Tommy Tenney - From Anointing to Glory

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[Music] it's a very distinct honor and privilege of mine to be here and I don't take it lightly it is with some trepidation and fear that anyone would step and try to even momentarily grasp the wheel steer what God's been doing but I feel feel good in my spirit because he wants to do something just a few moments ago while wrestling with the Lord that's what preachers do before they get up god gave me a couple of things I want to tell you I want to talk to these kids for just a moment because I kind of feel I really wish I was I have one regret if I could start all over I'd run harder listen to me just for a moment I know we make a big deal out of all the deliverances and the ex drug addicts and the ex strippers and the ex car thieves and we run the gauntlet rogues gallery people but I want to tell you something it takes just as much power for God to keep you as it does for him to deliver you not listen to me just a moment I am NOT against making heroes out of those who've been delivered but I want to tell some of you something you may not have come from where some of these have come from but don't let that be held against you he said in the book of Jude unto him that's able to keep you from falling we all have our own problems and we all have our own difficulties man was talking to DL Moody one time and he went into this long spiel of mr. moody I've got this problem and this has happened and that's happening I'm here and I'm this this is this and he ended the story by saying mr. moody what would you do in such a mess do Moody's quick answer was sir I wouldn't have gotten into such a mess at some point we need to recognize that even now that you have been delivered God wants to begin to keep people and those of you who are marching into the harvest field and those of you who have children who are raising you may not understand Who I am and where I came from but I didn't I didn't come from the life of a drug addict I came from the life of a preacher in the home of a preacher I'm four generations deep and spirit-filled Christendom my grandmother died past the age of 90 and I was married that she died about 23 years ago all my growing up years I remember them having to carry her out of church drunk laughing in the spirit she's been dead 23 years my grandfather turned 96 three four days ago he retired from pastoring seven times it's hopeless gentlemen if it's fire in your bones it's fire in your bones I don't think he even knows how many churches he started he went to missions into Alaska in fact the reason my mom and dad got married is he said either you get married are you going to Alaska with me because I'm going and they upped their wedding date so that my mom could stay back at their new husband my father has oversight of about 750 pastors his annual camp meetings have 20,000 people in it I've been raised in this I slept underneath the pews before it was carpet under there and I dodged spike heeled women while they danced and I have to be telling the truth because I see some old friends out here not telling you that to say anything except but God wants to preserve some things now that he has delivered some things and I may not be the greatest preacher in the world I don't I don't know I mean I'm intimidated to even open my mouth around Michael Brown and I don't have a lot of the different stuff that other people would say but there's one thing nobody nobody can out hunger me and I stand here before you hungrier for him than I've ever been in my life and I think I've discovered the real secret of that verse that says deep calls unto deep if if your hunger is shallow your experience is going to be shallow but if your hunger is deep then your experience is going to match the depth of your hunger if all you want is a touch then that's all you'll get but if you're if you're after a a Damascus Road encounter a life changing and altering then you'll not only have that one but you'll continue to have those kinds of things as Paul talked about after that he went from glory to glory and he would get caught up into place as he said I don't know that I can even talk to you about the things it it began at that point I want to tell you God wants to in the words of dr. Brown mess your life up and he wants to do it in such a way that that you'll take your hands off it and let him function we think we know what we're doing but in all of all of my growing up the one thing I never did is I never let sacred things become common and to those of you who who sort of hang around Brownsville unless you were there when the baby is born you'll never understand what it takes and there are always those who crawl from various places and they want to dance around the victory celebration but victory is really only sweetest to the veteran and I'm going to challenge you something something I want I want you to hear what the Word of God the heart of God is God wants to create Brownsville's all over world only I don't want to even use that term and I hesitate to use it because if we're not careful we'll hold man's model up for what God's trying to do we don't really want a brownsville there what we want is in is an outbreak of god in whatever city but if it's dallas we want to Dallas and if it's if it's Atlanta we want an Atlanta whatever it is I have a fresh vision in my heart that God wants to break out of the boxes that man has put him in but you you want to understand what that's like unless you kind of been somewhere where he has broken out if you're looking for something you have to roughly know what it looks like or you won't know how to how to approach it and so God has began to raise up some models and then he's going to begin to diversify the models in the greatest mistake you