Love Languages | Home Improvement | Pastor Ro & Lady Jo

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room let's just begin to god some praise tell him thank you for what he's done for us during this week he has kept us we're grateful hallelujah anybody grateful hallelujah heavenly father in the name of jesus lord we want to give you thanks we want to give you praise for your goodness your mercy your faithfulness lord your kindness towards us god even when we didn't deserve it lord you have been faithful and we want to tell you thank you jesus thank you lord for giving us another opportunity to be able to gather together in your house to be able to gather together in your presence lord this isn't something that we take lightly it's not something we take for granted lord we see what's happening in our world today people are dying every day god but because of your mercy lord that is why we stand here we're able to lift our hands open up our mouths and give you worship and praise and so god as we stand in your presence today we asked father god that you would take control of this service everything lord that is not of you every distraction from the enemy every single plot that the enemy is trying to throw to derail the word that you have that is coming for us today we cast that down right now in the name of jesus and we speak lord that you have full authority in this house god do what you need to do move by your spirit in this place lord and god we will surrender to you we will submit to you lord we yield our spirits our minds our emotions our bodies over to you god and we ask lord that you would take control lord we thank you jesus we thank you god for what you have done god we thank you jesus for the ways that you're making god we thank you for the doors that you're opening god some things we can't even see right now god but we know that you're in control that you are able jesus and we tell you thank you in advance god we lift up our voices and we say thank you jesus for the victory that we have through you we ask you today god that chains will be broken that bondage will be loosed in the name of jesus those that came in here bound those that came in here needing a word attached from you god whether it be through a song whether it be through the message that is preached we ask god that you would heal those broken hearted and set them free in the name of jesus lord we give you worship we give you honor we give you glory we give you praise because you are sovereign there is no one like you jesus no one in heaven above no one on earth beneath we worship you hallelujah let's just take a moment and give god some praise he's worthy of the glory he is worthy of the honor however you worship jesus feel free to do that right now let's just send up a praise to the king of kings to the lord of lords to the great i am to jehovah rapha jehovah nisi hallelujah our healer our provider our protector our sustainer our redeemer let's send up a praise to jesus right now he's worthy of it he's worthy of our praise he's worthy of our worship we give it all to you jesus we give it all to you jesus the summit says i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth if that is your prayer today if it's praise will continually be in your mouth i dare you right now to lift up your hands open up your mouth and you've got the best praise that you know how to give him the best praise that you know how to give him he's worthy of it you are worthy jesus you are worthy jesus we exalt your name we give you glory in this place lord no rock is gonna cry out for us today we will open up our nose and give you worship jesus we will open up our mouths and give you praise god when we think of your goodness when we think of your faithfulness god when we think of your mercy we have no choice but to say thank you jesus you didn't have to keep me lord but you did you didn't have to sustain me lord but you did and i just want to thank you jesus [Music] [Music] we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we worship you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god we worship you jesus hallelujah how many of you out there love the lord how many of you out there love the lord hallelujah this is a real easy song it says lord i love you lord i praise you lord i need you more than anything hallelujah say lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you more than anything really repeat after me [Music] [Music] you say lord i praise you more than anything one more time say lord i praise you i love you [Music] i love you i love you [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] all right here we go [Music] more than anything [Music] say lord i praise you more than anything [Music] i love you i love you [Music] [Music] [Music] more than anything how many of you love the lord more than anything hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] i need you i need you [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need you i need you i need you [Music] last time i love you i love you [Music] for the day hallelujah hallelujah let's put our hands together for the lord he's worthy of the praise thank you jesus hallelujah bless the lord [Music] bless the name of jesus how many of you want the king of glory to come and fill your place hallelujah let's just take a moment and worship our god he's worthy of the praise he's worthy of the glory hallelujah king of glory fill this place lord we just want to be with you hallelujah [Music] thank you [Music] yes [Music] every man will bow down and say you working [Music] so let's start right now why would we wait [Music] fill this place we just wanna be with you just wanna be with you [Music] just wanna be with you i just wanna be [Music] every man [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] just wanna be with you i just wanna be with you [Music] like your heart's is today [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] is is [Music] [Music] till you come again [Music] [Music] yes i'll dance [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] do it [Music] [Music] wanna is with you [Music] just wanna be with you i just wanna be with you [Music] just the voice is just wanna be just wanna be with you one more time lifted up say king of glory king of glory please fill fill this place just wanna be with you everybody [Music] with [Music] [Music] died [Music] to that pressure [Music] [Music] is [Music] one more time [Music] to the cross hallelujah [Applause] to thy precious [Music] lord i just want to be close to you jesus christ lord i just need more of you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah right across this room just begin to give words of love to your god words of adoration to your god he's worthy of the praise [Music] you jesus i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything [Music] how many of you love the lord i love you cheers [Music] i love you more than anything let's just say that one time together say that i love you [Music] lord [Music] let's just say that one more time [Music] [Music] just wanna tell you oh [Music] i just want to tell you one more time [Music] [Music] if that's your heart's cry just begin to open up your mouth say lord i love you more anything lord more than money more than riches than fame lord i love lord i give you my heart i give you my life lord i love you right across this room let's put our hands together for the lord let's put our hands together for the king of kings he's worthy of the praise lord we love you more than anything we insult you jesus lord we love you we love you because you first loved us hallelujah hallelujah [Music] bless the lord everybody bless the lord you love the lord today do you love the lord today in spite of technical difficulties god has been truly good and amazing to us if we can look to our neighbor and say it's good to see you in the house some faces are unfamiliar some faces are new don't be shy i know we got our mask on again but it's good to see you in the house hallelujah can we just stay in the attitude of worship come on can we clap our hands for jesus right quick come on let's do that together come on we can do better than this if this is was for somebody else but we're doing this for jesus let's clap our hands real good for jesus at this moment i know my wife said to greet somebody but can you do me a favor and just look at them put a big smile i know you got your mask on but smile with your eyes can you smile with your eyes smile with your eyes and look at someone i'm happy to see you on today on this special sunday come on with your eyes i know we have our mask on we gotta adhere to the the new mandate we're so grateful that you are here you can be seated in the presence of the lord in this place you can be seated in this place as we're so grateful and honored that you are here with us uh we're going to be very brief we want to also as well too uh want to apologize for our technical difficulties you know with technology you know you can never know what could happen on any given day but besides that we still give god glory and praise can you do me a favor can we clap our hands for our uh our tech team come on clap our hands for them come on you can do better get clap our hands for our tech team and clap our hands for our bands and for our praise and worship from everybody who functions can we give god praise for them awesome amen we're gonna we're