This Disgusting Fat Child Found God After His Family Was Killed | Anime Recap Documentary

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padlet was an ugly Fatso child who watched a demon sacrifice his family at a young age but managed to escape so he could suffer for the rest of his miserable life for the next 3 years he would spend every day starving as he searched for God wishing to become the strongest man alive but when God heard his wish he told him to give up on his worthless dead family and that he will always be useless for the rest of his life however adlet began crying saying that he didn't deserve to keep living when everyone else was killed but after hearing those words God kicked him with enough Force to break his rib cage launching him back onto the ground as he struggled to breathe God screamed at him to smile before kicking him once again saying that the only way to get stronger is to smile in the face of all the pain so God kept beating him up until adlet was able to smile in the face of De throughout the years he began creating secret weapons to break the laws of physics and trained until his bones broke so that one day he would become one of the six Heroes that were chosen by the goddess of war and obtained the power to defeat the demon god when he revived 4 million years into the future the tournament for the strongest Warrior was about to begin and the king of the world announced the two demigods that would be fighting before the goddess of war the winner of this duel would get to sleep with the princess nashetania but as he continued speaking adlet entered the duel saying he was the strongest man in the world however no one knew his ugly ass so he offered to challenge both of them at the same time neither of the demigods wanted to waste their energy but but as the guards began surrounding him adlet began throwing his secret darts knocking all of them down within 2 seconds the demigods thought he was a worthy opponent and attempted to attack him but adlet used his Superior acrobatics to dodge all of their blows and evaded their groundbreaking strikes before throwing a container of gasoline onto them from underneath his vest he showed hundreds of grenades and threw them around to create a blinding fog around them they thought he was a magician but as he ran closer to strike them down the air Demi God knocked his sword away but this was all part of his trap to ignite the gasoline on his face while he was blinded he broke his arm and knocked him down crushing his spine at the same time the be demigod was unable to walk from the poisonous spikes he had planted so before everyone he announced that he was adlet Mayer the strongest man in the world he asked the goddess if she saw his display to make him one of the chosen Heroes but the demigod tackled him down and the entire crowd began throwing their food at him later that day atlet's worthless face was thrown into a jail cell but before he knew it a hot blonde girl with massive cannons approached him saying the way he handled his sword Unleashed her floodgates she begged to feel his sword but he thought that her face was disgusting so he shook her hand and she asked him how he became this powerful as he told her his depressing life story he saw her clapping but the only thing he wanted to be clapping were her nice massive however she wondered why he kept saying he was the strongest man in the world so he revealed that he needs to be chosen as one of the six Brave flowers and defeat the demon god who will revive soon just then he realized that a mage shouldn't be able to sneak into a prison and thought her worthless body looked just like the princesses but she ran away as soon as he said that and thought he was extremely perceptive the following morning the king sentenced him to execution by starvation and he was brought to an underground cell where he would spend his last few days however he managed to survive for 2 months by eating the animal [ __ ] the guards would throw for him and drinking the rain water by the time 3 months passed his arm was finally healed and he thought it was time to think of an escape plan that same night as all the citizens were living their lives normally the sky blazed a red color and the demon god was finally reborn seeing the red Hue the goddess of war appeared before adlet and pierced his skin when he woke up he felt a burning sensation on his hand and saw the flower Crest signifying that he was chosen as one of the six Heroes when he realized this was what his entire life's led up to he screamed at the guards to let him free but the hot blonde girl appeared once again introducing herself as the princess nashetania and exposing her massive cannons to show her Crest after he showed his flower back she activated the abilities of her weapon disintegrating his blade into hundreds of mystical daggers and using them to open the prison cell she told him to hurry and after escaping nashetania pushed the demigod into the cell and they began running away together after Escaping The Bridge he saw they would be riding two horses on the exit gate their horses leaped over all the soldiers and they Dove deep into the forest for the next few days they would begin heading towards the demon God's Island where they were going to meet the rest of the six Braves a few hours later they arrived at atlet's Old dump and he packed up his belongings ready for the trip before long they began their journey and they realized that they were not being pursued by anyone when they arrived at a new town nasan thought it was beautiful as this was her first time out outside her City so she decided to try a new kind of fruit and even took a carrot as she peeled the fruits in an instant she decided to reveal her impressive magic to adlet and he realized that this was the power of the saint of blades deciding to reveal more of her skills nashetania cast her blades at him but adlet narrowly evaded them all and smacked off another before screaming at her to return to her senses that night as they rested by the fire adlet told nasan that they still have a few more days before arriving at the land of howling demons a few days later as they entered a new territory they spotted several villagers that were leaving for a new city so adet told nasana to keep her eyes peeled afraid they would be attacked by enemies who were looking to eliminate all the Braves before they were United hearing these words nasat became afraid wondering if she would survive in a battle as they passed through the forest they spotted a family that were trying to escape from the village nashetania wondered why they were hurrying away so the lady told her that the village was under under attack from fiends which were ruthless monsters that descended from the demon god at once adlet began charging towards the village wondering if it was a trap to lure them out outside the forest ugly monsters began attacking the people and knocked a man to the ground as adet started running towards the monsters he offered to distract them and told nashetania to finish them off so he spewed liquid on them and ignited a flame in that instant and as they burned nasat annihilated them immediately at once he hurried off again and blew a whistle that Drew their attention as he slayed one he dodged others but nasat killed them instantly the other fiends noticed her presence and charged at her but adlet managed to slay one of them allowing her to eliminate the Beast with all the monsters dead adlet told her that he was pleased with her skills and she told him that she would always offer him her support realizing the villagers were safe adlet wondered if there was anyone else left so a woman told him that a traveling girl