Anthony Bourdain A Cooks Tour Wild Delicacies 1 Episode 5: Wild Delicacies (4K)

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(gentle music) Welcome to my world. (upbeat music) Two eight's gotta go. Two green salads. Lamb chops, steak. Shouldn't you be doing something? Two filets and a pepper steak. Come on, make the dessert. Chocolate tart please. [Narrator] As a cook, tastes and smells are my memories, and now I'm in search of new ones. So I'm leaving New York City in hope to have a few epiphanies around the world, and I'm willing to go to some lengths to do that. I am looking for extremes of emotion and experience. I'll try anything, I'll risk everything, I have nothing to lose. I picked Cambodia as a place to go because I knew nothing about it, and because it was the last place on earth that I guess I really wanted to go. Maybe you've seen the killing fields. This is just about all I knew of Cambodia. I guess the first thing that struck me was "Gee", it looks just like the movie." Familiar, frightening, and a little intimidating. At first it's a little depressing. You really wonder what people see in it. But the country grows on you. The people are lovely and the food is eye-opening and mind-expanding. Using aromatic herbs and spices, traditional Cambodian cuisine is both complex and accessible. Fat and meats are used sparingly, while vegetables, fruits, and fish are used liberally. We're in beautiful downtown Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This is where mad men, missionaries, the leaf workers, journalists, and backpackers and westerners come to behave badly. Gonna buy some crunchy, tasty breakfast. Maybe a little fruit, pick up a little picnic lunch and then go discharge some heavy weaponry. First a haircut. [Narrator] Last night I was at the appropriately named. Heart of Darkness Bar, and I was told by a local ex-patriot who'd been here for some time, the four rules of survival in Cambodia. One: Always wear a condom. Two: Don't drink the water. Three: Throw out your anti-malaria pills. Four: For God's sake, stay away from the durian fruit. Stay away from it? That's all I needed to hear. Big Jhenko's back and he's got a kinky new summer 'do. I'm ready, I can appear in public in Cambodia. Let's eat. Let's go eat some crunchy bugs and little birdies and have some fruit, maybe kill something. [Narrator] Alright, I'm on the hunt for the king of all Asian fruits, the elusive, terrifying, melon-like, durian. A man can get easily distracted in the market. Yeah I need, like, identification of this product before I put it in my mouth this early in the morning, I think. And even identification might not do it for me. Actually, the colors are beautiful. Alright maybe for lunch. Maybe we'll pick it up for a picnic. [Narrator] The food in this place is really challenging my intestinal fortitude. My culinary vibrato is starting to shrivel. There's stuff here that's, you know, alarmingly bright, sort of unnatural colors and jelly-like. That I think I'm gonna lay off of, that looks radioactive. I try not to eat food that exhibits color that does not exist in nature. And then of course there's some stuff that I know what it is, but I don't think I'll be having any. Like the chicken skin and giblets. I see something I'm curious about, though that I might have for breakfast. [Narrator] Alright here we go, crickets. Yeah let me get one. Let's get five. Thank you. Head first or tail first? Any way. (crunching) Mmm. Those are good. [Narrator] Could use a beer with it. Kind of a cross between french fries and beef jerky. [Narrator] Alright enough distractions. Back to the mission at hand. I want durian, must have durian, need durian, have to get some durian, where's the durian? I should be able to smell it. I know it's around here somewhere. (light music) Oh yeah baby, the terrifying durian. Do they have to sell you a whole one, I'm guessing? We'll buy a knife, and we'll buy some stuff and then we'll tear into this someplace. Pick me out a nice one. Yeah you can just wrap it to go. I saw kitchen equipment over there. We're gonna try to get us a nice meat axe to cut the durian with. I gather from my limited reading on this subject that one does not want to be in a closed, confined area with a lot of people around when you hack into this thing. [Narrator] This dirty-diaper smelling fruit can weigh up to 12 pounds. Now that's a load. Okay, we've got our cutlery. We've