Anthropic vs OpenAI: Is Claude 2 Better Than ChatGPT?

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in a world where chatbots reign supreme one company stands ready to challenge everybody even GPT forget everything you thought you knew about AI chatbots because Claude 2 is here to redefine the game today we will peek into the thrilling world of artificial intelligence as we unveil anthropic Claude 2 a force to be reckoned with among all chatbots but before we begin don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel meet Claude 2 the latest rival of Chachi PT Claude 2 is the brainchild of anthropic PBC an American AI startup passionate about responsible AR usage with its unmatched performance longer responses and cutting-edge capabilities it's set to rival even the mighty GPT models from generating captivating stories to crafting Flawless code Claude 2 is a Powerhouse that can do it all funded by former members of openai this San francisco-based company specializes in developing Advanced AI systems and language models led by The Talented siblings Daniela amode and Dario amode anthropics team consists of skilled researchers who played a crucial role in the development of open ai's renowned gpt2 and gpt3 models drawing from their expertise they set out to create their own AI chatbot Claude similar to chat GPT Claude boasts an impressive 52 billion parameters and uses a messaging interface for users to interact with initially available through a slack integration enclosed beta Claude has now expanded its reach users can access Claude through the poapp by Kiora alongside six other fascinating chat Bots the app is compatible with both IOS and Android devices now you might be wondering about the origin of the name Claude some say it's a nod to the brilliant mathematician Claude Shannon While others believe it was chosen as a friendly male counterpart to balance the female gendered AI assistance given by other tech companies like Alexa Siri and Cortana however in July 2023 anthropic Unleashed Claude 2 an enhanced version of their AI chatbot with its release Claude 2 joins the ranks of other powerful chatbots on the market such as Chachi PT Bard from Google and Pi by inflection AI anthropic issues uses that Claude is programmed to provide helpful answers while avoiding offensive or dangerous responses its underlying architecture known as constitutional AI forms the foundation for this secure and reliable chatbot although Claude may not have gone at the same level of attention as the well-known chatbots it boasts an impressive performance and even surpasses them in certain aspects trained on extensive data sets gathered from all corners of the web include excels in generating fluid and imaginative conversations while prioritizing safety unlike some AI models safety was a primary consideration from the very beginning of claude's development but let's not forget about usefulness Claude AI has a lot to offer just like Chachi PT and Google's bar card Claude can handle a wide range of tasks claude's capabilities are vast from crafting poems speeches and resumes to summarizing entire books and even coding one area where Claude truly shines is creative writing if your current chatbot isn't delivering in that department Claude AI is definitely worth a try also Claude demonstrates impressive programming skills which is one of the most popular applications for AI chatbots it can write debug and explain code in numerous programming languages just like Chachi PT since Claude 2 arrived it is now offering an enhanced chat experience to users in the united states in the United Kingdom this beta version of the chatbot can also be accessed by businesses through an application programming interface maintaining the same pricing as the previous model one notable Improvement in Claude 2 is the updated training data it now includes information from 2022 and early 2023 giving the chatbot a more recent understanding of events however it's important to note that there may still be errors or confusion on topics that Claude might not be familiar with the team behind Claude warns that occasional confabulations or hallucinations may occur as is common with chatbots the new model incorporates a significantly longer context window expanding from 9000 to a hundred thousand tokens this means users can submit extensive documents for Claude to analyze it can then provide summaries or answer questions based on the content now you can access claw 2 through our API and a brand new public-facing beta website called it's like having a friendly and enthusiastic colleague or personal assistant who understands natural language and can assist you with various tasks the best part is that the business API is available at the same price as the previous model Claude 1.3 to make Claude even better they have made improvements to both performance and safety they have increased the length of input and output for Claude it is mind-blowing that you can now provide up to 100 000 tokens in each prompt allowing Claude to handle extensive technical document documentation or even entire books Claude can now generate longer documents including memos letters and stories with a limit of a few thousand tokens all in one go unlike others anthropic claims that they take safety seriously in conduct through evaluations in their own internal red teaming assessment where harmful prompts are tested using automated and manual methods Claude 2 performed twice as well as Claude 1.3 in delivering harmless responses believe it or not the company continues to work on enhancing the global availability of Claude with plans to expand its reach in the coming months anthropic is also proud to collaborate with numerous businesses leveraging the power of claude's API one of our esteemed Partners is Jasper a generative AI platform empowering individuals and teams to scale their content strategies in an interview anthropic Creator and CEO Dario omade told Forbes that the new model constituted a bigger jump rather than a gargantuan leap above its predecessor it is very much an evolutionary Pro progress and what they said you have to delineate things somewhere and we felt that this was a substantial enough Improvement even if it's part of a general progression with this expanded capacity Claude can now write longer documents including memos letters and stories all in one go but that's not all Claude 2 has undergone various enhancements particularly encoding maths and reasoning it now excels at producing correctly formatted code in structured data and languages like Json XML yaml and other markup languages this makes it incredibly useful for data transformation tasks Claude 2's coding skills have also improved significantly as demonstrated by its impressive score of 71.2 percent on the Codex human evil python coding test up from 56 in previous versions it has also made progress in maths achieving a score of 88 on the GSM 8K a set of grade school maths problems while striving to make Claude 2 smarter the anthropic team is also focused on enhancing its safety feature they have introduced a concept called constitutional AI which involves imbuing the AI system with a set of values to follow this helps make Claude less likely to generate offensive or harmful outputs an additional AI assist in supervising and revising its responses based on these values with Claude 2 anthropic continues to push the boundaries of AI technology delivering a chatbot that is not only more advanced but also safer and more responsible Claude AI brings a refreshing friendliness to the chatbot World setting it apart from chat GPT Bing Ai and Bart when they say friendly they really mean safety focused don't you think well it's too early to be absolutely certain Claude appears to be less prone to providing incorrect answers and less susceptible to malicious manipulation if you've ever had chat GPT or Bard Luxio on morals and ethics you'll find that Claude often does this some may find it unsettling but this emphasis on safety makes it suitable for miners due to its strict restrictions on inappropriate content since its debut in November 2022 chat GPT has reigned as the top AI chatbot despite the emergence of numerous competitors none have been able to truly challenge chat gpt's performance and features however Claude AI is showing great promise and could become a formidable competitor in the chatbot Arena ONE area where Claude excels is in writing efficient python code giving it an edge of a Chachi PT while chat GPT relies on multiple libraries for data analysis Claude demonstrates Mastery of the pandas Library using it for data visualization processing and Analysis this specialization gives Claude a clear Advantage if you require in-depth technical context and optimized code generation for data related tasks Claude is the recommended choice however for other General tasks especially with the advanced gpt4 model chat GPT Remains the preferred option so do you think claw 2 can be a hurdle for chat GPT to win this race it's not like Chachi PT doesn't have other Rivals but plot 2 may be the biggest of all that's a wrap for today hopefully you enjoyed the video if yes then do give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and smash the Bell icon for the latest notifications see you next time
Channel: AI Horizon
Views: 1,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claude 2, claude 2 ai, chatgpt, anthropic ai, anthropic claude 2, claude 2 vs chatgpt, artificial intelligence, claude 2 anthropic, gpt 4, claude ai anthropic, anthropic, ai, openai, claude ai, claude2, AI Horizon
Id: LbmUkZta2sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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