Anti-Aging Expert Reveals Secret to Staying Young | Dr. Alexander Paziotopoulos on Health Theory

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in about 50 years the technology is going to be there to reverse your age and basically be close to immortal this episode is brought to you by our very own learning platform impact theory university watch to the end of this interview to learn more everybody welcome to another episode of health theory i am here with dr alex posiotopoulos alex welcome to the show ah thank you for having me i'm happy to be here i'm excited man and i'm really interested in the area that you're diving into um anti-aging or even some of the things i know that you've talked about or perhaps even age reversal um i'd like to get into that what what is the the state of the science what's something that people might be surprised in terms of what's possible with actually winding that clock backwards sure so we've had anti-aging medicine for about 27 years board certifications in it and the whole idea was that you the older you get the faster you get old but by doing anti-aging you're slowing that curve down and allows you to live a longer life but really much more importantly a better quality of life now what we found was that anti-aging medicine has kind of a limit to it and you can only slow aging down so much and so we're looking at well what if you tried to just reverse age what's that look like and actually that's feasible and it's just what does that look like in terms of at a cellular level what are the pathways that we're going after like do you think of aging as a disease or do you see it as just something that's inevitable oh i definitely look at it as a disease aging causes so many problems if you just stopped aging or even just inhibited aging by a significant amount you would have a greater impact on all the cardiovascular problems all the cancer problems all the cognitive problems dementias all that then actually trying to solve any one of those problems there's only really seven major problems that we have to overcome and those problems the answers to those problems are known so you have intracellular junk you have extracellular junk you have these things called glycation end products you have problems with your dna breaks in it and stuff like that you have mitochondrial dysfunction another problem is that you have synalytic cells and centalytic cells are really the target of most of the age reversal programs and of aging in general because when you look at all these ways that you age they're not equal and synalytic cells tend to have the greatest impact and they populate just like you age remember how we're talking about like the older you get the faster you get old well the older you get the greater the population of centalytic cells can you define what what is this analytic cell i'm not familiar with that term so analytics so it has a purpose when you're being conceived like when you're in you know when you're in the womb and it's you know you have a bunch of cells that are growing in a ball but they have to turn into all these organs and structures so when cells fold around some cells have to be removed and so centalytic cells do some of that but the problem with this analytic cell is when you're older these analytic cells don't really have a lot to do and when they start populating they get big take a lot of space they release a lot of these enzymes that are caustic to all the cells around them and then they have this ability to turn a good healthy cell into a cellulitic cell so we want to do everything that we can to keep them their populations low and so a lot of age reversal is focused on getting at those analytic cells and one of the really easy things people can do is do water fasting there's some really cool things that happen after about 48 hours of no food a lot of the genes that are active change what happens with a lot of biological mechanisms is if you're used to being in a famine multiple times per year you get genes that run during the famine and they don't run normal times and so those genes that run they're kind of like maintenance genes and they fix your dna and they clean up intracellular junk right they fix the matrix so it's not so stiff they get rid of these semalytic cells so we want to go through a controlled family somewhere between a three and a half day and a four and a half day water fast once a month as you get older you can do it when you're younger but i think it really matters when your centalytic cells start populating to when there are dangerous levels so someone about 40 40 and up i would say you start doing it if you're late 30s i think you'd still do it too and it also coincides with the calorie restriction society and all the calorie restriction data that we have so there's not a single organism on the planet that we've done calorie restriction with that didn't live longer and the the way that water fasting works is not only are you getting some calorie restriction but you're also getting those genes turned on that you wouldn't get turned on when you're just restricting calories so think of every cell as a factory and that factory has so many things that it needs to do every day and if you're in a well-fed state most of the things that all your cells are working on is metabolism of energy so you're taking in this food you have to release insulin then your body's going to take all this these different nutrients fats and amino acids carbohydrates and has to do something with them