Another Top 10 Breaking Character Moments on Saturday Night Live

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here we go again welcome to 10 breaking character moments on Saturday Night Live well the other acceptable terms that I know of is the governess the kingmaker the Downton Abbey for this list we're looking at instances where SNL hosts or cast members couldn't keep it together during a sketch however we're excluding specials and things that didn't make it into the final show so behind the scenes footage of Larry David dying of laughter while rehearsing a sketch will not be included number 10 girlfriend's game night in 2018 Bill Hader hosted Saturday Night Live for the second time since leaving the show five years earlier and he left everyone including his co-stars in stitches in this sketch Hader plays Horus the elderly wheelchair-bound husband to SNL regular Cecily strong who's attending a game night with her girlfriends it's revealed that Horus has just popped a cialis causing strong to hop on his lap as the pill only lasts a couple of minutes Peter proceeds to use his vehicular prop to great comedic effect ultimately causing everyone involved to break character [Laughter] hater later discussed the scene on Late Night with Seth Meyers and once again struggle to contain his laughter here's to be ashamed of yourselves number nine Fernando's hideaway with Hulk Hogan and mr. t a recurring sketch from the 80s era of SNL involved Billy Crystal parroting Argentinian actor Fernando Lamas in a sketch called Fernando's hideaway I mean either way today was one of the biggest names in baseball it's got 12 letters and if I counted it myself crystal would slap on a thick Spanish accent and interview celebrities often getting their names and other tidbits of personal information wrong throughout the interview one of the most famous sketches saw crystal interviewing wrestlers slash actors Hulk Hogan and mr. t despite their attempts to keep a straight face Hogan and mr. t both break character near the end of the sketch after crystal ad-libs a line about exercise equipment it would appear that everyone is susceptible to breaking while in the presence of a gifted comedian like Billy Crystal number eight kissing family featuring SNL legends Andy Samberg Kristen Wiig Fred Armisen Bill Hader Kate McKinnon Maya Rudolph and Taran Killam as well as Paul Rudd this sketch is a blueprint for how to make a list comedic talent break character the kissing family is a recurring skit that involves an outsider being introduced to an overly affectionate family in this instance the outsider is played by Killam and he is justifiably shocked to learn that his boyfriend's family kisses each other on the lips among other things with zero regard for anyone else's feelings that's right sometimes we get so caught up in loving our own family we forget about Armisen cracks first followed by hater but there are fissures of laughter peppered throughout the entire sketch with this much talent in the room it's no wonder this sketch devolved into a full-on break fest number 7 Frankenstein's monster cracks up the late great Phil Hartman was a fixture on Saturday Night Live between 1986 and 1994 in that time he portrayed a slew of iconic characters not the least of which was his hilarious impression of Frankenstein's monster Tonto bred good Kemosabe in this sketch Frankenstein's monster Tarzan and Tonto are being asked what they think about things like fire and bread this naturally leads to some hilarious responses from the three famously poor speakers we actually have to applaud Hartman for staying in character as long as he did however even the best break eventually well that's all the time we have join us next week when we'll be talking with the cavemen from quest for fire for Hartman that moment came when he was asked how he felt about a recent nuclear arms treaty this stuff never gets old number six career day Adam driver helped SNL kick off their 44th season with a handful of hilarious performances that all deserve their time in the spotlight however this list is about actors breaking character so we'll focus on just one career day in the sketch driver plays an elderly and ruthless oil baron who visits his son's class for career day Pete Davidson plays the son and boy is he ever put through the wringer driver delivers a blistering performance causing Davidson to break character on multiple occasions including the first time he's addressed from there it's all downhill for the young actor as driver never once falters in his performance number five super showcase Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph took a forgettable gameshow sketch and elevated it to new heights with their hilarious fake European accents show Debra what was in her showcase the to SNL alumni play off each other beautifully though that means as soon as one breaks character the other isn't far behind things start to spiral out of control when the two women roll up in a golf cart while Wiig immediately catches the case of the giggles Rudolph manages to stay in character a little longer [Music] unfortunately the same cannot be said for bill hader who has to hide behind his hands to contain his laughter the whole thing culminates with a still laughing wig crashing through the set in a golf cart seriously how do they come up with this stuff number four right to