Anthony Bourdain A Cooks Tour Season 1 Episode 7 | Cod Crazy

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(tranquil music) - Welcome to my world. (upbeat music) Two escargots, pate brisee. Two green salads. - Okay, lani sauce here. - Lamb chops, steak-frites. Shouldn't you be doing something? Two smoked filets and a pepper steak. Come on, make the dessert. Chocolate tart please. As a cook, taste and smells are my memories, and now I'm in search of new ones. So, I'm leaving New York City and hope to have a few epiphanies around the world, and I'm willing to go to some lengths to do that. I am looking for extremes of emotion and experience. I'll try anything, I'll risk everything. I have nothing to lose. (light acoustic music) Our experience of Portugal was very much a step back in time, open fires, huts, fireplaces, and of course the food is very much like it was 100, 200 years ago, and they're proud of it. It's mind-boggling, you feel like you're in another century. Here I am, finally, in Portugal. What's different about Portugal than every place else? - Basically, in Portugal we eat a lot of fish and then we eat a lot of pork, and one of the great things is that any animal with just about everything, we don't let anything go to waste. - Nose to tail. - From the nose to tail, all the innards, everything. - You're scaring me. I'm going to Portugal to figure out Jose, my boss from Les Halles, the restaurant where I work. Jose is a maniacal foodie, loves food, loves cooking, loves talking about food, loves buying food, and his love for his country's cuisine has only gotten stronger since he left Portugal years ago. Jose's quirky obsession with Portuguese food is something that's always intrigued me. Knowing Jose, I suspect I'm gonna be eating a lot here. - Prepare the stomach for lunch. (laughs) - The town of Oporto, it's an old town, it's a pretty town. How old is this city? - Maybe from the 12th century, as as we know it. - Right. - Has been part of Portugal so, it's a very, very old city. - We quickly discover possibly the most important traditional staple of Portuguese cuisine, which is salt cod or bacalao as they call it here. Okay, this is the backbone of Portuguese cuisine, isn't it? - Exactly. - This is what it's all about. Why is that? - I guess there used to be a lot the bacalao North Atlantic and the Portuguese boats, at the time nobody cares about the Portuguese fishermen, would go to the North Atlantic, up to the Greenland, to fish or bacalao. - Right. - And they figured out a way to preserve it, both on the boats and then when it gets inland, because at the time there's no freezers. - [Anthony] No refrigeration. Back in the days when Portugal ruled the world, way before Swanson Hungry-Man frozen dinners, they needed a sustainable food for all those long conquering boat trips. They discovered that if they splayed out a cod and stuck it in salt, it would last a couple of years. That's a long time at sea. But what started out as survival food soon made its way onto their tables back home, it hasn't left since. - People started falling in love with bacalao and it becomes the basic, if there's a national dish, it'll be bacalao. - Now I understand why you don't like that stuff that comes with no bones in it in the little plastic bag. Well, like any food-crazy country, restaurants are known for specific dishes or specific things that they do well, and apparently Portugal has a lot of these joints. - Sure they left some things for us to eat while waiting for the fish to get cooked. You will see what-- - [Anthony] Oh, man, I'm ready. The first place Jose takes us is a workaday lunch joint called Redondo. Redondo is famous for merluza, particularly head of merluza. - If you don't know Redondo, if you're not a friend of Redondo, if you don't come here often, you cannot have the head. The head is reserved for the really special customers. - Fortunately, we're very special people. (Jose laughing) It should be pointed out, you don't make reservations for the night. You basically make them for life. This is your cousin's table? - Yeah, this is my cousin's table right here, he owns this table. - Okay. I know there's some elements of Portuguese cuisine that I already really, really like. And in fact, I've stolen a lot of those recipes and used them as my own over the years. So I'm here because I like the idea of just using every part to really understand how every part is valued. You know, you respect the ingredients, that's sort of the antithesis of what we do in the States. When you think sardine in the States, this is not the same animal at all, not salty, oily, stinky like we're used to. These are really good, really fresh and in this case, dredged in flour and eaten whole. - [Jose] You start by the head. - This is everything I like in food. Absolutely nothing goes to waste if you've got the whole thing, the whole fish. It's simple, it's straightforward, there's about, what? Two, three ingredients involved and it's good because it's good. You don't have to carve it into a silly shape and you can eat the head. (laughing) - I think these days I see more and more people want simple ingredients, very good, very fresh. Oh, here it is, here is the-- - Wow, here we go. Next, merluza. Merluza is like a giant capelin, very simple, very rustic. The Portuguese understand that the closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. - They cut it further down the neck so we have that little meat to it. - I got all the good