gonna move to the word very quickly um as time is at hand but before we get there uh i wanted to uh just have a few announcements before we move on um before we get on to this word and but before we go uh can we clap our hands for sister mother irish who's in their house today all the way from toronto let's give god praise for her i'm so glad for her to be a part of us this absolutely uh this sunday morning or sunday afternoon so let's give god praise and for all of our guests is there any first-time visitors here any first-time visitors any first-time visitors all right so we have returning guests awesome amen all right we're gonna we're gonna move on with a few announcements before we get uh into our word but the one thing i wanted i mentioned i mentioned over on our social media pages that we were going to announce something special and uh that's going to be taking place in foc and we want to do that today for those who are watching online we want to announce something that we've been holding in for a couple of uh weeks or so and uh today is the launch day or the announcement day or however you want to call it and uh over the several weeks we believe that god has been doing something new uh in in us i know in a pandemic we have to transition a lot and there's so many pivots that we have to really consider but we believe in enhancing and moving forward in the kingdom of god and one of the things that we um are will be launching and i want you to go crazy if you will and i'm gonna i'm gonna announce it and then i'm going to explain it i'm announcing it and i'm going to explain it is that beginning on well actually beginning today um officially one thing that we have decided our tech team and ourselves on wifi nine leadership we have announced to launch what we call flc tv okay yeah i don't sound too excited we are launching what we call come on you don't sound too excited flctv and so what foc tv is going to be it's going to be technically our network where we're not just going to show our church services but we're going to integrate a plethora of programs that will be happening occurring throughout the entire week so you will have a weekly program for instance on monday at two o'clock tune in to that particular show and so we're going to be launching this and as a matter of fact uh next week we're actually having our first our very first uh program which we launched entitled unfiltered now i think we have a clip so we have a clip of what you should expect on next week at 12 p.m mountain standard time and it's a two-part series so it's 12 p.m mountain standard time and then the next part two will be airing at uh the monday september 13th at 6 30 pm please look to the screen [Music] foc nation what's going on listen we have something special and new that's taken place on this conversation we want to talk about the on the topic that it takes a family and the objective of this conversation is to emphasize and to focus on biblical and practical strategies for a christian home and what that looks like and the thing is too pastor v joseph had to take his blinders off let me explain that because if joseph was in the same mind frame he could actually reject yeah that's right that's right yeah what is a contradiction he could rej he could have rejected his favor because it did not look like what he came for wow and so sometimes god is going to place you in spaces where if you are not careful you can reject the place where favor where you're supposed to experience favor this might this might get underneath somebody's skin but i believe joseph had to forgive his brothers even before they apologize yeah yeah yikes without an apology yeah he said i am joseph don't be angry the reason why this took place god sent me to save lives some of us have been waiting for an apology that will never come yikes the lord has interrupted this sunday message yes to say you got to let that go the reason why it happened so that i could get the glory out of your life there you go come on clap your hands together we're launching that episode on next week on sunday the reason why there will be no in-person uh gathering due to i believe there's election taking place in this facility and so we wanted to find figure out a way how we can still engage all of us while we may be home and so we're launching our first episode our first program an episode on foctv at 12 p.m mountain standard time and it's two-part series you don't want to miss this and it's going to take place on september 13th at 6 30 pm as well we do also have other episodes programs that's going to be on fosa tv you don't want to miss it it's going to be unbelievable we got some brilliant minds some special people that have certain gifts and skills that will be showcasing their skills and talents on our tv program and let me just shoot out here if you feel within yourself that you have a particular craft if you have a particular skill that you think is necessary that you want to use by all means contact me and we can have your own you can have your own personal segment on flc tv amen amen and we're going to get into the the word um and before we get ignored just a few announcements just on october 4th beginning october 4th we're going to resume our preaching masterclass for those who are interested in the preaching and teaching mission of the preaching and teaching ministry please email admin at and more information will be provided as well as it pertains to our disciples workshop that is our bible study we will be resuming our bible study in october and a date will be published momentarily if you are interested in being placed in a small group all right and if you're not in a small group and you want to be a part of our small group for those are online as well too if you can please get in contact with our small group group coordinators jarrell and irma oliveira and or send an email to admin at we would love to place you if you don't mind if you can just rave your hands that's the family at the back just take a look at them if you want to be a part of our small groups or coordinators please get in contact they got some great content and great things for us in the future um as well um as october so here's a special announcement y'all um beginning in october or october uh the weekend of october 29 30 and you know 31st we will be having our first conference here at foc it's going to be what we call our alter experience conference it's going to be a conference that's going to be focused on prayer intercession healing and deliverance it's going to be powerful yes it is happening on halloween weekend yes it is um and so we're going to be intentional um and what we're going to be doing so we want you to be we want to be a part of that there will be a registration process um because we will have uh day sessions as well too and so we want uh we want to ensure that all of us all people are being accommodated as well and therefore the month of october we're going to be dealing with the holy spirit that's going to be our focus in the month of october the holy spirit particularly as it relates to prayer and intercession for this month and this is why my wife and i are here for this month we're dealing with and exploring the theme of home improvement someone say home improvement home improvement we're beginning our family series in the month of september and so this week my wife and i are going to lay some of the foundation we're going to be talking about love languages can someone say love language yeah we're gonna be talking about love language and then next week we're gonna have that episode um on foctv that's gonna deal with something totally different and then the following week you know we're gonna have our pastors v and sam they're going to be talking about ministry children and careers they're going to be co-preaching and then the last week of of september we have a special guest that we're going to come in and and provide us further aid as it relates to our family ministry amen we want to we want to create an environment and let people know that this we we value the family in our churches particularly in our church we value the family and this is why i found it necessary my wife and i we begin with love language we can kind of open up a bit so you can kind of get into know what takes place in our home all right and kind of get so much more information as as as pastors of what we deal with and how we deal with um our relationship and our family in this regard all right so let's let's get to the word so we're in a series entitled home improvement and we're going to be talking about love language or love languages today and where we're going to be reading from is first corinthians 13. if you have your bibles open please i want you to have your bibles open because first corinthians 13 is going to be exactly where we're going to be placed and where we believe the lord is going to eliminate in our understanding as it pertains to the said topic first corinthians 13. i'm just going to read from verse 1 to 7 and then verse 13 and then we're going to go through it together amen yeah all right so i mean according to the net version whatever version you have uh please open it up to and follow as you can first corinthians 13 reading from verse one and this is what paul says if i speak in the tongues of men and of angels but i do not have love i am what a noisy gong or a clanging symbol and if i prophesy