A&E Biography Close Up - SNL 2002

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2001. in millions of homes across america sully and denise are saturday night live shows it still has what it takes to make america laugh it's not easy we were there the week this show went on the air our cameras were allowed where no outsiders have been before to see a process that hasn't changed in more than 25 years uh can i have a sandwich please what you'll see tonight is how snl got on the air in the first place and how a room full of ideas on monday turns into 90 minutes of live comedy in less than six days number eight mustaches on women are sexy studio 8h nbc rockefeller center saturday night live executive producer lorne michaels roams the stage it was michael's back in 1975 who decided to revive a form of television that was all but extinct live sketch comedy he's still here the nature of it is is every time out every week is a different set of problems and a different set of challenges which is why i'm still there and why it's it's there's no nothing else like it it's exhilarating because the chance of complete failure is never far away [Music] you know in most things people say can i do it again you know i'd like to try that one more time i think i can do a better job well there's none of that with us they're just it's that and the moment you're doing it the audience is seeing it and it's real and there's jeopardy you know and and that leads to people being better than we have any right to expect amy we're going to do a liver treatment okay even when it's their first time on the air i remember thinking i just hope i don't trip or fall this liver is harder to rock [Applause] like i couldn't believe i was on live television and i just wanted to say my lines and not trip i'll tell you something amy you know you would be such a lifesaver if you told me that you still have that extra liver in your bag actually you know i believe that i do belushi's samurai the coneheads the lupners gumby the church lady wayne's world and the cheerleaders all burst into our living rooms from this stage when i first got snl the cast when they were all assembled went and did some improv down on the stage because we just wanted to feel what the stage felt like i was started going like this and will started doing it with pharaoh and we just started act like acting like real serious cheerleaders it's pretty much a place of of you know hey you know that one thing we were joking about let's write that up okay why not yeah let's try it why do you let them watch the mtv don't start with me you don't start with me you like it when they talk like rap people that exquisitely simple idea of making your friends laugh is the premise of the show it haunts and humbles anyone who thinks they're funny enough to work here candy could your parents have a good trip to europe i don't know why don't you ask them [Laughter] beyond a television eternity lorne michael still controls the show he invented he's kind of always just encouraged whatever ideas i've had but he also kind of he keeps a little bit of a distance too which i think he wants to maintain that a little bit you know so he's not like your daddy no he's he's he's kind of like the principal a little bit i've been sitting in your car for like an hour and i'm tired of being treated like your [ __ ] yeah yeah it's incredible it's it's it's uh it's a dream come true it's pretty it's pretty amazing and then asking matt damon can you do a cameo he's like sure and it happens you know it's like that's just so weird it's great well i think you want to call it dr matthew no please all right good work it's like you put in the room these writers and cast members and they're all nuts and you know that you're crazy and everyone's nuts and you say you're crazy i know you are too rob reiner has tapped into what must be every young american's fantasy to grow up to become president to have your wife die and be left with the trappings of the office free and unattached i'm never not thinking about 11 30 saturday night you know not ever it's always a countdown it absolutely is and i think i think the phrase i heard lauren used once was the show goes on at 11 30 not because it's 11 not because it's ready but because it's 11 30. oh thank you very much the first time i went to the studio was very overwhelming because um you see the set the set has been home base has been home based for the whole time it's amazing that was violence on television not violence violence oh that's different yes never mind i think you have to try to not think of who's been there before you'll you'll you'll freeze up you'll panic i know especially that when when jimmy and i started doing update we we're sort of like we we just have to do you know the best we can do and not worry about the shoes that we have to fill because there was some big shoes the big shoes nbc was trying to fill in 1975 belonged to johnny carson president ford has announced that he is taking immediate action on inflation that we should all tighten our belts the bad news is we already ate our belts reruns of the tonight show ran on weekends carson wanted that stopped the king of late night got his wish i had no background in entertainment at all and it was my assignment i had a year to roam around the country and put together a comedy show that would air in that time period nbc hired 27 year old dick eversol to come up with a replacement for the carson reruns the show was essentially to be whatever i came up with and if it had any kind of traction that guaranteed it would stay on the air six months so they gave you six months yeah ebersol thought he'd be able to do dozens of pilots nbc said he'd get just one one chance at saturday night he chose you and he chose me which was a very smart choice and now it's time once again to talk to our old friend the canadian lorne michaels was a writer and producer from canada who started out as a performer and how's the wife oh pretty good i'm pretty good oh she's really that's him on the left playing straight man to a beaver the bear is turning off michael's found he preferred working behind the camera but writing for tv comedies like phyllis diller and the enormously popular laughing surprised him it wasn't much fun it's not telling jokes it's just that spirit that uh the goofiness the just the fun of it um was missing michael's envisioned a show more like britain's monty python groundbreaking unconventional and less predictable he tried to communicate that to the suits at nbc they listened to what i said and i used all the words that people use all the time which were like that it would be a little experimental and i knew that it would be a repertory company and i knew that there would be a different host every week and i knew that there'd be uh short films on it and i knew i was gonna do a news segment and i knew that i was gonna have musical guests eyewitnesses say that the bees are yellow and black the network bought michael's concept they had no idea they had just agreed to host a revolution wait a minute you must be them that's right green gold the killer beast [Music] when biography close-up returns lorne michaels hires chevy chase and john belushi it's uh live television anything goes on that you wanna [Music] [Music] the 17th floor nbc rockefeller center the cast of saturday night live shuffles into lauren michael's office every writer and cast member is expected to have at least one idea for this week's show to me it's like you know like final exams every week it's that intense and it's it's a little schizophrenic in the sense that you can have a tremendously successful saturday night show everything's gone great you know and and then you go to the party and you feel great and then you went hip you know you're in new york everything and by monday night if you don't have anything you're really in a panic because you don't have any ideas here [Music] waiting for the cast is lorne michaels and this week's guest host gwyneth paltrow thanks for having me back everybody i'm eating all lauren's popcorn i'd say the first two years i was there i had a difficult time pitching my skits i would uh be very terrified that uh it would get the idea i thought was so great i would get shut down in the room and there was no uh getting out of it if you if sometimes when you would pitch something on a monday and nobody laughed it would have a bad spin on it already there's a bit of tension in the room not a lot something like a low-grade fever just enough to feel uncomfortable lauren calls it the host meeting and we call it the pitch meeting i have a couple ideas that you would be a hostess at like a