"Know It All" Atheists Are Haughty, Loud & Rude | Hayden - DE | Talk Heathen 04.07

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okay okay I can leave now bye all right I want to go to Hayden in Newark oh oh you are just priming me today aren't I Hayden how are you doing titan hey I'm doing good today how are you doing girl you know what what can we help you with today well I wanted to talk about my beliefs in relation to atheist okay let's cover what your beliefs are first what do you believe like in relation to atheist and spiritually in the animal um we just want to make sure that we understand where you're coming from so just set us up with a very quick what are you are you Christian or Buddhist tree Muslim um well I believe I believe in something I'm searching for a belief system I guess I would assume okay okay so we know we know where you're coming right gives us playground and to continue the conversation so thank you so what what do you believe about atheists then I believe that atheist sort of adopted sort of I don't want to say like a superiority complex but sort of like I'm more intelligent than you I need to talk down to you and make you feel like a lesser person because you're an atheist because you're a theist and I don't like that and I was wondering what your opinions on that was cuz I called it about this laughs and a lot of people prove my point in the comments well okay okay yeah okay let me let me take this first go one of two ways yeah and I'm gonna let you leave this one so okay Hayden um so my first thought is that yeah I agree with you to a certain extent there are an atheist out there that are insufferable oh yeah and they are very loud especially in things like YouTube comments and YouTube in general at YouTube in general and on Twitter and there's a whole subsection of atheism that just happens on Twitter and Tumblr all of these websites where it's it's really bad like not to anybody but like stop there are certain there are certain groups that post means basically all day and they're the worst memes like haha gotcha we're atheists oh we're smarter and it's not helpful and I do my best to not do that some of them are funny some of them you know scratch an itch I guess yeah same time it's a gotcha one penny ish every once in a while and it's alright paddy this is cute but yeah I think on one level that's accurate yeah I think on another level this might be coming back to the whole premise a bias thing we were talking about with the last caller where if you are looking for a specific type of person to act in a specific type of way you're going to see it more often and you're gonna look for the closer this is how they are being and every writing they say right right so my question for you is how have you come to the conclusion that it is atheists in general and not specific people who also happen to be a theist eyes because I feel like people who used to not be a gifts and then became atheist and then it's suddenly it's like something transforms in them and they sort of gain some sort of bragging rights wherein they suddenly become this those atheist archetype that I'm describing and I look so gonna happen with all of them but I've seen it happen where they've gained this if they become an atheist or they lose that sort of competence if they become a theist again I have to ask is this coming from individual one-on-one conversations that you're having or are you watching atheist influencers and atheist personalities that you're kind of gathering this room I'd say it's it's I said the bulk it's one-on-one conversations with atheists and so-called skeptics and then on what authority one-on-one conversations are having a person with people you know or you going into Twitter and going into discord and kind of seeking atheists to question I've had conversations in real life to its person once being with myself and other people because if you're on Twitter and discord and like actively hunting loud ideas that's you're gonna get a loud atheist oh yeah you're yeah you're gonna get a loud and obnoxious atheist yeah um yeah I agree with V there are some and I love my community but some of you are like you are literally no worse than the Christians yelling at us and coming into our space and having to bulldoze into these spaces that you're so superior I am I especially understand new atheist well yeah that could've been too ya gonna jump in on that as well I think that what you're picking up on is what people in the atheist community called the angry atheist phase that is real and it does happen I went through it I look back at old twit Twitter accounts happenings like oh I might delete I know I don't delete it oh my I might this was me I was an atheist bro it I am so oh I was no but yeah what you're picking up on especially talking about D converts from other religions a it is a huge undertaking and a huge process of breaking everything down at least in that category of your thought processes and building it back up so a lot of people rightly I would say feel like they've got a better understanding of themselves right they've got a better understanding of the world and their place in it and sometimes it's very angry German they feel like they were lied to and right and then comes in the emotional component which is yeah they're angry because they feel betrayed they feel like they've been given a false view of the world and and now people in their lives are probably shutting that more telling them that they are going to hell and all of this is very emotionally triggering so yes there is definitely a phase that a lot of people who D convert and go into atheism go through that where they are louder where they are more obnoxious or you are angrier and they're very weighty right and they think oh I figured everything I'm so woke it's kind of like okay this the whole day we don't have enough time on this show to get into but but no I think I think you're you're you're not imagining things like you're yeah you're spot-on dolly out there right yeah it's just I I think where I would push back the most is assuming that it's just atheists you're