was abandoned in the village and she thought that the fiends would devour her deciding to rescue her adlet tried to leave for the village but nashetania stopped him and began saying that they could not save everyone but were better off heading to their destination adlet thought her words made sense but immediately rode off telling her that he would save everyone as she tried following him more fiends appeared and the people started running away inside the village adlet realized that all the houses had been destroyed and as he noticed a bullet inside a monster he discovered that it was shot with gunpowder and thought the traveling girl must have killed it just then he spotted her in the village and noticed that she had rescued a puppy and thought that she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen as she noticed adith she wondered if his horrendous face was from a botched plastic surgery and told him to scram before Sheed his ugly ass afraid she meant business adlet decided to introduce himself saying that he was one of the six Braves she told him that her name was flamy but blasted a shot just past him luckily he managed to control his horse and she grew back her bullet instantly reloading another shot she wondered if he came to kill her but he tried explaining that they were on the same team even so she would not believe his words thinking that no truth could possibly come from his worthless disgusting mouth on the other hand a knight appeared before nashetania having arrived from her City he was goldof and he told her that he was chosen to be one of the Braves as he revealed his Crest to her he told her that he came to protect her and said that he had found the girl who had killed several brave warriors n wondered who she was so he revealed a bullet and said that the killer's name was flamy at the same time flamy called adlet a disgusting useless piece of [ __ ] for entering the city's ritual tournament and said that he deserves to have his empty brains blown out for his crime adlet tried telling her that he uses every weapon to his own Advantage but she thought that it made him even more of a coward she told him that she was the saint of gunpowder and that she was heading off on her own to fight the demon god telling him to stay far away as she fired a shot to rile the horse she ran off immediately at that instant adlet loaded the horse and sent it away before chasing after the girl as he ran through the forest wondering where she went he noticed her Trail and began following it shortly he heard a rustling of leaves and thought she was hiding in the tree however he soon discovered that she had hung two rocks as a distraction and decided to climb up the tree as he began spying with his telescope he noticed her in the bushes and she wondered how he managed to find her she began running even faster thinking she had escaped but adlet appeared before her eyes and she wondered if he was a wizard even so she decided to aim her gun and told him to get his ugly face out of her sight but he told her that she needs him as she couldn't kill the demon god on her own however she wasn't interested in his crypto rug pull and told him that she could surely blow up his Fu teeth and that the other Braves would also kill her if she tries to team up with them padlet thought her words made no sense but she told him that his face being that ugly made no sense no that one there was a violation personally I wouldn't happen after getting clapped adlet decided to sheath his sword so flamy told him to go find a lake to drown himself in and began running off however the worthless she face would not quit and threw an explosive at her blinding her vision with smoke as he stole her bag he declared himself her new traveling companion but she wondered what disgusting hole he crawled out of just then he started backing away and said that he would save her if the other Braves tried to kill her she tried aiming at him as he left but decided to spare his life afraid of losing her bullets if he survived and began to follow him meanwhile nashetania and goldov spotted a fiend and he realized that he could not cut through it nashit readied several spikes to terminate it but it managed to slow down and she thought she was screwed luckily goldov nailed it to the ground in an instant as the spikes vanished a new monster appeared before her and she froze up in shock but gavi seied it with a powerful strike just then they spotted atlet's horse and goldov discovered the letter on it as nasat read it she realized that it was from adlet who was telling her to continue towards the land of howling demons without her at the same time adlet and flamy were walking through the forest and adlet was determined to remain by her side however she told him that they would kill each other eventually and said that it was her Destiny to kill the demon god even so her words made no sense to adlet and he told her that they need the others as they spotted the land of howling demons in the distance adlet thought the people were probably in danger and hurried off at once before long they arrived at The Fortress and he returned flam's bag to her as he screamed at the gates a group of security appeared demanding to know who he was so he introduced himself and said that he was one of the chosen Braves One Security told him that two other Braves had arrived a few days ago but had left for the temple at that instant the gates opened and the commander welcomed them to the guard posts as they headed out he told them that several soldiers had been slain by the fiends and that only a few survivors were left inside the Fortress he told them that the fiends had invaded their continent in hopes of killing the Braves before the demon god was slain and that their best bet was to seal up the fiends within the forest with a fantasmal barrier created by the former King he told them that the barrier could be activated from inside the temple which was secured with defensive walls that was created by the saint of salt and could never be destroyed by the monsters he said that once all the Braves were gathered to together one Warrior would activate the barrier inside the temple sealing up the fiends forever however if they failed to accomplish this goal they would all be annihilated by the demon god adlet thought it made perfect sense but wondered if the other Braves would truly be brave enough to face the demon god as the commander revealed an altar he told them that a replica was set up inside the temple and that they must thrust the sword inside the days to activate the barrier adlet decided to give it a try and thought he had it figured out so after a few hours they decided to leave the Fortress and began heading for the temple adlet wondered if nashetania had reached the temple already and hoped they could protect flamy together however flamy was certain that they would try to eliminate her and told adlet to get his worthless brain out of his even so adlet chose to remain a [ __ ] and tried telling her that he would never leave her side at an instant he pushed her aside saving her from a spear and as she managed to balance herself she aimed her gun and fired at nashetania destroying her blades instantly nashetania screamed at adlet to escape but he tackled goldov before he could slay the girl immediately nashetania cast tiny lights that transformed into large spikes but flamy managed to fly over them and blasted her Shield before hiding away adlet managed to restrain goldov and tried screaming for the girls to stop attacking each other but nasan prepared a new defense immediately having seen enough Adler drew his sword but goldof smacked him out of the way so he cast dust at him to block his vision