[Annual General Convocation 2021] Monday, September 6th (Afternoon Manna)

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[Music] to you our hearts [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] [Music] in place place [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you our hearts to you our hearts oh you are [Music] you are awesome you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] our praise [Music] this place oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] me hallelujah if you worship an awesome god give him an awesome praise this morning i know the flesh might be weak but the spirit is willing give your god an awesome praise this morning he's been so good to you praise him with the fruit of your lips this morning offer unto our god an excellent praise an incredible god deserves an incredible praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you are worthy you are worthy hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord [Music] and hallelujah me purify me created [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] in me [Music] [Music] is [Music] away [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's make that our prayer this morning creating us a clean heart hallelujah we worship you hallelujah we worship you we thank you we exalt your name dear lord we thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah i will praise you lord with every breath that i take i will praise you lord [Music] again even then i will praise you lord help me [Music] with every breath that i take [Music] i will praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i take [Music] is [Music] again [Music] [Applause] i will praise you lord will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] eternity should end and start all over again even then we will praise the lord stand up on your feet and give god a praise if he is worthy give god excellent praise today hallelujah [Music] amen amen before we go any further with this morning's service let us all corporately unite in prayer as a family in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah sanctify that prayer with a praise hallelujah hallelujah we thank you lord hallelujah that's not the best we can do zion we can do better than that hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bring sacrifice of praise into the house of the lord hallelujah we never came here let's stand but we came here to give him some praise to give him some glory you have air in your lungs today you got blood circulating in your veins has god not been good to you hallelujah we bring sacrifice of praise into the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sacrifices [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah show them to the lord saying hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord some sweet day i'm going away i'm gonna leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] my fingers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] write my name [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name [Applause] [Music] my name is [Applause] [Music] on the butterfly [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] every day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] will you be with me [Music] thank you lord thank you jesus thank you for your gift of salvation we are here worshiping the lord together here we are hallelujah lord we thank you lord we praise you hallelujah you are awesome jesus let us all unite in prayer one more time let's invoke the spirit of god in this place we know he is here but we want to feel and see that manifest presence we need someone to get filled we need some chains to be broken someone needs deliverance today and our god is more than able to do it let us pray one more time hallelujah oh messages right now is wow is is hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah we serve a god that answers prayer hallelujah we have a god with eyes of god with ears he's not a dumb god not a mute god and so since we serve a god that's not mute let's give him an audible praise hallelujah he has ears let him hear our praise today let him see the offering that we're giving him hallelujah hallelujah give him a praise give him a shout give him a wave give him something has god not been good to you hallelujah thank you thank you you are awesome god you are jehovah hallelujah adonai el elyon but today we call you jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're live we're live jesus oh how sweet the name jesus every day the same jesus is [Music] yes forever [Applause] [Music] lord to god [Music] proclaim that name [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] come on just raise your hand just raise your hand just adore him [Music] this is the day [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we sing it one more time [Music] come on there's that name again jesus if you only breathe that name jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord we are gathered here heavenly father the monday of september 6 20 21 jesus lord you knew before time heavenly father that we would have been here lord jesus the glorify your name heavenly father and so lord jesus as we get it here this morning lord jesus lord we have gone through one week of consecration lord leading up to convocation jesus we have heard thy word heavenly father on friday on saturday and last night heavenly father and so lord jesus this is the day of manifestation lord god lord jesus we have searched ourself lord jesus and we want the power of god to manifest lord jesus in mount zion lord jesus we want the holy ghost jesus we want persons to be filled with the holy ghost lord you said receive he the holy ghost mark hashandai lord jesus christ of nazareth lord this is a time where we put away ism and schism lord jesus this is time lord jesus where we come in unity heavenly father jesus for your power and i for your glory to be manifest jesus this is not a time lord you for showcase lord god we want the power the power the fire of the anointing power just as the day of pentecost this is machine oh the day of pentecost jesus this dead is september 6 20 21 heavenly father jesus jesus jesus break break everything right now god almighty break jesus lord god it was that we may be in the place lord jesus jesus help us heavenly father that we may be in the place heavenly father to receive from you today lord jesus you have cleared the way from friday you have cleared apart from friday but this is the day this is the day marker shandai this is the day oh god we're your power weary where we give ourselves to you in totality heavenly father for your power to be manifest within us oh yes oh yes jesus and i have a question and i jesus bless the moderator this afternoon bless the one who will be given the word heavenly father jesus let pentecost let pentecost left pentecost they were on one occurred their thoughts were on one occurred their mindset was in the heavenlies malka in the name of jesus christ of nazareth bless us heavenly father thou shalt name the sick i have become die those i have not yet feel your power from friday heavenly father let it be manifest today jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus let it be so right now heavenly father have your way in this house in this house heavenly father and about cash and i in jesus name harley let the church say amen come on put your hands together brethren we're here to lift up the name of jesus this is the last day of the feast praise the lord jesus taking this opportunity to greet one and all near and far praise the lord jesus the brethren the saints glory to god the officers of this great assembly bishop and sister carly we're greeting one and all in jesus name come on the last day of the feast we've come four days now and the word has been rich do you believe it brethren there's power in the house there's power in the name what's that name today ah come on what a lovely name what a lovely name the name of jesus we've been dealing with the scriptures here praise the lord jesus of advancing the kingdom of god praise the lord and what a great subject matter if you consider it it is the nearest and dearest thing to god himself and i realize as i look through scripture that as powerful as god is god could not forgive our sins of himself god is a spirit and it was going to take blood forgive mankind are you with me brethren so the man christ jesus if you consider there's none other name given unto heaven where men might be saved that name that name jesus that's been revealed to you it is precious it is powerful it is awesome it is above the heavens praise the lord jesus glory to god so there's a mystery there god has to be true to his word praise the lord jesus and when sin entered in ah glory to god there was a separation but he made it possible through the man christ jesus that you and i can have revelation and relationship with god himself can you imagine the tabernacle brethren in the wilderness you could only bring an offering you couldn't get in the compound the priest would have to meet you at the gate you bring your offering the holy holies was inside there praise the lord jesus and man could not get to that place did not have access to that place it was so holy that if you dare to enter into that compound you would be dead on of god the holiness of god praise the lord jesus and yet he would condescend to such a state that we're now able once that separation made that temple that our glory to god the veil that was rent into gave us access to that place that holy of holies now not only are you able to come to him he can reside in you and i but you've got to imagine now this temple has to be clean the temple of the lord must be clean for god now who you couldn't come near at some point now he's able to reside inside of you what a mighty god we serve brethren ah glory to god somebody put