Another Look TOGA MU2 B60v2 GNS Version

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okay folks here we go again back in the mu2 Bravo 60 but takeoff girl round simulations the Marquee and this time we're going to do in the gns version from Tallahassee to Pensacola had a cruising altitude of 4,000 ft oh that's interesting sometimes that light uh doesn't work I what happens is it goes on then it goes off if you got fuel which we have plenty of fuel [Music] okay because it's the first Flight of the day that out all seems to be in order let's go and hook up the ground power unit charge up the batteries now this has special feature it's called a GPSs roll steering you have GPS mode and heading mode up here you can IND indicated air speed vertical speed altitude select altitude VR VR approach if you're dialed in heading heading and GPS so when you're going out of heading mode and GPS mode you don't select anything up here you select it down here it's a workaround for the spary U old school autopilot all right cruising altitude to be 4,000 initially Vector 198 to Pensacola go and put that in there go set up everything else here make sure you don't forget to have this on so that you can pump from the outermost tank to the innermost tank everything goes into this tank here rammer off and then we'll go ahead and program our flight plan before I do that let's see what the weather's doing 2 7 3 6 advise on initial contact you have information whiskey talahasse Regional information whiskey 18800 Zulu wind light and variable visibility more than 10 miles Sky conditions you at 25,000 temperature 10 2 point- 4 altimeter 328 arriving runways 27 36 departing Runway 27 36 okay what I us to do is just go direct been a while since I use this thing and I go back to Flight Plan highlight it first checkpoint will be seminal VR accept it then I'll go to Mariana V accept that then I'll go to Crest View I'll accept that and then I'll go to peny it's a little checkpoint just north of the field that uh takes care of that now what I could also do I don't want to do that go ahead and activate this one let's say I want to be at 2,000 ft which I'm not going to actually do this I might I don't know one mile peny and 500 ft a minute just for shits and gigles all right I'm not going to enter the uh approach yet till I get closer always remember to have this in CDI GPS also same down here and you don't have to use this but I'm going to go ahead and do it make sure you highlight that then go to same same seminal it's more or less just a backup Flight Plan oh come on all right that pretty much takes care that I really like the uh digital transponder I think that's pretty cool you can record your flight time turn that on we'll leave it on just on only VFR uh go to heading and [Music] also you can check 359 to seminal goe and put that in the ballpark now you have to adjust this yourself it doesn't do it automatically and vertical speed it's just going to tell you what your vertical speed should be you have to do that with either vspeed or indicated air speed and adjust accordingly it doesn't uh the only thing it does vertically is the ILS Glide slope all others are non- Precision you have to control the vert it we do a good job laterally but you have to control the vertical there sort of a combination here of old school and new school they put this in as a workaround for the old school autopilot which you can operate with without the flight director the aut damper goes on automatically when you engage it you can control vertical speed with pitch mode here and then you have to re reset up here I don't have time to get in all that but you'll get the hang of it all right that pretty much completes everything there we assume we did the walk around checked everything else let's go and shut this thing off shut off all this stuff help close the door yeah one more little check did I do it I don't think I did just double check it all [Music] right right engine first on lights off all pressure up auto start ggt RPM fuel flow props iner lock light back on [Music] [Music] that's a good start stabilize right generator start left engine lights out Auto sequence oil pressure EGT fuel flow RPM lights back on [Music] okay let's go ahead and do a governor check looking for a Max of 106 good make sure that brak's on and let's taxi to the active like control check avionic back on flight PL still good it is active initial course is set flaps to 20 confirm and always remember to put this in the safe mode air all right hold the brake release and we start the Roll Clear left clear right taxi and now rotating bacon transponder is on think it's on little brake check here Fu check takes on rammer off on the pressurization turn the heat up a little bit we'll just fly Runway heading briefly and then turn slightly left to head towards the VR via Alpha to 36 Tallahasse yeah there's an Nvidia tweak that you can do and uh just pay close attention to the video I did one one before uh that was for smoothness this is for clarity sharpness and we're going to do this arav approach when we get to Pensacola provided the winds hold [Music] this scale is from here to here 35 across it's about half that from this point here looking at this 35 from this side to that side some