as flamy tried blasting gold off straight to the afterlife adlet threw a rock at her causing her to lose her Target immediately she readed another shot aiming at nashetania but adet commanded them to stop saying that flamy was not their enemy but was actually one of them to prove it was true he decided to reveal her Crest and wondered why they had attacked her in the first place nitan revealed that she was the renowned killer who was executing Brave fighters from different cities so flamy confessed that she was truly the Killer and that she intends to kill every one of the Braves as adlet wondered why she killed the fighters she told him that it was the quickest way to awaken the demon god goldof thought she deserves to be executed for her confession and nashetania prepared to end her but adlet stood in the way to protect her he began saying that she couldn't possibly be their enemy since she was one of them and thought that she must have a reason for trying to revive the demon god flamy told him that she does and the Ugly [ __ ] said that he was surely on her side and would support her if nashetania continued with her attacks goldov thought the [ __ ] was better off dead anyway and prepared to give him a quick ending but nasan decided to surrender and caused her Spears to vanish a few minutes later adlet suggested that they continue towards the temple so they decided to leave inside the forest they noticed large birds in the sky so adlet looked with his telescope and discovered that they were actually flying Monsters Just then he realized they were dropping explosives inside the forest afraid they would be caught in the explosion they started running away however they soon discovered an army of fiends before them and adlet thought they were trying to slow them down at nutan's command goldov hurried forward and slayed the first Monster before destroying a second and splitting another as a great Beast appeared before him it commanded the others to annihilate them so goldov dawned his helmet but large spikes destroyed them all in that instant Mor fiends began charging at them but flamy eliminated one and nasit destroyed another at the same time goldof sliced off several heads and adlet killed another monster realizing the fiends were endless nashetania told adlet to head for the temple killing the monster before him so adlet hurried away rushing past the monsters as they were slain one after another as he appeared before the temple he noticed a wounded lady but she told him to hurry inside and activate the barrier so he rushed to the door and tried to open it but realized that it was impossible with his weak worthless hands without hesitating he set explosives on the door and and ignited it before hurrying away as it blew up the doors finally opened and revealed a dark Corridor padlet thought monsters may be lurking in the darkness and Drew his sword but two knights began charging at him in an instant he slayed them both but realized they were merely empty armor before his eyes the lady transformed into a fiend and ran off before he could slay it and at that moment a fog began appearing around the forest and adlet wondered who activated the barrier but decided to head inside anyway as he arrived at the alter he realized that the sword had been thrust into the deis and wondered who snuck inside just then the others rushed in wondering why he activated the barrier adlet told them that he found it activated but had no idea who it was afraid they've been sealed inside the temple goldof decided to deactivate the barrier however as he pulled out the sword they realized that the fog was not clearing adlet thought he knew the solution and tried spilling his blood over the days like the last saint of salt had done even so the fog still wouldn't clear at the realization that they could be stuck here forever nashetania snatched the sword and began screaming for the barrier to be lifted but flamy thought it was a mere waste of time desperate for a miracle she began Swinging The Sword nearly splitting up the deas but flamy caught her and told her to calm the [ __ ] down just then a girl appeared from the darkness wondering why they were disturbing her peace adlet wondered who she was so she introduced herself as chamat and said that she was the saint of swamps and had been chosen as one of the Braves adlet told her that he was the strongest man in the world and tried impressing her with his Crest but she told him that he was weaker than a straw as she suggested that they execute flamy for her crimes the girl aimed her gun instantly but nashetania stopped chamat from activating her powers at that moment another girl appeared before them and introduced herself as Mora saying that she was the saint of mountains who had first arrived at the temple after a moment she revealed that there was an intruder amongst them and a [ __ ] even more wor worthless than adlet entered the temple calling himself another chosen Brave this made no sense to the group seeing as there were seven of them who were chosen as Braves Mora wondered who the fake one was so adlet suggested that they all revealed their Crest so one by one they began proving that they were an original several centuries ago the saint of a single flower had split her powers into six pieces for each Brave to Bear one piece and over the years only six Braves were ever chosen to battle the demon god every time he awakened adlet wondered if if the saint had decided to choose seven Warriors rather than the usual six but Mora thought it was impossible and H said that one of them was surely fake a few hours later adlet and H began marking around the temple wondering if there was a way out of the fog after ending up at the same spot adlet started moving ropes around the trees and hands began marking the ground however they returned to the very start and they realized that there was no hope of ever getting out of the barrier so they returned to the temple and adlet told nashetania that there Only Hope of ever leaving was to remove the fog just then he noticed that flamy was chained up but she told him to keep his disgusting eyes to himself when he wondered if there was another way out of the forest Mora told them that the book of divine words revealed no new solution as to how they could remove the barrier she said that the barrier could only be removed by the same person who activated it but thought that killing him would equally cancel the fog hearing these words adlet realized that only a human could have activated the fog and began saying that one of them was surely a mold for the demon god shamama thought that flamy was probably the one and suggested that they execute her immediately however adlet stood in her way saying that flamy was innocent so moris suggested that they introduce themselves and explain their early lives thinking they may discover the mole through everyone's confession deciding to go first adet climbed up to the altar as he introduced himself he began saying a bunch of nonsense that made everyone wonder how he was ever chosen to be one of the six Braves in the first place when he was done they started taking the stage one after another revealing their own side of the story until it was flam's turn as Mora removed her eye patch they discovered that she once had a horn on her head so she began telling them that her father was a human but that her mother was a fiend and soon revealed her strange eye she said that she was born to be a puppet for the demon god and had obtained the power of the saint after her fiend mother abducted several people and forced them to build a shrine for the demon she had always thought that this was the right thing to do and had left the shrine in hopes of