right and it's just shuttling all this stuff around so when you're on a fast you're not doing a lot of that all you're doing is you're just taking stored fat mostly from the liver right and you're releasing some ketones and then that that system turns on all these other genes because well they're not busy doing other stuff so now it's like okay you know we don't have to do all this other stuff so now we have energy to do this kind of just like other genes run when you're sleeping like your body knows when you're sleeping and it changes which genes are active and which ones aren't and if you don't sleep well i mean that's a whole nother problem but like you know you're gonna age really fast that way and there's plenty of people that come in and they'll say you know i sleep five six hours a night and i feel great i'm like yeah but it's your body can't handle that long term you're aging fast that's interesting so when we're sleeping what are the processes that are running um and then i guess we'll get to then how that ages you when you're truncating that yeah so when you're sleeping what'll happen is you have this thing called a circadian rhythm and animals are really good about not screwing up their circadian rhythm right like the birds don't wake up late there's not a bird that's like you know i don't get up until noon right they just get up right and they go to bed at the same time and so what that does is it really sets this biological clock so that everything happens on a 24-hour cycle and certain hormones need to be released at certain times and then certain repair mechanisms need to happen at the immune system level or in your brain and you can be quote unquote sleeping but if you're not really sleeping well like you have sleep apnea or you keep waking up or you have a lot of anxiety then you're not gonna be able to go into deep sleep you're not gonna get enough rem cycles you know and every time you wake up you restart the whole sleep system because you have this thing called sleep inertia so your first rem cycle takes a long time it takes over two hours usually for you don't do that and then every successive rem cycle it can be compressed so in seven hours you could easily get four rem cycles but if you keep waking up you could be in the bed for nine hours and never get it so i hate sleep uh if i didn't need it i wouldn't get it i fully understand i actually prioritize it in my life it's one of the most important things that i do um if i had to guess though i averaged without an alarm clock i never set an alarm clock i always go to bed at the same time i'm very aware of my circadian rhythms but just in terms of where i'm at in my life levels of excitement levels of stress whatever i probably average about six to six and a half hours of sleep a night um and one thing that i heard is that while you're sleeping your brain actually shrinks and or d inflames maybe is the right way to think about it and allows like a a brainwashing if you will is that what's happening or is there something else going on during the different phases of sleep that make it so critical yeah so there's a lot more going on and really probably one of the most important things that's going on are the immune cells that get stimulated in your brain so these microglial cells and these astrocytes that are in your brain they're doing all the repair and they're more active during the night the other thing is that your brain is taking all the memories from the day and you're forgetting forgetting is really the most important process because your hippocampus will just get full of all these proteins that just get accumulated during the during the day you don't want to remember like every single little detail of the day you just don't have that capacity and if you don't make sure that you process all that short-term memory and free it up the next day you're going to be compromising your ability to remember so when we stop and say okay we have a rough understanding of where we're trying to get to we want to either slow aging as much as we can we want to actually reverse aging what's the optimal lifestyle so sleep we got that one we'll check that box gotta have sleep right problems with your brain also including sleep have to do with your circulation and all the quality of your blood vessels i always talk about the blood vessels as like the most important organ in your body right so it's the infrastructure for everything so for for quality of what we call the endothelium which is the lining of your blood vessels first we test so there's a bunch of blood markers that we can test that look at how well that system's working you know whether you're able to release nitric oxide these markers called adma there's a bunch of separate markers that we look at the patients that i have that are already plant-based their endothelium works great the people that are eating kind of your standard western diet without a lot of plants and lots of animal products especially dairy and things like that their endothelium just doesn't work let's dive into that so um let's differentiate because i would say that a standard american diet or a standard western diet isn't just rich in animal protein it's twinkies and oreos and you know potato chips and french fries and all that good stuff um so to just to isolate maybe to the more the higher end of the scale let's take uh somebody who their primary calorie is derived from meat and then somebody whose primary calories are derived from plant matter but both of them are