people get confused by [Music] that all right altitude select 4,000 heading for all right hold short here Landing light strob light transponder on out time release right about there hold it and Runway heading Let's uh go ahead and select that it's right about almost right down the middle I start off at 20 break on Let It stabilize a little bit go up to 60 [Music] release gradually apply takeoff power to about 90 wants to squirm 105 positive r out of Runway Gear Up accelerate get on course flaps to [Music] five [Music] clean it [Music] [Music] up and engage the autopilot lights off let's go to GPS nav first up tellah has v [Music] clam about 170 [Music] knots about 95 96 on %c RPM temp a little below [Music] 400 just over 1 th000 ft a [Music] [Music] [Music] minute [Music] level at four accelerate to about 210 [Music] time [Music] [Music] okay Vector 198 at 4,000 speed increasing at 210 run away prop sink [Music] [Music] about 65 on the [Music] torque burn the tip tankes first then then the outer tanks all feeds into the main tank let's go ahead and something 4 3 1 2 [Music] ient clear to pensacol 49 FPS not bad oil pressure good fuel pressure is good fuel quantity is good temperature the low end of the green it's a cool day out probably to have this on [Music] and around 215 ground speed 219 make good time cabin pressure is about 4,000 ft [Music] same as [Music] [Music] outside [Music] [Music] [Music] now there's a third version a glass cockpit version you have to purchase uh the avionics for that if you don't already have it or if you didn't already purchase it prior to this I used to have I think it was the G trying to remember the G1000 or 700 I don't know it was a long time ago had a touchtone screen right up here I didn't like it and then there's a glass cockpit with the Garment combination I'm pretty happy with this and this gets me where I want to [Music] go sometimes you get a few stutters here and there when you're using Auto oros and Sim Haven Sim Haven doesn't affect it but Auto orthos definitely does so we'll get a few there we go right there's the first hiccup down to 20 FPS and they do that periodically I don't know why I've got a good internet feed and I've got plenty of uh seamy tiles loaded in under just almost 100 gigaby Worth or at least 50 of them then it bounces back up again now if I fly it out of Auto or it won't do that but then if I want to go back in I have to go in the I pack in the global scenery and rearrange the file again it's kind of a pain in the ass but I do like the way it looks I think it makes things look a whole lot better and it was uh because of Auto orthos I did purchase this aircraft because of the high wing and the good views that you get looking out the window and it's fast it's got a good range I did fly the OM version of the Grand Canyon it was kind of a disappointment I was hoping xplane 12 would even with auto orthos it was okay but not what I expected expected as far as the Grand Canyon goes and I flew at at varant altitudes over 20,000 ft firm pretty well cabin pressure altitude was set as high as 8,000 ft I prefer to keep it at or below 8,000 for me 23 25,000 that's plenty High Enough 16 and 177,000 ft they made a lot of stops and yes I did practice inch and out emergency procedures uh worst case scenario and I've only flown on one engine on the left engine I haven't done the right one yet around 250 200 ft after take off I kill it and I find that you got to use a lot of uh spoiler AER on control rudder's not too effective at low at low speed [Music] regime combination of both I wanted to pull real hard to the right and you got to get the gear up really fast level it off and don't expect a high rate of climb especially if you start off at flaps 20 you're lucky to get 500 ft a minute and whatever you do don't retract the flaps till you get your speed up uh at least up to 125 and then leave it at flaps 5 now it does land relatively easy with flaps 5 flaps 20 is a little bit of a challenge Rudder trim you want to be careful about that I just hold it with my left foot because you got to make quick adjustments really fast when you touch down cuz then it wants to pull hard to the left pulls hard to the right when you're in the air once you're coming down as you reduce power and get into the Beta even without reverse thrust you're going to get a lot of drag on the left side it's going to pull you right off the Runway it's a ball [Music] buster and then I'll have to practice flying on the right engine see if it's as difficult as it is flying on the left it will fly autopilot with U on single engine but you can't land or take off with it [Music] [Music] obviously so if you were to get an engine fail on an approach it's probably best to do a go around unless you're really stable and your flaps are set right I prefer to be a flaps 5 20 I did did do a flaps 20 Landing but it wasn't wasn't wasn't pretty and also what you will have to do on the good engine especially if you got any flaps or gear down you will have to exceed the red line to maintain speed although the temperature didn't get much above I think it barely meet 600 I was surprised thought I'd overheat it for sure but it didn't and then you'll probably fly mostly around 80 or 90 on the [Music] torque