Reviving the demon god however Mora had heard enough and demanded to know why she decided to switch sides but adlet came to her defense and began saying that she was on a Revenge mission to eliminate the demon god and screw up the fiends forever since she was only half human adlet thought she couldn't have possibly activated the barrier and said that she was definitely innocent however hens thought she was the opposite and suggested that they terminate her already he said that only humans could enter the temple and since flamy was was half human she could perform the same duties as the rest of them and could even support the monsters as flamy denied the claims she said that Mora was probably the fake as she considered her earlier confession a useless little lie hearing these words adlet realized that it was only a matter of time before he was considered a suspect but hoped he could save flamy from execution just then chamat began saying that flamy was the fake and that killing her would lift the fog however Hans told them that she was probably innocent and said that that adlet was surely the mole they were looking for he said that flamy would have never appeared at the temple if she was not a chosen Brave knowing already that the other Braves would try to kill her for her crimes on the other hand he thought that adlet was too confident in himself and considered him a suspect flamy thought his words made sense and said that he was probably working for the demon god and had merely used her as a cover to draw less attention to himself the others agreed that flamy was innocent but chamat was disappointed that she wouldn't get to kill the girl as nashetania nearly passed out adlet noticed that goldov was worried about her but Mora demanded to know how the barrier was opened hoping to prove his innocence adlet began revealing everything that happened and told them that the fog had mysteriously appeared after he opened the door with explosives he thought that someone must have snuck inside when he tried to slay the monster outside but had no idea who it could be nasan thought he was telling the truth and told him that she was on his side and would defend him no matter what at that moment h began saying that adlet was surely the fake as he wondered how the sword mysteriously stabbed the deis on its own he said that the doors of the temple could never be closed once they were open and that it was impossible for anyone to sneak inside before adlet arrived with these words everyone thought adlet was the fake after all and Hans told him that they would execute him for his betrayal desperate to prove his innocence adlet began saying that one of them must have dug a hole into the temple and escaped as soon as he opened the door but Mora told him that the knights that attacked him were created to slay the very first person that tried entering the temple without the key even so adlet would not accept and began saying that the other Saints could have entered the temple before he arrived but Mora thought he was making [ __ ] excuses and reminded him that the doors could never be shut once it was opened at that moment H drew his blade and chamat was ready to strike him down but Mora commanded them to withdraw however nashan wondered why adlet was taken for a suspect so hands revealed that adlet was the first person to enter the temple and he thought that atlet's horrendous face certainly looks like the culprit but nasan would still not accept and tried asking flamy to defend him but the girl could care less and said that adlet was surely responsible for everything he was being accused of at that moment adlet realized that he was being set up and tried asking for nasan's support but Mora told the others to pass their judgment ANS thought that adlet deserves a quick death and suggested that they slice him up and see what his arteries look like chamama thought his words made perfect sense and flamy revealed that she couldn't possibly care less if his useless face was smashed in this betrayal stung adlet harder than a bee and goldof thought he was far too ugly to be spared in an instant he charged forward sending flamy into the wall and nearly slicing atlet's head off hands tried to stab him but he threw a smoke bomb that blinded their Vision allowing him to stick flamy with a poison as the light disappeared he threatened to e her before their eyes and nashan thought he was truly the mole however adlet was only concerned for his survival and commanded hands to get out of his [ __ ] way and as he left adlet threw another smoke bomb blinding their Vision once more before running away however Hans managed to throw a dagger into his back slowing him down with the injury so Mora and chamat ran after him but they realized that he had laid Spikes all over the floor and they watched him disappear into the fog inside the forest adlet continued hurrying as far away as he could realizing there was no turning back now as he grew too exhausted to continue he tried removing the dagger afraid that flamy would soon regain Consciousness but he passed out at that instant that night Mora decided to give up their search so they joined the others at the temple as they arrived chamot revealed that they found no traces of adlet and nasan wondered why he had betrayed them but at the same time adlet was still unconscious in the forest and in his memories he tried attacking his friend but the boy beat his ass to the ground and told him that that he was slower than his 90-year-old Grandma he told him that the only way to survive was to grow stronger and said that it was their only hope to protect their Village however at his home that evening adlet told his sister that his only desire was to continue picking up mushrooms just like his useless father before he died however a few months later after their Village was destroyed by the fiends adlet appeared before God telling him that he wants to become the strongest man in the world and eliminate all the fiends from the earth God thought he was a worthless kid and told him to try surviving on his own but adlet began telling him that he was entirely useless staying alive and maybe better off dead anyway so the man kicked him away and told him to smile he said that the only way to truly become strong was to be happy even when he was entirely hopeless to prove his determination adlet forced a smile out of his horrendous face and soon woke up to discover that he had been patched up and flamy told him that she had saved him when he wondered why she did so she told him that she only considers him a suspect but was waiting to see if a new suspect would appear adlet tried telling her that he was truly a chosen brave but she told him that his lies were even worse than his face as he noticed that she was cold he decided to light a fire but the wood would not burn so flamy cast a spell causing it to burn instantly hoping to prove his innocence adlet began telling her that the mole was probably supported by a new enemy who must have snuck into the temple to activate the barrier during their battle with the fiends he told her that it was a thought-out plan to make him take the blame and was almost certain that the mole's accomplice was hiding somewhere inside the forest for the monsters that appeared in the forest he thought they were merely a trap to lure him to the temple so that he would be framed and executed however flamy would not believe his words and told him that his useless face was responsible as adlet remembered his master's words he became certain that he could prove his innocence and said that he would not surrender touched by his determination flamy wondered why he wish wished to become one of the chosen Braves in the first place