in the building we will give on our way out um but let us continue to keep pastor charles in prayer for strength and stamina as he stands again to share tomorrow night there's nothing else let us bow our heads and be dismissed god how we thank you for what our eyes have seen what our ears have heard from what our hearts have experienced lord we pray tonight that the seed of your word falls on good ground so that it will bear fruit in our lives uh we thank you for pastor charles and we thank you for what you strengthened him and allowed him to do in this house tonight and in our hearts tonight we pray and ask god that you will replenish him and pour back into him everything that he poured out so now god as we leave this place i pray your riches and choices blessings on your people i pray that you will go with us now in jesus name amen you
Channel: Antioch Fellowship Church
Views: 1,740
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wtreHHIZoMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 40sec (5020 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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