your hands mystery mystery has made known to you and i so the scripture that we have been dealing with was from saint matthews uh chapter 16 and as you stand at this time we're going to read it one more time praise the lord jesus and understand the message that is given to us here so from 13 to 20 and from 17 uh chapter 17 verses to 21 and when jesus came into the coast of we're having problems with this mike here he asked the disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am praise the lord mystery and they said some say that thou art john the baptist some elias and others jeremiah and one of the prophets possibly he said unto them but whom say ye that i am praise the lord getting personal now simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god revelation for the first time to mankind and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon bar jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and i say also unto thee that thou art peter all right and upon this rock not you peter but on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth our glory to god shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven that's for the church brethren then charge his he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was jesus the christ luke 17 20. and when he was demanded of the pharisees when the kingdom of god should come he answered them and said the kingdom of god cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here or lo there for behold the kingdom of god is with us somebody praise the lord that is the reading of the word you may be seated in the presence of the lord brethren glory to god all right let's try this mike and see how that's going to perform for us so we've come we're on the fourth day of our convocation the conclusion to it praise the lord jesus but the messages that we have received there's no conclusion to that praise the lord we have a work to do and even last night we're being asked the question what are we waiting for we are equipped praise the lord jesus we're blood washed we're blood-bought praise the lord jesus filled with the holy ghost and fire what are you waiting for friday night we had pastor damian smith and what a job he did come on put your hands together the young man laid it out there for you and i so don't lose your keys by any stretch of the imagination keys of faith and prayer and praise you bring it to the house praise the lord that's what's going to sanctify you that's what's going to keep you from day to day give you power that you need saturday teaching with pastor with neil james and he did a wonderful job also put your hands together for him you must die to be fruitful and flesh has to die brethren i believe if you consider the fact that even jesus christ himself in mankind in flesh that flesh also had to die could not go back to heaven with blood in it it had to die are you with me so for us to be fruitful we have to be planted praise the lord jesus resolute in this gospel dead to sin and trespasses that we might continue the work that's been handed down to us saturday night pastor lance brown come on put your hands together for him what then lord what do you have against me so we got to ask the question with all that we've seen going on and the churches of the seven churches of asia minor and the question was asked to lose they were to see in church you know they had a problem praise the lord jesus of course we're doing some things right but there's some things that we have to catch up on praise the lord and the question was asked what our glory to god do you have against me personal this thing becomes personal brethren sunday am pastor brown my god and what a demonstration and power of the holy ghost in zion praise the lord jesus it's time the church time for the church to breach the gates of hell it's not there strictly to resist us but we're going to break down tear down we have to get behind the gates of hell come over the power is given on the day of pentecost praise the lord jesus we are not to be confused who we are in this world the challenges are there of course praise the lord what a time we live in today brethren what a time you and i live in how bitter sweet and sweet as bitter the truth for the lie and the life of the truth praise the lord jesus confusion meant harder failing than for fear fears upon the land uncertainty we don't know what's coming we don't know where it's coming from pandemic is putting people in fear it's locking them behind doors praise the lord jesus but ultimately every time we get a chance to praise them what are we going to do brethren we're going to praise them we're going to praise them and sunday night now pastor o'neil fisher was with us and what are you waiting for come on he's losing us to get out there we have a mandate and that is the thing that's near and dear to god i understand if god would create his own son uh praise the lord jesus to fulfill his will for righteousness against sin praise the lord it has to be a dear thing to him the most precious thing is an individual son isn't that right abraham knew that the one child your one son the one that you love that's the one i want you to give up that's the one you have to um you know put on the altar praise the lord jesus so god has a mandate for you and i go into all the world teach preach baptize them in the name of jesus that is the mandate to you and i it's not in the walls the four walls but it's beyond the four walls we have a job brethren we have a mandate and it's near and dear to the heart of god for this cause came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost amen or please seem to have a song for us right now in the name of jesus [Music] oh yes [Music] there is oh yes and if you walk there is no other oh yes there's no other he's precious oh yes and if you walk there's no other oh yes oh glory there's no other what a friend what a friend what a friend oh yes there's no other roll glory [Music] ah yes oh yes oh yes yes give me give me give me give me give me [Music] just give me jesus give me [Applause] oh yes every moment of the day thank you yes just give me jesus come on put your hand together ah yes he never failed me yet the man christ jesus he's never failed me yet never fail me yet we've come this far leaning on his everlasting arm brethren i'd be remiss if i didn't bring some names to the forefront uh during the course of the year we've lost some giants praise the lord jesus some patriarchs some matriarch some saints praise the lord jesus starting at the top with um bishop evans bishop nepal mother ricketts sister martin i'm going to ask you to stand brethren because we're going to do a moment of silence for these forwards sister gwendolyn ford remember her brethren glory to god we've lost and there are others and deacon were saying to me you lost your brother just recently deacon oh god so we got to pray we got to pray for deacon and you lose a brother lose a sister he was a mother he was a father come on ah yes it leaves a scar somewhere come on you won't forget that let's just say when the world is called up yonder i'll be there what more could you ask for when my time on earth is over come on brethren we have a destination [Music] when the trumpet tough the lord shall sound and time has been no more and the morning breaks eternal bright and fair when the saved of earth shall gather over the others and the roll is called up yonder yes oh and the roll oh when the rule [Music] on that bright and cloudy this morning when the dead [Music] and the road is called up yonder who win the role and the road it's colder when the road let us wonders love and care then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done and the road oh there's a work to do win the room way up yonder win the roll go glory win the road when the road rule glory glory win the roll when the road when the road come on brethren when the rule is called up yonder ah when this life is over win the role [Music] will you be there whenever who ran the role come on come on come on come on put it together now put your hands together all right let's just shout these names into in the atmosphere one more time bishop evans bishop nepal mother wickets sister martin sister gwendolyn ford come on somebody praise the lord the role is called up yonder i'll be there praise the lord lord say god we're here for a word today brethren and our teacher and the man of god from last night he's here he's here he's not finished with us yet praise the lord he laid it down the bishop's gonna come to us right now bishop calling caller to you brethren in jesus name come bishop [Music] praise the lord come on shout another hallelujah shout another glory hallelujah hallelujah praise god just remain standing certainly we honor the lord again amen to be in his house amen this last day of the feast praise god matter of fact i shouldn't say the last day because he's going to feed us again amen next week and continue the door is now open praise god hallelujah and the preacher said last night what are you waiting for amen that means there is amen entrance and access amen into the kingdom of god jesus says in my father's house are many mansions if it was not so i would have told you praise god so we are blessed again amen today to have amen our preacher with us praise god he's baptized in jesus name he's filled with the holy ghost amen and he's striving to become a candidate of the first resurrection amen his name is none other than pastor evangelist anil fisher please help me welcome even our teacher preacher today in the name of the lord jesus shouting amen [Music] come on give the lord another praise give the lord another praise some glad morning we will see jesus in the year coming after you and me joins us to share what rejoicing there will be when the saints shall rise headed for the jubilee the under in the sky come on ho what's when we all shall rise oh what