and know all mysteries and all knowledge and if i have all faith so that i can remove mountains but do not have love paul says i am absolutely nothing if i give away everything i own if i give over my body in order to boast but do not have love i receive benefit first four love is patient love is kind it is not envious love does not brag it is not puffed up it is not rude is not self-serving it is not easily angered or resentful it is not glad about injustice but rejoices in truth it bears all things believes all things hopes all things and endures all things here's verse 13 verse 13 and it says and now all these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is what love father we thank you for your word and we pray god as we converse as we have our conversation together as a family and we emphasize that word very emphatically as a family lord that you will reveal yourself to us and that particular areas in our lives that are affecting our families brokenness the traumatic experience is the pain and the hurts of what has transpired in our families or transpiring in our families or that you the one that will bring peace and healing in the name of jesus and we pray god that that shall be the portion of every family can we can we do a favor can we just lift our hands in this room i know it's not the end of our sermon but can we just very briefly just breathe a word of prayer over the families um if over your own family or over families that are in this particular room and for those who are watching online can we just breathe a word of prayer uh because i know that the enemy has an attack against the families uh against the the body of christ and so we want to breathe the word of prayer father we pray for over every family in the name of jesus everything that's trying to come as a distraction every impediment lord every every every strain every virus that's trying to interject itself into the family and cause havoc and to destroy we pray lord that your love that's your grace and that's your power what will be reflected in this space in each family home in the name of jesus we pray for husbands in this moment we pray for wives we pray for children and even for those who may not even have that whatever they define as their family we pray for that space right now we pray that that place of family will become a home that wherever they resist would not just be a house but yes indeed it would be a home it would not just be a residence but it will be a home where love and peace and and and you lord is exemplified in this space and father we give you the glory and we pray that whatever will be spoken is not my words it's not my wife's word but it's your word and so therefore let the word of my mouth and meditation of my heart and our hearts be acceptable in your sight you are our rock and our redeemer if you love the lord can you clap your hands and give god praise so let's let's begin in this series and and so i want you to give i want to give god praise for my wife this is the first time she really up here doing this so i know she she was sweating bullets um but we put her in the hot seat today and so we just want to have a conversation and and feel free we want to open this because we want to have a family discussion so if you have a comment if you have a fault please don't don't don't don't just sit on it ask your question position your thoughts all right so let's begin here and when we deal with the book of corinthians i think it's important that we provide some basis because i just don't want to simply discuss chapter 13 without us having an understanding of the book and of itself and so the book of corinthians was written in approximately um 80 to 53 80 53 to 55 many scholars say 57 or so but 80 from 58 53 to 55 is where many would somewhat agree that the book of first corinthians was written in and so paul's first letter to the corinthians is written to a specific group of people with unique challenges in their community i think i have yeah you can put up the first point um this is not an exact image of paul but it's you know something that they thought would he would look like but the primary message of first corinthians is evergreen followers of jesus christ are held to a standard of integrity and morality as we seek to present or represent his new way of life to our communities paul addresses in the book of corinthians he addresses a plethora of experiences and what he seeks to do is to help the church see them through the lens of the gospel message and that is jesus life his death and resurrection are what unifies the diverse body of believers and allows us to live in completely a new way fused with the hope of god's kingdom right so the issue with the corinthian brethren ladies and gentlemen if you were to read first corinthians and this is our my task to you go home and do your particular own reading is that paul was addressing a sect of people that were full of pride full of pride and were excusing sexual immorality and and also as well too if you particularly read in first corinthians chapter 12 spiritual gifts were being used improperly right and there was a rampant misunderstanding of of of key christian doctrines the apostle paul wrote his first letter to the corinthians in an attempt to restore the corinthian church to its foundation which is jesus christ first corinthian challenges the believers to examine every area of the life through the lens of the gospel specifically paul addresses the visions among believers he addresses food he addresses sexual integrity he addresses worship gatherings and he addresses resurrection and it's important for us to understand what takes place so here it is i'm just i'm just going over this briefly you can understand when we get to first corinthians 12 and 13 why paul is exactly expressing why he emphasizes on love so emphatically it's important to note that paul is not simply addressing a church setting like ours he's addressing the household of chloe so in the first and second century ladies and gentlemen the church was defined or represented as house churches see meaning when you hear of the church of galatia of the church of corinth of the church of philippi of the church of class etc paul was referring to a community of believers that functioned within their homes as opposed to gathering within the edifice like what we have today and generally speaking indeed they had the temples but when paul was referring to churches he was referring to house churches now there is something special about this for two reasons number one the first century church didn't just see itself as a members of of a church particularly but as a family that functioned as a church they saw themselves as a family that functions function as a collective believers and number two the new testament is filled with language that emphasize the familiar nature of the church see that word family wasn't just used arbitrarily it wasn't just used loosely it was purposeful that word family it was it was strategic when paul used at least when we see the new testament so therefore our families and i'm not just referring to our biological families but but but through but but families can it can be defined as whatever it may be uh whether it be biological whether it be nuclear it can be people who you call family it is formed through love experiences and and connection and as a result i would propose that even families so i when i look at my family particularly i see my family as a ministry does anybody know what ministry means anyone knows what ministry means if you if i use the word admissions anybody know what ministry means serve someone said it right serve that's what ministry simply means it means service and so my family i serve within my family our our family is a ministry because we're serving each other and as a result the kingdom of god because in family whether it be biological not this is where we serve and should be a priority in where we serve all right let's move on there are five major headlines within this book and i want to take note of and this is the next slide so here it is number one paul is addressing addressing rather divisions in the community right so this is what taking place in corinth and let me know if this if what you've seen this happened in church before so paul is addressing this word factionalism this word factionalism which simply means there are different factions there were different groups different divisive groups paul was just in a context where some people were saying well i belong let me say this in one church you pos paul was addressing five different churches in one church so can you imagine we have one church here and then we have five different type of churches in the one church why do i come to that conclusion because some were saying i belong to cephas being peter i belong to apollos i belong to jesus i belong to paul and etcetera so within the same church you had five different churches and it's similar like what we experienced today that that we can be so divisive and who we claim to be like if it ain't the pastor preaching we won't listen to them it ain't nobody the right person leading we won't listen to them if ain't the right person singing or whatever or whatever doing it we don't want to listen because we have gravitated to that and i think it's dangerous ladies and gentlemen that as a church we can't develop this click mentality i belong to this