seeing as he was weaker than everyone else adlet thought she was right and decided to tell her his story several years ago after his master accepted to train him he realized that the old man was a weirdo who always hid inside the mountains creating new weapons to eliminate the fiends he trained him every day and forced him to study every night even teaching him to make secret weapons and all of this training strengthened his desire to become the strongest man in the world flamy wondered why he decided to train in the first place realizing he must have surely been motivated by something so adlet decided to reveal his past when he was younger they noticed a fiend entering their Village his friend had tried to fight it but he managed to restrain him and as the monster appeared Before Their Eyes it demanded to speak with the village Elder but by the following morning the fiend had vanished from the village but the Elder began telling the people that the safest place to live was in the land of howling demons where they would be ruled by the demon god however a few few people decided to turn down the offer and adlet had lost his family while trying to escape these memories made him determined to become strong and he told her that he would grow even stronger because he has something to believe in hearing these words flamy told him that she was actually jealous of his determination and said that she has nothing to hope for as she began to leave she started telling him her own sob story she said that her fiend mother had given her the Saints power after she was born and had made her a Terminator so to please her mother she began eliminating every single fighter that could threaten the demon god until her own mother tried to kill her her betrayal stung her and she thought the best way to get even was to eliminate the demon god this was her determination and she thought it was the only way to bring peace into her soul with adlet believing every single word she wondered why he wasn't taking her for a trickster and thought he was surely gullible however adlet could read Beyond her words and told her that they were the same and were both driven by the pain of their past even so she thought he was too too useless to deserve her company and said that she would return to the temple as she summoned gunpowder she told him to throw it on the ground whenever he needs her help but said that they might kill each other the next time they meet and began heading into the darkness at the same time in the forest Mora and goldov spotted her walking out of the fog and she demanded to know if adlet was alive flamy told her that he survived and had escaped before she could capture him so Mora thought she was telling the truth and told her to rest inside the temple the follow morning Mora decided to tell everyone that flamy was to be considered one of them since adlet was believed to be the mole however Hans thought she was a lying sack of [ __ ] and said that she had probably treated adlets wound flamy told him that his dagger had merely caused a scratch but H thought she was only covering up for herself goldov wondered how they could capture adlet so hands suggested that they lure him into the temple seeing as his weapons were all intact however flamy thought it would take too long so goldof suggested that they go in search for him and Mora decided to split up the group but told Hans to remain at the temple inside the forest nasan began telling goldov that adlet had been set up by the real mole and that she wishes to help him goldov thought she wasn't thinking straight but she told him that it was her duty to protect him as he would have surely protected her at the same time adlet was spying on them from a tree and thought this was his opportunity to reclaim his weapons so he headed for the temple as he arrived he narrowly dodged a dagger and soon noticed hands on the rooftop he said that he had been expecting him and immediately drew his daggers ready for battle as adlet drew his sword he wondered if he was better off escaping before the others arrived at an instant hands jumped down from the roof so adlet threw a bomb at his face but he kicked it away causing the smoke to erupt he said that his tricks had gotten old and adlet narrowly dodged his attacks before backing away and throwing needles hands continued attacking him relentlessly eventually kicking him into the wall and dodging his needles adlet managed to knock hands back and followed with a kick but he swept him to the ground knocking his sword far away and was prepared to end him with his blade as he demanded for his confession adlet exploded a bomb in his face and ran away using the distraction just then he bumped into a pillar and as he fell to the ground hands charged at him but he narrowly dodged his blade and began running deep into the forests as he stumbled hands came flying to end him but he dodged again and evaded his blade before running off once more in an instant he dodged H's attacks but the killer was relentless and jumped to slay him but he managed to block his dagger before kicking him away even so hands wouldn't quit so adlet cast a smoke bomb and started running off before he knew it h stopped him with a kick and he realized that he could not Escape so he decided to lay down his weapons and prepared to fight with only a sword however Hans thought he had something up his sleeve but adlet hoped to prove his innocence as H began one wondering what he intends to do adlet launched his blade at him smacking his dagger away he had deliberately missed his Target and hoped that H would realize he did so on purpose when Hans wondered why he missed adlet told him that he spared his life to prove that he wasn't the mole he told him that he was his comrade and revealed his Crest as a symbol of his honesty realizing he may truly be innocent Hans told him that he would spare his life however as adlet began to think that it was over Hans revealed that he was actually the mole at this realization adlet tried grabbing a weapon afraid he was about to die but he was too late and hands slashed his neck open killing him at that instant however he realized it was merely a hallucination and H told him that he had discovered the truth from his face in his final moments the fear that came onto his face rather than being shocked at discovering a second mole was the way hands determined he was innocent but had hoped for a reaction that would reveal he was the mole after a few minutes they decided to shake hands agreeing to become Cal comrades on the other hand MOA and flamy arrived at ait's shelter and realized that it was empty Mora wondered where he could be hiding so flamy thought he was probably hiding on a tree like tarzen and suggested that they keep searching the rest of the forests however Mora thought she has no true intentions of finding him and told her that adlet was their enemy and should be killed once he was found meanwhile netania and goldov had arrived at the Rendevous point which was right before the land of howling demons the spot all the chosen Brave were originally supposed to meet she began saying that H was probably the enemy as she thought he was too useless to be anything other than the villain of this anime however goldof thought that adlet was surely their enemy because with his useless face he couldn't possibly be anything else that Shania thought he was merely jealous and told him to get his together at the temple hands began inspecting the walls and thought it was impossible to enter from the roof however he thought that someone else must have surely entered before the barrier was activated and adlet told him that it was probably one of the others as he prepared to leave Hans