glory [Music] in the sky seems that now i almost see all the sainted dead rising for that is just a head in the twinkling change rooms oh all the living saints to that you'll be clap your hands oh what's singing oh [Music] when we said savior when with all the heavenly hopes we begin to sing listen singing in the holy ghost how the heavens millions there will be with them we shall be praising christ our ages lord when we are rock your body man shall rise oh glory hallelujah when we meet the blessed savior i feel the worship roll watch singing hallelujah when we meet the blessed savior we came to our church what's singing well not shouting when we meet the blessed savior one more time leave your hands full oh what yes sex when we the holy ghost oh what's singing happy morning when we are i'm talking about the church what glory when we drop your hands [Music] when we are high when we [Music] your hands together [Music] oh my god oh zion oh when we meet the presence of the queen church oh what's singing oh wonder come on come on come on when we are what come on get something and wave to god blessed savior we came to have church oh watch singing hallelujah when we somebody praise him my god my god yes yes [Music] when we are rolling when we wonder somebody give him praise somebody better praise him up in here somebody lift your hands and give god glory praise him my god my god i hear a thousand trumpets sounding out in glory [Music] god we've got to behave for himself telling up the story how we came to her to die i hear a million voices praising the name of jesus they were singing [Music] in god's wire in the sky who shall god i feel zion in here mama mama mama somebody just clap your hands and give god a praise have mercy regard the behavior ourselves sir a little bit father we thank you for this another opportunity we pray god that as we come today that your hand will be upon us we pray god that flesh will god we thank you for clearing the atmosphere [Applause] we thank you for silencing demons and forces of darkness we thank you for lifting the burdens and releasing a praise in the house try up cancer today and tumors and break yolks today liberate somebody [Applause] we give you the glory and the honor and the praise in jesus name while you are yet on your feet we're going back to the book of luke chapter 17 and we have been reading these scriptures all weekend so i'm just going to read one verse verse 21 amen we just go read one verse neither shall they say lo here or lo there four and notice there's a pause and then there is behold look see understand that the kingdom of god it's within you and me i'm not ordinary today we want to deal with walking in kingdom authority walking in kingdom [Music] authority you may be seated in the presence of the lord we honor god this afternoon i don't know about you but i feel rejuvenated and uh because of the restrictions we can't run up and down as we would want to and we just have to contain ourselves but since i don't know about you i am loose shaco satire i am loose in my spirit [Applause] to the devil that there is no room for you [Applause] this place is on the curfew this place is under fire fire is in this house and listen to me don't play today we're not playing today if you did not come to worship crosstalk messiah make sure you came to worship [Music] we have had enough of binding spirits i'm not in my text yet but we have had enough of criticism we have had enough division we have had enough fightings where is the authority of the spirit we're going to deal with it good to see pastor mcgann and his wife pastor brown god bless you sir to the presiding bishop bishop colin lady called it to the assistant pastor of the ricketts to all the officers and saints of this wonderful church brethren god's church is wonderful you might have had some people in there that don't want to behave themselves but god's church is wonderful it's still the best place one more time i thank god for my wife back there and my two sons amen as i often times say that we know god is in charge and is in control but god puts people in your life to help you along and so we have to honor our wives and thank god for them amen when when i am out traveling she's at home alone with the children much more two boys that are full of my energy amen and i'm gone sometimes and she's there with them trapping them at school picking them up we have to honor those who god has put beside us not behind us but me to be a helpmate and to help us along so i appreciate god for her in the name of the lord when we examine the word kingdom we realize that there is a king and there is also a domain so there is a king and there is a domain within this domain there is a distinct culture i want to say that timely elder lloyd within the domain here is a distinct culture why because the king imposes his personal will and purpose and intent and morals and lifestyle that reflects the king's desires and nature for his citizenry the king imposes his own culture is will and its purpose and those who are citizens in his kingdom is expected to be a reflection of the culture that has been imposed by the king it's not your culture or my culture but it is the king's culture brothers and sisters when we look at this very deeply one of the challenge that we have that some people believe that some of the things that are set up are man-made but we must understand that the king sets up rules that you and i must abide by you see there's a challenge in the team that we have and we go into it we showed so hard last night we can take our time today yeah yes if you weren't here last night watch it on youtube but we go take our time tonight the problem is mother brooks that people become nervous and resistant when they hear the word authority yes i don't want to be subjected to nobody i don't want to be under the leadership or the rulership of this individual and so we get to a sense in our minds that listen and we're going there you all pray for me somebody will follow you until they don't like you they are not submissive and subjective they are just following until they find fault lord have mercy the new president of the united states is his approval rating was high until few weeks ago he made a move in afghanistan until few weeks ago the variant is spreading like wildfire and now his approval rating has crumbled to the mid-40s what lessons must we learn from all of this that you and i must understand people people will always be people but let me go further a person that is submissive to the holy ghost will humble themselves [Music] and walk according to the dictates of the kingdom but a person that wants to have their own way will resist you [Music] i've never seen a time of resistance like this people walking with you for 20 years and all of a sudden a resistive spirit rise up in them and they challenge you in front of anybody and all of a sudden they tell you i'm not going to sit under this any longer hallelujah the term kingdom we've got to talk about it it's your topic comes from a word in the greek that is called basilii which speaks to a realm in which a sovereign king rules and reigns and governs lord have mercy rule reign and governs now watch where do you and i come in because we are a part of this kingdom so as kingdom citizens in the kingdom of god we are called now to establish god's will not just his will but his intent and his purpose and also the culture on this earth we are called to influence now when you read in the book of acts chapter number four we found where some of the men of god were treated because of their influence on the community they say i don't want you to teach or preach in this name watch it we're talking about kingdom we're talking about establishing god's purpose and real and eating now if you and i stop preaching and teaching in the name of jesus what now happens so the man says we can't but preach and teach of the things that we have seen and heard of a shunned whether it's right in the sight of men or not the church must teach and preach thus saith the lord [Music] because we are called to establish the purpose and the intent of god in the world put me up acts 4 and 29 we didn't want to go there but we're going there might as well we go there acts 4 and verse 29 look what it says and now lord behold their treatments and grant unto thy servants i stand under the holy ghost today and i release the spirit of boldness upon the servants to speak the word of god because you are kingdom citizens and what they want to do is to silence us but how can we not speak of the things that we have seen and heard and learned i grew up on a steady diet of prayer and fasting going to high school we we had to go down to the prior room and we had to walk with two extra shirts because we had to pray early before we go and on our way back we had to stop and pray and if the mothers didn't feel you pray too well we had to pray again they were spreading our culture [Music] and brethren let me say this let me let me slow down and say this understand that there are a lot of us who were built upon a foundation we had a foundation that was strong we were pushed into prayer and pushed into fasting those who have not been built upon this foundation we have to take them now and culturize them we have to culturize our children i grew up on fasting i grew up on prayer i grew up in days in the congregation when things were rough and we sat there and we watched the anointed men and women of god as they would lay hands and things begin to transform i sat under that anointing but there are those among us who have not seen that or heard that or know about that they can function like us when the storms come it's hard for them and listen brethren we busy shooting and killing people the world is waiting to grab them and they are our own sons and daughters that we had an opportunity to culturize and to influence but we made a