eating and maybe you won't agree on this word but they're eating a clean diet right so it's not fast food hamburgers and stuff like that it's you know grass-fed but i just want to get a sense of what happens to the endothelial lining when you're a meat eater clean again versus a plant-based diet clean so clean versus clean what you're normally going to see in in the labs that i get here so this is not just literature this is what i see sure and i get a lot of athletes that come in that are eating really clean uh meats right they're either wild or they're all organic and they're pretty balanced they're not eating too many calories and stuff like that but their inflammation markers are always higher than my plant-based clean people and the people that are you know majority plant-based and for me in in the labs that i've looked at when you get down to about 20 calories from animals 80 plants you're just about as good as somebody that's 100 plants and sorry is that from by calorie by calorie so one of the things that i found as an argument very compelling is this idea that look if you're trying to build muscle tissue eat muscle tissue and when you think about all the things that we need to eat to maintain our body it it makes sense to me that you would go eat the very same things that you need to build in terms of the building blocks and i'm curious if you know if you have a hypothesis because i'm sure it's it's still early days but if you have a hypothesis as to why meat in particular creates this cascade of inflammation which when i think about all-cause mortality it's like get your inflammation down so before i answer that question what we want what i want to do and what i'm focusing on in the clinic is we want to go beyond what nature created for us and the environment we want to optimize the average person isn't even close to their genetic potential so we want to go beyond your genetic potential and so when we apply that to food what we're noticing is that if you eat a lot of meat your ph is usually off the more acidic your environment the more problems you have with what's called calcifications so you get dystrophic calcification to get it in the arteries again and everything else and that's part of aging is that stiffening we don't want stiffening so that's one thing we want to modulate is ph the other thing is like we have what 25 or 30 years of dean ornish in his studies and now we have dr esselstein studies of they can reverse arterial sclerosis with a plant-based diet that's interesting um so i'm pitching a reality show around town that i'm trying to get produce called carnivore versus vegan and i want to lock identical twins in a house and one part of the twin set is eating carnivore and the other side is eating vegan my fantasy would be to lock them in there for six months and do all kinds of blood markers plus self-reporting all that so that we have like a real controlled thing because when i hear a study like that in in total fairness i don't know those studies well enough to to comment i've heard dean ornish's name thrown around a million times but i'm not familiar with the data specifically tied to that anyway oftentimes what happens is you take somebody who's on a standard american diet they're eating garbage uncontrolled like i mean just a mess and if you put them on any diet their life is going to get better if you put them on a carnivore diet it would get better if you put them on a vegan diet it's going to get better so what are the studies that we should look at for um going moving away from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet and they clearing up the arteries i would just definitely look up dr dean ornish in his studies and i'd also look up dr esselstein uh dr esselstyn's he's a cardiologist and he's been doing plant-based diet for a long time uh um do you know what the rough protocols were for the diets just take a normal person and put them pure plant-based yeah just doing purple anthologies but they're doing like they're not doing i mean there's vegans that are eating all that fake stuff right fake meat like this is that a problem because they end up using a lot of sugar or is there another issue yeah because remember one of the reasons of aging is glycation end products so one of the regular tests you see even regular doctors measures uh hemoglobin a1c and that's a measure of glycation end product on a red blood cell and that number is logarithmic so somebody that has a 5 versus a 6 is 10 times less right and if you go to a 7 you're like well it's not that much better we have 100 times more so if your body has to make 100 times more replacement proteins and then have to deal with all of that it's going to fail not only is going to fail but you're using so much energy to do something that it shouldn't have to do and as we get older we have less energy so that's part of age reversal and anti-aging is let's maximize how much energy we have and let's minimize how much we have to access the dna and make a lot of proteins because that's what happens as you get older you don't have this ability to do that so you want to have kind of a low protein diet so if you look at a lot of the studies in the blue zones with people that have lived 100 years and plus the one commonality around that is on low protein diets so i've been plant-based for 22 years now and i have a pretty low protein i kind of count to make sure i keep it can you give me some numbers around that when you say low protein and i'm assuming this is the vast