new york hot dog stand like you have a little um podium you know you're right in front of that name you know if you're going to want to go i don't think he likes it that we call it the pitch meeting it's the host meeting a writer's meeting with me maybe something about uh this trend in movies if the pitch pleases michael's and pleases paltrow chances are the idea will go somewhere seems easy enough after all most of the cast learn their craft at improv groups like second city and the groundlings i got this character for me you call it one um one is called uh sugarfoot jones and they like dance instructors and you know i have to say this commercial type scene where i sing on like michael mcdonald i was [Music] and maybe a scene where we worked at a place called lunchbox it's a kind of comedy poker you want to be bold enough to show you're in the game but not show everything you have new to the game this year writer emily spivey um i had an idea where you would be lee greenwood's wife encouraging him to write another song emily just bluffed she really doesn't have a thing bluffing in this room can be risky i usually don't go to decoy wrap um the lee greenwood thing was a little bit of a decoy but it got a laugh so then i i sat down and tried to write it so we'll see i play this dude named ollie michaels first started listening to pitches in this office in 1975 and for the next three months wandered the comedy circuit searching for talent deer were running in rockefeller center at that point because the city was going broke there was nothing but space available at 30 rock we looked at various places for offices and ended up on the 17th floor and then i began hiring people nbc wanted michael's to hire mainstream talent like impressionist rich little and football star joe namath instead michael sought a cast that more resembled the audience he was trying to attract a group of disaffected baby boomers that became known as the not ready for prime time players first among equals was a comedy writer named chevy chase i met chevy on a line at a thing called filmex which was a sort of film festival in l.a waiting to see the new monty python film michael's offered chevy a job as a writer chevy wanted to be a performer they couldn't make a deal so chevy walked away so i just turned it down and started to do a play with paul lind and i just was the wrong guy for it so i picked i went to a pay phone only perhaps a day before i was to be fired anyway and called lauren in new york says that offer still good and he said yes it is would you please put the patient to sleep certainly our sermon at this evening is brought to you by chevy had also appeared in a stage show called national lampoon's lemmings a perfect example of the kind of humor popular in clubs and concert halls in the 70s that just wasn't seen on tv all right the first decision is always the most difficult lemmings also featured a young christopher guest the performer everyone came to see though was john belushi first of all i'd like to welcome you to the woodchuck memorial festival of peace love and death belushi wanted to be on michael's new show yet he acted as though tv was somehow beneath he says i know you're doing this television show and i said yeah we're doing he says uh you know i i i don't do television uh there's nothing good on television so i say right i mean you that's a uh i certainly respect that and but you know what i'm doing is is a television show so uh thanks for coming in and uh and he said well no i i mean i you're gonna be doing something different and everybody says that you're on to and i go but i don't want you to do me any favors against his instincts but at everyone else's insistence michael's hired belushi here's a camera test of belushi that's never been shown on television before okay let's look on the eyebrows now ready right eyebrow up down up down up down and start okay left up up down up down up down okay up down up down fine good wager much to belushi chagrin it was chevy chase who became the star chevy's did this thing that could make me laugh more than anything which was he'd fall but he'd fall in a restaurant he could take out you know you take out a table he was just brilliant doing it and then somehow jerry ford fell fortuitously and then somehow chevy became gerald ford [Applause] he was writing and michaels knew he was connecting with the audience michaels had planned to save one segment of saturday night live for himself the news parody he performed on his own show in canada the future of the canadian puck industry is now being seriously threatened the reason dutch puck disease that too went to chevy and now weekend update with chevy chase no i love it when you make noise he wanted to say i don't know i'm walter you know crank case or something like that and i said no i i'm looking at that it was just sloppy comedy and then went i gotta go and and so i went no you say your own name and so he did good evening i'm jeffy chase and you're not and i think because he did people know who he was immediately and then the next thing you know he's on the cover of new york night yeah yeah and everything began to change when biography close-up returns staying up late then i only did cocaine to stay awake to make sure no one else did too much and now carbs the key to good comedy we're pretty lame now compared to what i've read you know happened we're very like people have beers once a week and uh we get real excited if we bring in donuts it's gone from uh heroin to krispy kreme it's but so is america really don't you think [Music] the very first saturday night live relied on guest host george carlin doing his stand-up routine talking about a live show don't move there's a bee in your hand but by week four when candace bergen hosted it began to look more like the show we see today just go on ignore the bee i'll take care of it you're just going just really it was like the inmates took over the asylum and uh it was it was thrilling [Applause] oh i won't hurt the bee no i'm just a script just gonna shoot away go a little beat i remember it was a complete out-of-body experience and um and i remember lauren saying to me afterward that i look like patty hearst as the sla flung open the door to her apartment i'd like everybody's attention please i have an announcement to make thank you very much ladies and gentlemen due to the low nielsen ratings we at nbc have decided to unfortunately cancel star trek fire my command the adrenaline and energy on stage reached through the tv it was raw immediate unpredictable the culture of america's baby boomers had finally found its way to tv the revolution was being televised spear chucker white trash jungle bunny bunker spade honky hunky [Applause] even the stayed gray new york times thought it was funny calling it the most important thing to happen to tv comedy since sid caesar in the 50s the ratings were not yet great but the buzz was unbelievable saturday night live stunned the tv establishment that first season by winning the emmy for writing and i just want to reassure buck that we are writing at the moment and even as i'm speaking now writing is going on and the show will go on on saturday teddy chase chevy collected an emmy along with the rest of the writers but he also won for his acting as he was accepting the emmys he was planning to leave the show needless to say this is uh totally expected on my part i wish i hadn't left i did i i had to marry this girl that i was in love with lauren knew was the wrong girl for me everyone knew but i didn't know i was infatuated did you feel betrayed when chevy left the show um betrayed is strong i think we were too close for that i i didn't really understand it when it was happening because he was so much a part of uh of the creation of the show how did it affect your relationship with lauren when you said i think badly and it was bad because uh and but he'd never say that and i and and and we were more like this today but never quite the same chris just look at their schedule try to work it all out what is the same since 1975 is the tuesday night writing session it begins about six o'clock this by the way is not network television it's a late night television little difference this is actually day old food we get a little special on it uh it still tastes just as good those great ideas pitched to lauren and gwyneth on monday now need to turn into comedy you're gonna be like staying at the fourth season yeah we would be like ellen john staying at the four seasons like offering up assistance to people in the in the sauna like trying to get people massages and [Music] neck rubs and stuff some of the writers in cast