stuff here, the cheek, the tongue, little boiled potato, curry, onion. - You want the eyeball too? - Yeah. I love-- - Would you love some? - Yeah, I'd love some. It's really light, really subtle flavor, ethereal, one might say. Basically, if you like filet, the fish, you will like eyeball, you got to get past your preconceptions about chewing on eyeballs. Now, for the tongue. The tripes a la mode. I love making it. I think it I make it pretty well but it smells like a wet sheep dog to me. Jose just loves tripe. He not only loves tripe, he likes tripe cooked in beans, preferably with some hooves and some knuckles and some blood sausage and some skin and some ears and some tails. That's something I probably would not have ordered had I come to this restaurant alone. - This is the best type of tripe, it's called the tripe brisee. See the beans, and there is the liquor we call (speaks in foreign language) vodka. That's the the calf's feet tip, it's the best. - Okay. - This dish, the reason it's called Oporto style, some time in history, Napoleon sent his troops and he did invade Portugal, and he ransacked everything so people will surrender, but they left with the innards of the animals that was the tripe, the stomach of the cows and maybe some other things and the people from Oporto came up with a dish that was the tripes to survive, and of course then it became a traditional big dish. - Okay, where's that little feet piece? Oh, here it is. See, I would be a full-blown tripe fan if I'd been eating it like this all the time. - Let's go. - That was fantastic. Thank you very much. It was wonderful, an eye-opening experience. It should be pointed out, I've been off the plane, what? Two hours now, I've had no sleep and jet lag. This man is enthusiastic to a fever pitch. Some Pro Spring pants might have been a good investment before this trip, because I get the idea I'm gonna be eating a lot, and I'm gonna be eating frequently. (light acoustic music) The city of Oporto, it's a port city. It's in northern Portugal at the mouth of the Douro River. It's a city that grew up around the making of, exporting of Port wine. The grapes may come from the Douro Valley but this is Porto town. - Now you are on the Quebrantoes, it's probably the most typical part of Oporto. You see all the Port wine signs, most of the familiar brands Calem, Sandeman Delaforce. - Right, I recognize some of these names. - So, this is where it all happens in terms of Port wine. This is the center of the of the business of Port so-- - The wine came from upriver. - Yes, from upriver. - On these boats. - On these boats, they were fortified with brandy and then it sailed down to England. - During one of their many scuffles with the French, the shifty British turned to Portugal for their wine, but found they could only keep it from going bad during shipment by adding brandy. And bingo, they invented Port wine. The result was that you look around the river and you see a number of decidedly un-Portuguese names. See, if you'd poured a few hundred couple of years ago, you poured a few 100,000 gallons of Port into the river from a little Port party and then started killing a few 1000 Englishmen, maybe you wouldn't have had this problem. - Maybe. (laughs) Well, let's go in there, it's really, really very nice. So in the old days these two had taverns and stores and some of them still have some taverns here. - [Anthony] The Portuguese is sort of defiantly happy about not having changed much at all. They seem to have decided early on, what's good, and stuck with it. - Here, you have a very old-style grocery store. Maybe on this side, maybe it'll be open. Yeah, it's open, so this is what a grocery store used to look like 900 years ago, so there's nothing changing here. This tin of the olives, the tremocos, the (mumbles), all these ingredients and it's same the style that people used to go and buy their supplies. - We're gonna eat some octopus now. Jose has been telling me all about this place for some time. People come from all over Portugal to eat octopus here. What's the name of the restaurant? - It's called Aleixo, and as you know, is very well-known for it's octopus rice and octopus filets. - Joining us for octopus is Jerry Luper, a winemaker from California, who settled in Portugal about seven years ago, here to grow grapes and to make new wine. - Sit down, everybody. Food on the table and the wine. - That's good. - This is another form of octopus. This is octopus salad, an octopus is boiled then mixed with a little vinaigrette. - Little bacalao balls, like meatballs, only cow. I knew I'd be eating a lot of bacalao because I just know Jose's obsessed with this stuff. He gets very upset if what he sees is substandard bacalao comes into the restaurant. He'd come in, look at it and say, "Send it back, I hate it, I can't live with it." Would it be fair to say that this is one of Porto's most beloved restaurants? - Yes, yes. - Preferred by locals. - And by foreigners and by, yes. If you really want to bring someone to savor the local food and really enjoy what is good and typical about Oporto, that's the place to be. - This is it. - Yeah. - Jerry, you're gonna tell us what we're drinking here with this. - Quinta Nossa Reserva Branco, white wine partially fermented in a barrel and then blended with wine fermented in stainless steel for freshness and butteriness of the wood, and goes very well with this kind of food. - I don't know (beep) about wine. I should not be counted on to