majority is coming from plants what's your rough protein grams per day so you know people will say somewhere you need about a gram for every kilogram and high end athletes are doing a gram per pound so if you weigh 200 pounds in body weight if you're a high-end athlete what the normal prescription is for that is to give you 200 grams of protein per day um i'm probably down to 60 to 70 of that one kilogram or one gram per kilogram so maybe i'll get maybe 50 grams a day of protein and i don't have any trouble i don't have any trouble rock climbing i'm having trouble doing yoga i'm the third black and kung fu you know i can squat and dead lift you know multiple times my body weight so i don't believe in that and when i get people to say that i'm just like well how can i do this and how can all these other plant-based diets do these extraordinary feats of strength or endurance with low protein right because your body has this amazing ability to recycle protein and it's the nitrogen cycle and so yeah you'll work out and you break down protein you're not just going to get rid of it a healthy body is going to take that and recycle it and put it back plus if you're on the right supplements that help you do that like you know glutamine is one of them ornithine alpha ketoglutarate which is a fantastic supplement you know created by the french scientists for burn patients because nobody's losing more protein and nitrogen than a burn patients so there's lots of ways that you can optimize how your body makes protein and how your body recycles protein and uses those amino acids efficiently rather than just flooding your body with that supplement so what are those things how do you get your body to be that kind of efficient so there's behavioral modifications right which is eating and how you're eating and then we do genetic studies so the reason i'm doing a lot of genetic studies on people is although most of our genes are super similar there's a lot of genetic problems that you'll have with fat and that has to do with survival so we want to make sure that we dial in diet based on genetics and then also based on what do we see in the labs so there's a lot of different levels that we're looking at so that you know when you come in and you do a medical engineering program with me you're not just getting some program algorithm you know it's designed based on you and based on your labs so that we can get you balanced and get you into the low inflammation levels and get your fats regulated and then do all the scans on you that are necessary to make sure like well do you have any plaques soft plaques hard plaques you know what's the state of your endothelium and what's the functional state of endothelium so um there isn't one one diet for all right and some people like they'll come in and i'll look at what is the circulating levels of albumin and what's their levels of protein in the blood and what's their blood urea nitrogen ratios and you look at all this and then i can say like oh you're working out too hard you're breaking down too much tissue you're over training and then other people i'm like well you're not meeting your protein requirements based on what you're doing so we can we just modify it for that person but the idea is that we want to keep the protein levels on the low side and we want to keep the high nutrient plants on the high side so high nutrient plants are the ones that have all the nutrition and you know the highest things are like sprouts you know and micro greens and things like that and then fiber we need to have a lot of fiber because if we don't have fiber we can't grow the proper microbiome so think about like you're not a human being you're a conglomerate of all of these organisms together so you have you know hundreds of millions of different species just living in you and so we look at hunter-gatherer populations and what their microbiome looks like versus us we're completely sterile compared to them and they don't get you define what you mean by sterile i think most people hear sterile and they think that's a good thing yeah no it's not so you want to want to be exposed and the bacteria you really want to be exposed to are soil soil-based bacteriums like this just roll around in the dirt how do we how do we expose ourselves intelligence the problem is that our dirt is not the dirt of the past and you know they've done these studies where you go into a farm that's you know monsanto farm or whatever a gmo farm and you pick up the dirt there's nothing in it there's barely any bacteria there's no worms in it there's no parasites it's just sterile and then you know you go into a rainforest somewhere where you know they're not you know affected and you pick up a handful of dirt and like you can't even identify everything in there there's so much stuff going on so there's a lot of mechanisms in your body that rely on certain peptides which are short chains of amino acids and because we've had this symbiotic relationship with all of these different species of bacteria and yeast and stuff like that there's a lot of things that we don't have in our own genes that we need it's made by them and they're released and we absorb them and then we're able to use it in our molecular machinery but without them we can't and without them there's parts of our immune system that don't work very well and the older you get the worse your immune system gets there's this thing called thymus you know where your thymus shrinks over time and so a lot of the work for age