clique because i favor this clique right so he's the vet he's addressing the visions he's addressing sexual integrity in the church and we can look at that momentarily but but ideally a key aspect to following jesus is engaging in sexual acts in the way god intended in the way god intended recognizing that our whole being body and soul belongs to who god paul's addressing the right form of what sexual integrity really is he addresses food he addresses worship gatherings when we get to chapter 14 and paul deals with the matter of worship should be conducted and how worship should not be a distraction and then lastly in chapter 15 paul addresses the resurrection and so now we're going to kind of get into this conversation because what we see here is that we get to chapter 12 paul is addressing spiritual gifts the diversity of gifts and and if you read if you have your bibles open i want you to i want you to i want you to see this passage because i know many of us have not seen this before i want you to jump to uh verse 31 if you have your bibles jump to verse 31 so here's the context in verse 12 sorry in chapter 12 paul listens out the spiritual giftings he identifies these are the giftens you know they're all under one spirit there's diversity he's like do and he goes you know he talks about you know and in verse verse 29 are all apostles or all prophets or all teachers et cetera et cetera and he's trying to identify that everybody in within the body of christ or each church will have a plethora and diversity of giftings but look what paul says in verse 31 he says but but you should be eager for the greater gifts what is the greater gifts all right and this is what paul says 31 be and now i will show you a way that is beyond comparison paul says above spiritual gifting this is the the gift i want to show you that is greater than what you think would do you call yourself apostle a prophet i want to show you a greater gift and now we find ourselves in chapter 13. all right when your bible's open let's read a number from verse one to three it's about but paul says in verse one to three and then we're gonna have this conversation paul says if i speak in tongues of men and of angels but i do not have love i am a noisy gung or clanging symbol and if i prophesy and know all mysteries and all knowledge and if i have all faith so that i can remove mountains but i do not have love i am nothing if i give everything i own and if i give over my body in order to boast and do not have love i receive no benefit here is the first principle that my wife and i are going to really talk talk about the basis of our families what is the basis of the base of our family and here's the first principle that we that we kind of deduced from just verse one to three if there is a disconnect on the fundamentals or core values within a family and you can make it personal and within my family it will be indeed the breeding ground for division dysfunction and despair agreed i hope so because uh we didn't work at home so you agreed maybe because this would have been problematic it's my time to talk now i guess so gotta get together so even within verse one i was telling rohan um last time as we were going through the scriptures and before we even got to breaking it down to our individual families as reading through the scriptures and talk seeing how we see the different um gifts within the body of christ but paul starts off the chapter by basically saying how destructive and non-effective these gifts are if we don't have a foundation of love and we even use an example you want me to go over it um he brought up an example of an engine of a car if there ain't no engine the cars not do nothing whether it has tires whether it has a steering wheel whether it has oil it's not going anywhere without an engine so i feel like even as the body of christ and even as um as families nuclear family families whether we're mother and child or whether we're in relationship or in marriage i feel like the found if the foundation is not love you're bound for destruction you're bound for dysfunction division and despair which rohan has established quite clear earlier so yeah that was my take on it because even when so even when we were getting married and we were establishing our family we had to establish some of the fundamentals because the truth be told and be honest we do have disagreements we're not the perfect family i hope you don't see us as perfect family we have flaws ladies and gentlemen uh and many of which um but we had to establish what our fundamentals and our core values are and and a part of that we identify that listen above all i have to i have to love god more than i even love you right you have to love god more than you even love myself and we're ever going to kind of dive into that and so i think if if we disconnect on fundamental values then we're going to have problematics and let me say this if there's a disconnect on fundamental values family vacations can't fix that it doesn't matter how much you go on a family vacation it is it doesn't matter how much you plan if if there's a disconnect on some of the fundamental core values within the family the other things cannot fix it you sometimes you have to address and have those tough conversations right and so we believe and that paul was saying look what paul says paul says listen i can speak in tongues i can go in but if i don't have love i'm just making noise i can prophesy until i tell your entire bank account number i can tell you every mystery that books don't even contain but if i don't even have love i am nothing paul even says listen i can give to the poor i can be so involved in social activism but if love is not the found the basis of what i do or what we do it i i have no gain i benefit of nothing and so establishing what is fundamental and core to the family whatever your family dynamic is and please understand this we're not telling you what to do we're speaking our experience is based on how the word of god you know reflects in our experience and and so my my wife mentioned the example of the car analogy listen you can have a 20 21 benz but if the band's got no engine in it it looks good you can turn it on and you can see all the future but that thing ain't even moving nowhere what does it show then the engine of our family is is the central core of how we're going to progress or how we're going to move what are your core values and your families have you had that conversation what are the fundamentals that we we have to establish some things you know we can kind of pivot on so for example can i tell this the story so when we first got married so we came we're from a jamaican background this is where we come from but please understand that even within the jamaican culture people cook food differently so we attempted to cook curry chicken tray together for the first time like you know what all this nice stuff you know let's cook together you know how we see let's cook together it's these reality tv shows that get you doing that you know let's cook together and all this kind of pretty stuff you know we know we're work you know we're chopping it up we're getting her stuff ready and we we reached a pivot when she said when it comes to the seasoning part and i'm like nah this is not how my mom sees and she's like well this is how my dad's using it and i'm like listen we're gonna have to figure this out so because i'm used to what i'm used to and she's used to what she's used to you know i can be hard-headed at times and i'm like listen uh i got to win this battle because i know what the food's supposed to taste like but we had to develop actually and as a matter of fact i lost i followed her away and it was absolutely great well i don't know if it was better but it was it was it was it was it was it was really good but even with that being said it goes to show that you can be grown up in different households with same cultures even and the way that um the way that things are done so even the way that love is shown and the way it's expressed can be different so even with us coming together becoming one even though we have the previous knowledge of how we were raised and how we were trained and what we know we had to build our own foundation we couldn't rely on the foundation of our parents we have to build our own foundation in order to build the future that we we want and to in impart core values um and morals within the kid within our children in the future so amen that was she's prophetic y'all he missed out what you said so so that's the first principle the base of your families is is there has to be connection connectivity when it pertains to fundamental core values here's the second point okay so the second point that we came across was what is our family built on and that sounds like a very general question but it's something i really had to sit down and ponder and even within conversation we really had to dissect what our family is built on um so is it built on love is it built on honesty and even as we're talking about love if the foundation is love i really do believe honesty will form from that transparency will come from that even as paul talks about the different gifts of the spirit those come from the fruit of love if you don't have love you have nothing so i was looking at a scripture um first peter 4 verse 8 and it says above all keep your love for one another fervent because