recommend a good vintage. Fortunately, Jerry Luper knows everything about wine. That'll come in handy tomorrow. - Look how she cuts the potatoes without even looking. - [Anthony] These guys are great. - This is the special octopus. Like 90% of the people, they come here for this, only. (laughing) - Okay, Jose, tell me what we got here. - [Jose] This is octopus rice. They make it with the smaller piece of the tentacles. - [Anthony] Right in with the rice. - Yeah. And here you have octopus filets. It's very difficult to find somewhere else. - All right. - [Jose] First of all, they use fresh octopus that is fished locally, and second, that's what this restaurant is famous for and they've been doing this for 40, 50 years at least, so it's very very hard to the something as well as they do. - This is an operation, they've figured out what it is they wanted to do. - Exactly. - Figured out what they do well and they've been doing it relentlessly for years. - Exactly, so you want a piece of risotto? - Of course. Didn't I just see one hanging up on a wall somewhere? - Yeah, right there. - [Anthony] Yes, looking good. Tell us about this cheese. - Sheep's milk cheese, south of Lisbon. Setubal. - Setubal. - Hey, guys, so this is just how I like it. Meaning, this (mumbles) breaks, this stuff is seeking its own level. I'm frequently asked why vegans are the enemy of everything that is good and decent and must be hunted down and destroyed so their genes don't pass on to future generations. It's because if you can't enjoy even a nice stinky runny ripe cheese like this, you may as well kill yourself now. Now I have to ask you, does every Portuguese meal end with pork? - There is no wine on the table. (laughs) - It's a disaster, there's no meal, there's no meal. - I like Portugal, I like the food, but I'm very aware of the fact that this is not like cooking. And of course, at the end of the day I'm stuffed like an overjammed kielbasa. (speaking in foreign language) I am out of my league here. (light acoustic music) The next morning I wake up on an idyllic mountaintop in the Douro Valley wine country in a spectacular hilltop guesthouse courtesy of my friend Jerry Luper. I'm really looking forward to soaking up the amazing view of the vineyards below, but the weather has different plans. As you can see the weather's not so great. It was actually wonderful but the staff has informed us with very worried looks that, "You the Americans, you should leave very very soon "as the road no good." We'll hit the road before it washes out or we'll be living up here for the next six months I'm told. That doesn't look good. What the hell is this? This isn't like my travel agent told me. This is like "Escape from Witch Mountain" in the R-rated version. At some point, we're gonna meet that evil Jerry guy who sent us up to this mountaintop in the first place. His wine better be good. Jerry, thanks for getting us off the mountaintop. There it looked touch and go for any chilling anecdotes of herbalist tourists marooned up here. - As a matter of fact, a couple of weeks ago down on the main highway, a huge chunk of a hill fell down and submerged two cars that were passing by so we do need to get down the hill. Just a little background on the Douro, there are 40,000 hectares, that's nearly 6,000 acres of grapes and there are 33,000 owners of vineyard in that area. - [Anthony] Wow. - Down here you have the Douro River upstream all the way to Spain and the vineyards continue for another 20, 30 miles up the river. - [Anthony] This is wine country going back hundreds and hundreds of years. - Oh, yeah. And there's evidence that the Romans were here for gold, named the river, Douro, of gold. The Romans mined gold here and then when the gold ran out, they stayed and made wine. That was one of the Roman ways of keeping things settled down, and they'd keep the local people happy. - Keep them liquored up. Works with my kitchen. I didn't know wine country was so steep. (laughs) I think you're gently rolling hills. - Here it's very steep. Routinely you'll find slopes of 45 degrees. 45 degrees, if you look at the angle like that, that's pretty darn steep. Okay, this vineyard is called Cartola and the vines are about 70, 80 years old and they produce the wine we're going to drink with desert. - Wonderful. - [Jerry] After lunch. - As we can see, the water and erosion has caused a break in the wall here. We've got rock blocking the drainage. - It's a constant battle to keep this in conditions and takes a lot of work a lot of labor. - From about where we're standing to the tree line over there, how many cases of wine are we, best-case scenario? - Okay, we're talking about maybe, say 35 cases per acre times five, 165 cases of wine from two hectares. That's not very much. - Still, think about that next time you tuck into a really good wine. - Well, I think we came to the end of the road here. - Jerry's yammering on about vines and soil and rain. Meanwhile, I'm hoping that the road doesn't wash out and that I don't go tumbling to my death in a tangle of Land Rover parts and grapevines. This is a thin strip of road we're on here. Safe at the bottom of the mountain, we arrived at the quinta, the main farmhouse on the vineyard. - Okay, wine is on, dry white Port. Let's see what you think of this one. And a lot of people use it to make a cocktail in the summertime with some tonic, ice and peel of orange. - You know there's a classic rock and roll song called "White Port & Lemon Juice." ♪ I said W P boom boom L J ♪ (laughs) It's from my time. Okay, the kitchen is ready. It's nice to have these olives and wine but it's time to get into the real thing. - [Anthony] Jerry's got something special in mind for lunch, bacalao. There seems to be many many ways to make it. It's a constant theme. - [Jerry] It's called bacalao (speaks in foreign language) - So it's almost like a bread casserole but (mumbles) consistency and a nice crunchy top. - And you know, as they say in France, there's a cheese for every day, in Portugal there's a bacalao recipe for every day. - Yeah, we're noticing it's cod cod cod. - [Jerry] And the wine we're serving is a 1997 Chardonnay and hope it goes okay with the bacalao. - [Anthony] Next, a roast loin of pork stuffed with prunes, roasted, unsurprisingly, in Port wine. The French call this boulangere potatoes, meaning you cook the potatoes with the roast. So you get all that fatty greasy goodness. It's beautiful. - [Jerry] Here's the secret. The mole here in the juice is-- - Okay, I'm gonna have to have that plate back. (laughing) - And today you peel the potatoes. (speaking in foreign language) There's this thing, peeled or not peeled. - I know, it's the eternal struggle, isn't it? A cook never waits anyway. (laughing) - Double starch. Potato, rice. It's a thing at the Culinary Institute of America, where certain precepts are drilled into you that you must do this this way. I guess I found out that at least 75 to 90% of those precepts are absolutely false. (laughs) - Okay, this is a Tinta Roriz and it has a good amount of tannin which really goes great with a big dish. (wine bottle popping) Now, something very special. A 40-year-old tawny port, 40 years old. This wine started its life with this color and then with time it changes to a lovely almond orange. - Wow! Well there must be blood and bone involved because you're looking to move beyond the grape into the spiritual sense, you know, I'm getting lifeforce here. (laughing) I'm getting drunk. - [Jerry] And remember those vines I showed you. - We passed this neighborhood as I recall, yes. - [Jerry] Those grapes went into this wine. - I consider myself a professional drinker, but if this keeps up, I'm not gonna make it out of Portugal. (light acoustic music) (dramatic music) You know, like much of my time in Portugal, I have no idea where the hell I'm going. Jose says, "We're going someplace very good to eat baby goat." We arrived at Quinta da Llama, it means mud farm. I don't know why. Jose, we took some sinister-looking dark backroads to get here. I could never find my way out. Where are we exactly? - It's an old olive oil press. As you can see, it is all made in stone. They used to put here the olives and this wheel would come around and smash the olives. So this is not working anymore and they decided transform this into a countryside restaurant. - [Anthony] They're famous here for kid goat, roasted the traditional Portuguese way. - So they come here in the kitchen, and this to the original kitchen, as you can see, the old (mumbles) fire is there. Actually, our goat is in here. - Really? - It's cooking here. Do you see this seal here? - Yeah. - You used to show this with cow manure. - I'll live with this. - This is the way people smoked the sausage, staying up over here, over some kind of open fire and they are getting smoked. - [Anthony] This is seriously old school. Jose has a very extended family. Every 10 minutes somebody else enters into the room and it's, "This is my cousin, this is my brother, "this is my cousin." (laughing) - Actually this is one of my cousins. He is a very important person to meet because he actually is the CEO of the company that fishes for bacalao. - [Anthony] We know how important that is. - So maybe some of the bacalao that you've eaten so far might have been fished by his boats. - Hello. - [Anthony] After four hours of slow cooking, my little baby goat is ready to hit the table. - [Jose] Here it is. - [ Anthony] Oh, yeah. - The rice is underneath so the drippings will come over the rice, that's what makes it very tasteful. - The juice gets in there. - Yeah. - [Anthony] And gives that rice flavor. - [Jose] So now we can start eating. (laughs) - Let's eat. Like so many places in Portugal, it's the old way. We're talking real flame, real smoke, real flavor. - [Jose] Every single Portuguese meal, you have to start with cod fish. - I'm gathering that. Another festive casserole of bacalao! There doesn't seem to be much dilution. - Yes. - Of the original concept. Before there was restaurant food, there was own cooking, which was all about friends and family. Hey, give me a little greens there. And good-luck old stuff with a long tradition attached to it. Ah, incredible. I don't fully understand Portuguese cuisine, but I understand why Jose is Jose a little more now. The context for Jose's particular form of enthusiasm and madness. Generally, when he's passionate about a food item, it's because it comes from his childhood, and that's true of all of us. I think any dish that evokes memory, that you grew up with, has a powerful hold on you. And Jose is Jose because he's never forgotten that. (upbeat music)
Channel: GoTraveler
Views: 130,237
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Keywords: travel, gotraveler, cooking, new york chef, bourdain, anthony bourdain a cook's tour, go traveler
Id: e7EN2zL3vz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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