will stay till three or four in the morning others will still be wrestling with a joke or a punchline when the sun comes up you just walk around have coffee joke you know mess around and you wait for inspiration i i think most people do i don't i don't think a lot of us spent a lot of time off the show you know jotting down ideas although that would be a good idea but it just it never seems to come like that what are you guys working on we're doing fine denise we're thinking about maybe them going to their fall formal i like the schedule i like staying up late on tuesdays with uh the writers and and thinking we had something funny and uh and jamming all night long and trying to make it as good as we can make it so you're working in a sketch yeah right right here and uh you have the idea for it i've got the open on i've created the setting right and yet there's no dialogue so but that's where this button comes f8 watch no wrong button f6 types it all up for you nope wrong button we call her crayola but she prefers chanterelle finding out what's funny is often a matter of trial and error writer and cast members in a search for silliness do you like clayton i like all three i mean i like having it does it make sense like her nickname is one thing but her name is i like her nickname i like it her nickname is crayola you know my crayola but she prefers chanterelle he works because her real name is wendy there will be a read-through of all the new material tomorrow afternoon if the writing isn't completed tonight it's too late for this week's show are we going to get into the running into the back of the car now we're getting into her name writers often hook up with cast members to work on a sketch but the writers write for whomever they please so the cast knows the best way to ensure themselves a place in the show is by writing themselves into it leaving a note for a writer here he's late do you ever panic on tuesday night a little bit if i can't like if i arranged writing something with somebody and he's too busy right now you're late it's like i don't want to wait till two in the morning to start chris see yeah you gotta keep things simple here because uh if comedy gets uh too complicated it's just not fun so sometimes well right now i have a couple ideas so i think i'll be okay i think unless they're not funny some people didn't go home last week i left about 4 30 which is pretty early for me once you're performing it it's fun that's the fun part it's the writing and like the worry of is this funny enough and what character should i do and should i bring this character back and what's the host going to want to do and it's a lot of anxiety yep yeah probably a perfect job for me this is where you you start just for me actually what i do is i open up the thing like i'm gonna write a sketch and then she sits here until uh about four in the morning we have these buck two english girls who love horses but we're just trying to put them in the sea i think where i like those god hunters yeah dennis had written this sketch a couple years ago it was like um these two guys flacco and uh teddy selling martin luther king day trees which were like old christmas trees uh and tracy's flocco and he was saying that it would be really funny if you and tracy could do these characters you'd be a new one and you'd be selling like bunk like anthrax protection unit you know likes like old pantyhose you put over your face or like you know lemon pledge or something like that you'd spread your skin like just a whole bunch of like bunko products that you're trying to make a buck with okay and we can punch it up um yeah okay right i'm just typing for now just nervous guys cast names gweneth timmy i like maybe katan or will i put him well for now he's always easily solid open on let's say office that's a lot of work right there i'm probably going to take a break now hey come on myself gonna get more than stickers tomorrow my sketch is gonna get twizzlers tomorrow starburst is what's gonna happen tomorrow that's what's gonna happen tomorrow here on the 17th floor i'm enjoying what you they're gonna get out of my sketch tomorrow joy at least maybe not almonds so much she really gets me yeah she does she gets you everything every time she gets me snickers is the same joke my disgusting snickers tomorrow there are nights where i have so much fun that i can't believe i'm getting paid to laugh so hard just late night delirium where you're amusing yourselves and you're on a roll about something and but we do have a joke all the time of people going through the halls doing a big comedy bit and laughing and doing a big accent and you know climbing around and putting something on their head you always go they don't have any ideas this is how saturday night live gets written i'm not colin it's me colin quinn oh it's colin good to see you again it's one o'clock i still haven't done anything that's what happened i'm out of it that's pretty funny if it's revealed that they can't really read or write that they're just hoarse they've got a good horse just how special this place is um being here on a tuesday one night it got thick up there you know you want to clear your head so i came down to the eighth floor which where we are now the age nobody down here but a soul and i can't hear my dress room and i can just feel the spirits you know john belushi and i'm not saying that that ghost or anything like that but you know you could feel it and it kind of shook me and i ran to the elevator back upstairs where everybody else was when biography close-up returns try making these guys laugh [Music] music composer and arranger dan rosengard is in early wednesday morning he has a phone message from maya rudolph explaining the concept for a song in a sketch it sort of got that like we realized later in the middle of like the [Music] from um phone message rosengard and musical director lenny pickett will craft the instrumentation and sound that will turn maya's idea into a music video [Music] a year's worth of sketch music looks like this this was last season but of that you know maybe a quarter of it made it maybe you know and a lot of the stuff that gets completely produced gets thrown out after dressers it's enough cool when they were doing television when when sid caesar was doing a stroke they did it exactly the same way tuesday night's lighting session turned out 27 new sketches sometimes it's 40 or more watching all the collating we couldn't help but wonder if somehow rob schneider's making copies guide got his inspiration here [Music] it's now wednesday afternoon and time for the read-through will on an amy sit around dining room table silently eating their food amy's will and on his teenage daughter i ran into mike reynolds today down at the car wash and he told me [Music] it never stops being creative like whenever i'm grumpy about it i come in and i don't will puts me in that family dinner sketch it can be like like christmas you know you sit down and look at that pack and you're like oh my god i have all these cool characters riding the stationary bicycle the writers and cast are joined by the designers the technicians and the nbc sensor what was hilarious at three in the morning is sometimes less amusing now i'm spotting my signature cream colored tux as well as the top hat i bought last summer at hats in the belfry and quincy not too shabby read through that royal you got to do it but it's a bunch of jaded comedy nerds in there these are my own creations famous shots in a blanket you know no one laughs they all just sit around and go it was funny or you feel like a fake like haha in just three days the show will go on the air what's in it will come primarily from this read-through what doesn't make it and that's most of the material written last night will be tossed aside from me this saturday work on the korean crunch off really you know i will but i i thought we were gonna go see mike in the mechanics and then go home and see miami it is a very quiet room i mean this is the third like comedy show i've worked on and it's a harsh room it's a you know a jaded we've heard it all kind of room since everyone wants to get their own material on the show it's not always a good idea to laugh at someone else's sketch they immediately go to the doctor assuming they have anthrax turns out it was only their cause they've been trying to poison them isn't that just dreadful i mean don't you we writers gain nothing by showing our appreciation for other writers works she's completely out of it by takeoff i know i heard that when she came to she had an extra magical haircut and it married the gay person during the flight isn't