love covers a multitude of sins i thought what's a multitude of sins we hear these scriptures and sometimes we don't take them down and dissect them um but that could be like unforgiveness that could be like um bitterness just a different thing sometimes we hold on to within our certain families and i believe that when we have love those things it allows those things to disappear in the sense of we're allowed to extend patients to each other we're allowed to be transparent with each other because our foundation is solid in that sense and i also believe that um um some is our family built on personalities is it built on what we can do for you if what i can give to you or what you can give to me is that what our what our foundation is give on god gives us unconditional love in spite of what we give to him so even if we dismiss him or we don't acknowledge him he still gives unconditional love that is not based upon the works that we do and i think that's something that we can even bring into our own homes i don't love you because you provide for me i don't love you because of the things that you do for me but i love you because it's something that's a core foundation within our family so that was my take on that oh isn't that sweet our family needs to build on his example christ's example i think what social media and media has done is that we have applied this narrative of relationship goals let me see like this album these are my you see somebody on instagram oh this is this relationship goes and you have no idea of two things what it took for them to get where they got to and secondly what's taking place in their backyard because everything that you see on social media all this pretty glamour you know them potion everything off you have no idea that they just got through a fight and they're going back into something dangerous in that space but because they got to keep up with the joneses they got to keep up with the facade and underneath that their family the core values or at least the some of the structures are run inside and so i think as a christian family and that's the emphasis here as a christian family because paul is addressing christians in corinth that we have to build our goals our family goals on whose example christ on christ's example all right secondly as well too one thing that my wife and i had to establish is install install boundaries in our family does your family have boundaries inside of them so for example there is certain language that's not welcome into our home there are certain language that's not welcome into our home there's certain things we just don't even even entertain in the case of if we do get into a disagreement and if those things are welcome it can easily be used and it can be detrimental to the to the growth in our healing so certain things we there's certain language don't work into our home let me say this as well too there are certain people that aren't welcome into our home lord help me i know i was gonna get quiet on that one all right first corinthians 15 and 33. if you have your bibles open i want you to take these scriptures down first corinthians 15 and 33 now paul is addressing in this particular concern he he's addressing a particular group who who uh again the same corinthians brethren who they're going buck wow you know he's having discussion about the resurrection of the body he's having a discussion about some particular core christian particular things that uh because they were they were um i i guess confused or having trouble with understanding core christian doctrines but look at first first corinthians 15 and 33 look what paul says as he ends this particular section he says do not be deceived bad company corrupts good character paul says bad company will corrupt in this case good morals and he's he's he's quoting the pouring uh menander in this particular case and so he's saying he's taken as i think brother jerrell mentioned this before that paul has a chance of using other language from other particular thinkers look at paul says bad company will corrupt good character we have to be careful of people who we call our friends and our family do is that environment corrupting us or is it actually benefiting what we do of who we are right as and as well too um jesus is the target of our lives so what you got to ask yourself what's what's our what's our family's target is it to be successful is it to be that nice family that we can post on social media and we get as much likes as we want or whatever the case may be what's what's your target for your family is is it is it to be financially stable is it is it you know um whatever the case may be but what is the target and we have to establish that our target has to be christ if christ is not our target i promise you y'all we wouldn't be sitting or standing before you today because christ is our target christ is our goal our relation our relationship goals is actually christ and as a matter of fact i would even propose that as opposed to relationship goals we should establish relationship principles what what is the principles for our relation or your family in whatever context you exist in your family um you want to say something joe as it pertains to that take it as it relates to your particular family no i just wanted to add on when we when he talked about relationship goals he started talking about the shows that i watched sometimes yes and a lot of them are reality tv but they're not a true authentic representation of what love is sometimes it's we see love as being over sexualized even within social media and all those kinds of things but as uh rohan did say if our definition of love is not based upon christ then it will be inherently flawed you will be led astray and your idea of what that is will be dysfunctional and that's how you will execute it within your actions and how you display it within your family so yeah because she has the attention of watching these reality tv shows and i'd be like listen joel i can't tell you you guys though i love her nevertheless and lastly is one two and here's our next point a christ-centered family is nothing without love how do i how do i deduce that i deduce that from paul in verse three paul says listen y'all i can do so many things but if we don't remember this love being used here is not romantic erotic love this is the word agapeo in the greek which which many translate as unconditional love but a more accurate translation of agapeo love is defined as um a love that god prefers it's his preference he he chooses to love us this is the word agapeo as opposed to unconditional love um and and i guess in some cases it is unconditional because regardless of what we do christ still loves us he still chooses to love us for god so loved this world that he gave his only begotten this is this is the act of christ's love and so a christ-centered family is nothing without this this god-driven motivated love because there's times and i'm talking in our context i don't know it may be different from y'all but in our context even if in case if they're if there's if we may have a difference of thought or the case may be it's not the romantic love that you know the first thing if we have a discriminating first we go into romantic things immediately no it's going to take time but what what knits us together is the love of christ together that we individually have which we are married together let's move on because i don't want to be very uh i don't want to take too long verse 4 to look what paul says now paul in verse 3 first from verse 1 to 3 establishes the basis of love i would argue at least and we're trying to you know make the comparison to the family he's trying to establish his listen y'all like if you if if love is not the foundation of our our families we're gonna have problems it's gonna be difficult it's gonna it's gonna be difficult and it's not just the romantic love but it's it's god's love that we have for him first that we share together as a family and establish that basis now now now look at verse 487 i believe in verse four to seven paul expresses what i call the language of love i know i think it's dr chapman he has his particular five languages and i would say that i think it's a great tool um to to use indeed because i had to i had to use that you know um because i had to learn your your love language right um but i believe from a biblical christ-centered place and this is where we're beginning i know we're going to have other speakers that will bring a different perspective but from this basis paul gives us what i define as the language of love look what paul says number one love is what patient number two love is kind and it's not envious love does not brag it's not puffed up it's not rude it's not self-serving it's not easily angered or resentful it is not glad about injustice but it rejoices in truth it bears all things look what look what paul says this is what love does it bears all things it believes all things it hopes all things and it endures all things and so this is this this particular basis here is how love communicates in your family all right here's the first here's a point here um how we define love will determine how we practice it and how we receive it anything joel um and i think that goes into um how i earlier i mentioned um depending upon the home and the family that you grew up within it's shown in different ways so i know some people um