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when y'all said this show got some crazy fights y wasn't lying and listen I'm not even exaggerating this show might have the best fights in animation history no glaze but go ahead and grab your snacks it's going to be a longer one all right so we like 10 seconds in and they already trying to box this thing comes out the portal walks down the MC he made sure he had enough AA to not do damage but enough for everyone to notice his hair routine now I kid you not the MC literally said I'm here here to take your [ __ ] see now I'm confused if you said something like I'm here to take back what mine that would have made more sense what could you possibly want that requires summoning a demon just to Rob him anyways the MC wanted minimum talking he trying to put on for the Fire Nation ran off trying to gain some speed came back around and H what flavor is this lemon pepper blocked the hit went for a tail whip he barely dodged it bro turned into the Human Torch but as a easy triple Perry he said man if you don't sit your dumb ass down but that's when homeboy clicked R1 and activated his special skill like I know he's the main character but the moment he pulled a Vegeta the arm grab I knew he wasn't winning but he took what I said personally just ran with it [ __ ] done with Super Saiyan reinforced his broken arm and went in for round two he headbutt the tree grabbed it tossed that hole at MOX speeds but bro made light worker that [ __ ] and then clashed at least that's what I thought was going to happen that MC power up was a scam it did not do what was advertised he paid for Super Saiyan but really got one for all he was immediately getting punished and then these random Iceberg spawned in but turns out it was someone else who pulled up to help then two more pulled up so I'm thinking they going to jump but right as he broke out another person pulled up see now this dude moving like Drake He Got the Whole World against him I'm thinking that jumping is going to be Monumental but then they let these two go back to running the ones fatal mistake but I let it slide this one time then this man turned into a literal Dr they Clash energy but then it pH to White we come back and see dude laid out not only did he beat your ass but now he got your homies yo my question is where's the other three people we just seen they just sitting back watching bro get his ass beat aren't y'all on the same side cuz Ice Dude finally steps in cuz he sees his sister getting took then he shoots some ice beam but this [ __ ] one hands that [ __ ] and then shoots back a damn G gun and before leaving he was like yo fire boy you did this to yourself you open the seal now my son's missing bring back my son and I'll return your loved ones and we're just going to skim over this real quick just know that this girl probably has some type of importance to the plot she was doing an errand for her pot where she ran into these three people who will be more important later but then she ended up getting lost but that's when she ran into the MC who happens to know exactly who she's looking for then she got whatever she needed and now they headed back to camp but when they got there the same three people from earlier pulled up and already caught two bodies and was trying to catch a third but un wasn't going to let that happen told that boy to square up he was holding him back for a sec but ended up getting a face full of boot that boy dashed in un blocked he then flips the blade and caught him right on the shoulder now I truly don't know what un was doing right here but the end result was another boot to the face but he kicked his own weapons back and as the second one was coming through Unk number two pulled up now as you can see dude is holding a staff I have very mixed opinions on staff users cuz it's either you're very good or you're very ass there's no in between he leaps in closing the Gap he blocks the double hit and the overhead un had get a little Saucy on him for a sec but went for the stab shout out SRO just mcki countered his [ __ ] and I guess un Enchanted his staff midbox but look at the footwork yo an don't let this man moonwalk on you like that bro he stops the staff but an uses that momentum against him and sliced his ass yo Unk I'm sorry for ever doubting you you're indeed a good staff user so good in fact that these [ __ ] trying to jump they both ran in through the daggers as a easy block but the speed blit is just too strong but he ain't going out like that he's got to let him know who the best Unk is go ahead and get SAU on a monk he did block but look this may be one of the smartest staff users of all time the second guy thought it was free East but un pulls out a knife from inside the staff weave bro that would have been a legendary play if this dude a have a titanium cranium I don't care if Unk lost he put the entire staff Nation on his back then dude on the gate was like yo Unk get out the way and then immediately shot gave him no time to actually move you hurt Unk more than the guy you was trying to shoot and they end up deflecting you anyway you just hold yourself and I was lowkey upset cuz I thought they was going to murk Unk but the main character finally pulled up and he definitely performed did some type of spin kick and broke one's neck while he was choking the other one out turns out they were Birds this whole time I guess yes but what does that mean to him just another body