hash of it brethren let me go there the mothers and the fathers didn't put up with our foolishness but they didn't kill us they were rough but they didn't kill us they call you to pray and they call you and they lay hands on you and they dose you with the oil and they're buying demons and spirits but one thing they never did they always have a smile for you after they said boy we mean you're good and you will appreciate this in the future you will understand this why we have to be so rough now but if they didn't see us at church they're finding us and you had to love them now folk rejoice because you fail my god it's rough now but we lance smoothly but we gotta go there people people rejoice because we somebody fail and somebody you know is as if i can't wait for you to fall because i will get a little closer to management i can't wait for you to resign because i'm right there waiting in line if you can't amen if anybody thinks that there's any glamour to pastoral i have news for you this is this is tremendous work so don't run down what you are not called for [Applause] you'll get so much gray years overnight you have to look at one day if it's you cuz rough stuff but in the book of genesis i want you to see genesis 1 and 26 this is where we come in god says in the book of genesis 1 and 26 it says let us therefore make man in our own image and after our own likeness and let them have what stop right there go minion that word dominion means rule and if you want to go deeper in that word dominion it means to tread down in other words things of the world are expected to be under our feet tread upon them walk upon it we should have rulership authority god says i gave you dominion i gave you the authority to rule i gave you the authority to command i gave you and so i question i question some things today i i question because when i read acts when i look at the manifestation of how joshua could just say son stand still he had dominion he had authority [Music] no problem face us enough the 20 of us have prayed [Music] they show the dead man on the bones of the prophet myself now am i at that place with god that i am supposed to be that when i hutter something happens and so i'm saying to myself that i have got to do more in consecration i have got to do more in fasting i've got and i do a lot but i have to do more because i'm no less than elijah you you know ain't talking to me you only know less than joshua you mean only in that dispensation those things could happen and not in this dispensation brethren we used to see people run out of wheelchair just run blinded eyes pop open so it tells me that there is power god was intentional in his creation he was intentional to the point where where he created you and i to walk in authority when an individual walks in authority they have the power to command and to operate based upon the authority that has been conveyed upon them saints we are not going to be effective just by clapping and singing and dancing there are people who are millionaires you know god don't attract them they're not feeling for money they're not feeling for cars and this and that if they don't see a visible move of god it doesn't talk them and what we are losing sight of is the demonstration of the power of god brethren we talk so much tongues in pentecost and we bind but we forgot to lose we do so much happiness keeping and dancing but where is the authority in the spirit that you walk and your very aroma disturbs the atmosphere let me give you three scriptures quickly luke 10 and 19 my favorite i live eat walk this scripture every time i have to repeat it luke 10 and verse 19 it says behold i give unto you power that's authority to the one to tread upon serpents and then scorpions and over every power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you [Music] and we hope i will leave here today we know we can't lay hands on people but i hope that fire will be rekindled in here we need some jordans to back up we need some red seas to part we need some men by the gate are beautiful to get up and walk some people by the pool of bethesda the sycamore tree we need some fire upon the young the middle age and the whole we need some holy ghost to shake we have done enough speech and talking and conferences and all kind of different things to get us moving but where is the power today see pastor brown sitting in that seat and dr carly beside him he should be able to stretch his hand and say power and he feels the electricity of the holy ghost [Music] because i walk i'm with it of the power of god acts 1 and verse 8 tells us and he shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be one lord have mercy what does a weakness do a weakness tell the true story of what we've seen he said i gave you power to witness and then in the book of mark he says these signs shall follow them that believe in my name that's where the authority is now you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover you shall drink some deadly stuff and it shall not hurt you brethren we have this power because the kingdom is in us but here is the next level of your team we are partners with god we are what we don't hone it we are partners as a matter of fact we are subjects in the kingdom all right we are partners we are subject in carrying out the kingdom agenda and this is where it gets rough in order to carry out the kingdom agenda we have to have a kingdom mindset and i'm going to take my time right here there is a difference between a church mindset and the kingdom mindset a church mindset those who have a church mindset are those who only have influence in the immediate congregation they don't have no influence outside of the sanctuary and they will deal their power in the center you're not ready for me shonda because in god's house there's a lot of wheeling and dealing of power count down this one and cut down that one and get that one all the way and move because i want to step in i talked about it last night we have the spirit of undermining in the church undermine leadership under my ministry oh the pastor can't preach i should preach personally to back up now well god didn't give you the authority listen man is your team blame who chosen there is a church mindset where people walk in and plan what they're going to do you think some terrible spirits not sitting in the house file they want to get rid of you and they lie on you and they set you up but what you sow is what you're gonna reap [Music] because if you are not anointed for a task you're going to die it's rough now but we've got to get through here no influence outside of the building that's where they deal that's where they wheel because they have a little thing you see and they have a little nice car and they have a little house and they show a big thing so i have to have some talk no holy ghost but i have to talk no anointing but i have to talk at ah you should know i'm charged already i'm done been intimidated by nobody i am dead already so you can't kill me again [Applause] the wheeling and the dealing and the setting up of one another must stop god is going to expose you say oh if you can't see amen church-minded folk are only concerned about what takes place in the building what can i get oh i'm in line for the next evangelist you see i'm in line for the next position brethren let me tell you something i am in i've been baptized now this year is 29 years hello if i was running down ministry from i came here 20 and a half years ago i had so many offers people offered me money people say you will get a house just move from where you are and come over here because nothing is going on over there you don't understand and i had to be level-headed to know when god calling for something is not yet just stay your place i gotta talk because some people think this is a overnight thing one person looked at me and said with the power and the anointing you have you must have your whole thing man go have your one thing now and today nobody wants to wait on anything all kind of churches popping all over and look at its brethren when there was no pandemic they weren't popping up like now but when god locked down the building everybody's a bastard there are some things i'm not joining with if you are rebellious and cantankerous and your mass up the church and go open a church i'm not coming if we go advance the kingdom the kingdom of rules and authority and dimensions and i'm not in the church mindset i'm in the kingdom mindset because a person who thinks kingdom their influence expands beyond the four walls their influence is expanded to the world this is a global situation people right here watching from all the way in england people are watching from the caribbean people are watching from the union it's a global our influence must be kingdom minded if we are going to exercise kingdom authority we must understand that we're our greatest influence is is not in the assembly but is in the world [Applause] that's where our influence must be [Music] i am assad if we are going to exercise kingdom authority we must understand the use of the keys [Music] it means that god has given the church the keys to the kingdom that's why the bible says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church hallelujah you know why he has given us the keys to operate and it depends on what we do with the keys oh we're going there because we can use the keys to bind only virgin is not what we have been doing all these years from time we just buying buying the fly buying the cat buying the dog buying the stove buying buying by until everybody come abind when last we have a service where we sell loose loose from anxiety lose from sickness lose from bondage lose some discouragement losing your finance heal [Music] we quick to bind everything that we see but here is your theme says to advance the kingdom is subjected or predicated upon what we do with the keys binding