and it will respond pretty quickly so you got to get ready it's going to push you around but for me I think the worst time for n to fail is on takeoff now procedure wise if you just pull off the ground and you've got Runway left in front of you aort landed even if it's going to be an overrun into the grass especially when you're down to around 105 knots cuz you'll lose air speed really really fast but if you run out a Runway then you got to get those wheels up really quick cuz the drag on the landing GE is unbelievable it's almost impossible to fly you will have to sacrifice altitude for air spe my only real complaint in this thing as with all other third party developers is an xplan 12 I'd really like to see something done about weather radar um they got to do something about that so I don't know what's going on [Music] there [Music] put it right [Music] there got to have weather radar terrain would be nice too both now terrain radar seems to be working relatively well in xplane I know the zmod has it I believe I used to have it in the MD80 rotate xplane 11 I had terrain radar I don't know if I have it in xplane 12 I'll have to look yeah terrain and weather radar is a must you got to have [Music] [Music] that despite the hiccups and stutters I really do like Auto orthos I like the look of I'm using Bing Map overlay frame rates right now around 52 53 54 and I've cranked up the settings pretty high I'll show you that at the end of the flight another pet p in xplane 12 is uh replay replay mode I find it's probably best to save the replay before you attempt to back it up and take a look at your Landings and takeoffs it's been crashing a lot maybe 1 and 10 I can pull it off the usual explain aggravations it's only some [Music] don't know what the next update's about I have to look into that sure they're working on [Music] it oh there was a cloud Improvement they do look a lot better than they they originally did not getting a excessive turbulance the way I used to get winds are pretty stable I know in Active Sky I couldn't use it was unusable too many variables on the winds you have wind then you lose it then you have it you lose it as you're going up and down I didn't like that it's like these little n zones as you go up and down the variables were good but had to had to stop using I still have it but let play weather's fine I use Adis to find out what's going on I can always go to my navigraph and get forecasts reasonably close I'm not sure where the weather engine is coming from for xplane 11 I mean xplane 12 I would assume it would be Noah but I really don't know I have to look that up find out where they're getting their live [Music] weather and it's not perfect but it's close [Music] [Music] enough but I think this is a really good choice if you're going to do a lot of VFR flying and xpl and this view here we're running at 56 which is [Music] good now my next project is going to be the beach King Air I think it's a 350 by air foil Labs I hear that the frame rate uh it's pretty frame rate greedy demanding as you start flipping systems on I don't know if it's the case in 12.07 it is EXP expensive price also was a deciding factor in picking this one I can live without the uh payload and a popup checklist be nice to have it but if I had a choice I'll pick the radar first I'll be happy to just fly this single seat [Music] soundwise okay some people complain about it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a new sectional um view in navigraph see there's a lot of military operations area all around this Corridor here that's why you fly right up the middle here lot of moas lot of training's done up in this [Music] area [Music] so we'll be right about here and fly straight over the field go out here turn left into holding holding racetrack come back in intercept fly straight in I actually don't need you can also um look at the weather ahead preferable at 5 knots 30 28 let's see if that holds 30 28 see what AIS has to say about that we will see yeah I got to get a little bit closer nice sunny calm cool day North Florida bit chilly down the 40s in the early morning hours still pretty cool up [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] depy 317 advise on initial contact to get out information col Regional information leave 1850 Zulu wind light and variable visibility forat test files the sky conditions scattered at 25,000 temperature 13 2 point- 4 altimeter 3 026 AR 17 departing Runway 17 advise on initial contact you have [Music] information all righty let's go ahead and set up the [Music] approach I I can use that one wa till we pass uh pencey line up on Pensacola and then we'll start it from there now if I was to start descend at 123 ft per minute I should arrive 1 mile prior to peny at 2,000 ft I'm not going to do that I'm just saying as I get closer that number will rise till it matches that one and that is uh 11 minutes and 44 43 seconds from now you see it go up slowly closer you go the greater it goes this is what I picked this is what I have to do to get to that point at that distance out before peny maybe I'll do that in another video [Music] now laterally it's pretty accurate vertically you have to control that so what we're going to use is lnav minimum 480 put that right there