reversal is built on how do we regenerate the thymus gland so that you can have the immunity that you did when you were younger and a lot of immunities not just keeping you safe from the environment as far as viruses and bacterias it's how well can you repair tissue because that's all dependent on your immune system so your body always reacts to the stress around it you put an astronaut in space and their bones become weak because the body's like well i don't need strong bones so there's no gravity right you have someone do deadlifts and immediately their bones density starts to go up you know or impact training things like that same thing with your thymus gland if it's not exposed to any threats and it's not doing anything it's not because it's very expensive to graduate t cells and natural killer cells well why would it do that so it needs to shrink in size because it's not needed as much when you say that we respond to the stress that's around us what stress do we want to give it to make sure that it stays robust right so making sure that you have enough exposure to things what you want is a child to be exposed to all that stuff so then their immune system gets used to that and responds to all that and has a proper uh response to things and it stays healthy and it won't just be your gut it'll be everywhere like which microbiomes in your mouth protecting your teeth which microbiomes in your nasal cavities protecting you from viruses and you know uh sinus problems from allergies and all that kind of stuff what's in your eyes what all different parts of your gut what's on your skin you see people with all kinds of skin disorders and tons of acne and things like that a lot of that can just be relieved by getting the proper microbiome there and then changing you know their diet so bringing it all back around to anti-aging and reversing the clock so we've covered a lot and everything you've told us to do so far sounds hard which tells me that's probably true but uh we're obviously getting our sleep right we're not messing with our circadian rhythms we're cleaning up our diet we're eating primarily plant-based we're avoiding a sterile gut we're getting the right kinds of dirt and bacteria and virus given where we're at in in our own evolution as a person um what about supplementation are there things that we should be doing like nad or should we be on metformin like what about exogenous substances so everything we've been talking about is what i call a foundation and that's what you can do for free and it's going to help you a certain amount and then you can go into the next levels which is how do i change what was normally going to happen and so what these supplements are going to do is they're going to help the molecular machinery work better and they're going to mess around with how genes are expressed so i'm sure you've heard of mtor so mtor is one of these genes that is how fast you're aging super metabolic rate so like to those bodybuilders or athletes that want to go on a high protein diet you know and just you know or like take four or five thousand calories a day they're going to raise them tour and they're going to get strong fast but we want mtor to be as low as possible so we can live as long as we can without becoming decrepit do you know what the mechanism is there why does mtor being low impact longevity so there's a lot of different things that mtor is involved with but a lot of it has to do with just metabolic rate you don't want to have a high metabolic rate it's just kind of like you know you if you want to drive across the country and you want to deal with the least amount of gas right well you can't go 100 miles an hour right it's you're just the amount of energy that you need to go one mile at that speed is not nearly as efficient as if you were going 50. so it's the same kind of principle and that's your gauge m2 is one of the gauges that we use and in age reversal protocols that i've developed here in the clinic there are a lot of things that we do to lower mtor as much as we can through pharmaceuticals through peptides through ivs that kind of stuff on top of your lifestyle modifications and as far as supplements go we can turn on genes like sirtuin genes and we can modulate ampk and ppa our gamma and all these other mechanisms that you hear about and without the supplement program you're just not really going to be optimized and you know right now i'm offering to people because if you did full medical engineering with me it can be pretty pricey but what i really wanted to make available to everyone is what we're calling the launch program and supplement program so that you can get the most important labs done for a pretty you know low cost so you can see like well where am i what's what's my inflammation look like what's what are my fatty acids look like you know what kind of what kind of balance do i have here how's my thyroid doing what's my what's my immune system look like and then you know have a consult go over your medical history and then have a supplement program made for you so that it's you know tailored to you but not extremely expensive it's got the most basic stuff that's gonna help you stay healthy and also optimize a lot of these systems and i know there's no one-size-fits-all but if you could because i know there's a lot of restrictions on metformin um but if you could is that something you'd recommend to everybody only if you have type 2 diabetes like where does your recommendation for that fall i mean i pretty