Another Proof Of God: I'm Sitting Here, Therefore He Exists!

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hello and welcome to the atheist experience I'm your host Matt de l'année joining me this week Tracy Harris hello how are you okay we're so glad you could join us today Oh screw all that we're live like normal today's Sunday August 17 2008 thanks to everybody who's joining and watching us live so hopefully me will trump that with Hayden how you doing Hayden yes yeah Haven actually Oh sorry they missed no no that's fine um I just kind of wanted to sit a little little like maybe on the last conversation okay he's kind of it was kind of trying to allude to the whole religious versus um versus a scientific approach to God maybe or a lot philosophical approach to God um I just wanted to comment that um you're talking about pretty much the same thing just in different means science search for God or the meaning of the universe would be to understand forces to understand gravity to understand causative cause and effect would be with philosophy the the meaning of the universe as it pertains to man and then the religious aspect and this is of course just my opinion would be more than mysticism of it and how we can relate to something that we can't even understand and the way we would do that would be through like dreams through metaphor through poetry so yeah what you're saying yeah I just just kind of wanted to maybe throw in that little little tidbit maybe bring in the aspects God being the same thing but being described in three different ways right what you're saying is science defines the mechanism philosophy defines the meaning and then religion is there for people who have a gap where they're just like this is blowing my mind and I have to relate to it in some way exactly and never but that was behind it it's not three different ways talking at the same it's three different areas three different yeah yeah three different window it's three different things that you described it's not three different views of the same thing you know it really because I mean when you talk about God in the religious aspect like in the Bible or whatever or if you were to go to the Quran or whatever you have morality you have um universal truths being justice temperance you know of all the virtues that of course linking the philosophy I think this is just a semantic issue because they're sort of like you know science can tell me how this book is put together and you know philosophy can talk about what the book might mean to me and then religion is sort of how I relate to this book and what it means to me symbolically and what you're kind of saying is that it's all about you know it's all different perspectives on the book and what Matt is saying is it's it's very clearly defined though the parameters of those three different perspectives and I think it's just a semantic difference actually no it's more than that okay the mysticism element that you that you talked about is nowhere near the same thing as the scientific element with just a different name on it in the case of religions dealing with the mist assist the soup the supernatural and mysticism it's talking about something entirely different the question of whether or not a God exists is one that I think actually can be addressed scientifically and and isn't dependent upon philosophical positions or mysticism oh no and they're not contingent not contingent on each other they're they can't be what he's saying is that's what people use religion for he's not you know what people use religion for I'm saying that what they use it for is nothing that's demonstrated is real and is definitely not the same thing as what science is addressing on the issue oh hi earlier earlier you said that it was three ways of looking at the same thing and I'm saying it's not right it is in fact three ways of looking at three different things science is looking at what's real philosophy is trying to figure out what if anything this might mean right but not anything to do with the real and the mysticism aspect is talking about something completely different something that cannot be demonstrated that doesn't manifest that isn't in any way real it's definitely I think it's something that's not observable I would say I would say that the the you sang something that's not real that's subjective because no it's not reality as well subject no it clearly it is otherwise well it's not the experiments in Geneva with the proton accelerator things and I'm going to be fired off pretty soon they're looking for things that they found in theory but they can't absorb them that does it that doesn't have anything to do with reality being objective that's the difference between no it it does because you're knowing that's a god no in a god not right sake let me talk it doesn't have anything to do with reality being subjective the fact that we have theoretical particles and now we devise an experiment in order to try to find out if these things manifest in reality that is science being applied it is not at all what you're describing well the thing is if we had science if we had a scientific experiment to demonstrate to met have God actually manifest then of course we would but we don't we just have evidence and I evidence and for those loves the nature the evidence being universal truths and philosophy evidence being a miracles occurring and I and I use those three things just saying compass again science philosophy religion you know means we're looking at the evidence we're not looking at God you haven't believed it are considering this as evidence or I mean like for example I don't believe miracles occur but I know that there are people who do and I'm trying to I guess I guess on in my mind I would like to know whether you're asserting that the evidence for God consists of miracles or whether you're asserting that the evidence for God who believe in God consists of things they consider miracles I'm saying the evidence of God would be that I'm that I'm actually sitting here that I can you're done you're done yeah you lost my support are you for a subjective reality where my mysticism is just as valid as your scientific exploration and the evidence for God is that I'm actually sitting here that's what you're doing and by the way is that you're sitting there yeah you saying there is evidence that you're sitting there that's it nothing more you you construct a logically valid syllogism that begins with one of the premises I'm sitting here and ends with God exists I'll buy you a steak dinner if I can't find a flaw in that I might even buy a house and there's no address there's the email address at the bottom of your screen TV and atheist - community org send in your syllogisms to prove that God exists is there time for game um we have no we have one minute left David you there does that thing talk to him personally David hello David you there oh you're actually going to get me in the last no we're not no we're not I just haven't I can't talk about infinity you know or the time no we only have 25 seconds I'm your Wonder Twins thing for me that yeah I really want to see activate I gotta let you go David thanks to the call calling earlier next week we'll try and get you thanks everybody to watch for watching we'll be back again next week you can see more online at atheist - experienced calm and atheist - community or garrulous - the crew who can maybe show themselves with cameras working there they are hey y'all be safe and call in and let us know next week why you believe what you believe
Channel: FFreeThinker
Views: 270,362
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Keywords: Another, Proof, Of, God, I'm, Sitting, Here, Therefore, He, Exists, The, Atheist, Experience, Atheists, Atheism, Christianity, Christians, Religion, Evolution, Theory, Science, Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Intelligent, Design, ID, Religious, Faith, Belief, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Satan, Hell, Catholic, Quran, Koran, Terror, Young, Earth, Creation, Creationists, Creationism, Reason, Delusion, Richard, Dawkins, Secular, Coalition, American, Humanists, Matt, Dillahunty, Tracie, Harris, ACA, Community, Austin, Texas, Freethinker, FFreeThinker
Id: LmmQJf8PO1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 26 2008
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