Another Proof Of God: Unconditional Love

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ain't afraid of your yah I ain't afraid of your I ain't afraid of Jesus afraid of what you do in the of your God a young Earth creationist are carriers of hepe because every time I argue with one of them I get nauseous I tell why why don't we why don't we pause for man we had some people that have been the phone for like 30 minutes we'll see we can't knock some of them out but because I want to clear room for the young Earth creationist Andy vaxer that I just pissed off so we' got Patrick in Nashville you still there yeah I'm here how you doing good how you doing I'm doing all right I had a quick question for you um I've been debating the existence of Gods like I've just been kind of you know dotting around his own belief in God to point out the you know the stupidity of belief in general but he's a he's a hardcore Catholic raised Jesuit educated guy and uh his father was a prominent surgeon he used to reside over exorcism so he's at the same time kind of weirdly mystical about the whole H possession thing but yeah he's a hard guy to convince but none the nonetheless uh his argument or belief that God exists is that without unconditional love God would there's if if I'm sorry if unconditional love did not exist then there would not be God but since it does exist that that is intimate proof that there is also a God or higher being are you sure that that's okay so basically his argument that if there was no God there be no unconditional love and since he sees that there is unconditional love there must be a god correct okay uh I I don't agree yeah I mean it's an obvious no agree I mean it presupposes culture well I I I disagree with the with the idea that there well I disagree with it on all grounds first of all I'm not convinced there is anything such as unconditional love um right I'm pretty much convinced that love is actually conditional there there are some uh people who love people so strongly and and throughout their entire life uh but I'd say that maybe those people haven't experienced the right conditions that would cause that love to not be love anymore and I'd also say that people will continue to profess love um even when their actions come contradict that profession uh you know they may care about you strongly they may be concerned about you and they may be uh love in some sense uh but I'm not I'm not convinced that that there is any such thing it's unconditional of and also um I don't see any necessary necessary causal chain between the existence of unconditional love if it does exist and a God uh at all I mean that that's just that's like saying if unconditional love exists then um you know unconditional pixie fairies pixie fairies unconditional fairies or unconditional love fairies exist necessarily I mean it's it's that that kind of silly you how are you defining God and how are you getting from unconditional love to the existence of I don't I don't see it at all on any grounds well yeah I mean he's he's got the Triune and all that and he just stands behind stand beh stands right behind the Vatican on all these matters it uh I don't know the the this coming from the same guy who's willing to you know disconnect from his children and entire sections of his family due to like how they happen to worship so evidently his Love's conditional yeah exactly exactly honestly if he even knew I was having this conversation he would disconnect from me oh well and uh I can save him the hassle I I can save the trouble I can I can disconnect from you so oh no wait the conversation's over dang yeah yeah I mean I don't know I mean what do you what do you do when you've got this big ridiculous yelling cartoon who's so convinced that he's believing in something that you know you realize that there some there are some people that you're not going to get through to uh trust me when we have discussions with people on the show um I I will I've had some lengthy discussions with some some callers when I know uh Beyond almost any doubt that there's no chance that anything that I'm going to say is going to affect them at all it's going to change their belief at all I don't do it for their benefit I do it for the benefit of the people out there who are on the fence or who are confused or who are in a similar position but are more open to uh reason and argument allowing them to hear both sides of the exchange may help them make a decision one way or the other I mean I could fail miserably and strengthen somebody's faith and that's that's a risk I take all the time in these discussions uh but it's it's it's a risk that I not only think is is worth it it's necessary these are these type of conversations have to happen they haven't happen enough the the the the public dialogue and debate on these issues that are you know even if there is no God it's still a valuable subject worth considering And discussing if if not for the only reason that there are so many people who seem to think that this is true somebody's going to take this as an insult I I I don't mean it as such um at sometimes I was prob at some point I was probably guilty of as well I know there are plenty of people who uh defended their beliefs vehemently uh because they're not quite as sure as they profess and I'm not saying that's the case for all of them not you know I don't want to paint them with all with the same brush but also that some of them have come to adopt and change their beliefs based on their own preferences you know there are