show love with gifts or doing things for each other but they'll never ever say they love you and some of us for myself personally i've grown up in a home where love has been expressed as i love you but also with different acts of service or whatever that may be but um like i said how we are taught is how we will perceive it how we will exude it and if we're not taught correctly let me say this i'm trying to put my thoughts together sometimes sometimes what we know as love isn't true love when our parents say they love us but actions show different why different it may not be authentic genuine love and i also think for me that's where myself i had to go back and see what the love of the father looks like are these characteristics that we're seeing exuded towards us and are we doing the same things towards other people because how can we say how can we say we have love how can we say we're christians and even for myself how can i say i'm a christian when i can come up here and sing the love of god and express the love of god but i don't have no respect for my brother i can't talk to you with kindness i can't have patience with you when you're going through a situation and i think even when it comes to bearing all things bearing all things mean that there are going to be some heavy tasks in our life that we're going to have to go through with one another but what are the fruits of the spirits that we're going to be able to use to get us through this journey and yeah that is so good and maybe perhaps the reason why we see a lot of family brokenness and dysfunction within our churches could very well be because of how each person in that family unit defines love and how as a result it being defined as a result and how it's reflected so if if joe defined love in a particular way and she believes that's the way and i define it differently we're going to practice that and if there's no conversation about unity of how we define what love is there will be dysfunction there will be problematic situations moving on very carefully i just my dad our idea even you said what we believe the love is to be we can be wrong what we think love is can be wrong it's not based upon the right principles which is christ and the word that's good so paul says this is the love language paul says number one verse 4a love is patient it is kind and not envious here is a context within my family so we had we had a different we had an interest in family union um let's say formation so when i was so when i proposed to i don't know how you married me because i didn't i didn't even have it all together um but when i when i proposed i was just graduating from seminary i just got out of seminary charmaine and i remember i was going to propose even before i got out of seminary but i did made my dad a promise i said dad you know i won't do nothing until i finish school and so you know i went to my father and to have this conversation he says well you know you did tell me you're not gonna you're gonna wait to finish school so i went to finish school fresh out of school i didn't really have nothing to technically and i'm getting someone when i talk about love is patient and so she was already in her career she was fully a nurse i think you're working maybe you've already been five years in your career so something like that so she was fully established had her own vehicle i was still driving my dads um and so i was just in a different space at that time and i remember we were having a conversation i think this is the reason why like i love you so much like i was having a conversation and i was like so here's a personal insight so y'all i'm hoping i'm opening up my my life and we'll probably get more into this momentarily um but one of the things i struggled with in our engagement was financial insecurity i think for sometimes as men that can be one of the biggest things how are you going to take care of this woman and that was my biggest thing i couldn't get over that hurdle it was difficult but god's grace um and so uh i was just in school and i told her like listen like this is my goal like this is my plan um you know she she i told her you know i'm in seminary my goal is to do a doctorate it's gonna take another three to four years it's just gonna be just it's gonna be a different way of life i'm not gonna be able to you know fully work and do all that kind of stuff but god has been great gracious and faithful to me in some areas but at that moment she had to believe me and also believe and be patient with me to be like listen i am patient with his success i'm patient with his journey so remember she's full in her career you know and she's fully she has all together and here comes me figuring out what i'm what i'm still gonna do with my life kind of thing and so you know i told her like you know i'm gonna do my doctorate and like i'm still going through school right now and you know god has been faithful but she was patient with my journey and she is patient with my journey and and and and she believes i know i i have to say that god will give you a glimpse of your future if you ask and some she believed in me and still believes in me yes um and and what i am doing and what and she's patient with that as well too so for example you know pretty knows i'm doing my doctorate and so there's times where like i like my mind goes crazy like i just my mind's explode because i'm someone reading someone's thinking so much things going on and and she's patient with me regarding that she could be like you listen man you ain't give me no time you know i've been here all day you didn't give me you didn't say nothing to me not not not neglect her let's not get that in your heads but i think she incorporates the language of love of patience and and i think it's important for us to understand that when when you truly reflect the love of god you will be patient it will be hard it was gonna let me just not tell you it's easy it it will be difficult but love is patient love is kind you can't be nasty and say you love somebody and reflect the love of god you it it's kind it's not envious also look at paul says in 4b it does not function within pride it does not puff up itself it's not it's not proud um he further says as well too love is not rude y'all you read out what it says in there love is not rude it's not selfish see it's like what christ says when the greatest commandments love god and love your savior love your neighbor as what yourself it's as if as if what paul is is articulating what jesus has already articulated that you you've got to put sometimes other people's before you i'm not saying to trample you but love considers the other it considers your neighbor it doesn't turn a blind eye to them it considers them and as well too it is it is it's not easily angered or resentful oh and just in regards to like you said love has no limits and i also believe it's a journey um learning to love one another it's not something that we just get to a destination and we've mastered i don't think anyone has mastered love except for god himself but i believe it's something that we continually and we daily are intentional about and even in verse um four to five says love is patient love is kind it's not envious it does not break it's not puffed up it's not rude it's not self-serving and it's not easily angered as much as we see what love is these are also indications of what love isn't so even in thinking about what we're going to say today assange rohana said i said many people grew up in environments where it's their family it's their parents it's their siblings it's whatever relationship it is to you that is your family but i said sometimes you're in abusive relationships or relationships can be toxic how do we learn to love one another but still put ourselves where we are protecting ourselves so for me i believe you can still extend love in the way that you treat one another and the way we talk to one another um in the way we handle and care for one another but i also do want to just make the point that i do think it's very important that we are mindful of our own um our own selves not being selfish in the sense of making sure that you're okay like you can love somebody from a distance but still love them and know that that's okay and that's within family family units too right so that that's a good point i want to put that question out there i want i want to see if there's anybody who want to answer that how do you or how can you love someone from a distance you said face time [Laughter] that's true but that's an honest question how do you what would you want to add how do you love someone from a distance how does that look like go ahead sisters right right so jerusha said love put boundaries and parameters on it that's great point and anybody else go ahead how you like how you communicate go ahead brother right right so establish and respect as as a particular element one more is anybody else how do you counter how do you or have you done it let me ask a question does anybody have love someone from a distant like from here to ontario i love you but this is where this is where this is this is where it's going this is how it's going to look like yeah but anybody else anybody want one last input how do you love that because i think these are practical things that we gotta apply in church because all the times you gotta love that neighbor as you know you know we sense preachers