everybody bind the spirits lord have mercy oh feel that fall like a thought like a study to grow the keys has to do with the authority my god god gives us the keys it means that we have delegated authority we have authority aiming to lose and to buy we have authority to declare just say it the lord somebody raise your hands and say lord help me to use the keys that you have given me effectively help me not just to find what to lose as a matter of fact i want you to practice on yourself lay your right hand on yourself and lose about 12 things in your life i need to hear you talking loose i lose health lord have mercy i lose joy and peace oh god almighty my new spaces god some of you all ain't talking open your mouth and lose some things in your life right now i want you to lose it some of you're not talking and looking at you as they open your mouth and lose some things you have been locked up and bind up and crying all these days that's not going to help you god sent me here to tell you the kingdom is in you the power is sitting is residing in here and you must walk in it you must manifest it you must declare it you must operate in it you must believe it and speak it somebody raise raise your hands can i stay here one minute hold on mr music raise your hand somebody and said god you gave me authority you gave me power you gave me the anointing no god help me this power that he was given unto me somebody raise your hands and say yes lord i feel something coming in now i feel clearance in the holy ghost because your minds have been shifted out of the earthly realm into the supernatural because this is a supernatural kingdom this is a voice-activated kingdom death and life is in the power of your tongue and we've got to activate the power that is sitting on the inside somebody raise your hands and give god a praise and so here it is we've got to understand about three more things that listen here number one what is important to walk in this authority dr kali is that all of us have to have a knowledge of the word can i say it paul says timothy stoney to show thyself a proof ladies and gentlemen there is nothing wrong in studying the world there is nothing wrong in going to bible school as long as you don't let it get to your head yes you realize that after you have started you need the anointing now to be the dispenser of the world and so we got to study this thing because we hear too much bedtime stories now we hear too much fidgeting if you got nothing in your spirit nothing can come out you don't want to hear me now brothers and sisters we have got to read this thing we have got to know this thing even jesus had to use this man shall not live let me slow it down a little bit pastor brown you see as pastor now you learn that listen you gotta take your time a little bit and feed the flock you see the devil deceived adam and eve in the garden and erupted of the authority that was given so the devil was so out of order to say god look what i did in the garden and if you do this and bow down i will give you this god say hold on remember that i kicked you out of heaven you have no rulership and leadership here god i feel something rough right here we have got to tell some folks sit down and be quiet that sounds rough but i feel it in my belly because some people are too talking too much and making too much mischief and spreading propaganda and spreading lies and if you don't behave yourself i'm bringing you to the congregation am i in the bible yes i know you better be ready for me because on your work you have to behave why you give so much trouble in the assembly [Music] god says satan hold your peace man cannot live by bread alone as a matter of fact you have nothing to give me as a matter of fact devil i have already determined your destiny i am not bowing down and worshipping you shandai my god we need a spirit of boldness somebody anointed brethren we can have a difference of opinion and still be respectful [Laughter] what is it that we can't respect leadership what is it that we can't respect authority what is it what is it and brethren you know what's going on one day some of the things that were spoken is going to play on a recorder because some people would talk some things you don't know it was recorded and any day you mess with that person you talk to they have something over you and any day you trouble them they're going place the play and say i am going to bring you down now i have something on you we have evidence get off the phone stop talking people stop undermining people stop bringing down people when you dig a hole you don't have to dig no more it's rough but we're going to land soon brethren we have to study the word why faith coming by and hearing by the only way i can behave the way i do is because when i read this i believe it and i trust it and i have gotten tons of criticism but when people see the evidence they have to shut up one of the things we don't have is evidence because we have a lot of shouting and dancing but no evidence we have so much tongues and fire and so much things but we still need the visible manifestation not only do we need the word to advance the kingdom well watch this this is this this is the hardest part and then the next fight is the nicest i promise you brethren hardly anybody want to submit anywhere listen you can't be a leader if you can't follow it get rough now sister brooks because this thing was handed to holy men and all who lining up to get the church you have news for you we don't see you at prayer meeting we don't see you in bible study we don't see you with the saints but you come and you have to be close to the saints to find out what's going on some of you upset with me now but that's fine we can't find you and then the worst thing some of us men do is beat the sisters and they are always at church [Music] if my god almighty if we never have no sisters in church what a church they come to prayer they come you call a men's meeting and see how much of us turn up but tell us we're going to preach next week and we come with our suit and our attaching and our big glass and be gone overnight [Applause] that's why listen to me brethren i am not and i will never be one of those men that beat upon the woman and tell them they can't exalt in the church and tell them they can't preach leave them alone as long as they conduct themselves in a manner and living for god let them preach can the truth be told some of them pray more than us say oh if you can't say amen we're talking about advancement and the same people who help to bear up the ministry we don't want to hear them you come overnight and expect everything to fall at your feet cower there has to be some submission not some you have to be submissive and brethren is not all of us going to be pastors it's not everybody and let me tell you there's no glamour in it there's more headaches sometimes more than anything else you cry tears you see your food sometime and you have to pray and say god help me to eat it trying to meet the need of people and that is why we must create a culture where the pastors and their family are prayed for and treated with respect they watch over the souls of men and when you kill the leader and kill the family what do you expect to come out of it sometimes we don't want the pastor's children to say nothing we don't want nobody else to say nothing everybody must sit down when i'm quiet it's not only you alone have a voice if if if i do everything in the church i'm going dead soon i need help i don't we if i'm going to study this word and pray and where do i get time to remember this is this birthday this is this anniversary this must be clean this must be done that that that that can't work listen this is not an authoritarian thing we are lively stones and we have gifted people that's why when i come here i use some of the folks who i know of the anointing to lay hands i have we prove it look how many healing take place here shonda i just got a picture of one of the little boys we prayed for right at this altar a few weeks ago it was sent to me and they sent me the picture who the doctor says you will never walk never do anything never is a vegetable and they send me the picture of him running up and down a playing ball [Applause] and it was some of the very same anointed men and women sitting right here kashunda that laid hands i remember way back down at pastor martin i was in a service and there was a guy there with his ears top up and i had to pray for him and the lord says call sister callie and she stuck the finger in the ears and speak the word and the ears open up you cannot have anointing in the house and don't use it you're not ready for me i said if you have the anointing in here you better use what you have [Applause] and let people function in their calling and in the anointing and the ministry will grow because everybody is functioning in their capacity i said all the while i'll sing a good chorus because i love to sing the whole chorus but if you want to really sing sing sing my wife is there color to sing if my wife is not there there are other people that you holders that can sing sing sing what am i getting off singing both let the singer sing let the preachers preach let the gifted hands lay hands let the ministry of helps function let the hospital ministry function let the prison ministry function cut out the jealousy because brethren if fish are dropped down and dead tomorrow cannot get what i have my anointing that god gave me only me alone can behave this way so don't try to kill me because you have nothing to get [Applause] it's rough we saw land all right we have to be submissive you can't leave the church and go somewhere else and your pastor don't know you can't go off on three weeks vacation and the pastor don't know you can't decide to do all these things and the pastor don't know and everybody asking for you nobody knows who you are oh you