ANOS VOLDIGOAD: The Demon King Of Rizz

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last time on black Air Force energy Z the new round table has been under construction for over several months and then the CJ was stuck in a box but now today the new round table has been completed and the judge is back and with a demonic new contestant on The Horizon well this absolute disrespectful risk God make the new table find out today on [Music] oh [Applause] my God [Music] exhibit a alrighty Now ladies and gentlemen now to understand what the hell is going on or who even the hell is this if you haven't seen the show allow me thy poet to explain disclaimer this is a parody so do not take anything this [ __ ] says seriously he is not Shakespeare two thousand years ago there was a [ __ ] so Dastardly and disgusting that he was feared by all he made all the hoes quake in the nigga's bow humans died as the spirits burned in their Force fry he even made the Gods [ __ ] themselves but most importantly his wrist was absolute nobody in the land can [ __ ] with this [ __ ] well I mean until he died but he died for the sake of peace and prosperity as he let himself by this generic jrpg Final Fantasy looking ass hero this [ __ ] dead ass looks like a male version of sacred and he died just to get reincarnated two thousand years later and I mean right when he got reincarnated the man already started talking bro just came out the womb and his parents like oh my God honey what should we name him I don't know Tom Bob Billy Joe Cletus The Demon King has returned on those voldi gold and yeah uh this man had one of the quickest childhoods I've ever seen growing through puberty in a month diapers to boxers [ __ ] I guarantee you his pants was not happy having to spend all that damn money [ __ ] went up a shirt size each week so arnos decides to enroll in The Demon King Academy but I mean he's already technically The Demon King but uh nobody knows so dude is basically going to his own school but anyways ladies and gentlemen I would like us to observe this situation with this shy looking Timbit anime girl so as you can see she is walking minding her own business until these dick heads bump in there and with only being a month old our main character is already on the prowl now let's see here is your name by any chance Misha necron oh yes you dropped this make sure to hold on to it now and with that ladies and gentlemen Future Baby Mama number one has already been secured and I say number one because this man is going to build an entire roster but anyways ladies and gentlemen face your eyes on this dumbass [ __ ] right here supporting character 754. AKA code for I don't know who the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is all you gotta know is that this man is a victim of probably one of the worst violations of all time now as honest his parents are cheering to Mom because there's some great parents homie right here got a problem with it because he's probably fatherless and his mother doesn't love him so he out here talking like hit couldn't be me bringing my pants to the interest exam now as his pompous ass looks for validation arnos walks right past him and his El ego is shattered so bro's like hey dude what the fact I'm talking to you hey excuse me Bo why should I speak to a lowly background character like you your magical presence was so weak I didn't even know you were there that was Arnold's continues to shatter this man's ego bro starts to get in his feelings and start saying that he is going to fry him and his new profounder baby mama but little did he know he was about to get absolutely embarrassed as almost casually takes a breath and blows out his Royal flame that he was typing up for like two minutes straight so dog is bamboozled he like not eat the [ __ ] what blasphemy did you just yeah oh I just simply blew out that little match of yours you know you should have played with [ __ ] like that you know that's a fire hazard right you dirty shut up is that really all it took for you to shut the [ __ ] up lame ass [ __ ] and Lord have mercy look at that gear bro gave that [ __ ] diarrhea but now you see Arnold's was just getting started with bro because boy oh boy this got astronomically worse cause later on at the entrance exam anos has to fight guess who you guessed it supporting character 754 and for some reason this delusional ass [ __ ] is still talking [ __ ] so he start hyping himself up he pull out this sword and he like flame on with this magical sword my family has had for over several decades I'm going to cook your ass and make you well done as this amplifies my power 10 times 10. [ __ ] you must not be good at math so this man runs that almost but he blows out his flame again then points at him and says hey bro your sword is fake as [ __ ] your family must have got that on resale or something cause y'all [ __ ] got scammed where y'all get that hoe from stockx Goodwill matter of fact we shouldn't be facing each other right now so I'ma make a deal with you I will not move from the spot for