we'll bottom out at 500 down here we'll start at 2,000 ft inbound slow it down get everything all set up and ready probably put the gear down right about here on the way down 130 knots all the way in level at 17 and here we'll start our Approach at 130 flaps 20 gear down at a rate of about 700 ft a minute depending on the ground speed at 120 it's 637 1401 743 somewhere in between that will be our descent rate see what our actual ground speed is [Music] [Music] now if I turn off the SR um single red line srl You'll see the temperature change and it go down you get a caution and warning and if you should lose that need to follow this based on the temperature between 51 and 52 don't go uh any higher than probably about 51 to be safe or well below that then when I turn it back on temperature goes back up you also get a warning if you lose it and a caution slightly higher temperature on the number one turbine that's a computer that comes up with those [Music] figures as long as you stay under six you should all right adds a little margin of [Music] safety depending on uh temperature outside temperature altitude air [Music] speed [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] 33 minutes [Music] it's a bit hazy out today [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] all for [Music] now the taxi lights work just as well as the landing lights you've also got a function called wigwag shows up better at night sort of an alternating flasher right to left left to right I think that's pretty [Music] cool this little test here Delta PP the only thing I noticed with is there's a slight fluctuation and temperature [Music] RPM I don't know what the significance that is not sure tried looking it up only has something to do with uh Delta what it's a change pressure over pressure test PP tried looking it up couldn't get any information on it just all as I know is I get a slight fluctuation here when I test it the default test doesn't really do anything I know [Music] not anyway we're almost there made pretty good time about 40 minutes before I started heading in faster than driving pretty much just flew along Interstate 10 all the way of course below 10,000 ft you will burn up a lot of gas we're burning about 700 per hour just about drained to Tim tanks so we'll start on these tanks next still got plenty in the main all pressure's good fuel pressure's good temperature is a little on the low side little low on the RPM there let me bring that up just a hair should be just at the bottom of the green Arc and you'll notice that you uh Advance the condition lever slightly forward your temperature will go down less load on the engine the torque will drop also she operates in flight between 96 and 100 you've got a over speed and underspeed Governor to prevent uh NTS negative torqus on the [Music] engine should not fly if that's not [Music] working because it's is a single Shaft or they call a fixed shaft tpe e 33110 by Garrett it's a gear box it's directly hooked up to the turbo shaft just in front or above the compressor gear reduction box it's why you got to start it up with a pitch flat it actually won't start unless uh it's in lock out it's why you have the UN feather switch [Music] on the ground you want to keep your RPMs in the yellow here don't get in the stay of the red that's hi vibration got a little bit bumpy today okay when I get close on something like this with a sharp turn go to heading try to lead [Music] it and you can see the CDI is going slightly to the right make a little [Music] correction just like a VR what I like to seen with the L version was a u besides the weather radar would be uh DME with ground speed they should have squeezed that in there if they could have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right back to GPS just helping it along [Music] 170 now we'll go ahead and activate this [Music] [Music] yes and we'll slowly bring it down to about 2,000 ft reduce air [Music] speed and I'll come down about 200 knots at a rate of about let's bring that back a little more 1,000 ft a minute or 900 close enough altitude select don't ever forget [Music] that [Music] up [Music] oh Buffy Oscar Bravo uniform Fox Tru Yankee we'll just go Um a lot of loose items back there and we'll fly uh parallel then we'll turn left and inbound 45° [Music] intercept it on a 45° angle line it up and I'm going to leave this at about 40 on the torque slow down to about 180 [Music] 175 little bit Breezy [Music] [Music] 17 departing Runway 17 advise on initial contact you have information leave automated weather observation Ferguson wind light at variable visibility more at at Miles Sky conditions here at 25 ,000 temperature 14 2 point- 3 altimeter 3 [Music] 018 that's Cola Regional information Lima 1850 Zulu wind light and variable visibility more than 10 m Sky conditions scattered at 25,000 temperature 13 to point minus 4 altimeter 3 0 2 6 arriving Runway 1 7 departing Runway 17 advise on initial contact you have information [Music] Leon this Cola Regional information Lima 1850 Zulu wind light and variable visibility more than 10 m Sky conditions scattered at 25,000 temperature 13 de point minus 4 altimeter 3 02 6 arriving Runway 1 7 departing Runway 1 7 [Music] now the next altitude would be 1700 