see i don't like to tell nobody my business i just want to go and do what i'm such a private person and i don't talk too much lord god almighty you need the covering [Applause] you need to be accountable to somebody somebody has to watch over you because you will step out and you step out from under authority and demon knock you over that's why we lay hands on the saints and send them off and said god cover them through the chocolate sky and if they drink anything let no harm come to them consecrate the food and anoint the very bed angels to guard them and to lead them and to guide them you step in out of authority and when you flew from under authority you become exposed and the worst thing you can do is to get people to join that kind of behavior how can you be under leadership and you're gone for five weeks and nobody know where you are and you're not answering your phone and you're not returning cause while everybody is sweating and wondering what happened to you you doing business you just gone and then you come back in five weeks i'm feeling a pain in here and the entire meeting at my but you went off and did what you want to do and nobody knew and nobody was involved i know you come back with a situation and if pastor don't jump and it is world war two i see some people laughing because you know it's true you know it's true and somebody know has to be fierce in preaching this gospel otherwise it becomes so watered down and insipid where is the submission where is the submission why are we sometimes so rebellious why can't we listen to authority oh i'm going to visit this church next week and i'm going to visit that church next week and i'm going to visit thatcher and when i feel like coming back i come okay when we check the tithes book you don't show no tithes but something happened to you and you want five thousand to borrow jesus passed i'm in a situation when we look in the book you don't show nothing you're working so much and you don't show nothing and the same people that you don't want to be among is the same people that you want to help you don't worry convocation done today you will have to deal with fish again for now lord have mercy you won't have to deal with me again for now well i've got to stay here one more minute there is a power that comes when you are submissive the bible says humble yourself under the mighty hand of god and in jewish season he will exalt you listen if i call the church and i've been to so many services and they didn't call me to say nothing you think i'm upset i cannot be upset it's not my church it's not my pulpit it's not my home and even if i'm home and they don't call me i still can't get upset i've been to so many services sometime and they see you walking i said listen you don't have to call me degree i am not offended i don't feel any way i come for the word and put me at the altar i'll pray for somebody save the time and give it to the preacher brethren but what we have now is that you'll give a few people a chance to greet i've got a song burning in my belly you don't have to slay the lamb anymore you don't have to put no more blood on the door crack come on church has created and before i left my own brethren i feel a spirit in my belly forgive me you see forgive me ten minutes are you still talking 15 minutes are you still talking and when the preacher goes up you sit down quiet because it's not you i'm rubbing it in some mission brethren a lot of us go and get ourselves in trouble because we are running from place to place you show me an assembly that don't have problem at all i will tell you it don't exist every assembly you go have problem so sometimes you think you are going to a greener pasta god help you you only look in the dining room but if you see what goes on in the kitchen you run submit sub men can we bow our heads and say god give us the spirit of submission can we spend a minute more as a god give us the spirit of submission submission to god submission to authority submission [Music] the holy ghost healing is taking place right in submission spend another minute there's an ushering in of the holy ghost there's an ushering in of the anointing this and ushering in of the presence of god god is calling the church to submit the messiah we got to close we will we in here for a long time we gotta go i release the spirit of submission i release the spirit of submission submit to the leadership we rich you are placed under stop it stop fighting stoned on the mind god is in the tabernacle the holy ghost is here revolutionary you know god is merciful you know because in the natural kingdom those monarchs when you go against their rules they get rid of you they get you out immediately because they will have no opposition god is merciful to us okay all of strange fire god say you can't be in this place the sons of korra mess with moses and god open the earth and swallow them i when you mess with leadership you mess with the authority of god [Music] but in the dispensation of grace god of extended mercy and we ought to be grateful because the way in which we behave evil or sometimes can put up with us but god of extended mercy and he says i need submission the presence can't dress until there is submission push before he goes upon holy ghost is in the obey those that are set over you and watch over your soul stop following people to enable you and mess up your spirit and mess up your family and then they dump you listen to the voice of god i feel the am bells just rang step out of that company move away from that stuff step away god will help you intervene in this sanctuary today divinely intervened there has to be submission the centurion man understood authority he says lord you don't have to come to my house i'm a man of authority and i know what it means to be under authority i said to one go and they go unto one come and they come you don't have to come i understand the authority that you have that you can just speak and so the holy ghost would have me here to say to zion as we close out this great convocation god wants us to walk in the authority that he has given us now watch it before we shout he don't want us to abuse him can i say that again because listen brethren people get attracted to the anointing that is on you and they will draw close to you because in their minds they believe that you're hearing and walking with the lord now you have to be responsible not to try to give them a word that god didn't give you and abuse what god has given you that's why i'm weary of prophecies hello because sometimes somebody see anything they have to prophesy on you and it's not a word from the lord they want to prophesy hallelujah the god but the centurion says lord just speak the word but understand something no matter what we do and no matter what we say we cannot advance the kingdom outside of faith god i save that for the last because everything is built upon faith faith gives us the ability in the kingdom to transact business that's the only currency we can spend to transact business faith allows us to speak those things that are not as though they are and so to rock in kingdom authority we have got to walk by faith not by sight and as we close convocation 21 i want to say to the saints of god that our faith has been tried and tested we have been stretched to our limits but the combiner tells you that there is still yet more faith in us oh god thank you i believe that's here some people at a refuge city that still got some faith i believe that there are some people over in littleville that still got some faith i still believe a third epemican that there is still some faith and if we are going to advance the kingdom we got to trouble the city we got to influence the city we got to culturalize the city we have got to rule the city we have got to lead the city don't tell me you got power and you can't demonstrate it don't tell me you've got so much knowledge of the word and you can't release the power show us what you got the kingdom of god is not in words but in power gods and my kingdom is in power you've got to have some power man you've got to have some fire you've got to have some anointing get out of foolishness get out of foolishness get out of nonsense stop the caring bring come and get some fire that anywhere the foot shred upon my god holy ghost will be right there we need some bold people we need some vigilant people we need some fierce people we'd stop with the holy quietness and get blocks on fire pentecostal fire is falling praise the lord it fell on me get off your high horse get all the selfish egos when it's your time it's your time but when it's my time support me just as much as i support you when it's your time we advance in the kingdom we've got to set up a certain culture in the church to tell everybody this is how we function perhaps i'm going to feel crazy now we have got to set a culture to say this is how we function we don't fight one another in the kingdom no friendly fire in the kingdom we don't hit each other below the belt in the kingdom we don't tear down each other in the kingdom this kingdom is built upon christ and jesus says upon this rock i build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail with all war against one another in this kingdom rebellion is not accepted in this kingdom lord god almighty some people can't say amen but i don't preach it anyhow i said we don't fight i said we don't quarrel i said we don't knock down each other we build up one another we strengthen one another we push one another we pray for one another we cover one another we war against principalities and powers and rulers of darkness against spiritual wickedness in high places god said get up and step in authority step in your power somebody get up on your foot and step sit down for a minute as i get ready to go somebody say authority you have some courage here doc lord of mercy just give it to me rest it on the