needed to be caught and from this point forward I'm just going to call this man Zuko anyways we all know the boss always waits in the back and Zuko was itching for a real fight they both dashed in bird predicts the fire so he shoots up the bridge Zuko jumps Through the flames trying to hit him with a drop kick bird blocks it but then he shoots up the water using it as a distraction so we can hit him with a shock wave and then he stares at the camera he know that [ __ ] was cold but look at Zuko not a single scuff on the fit the bird dashes in Block double weave devastating counter that [ __ ] looking the wrong way Zuko hit him with a spin move and look he getting mad trying to crease the Jays Zuko lands on his feet but that back dash vicious weaves like 30 attacks right here but now they in the air and look at the handle Zuko got this man in a blender his ankle taking critical damage he lands in the water bird comes through but that's an easy block took his wings back did a spin for no reason then hit him with another shock wave your body skipping on water is crazy work the bird spins back locks eyes and at first I thought you was pieing dude up but this [ __ ] is blocking and dodging everything then zuku proceedes to send that man across the map Dives under water to chase him down he said the combo's not dropping upper cut him out of there spinning right kick to the jaw and comes back down with the open Palm to the neck bird tries that shock wave [ __ ] again but that ain't going to work breaks through with another open Palm straight to the jaw destroyed the stomach broke the sternum obliterated the neck spun back on the stomach for the one time comboed his [ __ ] crazy then grabs the face and SL him like four times before clocking his [ __ ] but he's not done he boosted himself forward and connected with a crazy punch and look at the [Applause] angle that looked like a killing blow but he somehow flew off the mix was too strong he couldn't handle it and then it cuss to the Village when the chief was talking about something I know many of us are gravely injured but we must fight quick we shall kill that [Music] monster can you repeat that one more time for me go ahead say it you said you're going to kill who now he trying to act all hard like zugu not going to spin the block foot on neck can't breathe he somehow shot another shock wave but Zuko was on that then he got a lucky hit off cuz he couldn't handle the one on that [ __ ] was weak but now's the time for the bird to transform anyone who looked into his Open Wings got turned into some kind of monster then he was getting high off their life force or some [ __ ] I don't know I just know Zuko has to heal himself while Birdman Smokes on even more people and he finally transformed and he's now some type of human bird hybrid and then he flies off to look for something but Zuko finally goes Super Saiyan and this dude really got a half shyy just to show off the scar he zooms off catches up with him with the people's elbow to the spine they land dash off again going to try to hit him with the fire fist but that's a Dodge Zuko back flips over the wing stab and now we going to get personal he going to move his hand out of the way and karate chopped the other went for a mean elbow but blocked with the wings Zuko Dodges the wings again blocks the follow up blocks the overhead goes for a ball shot but it gets rejected roundhouse that's another block Birdman we both kicks but wasn't ready for the next two Birman got a new skill unlock though shooting projectiles but they all getting blocked that's a permanent Deb in the stomach he's now forever sponsored by his kneecap but he ain't done though you thought the Broly face grab is bad Birman is dragging this [ __ ] across the long ass wall with his kneecap this [ __ ] is ridiculous Zuko gains his posture back Burman got another skill this dude really be going into his skill treat midbox and just unlock [ __ ] using uses the force to pick him back up and pingpong combo this [ __ ] then pull him the right Peck for the final hit and set him flying up the stairs he flies into the air thinking it was over but he was terribly mistaken I guess he hit Super Saiyan 2 but the most disrespectful thing he's done was breaking this man shyy leaps into the air grabs both arms drags him in kicked him into the wall but he's not done he parkours through the rubble grabs a rock charges that [ __ ] up and slaps him but Birdman has had enough they was playing tag for a little second till he grabs his face and this time truly hit him with the Broly then tossed him to the other side shoots projectiles before flying head first through the mountain Birman then creates a giant thing I don't even know what to call that and Zuko just flies head first into that [ __ ] now is your chance Gohan Zuko is a about to get body but he remembered he's the main character he rips through the beam flies in connecton with a punch straight to the heart and started comboing this man with his Aura and finished it off with a spin kick to the Dome and as Birman was on his last breath he sneaks a piece of himself somewhere that's going to come back later I guess but then the chief comes up talking about some no don't go in there and obviously if you came all his way just to say that now we going to have to go in there so Zuko goes in and sees that the demon baby from the start was in there getting being tortured so he grabs the baby and goes off forever and now