could do you could make is to go home and try to copy instead of birth cloning is unnatural birthing is natural if you clone something you're trying to make it exactly like something else if you birth something let me tell you what God wants to do he wants to put a fresh word in your heart young man young woman pastor whoever you are he wants to put something in you that turned you upside down so then he can turn wherever you are upside down and quit trying to think you know what it looks like because we don't have a clue we think we know what revival looks like and we hold these various models up what we what we know is what the beginning of revival looks like what God is getting ready to do in the earth and he's going to do it if he has to abandon us and our man-made structures to do it he's going to do it it's not it's not a matter will he it's a matter of where is he can I tell you what I sense the whole earth is pregnant with the purposes of God the church is where we're swelled up our belly is distended we're we're we're like a pregnant woman when the woman is pregnant you know one thing you know she's going to have a baby you don't know where and you don't know when my mom tells me I was almost born in a five-and-dime store here's what we need a sense we all feel this this anticipation how many of you know what I'm talking about this God's gonna have a baby we don't know where we don't know when but something something's coming that's so much bigger than what we already have that we won't know how to describe it I was studying today in the book of ezekiel and and i read read down and and ezekiel was in a real quandary he had a problem he had been lifted out can you imagine that i don't know what he saw and how he saw it but can you imagine an Old Testament prophet being plucked out of their environment and plopped into 1999 how would they even have the words to describe what a car was there was this beast that ate men and went down the road and then would spew them out again and they were okay and it had two eyes and you know their descriptions and so they would have to use terms from their age to try to describe something from a future dispensation terms from this world to describe something from that world when you read these Old Testament prophets you read Ezekiel and he begins to say and it doesn't matter where you start reading in there I just began to flip through there and it was one page after another he said I saw something the lightness of this and he began everything he described he had to he had to try to describe that world using a term from this world and so he would borrow something from this world and attach the word like to it and said it's kind of like this and it's the likeness of that and the closer he got to describing the throne of God the more problems he had with his vocabulary he ran out of words and he finally got to the description and he said I saw something like the throne of God how can it be like the throne it was so undescribable until he was borrowing words and he said I saw one like unto the Son of Man it was very difficult can I tell you that what God is getting ready to birth is so much bigger than what we even can imagine that our terminologies are not going to be adequate so we cheapen sometimes what God's trying to do I have a friend who told me this interesting story his his uncle back about 20 years ago when polish jokes were in vogue and were not politically incorrect they had a lot of jokes they called him jokes anybody know what I'm talking about you it's okay we're not going to condemn you I'm just asking if you have the information well their name was Gazoo ski and he he grew tired of being the brunt of polish jokes and so this is you know 25 or so years back so he decided to change his name and just to preserve some derivative of what Gazoo ski was yet shorten it he changed his name from Gazoo ski to the word gay to avoid being made fun of it was good for a few years the last I heard he wished he'd never done it sometimes we we take the phraseology 'he's that we have used and we use this term revival and we use this all these various terminologies but our understanding has so cheapen to them until if we're not careful we wind up racing to a false finish line thinking we've arrived when we just barely got on the track and we think God is this is all of God and I don't know how to describe this to you except to say having come from my background and I just briefly gave you a short synopsis of where I've come from I've been around Church for a while and I was in ministry for for over 20 years and one day about three and a half years ago in a service that is very difficult for me to describe to this day God so showed up and all I could say is I didn't know there was this much of you and I felt all of my vocabulary become inadequate one of the first things I did is I picked up the phone called Pastor John Kilpatrick explained to him and he said I know what you mean but it's like I've been living in one wing of a huge house and had been led to believe that's all there was to it until I stumbled on another door and I walked into a dimension of God and and there was it took your breath away and then what was even more astounding than that is I began to realize that's just one room and there's more in my father's house are many mansions it just keeps going the limitless eternity of God's greatness he's a how did you say it in that song Big O God it's incredible his presence is is overwhelming but oftentimes what we do is we reach a certain level that we are accustomed to think that's the that's the supreme limit that says that's as high as it gets that's as good as it gets and then we stop right there now with all due respect and with fear and trepidation I'm going to say something that may get me banned