that just the limit i love it it's not in a writer's interest to laugh hardly at someone else's because if in fact the way a sketch is picked is that it gets the biggest laughs well by rooting audibly for someone else's stuff that isn't really helping your own work you have to also remember that no one's had any sleep so you have about 100 people sitting in a room that have had about three hours of sleep in a hot room and i've had so many times where i've i've had something that i was so excited about and thought oh this this is going to do well and then you can just tell if they're not into it at the beginning when the the whole idea is unfolding and you just kind of go this just doesn't isn't going to go pray tell what mischief now screw it five and one troll [Laughter] [Music] while it's important to make the room laugh it's even more important lauren thinks it's funny um i think there's been some mistake i was supposed to get a bikini wax from a white guy damn you know blacks aren't just shooting shots and transporters anymore with doctors lawyers accountants we also wax ladies doodles when they come along michael's at that table i shoot high i'm looking to get lauren to spit his carrots out cause lauren sits he drinks water and he eats carrots through the whole read-through and he's seen it all every trick in the book so when i'm doing my sketch i'm trying to go hard to get him spitting popcorn out and spitting carrots out and i've done it i've done it like seven times and that was that's like the bullseye you hit his funny bone bow i can't wait to put this on television hi welcome to lubbock state penitentiary i'm orton i'm orton roy groomas and welcome to the first local televised execution of convicted mass murderer dean slidell michael's has always been eager to test the limits of what's funny make up can we get in here please sorry fellas dean honey having a little bit of trouble with your face here got an angry nose shadow can you get that francis yeah you're perfect you're perfect okay in season two chevy was gone but that meant there was more time for the rest of the cast now how did the iq of white intellectual uh intellectual superiority originate in the first place well that's a very interesting point my theory is that it's based on the fact that light-skinned blacks are smarter than dark skinned and there was a new cast member bill murray he was not an immediate hit i'm a little bit concerned i don't think i'm making it on the show i'm a funny guy but i haven't been so funny on the show my friends say how come they're giving you all those parts that aren't funny well it's not the material it's me some in the audience resented the newcomer they saw as chevy's replacement this morning i picked up my laundry the guy says to me bill you know every time you come in here you say something funny but i saw you on the show saturday night and you stunk okay beldar conehead that's great now since you're you're currently employed as a driving school instructor steve martin became a frequent guest host the raiding sword isn't this the drink the astronauts took to the moon every catchy line became a part of the american lexicon jane you ignorant [ __ ] cheeseburgers excuse me in seasons two three and four saturday night live was a show as much worshiped as watched to miss it was to be left out there's no other pair of jack brothers who cruise and swing so successfully in tight slacks we are two wild and crazy guys they became an establishment of their own because their success was was so sustained and their impact on the culture was so huge i once thought i must have met everybody who did anything of note in the 70s because they all came to show they either were hanging out at the show or uh or on the show there was just sort of a lot of people coming one way or another to hang around they were a friend of a writer or a friend of someone or they were working as a helping in some manner or or they were just drug dealers i guess a president's view on marijuana well i guess if they're gonna legalize it might as well learn how to drugs then were easy to get and viewed as basically benign for some of the snl cast drugs became a convenient crutch and i think anybody will tell you anybody who's becomes a big famous star is uh going to be scared to death and they're all going to self-medicate every one of them because why because they're so frightened and sure they're going to be caught someday somebody's going to find out that they're really not that good i always say it would be impossible to do the kind of show we do week after week and do drugs which actually was the opposite of the truth but but it sounded good well it's a buried treasure is it buried in the lawn no it's buried on uncle roy was going on behind the scenes on the air america kept laughing saturday night live could do no wrong nor could its cast john belushi starred in animal house and the blues brothers a routine belushi and acroid put together to warm up the audience was suddenly making hit records at that time saturday night live was the number one television show animal house was the number one movie and the blues brothers first album was the number one uh album all at one time and to my knowledge no one's ever done that since or before the blues brothers went on the road they sold out everywhere doing saturday night live became less important [Music] you felt that you had you had to strike when the iron was hot you had to go with what you have so yeah it did the police brothers kind of did take john and dan away from saturday live a year early belushi and aykroyd were released from their contracts in season five the show would go on still hot but cooling quickly we've given you everything you wanted the spiked sword we gave you the spike sword you wanted the slave girl we gave you the slave girl is this how you thank us i don't know your mother when she talks to you the first show of the fifth season was uh steve martin again and i remember being in a sketch called the vandals in which i played the part belushi would have played and uh i remember being on the air playing the part thinking this would be so much better if belushi were doing this which is not what you should be thinking as an actor the rocket that was saturday night live was coming back to earth you're very lucky to have parents like those brad you listen to them they're good parents lieutenant have the three of them put to death something could only be avant-garde for so long before it became guard and i mean i think you know you can never have that kind of excitement and freshness that it had when it was the only thing like that on television and it was just people were just locked out of their seats by like what is this weirdness to make things worse times were tough at nbc network president fred silverman couldn't buy a hit which made him a right target you know who gets complete door-to-door limousine service from nbc fred silverman now here's a guy who is a total unequivocal failure okay the guy's been here two years and he hasn't done diddly squad we basically uh had contempt for network executives and the idea that that someone would come in and tell us what to do was laughable which is we learn later not the way it necessarily always works silverman never did like the show now it was personal the cast five-year contracts were running out everyone including michaels was exhausted and keeping him around was apparently not a network priority in the way that chevy says uh if somebody just put their hand on my shoulder and said we want you to stay i think if the network had done that with me i think i probably would have stayed but i think what i most wanted was some sense of being appreciated and i think you can ask for almost anything except being appreciated when biography close-up returns saturday night dead it was america's most loved television program and we were ruining it [Music] nothing says hey scary foreign people don't mess with america more than my song the wednesday afternoon read through continues [Music] i don't have any other songs i don't know how to write songs that aren't about how much i love the usa emily's lee greenwood sketch is pretty good but not good enough of the more than two dozen sketches offered up today 12 will be picked to go into production the criteria above all is it funny i love you i love you when i had my first single 30 years ago i never imagined that one day all of my dreams come true when numerous grammys marry elvis's daughter turn my back mom into an amusement park and make out with a llama and then have my nose surgically replaced with an electric socket [Laughter] then is it arable