you gotta love somebody man i can't stand no i mean in the sense like listen like this this person calls me praying how do you love someone how do you love a perpetrator how do you love someone who has you function the same church but you have been abused by them these are real life things go ahead right yeah absolutely absolutely and that even goes back to what i said that um we're all different um some of us some people have been raised and they haven't been shown a pure form of what true love really means to them right and we also have to realize we can't change people i can't change rohan or even me and my mother have a great relationship but if my me my mother had a very dysfunctional relationship i can't change her i have to accept that maybe the way she was raised in the way she was taught how to love that's how she expresses it but i do believe it is my job and my responsibility even with the tools that are provided to not be stagnant and not to continue that cycle but to still extend love still extend patience it can be from a distance but still know how we can actually make love actionable because love is verbal but it's also non-verbal at the same time so our actions display i can say i love you but walk by you and give you a side eye that's not love that's not respect that's not kindness right and i also think it also makes us do an inter introspection of ourselves when we say we really love this individual but they do one thing and it sets you all the way off then i think you really need to go back to what is your foundation and is it is it sound is it sturdy so yeah i think you said it well and allows for the transition and close at this point when we deal with love and i think this is where paul argues and i and i go back to chapter 12 because chapter 13 is based on chapter 12. so i know many of us we heard chapter 13 at weddings wedding ceremonies and it's a nice particular you know way to talk about relationship but it's based upon what's taking place in chapter 12 and here's the point i want to make is that we need to value relationships more than we value gifts so in other words we we need to build relationships with i i want to value you and hopefully i should reflect that that i value our relationship more than what you bring to the table more than what you think i bring to the table because sometimes you want some people get married to the idea of the person they're successful you know they can preach they can sing so i want to be with that so damon richardson a good a big brother in mind he made this quote and i i love it i'm not too sure if it's on the screen i may have forgotten to put it but it's what he says he says be generally interested in the person and not their gift their resources their connections or how they might impact your ambitions and goals build relationships not pipelines prospects or personal advantages at the expense of others love is real and it's what paul is arguing here is that greater than the gifts greater than what you bring girl what you see is this agapeo love this this authentic love of god and it's my final point we're going to close here we see here that paul identifies with the language languages of what love may be what they can look like in other words love communicates verbally but just as important or even more important non-verbally in other words all that paul speaks of that defines love are action motivated and driven it's patient well i just i just want to say it and you need to see patience well it's kind well i'm not going to say it it needs to be shown it's not envious well i can't just say it it has to be shown so paul is saying here that this love is not just something that i speak but it's what i do and how can i do this it's not of ourselves because inherently we are flawed inherently we are sinful inherently our love our love is tainted inherently but it's only through the aid and christ can i truly love and that's what paul's establishing here you're so focused on spiritual giftings in this church you're so focused on people what they can do to enhance but paul says no no no what's greater than the tongues what's what's greater than the apostleship that you maintain what's greater than the prophetic name you may have is love this is the greater gifts i will then show you and he goes into his discourse to prove this point that indeed absolutely we we value spiritual gifting but how are you what's the basis of your spiritual gifting is it love as the foundation or is it just simply because i want to just show how skilled i am how skill of a teacher how skill of a preacher how skill of a preacher a teacher i am or is love the foundation and verse 13 paul conclusion says and now these three remain he goes into a discourse and he talks about you know and he first elaborates but this is what he says now these three remain faith hope and love they remain out of my entire discourse but the greatest of these three is the most king james would say charity but translates to love greater than faith and hope is love and and i'm hoping that as we navigate through these series that whatever family dynamic you are in that you evaluate what love is and how that is shown and how is it communicating is it is it communicated just simply based upon how you feel or is it being motivated and influenced by the word of god is is your love towards your sister and your brother is it patient are you easily angered is it is it envious like do do you like if they have something like like this almost extreme form of jealousy comes across to a point that you are so angry that they have something that you don't possess is is the love that is lovely is it proud is it i'm gonna prove to the entire world that i love you by doing stuff or whatever the case may be what is the basis what is the foundation of your family maybe this is a conversation that we have to go home and ask our families or ask people that we're connected with what is our foundation what is our core values because i believe i almost believe and i see it i i've experienced it i've been in conversations i've received phone calls that that there it seems as if there is a and a special attack an assignment if i will to disrupt the sanctity of this god-created institution called family it seems as if everything is is attacking it like we're seeing um the perspective of divorce is breaking up we're seeing children battling against children we're seeing children murdering parents and likewise vice versa a a whole ra wide range of disruption against the family the the family that which you hold in close connection the family of god at large there is this connection there's divisions on so many areas and i think this is intentional because an institution that's created by god threatens the enemy and i believe as a family we have to pray for our families and i'm closing here i want us all borrow our heads in this place if you will for many of us this can be a touchy subject because some of us are going home to chaos for many of us some of us are going home and we're disrupted like some of us are going home and and and we're like listen man pastor real i hear what you said um but i don't have that clear cut communication with my father i don't have that communication with my my mother me my brother just got out of the argument me and my husband are in a rocky place this doesn't make sense i'm trying to like this is great i gotta deal with the the reality of my lived experiences and i want us to pray i prayed before but i really want us to pray now for our families mothers who are grieving a child not not not the sense of a death but grieving the relationship children who are grieving the relationships of their parents and and brothers and sisters husband and wife that are grieving they're in a state of hardship if i will and and pain and turmoil and trauma and children who are who are being disrupted because of of family difficulties and and parental uh conflicts this is a reality that's taken places in our churches and we're preaching jarrell we're having all these great things and families are still going home broken yeah yeah yeah yeah um i'm not families are are are functioning in chaos or living in chaos what what what do you do as a family when chaos is your normal normality when chaos is your normality where dysfunction is your normality if this now becomes a norm and this series is going to be so uh sensitive it's going it's going to be highly spiritual in that that it's going to really tackle it's going to really address some of the reality it's going to be highly emotional it's going to be psychological because it's going to deal with our minds it's going to deal with particular things listen i have nothing i have nothing against you know brothers ministries and women's ministries and youth ministries but if these ministries seems if it's not done in a properly fashion it can actually bring much more division we have the brothers on one side you have this is on one side but what about the family ministry how does our family pray together outside of our home or outside of the church do we have our own altars built in our homes this is where we want to pray let's all pray i want you to pray for your own family pray for your own family every family ain't perfect i can tell you that my name perfect whatever your family dynamic is pray pray whatever whatever it is and i want you to spend this moment in prayer