extreme stupidity in this iconic sketch SNL legend Gilda Radner and host Candice Bergen proved that breaking character is as easy as flubbing a single line of dialogue you're not too bright are you I mean the slip-up occurs when bergen accidentally refers to Radner as fern which is actually the name of bergen's character well Bergen attempts to rectify her mistake Radner uses her trademark wit to destroy her quipping at this point all pretense of finishing the sketches plan has gone out the window has both women are dying of laughter and I should know it's moments like this that make SNL so much fun to watch number three quarks ogres in this hilarious sketch from 2004 host slash musical guest Janet Jackson visits a winery and learns how to soak corks from a group of Italian wine makers the scene is littered with double entendre z' meant to have viewers and stitches as you can see we are sucking all the [ __ ] in this room right now these three guys right here some of the most talented [ __ ] however as the writers probably assumed when they penned this side splitting Lee funny sketch it was the actors who were laughing harder than anyone with giggles emanating from all corners of the set Jackson can barely get her lines out and honestly we feel for her so does your wife like Sookie well she used to when we were dating now not so much however the biggest surprise was that perpetual character breaker Jimmy Fallon stayed composed throughout the entire sketch number two Jefferies in this 2001 sketch host Sean Hayes joined Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell in their Geoffrey sketch which sees the three men playing retail workers at a high-end clothing store yeah look we don't carry diesel we work at Jeffrey's we read Italian Vogue it's our deal the gag involves them being extremely rude and condescending to customers who they deem unstylish true to form Fallon is laughing before the skit even begins this is a genuine Looney Tunes jacket Heys breaks shortly thereafter and for the rest of the sketch the two men can barely contain their laughter for more than a few seconds once Will Ferrell appears on a motorized wheelchair this sketch is over and done with we're going to the Dolce Gabanna show how fast did you have your bags back from there off [Applause] I've got my jawed Lee enough this isn't the first time a clothing based sketch involving horatio sanz and Jimmy Fallon devolved into one giant character break session we give you the Leatherman oh it's the customers I'm actually feeling like the Fallon count is low on this list that's probably because he was all over our original list but it just goes to show a lot of SNL cast members cannot contain their laughter and the character we've got at number one was basically designed to force the actor to break character so let's look through some hilarious honorable mentions and then we'll see what's at the top drink all the red strap your water from Jamaica I shot the sheriff for example of like to sincerely apologize for the insensitive way I acted earlier sir I was uncomfortable with your vulnerability sir and I chose to max my anxiety with a giggle I was tall as the creek I hope you can't forgive me turn 1 why thank you pepper boy that's the perfect amount you pepper a black man named George Washington Carver developed a new method of soul soil improvement through crop rotation so I messed up shut up and drag is bad lily-white but across the swamp to put out that pass before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and bring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Stefan on Halloween fan favorite Stefan stopped by Weekend Update to advise partygoers on where to find some not so family fun on Halloween located in an abandoned white fish factory in little Israel Bill Hader breaks character numerous times something he'd replicate in an autumn themed appearance a couple of years later needless to say this place has everything skunks cave fobs Cookie Crisp has one YouTube commenter points out it makes you wonder whether hater developed Stefan's signature hand-over-mouth quirk as a way to hide his constant giggling well they have a Jewish Dracula Oh what's his name Sidney Applebaum throughout the clip Peter finds himself unable to speak overcome by laughter and while Seth Meyers does his best to remain composed he is far from invincible when it comes to keeping a straight face it's that thing of when a Mexican [ __ ] eats a lot of candy and any dances until you throw zap you know you've come up with comedic gold when hater is crying tears of laughter enjoy folks do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watch mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you [Music]
Views: 1,650,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Character Moments on Saturday Night Live, Breaking Character Moments on SNL, SNL Breaking Character Moments, Saturday Night Live Breaking Character Moments, SNL Cast Members Breaking, SNL Breaking, Breaking Moments SNL, SNL Cast Members Laughing, SNL Cast Members Cracking Up, SNL Breaking Character, bill hader breaking snl, That’s When You Break, SNL, Saturday Night Live, TV, Comedy, Sitcom, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Viral, Countdown, listicles
Id: m3Y_1DtQsjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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