wondered how the barrier was activated in the first place since he never actually learned how at that moment adlet realized that only those who were shown the activation sequence would be able to activate the barrier and thought that Hans and chamat must surely be innocent immediately he began running out of the temple hoping to find chamat but as she appeared before him she wondered why hands had failed to kill him H tried explaining that adlet was not their real enemy but adlet thought he could persuade her even better and told her that they had nearly discovered the real mole however chamama could care less what he thought and said that she intends to kill every single one of them until she discovers the enemy she was certain that she could defeat the demon god on her own and said that adlet deserves to be executed first as she ate her flower she began vomiting a load of slime and the men wondered how her tiny body could create a [ __ ] swamp before their eyes monsters began emerging from her slimy stick sticky liquid and the girl told them that she has a swamp inside her stomach that brings to life every food she's ever eaten at her command the monsters rushed towards the men and they began running away as they realized that the forest could not keep the monsters away adlet threw an explosive and they started running to the Salt pillars even so the fiends followed them and they realized that the temple must have recognized them as Saints tired of running hands decided to attack one monster but it began to regenerate instantly as adlet threw an exp exposive at another he wondered why chamat was trying to kill both of them chamat told him that every single one of them could be the mole and thought they were all better off dead realizing this deranged kid has no intentions of stopping adlet and H decided to prepare themselves for a battle just then chamat began vomiting more slimy liquid and the fiend surrounded them as one rushed forward hand slated and destroyed another so adlet began slashing several of them before their eyes they began to regenerate and Hans realized they were totally hopeless so adlet suggested that they knock the girl unconscious and flung a spear at her but a monster devoured it instantly as they tried running closer to her the fiends blocked their way and hands thought they were hopeless as adlet dodged toxic gas he slayed a fiend and told hands to cover him while he thought of a plan so the Catman jumped before him and began destroying all the monsters one after another and as they backed into each other adlet told him to attack the girl saying that he would distract the monsters at the same time hand thought his plan made sense and began cutting all the fiends to buy him some time when adlet was ready he burned them with fire and blew a flute to draw the monster's attention as hands rushed past them he protected him with fire and flung Nails into a monster allowing him to climb up the pillars and fly towards the girl however she spewed disgusting slime that transformed into a fiend knocking him back but adet kicked him before he hit the ground and he smacked her causing her to lose Consciousness at that instant the fend began dissolving and the Slime returned into her body immediately they restrained her and successfully gagged her wondering how they managed to survive her attacks inside the temple adlet decided to ask the girl if she had always known there was a barrier around the forest but she revealed that she didn't inside the forest flamy had sensed the fight at the temple and began hurrying to the site with Mora however adlet had returned to the forest and H told him that flamy would become their new suspect if he was eliminated adlet thought she was surely innocent and told hands to uncover the true mole a few hours later he arrived at a stream and threw the gunpowder at a tree causing flamy to sense his presence and after a few hours she appeared before his eyes as she wondered how he continued to survive like an ugly disgusting cockroach he told her that her face was worse than broccoli at the temple Morrow was angry that adlet had escaped and wondered why he had allowed him to leave so he told her that adlet was probably innocent and that he had discovered the mole's plan at the same time adlet revealed that he had figured out the Trap and began saying that the barrier was already activated when he entered the temple he thought the commander at The Fortress was probably responsible and said that he could be working with the mole to trap them inside he told him that the barrier could never be activated By The Sword and thought that they were purposely attacked in the forest so they would rush towards the temple and be trapped in the fog once the doors were opened however he was certain that the barrier was only activated by the mole during their attempts to clear the F and with this perfect plan in place the mole had merely blamed the ugliest guy in the room and forced him to take responsibility for it flamy told him that H had first accused him and she thought he was probably the fake after all on the other hand nashetania and goldov were at the far side of the forest and she told him that H was probably the mole she said that he had discovered she was a princess even before she revealed herself and thought he was certainly not a nobody goldolf thought he was mysterious and wondered how he discovered her seeing as the the princess was never revealed to everyone at the same time flamy wondered why adlet was certain that hands was not the fake he told her that hands had spared his life during their battle but she thought he was a skinny ass [ __ ] for trusting everyone adlet thought a saint must have created the fog but flamy told him that no saint has the power to create such a mighty fog within a few seconds as there was a limit to the power of each Saint to prove her words flamy summoned gunpowder and threw it on the ground causing it to explode as they spotted several St in the ground she revealed that the stakes gave the fantasmal barrier its power to keep the fiends away and that they were buried all across the forest to spread the fog instantly adlet thought a different barrier was probably set up somewhere but she told him that two barriers could not exist in the forest she thought he had discovered nothing and told him to put on his thinking cap meanwhile at the temple as morira tried heading out to find adlet hand stopped her saying that adlet was Being Framed by the real mole however Mora was convinced that adlet was surely the bad guy and said that he intends to turn them against each other she thought he was better off dead and said that she would annihilate him once she finds him and in the forest flamy told adlet that he was practically hopeless at this point and began summoning another gunpowder so he could eai himself however she soon noticed that he was unfazed and he told her that he would never surrender he was certain that his death would not be the end and told her that she would be framed if he was executed however he thought she would be safe if he stayed alive and told her that he would protect her forever touched by his words she told him to stay by her side hoping to know everything about him but in an instant she aimed her gun at him wondering why he decided to protect her from the very start and had never even considered her the mole she thought he has ulterior motives and threatened to kill him if he told any lies with his life on the line adlet began telling her that he never considered her his enemy and had always thought he was her protector ever since the first time he saw her beautiful face he knew he has always loved her and decided to protect her because