assembled a little picnic for ourselves, including a single durian in this double-wrapped bag here. The elephants, upon smelling durian, might charge and choose to stomp on me. This costs 10 dollars US, eight dollars US, which is a lot for a piece of fruit anywhere in the world. So people really like this. I mean this is hugely popular all over Asia. But, you know, it's a love-hate thing because it stinks to high-heaven, but apparently it's absolutely wonderful and addictive. And I've heard about it, you know, in the states. People talking about it, you know. It's an experience that they keep coming back to. There's a message board online, people like. "How do I score durian in the United States? How do I get durian into the United States?" So this is it. [Narrator] The inside of the durian has five compartments containing the edible, custardy pulp. This looks like a little bit raw, doesn't it? Scary-looking, huh? It's almost smokey. It's actually really good. It's really good. Stinks to high-heaven. Doesn't taste like it smells. It's actually subtle, kinda fruity. But the smell is very much part of the experience. Rich as all hell, I mean you need to like bring your friends to this experience. If you have any friends left after you've transported it. They're not gonna love you for that. Now as I understand it, one buys one of these little swallows, cups it in ones hands, and then releases it with a wish. And presumably, in return for your kindness, an act of mercy, you will be granted this wish. I'm making a wish. I hope that the smell of durian leaves me soon. (light music) (bright music) [Narrator] I've been told about a little, how should I say unique eating experience about 15 kilometers out of town. I'm a little apprehensive, it's on a military base. Okay, guess I didn't need to call ahead for reservations. What do you recommend? Yeah I think we're gonna find the K-57s. Let's do two magazines to start. Okay. So, I'm kinda hungry, I'm thinking you know, play a little with a handgun, and then we'll snack. (gunfire) [Narrator] This is no ordinary eatery. Sure, you can order drinks and snacks, but the specialty of the house is firearms and artillery. Nothing like a cold Anchor and the smell of cordite in the morning. (gunshots) We don't have a lot of breakfast like this in New York. Maybe I should. (gunshots) Woo. I'm sure our audiences have noticed the similarity between me and a young Sean Connery. That's what we're shooting now, the chosen gun of James Bond, a Walther BBK. (gunshots) [Narrator] A lot of things in my life that I've done that have felt really, really good, I've had at least an element of shame involved. Thanks, okay. That'll do me. [Narrator] You know, even if you're talking about a really good, really big, really rich meal. You feel a little bit ashamed of yourself afterwards. Why is it that shame and pleasure are such close partners? [Narrator] So as I leave the shooting range, I'm feeling a little bit ashamed. Although I did have a rollicking good time. But I still reek of that durian. (calm music) I've been traveling around Asia, eating alone, strangers gawking at me and chattering in strange languages, eating every variety of strange food. It's lonely, so I'm very grateful and very happy that my friend and boss, Phillipe, the owner of Les Halles my restaurant in New York, decided to join me in Cambodia. I hear there's some organ meat in the market that Phillipe would go crazy for. The French love organ meat. We should point out that this market's like 130 degrees. You have to walk in a crouching position, under a tent which, you know, ensures that all that nice heat and sort of gas from the decomposing carcasses all around is rising up around you. This is all appetizing, so we're in for a treat. [Narrator] Now it's always good to rely on a Frenchman. Phillipe's an adventurer and a colonialist in the best sense of the word. I love Phillipe, and I love food, and it's really fun to travel with him. But you know, as with all things French, it's a love-hate thing too. Phillipe tends to get me in trouble. He wants to eat everything. There is a fish here that has been... Basically opened up, butterflied, the major part of the rib removed, and the rest I guess, hung and smoked. That is appetizing. We're in the insect district. You want a small one? Let's have some crunchy little birds. [Narrator] Fried chicken, Cambodian style. Roll it in a little of this