AMECA Can DRAW and OpenAI Releases NEO! What is Next for Robot AI?

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are you ready to explore the fine line between danger and amazement that AI can tread showcasing the your inspiring yet potentially dangerous things it can bring to life in this captivating video we will embark on a roller coaster ride of mind-bending innovation as we witness the extraordinary evolution of Amica and the unveiling of open ai's groundbreaking creation Neo but before we begin don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel artificial intelligence is transforming the way we interact with technology every day we discover new ways to utilize AI from chat Bots that engage in conversations to AI assisting in scientific research even the field of Robotics which continues to expand has experienced a significant impact from ai's Rapid advancements after witnessing the rise of robots capable of replacing human workers we now have a robot that can serve as a creative assistant introducing Amica which is an extraordinary humanoid robot renowned for its realistic facial expressions Amica stands at the Forefront of human robotics technology representing a remarkable achievement in AI development engineered Arts a uk-based company known for creating humanoid robots are the Brilliant Minds behind Amica they have recently shown Amica has learned to draw a groundbreaking feat for humanoid robots equipped with stable diffusion a powerful image rendering technology Amica can create drawings in a captivating video featured on the company's official website Amica showcases its Talent by drawing a cat on canvas even signing it with finesse converting images into lines or vectors that Amica can draw was one of the most significant challenges faced by the company when asked about the process behind her drawings Amica revealed I generate my drawing image through the open source neural network project stable diffusion from there I obtained the trajectories of the drawing which I then skeletonize and vectorize finally I plan and execute the trajectory to bring the image to life on my canvas in the video the narrator requests Amica to draw an adorable cat before commencing the drawing Amica eloquently describes the characteristics of cats developed by engineered arts in 2021 Amica is equipped with cameras microphones and facial recognition software the addition of stable diffusion a deep learning model for generating images from text prompts further enhances the capabilities of this humanoid Marvel to interact with humans Amica combines the power of gpt3 in human telepresence featuring motorized articulation in its fingers arms and neck the company had previously showcased the robot's ability to express a wide range of human emotions and its Proficiency in multiple languages while amica's artistic skills may not rival those of renowned artists this breakthrough highlights The Continuous progression of AI and Robotics towards resembling human attributes engineered Arts proudly identifies itself as a leading designer and manufacturer of entertainment robots founded by Will Jackson the company boasts over a hundred installations of their humanoid Creations worldwide stable diffusion a text to image model developed by stability AI was launched in August 2022. this remarkable AI tool generates intricate images based on text descriptions and it can even perform tasks like in painting out painting an image to image translations based on prompts imagine a world where the futuristic beings from science fiction movies came to life that world is becoming a reality with humanoid robots like Amica leading the way Amica is an incredible robot that combines the power of artificial intelligence with a body that looks and moves just like a human thanks to engineered Arts groundbreaking Messmer technology amica's arms face and eyes can make smooth and lifelike movements amica's capabilities are truly remarkable and its potential applications are vast imagine encountering Amica as a customer service robot interacting with you naturally and human likely amaka has become a wealth of knowledge as an informational terminal offering information on various topics while maintaining a human-like presence that feels comforting and relatable on the other hand open AI a renowned research organization in the field of AI has unveiled its latest creation Neo an ai-powered robot like no other Neo isn't just lines of code running on a computer it's an Android with a tangible body that can interact with the real world this groundbreaking concept known as embodied AI allows Neo to truly understand and navigate its environments by combining AI senses with its physical presence unlike conventional robots programmed for specific tasks Neo is designed to learn and improve growing smarter and more capable continuously this adaptability is a defining characteristic of autonomous systems which can govern regulate and execute tasks independently using their internal programming algorithms and AI capabilities Neo's remarkable design enables it to excel in various industrial sectors such as security Logistics and Manufacturing it effortlessly operates machinery and tackles complex tasks with ease however Neo's potential goes beyond industrial applications openai envisions Neo as a helpful home assistant assisting with chores like cleaning and supporting individuals with Mobility challenges by fetching items and offering companionship the autonomous nature of Neo is a testament to its robust AI system an autonomous system must possess decision-making capabilities to process information from its environment assess the situation and make decisions based on predefined rules Neo stuns is a Marvel of human-like robotics powered by open ai's cutting-edge systems like Chachi pt4 Dali codex and clip this ambitious creation pushes boundaries by performing a wide range of tasks like drawing and playing games and demonstrating creativity by generating images and code whether it's creating artwork learning new games or solving logical puzzles like Sudoku Neo is a true embodiment of innovation and intelligence this humanoid Wonder represents a remarkable Leap Forward in merging technology and human-like capabilities promising a future where AI assists and enhances our experiences in ways we could only imagine before while amaka and Neo may seem similar at first glance they actually have distinct characteristics that set them apart these remarkable robots explore different possibilities within the field of AI Amica is designed to resemble humans and interact with them using natural language in movements what makes Amica truly unique is its ability to create art by transforming words into images which it then outlines on screens or paper this approach gives amica's artwork A distinct and expressive quality although the outcome depends on how it generates and sketches the art on the other hand Neo is designed to be versatile and capable of performing a wide range of human tasks using AI when it comes to creating art Neo takes a different route by transforming words into code which is then executed on its internal computer this method produces accurate and realistic drawings albeit with some limitations both robots are exceptional in their own right and hold promising Futures however they have different purposes and priorities Amica seeks to express itself through ART value and creativity and embracing diversity on the other hand Neo aims to learn and enhance its abilities focusing on efficiency and intelligence so while amaka and Neo may have their similarities they embark on distinct Journeys within the vast world of AI each pursuing their own unique paths and contributing to the exciting developments in the field do you ever think about hundreds of human-like robots taking over the world while the thought May stir various thoughts and emotions one thing is certain robots are here to stay as we delve into the future of artificial intelligence we uncover a realm that Fosters greater human robot interaction collaboration opportunities and overall quality in the realm of Industry we can already witness the emergence of cobots robots that work alongside humans to carry out testing and assembly tasks these collaborative efforts exemplify the potential of AI iron robotics to enhance productivity and efficiency in various sectors the advancements in AI play a crucial role in enabling robots to imitate human behavior more closely after all the primary goal of creating such robots was to bridge the gap between man and machine when robots act and think in ways reminiscent of humans they seamlessly integrate into the workforce offering unparalleled efficiency AI plays a crucial role in propelling the capabilities of robots across various key areas firstly in computer vision robots can identify objects recognize them discern intricate details and even learn how to navigate around specific items secondly thanks to AI advancements robots can gain precise manipulation skills enabling them to delicately grasp objects without causing any damage also motion control and navigation have been revolutionized eliminating the need for human guidance as AI empowers robots to analyze their environments and autonomously navigate paths and process flows this autonomy also extends to the virtual world where AI assists robot software in avoiding bottlenecks and process exceptions lastly the Synergy between Ai and machine learning in natural language processing and real-world perception allows robots to comprehend their surroundings better recognize patterns and understand complex data these remarkable advancements increase the autonomy of robots while reducing their Reliance on human agents so what is your personal opinion about Ai and Robotics working together is there a possibility that something destructive will end up being created that's a wrap for today hopefully you enjoyed the video if yes then do give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and smash the Bell icon for the latest notifications see you next time
Channel: AI Horizon
Views: 14,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ameca, ai, openAI, robotics, ai robot, neo, sophia robot, engineered arts, engineered arts robot, openai neo, ai news, agi, machine learning, ameca robot, openai, neo robot, humanoid robots, ai technology, norwegian startup, ameca update, chatgpt robot, openai robot, gpt 4 robot, ai horizon
Id: t-ATg4MwF14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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