she was his soulmate however flamy thought she couldn't belong to anyone and told him that she would be alone once the demon god was slain having been cast out of her own land and renowned as the brave killer in the human world she thought the best possible thing to do was to hug the ground once the demon god was killed adlet tried saying that he would protect her but she told him that he was the most moronic dude she has ever met and as she realized that he was totally full of [ __ ] she fired her gun but he luckily dodged the bullet as she summoned more gunpowder she said that he was certainly her enemy and fired again at the same time the others heard the noises and H realized that adlet must have failed his attempt to win flamy over to his side as Mara returned chat's flower she told her to keep an eye on H so he wouldn't head off to the forest just then she activated her powers summoning the god of the mountains and magical cubes surrounded her equipping her with armor as she took a step a mighty wind blew around her and with the powerful Echoes of the mountain God she began began screaming across the forest saying that adlet had annihilated hands and that he was the mole and deserves to be killed as she commanded him to be eliminated Hans thought she had certainly lost her mind but she told him that she only cares to see him dead as a fiend wrapped his hand he jumped away instantly and realized that chamat had summoned her monsters however Mora commanded her to spare his life and Hans realized that Mora was probably the mole at the same time adlet was trying to escape from flamy and decided to reveal his craft proving that H was still alive even so flamy could care less and fired at him again saying that she would never believe a single word from his filthy mouth on the other side of the forest nashan believed every single word Mora had said and thought that adlet had really tricked them all as her anger grew she summoned several swords and sliced the trees around her ready to annihilate him meanwhile adlet was trying to win flamy over but she cast a ball towards the sky and it exploded into a great light that caught everyone's attention as adlet began running again flamy pursued him and nearly blasted his face off before he knew it she threw an explosive before him and he jumped High to avoid the explosion at that instant the tree began to fall so he jumped away at once and managed to pierce an explosive and as it exploded he hurled needles into the smoke before rolling over the ground When the Smoke cleared he realized that flamy was wounded but she wondered why he wouldn't get his face out of her sight he told her to believe in him but she said his filthy teeth deserve to be knocked out for being a useless disgusting liar she said that she could never trust anyone and deserves to live alone forever adlet thought he could save her from herself and began running to her but she threw explosives at him sending him stumbling all the way back until he slammed into a rock before he knew it Mora appeared to finish him off but she punched the ground before him determined to kill him she told flamy to cover for her and nearly bashed adlet into the ground but as he dodged he continued running away as more missed him once more he threw his slimy liquid in her face and ignited her instantly but she destroyed it with a punch before she knew it a smoke screen erupted and they thought he had escaped however flamy spotted him right before her eyes and Mora rushed to end him but she stopped her with a shot with Mora confused flamy revealed that adlet was surrendering and he threw his sword away before going down on his knees angered by the sight of his useless face Mora asked for his confession but adlet told her that he was not the mole as he revealed a device he said that it could trace monsters and sprayed the substance on flam's Bullet at that moment it glowed red an adlet revealed that it was a sign to prove flamy was truly half fiend he had sprayed the substance on the Temple's altar in hopes of discovering flam's presence on the deis but realized that she was never closed to the spot he said that flamy was also innocent and hoped she would not be framed the same way that he was his words penetrated deep inside flam's soul and she realized he had truly meant meant every word he said however Mora thought he deserves to die anyway and prepared to eai him for good but flamy shot at her armor with Mora in shock flamy began saying that adlet had touched deep inside her soul and that he has finally earned her trust Mora thought she could finish him off before she regained her composure but flamy shot a smoke screen allowing adlet to escape as he pulled her along Mora summoned the power of the mountains causing several logs to rain on them but they managed to evade them all before they knew it blade sliced atlet's face and he narrowly dodged a rain of Spears as nashetania appeared before his eyes adlet wondered if she had lost her mind but she told him that she had come to kill him flamy tried telling her that adlet was innocent but she said that he had run out of luck realizing they couldn't possibly change her mind adlet told flamy that he would head for the temple immediately hoping to prove that Hans was still alive at that instant nashan launched several Spears at them as adlet tried drawing his sword flamy activated her her magic repelling all the Spears and they began falling to the ground masania decided to try a new attack and summoned a wall of spikes but adlet managed to roll away and flamy cast explosives to destroy them as she fired a shot that was deflected she fired another sending goldov a few inches back luckily he was not wounded and he prepared to end her but adlet rescued her just in time nashan tried utilizing his distraction but flamy protected him instantly as Mora tried screaming at her to eliminate adlet flamy pushed her to the dirt determined to protect him and threw explosives at them one after another they exploded creating a great smoke around the forest goldov wondered why flamy was protecting adlet so Mora told him that she has been brainwashed as goldov tried sneaking through the smoke flamy sent him back with a blast realizing their chance flamy told adet to head for the temple so he ran off immediately but nashan pursued him as goldov tried rushing to her flamy blasted him but Mora U ized her distraction and punched her away on the other hand adlet was running to the temple hoping that hands would convince nashetania to cease her attacks as he arrived he began screaming for hands but realized that the temple was empty just then Spears began flying at him but he managed to evade them and cast a smoke screen for distraction as nashetania appeared in the pillars adlet jumped into the bushes but she ran after him inside the forest adid dodged several blades but was slid in the thighs with Nash T running towards him he hurled needles at her but she blocked with her Shields and launched several Spears at him adlet managed to jump high and evaded the spears as they returned before striking them away but was grazed by the last and stumbled off just then nasat appeared before his eyes wondering if he was ready to meet his end adlet tried telling her that Mora was a fat ass liar and that hands was still alive but she told him to die in peace as she tried to stab him he shielded with his hand and tossed her over SN snapping the dagger in half and throwing her to the ground before kicking her useless face at that moment goldov arrived but adlet hurried away as he grew weak from losing a lot of blood he started dumping his weapons to ease his weight just then goldof came charging at him but adlet blocked his attack