whatever it is that you have been going with whatever you're dealing with in your family home right now pray pray pray if you haven't spoken to your mother if you haven't spoken to your father even if it's a best friend that's your family there's this disruption in your friendship i want us to pray let's pray i want us to pray i want us to pray thank you i want us to pray we want to pray for the families we want to pray for each family hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit come on let's pray for our families let's pray for our families let's pray for our families for those who have children pray for your children pray for your children for those who don't have children um pray pray concerning your own life for those who may not be in a marital relationship you have a family dynamic of your own pray pray pray pray pray yeah pray for your own fam dynamic for those for those who are wondering how can i be a part of a family i have my family separate from us from here it's truly told many of us are so grateful because we live in a place where we can depend on our family we can go to our house but there are others who are in relationships where they don't have their biological family nearby and for many that that is something that's sentimental to them that's pivotal that's that's crucial for them let's pray for them let's pray for the families in this moment father we want to thank you in this place we want to give you glory we want to give you honor we want to give you praise lord we we acknowledge we acknowledge the sensitivity of this conversation that father we're talking about love but it's it's it's it's dynamic it's not just a single view that there are so many areas that we have not touched yet and time does not permit us lord how the areas of how do we love living in a traumatic space how how how do we love leaving a traumatic space how how do we love having experienced abuse and haven't experienced the hardship and difficulties how do we love how do we call ourselves to be a part of a family where the family devalued your worth they valued who you were in christ to value your identity how do we love and paul says that love is patient but father some of us have been so patient and yet we have not seen results how do we navigate being kind when to our family members and those who we call family but yet they don't res we don't we don't see it being reciprocated back to us yeah lord your words is that love it bears all things but father what about those who are are struggling you said love endures all things but father somebody may have been enduring in this hearts for 20 years divisions in their home for 20 years 15 years it endures all things father i i pray in this moment the lord that you your holy spirit speak to them and that you will you would talk to their heart in this moment right now because i know that the difficulty it's not just a one-step easy fix formula but it require conversation and prayer and intercession and connection and resources from other people to support father we're praying for every person that's watching online that will have this conversation with their family tonight or this week that we'll have this conversation talking about how what is our family built on what is the core value of our family and we pray god that she'll love i got pale love not just simply romantic love not just affiliate love not just the friendship but a divine love for permeating every single home under the sound of my voice and that being in christ that we will function in true love the true love language is articulated in your word let the words of my mouth imitation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight our lord our strength and you are a redeemer if you love jesus can you clap your hands together if you have been blessed we're closing here but do me a favor okay look at someone tell somebody i love you shout it out say i love you i love you i love you come on tell somebody i love you on tell one more time tell somebody else tell me i love you i love you i really really love you i ain't just saying it because it sounds good i really love you we we want to we want to pray for our executive pastor his wife pastor v and sam who are away and i believe they should be returning uh tomorrow's let's pray for safe journey and flight again we do apologize for the technical difficulties that we had today um but you know things happen and we're praying that you have been gracious to us again before if you are interested in a small group please reach out to brother jarrell um right there he's with his hand we will be kicks on our small groups in february sorry in october sorry i'm ready in 2022 in uh in in in october and so you want to be a part of it please do so again can we celebrate mother iris who's in the house come on let's celebrate her again thank you for being with us let's collect our offered in times let's let's give um let's show on another aspect of our love to god by our given um and our offerings our tithe uh please look to the screen if you're online and also if you're in the room of the ways we can give we appreciate you giving um whenever you can and how much you can um we we we can tell that whatever you have shown to the ministry is going towards projects such as our flc-tv and other projects that we are doing to enhance our ministry you know to be effective in this season so you can give to a website or give on our website you can give an e-transfer or you can give um check and if you give him by check please make it out to freedom life church of edmonton freedom life church of edmonton just keep it up there for a moment for those who won't be given and for those who are planning to give or take it down or right now later again we're grateful for your given and can we just give god praise for you today come on can we celebrate god for you for you for you coming now you didn't have to do it let's just raise our hands as i just pronounced the benediction over your life as we close if you're given please give as you will let's let's all stand in that matter let's all stand um in closing again just to make note that as it relates to next week we will not have our in-person service but i want y'all to tune in share it if you haven't share it on 12 p.m we have uh our episode coming out on our program on foctv entitled unfiltered it's a powerful deep conversation and we want you to tune in at 12 p.m it's two-part series and so 12 p.m on sunday and 6 p.m 30. uh i know many y'all have your reality tv shows on monday so you know you're gonna have to sacrifice one of them right we love you i love you so much for the love of christ and hopefully as we open up our homes that we will understand that this is a family i make it absolutely clear every single time as i can that my first priority and my first ministry is to my wife um and so i want to make sure that i take care of paul says listen man timothy uh if you're home incorrect you ain't fit to be a bishop you ain't fit to serve and so i'm trying my best which my home is correct um so that i can serve we can serve all better all right let's just borrow our heads i pronounce a benediction over you father i pray for every single person under this under my voice lord that whatever it is that they're going to be facing on this week that it is by your strength that it is by your grace you remind us in book of philippians that we must be content and father the only way we can be content even in situations where circumstances are not favoring us is because we can do all things through christ and so it is only through christ can we endeavor and endure the painful conferences we're about to face it's only through christ that we can participate god in the moments of pain and agony it's only through christ lord can we depend and have our strength because if it's on ourselves we will fail we will falter but it's only through great through grace and through your son jesus christ we have the ability to stand strong and father we give you your glory and we pray god for those who will be tuning in on uh watching this service on the rewind of god that you will bless their heart and someone may ask the question what must i do to be saved even in this moment for someone who had not asked that question before someone who wants to give their life and come apart be a part the family of god we pray god that they will make that decision right now that they can be a part of the family of god a part of the bride in your name we pray we love you and we give you glory in jesus name amen i believe tomorrow is labor day or so so enjoy your holiday for some who are taking holidays enjoy and i forgot to do it last week but we wanted to pronounce a blessing over all the children who have already started school that this school year be a successful school year for them and we pray that god's fate will be granted over them so y'all we love you thank you for tuning in and we will see you on the 19th i believe the 19th we will see you in person on the 19th god bless you greet somebody in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: FLC Edmonton
Views: 250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Edmonton, FLCNation, Gospel, Sunday, Church, Grace, Faith, Love, TheCross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 1sec (6241 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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