Elites conspiring with media to smear political opponents: Tulsi Gabbard

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while hillary clinton who failed to hit the reset button with russia under the obama administration well she has a history as you know of accusing political opponents of being connected to the kremlin remember back in 2019 when crooked hillary tried to destroy fellow democrat tulsi gabbard and accused her of being a russian asset russians they have a bunch of sights and bots and other ways of supporting her so far and that's assuming jill stein will give it up which she might not because she's also a russian she didn't say tulsi gabbard's name there but it was later confirmed that that's exactly who she was talking about but it seems that the only one using russia to take down american politicians is hillary durham's indictment of michael sussman exposes what we've known all along the trump russia collusion narrative was a pure hoax perpetrated by the clinton campaign via fusion gps and the phony steel dossier now doesn't that make hillary clinton an asset of the kremlin instead joining us now is former presidential candidate and representative tulsi gabbard uh tulsi thanks so much for being here you were i'm sure you remember better than anyone else when you were accused by hillary clinton of being a russian asset do any of these new revelations uh confirm what you already knew or all along did you know they were making this up to smear political opponents uh yeah it confirms what what i knew to be true which is is something bigger than what happened to me uh it really points to the fact that we have a situation in our country where the powerful elite people like hillary clinton and those around her the deep state the media they're all colluding to destroy outsiders who they deem as posing a threat to their power so essentially what they do is they create this dictatorship where those who are outsiders those who put country first those who are not afraid to challenge the establishment and and those who don't toe the line they do all they can to silence and censor and eliminate these outsiders that they deem pose a threat to their power and this is what is so dangerous this is much bigger than than any individual it's actually a threat to our democracy and to the american people and and their arrogance in believing that they they have the right to do this and doing so without any regard for who gets hurt in the process or how it actually undermines uh our country uh our democracy and and damages uh and hurts the interests of the american people the american people deserve better than this and the worst part pete is they get away with it it's true uh when you were when you heard her say that you were a favorite of the russians did she present any evidence of that and when the media examined it were you given a fair uh a fair course court of public opinion a fair opportunity to actually respond to that i'm i'm smiling a little bit pete because you and i both know the answer to that is no and the answer to that is no uh because from the very beginning again this happened to me it also happened to donald trump it just points to this is not about democrats or republicans it's about their concerted and collective effort working together to destroy and silence those who challenge their power and so no the media did not challenge or ask her for evidence in the clip you played there was no request for hafe you know point out the proof to this pretty heinous allegation against a sitting member of congress with highest levels of classifications uh security clearances also a soldier currently serving in the army reserves i mean you look at all these things and you see how absolutely ludicrous it is but it just points to to the fact that um they do so completely arrogantly and and without hesitation and and really here's the danger is that as long as you have people in power who are willing to sacrifice the interests of our country to serve their own selfish interests rather than putting themselves last and serving the best interest of the country if we allow this to continue then we the american people lose the country that we love yeah the worst thing is is that they feel like they got away with it they feel like it worked they got their way and now folks like jake sullivan who was front and center in pushing the smear against donald trump well he's the national security adviser making the rest of us wonder whether or not they'd be willing to do that to any one of us if they had the opportunity tulsi gabbard thanks for shooting straight you always do and we appreciate your time thank you hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 426,590
Rating: 4.9312062 out of 5
Keywords: Deep State, Democrat disinformation, Democrats censor outsiders, Democrats smear political opponents, Elites, Fox News Primetime, Hillary Clinton, Hillary accuses Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset, Pete Hegseth, Russia, Russia investigation, Steele dossier, Trump Russia collusion narrative, Tulsi Gabbard, media, media deep state colluding against outsiders
Id: 8rhXB-2d0r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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