some let's say Baptists who like to have a drink who decided hey I can be a Catholic and drink so I'm going to become a Catholic uh and that's not the case for all the people who do that do make that transition but it happens and we are we talked about this briefly on nonprofits uh we're very reluctant to take responsibility for our actions and admit that we're wrong and and schilling talked about this um with regard to uh people who've been scammed by the you know the 419 scams or psychic or anybody else where they they just keep giving money over and over again some of them even when they start to realize that they're being scammed they now have so much invested in it that they keep doing it um we talk about that a little bit I I think denial amount of investment um and just kind of personal preferences and not not being resistant to change being incredibly fearful of change and uh the unknown what happens when I stop believing in God yeah I need I think you know deists for example who who email me the god of deism is in my opinion uh like Linus's blanket it's a comfort thing that they're dragging around with them um and I'm sure that now I've insulted deist as well the reason I say that is because more often than not the argument that they give is this um there must have been some kind of first cause and since I can't think of anything better we're going to go ahead and call it a God maybe it still exists maybe it doesn't it probably doesn't care anything about humans but I'm still going to go ahead and believe in God and my thing is no when you get back to the point where you can't can't go back any further the answer is I don't know it's not I can't think of anything better so we're going to use some God defin what what definition of God what kind of God what do you know about it if you can't possibly know anything about this what's the use in believing that don't you have to know what you're believing and if you if you if if if I think it's a security blanket in the sense that well I just believe that there's some possibility that there's something out there some higher P okay uh believing in the possibility is not the same thing as believing congratulations if you're sitting at home saying oh these atheists are too hard noosed and I just believe that there's a possibility that there's some higher congratulations you're an atheist because you don't actually believe it I I believe that there's a possibility an extremely slim one depending on how you define the deity in question uh but we're not talking about belief in possibilities or belief in probability we're talking about belief do is this true do you believe it's true if if so you're a theist if not you're an atheist um and I think I think you know for at least many deists and the arguments that I've been been presented in favor of deism it's a security blanket I I don't want to give up on this idea of a God and I don't want to sound arrogant that I know there aren't any Gods well congratulations I don't know there aren't any Gods I don't believe there are any matter of fact I believe there aren't any Gods well this gets back to this idea that unless you can definitively say how the universe came into existence then you can't say that God didn't do it yeah I mean the antivaxers use that stuff too I'll get back to that in a minute but yeah um you know which is nonsense it's that that's like um that is not how to think about a problem because you can actually rule some things out before you know what the ultimate cause of something is and in fact that's kind of more efficient because then you don't have to worry about those things that you've already ruled out um but you we see this a lot with people oh well you know you don't know how the universe got started so you can't say for sure that God didn't do it because you weren't there to observe it well no but if we look for evidence of something and we don't find it where we should then that's a piece of data against this hypothesis that God or you know whatever exists here's some something that came up while I was watching TV yesterday and I I had to spin it in a different direction sitting there at home think of any three-digit number and another three-digit number and multiply the two together now I have no idea what three-digit number you thought of so I have no idea what the answer is but I do know some things about the answer I know that it's not 400 digits long and and I don't have to know anything else about it there are things that we can eliminate you know even if you didn't know what 2 plus two was you know that it's not going to be over a 100 let's say we we can narrow the field with some not not just estimation but some knowledge about the way [Music] things
Channel: FFreeThinker
Views: 145,583
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Keywords: Another, Proof, Of, God, Unconditional, Love, The, Atheist, Experience, 589, Atheists, Atheism, Christianity, Christians, Religion, Evolution, Theory, Science, Charles, Darwin, Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Intelligent, Design, ID, Religious, Faith, Belief, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Satan, Hell, Catholic, Quran, Koran, Terror, Young, Earth, Creation, Creationists, Creationism, Reason, Delusion, Richard, Dawkins, Secular, Coalition, American, Humanists, Matt, Dillahunty, Jen, Peeples, ACA, Community, Austin, Texas, Freethinker, FFreeThinker
Id: 52Dt2-AD9TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 27 2009
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