having an issue with atheists being haughty and being full of themselves or superior in particular yeah have you talked to Southern Baptist Christian Church representative recently not to call out any specific denomination but there are some there are in every group right and every single creature are going to be those loud obnoxious people that you know probably feel super passionate about what they believe or don't but you know just are grading and sadly they're the loudest so they're the people that are gonna draw you into the conversation even more I would honestly say you know take a step back especially if you find a group of atheist or you see especially on Twitter if you see a thread yeah on a theist discussions and don't immediately jump in because then it's like whoa you're immediately on the attack this person's immediately coming at me as soon as I open my mouth so that's gonna make people a little bit more defensive sit back hear the conversation out figure which way it's going and if they're getting on the waiting I am so much better than you because everything is science now it's you know if it's going that way just go okay maybe this isn't the conversation for me to engage in right or maybe there is somebody else who is engaging in the conversation that is equally as tired mm-hmm and you can engage in a conversation with them right you don't need to have patience with every person especially if they are being kind of aggravating and annoying and condescending but I would say just taking taken away I I don't look at the the sandwich board Street preacher with a megaphone on the side of the street yelling at people that they're going to hell as a representation of all Christians right because I understand that that's a certain type of person and they probably have motivations for doing it that way and I disagree with it and I think it's annoying it's buck and I would shut up and go away but also that is that person I call them atheist preachers I call them so there's a I think my my takeaway from this for you would be making sure that you don't lump everybody into the same category just because they share a label guilt by association cuts out a lot of really good people that could teach it I mean I have polytheistic friends I have monotheistic friends that aren't crazy yeah you're going to hell and there's some of the best people in the world but I didn't you know paint with the broad brush right so yeah take a step back watch the conversations first and see ok maybe these are not the kind of people I want to engage with maybe these are because I promise you not all of them not all atheists are like that we will refer back to science and we'll say well I've studied this but not all of us are like I study this and I have a degree and this is why your opinion is no longer important no not all of us are like that yep some of us are not yeah I'll be in the audience YouTube comments or find other people who ok YouTube YouTube I love YouTube I hate you too yeah I I make it a point never to respond to any comments I read all of them unless there's like a clarifying somebody always done yes oh I watched them I don't respond and it absolutely keeps it keeps me cool it keeps me calm also remember that when you're dealing with social media you're dealing with people behind a handle and they feel a little bold because of that right and they're trying to get comments notice they're trying to be addressed so they may be saying the most shocking things possible just you know yeah also keep definitely I would definitely to change the to change the narrative a bit I would definitely say try to approach people more one-on-one than in a group it's already a hot topic situation setting yeah where everyone's already on there yeah yeah yeah yeah I would definitely agree with that yeah I mean there'll be blue cat 1k is my username not responded well not responding alright you reading thanks so much Hayden thank you so much I I think another thing that I I was going to touch on and decided against it at least on the phone call was the concept that humility and a lack of asserting oneself is considered to be a good thing in many religions especially the ones that are dying here so it might not even be but there being not more especially with gendered men and what I like to coin toxic masculinity to wear if you are empathetic and you are humble and you admit I don't know this you're weak so it becomes this raging battle girl right because nobody nobody has the the pinpoint on exactly what makes somebody weak or a strong person but when an atheist when somebody I know for me I became a lot more outspoken I'm hearing a youtube show this would never have been possible even in my own head as a Christian right because I was told that that kind of presentation and that kind of being out there and speaking for myself was not okay so if somebody that you know is no longer a Christian and they have D converted part of that newfound what you would call superiority might actually just be a healthy sense of self-worth and right they may be overcorrecting because they can they feel like they can right exactly it's like a kid with a new toy I'm gonna play with this toy until mommy tells me it doesn't have batteries and it broke and they don't make batteries anymore and I thought you know we I think we all got into that when we were atheist I can speak now and oh yeah yeah I'm gone all the things I'm not gonna shut up yeah you have to talk on all the things
Channel: Talk Heathen
Views: 36,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atheist, atheism, atheist vs christian, atheist debate, religion debate, atheism debate, belief, faith, reason, rational, proof, evidence, logic, fallacy, religion, religious, science, secular, Skepticism, skeptic, questioning god, doubt, is god real, agnostic, agnosticism, evidence for god, Christianity, Islam, morality, evidence for jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, debate, Bible, Bible contradictions
Id: -AFAQ9Tzfp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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