stuff. [Phillipe] Some red pepper and lime. Good everything, no? Oh, this is good. It's delicious. I'm so happy, this is so good. Take a bag of those to a Knicks game. See here, look. [Narrator] This is what I was talking about. [Anthony] My last LSD trip looked just like this, by the way. [Narrator] From what I could tell, this gelatinous substance is a real favorite for breakfast. Oh man, now I'm gonna have to taste this. [Narrator] But I think I'm gonna let Phillipe go first. [Phillipe] This one here, a little bit. Not much... It's a bit, very jello-like. Very bland. It's almost like a negative taste, not a lot of taste. Okay, that sounds right up my alley. It tastes like tea, tastes like jelly green tea. Thank you very much. We're headed to the tripe section. Phillipe saw some really nasty bits of pig guts that well, you know, he's French. Need I say more? I take this as a compliment. (laughs) So this is mixed I guess, right? Okay, like this, yes? [Narrator] Big buckets of steaming, nasty-looking tripe. I make tripe very well, in the classic French manner. But I don't particularly like it. I think it smells like wet dog. So this particular tripe, I don't even know what animal it's from and it's in a big nasty-smelling heap with tongues mixed in there somewhere. And this is caviar to Phillipe, he's gotta have this. Lemongrass tripe. Oh, yes, see? [Narrator] I'm convinced that he's poisoning me at this moment. I'm wondering why he hates me, why he's doing this to me? But you know the French, they're a mystery. Remember, they like Jerry Lewis over there too. [Narrator] I'm thinking, "Run away! Run away!" And Phillipe is like, "Eat more tripe! Eat more bugs!" Ah, let's try that!" Mmm. [Narrator] I'm like, "Get me back to the hotel, I want a grilled cheese sandwich." (upbeat music) I finally drag Phillipe away from the claustrophobia of the market and the organ meats. I'm in need of some open space. (calm music) Having digested the culinary delights of the market, I'm ready to find the floating village on Lake Tonle Sap that I'd heard about. [Phillipe] We're going in a faster boat. We're going up to a floating village. As I understand it, it's a fishing village. It's a self-contained community. As far as what to expect, once again, we won't know until we get there. But it's apparently an entire floating community. [Narrator] I mean by that, that their houses float, their livestock pens float. They operate floating fish farms, floating restaurants, floating businesses. Their entire lives, their entire communities are water-born and moved from place to place as situation requires. Phillipe, once again, decides that he's gonna risk life and limb, my life and limb, for emotional reasons and for an adventure. He's not content to eat in a restaurant. He wants to eat local food. And he sees a woman cooking food for her family. We'll have rice with whatever she's preparing, a fish concoction or... [Narrator] And says, "Oh let's eat what she's eating." I think she's very surprised to have us come along, and we're very aware of the fact that she very likely has little food. So all we want is a little taste to see what she's doing. So what is it then? I say Phillipe. Outstanding, chose the right place for food. I think they're selling ballpark franks over there. (laughs) [Narrator] And all she's doing is stir-frying a mixture of pork and fish, served with rice, and a little green onion. This smells so good. Some sugar? Some sort of sugar syrup. Pure sugar cane syrup. [Narrator] Pay attention though to how hot that block is, how controlled the heat is, how well she manipulates the flame and the pot and the wood to apply heat. To cook this very simple, but very nutritious meal. This woman is very kind and very generous, and I think curious and maybe a little awed at the strange freakazoids who want to have a taste of her food. [Phillipe] Oh, look at this. (laughs) My God, thank you so much. Look at this. [Anthony] You first, you sniffed this meal out. Ah, little peppers, oh yes. (laughs) Let me roast it a little first. (laughs) Just like this, yes? Mmm, smells delicious. Mmmm, mmmm. I'll be back here. (laughs) Oh that is good. [Narrator] It's simple, it's honest, and it tastes good. Freshwater clam. [Narrator] It's the people that make the difference, and if you're gonna travel, it's always wonderful to eat what the people are eating at your destination. This is the way they feed themselves, this