the rest of the fight I will [ __ ] you up just by standing here so obviously this man thinks he's bluffing but this is when this fight just got absolutely ridiculous cause bro ends up coughing up blood and dog is being boozled he's like how the [ __ ] what'd you do to me do you hear that I'm talking about my heartbeat this man is basically getting defeated by this man just existing so Otto's turn around and he's like all right buddy just give it up your trash but for some reason this delusional ass idiot is still talking and saying [ __ ] you [ __ ] I not know what you're doing you use a compulsion magic you're a frog you're so dumb ass up okay then fine you don't want me to use compulsion magic I won't I will make you surrender right here and right now and you know what if I don't I'll forfeit contract [ __ ] you idiot you gotta oh my bad and I'm meant to hold it back yeah bro this man just that don't snap this [ __ ] out of existence this is preposterous some goddamn tomfoolery oh but it's not over he resurrects this man and tells him oh so you didn't think you would die more than once in your lifetime did you you see buddy the balls I got on me are dragon and I'm gonna be dragging these balls across your face until you see come on now big boy I can do this [ __ ] all [ __ ] day yo he's cooking him a royal so I got to the point where I think he killed this man about a girl ten times and he was lecturing him on how his technique Works each time he killed him so I got to the boy homeboy just fell down to his knees and he just gave up and he was like ah good just one more for good measure though so after this man finishes violating supporting character 754 the demon king of res strikes once more so all girl was standing right outside waiting for this man so he walks up to her wastes absolutely no time and says hey so listen try to go back to the Crypt you mean your house uh done [ __ ] go on grab my hand um are you sure we're not moving a little too fast I'm fast my ass you bout to be the Demon King Baby Mama So this man fast travels to his house it just absolutely secures the bag pants they already happy as hell this man's dad's like hey The Boy's son w W but I ain't a lot of Mama started interrogating she was like oh my gosh look at y'all y'all make such a happy cute looking couple but let me go ahead and make this clear honey if you wrong my son in any type of way I'll beat your [ __ ] ass and send your ass back to Kingdom Come ho you hit me Boo Boo y'all that is so wonderful I wish you all the best hey W mom Frodo but anyways while onos is being a gentleman and walking her home they end up getting trapped by this pointy ear Count Dracula looking [ __ ] and get this this is supporting character 754's brother bro had to call his brother to run anus's Pockets so obviously he looking all snarky and [ __ ] so anos is like ah trash Ass [ __ ] from before that I violated and I still don't know your name so you had to get your zesty ass looking brother and a bunch of other [ __ ] to come jump me uh get a smite me my brother gonna [ __ ] you up but didn't his brother grabs him and start cussing him out and saying hey shut your stupid ass up dumbass trash ass stupid ass [ __ ] hey bro what you mean [ __ ] you [ __ ] you an investment to our Hood I kill your dumbass [Music] my God you just fried your own brother shut your muggle face you half blood bastard we Royal Bluffs have no time for trash ass [ __ ] now prepare to be jumped so why they charging up all these bills I know starts overheating their magic and it just makes half of them just blow up so the dog starts hyping up this new spell called origin magic so he hits honors with this but that boy ain't even move then I don't start telling them my God buddy you're a dumbass no way you just use origin Magic on the demon king I mean I created that spell huh Preposterous you're no damn Demon King muggle so at this point arnos is tired of it so he resurrects his brother as a zombie and he's like come on now acknowledge your brother show me some Brotherly Love [ __ ] so the brother ends up jumping up inside him and then this man honest is just looking at they burnt corpse like wow y'all are trash so after the fight he ends up resurrecting them and they like oh who are you who am I you ask listen closely I'm the baddest sexiest and the most dastardly in the land all the hosts drop to their knees when they hear my name I'm the ultimate Sigma male the demon king of frizz onos voldi gold shipment alrighty ladies and gentlemen now as we can see this man needs to be stopped but this man just started to get even more OD on the first day of school he already walked around like he owned the place but I mean he technically does own the place but look at him into the classroom on the first day of school we're like oh greetings [ __ ] and [ __ ] all righty gold will be taking over this entire [ __ ] class and if you defy me I'll [ __ ] kill you yeah who is this corny ass [ __ ] girl he must be one of them weird [ __ ] that watch that anime [ __ ] tough crap ah baby mama