much if you can handle metformin in your gut and there's a few people that really can't but if you look at the studies that they did on animals with metformin they start them off pretty much when they're born they don't do it later in life and there's and when those all the studies with metformin is you have extended life and you'll have and you have less cancer and the people that don't like metformin they're like oh you're harming the mitochondria you know you know through ampk and these other things and uh i don't buy it because how can how can all these organisms have extended life if their mitochondria are harmed so if metformin was really causing a lot of harm it wouldn't be able to do that now the only time i do so i've been on metformin since 2008 and uh you know i always like to show people biological age versus chronological age um hormones look at methylation for that what do what are you using as the clock yeah so uh horowitz came out with the first clocks i moved over to a clock called true age and they're looking at far more metabolites i think it's over 2000 metabolites and when we're looking at metabolites it's just like things that are broken down by your body and so that we can detect in the urine are we conducting the blood or we can detect in feces there's things that have been excreted so and a lot of these are just off the blood and so we can tell by the ratios of these metabolites what your biological age is versus your chronological age and a lot of the patients that had come in in their 70s that had either equal biological age to their chronological age a lot of them come in with an older biological age than their chronological age after a year of medical engineering a lot of them have turned that biological age back as much as a decade and then we're also looking at epigenetic changes so epigenetic changes that they're looking at in these clocks are how are genes modified over time a lot of genes they get turned off so the older you get the less access you have to running certain genes they get methylated they get acetylated you get these things called histone modifications and it's just less access to this gene and we don't really know right now how to undo all of these epigenetic changes and that's where that's where all the age reversal protocols are coming in and those are looking at how do we undo these epigenetic modifications now i assume a lot of what we're talking about in the protocols is all the stuff that we've gone through so far um is there something else is there pharmacological interventions um where does exercise fit into this like what what is if you had to wrap everything up and to go live like this go take this supplement um what what does that all look like in a nutshell a lot of stuff right so um just like some of the stuff here you want to replace your hormones you want to take certain patterns yeah you definitely want we have great data on that if you don't replace especially testosterone it's really hard to maintain bone mass really hard to maintain muscular mass especially heart and most importantly it's hard to maintain the mass of your brain and so now we have about 28 years of bioidentical hormone replacement and what we're noticing is that the people that have been on bioidentical hormone replacement for that long when you when you compare them to their peers they are far more functional they look better they their cognition's better their musculature is better their skin's better like across all systems and it's because these hormones are the triggers to turning on a lot of genes and so they're not going to modify they're not going to epigenetically modify their genes as much they're going to keep on all these things these repair mechanisms are going to keep things working well one of the things i'm always telling people is that we want to live longer in health so that we can live long enough for the future so in in my field and where we when i the places i speak and the people that are working this we think about 50 years in about 50 years the technology is going to be there to reverse your age and basically be close to immortal now you're talking about language but we need to survive so we're using peptides we're using synalytics so synthetics are the supplements and ivs and all that kind of stuff that are going to kill your centalytic cells and some of that you're going to be doing water fasting and things like that and then we also do a lot of work on spirit and you know spirit's kind of a weird word to use but like um if you have a powerful spirit and somebody comes up to you and says some nasty stuff it doesn't do anything to you right you don't ruminate about it you don't explode on that person you just notice that this person's just compromised right and you see things for what they are and you have trust in yourself and you have control over your emotions right that's a powerful spirit like you act exactly the way you want to act at all times and it doesn't come from believing in some dogma it comes from working deeply on yourself mindfulness diving deep into your past and understanding what negative patterns that you have that are prevalent today that hijack you and then how are we going to replace those negative patterns with the positive patterns that led you to all your successes in life so we we work on a lot of that and in the clinic i do a lot of ketamine psychotherapy and it helps you disassociate yourself from your ego and you're able to go you know deep into your subconscious or