one of the funniest sketches we heard was about an adult film award show okay okay i'm finishing up and i have a message for osama bin laden just like my character said and when larry ate sally too racy even for saturday night stick it up then is it doable latin production number maya's flamboyant latin talk show host rebecca wearing a white strapless mini dress she is flanked by dancers wearing congas and accordions and colorful ruffled bolero tops close up of ratio in a sequin jacket and feathered hair can the production team build the set or perform the technical wonders the sketch demands what are you saying i left the water running i did don't tell me that i can't help it i now remember oh god that house is flooding [Music] that does it i'm turning the car around i think fear's gonna go after read through michael's and a handful of senior staff meet behind closed doors to discuss what will be chosen to be produced this week does gemini's twin have anything at the top can all the sketches fit into the studio i mean before she comes in can the star in cast make the costume changes are the sketches different enough to provide real variety i'm just trying to think if i can do it if we can go right on monologue as long as you don't put jimmy and rachel in the mall on where are you gonna put king of pops i'll be home base mega's at home today selling denise is not gemini's twin uh is not but they probably for hardball are gonna have to be all over the studio remember can somebody else go into attibury's for catan is he necessary for that he certainly committed to it now with that said i don't know what i'm going to say to you friday night sorry it's only wednesday so this is it yeah immediately as decisions are made about what sketches will be produced a room full of costume and set designers scramble to put form to idea it's a chaotic and creative frenzy they're they're they're strip lights i understand you just put duvetyne over them or even black tape tom from sally and denise what would you like her to look like she could have a sexy look to it you know i think if you start doing the dance the energy and anxiety level gets ratcheted up a notch because in 72 hours the show goes on the air keep it moving his chin and his face would be pushed out and make his face look small he can basically just wear white gloves for his hands sets must be built costumes sewn and time is at a premium when i i'm looking at a flag right now i'm gonna i'm from the bottom going up i'm going to come up two more strikes especially if you need an american flag that's 48 feet wide see that's the problem is we spend all this i don't know it's two minutes of the show and it's five hours of time just discussing it when there's a whole rest of the show to do when i was originally trying to figure out the schedule because i'd only really done specials i'd never done this kind of series uh the the best i could do was get it down to uh two weeks and then there was just no way to do it in two there just wasn't the two weeks so what i did was i put two days on each day but in 1981 lorne michaels was no longer with the show season six of saturday night live started with an all-new cast and a new producer gene dominion replaced michaels it was awful it did the show was awful they called it saturday night dead and it was well deserved it was so bad it was like you'd be walking down the street people would say hey you're the new guy for the new saturday night live right there yeah they say you stink you know it wasn't that bad but it was we just didn't have time to gel all the good intentions were there and we were god awful there's gonna be a high pressure system in the midwest for most of next week god's will sweetheart what do you want from me the ratings dropped like a stone by the end of january they were down to half the audience the show had had the year before i mean they'd literally lost half the rating am i working stiff that's all i am i just like this working actor that's all i've ever wanted to do and to go on i try to replace these i mean it was america's most loved television program and we were ruining it i said snow starting out in the rockies saturday night live had become a joke domain was fired and nbc turned to one of the show's founding fathers to save it when biography close-up returns gemini's twin with a message for america i think i'm starting on like three noon thursday each of the sketches that has gone into production requires polishing rewriting anything i am so lucky in one room the writers are reworking and any acceptance speech for will ferrell for the emmy he didn't win there might be some funny joke in there thursday is my least favorite day the rewrite day it's arduous it's long um it's i hate it actually one wasn't crazy about this stuff about the his other name writing sketch with someone or by yourself is more fun than trying to improve a sketch that you didn't write it's not a fire no it's like a feel like doc severance i feel a responsibility sometimes to try to make things work at the rewrite table when maybe i know that i don't i don't know that they are going to work it's and it's just a long boring day it feels like a school day i think you got it yeah i could replace the amusement park with the sleeping in a knife even an oxygen canister you like that better yeah in another room hugh fink and dennis mcnicholas discuss potential guests for thinks michael jackson sketch who would be funnier whitney houston or the elephant man's bones you could do like you could just do famous people then do like a long run of like seven just child actors you don't really know a little bow wow these kids are like that and stuff like that can you paint box them so that they're shirtless these pills got it all it protects you against anthrax lyme disease ringworms and ashy elbows in studio 8-h dean edwards and tracy morgan run through their flocco and rufus sketch by then so you want to be like the sets aren't finished they're being built at the brooklyn navy yard director beth mccarthy makes do with a garbage can you can grab the boom box and press play and put it back down don't worry about her look because i can go further up i don't know how far the rehearsals and blocking go on all day it's not much fun there's a feeling that people are only here because they have to be mark that changes early friday morning silver cup studios in queens james senorelli saturday night live's resident filmmaker shoots the music video featuring gemini's twins saturday night send up of destiny's child no expense is spared it will look like the real thing on mtv 36 hours we should be finished by this piece nine o'clock tomorrow morning saturday yeah 24 hours what she has to do there is she has to have some you know right and you have to do when she's coming in there right now watch it watch 24 to 26 hours that's about as fast as it can go and it's also as long as it can take mercifully by lunchtime anna maya and gwyneth are back at nbc studio 8h is starting to hum now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you use it as an insurance then there'll be a vacuum the sketches are run and we run are we doing this again we are going to do it again very soon the repetition helps the cast and camera people develop a comfort level with the material built in brooklyn are made in pieces small enough to fit into an elevator then crammed into studio 8h a space originally designed for radio see how easy we make it [Music] by the winter of 1981 lorne had left and nbc's mega hit saturday night live had tanked dick ebersol became the new executive producer and while he admits he didn't know much about show business he did recognize the talent of a newcomer just out of high school anytime we get something going good y'all got to move in on it in the 60s you want platform shoes then you'll have to wear platform children in the early 70s we braided our head then in the late 70s you had to break your head now it's 1980 we on welfare by the end of next year y'all gonna be on welfare too i said who's he and they said well he's in a few of the shows he's an extras name's eddie and man i mean i knew i mean that god if i took this job god had given me the greatest gift in the world because this kid had more talent than anybody before since in the history of the show i'm old and i've worked with everybody but i don't know that i've seen anybody that that fluid on camera that naturally funny why am i here why am i here why am i here working with this no talent drunken hypochondriac horse that nag could not get a job on a merry-go-round look millions of people they're going to turn on their sets tomorrow night