table we understand that we got to do it in a different way whose sunday don't open the plastic just keep it in the plastic lord god lord of mercy this is the season now holy ghost and fire lord god holy ghost can penetrate plastic lama sunday the fact that i'm holding it in my hand and i'm walking in kingdom authority as long as i touch it power is transferred lay hands on the sick and they shall recover my god almighty help me pass around come here past them again just hold it up in your head my god we don't have to open it hold it up and pray a release and the courage is inside just pray a release somebody anoint your cheer and say i have power anointed cheer and said the blood of jesus i shall be set free and sit down in freedom for a couple minutes i feel open this house i said is there appraiser consecrated anointed with your hands pray over it somebody must leave convocation 2021 with a miracle somebody must leave convocation 2021 with a breakthrough points to your cheer again and say the lord has invested his kingdom in me said thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven no sit down for a minute until i'm in the kingdom i'm in the kingdom i'm in the kingdom my ruler is god almighty the sovereign god the prince of peace the mighty god we everlasting father the prince of peace after an omega beginning on the end first and the last the god by the breath of his nostril he spoke and things came to pass it's the same god that is on the throne that is ruling over us somebody leaned back in the kingdom and said the kingdom is here the power is here the presence is here the anointing is here the glory is here the fire is here the blood is here the power is here is in the holy ghost i said fire [Music] thy kingdom [Music] who sitting up in here have cancer today come and i'm moving fast we don't have time if you have it come if you have a tumor come here if you got hit the problem come [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] walk with me [Music] stand up right here stand up here i want everybody to stretch your hands towards this young lady brethren she has a tumor in the head [Music] put aside your differences now somebody need chuma to dry up i'll go as i'm led walk over there and take one of the curtains from past him again and tie it on your head [Music] some of you just looking we're talking about kingdom authority come up here lift up your handses and shout god i believe you that this tumor is dried up shout it out again god i believe that this trauma walk to your seat in healing [Applause] let one of the ladies come over here oh shut up i said dry up through my dry up dry up dry up call me a brother i don't know what seed she is sitting in squeeze it and said it's over said it's over the situation is over evangelist taylor hold it up and say my healing is now [Music] is simone down there [Music] you see we got to know how to have church now we can't touch what family and family can operate i said the blood of jesus as a poor anointer in the name of jesus i said blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood i said no weapon that is formed against this young lady shall prosper she must get the righteous anybody that gives so much to the church we got to protect them [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] shut up [Music] come up i want everybody to stretch your hands listen to me i don't [Music] i know their names and we shake hands and we greet we don't know much more about them but i believe they serve the church faithfully she went to the doctor and the doctor saw some things that they have to move to do a biopsy because something is going on listen to me church this have to dry up tonight [Music] [Music] walk over there take one from the man of god press it against your stomach [Applause] let the church say the blood lord god almighty the marker have to dry up i need the temperature to go up a little more ah i needed over at 500. i said i need some more worship in here the job is not done yet i don't get clearance in my spirit i said i need the fire father [Music] somebody said fire somebody said fire somebody said fireman [Music] where's the sheet where is [Music] this is not done yet something needs to start the church need to stretch to your hands [Music] and open your mouth and say surgery in the holy ghost [Music] give the lord a praise continue to praise him continue to praise him [Music] somebody lift your hands up praise him clap your hands praise him praise and praise and praise in prison [Music] father give me a different key brother richie keep me high father this thing has to drop out this thing has to drop out this thing has to be burnt and we step in your authority in jesus name come here take that and wrap it around her until the service is over i speak in the anointing wrap it around the belly [Music] [Music] you shall feel a heat going through your body that's healing somebody just leave two times and said god i believe [Music] come mother sam we're almost there lord jesus what a day listen to me come over your mother this is our precious mother samus mother samuel is precious to us this woman has a special place in my heart what they did for me when i just came here it's unspeakable and now the kidney is giving problem we need god to fix it she said samuel [Music] open your mouth and speak to that kidney in the name of jesus command healing yes yes god [Music] i wonder if somebody would stretch your hand [Music] come here sister fisher come here come here come here come here run and come up stand up there mother sam just stand up right there she needs a touch i said she needs a touch just touch the side [Music] somebody say brand new kidney [Music] i can't hear the church i can't hear the church i cannot hear the church [Music] with her to her seat evangelist fisher brethren if you and i want to sit down and don't practice this authority that's your business but we have to exercise faith amen take a rock from pastor brown listen to me her daughter has a tumor that is growing on the brain lord have mercy lord that person get the oil brown field you pour someone [Music] [Music] close it up take it home tie it on your head and go like this come on come out in jesus name come on the blood [Music] i needed to believe god i transfer kingdom authority on you to perform you are authorized to go lay hands on your daughter go shanda [Music] [Music] thank you listen come over here my dear lord of mercy what's going on in here today she has a truman in the back take a rug over there take one over there do you have any family members here who is it hello god where's your wife command this man listen to me this means why sister brooks how so much huma in here [Music] brethren i know i hope with taping this listen my prayer is possum again that they don't do no surgery because it's scheduled for the 16th brother donovan pushed the door open grabbo the truman choice [Music] walk with it sister shanda stand up right here we're not done yet we're not done yet [Music] church we need to see something visible we need something tangible we need something to talk about at the end of the month everybody stretch out your hand sir man listen you take the culture wrap it where the truman is in the back you lay hands on her forehead and said this thing have to dry up in this hour [Music] god almighty was stand up right there come here you get so much power last night just stand up in front and take out the rest of the two man throw it out [Music] push the door open [Music] put up the scripture these signs shall follow them god almighty what's going on this be a trauma get me get give him a bottle of water [Music] let him go for it do you have any down here upstairs wherever oh that's mine over there he can't take mine no problem take it come on father let this be medicine convert it transform it when she drinking the true my parcel the true my dread hey jesus take it home with you [Music] give her a ship until the 16th we can only use faith brethren god almighty messiah we gotta go um [Music] just take a rock from pastor brown and start anointing yourself start unknown to yourself brethren stretch your hands listen her kidneys are being affected she should have had a surgery on the 31st of may her brother is in intensive care she got so much going on put the rag in your hands both hands and lift up your hands say father i place it in your hands you god have the final say you god he's a deliverer and a healer an away maker move on my behalf move on my behalf move on my behalf walk back to your seat in power [Music] take a rag from park we have a plastic let's use this plastic bag take this take one and put it there her brother has a tumor in the brain we put the blood on it we put healing virtues and we are believing god for a miracle now see if you can get that to him and tell him the church has prayed in jesus name um this young man has a heart murmur something is going on in the heart he has to fix it that same kerchief is going to rest on the left side where the heart is when he goes back to the doctor you must get good news that same wrap you're going to put it at your side and the pain is gone [Music] [Music] is gone [Music] walk back to your seat [Applause] [Music] where's husband come just pull out two seats and put them to sit beside each other listen to me this wonderful couple not want needs a child [Applause] it was right at this altar the young lady came and the doctors told her she have less than one percent chance so she must go and adapt anybody remember that monday night and she'd get our second already jesus of mercy sir sir you take one over here ma'am you take one over here sit beside each other on the seat open your kerchief dr kali i need the oil take the oil in your hand brethren we cannot hold hands but we want pregnancy to take place this month [Applause] what did we just say we want something to shift this month