some people call it the spirit world and you're able to gather a lot of information and they're it's guided it's only one-on-one unlike some of these people that go for shamanism events and you know they get some benefit from it but like you're sitting in a room with 12 people this is one-on-one it's highly guided so that they take a week to create their intentions and their suggestions to themselves uh proper set that's called the set and then the setting is the room that they're in they're just here with me we usually have binaural beats on in the background uh to help them you know guide through that place there i'm talking with them and then afterwards we do like an hour and a half of debrief and write huge notes out and then they go and they journal and a lot of people will say like oh i died and i'm like oh you died and i'm like okay you know they say that while they're in it yeah that's a really common thing is that they died um but then they're they're still there right um and then they kind of forget that they're human and who they are and they're able to see things without all the filters that we have built into us you know even highly educated people can easily be duped because it goes along with their delusional thought of the world delusional thoughts of themselves what they believe all that kind of stuff like even when a lot of people are presented with truth they don't want to integrate it because it would go against this whole delusion that they have of themselves and the world and it's too scary but when you're disassociated well you're open to the truth you're able to see that and you're able to bring that back with you talk to me when when you're trying to walk somebody through that what kind of truths are you introducing them to and obviously i know that it's going to be different from person to person to person but if there are like themes that come up that would be really interesting to hear about yeah the most interesting thing that i've noticed with ketamine psychotherapy is that no one ever has the same experience twice and no patient i've ever had go under has had really a similar experience to anybody else the only thing similar is that they get disassociated and they say they died but as far as what they experience it's totally separate but when you talk about the truth and helping them integrate the truth um i i'm i'm absolutely fixated on this notion of seeing a truth that you were unable to see before and learning to integrate it so with or without ketamine do you see something in them that you don't think they understand like is it this person it's not that i see something in them i'll talk to them we'll have like an hour consult mostly about what is troubling you the most like what what are the things that are preventing you from being the person that you know that you could be right and it could be a wide range of things you know anxiety is really high in a lot of people and so is depression but it's like all right but what's the root of that and maybe they'll be like oh i was traumatized from here or that but they don't really know like what is it what's at the foundation of that what what belief system did i crystallize from those experiences that are affecting me because those experiences don't exist they're in the past right but there's some pattern and some belief structure that got crystallized as it's affecting you in the real time so when you get some of the information from doing some of these deep dives into yourself you can say oh i see that clearly now and a lot of people will say that after the experience that they feel so much lighter so i think that it just really helps people it's just another tool right i think they still need to do other tools a lot of the other tools that we use are like neurofeedback and biofeedback just to break some of these physiological patterns that people have so there's not just one thing for everyone but we try to use a bunch of these different things to help them optimize their spirit does that help with anti-aging just it's lowering their stress levels oh that stress is probably one of the fastest aging components that we have to deal with um somebody that is highly stressed what they're doing and it's not everyone but a lot of people will have problems with their pelvic floor and it's kind of like you know you see a threat as a primitive animal and the first thing you do is you clench your pelvic floor it's just a reaction because you don't want to urinate you don't want to defecate right and then you're triggering the vagus nerve to shut down your immune system your gut all the unnecessary things and so you see people with a lot of gut disorders and they're like oh i blow it all the time and i don't go to the bathroom and i'm constipated i'm surprised stress right and their blood pressure's up or their pulse is up and their hands are cold and it's like yeah because you're in fight or flight like all day and that's going to aid you so fast and that's where biofeed catback comes in really handy is because we hook them up to chest straps and electrodes and they can see whether they're in this pattern of you know whether in this fight or flight or not and a lot of it has to do with um getting into this pattern called coherence so when you're in coherence your breathing rate and your heart rate are kind of synchronous to each other and that's when you're you shut down the sympathetic nervous system and you promote the parasympathetic which is rest and relaxation and that's where