number one my Madam musel how are you doing this fine morning um why is everybody staring at me right now um I think they think you're weird what but I'm the demon king of Riz impossible so then he asks Misha yo what is a demon king's name and she says avos Del heavier so anos ends up realizing that somebody don't [ __ ] with his name and there is a fraud ass Demon King out there so in this exhibit we will be focusing on four people that got absolutely violated Sasha AKA baby mama number two the teacher Amelia who I ain't even gonna lie to you she probably got the worst out of anybody in this show this [ __ ] that looks like the Grim Reaper this old ass man right here and I go llama add this one too this [ __ ] cause he got his ass with a stick so let's start off with Sasha so they end up having to have this team competition and nobody wants to join Arnold's team but Misha because everybody else thinks anos is a fraud so she walk over acting all high and mighty like oh wow looks like you only have one teammate [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] oh and of course it's my defective fraud of a sister shorty if you don't put a Tic Tac in that hot ass mouth of yours um excuse me so she starts using these things called Eyes Of Destruction to try to intimidate him but nothing happens so anos gets up pulls a Uno reverse card uses her technique on her gets up in her face and says oh so you thought you were specialist [ __ ] girl bye you don't shut the [ __ ] up and sit down and make sure you grab her Tic Tac on the way back with that hot ass breath you [ __ ] she's totally into me so the next day they end up having a duel and if honest with she has to join his Harem so they start in onos being Arnold's decided to get mad disrespectful and to start flexing on these hoes so he teleports in front of her team's Castle walks up to it takes a look and says hmm this looks pretty light so this man picks up the castle and throws that [ __ ] oh hell no bro now this is absurd I've never seen somebody pick up goddamn Cinderella's castle and just shut that [ __ ] oh no no but he was not done this [ __ ] decided to turn into a Harlem Globetrotter the castle [Music] no no we're done I'm ending this trial early sit the [ __ ] down have a great day everybody [Music] okay let me calm down bro I had to take a breather Jesus Christ okay uh okay bro long story short you beat the [ __ ] out these [ __ ] so looking they trying to do one last effort Sasha's like okay everybody we're gonna use G your grades the strongest fire spell in the world we're gonna show this corny ass [ __ ] who the [ __ ] we are but ma'am he just threw us like a rat doll what the [ __ ] are we supposed to do about that shut the [ __ ] up limp dick get the charging so then they start charging up this big ass Fireball that [ __ ] look like a supernova and bro's just looking at it like good teamwork I should reward you so brochures a death Beam at it the supernova what up now you see what he already just did was ridiculous but it's more ridiculous what he says after it so she's like I can't believe your Geo Grace is stronger than ours and this [ __ ] says Geo grave shorty that was just a level one fire spell man I found out to my knees anyways uh welcome to the Harem baby mama number two later oh my God my son is already brought home a second [ __ ] baby mama son if you don't calm down you gotta be the next Nick Cannon and look at Sasha bro she gonna make her status known in this Harem she already kissing on the skin [ __ ] and then the next day she already done changed her seat in class shorty folded faster than a lawn chair the switch up is crazy but anyways bro next up on this list to get violated is ivis the skull looking so this guy is one of the seven demon Elders that Arnold's created but bro has no idea who he is because somebody messed with his memories so later on while they're having this exam after Arnold's had to put Sasha in check after trying to betray him and [ __ ] this man and shakes him right in the chest so then this definitely ass [ __ ] start saying Foolish Boy let me tell you something dumbass [ __ ] those two sister baby mamas of yours they will be used to awaken my master dumbass [ __ ] news flash I'm already back [ __ ] didn't he taste the sword out of his chest it sucks it at this man's face blasted his ass on the wall below and behold ladies and gentlemen it is about to get even more ridiculous than this this [ __ ] fights the god of time I beg your pardon time decided to fuse with grim so he could stop Misha and Sasha from chasing they faint so this man stabs him in the back with this fat ass fishing hook so he started gloating on how we killed him and [ __ ] he like dumbass [ __ ] you ain't the demon king of [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] wait what how are you alive I just [ __ ] killed you you think simply killing me is gonna stop me what that makes the [ __ ] sadness stupid ass [ __ ] this scoliosis looking ass brother has fallen victim to plot Armor All Right Next time one Amelia now now