let's skim over this part real quick 3 years ago the Villager was in a plague but the demon baby scale happen to fall into the water and turns out it can heal any disease which is the reason why they captured it the ginu force also pulls up who was obviously going to try and get the demon baby back and that piece of wing Birdman snuck off was used to relay the whereabouts of the demon baby so now these [ __ ] are about to spin so now we fast forward to one of the ginu members who I'm going just called May who is traveling with the girl from earlier when all of a sudden they get ran up shorty was trying to shoot but her gun jammed luckily May came in and blocked the hit sliced Eugene homeboy thought he did something with that Dodge but still got a t to the gut weave back dash stabed the claw [ __ ] out the way stab the right titty but the left titty ain't safe either stabbed him two more times kicked him back let him keep the knife threw the bow down we get imp personal kicked the knife through this dumbass going to hit the knife back but all that did was give her her a weapon again slides back grab the bow pops him in the neck and look at this form low to the ground that kick going to be fully charged look at him he don't even know what to do he just got it accepted and while the bow was still on the neck she loow that [ __ ] and popped him Point Blank excellent performance out of you but to no one surprise that was a little too easy for a debut match I don't even know what I'm looking at but this dude just wants straight smoke lowkey May might be one of my favorite characters cuz look she throws the bow before he attacks slip look at the pose just a dab of sauce and Peep how the bow turns into a melee weapon so he blocks the first hit use the other hand get off me she blocks the thrust then he blocks the stab with the Fabrics throw the fan over the shoulder but may his T toes he leaps Up Kicks it back she deflects it but she ain't know was a boomerang caught it and block both hits weave deflects it and they Clash I thought we finally got a break but nah his fans has buil in kunai but may couldn't care bless about no fair one she turned to old girl was like all right let's jump him hits us with the unnecessary roll shot three times but your power level ain't high enough then may slide cancel shooting the bow with her foot cuz why not he Dodges it but then immediately gets shot with a barrage of arrows and I don't know why he's looking over there did you forget who the real threat is speed Blitz now that should have been a fatal blow but I guess he bit it but it turns out he's an electric type and we know water electricity don't miss he flew down got up close and personal but that's when zuku came through with a knuckle sandwich he wasn't going to let that slide though he runs in but look at the Block no stance no nothing one armor is all that was needed he said let me lock in though back off me slip he air ball but it's cool blocked the hit karate chopped the arm down spin move deflex the cool KN with the fabric yo what are they wearing vibranium takes two steps back open Palm the fan Clash hits with the fan again but this time opens it the fan spin the block deflects that [ __ ] triple block tries to throw the fan away but he catches it spins it around but look how he weaves and tosses the fan at the same time he knows how it works now though he's not getting call lacking twice a little triple block right here but the fourth kick dude uses that as an opening to throw a break dance kick they both run in Zuko Dodges the slash runs back up dodges the F but popped him in the jaw at the same time then grabs the sleeve with the same leg forces him to kiss the elbow hit him with the eight trigr 64 palms and I know that fan was annoying he made sure have burn that [ __ ] then bro started talking about some oh so you're a fire user don't you realize you're surrounded by water he dashes in but look at Zuko not a hint to fear in his face weak ass water tribe a simple yell evaporated the water and cooked the other dude and right when he was going to finish him the writer said you know what he's a little too strong they just patched his build mid box and dude took that opportunity real quick he said if he going down he ain't going down alone so then he wakes up and realized he flew down here with may but this show does not give us any breaks they immediately get ran up on by another demon but this one for whatever reason had a personal grudge against Zuko he leaps off pulls out the sword Perry weave and who is this dude feeling like with that no look block you better not get washed acting like this bro Zuko blocks the overhead whips over the slash clash and now they playing cat and mouse tries throwing a bunch of rocks at him but that's not going to work right as he destroys the boulder dude comes from the top Roop but look at the simple one-step Dodge bro that [ __ ] was clean but we playing dirty around here he kicks rocks right in his face Zuko dodged that [ __ ] kicks back up slides under the blade smack the sword hard as [ __ ] right here Clash the second kick knocks the sword out of his hand but he wasn't worried about grabbing the sword again instead he backhand the [ __ ] it comes back around just in time to block the hit he then calls in assist bazooko blocks all of that but then the Deon uses the rest of the blast to boost the sword bazooko is simply just better somehow that didn't phas him at all but no sword