is the way they live, this is what they're eating. This is not hotel food. I am aware, however, as I'm eating it, she's washing the pot in the river water. I should probably visit my gastroenterologist when I return to New York. You know, I'm reconsidering traveling with this guy. [Anthony] Very good, thank you. Thank you, thank you very much. Here comes dessert. (ethnic music) It's like bananas flambe, I mean it's basically... Looks sweet to me. [Narrator] There's a little floating dessert boat that pops up along side. I guess they see us from a little down river and come sailing up with some caramelized bananas and fresh fruit and sweets. [Phillipe] So it's only fruits, right? That smells so good. That is mango. Pickled mango. Okay. Should we start with this here? Mmm, that's great. Spectacular. This is good. [Narrator] So if you're really curious about a country, eat how everyday people eat. And this is how everyday people eat in this village. Sometimes you find satisfying meals in the strangest places. It was good. I just violated absolutely every Lonely Planet. Traveler's Guide there is and loved it. Let's see, unripened fruit, coliform bacteria. [Narrator] And that's why I love Phillipe, and why I hate Phillipe. He's so happy. [Phillipe] (singing) [Narrator] He inspires both the best and the worst in me. So this was something I'm glad I didn't miss. Lukewarm and liver fluke, add that to the. Lonely Planet violations today. (calm music) [Narrator] Phillipe and I have traveled from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap to explore the last vestiges of a once mighty empire, and to discover high-end, Khmer cuisine. Angkor Wat. Looking good. Don't see this in Jersey. [Narrator] Truly one of the most imposing sights of the ancient world. A city of temples in the middle of the jungle. You can't even take pictures of this, it's too big. It's just too beautiful. It's too intricate, it's endless. It's a nice view here. One of the seven wonders of the world. [Narrator] It's the child's dream of adventure. There you are, standing next to evidence of a magnificent and intricate ancient civilization. You're dwarfed by the scale and the volume of it all. This was the pinnacle of the Khmer Empire, and I'm ready for a meal that matches the grandeur of this experience, or at least comes close. (piano music) Home to the famed Angkor Wat Temples, the city of Siem Reap has a world-class hotel that caters to foreign tourists. This is Phillipe's last night in Asia. He's gotta get back to Les Halles. So as an appropriate sendoff, we decide to have in the hotel a royal Cambodian meal. After all morning spent eating tripes and tongues and bugs and rather run-down and not so tidy dining, and an afternoon spent firing automatic weapons outside of town, we decided that we deserve to live like colonial imperialist pig-dogs. [Narrator] So we tuck into some really excellent, very well-prepared, very subtle, very precise colorful food, that really for the first time gives us a sense of the possibilities inherent in traditional Khmer cuisine. We have a first course here. [Narrator] Beef, crushed peanuts, black mushrooms, and minced sweet basil in a fresh rice paper wrapping. Again, really fresh. [Narrator] Sure, it's an egg roll. But it's a damn good one. Mmmm. [Narrator] Pumpkin and lemongrass soup with a dollop of coconut milk. It's lovely, thank you. Pumpkin, cool. [Narrator] And a nice touch, a cumin stirring stick that infuses flavor. Delicious. [Narrator] Beef sauteed with garlic, red peppers, and soy sauce. Served in a banana leaf, and garnished with deep fried threads of ginger, turmeric, potato, and taro. That's extraordinary. [Narrator] Whole grouper, steamed with shiitake mushrooms. Topped with red pepper, cilantro, scallions, and fresh ginger, and finished with hot oil and a chili sauce. Mmm. [Narrator] A really good meal, beautifully presented. A truly inventive use of local ingredients creating rich and textured dishes. We did well. (laughs) [Narrator] I'll miss Phillipe, but I'm recharged and ready to move on for more food adventures. (upbeat music)
Channel: GoTraveler
Views: 18,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony bourdain, master chef, anthony bourdain a cook's tour 4k, a cook's tour, go traveler, gotraveler bourdain, gotraveler, travel
Id: 26hBpNCJLxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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