because they want to see gumby and pokey back together again the great team reunited look i swore i would never work with that lame plug nag again look face it gumby you're having trouble getting plato commercials you need this let me tell you something mr smarty alec i don't need anybody i don't need the money from my residuals from my old show i can buy this network i'm a very rich piece of gum baby saturday night live's very survival depended on murphy he delivered calvin klein [Music] [Applause] okay i had to figure out how to get eddie into a live show as many times as possible in the first half hour because one thing's never changed about saturday night live from 75 to 2001 or two and that is you gotta have the goods in the first half hour there is no competition the saturday night live there never has been other than sleep ebersol had murphy but he had also sought the support of lorne michaels this third incarnation of saturday night live had his blessing and i'll never forget he the day before the show was to come back on the air he had his long time assistant walk over to the studio and hand me this very small box and in the box was the duck he'd wearing this lapel for every show he ever produced and lucky death yeah and i almost i almost tear up now thinking about it because it was it was the ultimate uh bond of a brother and the certification that this was something that we had brought to this point and he was really rooting for it to work and it meant everything in the world to me of course i had to send the duck back after the first show when biography close-up returns [Applause] 12 hours to get it right what's going on we forgot our card for us excuse me oh you should've waited longer 11 30 we'll try now it's time for fiesta politica with your host [Applause] [Music] throughout the day saturday there are more rehearsals with costumes sets and wigs all to see if what people thought would work does work wow without determining i can tell you're one of the good ones the way i most know him is not this haircut it's the haircut where it's like all like kind of wet and brushed back like a couple pieces and beth mccarthy gives new guys seth meyers and jeff richards the do's and don'ts of wig wear now be nice about it but don't feel bad about speaking happiness what you should do is as early as wednesday i mean when a piece goes i just know that stuff that they never tell you guys can you learn what season three the sketches begin to resemble what they'll look like the tonight shot yes that's what happened i ain't falling but that again it's a true mask the mood is loose screw-ups are welcome [Laughter] [Applause] to be a part of tonight's mango sketch the movie star spends the whole day here for a few seconds on stage meanwhile daryl hammond is preparing for his appearance as defense secretary donald rumsfeld well they stand around you like uh five people and you just stand there and they pull things off and put things on and daryl holds the record i think for most quicktime hammond says it's more important to have fun with the character he's playing than to make fun of the person he's imitating i don't want to make fun of him i just want to make sure that i take him and just exaggerated a choreographer runs extras through the steps for the michael jackson sketch [Music] new cast member dean edwards does a drop dead michael jackson when i first had my history i never imagined that one day all my dreams would come true new guys don't usually get much air time this could be dean's big break i got into this this whole you know entertainment mainly for eddie murphy uh he was my biggest inspiration i i saw eddie murphy delirious and after i saw that ran into my i know what i want to do i want to be a comedian i'm going to be just like emergency like he's wanted a million i said well i'ma be number two eddie murphy became a movie star and left saturday night live in 1984. to fill the void dick eversol decided against the cast of fresh new faces instead he went for names give me a break i couldn't be more excited it's making me mental but if they say yes you can be on the show i think i would go so crazy it would be just the best and he said well we're going after billy crystal and christopher guest and he named the list and harry shearer and i said well you know if you get those people certainly phoned back thinking he'd never get them he got them phoned back and then i said yes i took one of them uh meat thermometers yeah and i just shoved it into my ear you know as far as it could go you know but then i took one of them hammers many thought the show would die without eddie murphy the new cast proved otherwise may i call you ring ring what do you like ringo i'll do that it must be very difficult to you to live with a marvelous bu you look when that first cast left oh well they'll never get any good and suddenly you had eddie and and and different people and then they left well that it's finished and and you had a new cast and and then when we left they said well it's in trouble i know that why would i know that it's my company i'm quite aware of that is it me it's him right after four years dick ebersol the man who had saved the show was ready to move on lorne michaels had been busy making movies but nbc let him know that unless he took the show back saturday night live was finished now they really were getting cancelled and i think that's when i found out how much i cared about it when we come back dress rehearsal now the audience gets a chance [Music] this is how black man turns into a white woman it's saturday night eight o'clock dress rehearsal we need you guys we need the energy we need to love all of the week's work gets tested in front of a live audience they'll see a dozen sketches in two hours eight or nine of them will make it to the 90-minute show on the same stage where bill murray and gilda radner brought down the house amy poehler jimmy fallon and rachel dratch prove they can do it too i need you to [ __ ] your head a little to the left all right just caulk it give me a little more [ __ ] tommy are you getting left off stage under the bleachers lorne michaels watches he looks for the glitches that prevent the sketches from being as funny as they could be i'm worried about her eyeliner where's she playing yo so i have a question for the new girl who are you uh i'm the new member they call me sean sorrell mm-hmm yeah we call her that because your real name is bridget barnes and bridget sound mad white y'all [Music] michael still finds faults and orders changes right without us there'd be others walking around saying nothing because the dialogue is constantly being trimmed and rewritten the cue cards are always changing [Music] even after the show is started we'll get rewrites literally 30 seconds before you see it so memorizing lines would be a big mistake there's the whole show ready to go right here we got a lot of changes will's barologist sketch finds its rhythm it's silly and funny still that doesn't mean it will be on television later tonight daryl hammond suits up for his role as donald rumsfeld clinton all right don't scare me the change has to be executed in three minutes or daryl will miss his entrance which of course would be of little concern except the show is live on a given night the show's biggest stars will play as many as a half dozen parts each role demanding something different from the actor there's little goofing around during dress rehearsal will ferrell is a study in concentration [Music] [Applause] [Music] charo-esque political talk show host rebecca is connecting daryl made his change will it stay in the show lorne will [Music] decide dress rehearsal is about half over and daryl still has two important impersonations am i in the wrong place [Music] there's just enough time to discuss the rough spots in the rebecca sketch i felt like we came in late did you feel that way i i didn't say my line on time timing and delivery are everything in comedy a beat missed here a wrong word there success is in the details for some reason i just constantly think like when are they gonna find me out all i see are the mistakes or the things the jokes that got cut or um the timing was bad or on something i did i feel like we might have messed it up i've wanted to be on the show since i was a kid and you know i almost didn't come i almost didn't take the job i was told i was so scared because it mattered so much michael's gives note after note on camera angles costume adjustments and dialogue when it's your sketch you have to sit on a chair like this you have to sit next to lauren uh and and get notes from him as he watches it which is terrifying