means you got to eat this combo uppercut elow to the jaw barely blocked that hit but look at the face Zuko is locked in ready to force feed this man a well done elbow wow this man's life is flashing before his eyes bro can smell every detail in that shirt but Zuko is trying to end this with a level three and then he also gets hit with a Nerf again and this is when he remembers why this demon has a grudge against him 10 years ago Zuko whooped his ass already not only that he was the one who merked his mans and then took his arm pure disrespect and at this point Zuko is nerfed crazy right now his own body PL on his downfall he was about to end it but luckily May came through and almost blocked all the needles one of them hit her and now she can't move once again he was about to finish the job but that's when lil bro pulled up the green flame user but then the water guy from earlier pulled up making this a 2v2 kind of he enters the eight gates with ease they both running in trying to jump this man but he smacks the eill with a firebomb instantly squares up with the other easily blocking all them needles runs in jumps over the sweep grabs the eel smacks him into his own teammate d the needles but at the same time Dodges the eel and do you see the form of this kick right here he would have died if that [ __ ] connected the eel grabbed him but we playing Fruit Ninja out here then he gets snuck but that's expected he's op grips the neck stops him in his tracks but the eel using an electric attack I don't know he must have thought he was the only one who can jump he goes after Zuko grabs with both legs push to him around and socked him pieced them up but Zuko is still nerfed he's on a cool down he was about to get smacked but L bro came through with another save they Clash elbows block the kick reaps over the sweep and now he's blocking both the hits and the balls at the same time they send each other back sends the attack over but he matches it with his own he jumps through his own fire popped him like seven times with the flames right here but he finally gets hit with like 10 needles and I don't care this dude is a cheater May got hit with a singular needle was put out of commission this dude gets hit with like 10 then just used the cheat code on his arm and now he's perfectly fine I better see his name in the next patch notes anyways demon shoots a supernova but lil bro instantly matched it and I know the demon was cook cuz the attack itself was scared he realized he wasn't going to win straight up so he dispersed the ball and threw it straight at little bro but he said eight Tri Grand's Palm rotation he sent that big ass onion back of him and it was reps that took a lot out of him but the eel saw this as an opportunity banged him against the and [ __ ] did y'all see that so he started electrocuting little bro but you know Zuko is still nerfed but luckily Iceman came through and say the day I'mma just call him jet from now on he then grabs dude he tries that explosion again but jet simply went Ultra Instinct and froze him and now they shows what caus all this in the first place pretty much the water tribe picked Jet's sister to do something called a descending God assignment which is pretty much just fighting and she has to go up against Zuko they seem pretty even at the start until Zuko lost control luckily his mom was there to stop him but the cost was high they brought her to the Elder and they determined she doesn't have long to live anymore but Zuko overheard them mention that the scales of a certain demon can possibly do something which is why he was trying to rob that demon in the beginning and now we fast forward to when they help may she sees that Zuko is nerfed by a parasite so she gives him some medicine to temporarily stop the debuffs fast forward again to this guy and we just going to skip over this first fight it's really just him bullying some statues but this this is where things get interesting keep in mind that anything this man does is without his transformation so the guy on the left I'm going call him Dion and the dude on the right that's choji but looks like Dion is up first weave block the hit and you see the size of his hand if a single hit connects his head is off his shoulders crazy Perry look at the stance the foot in the air is insane look at the Hops though and they clashed a couple times right here but he was not letting up smack the at his hand but he kicks it back around dances with it then kicks it again nah he's enjoying this way too much anyways Dion calls back the sword starts showing off they Clash a couple times jumps over the blade he catches it man give me my [ __ ] back Ducks the punch blocks the followup slices the ankles choji spins back around air ball leaps back in and he can't go fist for fist get your weight up choji goes back and his big on big violence he ends the combo with a mean elbow and bro was like oh nice move I'mma need that and I just want yall to watch the family platter he served this dude on straight bullying he leaps off the rock damn near breaking his own arm nah matter of fact patch this man first what build is this he should not be able to move the way that he's moving what stats did he upgrade imagine Shaq having Kyrie handles that's [ __ ] is a folk tail it doesn't exist Nerf this man now so choji ties in with some chains and instantly calls for backup so Dion pulls up activates some power and that [ __ ] barely went through I mean he felt