put that in the bullpen [Music] then when I cross uh PG at 17 I'll drop down to 500 preferably come out ahead of this one mile or greater at an altitude above 480 I'll level off at five give me a little bit of cushion there never never go below it never be above it but don't go below it maintain 130 135 knots all the way [Music] in and try to stay between 500 and 1,000 ft a minute preferably right in the middle that should get me down fast enough to just level out at 500 and be able to see the approach like lights which in this case is not going to happen because it's severe clear out right [Music] now [Music] [Music] and there are the north Florida P Panhandle white sandy beaches we actually have those down in Clear Water too white sand blinding [Music] [Music] White [Music] [Music] parallel entry [Music] [Music] now it probably won't do it by itself I'll have to do it for it so I go to heading I'll start slowing down a little [Music] more [Music] all right flaps five light [Music] on stay inside the pattern [Music] about 155 knots and flaps [Music] five and about 4 45° intercept and this should be set at [Music] 349 there it [Music] is and Wier said that bring it in [Music] and soon as I go over OB Buffy I'll drop it down to 17 maintain that are above [Music] 150 till I get lined up on it then I go to flaps 20 slow down to about 140 [Music] 135 okay let's go ahead and lock it in line it [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] claps 20 slow her down indicated air speed now not [Music] [Music] yet all right let's slow down a little more condition levers forward sink [Music] off power up 130 at about 60 on the torque and as soon as I cross a PG I'll begin my bres I leave the gear up now I can go ahead and go to vertical up oh not yet where do I get down about 130 okay indicated air speed use power to keep it level they just at or above 130 knots about a mile and a half to go all right right about now gear comes down it's going to want to slow power into it maintain 1700 all right now we start going downhill trying to get it right in between 5 and 1,000 ft a minute which is not easy especially if the winds are varable the goal is to try to hit 500 ft before a mile out all right altitude set altitude select 130 2 miles to go shallow out a little bit and bring it back down 2.1 1.8 100 above there it is is and I basically fly it right down to the ground and get off the Runway lights off flaps up contact ground strove off hurry hurry hurry transponder to standby that's that to the ramp rer off if you got it I find it's easier to land if I come down and come in low and shallow like 500 ft uh per feet a minute or less once I shallow out cross the Threshold at about 20 feet or less it's not like flying a jetliner and then carry power down all the way to you touch or she thump pretty hard and of course always getting clearance across an active Runway and even when you do look both ways [Music] a touchdown elevation was 103 supp me at 120 bu all the nation I sure that altimeter was right I got too much clutter I can't read it for e I don't know I don't agree with it close Flight Plan click you can also remove the pilot when you're done so there it is the gns version I like it I'm fine with the 430 and the 530 the radio stack would love to have weather radar be wonderful but not to be at least not for now and the sharpness and Clarity let's see why uh go to Graphics got it maxed out quite a bit texture quality is on Max uh occlusion SS AO is at Ultra rendering resolution FSR super sampling is at Full Resolution anti-aliasing this is based on someone else's recommendation I said it this way four times msaa anti- stoic filtering 16 times Cloud quties maxed out I did turn up the Shadows finally to maximum rendering distance I leave at high World object density at high vegetation I maxed that out draw parked aircraft and enabl 3D vegetation and I'm still getting good frame rate of course the weather's good too so that has a lot to do with it around little upper 40s at low 50s I'm anxious to see how the other aircraft behave and I don't know if it has anything to do with the tweak I did anyway check the link look at the video um very informative at the very least and try it at your own risk um I did I think it uh did make a difference anyway I hope you enjoyed it and if I can do a replay the only way I could do that is basically save this file let's see save flight replay one all right we'll do that uh it seems that when you go to this uh feature here it will crash uh if you attempt it sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so I stay away from that I'll try it who knows it might work it might not anyway folks until then see you on the next one don't know where I'm going next I am going to definitely be looking into the uh air foil Labs Beach King air but I'm going to to spend some more time in this and when I finally reasonably able to master flying this thing here I'll move on to the next so see you for now [Music] bye-bye [Music] not too bad not too bad
Channel: FlightSim a-holic
Views: 24
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flight MU2 Marquies X Plane
Id: EE7OGIfq_jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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