forever from this pulpit but if Brownsville is the best God can ever do we're in trouble I don't say that with ungratefulness I don't say that when unthankfulness I'm thankful for what God's done here I'm thankful for what he's done in Toronto I'm thankful for what he's done in Smithton I'm thankful for what a little bit he's done in Baltimore I'm thankful for what he's done anywhere everywhere all the time but I want to tell you we do not need to start coasting and thinking we've arrived when God's finally just got us on the track of where he wants to take us we get we get satisfied with tidbits of God thinking it's it's all there is yes you've been touched yes yes people yes you fell down you shook your shivered you spoke whatever it is that happened to you but I want to tell you there is there is an incredible ability of God can I tell you that God's biggest problem is he has to dial down his presence to match our expectations when he stepped up to thee to the tomb that contained Lazarus II his biggest problem was not raising Lazarus his biggest problem was raising only Lazarus [Applause] when he said Lazarus come forth and he not prefaced those words come forth with the personal pronoun Lazarus every grave in the entirety of the world would have vomited up its occupant why because there's going to come a day he's gonna step to the balcony of heaven and he's just gonna say come forth and the dead great and small are going to be raised it's not a problem of how much it's a problem of just that and interestingly enough when he rose himself from the grave if I could use that phraseology it's like he couldn't get the door shut behind him fast enough and a few slipped out with him and walked through the streets of Jerusalem God's biggest problem is dialing down his abilities to match our expectations and that's the real definition of faith what is it you're expecting and if your expectations rise and your expectations only rise as an indirect proportion to your hunger and if you're satisfied that listen to me I haven't even read my scriptures but I am sick of church just sick to death of it and if it bothers you for me to say that forgive me but being four generations deep I literally my mom called me day before yesterday and she said the church that my grandfather had built that that I grew up in that I remember where I was filled with the spirit I you know all those little things I grew up there she tells me that I literally would chew on the hymnal racks but as I was cutting my teeth it was just the right size I cut my teeth on the pews at church and as a gift when they remodeled that just the other day they they cut some of those pews down and she got two of them and she said I've got one for you and it holds heritage to me but all I'm telling you is I know Church I've been around Church I've been a part of church I understand Church but I don't like Church I don't like Church I should say as man has defined it I'd like to see once in my life before I go on or whatever happens with me I'd like to see Church as God has defined it and he's probably gonna have to repossess the church in order to redefine the church and I say go to it God it's yours you bought it you paid for it I'm taking my hands off I want to see what you can do we've had it long enough if preaching and sermons are gonna save the world if that's all it took and singing and in choirs and all the paraphernalia that we have attached to church if that's what it took to save it it would have been saved a long time ago we're missing an ingredient or sometimes we've added an ingredient sometimes adding an ingredient can be worse than leaving one out my wife's family they're from Indiana I'm from Louisiana we we we would eat rice every day they ate mashed potatoes she tells me the story of her cousin that as she was growing up they you know 13 14 year old girl learning how to cook the her job every day was to make the mashed potatoes and you know it gets kind of boring because you peel the potatoes you boil the potatoes you smash them up and that's it it's done and she got bored with this and she saw a bottle of blue food coloring in the pantry and just to make things interesting that day she dumped the whole bottle of blue food coloring into the mashed potatoes so now they have blue mashed potatoes and the interesting thing about it is normally they cleaned out the bowl of mashed potatoes but that day there was a lot left hardly anybody wanted to eat it now I guess if you grew up eating blue mashed potatoes then you would say yeah it's okay that you should eat it can I tell you that the world is desperately hungry for God but if all we if we have soul oh lord help me if we have soul entangled things by adding ingredients of man to the recipe of God until what we present to them you don't want blue mashed potatoes there's no naturally occurring food that's blue and sometimes people are hungry for God and we present the church to them and they say and want God this doesn't look right it doesn't smell right it smells like man and they the answer is you got to take man out of that and the way man is taken out of that is by repentance less of me and more of him and you hear me if you don't like the repentance message go find another beach to surf on because what the wave that's coming in is less of man and more of God there's something about God the things that would repulse us attract him every time that that they would slice the throat of a sheep or a goat or a heifer and begin to offer that sacrifice have you ever smelled the smell of burning hair and hide and flesh it's not so good it's it's repulsive to us it has the smell of death on it but when when the the wasting fragrance of that would get towards God in heaven it would it would excite him and he would say that's I'm going to go