question have you ever had that one teacher in your life that just hates you for absolutely no apparent reason well ladies and gentlemen that is Amelia this [ __ ] gotta be Mr Crocker's daughter or some [ __ ] this [ __ ] probably reproduced what Miss foul the old [ __ ] from Jimmy Neutron with that fat ass honker of a nose but now this lady was out to get on us every single day not to mention that she is also a racist shorty hate them damn half Bloods but no as I said she was out to get honors from the jump now they just took this exam and brought back this sacred scepter right so this should give him a hundred you know what Shawnee said muggle that's a zero so apparently she says it was missing but this man almost like nah I turned my [ __ ] on time [ __ ] so somebody must have stole it so we walked down the road right here and he like hey what you got in your pocket little [ __ ] bro [Music] you tell her next time you want somebody to steal my [ __ ] make sure they good at it stupid ass stop I hate that but now I just got worse for Amelia from here so they end up having this magical sword tournament so he ends up fighting her brother so Bo's like my apologies for coming in so late so allow me to make up the time by whooping your ass in under a minute and with that he did while he had his Club of sand girls singing along to it they said let's sing his fight song while he whoops this nigga's ass look at his fine display of ultra Instinct please swinging that fat ass sword look at his attack coming bro said he comes up then he started hitting him with her foreign ladies and gentlemen with that another victory for Arnold's Baldi gold and another victim with the case of diarrhea though this even set Amelia more off the deep end cause dog just violated her brother while he had his fan girls singing a fight song for him so she decided to commit one of the most despicable acts a human could ever commit something so immoral that it will have me boxing going after another man's mother oh my god oh hell no man what the [ __ ] man Shawty decided to run up on this man's Mama nah this is the lowest you could ever fall you do this to my mama I'm John moretting your ass look at this bruh she didn't already gave this lady a sprained ankle and she said you know what I might as well fry your fan girls too look how she doing them Shawty hit him with the [ __ ] I said you have bloods back to the streets so after she turned his fan club into some burnt ass filet mignon she about to kill his mama but Autos come in and stop her so we start off with her signature booty squeeze bro said shut up so why he got her restrained the demon king of red strikes again dog light thank you all very much with the loyalty and bravery you showed me today I will make y'all all honorary baby mamas oh my god there goes my son again but oh boy this man Arnold was not happy at all bro was ready to spin the block dog walked up to her and said oh so you wanna put my mama then I did your old stinking boo that [ __ ] so bro start choking her he teleported to the arena no ass on the ground and bright light congratulations the demon king of races blown out your back you should feel honored now acknowledge me as the Demon King then you have my permission to die you have Everest not buying it [Music] but now to add more salt on the womb he resurrects her booty naked and he tells her how does it feel to be a muggle hybrid bro resurrected her and made her a hybrid this man not only killed her he ruined her life and she can't even offer herself because he put a curse on her he made her an immortal hybrid through the streets did she emerge into the streets she shall return all right next up I ain't gonna lie this one gonna be fast the old head so Arnold ends up helping out lay who earlier he beat in a sword fight with a stick burn really beat this man with a stick you know this reminds me of when Goku fought trunks with his finger but anyways this old head is being controlled by the fraud Demon King and he is also one of the seven Elders though this man almost wasted no time look at this the old head tried to escape dude like it's time for me to make my greatest Escape until we meet again damn bro really cut off his legs and stabbed him in the head Lord have mercy not even the fusion of Gandalf and Dumbledore can stop this man the last one all right ladies and gentlemen we have finally reached the last exhibit with this op unpatched disrespectful ass [ __ ] and that is him turning Heroes into zeros because he made these hero academies look straight trash hot garbage but let me give you some context real quick so they end up having an inner Academy exam with the Hero Academy and y'all remember saber from wish that stabbed almost earlier yeah uh apparently bro got reincarnated into like four other people so the first two that we end up meeting We Got Ur you from wish and this big ass white body ass [ __ ] who want to smoke the moment he got there we're already started running at him impact why this man almost just standing there that man did a jiren