until eventually collapsing from his weight so with a mighty swing goldof smacked him far away to a corpse crushing all of his bones and destroying all of his energy as Mora arrived she told goldof to eliminate him but he wondered why she wanted it done immediately at that moment chamod and Hans appeared in the distance and H revealed that they had been searching for everyone hearing these words nashaa realized they had been misled by MOA so MOA decided to apologize for the trouble even so she was convinced that adlet was the fake and told them that he looks too ugly to be anything else you're a victim however adlet thought he could prove that he was innocent and said that he purposely LED them here so that he would reveal the whole truth as he began saying that the real barrier was only activated after he entered the temple Mora tried saying that it was impossible but he told her to shut her ugly ass mouth he said that the first fog was a fake barrier and that it only appeared because the temperature in the forest had drastically dropped however Mora was determined to remain his antagonist and said that even the Saints of ice and snow could not drop the temperature without first creating a barrier adlet thought she was extremely moronic after all and revealed that the temperature was raised by the saint of the Sun for months she had m mysteriously vanished but adlet thought she was abducted by the fiends and was forced to raise the temperature using the power of the Sun God on top of that he had noticed that the forest was hotter than an oven when they first arrived and he thought the soldiers at The Fortress were working with the mole as if that was not enough they had revealed a false method for activating the barrier and had lured them to the temple using the fiends and just as he opened the door the monster had given off a signal to eliminate the saint of the Sun and with the saint dead the sun's power had vanished and the temperature dropped instantly creating the fog all around the forests however this was not the real barrier like they thought and adlet revealed that the mole had activated the real barrier amidst their confusion making adlet take the blame Mora tried saying that he was only making it up but adlet revealed that the mole must have hidden the saint of the sun close to them and hands began searching around the dead Monsters Just then he told them that he had found the body as he cut it open he pulled out the corpse and Mora discovered that it was truly the saint however she was still certain that adlet was the fake and began saying that he prepared everything in advance but flamy wasn't buying her [ __ ] and told her to admit her wrongs for the first time in her useless life so realizing she had no one's support she finally agreed that adlet was not the fake after all however with their only suspect now proven innocent she wondered who was truly the mole in an instant they all turned their attention to her and nasat told goldof to stop her from escaping MOA tried saying that she was not the mole but nasat revealed that she was their only suspect as adlet began to wonder who the mole really was chamat told them that MOA was certainly not the one and revealed two stone tablets her monsters found hidden in the ground she said that she broke through the Temple's floor and found the tablets and a sword inside pans said that the sword and one tablet were a replica of the ones inside the temple which were used in activating the barrier when adlet wondered why there were two tablets Hans revealed that the second one contained instructions for activating and deactivating the barrier he said that for the barrier to be activated in the first place one of the Braves must spill their blood on the Altar and destroy the tablet with the sword this was the true method for activating it and they began to wonder who destroyed the tablet on the deis at that moment adlet realized that nashetania had said the activation spell and had broken the tablet after he dripped his body paint on the altar at that instant they all realized that nasan was actually the fake however goldov hurried to protect her and nasan tried saying that she had no idea what she was doing just then adlet began to remember every single thing that happened during their travels to the temple and realized that nashetania had purposely sent him off so he would be framed as she realized it was over for her she decided to surrender and confessed that she was truly the mole she said that she had considered adlet the greatest [ __ ] the world has ever seen and decided to make him her first victim thinking it would be easier to eliminate him however she was impressed that he managed to discover the truth and thought he wasn't so moronic after all chamat wondered why she intended to kill them all so she began saying that she wants a new world where the fiend and humans could live in peace however she thought this could only be possible if all the Braves were eliminated so that the demon god could rule their world H thought she must have lost her mind and flamy wondered how many humans she was willing to sacrifice so she revealed that she was willing to eliminate half of the planet her words shocked them all and adlet realized that this B should never be allowed to walk walk free so he told them to execute her at the same time they rushed to end her but she dissolved into mud and her soul vanished Before Their Eyes however they thought she was still alive and hands pursued her into the forest just then adlet passed out from exhaustion so flamy began to treat his wound after a few hours he woke up in the temple and realized that he was already patched up with herbs from the mountains wrecked by her guilt Mora decided to apologize for attacking him but adlet told her to shove it up her ass as noticed hands he told him that the barrier had been removed and that nasat had escaped after a moment adlet arrived outside the temple and discovered that goldov was still devastated by nasan's betrayal shortly he joined flamy in the forest as she tried having some alone time as he wondered if she would stay with the group she told him that she has decided to remain with them and that his presence makes her wish that she could live forever padlet thought this was all the news he needed to hear and was certain that they would win their battle against the demon god however just as the group reunited an ugly worthless girl hurried to them and started apologizing for arriving late padlet discovered that she was ronia an old friend and she told them that she was the saint of blood when Mora wondered why she had come she said that she was one of the chosen Braves but was stuck outside the barrier for days shocked by her words Mora demanded to see her Crest so the girl flashed her plot before them and they wondered how the [ __ ] there was another fake in the group that same day a king arrived with his Royal Guard saying that an army of fiends were heading towards the forest to stop them from reaching the demon god as ronia suggested that they Retreat H began to wonder if she was the new mole and flamy was ready to annihilate her however adlet told the king to restore the barrier saying that they wouldn't leave until the demon god was slain so they started running towards the land of howling demons and as the fog was released once more they finally arrived on the island and were ready for the new battle watch this next video till next next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
Channel: AniClimax
Views: 1,067,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qrefjw0FfxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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