with my children there's going to be a time of visitation now why because there's death their death is what allowed God to approach closer however much if I could use this analogy death was present is how close he could come frank Bardhaman said the depth of your repentance will determine the height of your revival if you don't know who Frank barliman was he was one of the Azusa Street pioneers the reason this is this works this way is because we need to take a cue card from Moses are you talking about a man who's seen a lot of stuff but he's seen just enough to make him hungry for more and he begins this pounding prayer of show me your glory God begins the bargain with him Moses I'll I'll give you rest no I don't want rest what do you mean with the rest can I can I draw some parallels for you Moses turned his back on rest Moses turned his back on the promise of I'll go with you that's a pretty good promise what what if you were praying and you said God show me your glory I want to seek your face God says I'll tell you what I'll go with you wherever you go what one of us would not want to say I've got a point wherever I go God's going but something in the internal wisdom of Moses says that's backwards I don't want God going where I go because I don't know where I'm going I want to go where he's going and so he said no to that bargain I want to see your face I want to see your glory and God said Kate I'll give you rest there's anything he needed with leading countless Jews through a trackless we with blue age spots on the back of his hands and uprisings he probably needed rest but he turned his backs on the right unrest to pursue God's presence let me make the New Testament equivalent in Isaiah he said with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak into my people this is the rest we all understand about the rest of the Holy Spirit and how you enter into that rest and we understand all of that can I tell you that there are people who pursue the gifts of the Spirit more than they pursue the giver of the gifts they have low-level hunger that makes them race to a false finish line what are you saying you're against the gifts no but I am going to tell you there's going to come a day when you're going to be faced with a Solomonic dilemma where God says what do you want and if you go for the gifts instead of the giver you'll get the gifts but that's the best of that's the essence of the parable of the prodigal he took the father's gifts he took the finances from the father's home to finance his journey away from the father's face covet earnestly the best gifts but I'm going to tell you what I'm going after I want the giver of the gifts I don't want to wake up somewhere and and have pursued blessing more than the blesser and pursuit revival more than the Reviver there's somebody attached to all of this and what we have been really wanting God to do for a long time is just slip his hands out from underneath the veil and dispense to us things from his hands so that we don't have to pay the price to go through the rent veil and approach his presence and what he's looking for is somebody that wants to be more than his girlfriend and get the chocolates and the candies and the gifts he's looking for a bride the last time I checked that's high commitment that's high hunger that's saying thank you thank you for what I felt last night thank you for what I felt yesterday thank you for what you've done at Brownsville thank you but god there's got to be more that's why I'm saying can somebody join with Moses and begin singing that song and say god I want to see your glory Moses heard the reply the reply was no man can see my face and live but it didn't change the song I still want to see your face you mean you're willing to die and see my face I don't care what it takes I just want to see you God's answer was to hide Moses and a cleft in the rock and and he said no you stay there and God reached forward covered the mouth of the cave with his hand ran past him and said now Moses when I pull my hand away you stick your head out and look in the direction that I just passed by how long does it take God to pass by milliseconds how much revelation can you get in a millisecond Moses stuck his head out and looked in the direction where God was disappearing and King James poetically says he saw the hind or parts of God I like to understand it as he saw the history saw God's tracks he saw where God had been and in milliseconds that's where he got the revelation that gave us the book of Genesis because he saw where God had been and what God had done and he could understand it and all that did is fuel the passion for the present of God the present presence of God probably if anybody in the world lives off of revival stories more than I do it maybe this man I eat sleep live I'm interested in that but only for one reason is not for what has happened but it may give me a little bit of glimpse about what can happen and is going to happen let me tell you the difference between truth and revelation truth is where God has been revelation is where God is you never throw away truth but you always pursue revelation let me explain it to you like this if if we were in the jungle and you saw the track of a tiger there are specialists who can examine the spoor of a tiger and they can tell you what gender it was is it male or female and how heavy it was and how old it is and can can derive all sorts of information about this tiger because they just looked at the track of the tiger but I want to tell you it's there's a big difference in looking at the track of the tiger and staring into the eyes of the tiger the tracks is where he has been his eyes or where he is and people find a truth of God and they camp on it and then what they start doing is they've discovered something about