impersonation so this man is perplexed he's like hey bro what the [ __ ] you just do to me I blinked trash ass [ __ ] now [ __ ] out my face you dumbass fraud so later on we finally get to the battles so the Hero Academy already talking mad crazy they teach her like just to let you know we will be sending out our Elite class so I hope you're starting lineup can cook so meanwhile while they trying to figure out their starting lineup this man I don't just go ahead and say Hey listen my five can cook all y'all [ __ ] is trash huh [ __ ] you say man so then this pompous ass comes up and says how dare you speak to us like that you pop and smuggle we will be the starting lineup you three-fifths of a citizen I mean okay I mean if y'all get cooked and ain't on me and ladies and gentlemen them [ __ ] died absolutely violated it got to the point I don't had to save their sorry asses so after you get them out the water bro walk over to him and say hey bro you good [ __ ] you [ __ ] this is your fault um aren't you the one that said you was gonna go out there and cook them [ __ ] look bro you got your ass be so bad you making your teacher cry okay bro [ __ ] a [ __ ] trash well I mean at least you admitted it goofy ass [ __ ] so they end up figuring out that the heroes have mixed holy water in the lake and I mean y'all should know what holy water does to Demons but again this man anos was not phased and this man was about to commit a mass amount of property damage so this little idiot right here ends up saying you guys can complain about our holy water all you want but it's going nowhere who decided that who do you think you are escanor you're just gonna blow up the lake precisely don't you hit the Trap remix son [Music] this [ __ ] just blew up a entire Lake filled with holy water so after he blows up the lake they start scrapping with the heroes so Arnold starts fighting all the four reincarnations at once so they trying to chain him up bro looked at him and say get that [ __ ] off me so we end up blowing them all up so he could spread them out so then he starts to get double teamed by urge you in this emotionless ass little girl so he grabbed toy sword slams her on the ground I'll try to come from behind [ __ ] said sit your dumbass down today's getting dog walked so bad they had to turn into Goku [ __ ] pulled out the give me your energy so they started making a Spirit Bomb well not a Spirit Bomb kinda like what trunks did but anyway they keep on attacking them and it ain't doing jack [ __ ] so then I know starts doing the X obviously bootleg or you like we have the support of 10 million people the [ __ ] is your lame ass gonna do 10 million I only need my fan club fan girls can you hear me um yes me Lord sing sing for your king so they start seeking for this man and both becomes even more OD this [ __ ] is cracked and bro hits him with the food team so this man is so confused he is like yo what the [ __ ] is going on how are these girls overpowering 10 million people simple they just love me more than your 10 million people these hoes will love me to the day I die oh my honest was not done with the Hero Academy yet next he went to go [ __ ] up their teacher after bro did some questionable things to miss you bro what the [ __ ] are you doing this [ __ ] playing forced Unleashed and apparently the teacher was some ugly devil the whole time he just went ahead and off him though then the demon king of Riz ends up meeting his next baby mama and he also decided to be the father that steps up cause shorty got like 2 000 something kids and she also 2 000 years old this is a MILF Hunter now so we have now finally reached the end of the road so how do we end this off with the bang by fighting the [ __ ] Megazord [Music] okay so apparently plot twist remember early in the video when I said there was a fraud Demon King out there yeah it was this [ __ ] and bro was also The Reincarnation of saber from wish I go lie I do not know how to explain this you're gonna have to go watch the show yourself but uh he basically also killed this man like six times and they team up to fight this fat ass Megazord [ __ ] this is Power Rangers so apparently this due to the Megazord is a older bitter ass man cause almost beat his ass like 2 000 years ago also demons killed his family so the old head was trying to get his gift back but not a boy got messed up badly by this ultimate tag team look at the old [ __ ] he like oh is worth it's too strong [Music] and with that the demon king of frizz has claimed his spot s and even though his new season is on Hiatus the demon king of risk will return with the round table finally now back in full swing and multiple new contestants on The Horizon who will prevail who will fail who is on the hot seat and who will ultimately get the boots all that and more on this new season of black Air Force energy [Music]
Channel: Cj Dachamp
Views: 4,281,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ukb0zj9W3tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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