for the first two years that you're there it's just intimidating to this day people are responsible for their peace so if it works and it's your vision and your which isn't to say that i don't uh offer uh suggestions but if it works it's yours if it doesn't work it's yours and i think that that risk failure thing is a big part of it and dress rehearsal is the the full measure of it because if it if it doesn't work there's very little argument it's like auditioning each week to get on a show you already got i'm a mediocre dancer and i made it big i'm america's sweetheart and i'm wearing a wig and there's no guarantee that you're even going to get on that weekend so that's why it's so emotional and that's why it's so hard to succeed on saturday night live requires stamina self-motivation and resilience it's a lesson all cast members must learn for themselves no matter how well-known or well-liked you are there are no guarantees there's certain things you don't miss like the like some sometimes you don't get in the show like sometimes saturday nights you're like you you try to get something on and it didn't work and it gets cut and you're you're waving good night and you're like oh your heart's sinking and you have friends there and they're like how come you weren't in the show i don't miss that it's michael's who's the maestro of this madness there is a discreet distance between him and the cast approval is doled out but not lavishly praise-craving performers either adjust or move on as daryl becomes rudy giuliani dean's transformation to michael jackson takes shape this is what it's all about baby going from choco mocha to creamy milky it doesn't get any better than this glasses does this work for you okay the makeup and prosthetic device are scary good underneath it edwards is a bundle of nervous energy this is what he's always dreamed of a chance to be a star on saturday night so this is it this is what we've been waiting for oh you rehearsed what's in there playing around four seconds i'll be in puberty michaels keeps his watch under the bleachers it's his judgment and scrutiny that has kept the show on the air all these years when you cast somebody uh-huh what do you have to say i don't know how you defined it but it's it's a sparkle it's it's um you i mean there's utility you can see people this person can play authority figures or this person uh has a you know basket full of impressions they can do or whatever but and there's also are they likable you know do you like that person would you have that person in your home because television is very personal that way michael saw that potential in dennis miller dana carvey john lovitz and phil hartman when he returned to take over the show in 1985. i think you're steep listen harry if you're unhappy with my work tell me now you're through you hear me through you'll never work in this town again don't leave me hanging by a thread let me know where i stand [Applause] now i am as happy as a little girl in years to come mike myers chris farley david spade and adam sandler would join the cast oh god i love these fries you love them so much why don't you marry them [Laughter] can i have some and the show started to become something of a permanent fixture until 1995. i thought you were trying to lose weight lay off me i'm starving what happened was with the network and the press both saying the same thing at the same time the show should be canceled the show should be cancelled the public perception of the show was deteriorating snl was viewed as too sophomoric or even worse plain stupid the press didn't think it was funny neither did nbc the ratings went down did you think you were going to be fired in 95 it was not for lack of people trying i think there was a moment where i was sort of hung out there michaels was told to clean house which he did sort of blow it up start fresh bring a whole new group of people and uh and in essence it's what i did please welcome my best friend roommate toby boom [Applause] the most recent incarnation of saturday night live has been an amalgam of the juvenile comedy that critics tend to dislike and biting political humor based on the headlines of the day why would our nation be at war with islam if you read the quran as i do almost constantly you know that islam is a religion of peace also many prominent americans are muslim for example former minnesota vikings receiver ahmad rashad the perspective of comedy is always it's it's complaining done with charm you know it's it's not um but at its core there's some discontent there's some distrust when biography close-up returns the audience loves your character that's good right so you think you had a thing with gwyneth paltrow's wow yes that's right you don't want to be mango at age 60 [Applause] dress rehearsal continues with weekend update outgoing mayor rudy giuliani everybody update is one section of the show that is not written on tuesday night some of it was written earlier today bloomberg what are you doing here mr giuliani i think the people in new york have spoken and they want to see shut up can it small fry i thought i told you to keep the car running [Applause] get out sorry sir [Applause] chris kattan morphs from new york mayor mike bloomberg into mango mango has helped make katan a star now mango is almost impossible to shake if you have a recurring character it's easier to get that on because everyone assumes it'll probably work you've done like 70 of the work already and people already know who that character is but you don't want to be you don't want to be trapped doing those characters for the rest of your life and uh you know so many people you know think i might be gay which is i can't blame them because i'm doing mango and you know other effeminate thingies yet i still write and submit things where i'm not that but they know that mango's gonna work more and you know so uh you don't want to get stuck in that you don't want to be mango at age 60. you're on i know thank you with the clock always winding closer to 11 30 the tempo and the pressure keep building here's a time lapse shot of a set change during one commercial break it's a dance only these guys know the steps to and no one loses his cool [Music] there's no people around town live that are really running around oh yeah we got to do it we got oh my god what are we going to do hurry up and uh hey you got to get that wig on and remember you got to put the boobs on because you're going to be a girl on this next one and then you got to oh my gosh and it's people come like okay you got to go over here now let's do this you know we have one minute we have one minute everyone's gonna come either we don't do it or you do two jokes back to that even as dress rehearsal continues the writers and talent from weekend update whack their segment to bits now okay what are we doing what are we doing teachers jokes that die get cut it doesn't work jokes that need help get tweaked if you did the pawn thing that would maybe give him enough time if he did those back to back the show will be on the air in less than two hours it's gonna be good these people you trust you know you have faith in you have to have faith in your fellow cast members you have to have a lot of trust because it you know if you if you drop the line they'll leave you hanging you know you got to be there be like terry if you fall back and someone's going to catch you like i trust everyone out there i mean i don't care what i'll throw this i'll throw the water bottle and someone will catch it you know tina fey is like i mean fight bomb a joke my joke sucks she'll rebound she'll rescue it yeah always wayne newton has officially replaced bob hope as the head of the uso celebrity tour and will depart november 12 to entertain us troops army generals say that the biggest danger to newton when he performs is the in the war zone is quote friendly fire i stumbled over that and still got a giggle out of it uh god i filmed that whole joke up right no i went home very pretty kittan's mango kills and that little cameo by matt damon adds that element of surprise the audience could never anticipate i haven't seen it since we broke up you look great and gwyneth paltrow easily handles the time-honored saturday night tradition of guest hosts mocking [Applause] backstage will and long-time writer jim downey pour over changes in the opening sketch where pharaoh will play president bush somehow the details of this conversation have to stay in farrell's mind along with the two sketches he has left to perform before the end of dress rehearsal the barbecue one worked pretty well too i'll tell you the whole thing scares me when i get scared