it but now he just going to activate more cheats just melted that man's weapon get off me move garbage po them in a jaw get your big ass over there oh yeah he wants you first now they just dancing but look at this dumbass smack his own mans but we ain't done though oh no this not even even a face grab the [ __ ] grabbed your whole torso this don't even mean that you lost a fight this means you lost at life [ __ ] you got to restart anyways he throws him at his own mans comes back down with the most vicious leg drop but he's not done he freezes his arm with whatever that is choji gets drenched with a pound of lava and look how far he was this man was sniping them he flies down gave choji a mouth full of dirt yeah buddy you not safe either this man didn't even train transform you and he put major belt to ass that's when made the goat pulls up I told y she was like that oh yeah we jumping out though let the fire Brothers handle the jumping y'all other [ __ ] wasn't doing it correct and y'all know the rules we got to sit back and let the op [ __ ] power up again bro turn into a demigod or some [ __ ] L bro goes eight Gates but Zuko is still nerfed he can't go Super Saiyan hold this Fireball pathetic C the straight face don't need to try but he going to apply that pressure now he somehow stops big man kicks him back he going to tag Zuko in block block block we don't touch me twopiece he going to throw the tape and this [ __ ] must know he being recorded any chance he get he striking the pose but you kind of lose a swag when you get clocked by the boulder but look at the setup the next time you think about Duos you think about these two shoots the blast big man ate all of that though caught little bro hit him with a stage transition and he's not letting up hitting him with straight super Broly combo zuk going to tag himself back in barely Dodge his sword slip slide cancel jump over the blade rejects all this and now we in the sky ends up kicking his jaw he going to use the tape bring him down here sends the crystals off he going to try to stop it though big man going to run through his own [ __ ] and pop him another stage transition and now it's just straight bully timing hit him so hard his shirt popped off but Zuko said [ __ ] stop stealing moves cuts the blade off stab the titties but big man going double punch left bro days then smack them in the back of his head but lil bro going to come through can't let big bro get done like that he's going to Parry both of them jump off the one hand block the fire back step the Rocks Parry Zuko tries to sweep little bro going to dodge lil bro going to block the four piece when Zuko comes through with the flank oh yeah let's get personal Clash slip reflect spin move Clash again took the angles oh yeah little bro said don't think [ __ ] is sweet he ain't know we chase down down game but look at this little bro going to start an attack and Zuko going to boost him over there but he leaves the tape on his leg so he can sling shot over there I didn't even catch that the first time he going to drag him back down and never mind he took the show back going to stop them and throw them both back I don't know he must hate lil bro cuz he trapped him and him only now he's just doing [ __ ] is this a ultimate Zuko going to come through though and slice all that up he tried to send a bigger one like that going to change some but that was just a perfect opening for big man he was trying to take them both out with that move right here but here we go again bro was always getting nerfed but he activate Super Saiyan real quick breaks the crystals and Lil Bro clocked them but this [ __ ] needs an immediate patch nothing phases him he going to zoom back in with mock speeds and rock little bro and I know that [ __ ] was bad too cuz they gave us three different angles but now I understand why they were hitting Zuko with live patches this dude is dead ass broken I thought he hit Super Saiyan guy but then he went Super Saiyan blue but then he said you know what [ __ ] it I'm just going to go UI I guess he has a mod menu too because he forcefully unnerfed his build and him breaking that just activated his domain expansion Divine Blitz somehow big man is still kicking though so he goes for another attack stops that [ __ ] completely flew around in the simple wave of his arm broke everything big man still trying though but look at the way he blocking that [ __ ] he seen that and said hell no what do I even do at this point he just doing stuff eviscerated that man with purple and gold flames and everybody got the exact same face I had the [ __ ] was that but yeah bro hopefully we get another season I can't name any other show that got better hands than this y'all just going to have to keep putting me on to shows like this [Music]
Channel: ImKevinn
Views: 758,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fog Hill of The Five Elements, Fog Hill of Five Elements, wenren yixuan, Xuan vs final form wraith, Fog Hill of Five Elements fights, anime2024, animefights, anime jumpings, jumping in anime, anime reverse jumpings, fog hill anime, fog hill fights, anime, anime commentary, anime recap, anime review, best anime fights, anime fight breakdowns, anime fight analysis, new gen anime, Wenren Yixuan fights, Xuan and Jing vs Final Form Shanchu, fog hill of the five elements fight scene
Id: XFHDH3r4hlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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