God and they know about him and they'll they'll pitch a protective tent over where God has been and then they'll start inviting everybody then and telling this is where God has been this is this is this this is that this is the other and if they're if they're really arrogant they will make the presumptive judgment call that their triger tract is the only Tiger track in the jungle or it's the newest Tiger track in the jungle hello when the real purpose of that track is not to camp out around it but to see which direction he was going and chased the tiger till you can see the Tigers eyes um I read the revival stories I hear what they're saying but I'm really only interested in one benefit where's God going I want you don't understand we've seen what happens when God visits a church you're looking at it we have not yet in my generation at least we have not yet seen what happens when God visits a city where everything that happens in here I'm going to tell you I sit on the airplane and I dream a lot I dream of overhearing I run into people about half the time I run into people in the airports they're coming to Brownsville and I dream of hearing something I dream of hearing things like where you going I'm going to the revival in name you know Atlanta Seattle whatever this city I'm going to the revival in Seattle really what church oh I hear it doesn't matter that's what I'm after what do you mean it doesn't matter I mean it doesn't matter god is so broken over the city it doesn't matter what church you go into they're all in revival I don't know if you're I don't know if your dreams are that big I don't know if your expectations are that big I'm happy for what God is doing but you're looking at the hungriest human being on the earth I am desperate I am desperate to see what God can do so for the places where the heavens are weak pound the brass heavens and stick my fingers into the cracks of the windows trying to pry open the windows of heaven because somewhere it's gonna happen if the glory of God is going to cover the earth like the water covers the sea it's got to start somewhere the glory of God can't cover the earth if we can't even get it to flow down the aisles of the church and if we're not careful we will mistake anointing for glory anointing empowers flesh glory disables flesh I thought there were the same you know we get in services and I cringe inside when I hear people say the glory of God is here right maybe in my life maybe three times because when his glory shows up we read about the dedication of Solomon's Temple when the glory of God shows up there wasn't anybody running around jumping up and down saying the glory of God is here they were trying to dig holes in the floor hide themself I don't know dr. Brown can fix all this after I'm gone because I'm just a little Cajun from Louisiana anointing and glory are of the same substance they're particles of God but let me let me describe it to you this way on cool winter days when there's not a lot of humidity in the air you can scrape your feet across the carpet and touch the tip of somebody's nose and the tiniest blue spark of electricity will touch their nose and you can say did you feel that but let me strip the bare wires back on one of these extension cords here and let me touch you with that and see if you feel that they're of the same substance but one just makes you kind of feel good kids play games with it they rub balloons on their heads and stick them on the wall they do all kind of little parlor tricks with static electricity but the other you better be careful how you handle it it'll either light up your life and heat your homes or it'll kill you and the reason why you don't just turn a little kid loose you don't care if they play with static electricity but you they cover they cover the outlets in homes with safety plugs because the immature don't know how to handle it I wonder how long God has kept the real power sources of what we're after covered while we're begging at all we want more power more power he said I would love to but it'll kill you you don't understand you're not you're not insulated you see in order to be insulated from electricity you have to have an inert ingredient and I'm not going to go into the chemical description of what inert is but rubber is an inert ingredient it can't pass through it and then you can handle it actually what I would try to describe that to you it's something that's that's dead if you're ever going to touch the glory of God you better be covered by something that's dead because when the priests were to enter in they went in through blood when they were dedicated there was blood on their earlobes blood on their thumbs blood on their toes as if to to sir comforts themself with blood to go in as if they were a dead man because the truth is Moses your own to something when God said no man can see my face and live what he's really saying is only dead men can see his face and the new testament form of death is repentance and you cannot call for the glory of god to come until you learned how to handle the glory and the only way your hand to the glory is dead men's hands if we're not careful what we do is we line people up and scrape our feet across the carpet of god's promises touch them on the head and say did you feel that while they shake a little bit what i'm talking about is a manifest presence of god coming that you don't have to ask anybody did they feel anything there's no little quivering x' and no shakings it's like an atomic bomb gets dropped in the middle of everything I'm rereading the Hebrides revival where he said I heard it on the tape the other day 70 percent of the people that got saved got saved before they ever came to church and only came to church to tell people what happened to them and the factories and in the