you want to be your average person we hook them up and they're not they can't get into coherence um but if you took somebody from like a buddhist monastery or something that's been there for 30 years and you hook them up like they're incoherent so just great great tools that we have for everything and that's why it's engineering based because there's not a system of the body that we're not looking at and that we're not trying to optimize because it all works together you can't just say i'm going to optimize your heart there's no way it's impossible right everything's connected and so we have to look at all the systems and see where we're at so if somebody wanted to learn more about engineering their health where would they go how do they learn more about you um they can go to the patio institute dot com uh or they can call 844-734-3678 it's also 844 regenerate nice um and uh they can find out what program is gonna fit them and right now we know we're doing things to help people with all budgets and even at the low end budget you're still to learn like what lifestyle changes do i need to make right you're going to have a one-on-one consult you're going to get blood work done and then you're going to get supplement packs made just for you and timed for you at the proper time during the day and that's our low level stuff and then you know the people have you know more that they can put into this well then they can go to the higher levels and do age reversal and they can get the ivs and peptides and hormone replacement and the rest of it i recommend that everyone do this no matter how young you are that was amazing guys if you want to get your engineering on and get your health right and hopefully live forever you now know where to go alex thank you so much for joining me man that was really fantastic and speaking of things that will extend your life if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care look i do not care how crazy your dream is you can make it happen if it doesn't violate the laws of physics it is by definition possible and let me tell you i know this from experience before i became who i am today i was a frustrated wannabe filmmaker who had no idea how to make his dream come true i was lost paralyzed hopeless frustrated felt alone i didn't even know where to begin it was all so overwhelming and my confidence was non-existent i had no idea how i was going to convince somebody to give me a shot then everything changed then i started filling my life with people and ideas that pushed me to improve because i really wasn't good enough yet i stopped feeling sorry for myself and i started to take full and complete responsibility for my life i started to realize that the structure of hollywood wasn't holding me back my parents weren't holding me back my lack of money wasn't holding me back the high cost of filmmaking wasn't holding me back how i was raised none of it was holding me back i wasn't being stopped by nepotism or lack of contacts i was being stopped by my lack of skills period full stop thus began my quest to get so good i could not be ignored i rolled up my sleeves and i got to work i stopped making excuses and i stopped accepting excuses from others i fell in love with the very process of getting tough of taking your mind and making it stronger i started making huge demands of myself and started actually improving i began to make real progress towards my goals because i stopped whining about not being where i wanted to be and i started taking immediate action i did not worry about looking cool or impressing people i just worried about actually getting better i just wanted to strive for greatness the kind of greatness people can't question to get so good i could not be ignored to this day i keep my head down and i do the work and now nearly two decades later i control my life i don't need anyone to give me a break i'm building my own studio i've stopped coming to the world with my handout if i want something as hannibal said i will either find a way or i will make one and i know if you've watched this far you're going to do the exact same thing if you want help gaining the kind of skills and control over your life that most people can only dream about join me in impact theory university that's where i teach you exactly how to do the work what work to do in what order all of it sign up right now today we offer a money back guarantee you have nothing to lose if you're not happy for any reason i will give you a refund no questions asked so i hope to see you inside i hope you make a crazy investment in yourself and that you start holding yourself accountable and you realize just what a beast you can become alright my friends if you're my kind of person i will see you on the inside and until then my friend be legendary take care thank you guys so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're going to get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential you
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 249,303
Rating: 4.8237305 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Dr. Alex Paziotopoulos, Health Theory, HT, health, advice, health advice, anti-aging, age reversal, aging, how to stay young, stay young, importance of sleep, sleep and your brain, brain health, healthy lifestyle, lifestyle to stay young, prevent aging, stop aging, meat based diets, plant based diets, veganism
Id: Xc1CAI0Ej94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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