no the church not ready [Music] i i need to worship praise over here i need some i need some praises i need some praises [Music] appear so rest it on your chest and say right now it's happening it has happened only waiting for the manifestation [Music] god almighty let this be assigned in convocation 2021 at 30th pemicon baby babies bfb baby baby oh yeah [Music] i need them to sit down for five more minutes let they cool a little bit they are in recovery right now i believe a surgery has taken place yet [Music] hallelujah somebody give god a praise [Music] continue to worship [Music] we almost finish we have two four five left it's too much listen to me this baby's heart is not yet closed as you seem here and they want to do two surgeries not just for heart but for hernia and for something else [Music] and we playing church i need somebody to get in the holy ghost and start watching [Music] sir come around look in your wife face and say honey we believe in god [Applause] that everything is going to be all right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] watch for the baby watch for the baby [Music] [Music] anybody feel the pain anybody feel a groaning the child's heart is not closed urge surgery for earlier surgery for another part of his body somebody worships [Music] i need somebody to worship [Music] [Applause] where is his sister cheryl back there carly come come around sister fisher come around brother jerome come around over here all the praise team members get together over there i need two verses of this song let the power fall lord fight this battle for me [Music] don't watch the clock we pray god's covering we're not going to be foolish but we pray god's covering all the praise team get ready get ready get ready musician find the key everybody lift your hands [Music] i need all the praise team to sing go ahead everybody lift your hands put the words on the board [Music] [Music] you are mighty and strong this is what i need god to do fight [Music] so i can tell [Music] one more time let your power fall when your name [Music] lord you are mighty mighty i'm strong [Music] i need you to fight this battle [Music] help [Music] [Music] you have won [Music] dr colley i am asking you to assign two people to this family and two people to this family and they will pray with them twice a week they will set a schedule we have got to watch over this baby until the heart is closed [Applause] you say you have nothing to do in the church [Music] you will set up a schedule and you have a responsibility to pray until the heart is closed to pray until they become [Music] we're advancing the kingdom and this is how no people go get work to do in the church can we go dr khalid keep them busy let they get tired i hear you say give them work to do everybody stretch your hand praise god god we are believing you for this month for this couple we are believing you that the heart is closed that the earning is gone that the other operation is well we cancel it and we speak life rise in authority and walk back to your seats [Applause] oh [Music] take one from pastor brown throw some olive oil in there [Music] the anointing is up on there lay on him and command deliverance you are authorized to go lay hands take one over here listen put it at your side she has to do a ultrasound tomorrow tomorrow to ensure that everything is okay we pronounce we speak everything well in the name of jesus somebody say right now in jesus name go in the power [Music] stay right here lift up your hands and start worshiping [Music] take one from here and put it over your heart leaking heart somebody help her come we gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] take one from again i need some oil on there oh my god we are praying for this young lady not her but her friend who has cancer very young girl this rag is going to hamilton [Music] send it over to her and tell her that the church has prayed and she must lift up her faith and believe that the cancer is dried up in jesus then come buddha [Music] and believe god put it on your back put it on your hip and start walking in the church and say healing [Music] where's sister janet said janet here come run up run quickly said janet be take one from pastor brown hula [Music] that you can't hear out of so well and you command it to open up [Music] [Music] somebody set up the fire [Applause] take off the glasses stuck one of your finger down the ear and say i transfer healing [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody give god a praise [Music] i need you to talk in the ears [Music] give us ten more seconds talk again in here [Music] [Music] my god something is happening here i hear a sound haha [Music] for the last time [Music] she says she's here she says she's hearing from here i need a praiser up in here lord god almighty somebody better give god a praise lord of mercy we gotta go [Music] take one from possum again and say victory five times just start walking as a victory [Music] we're praying for our sister janet here pray come and take one from pastor brown we're praying for her mother was in an advanced stage of illness and just praying for the family in general this is an anointed servant we know that heal of ashanda and we speaking strength in her body we speak to the mother [Music] we speak to the family god functionalized god strengthen them right now grant them the victory i speak victory sister janet [Music] hey shut up [Music] that's picture right there shut up somebody better give god a praise somebody better give god a praise um take one i don't know how you're going to get it to her but we buying that sis i say we bind the cease we buying the pain authority is released in jesus name [Music] yes [Music] [Music] this is our precious mother roberts [Music] i pray your strength i will hope that we are not leaving her alone i would hope that we are calling her up i would hope that we are praying we might not be able to visit but she must hear our voice i pray for you mother roberts the pain the tears the questions i pray your strength in the name of jesus believe god where's brother brown we have about four requests on social media [Music] give her one put some anointing on there i need you to believe god you have been believing god that's why you're still alive put it in our hands and put it at the side i speak healing to the kidneys in jesus name walk in the tree [Music] we're going to pray for the newbie okay lord have mercy in jesus name in jesus name do we have any more in jesus name come here he came for prayer for his father but i'm going to do something else kneel down get the oil pour it on your son [Music] son [Music] [Music] rubber [Music] listen to me this is one of zion's finest put the bible in his hands you will preach the gospel i said you must intercede for him he will preach the gospel [Music] hallelujah hold your pasta hand we transfer that anointing upon you joshua [Music] [Music] rise up joshua open your eyes life can get challenging and nobody's perfect but we shall pray for him [Music] shackle sire holy cross shall sit upon him fire shall come out to him holy ghost shall be upon him allah miracle shuttle [Music] i think we got her first and then you and we got to close this out amen just stand here [Music] complications in the body under a healing [Music] complications and problems up in the chest area release our healing [Music] take your healing [Music] we got to go be with us for 10 minutes you're coming all right come while i do this hold on there mr music we're coming from social media they're watching right now shanique has cancer of the blood as is in princess margaret hospital not doing well in great pain please please pray in the princess margaret hospital we send the fire we send the power healing from cancer healing from cancer in the name of jesus in jesus name you're going to see her send the anointing everything is well thank you man you were coming to brother thomas the same thing all right we pronounce well [Music] yes i want to do something come here pastor brown and possum again stretch out your hands dr khali take the oil these are our fellow laborers they have to go back to their assemblies everywhere is challenge anoint their hands [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you thank you in jesus name we have a lot of requests of people who are watching tanya appleton mary yolanda edith rohan amen kg my god two aneurysm carlton stephanie father we lift up this list [Music] and we speak power we speak fire we speak the holy ghost deliverance and breakthrough and healing in jesus name hallelujah somebody lift your hands give me a different i need a different key everybody leave your hands shut now i need all the elders and ministers that work in this ministry social distance and just line up right around if you even have to stand on the pulpit wherever you are just stand up come past them again your work is not yet finished i'm pastor brown just space out yourself somewhere you can stand right up dr carly i want you to stand in the middle sister carly come hello ricketts come sir stand in the middle i'm getting ready to hand over the mic [Music] pour some of the oil in the cork so that both of you can have oil together brethren this is when the devil is going to start now of after every revival [Music] something starts listen hold on brother richie amen for those of you who are watching on social media it was so good to have you god bless you amen if you need to give an odd offering to this ministry it's donate at mzac.ca you can go ahead now and donate god bless you and thank you for joining us [Applause] this is the part
Channel: Mount Zion Apostolic Church - Toronto
Views: 4,481
Rating: 4.8356166 out of 5
Id: xAgGnckupWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 43sec (13663 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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