fields and in their homes and wherever they were that's not because somebody's preaching good and somebody's singing good it's because somebody made an opening in the heavens and broke open the heavens and learned a little about the glory of God and the glory of God began to come and again it lifted their because they didn't know how to handle it you got to be a dead man when David I love second Samuel I turn to it again I read it sitting there when David got ready to carry the ark to Jerusalem you remember that passage there they got it so far and they were having real good services really exciting lots of singing and it was going okay till they hit a speed bump at Nikon's threshing floor God will always put bumps in the road if you're trying to get somewhere he's going to put a bump in the road that's going to define and he'll say I've let you do things the way you wanted to this far but from here on out it's different God will allow us to handle him the same way the world handles him up to a certain point and in my opinion that's where we are we are at the bump in the road God allowed David to handle the ark the same way the Philistines handled the Ark put it on a cart and carried along a he Oh walks before as it walks behind what we really like to do is make churches user-friendly I'm not against churches being user-friendly but what I really am far is getting churches spirit friendly we know how to entertain man can I can I tell you that we have the entertainment of man down to a fine art you pad the pews you get the music right you do this you do all that we know how to entertain man but what I question is does anybody know how to entertain God because what is attractive to man and what's attractive to God are two different things man is repulsed by the smell of death and God is attracted to it because when he says they're putting death on that means I can get close because I can only get as close as they are dead do you know Moses finally got his prayer answered let me let me give you a quick lesson in the power of prayer Moses prayed show me your glory even after he was gone that prayer bounced around the halls of heaven for fifteen hundred years until one day jesus told His disciples can't take it anymore come on let's go one on top of a mountain and the disciples prayed our jesus prayed in the disciple slip man always has an ability to fall asleep at where at juxtapositions of time and eternity our biggest danger as we miss things you looking in the wrong direction you're like the magician you he distracts you over here well he does some God's not intentionally trying to hide it from you but he just wants to make sure you're serious and so he begins to pray and they go to sleep and he prays until he prays the flesh away just about and and his garments became white and glistering and if you study the original language there it became like lightning bolts he had on a lightning bolt sport jacket and his glory was being revealed while disciples were sleeping it is an absolute amazement to me how you can have two three thousand people in a building and on the same bench somebody be entranced by the glory of God somebody else saying when will all of this be over just depends on your hunger level what you're after and he that's all he does is he leaves it like that Moses was called from Heaven's repository stepped down and beheld the glory of God after his death because of a prayer he prayed before he died that's how long your prayers have effect with God when when we began to pursue hard after the glory of God you're going to understand something he's going to teach you how to handle these things with care who had been raised around the Ark have you ever thought about this how did they get the Ark on the cart somebody had to pick it up that means that they had picked it up and handled it normally and it was not an uncommon thing but after the bump God says how you handled me now as opposed to how you used to handle me is different why because we're moving from anointing to glory and I'm going to dial things up and you better learn something now careful who's that put his hand out and lightning didn't come from the heavens it came from between the outstretched wings of the cherubim smote him poetically King James says it made a breach it split him in two and he's laying toasted over here on the ground and suddenly everybody is not quite snot it's not quite like it was ten minutes ago we were kind of happy and coasting through and very casual with it you hear me friend there is an air of seriousness that is about to hit the church that is unprecedented and it's time right now that we're at that bump they didn't know what to do with the ark after that they had to say we got to be real careful with it they took the art they took it to a man named obed-edom house I don't know how he got picked or how he got lucky but can you imagine how they described to him Obed we're even this arc at your house how did they get it off of the cart shove it off put it on we don't really know we're not we don't tell I can imagine him telling Obed I wouldn't let my kids play too close to that I'd be real careful with it and he says oh great now I've got this but something began to happen listen to me and in the space of three months everything in obed-edom Schleif was blessed so much so that David heard about it and David said I knew it if I can just get that Ark to Jerusalem just like it blessed the local area of obed-edom house if I can put the glory of God in Jerusalem in the church the whole nation will be blessed we are at the point of localized blessing that's why we have these outbreaks here and and this Brownsville here and this there but the next level of what God's doing it won't just be localized blessing he's gonna revisit the entirety of his church with