Another Top 10 Weird Al Parodies

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it might be crazy but you've been on top of the music parity game for over three decades you deserve a second list [Music] welcome to and today we'll be counting down another top 10 weird out parodies before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we'll be looking at song parodies his weirdness put out during his long career that we didn't include on our first list we'll be excluding takes on a particular band or performer style that don't parodies specific song as well as Al's original tunes if you're a particular favorite Weird Al parody doesn't appear here why not check out our first list top 10 Weird Al parodies number 10 pretty fly for a rabbi parody of pretty fly for a white guy by the offspring there aren't many who can make a funny parody of a song that was already pretty tongue-in-cheek to begin with but Weird Al can as proved when he took on the offsprings tale of a white suburban kid trying and failing to come across as a hardcore rapper and turned it into a tune about a really hip rabbi [Music] Yankovic rocks out while singing and rapping about everything from bar mitzvahs to locks on a bagel in a playful laundry list of all things Jewish naturally he also throws in a decent amount of Hebrew and Yiddish lines for good measure [Music] not my bolonia parody of my sharona by the knack I'll originally recorded this parody back in 1979 in a bathroom when he was still in college after sending the tape to the dr. Demento radio show it found fans instantly giving his career its first sparks of life as with much of Al's work its food-themed espousing his apparent love of a particular Oscar Mayer lunchmeat to the tune of one of the biggest hits of the day it also showcased Al's accordion playing with a particularly rockin accordion solo subbing in for the expected guitar solo this song was an introduction to an artist with decades ahead of him from Carbondale at number eight I lost on Jeopardy parody of jeopardy by the Greg Kihn band and this is Alfred Yankovic from Lynnwood California he may have lost on Jeopardy but Weird Al won at making parody songs and videos this vintage al tune was released a few months before the classic gameshow got the modern reboot with host Alex Trebek that we are most familiar with today this video featured the original shows host our Flemming presiding over Al's over-the-top loss as well as announcer don pardo and even a cameo by Greg Kihn the artist alle spoofing while ken was a good sport this is another example of the parody outlasting the original [Music] number seven bedrock anthem parody of give it away and under the bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers holiday yabba dabba double parody well this song is primarily a riff on the Red Hot Chili Peppers funky 90s hit give it away Weird Al manages to open it with a parody of the Bands other big song of the decade under the bridge it turns out that both of them also fit the theme of The Flintstones pretty well Al's video also proves that the Chili Peppers imagery somehow makes us quite well with clips from the classic cartoon he intersperses throughout [Music] it's another great example of how al excels when he mixes popular music with pop culture number six trapped in the drive-thru parody of trapped in the closet by our Kelly seven o'clock in the evening watching somethin stupid on TV this is one epic parody literally but considering it is spoofing a song that is essentially a multiple part mini movie it's appropriate while are Kelly's rmv opera deals with themes of violence infidelity and intertwined stories Weird Al keeps it simple I wanna get a chicken sandwich and I wanna cheeseburger - she tells the tale of a happily married couple trying to figure out what to have for dinner and eventually deciding on taking a trip to a fast-food drive-through he still delivers the lyrics with all the passion and intensity of the original the animated video for the song features a slew of characters though none of them looked like Al for a change [Music] number five party in the CIA parody of party in the USA by Miley Cyrus while lyrics about covert assassinations of foreign heads of state waterboarding and planning coos may not intrinsically lend themselves to a fun party song that's exactly where weird al' went with his parody of the Miley Cyrus hit harder in the USA [Music] in the party in this video for this song is animated and lets us follow Al from his first day at Langley through his missions and missteps taking cavalier and jovial attitude about some rather intense situations agents face or at least those they face in dramatic movies [Music] sarcasm is palpable and vintage weird ow I always get a doggie bag from the waiter so I just keep was Dylan's number for foil parody of Royals by Lorde Hana take it home save it for Nate this parody starts a familiar weird al' territory food or rather how his weirdness likes to avoid bacteria by storing his uneaten food in aluminum foil then it takes an unexpected turn launching into Illuminati style conspiracy theories for the song second verse of course Ella brings the pack is only he can in the final chorus by singing about how foil can be used not only to preserve food but to make hats that block alien and government mind probes the video for this song features an appearance by Patton Oswalt who of course reveals himself to be a lizard person at the end there's a big conspiracy [Music] number three word crimes parody of blurred lines by Robin Thicke featuring Pharrell Williams and Ti Weird Al Yankovic has a big dictionary and he wants everyone to know it or at least to know that he really cares about proper grammar not only is this song a funny lecture on how people misuse grammar on the internet it also provides several grammatical lessons all to the tune of Robin Thicke's blurred lines well some took offense at the ginyu endo in the original and criticized the video for being sexist the only people who may object to this parody are those guilty of the incorrect grammar alcohol's out number two Gump parody of lump by the presidents of the United States of America in this parody that screams 1990s I'll really nails this imitation of both sources he draws inspiration from not only does he get the sound and look of alt rock band the presidents of the United States of America down pat the video for the song hilariously recreates scenes from the hit Tom Hanks movie Forrest Gump [Music] the even insert Andy Como's version of forest into vintage footage of former US presidents the same way the film did with Hanks's character al takes attention to detail to a whole other level with this one [Music] before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions targets frightening [Music] my girl [Music] number one Yoda parody of Lola by the kinks met to Menace womp Tannen Dagobah where it bubbles all the time like a giant comedies Weird Al knows his fans and his fans know and love Star Wars we included the saga begins in our first list of parodies that was only a second trip to a galaxy far far away this first happened early in his career when he cleverly made the tale of Luke straining on Dagobah at the hands of everyone's favorite green Jedi fit the tune of Lola by the kinks [Music] it was a real crowd-pleaser that prompted joyous audience sing-alongs when it first came out and it still is today [Applause] [Music] do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from watch mojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
Views: 623,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weird Al Parodies, Weird Al Yankovic Parodies, Weird Al Songs, the offspring, miley cyrus, red hot chili peppers, the Kinks, Lorde, james brown, robin thicke, backstreet boys parody songs, music, comedy
Id: 6aOUGAqIupE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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