i yell when i yell the only thing that can calm me down is more yelling while daryl runs through cue cards for his parody of chris matthews chris kattan becomes an afghan commentator for the hardball sketch that's maya dressed like condoleezza rice one of michael's mantras is that the show must look like the day it airs afghanistan's in the news and hammond screams his way through hardball right now you know what that means that means more yelling you're watching hardball and i've been a loser i mean i i was i graduated college with a 2-1 i i hit 0-3-2 uh as a college baseball player i had uh you know i i never really did anything very well at all and it just it just seemed so odd that that lauren would see me in a club again him that that guy i first had my first hit single 30 years ago i never imagined that one day all my dreams would come true finally dean gets his chance as michael jackson the impersonation is effective the makeup's stunning perhaps too good my nose surgically replaced and just looked like an electrical socket step is a devilishly complicated production filled with music and video inserts the punctuation must be precise i left two cans of gas in the sun under a magnifying glass faster we'll never get home yes over here ladies this is kurt l darwish wow look at you without the turban i can tell you're one of the good ones the attibury sketch provides a great turn for anna gostar and finally sign me up for one of those head to toe full length numbers i mean believe me the way i like sound mornings i just didn't throw one of those on and be done with the whole affair i was on broadway last summer and i was thinking well you know it's been five years molly left and sherry left and maybe it's time to maybe it's time to think about it and i was just like boy it's pretty exciting over there it's a pretty fun job maybe they should start carrying those at talbot no kidding they'd be very popular no kidding it is a lot of adrenaline it is and you can't mistake it i mean it is a crazy high and really fun when it's fun you know god bless america my name is flacco and this is my partner rufus dress rehearsal concludes with flacco and rufus y'all got anthrax nah dean and tracy morgan play street hustlers hoping to cash in on the anthrax scare the postal employees even people in other professors like your mailman is no one safe yes but never fear because we're here to announce flacco and rufus this all-purpose anthrax prevention kit i'm having fun i'm having fun i get off every show you know so that's what it's about for me getting off and i think i'd get off enough i'd get off i would love to get off more though through the years there have been complaints that the show's too white and that women don't get equal time michael says all he's ever tried to do is develop an ensemble there's an enormous amount that's unfair you know the whole show is based on concepts which are unfair talent is unfair it's not equally distributed it is you know and it's a show about talent shining i think you're lost in that chair when we come back comedic darwinism survival of the funniest when mango says uh he has a date with matt damon you're going to have a response you and matt damon can anna do the change into uh yeah dress rehearsal is over it's now less than 90 minutes till air time the cast waits while behind closed doors lorne michaels meets with his senior staff and guest host gwyneth paltrow to determine what will be in tonight's show how long was like 3 24 and how long is rebecca okay should one of them go easier one of those two go entirely probably yes to be perfectly honest but we can leave it in for now and go in a little longer and make the decision as we go oh like that's important all right as the cast enters one by one they examine the board to see if their sketches have made it lauren gives the cast its final notes and dean edwards tries to keep his game face flocco and rufus are in his michael jackson sketch is not oh the uh michael jackson king of pop sketch was cut all right so better next time i hope so i feel bad for dean edwards his michael jackson impression was remarkable like the best i've ever seen michael's liked dean's impression but felt the makeup was too much breaking a cardinal rule the audience must always be able to identify a cast member too much at the top can we just start moving also cut daryl's hardball will's bearologist and fear at least for tonight when farrell started with the show he says he was singled out in one review as being the most annoying newcomer now he is a star michaels told us he wished farrell would stay forever saturday night doesn't work that way i make the analogy that i don't want to be the uh the guy two years out of high school still hanging out in the parking lot in my car saying hi to the to the students who are now seniors who were sophomore and freshmen when i wa you know because of the cast because of the content snl has been on a roll for several years now and just where michael's wants it in the middle of the american conversation it's the thing i'm most drawn to or addicted to or committed to whatever word you want in terms of network television the idea of a broadcast the idea that everybody has the same experience at the same time that the whole country sees whether it's the seventh game of the world series or the carol burnett reunion special or uh some news event that would that we all have the same experience uh is a very important thing because it leads to uh people talking about it the next day but on the other hand how can the show stay revolutionary when everybody in the country quotes from it right but i don't think it was ever that revolutionary it just looked different it was fashion you know we were a comedy show you know there were jokes that people remember and there were thousands of jokes that they don't remember because they didn't work you know uh there's we had an impact because we were first i think you could only be first once and you can only have that experience once i think if we were still doing if we were still revolutionary the way we were in the 70s we'd be some on some oldies tour the show will go on the air in one minute thing will come up anthrax prevention kit bow yup put it back down now when that thing comes up and there's the whoosh you go yeah that's cool tracy doesn't know it yet but the show will run long flacco and rufus won't make it so you're thinking what right now that it was very very good dress rehearsal which is always a little scary um a bad dress tends to frighten people more and people rise up after all these years are you nervous at all right now i know that i'm more nervous right now um you're here and that's comforting and uh no i think it's uh you know i i think i think the only advantage of getting older is that you know when to worry and so i'm not particularly weird right now i will be in a couple minutes we'll let you go get worried that one with the reason no one else does a live tv show like this anymore is it's just so difficult and whether it's funny or not well that question gets answered every week sometimes it really is [Music] you'll never forget that spot on that saturday night last stage of where you did that first sketch that goes over really well you you remember that forever it's totally changed my life in every possible way truly i can't even imagine my life without it now it's great excitement followed by tremendous disappointment followed by exhaustion followed by starting that same thing all over again it's i don't think it's something that you're meant to do for too too long it could be that sense of the underdog too like high school i mean that's what made me want to get on this now you know being the underdog like well i'm gonna be on snl someday maybe [Music] how cool is it to uh you know swat jlo's butt you know kind of that's the best thing creatively there's nothing better know this is gilda radner sometimes it's hard for me to believe it and i'm a part of this [Music] why do you stay because i love it because it's um because it's what i do and because um i think it's important uh and i get paid a lot my favorite part of the show is the end of the show it's a wrap you can't go back it was a live show club's line's tough he did the best you could and this is it this is what we do for a living and you hug each other and say it was fun i hope you had a good time see you next week [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Millennium VHS
Views: 869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dx5eAv7fs6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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