his glory and when that happens listen to me friend when that happens do you know an interesting thing after that the next time you read about obed-edom he is no longer living where he was he's moved and he's now doorkeeper for the Ark it's as if he said I found out something it's wherever that glory is that's where you need to be basically what I came here tonight to tell you is there's a great shift going on if what you want is Bless Me Club Church you've missed the picture it's supposed to be blessed him Church it's supposed to be dead men with no agenda can you imagine after that and David says okay now we got to get the ark to Jerusalem we have to do this guys we don't know how we have to reinstitute the Levitical priesthood where are the Levites where are the men and the women who know how to put their hands to the holy things of God and live because they have insulated themself with death to self can you imagine how the first Levites they look at one another and they say is my ephod on straight is everything done right is it all set up the way it needs to be why because I'm about to touch this thing I'm gonna put the staves through there and God is looking for sanctified shoulders that's what these young people are all about they're there they're learning how to handle what God is getting ready to do I feel the presence of God coming in this place but you to bow your head just a moment I've got a lot of stuff left to tell you but I sent something those men that picked the ark up to carry it the rest of the way to Jerusalem they were walking dead men can you see him as they kiss their wife goodbye kiss me honey hug the kids why because I'm about to touch this and the last guy that touched it he didn't live but I've done everything I know to do and all I know is it's time to get the glory in the church where are the men and the women who have the spirit of Esther who say if I perish I perish but I'm going to see the king [Music] Holy Spirit right now pierce the veil of our hearts deliver us from self-preservation turn us into pursuers of your purpose restore the Levitical order to the church bring about sanctified shoulders that know how oh God take the safety plugs off of the outlets of glory because God if we only do what we've already done we're gonna only get what we've already got and it's not getting the job done I don't want to appear ungrateful god I am so thankful for what you've done I'm so thankful for bringing the ark to where it is I'm thankful for Brownsville I'm thankful God I'm thankful but I am still so hungry I know there's a place of your glory that we have not yet reached if I can just get the ark to Jerusalem if we can just get glory in the church then we'll have God in the city Lord we've begun to be addicted to anointing we like to feel good just enough of you to make us tingle but not enough to kill us somehow Lord I feel like there's men and women here and in the overflow room and maybe even listening about tape somewhere sometime that something is clicking in them you're saying right now that man is saying what I've been thinking that there's got to be more thank you for the blessing with God show me your glory we have sought your hands long enough god we shove your hands aside very graciously but we go for your face we don't want you just to dispense the gifts we want the giver don't just bless us [Music] remember friends somebody else may out preach you they may out sing you they may out knowledge you but it's only up to you you determine your hunger level if you're just hungry for a little touch if you just want a little ripple in the waters if you just want a little blessing at your church you might ought to go on home right now because that's not what we're after and that's not all that God wants to give us God has got his hand on the dial and he wants to dial his presence up to manifest presence until the Shekinah glory of God hovers over the church and he restores the tabernacle of David and it's unveiled application of anybody can see the glory but he's just looking for some dead man and some dead women who'll apply themselves to carriers of the glory of God men and women who are dead to their own agendas men and women who don't care anymore [Music] some of you have been intimidated there people are from all over the country and you say I want revival in my church but I don't have them a musician like this like this team and we don't have a Lindell Cooley and we don't have a Michael Brown and we don't have a Steve Hill you've got your eyes on the wrong things nobody cannot hunger you why don't you pick up the second verse of Moses song and his prayers I God show me your glory do you know how badly God is wanting to break out everywhere do you know how frustrated God has to be when people take pilgrimages all over but they won't take a pilgrimage to the secret place to pursue his face the first step to becoming a dead man if something begins to break and what you're hearing right now is the beginning of the breaking of men's hearts because once it's broken only broken vessels can really carry the glory of God he never intended for it to be carried any other way remember the things that repel us attract God when services get like this it makes people uneasy it makes us a little uncomfortable we get but wonder what's going on around here I'll tell you what's going on I smell the sins - hair burning and the sacrifice being laid on the altar but it attracting the presence of God because somebody is slipping on the rubber gloves of insulating death and they're coating their earlobes and their thumbs and their toes with the blood of death and they're saying I know now only a dead man can get to where I'm going you hear me students a live missionary is never going to get the job done but a dead mission area it's what God is looking for you mean a literal dead man no I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice just as those men that picked up the ark considered themselves dead because who'sa have died it's time that some of us counted everything as loss for the pursuit of the manifest presence of God I wish some of you would forget who's beside you and forget who's behind you and forget political decorum and forget Church manners because I'm going to tell you a hungry man doesn't eat with manners let me fit a table of the king he dives in how hungry are you [Music] how hungry are you what do you want you want Michael Browns hand on your head or do you want God's hand on your heart we have perceived the anointing long enough it's time to pursue the glory [Applause] I'm not against anointing but I want to tell you there's another level coming [Applause] [Music] father I stir up the hunger I breathe on the embers of frustration right now let it become a holy frustration a seething desire that nothing else can satisfy we have satisfied ourselves with careers we have satisfied ourselves with nice services with who'sa friendly things but I feel a bump in the road and that bump is when the glory begins to revisit the arc and how we've done things is not going to be how we do things [Music] we can't keep doing things like we've done them if God is going to take the safety covers off of the outlets of his glory somebody's gonna have to demonstrate a higher level of maturity I read it somewhere seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness when are we gonna set aside our agendas to institute his agenda [Music] [Music] [Music] listen to me just close your eyes and dream with me for a minute Michael come help me just dream with me for a minute a dream of the day and some some day in the future we look back on these past two years three years and we talk about how great it was and then we say but that was before the revival really started that's when we were just learning how to handle the glory that's when it was still contained and confined inside the church that was before it broke out into the community [Music] [Music] I hear the voice from heaven saying you haven't seen anything yet I'm just looking for a place to reveal my glory I'm looking for a place to pull the covers off the outlets I'm looking but I got to find some dead men and some dead women because if you're already dead it can't kill you he who seeks to save his life will lose it and he who doesn't care about his life will redeem it we need to repent for seeking revival more than the Reviver revival brings anointing Reviver brings glory it's not that it's sin it's just there's a higher level something's coming friend it's going to be so big until no single man will ever be attached to it it's the difference between a river and an ocean there's a lot of streams there's Baptist streams in Assembly of God streams and charismatic streams but they all should wind up in the ocean can I tell you wherever you're from and wherever you're going God is wanting to break out somebody needs to knock on heaven's door somebody needs to thrust their hands into the heavens and it's almost like you see a crack in the heavenlies and if we can get our fingers in that crack in the window and buy whatever we have we begin to pry open the windows of heaven so the glory of God can begin to stream down and first it fills the church and then it flows out over the threshold of the church and interestingly enough it was shallowest at the church and it got deeper as it went [Music] somebody needs to pray with Moses show me your glory Lord we turn our back on rest we don't care if you go with us because we're only going with you we don't know where we're going we're with you show us your glory [Music] I don't know about you but I want an encounter with God that I can't get over I'm tired of temporary things I'm tired of that was good for yesterday but I want something that I can't get over I want something that makes me pile up stones and say I'll never be the same I want an outbreak of God's glory that transforms me I challenge you right now put your hand on your heart and say God let something happen to me that I cannot get over let this be another milestone in my journey I'm telling you some of you are inches away from the encounter of a lifetime but how long are you going to dance around in front of the veil without going through the veil you are so close to having something happen in you that you'll never be the same a Damascus Road you need to repent put the blood on you and go through the veil [Music] I challenge you right now forget who's around you forget what protocol is forget what manners are forget what why don't you just get so desperate why don't you act like a starving man a starving woman out of court [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're sick of ourselves we're sick of dancing around in front of the veil we're sick of calling the holy place the Holy of Holies take us through what [Music] about it in the balcony are you hungry the member ajmer hunger that will determine how deep calls to deep it's not how good you preach it's not how good you sing it's how that we are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] pressing pressing don't race to a false finish line [Music] I don't want just to be
Channel: RadicalMan
Views: 12,406
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Keywords: tommy, tenney, God, Chaser, chasers, tommy tenney, god chaser, God chasers, brownsville, revival, brownsville revival, lindell cooley, pensacola, pensacola revival, steve, steve hill, revivalist
Id: hqcf8X9d_WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 26sec (4346 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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