Anna - The Servant (Luke 2:36-38) 11/17/20

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hello you brave ladies coming out in the cold weather good job um for those of you who don't know my name is nene and i'm going to be sharing about anna tonight connie has um offered for me to teach on her so um thank you very much so um welcome also to our online audience we love that you join us and we're happy you're here um the last couple of weeks or hasn't it been great like learning about these women of the bible have you all been blessed it's so good huh and not only the teaching but then our discussion has been really good so um it's just been awesome in the last couple of weeks we studied a couple of widows remember we had ruth and then we had her mother-in-law naomi well this week we have one more widow and her name is anna there's just a few verses on her but i'm sure we're going to be able to learn lots so will you pray with me it's about our heads father we come before you and we thank you and praise you for this night that we can gather together in your name to seek you lord and all that you have for us would you hope in our hearts to receive all that you have for us god we want to learn we want to grow and we want to be more like you so lord i pray that you would help me decrease that you might increase and your word might come forth on fertile ground so we commit this time to you and pray your blessings in jesus name and all god's daughters said amen okay well i'm going to give you a little introduction we're going to be in the book of luke and luke um was a doctor and he was also a fellow co-laborer of paul's luke also wrote the book of acts so we're very blessed with his writings and in this book he had did research and interviewed and studied so that he can put this book together and in it we find anna the place is bethlehem and the time is at the birth of jesus so anna is at towards the end of uh luke chapter 2 in verses 36 and 38 but since we're so close to christmas and this is our last meeting before christmas and the story of jesus birth is earlier in this chapter i thought we would just read those verses before we dig into anna so we're going to be in luke 2 verses 6 through 14. and right before we start there just to let you know this is where the decree had went out by caesar that a census was going to be taken so everybody had to return to their homeland and being that joseph was of the lineage of david he needed to return to bethlehem so him and his betrothed wife mary went to bethlehem so we pick up in luke chapter 2 verses 6. so it was that while they were there the days were completed for her to be delivered and she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling claws and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the end now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night and behold an angel of the lord stood before them and the glory of the lord shone around them and they were greatly afraid then the angel said to them do not be afraid for behold i bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people for there is born to you this day in the city of david as savior who is christ the lord and this will be a sign to you you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger and suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of heavenly hosts praising god and saying glory to god in the highest and on earth peace good will towards men what a party was out there in the filled with the shepherds right that must have been an amazing night and then so after this when the baby jewish custom when a male child was born um after eight days he'd be circumcised and they present him to god in the temple so we're going to pick up in luke um 21 chapter 2 verses 21-24 and we read in when the eight days were completed for the circumcision of the child his name was called jesus what a beautiful name it is right the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb now when the days of her purification according to the law of moses were completed they were brought they brought him to jerusalem to present him to the lord and it is as it is written in the law of the lord every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the lord and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the lord a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons so now they're at the temple where we're going to find anna but there's a cool guy that anna served with there his name was simeon and he comes a little before her so um i want to read about him too which is in luke 2 25-32 and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon and this man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy spirit was upon him and it had been revealed to him by the spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the lord's christ so he came by the spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the child jesus to do for him according to the custom of the law he took him up in his arms and blessed god and said lord now you are letting your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring revelation to the gentiles and the glory of your people israel hallelujah jesus is born i love what it says about simeon though where it says the spirit was upon him and then the spirit revealed to him what was to come and then it said he came by the spirit so when we're filled with the spirit when we have ears to hear what the spirit has to say and when we're walking in the spirit we're going to see jesus just like simeon amen so anna has served in the temple she's been she's been there with simeon and so he probably shared what the spirit had told him right because if the spirit told me something special like that i'd be saying hey connie guess what the lord told me hey susie guess what and then the shepherds probably also shared what happened out in the fields so i think there just had to be expectation and excitement about the savior arriving so we're going to meet anna now in luke 2 36-38 so now there was one anna a prophetess the daughter of fanuel of the tribe of asher she was of a great age and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity and this woman was a widow of about 84 years who did not depart from the temple but served god with fastings and prayers night and day and coming in that instant she gave thanks to the lord and spoke of him to all those who looked for redemption in jerusalem so we're going to look at these three verses of our sister anna and see um look at some characteristics of hers and see what we can glean the what i've noted what i'm gonna zero in on is her being a prophetess her being a widow a servant she had a grateful heart and she was a witness so starting with prophetess it says now there was one anna prophetess the daughter of manuel of the tribe of asher i like though that it gives her lineage it says she's of the tribe of asher this is one of the original 12 tribes of israel you know these are jacob's sons asher was son number eight from leah's servant zopa because remember jacob had his twelve sons not only from his wives the sisters leah and rachel but also from their maidservants so um asher was from leah's servant zopa and then it says she was the daughter of faneuil and i thought about this and i thought when we received jesus as our lord and savior we have a new lineage don't we we are now daughters of god we are daughters of the king have you ever wanted to be a princess well you are because you're a daughter of the king so we can all put on her little crowns her little tiaras so it also says that she was a prophetess and a prophet speaks the word of god or speaks on behalf of god so being that anna was in the temple for all this time she had to know the law of moses she heard the words of the prophets right she probably read some scrolls that were going around but she knew the word of god right and you got to know the word to speak the word so if we know the word we're going to be able to speak truth and we're going to be able to speak the word of god so to be like anna we need to be we need to be in the word we can sit before the lord in his word and let it permeate our hearts and then it gets written upon our hearts and i love in the psalm 119 where it says that your word have written upon my heart that i may not sin against you if we have his word in our heart it's going to keep us from sin ladies we need that help right and when it's written on our heart not only that it's not only for us but we're going to be able to share it with others so let's be wow women women of the word right we can all be well women that comes from being daily in the word right the word is our daily bread so just like we feed our physical body three times a day some maybe more some maybe less but we feed our physical body daily so we need to feed our spirit also right so how how does your spirit look how are you feeding it is it are you fit we don't want to be um have million malnutrition spirits right we want to be spiritually fit so be in the word daily psalm 19 14 says let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight o lord my strength and my redeemer if we're in the word then our words will be acceptable to the lord matthew 12 34 says for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so what is coming out of your mouth ladies you know the saying trash in trash out right but if we're in the word if we're putting the word in good is going to come out so we're going to benefit from being wow women being in the word and tonight i'm going to give you a lot of scriptures throughout the study so if something you know um ministers to you then jot it down and then go home and be a woman of the word and look it up and take it in context and all that and you could dig in it continues in 36 and says that she was of great age and the new living translation says that she was very old so it's like okay we kind of get that but what i love is it tells us that the elderly are still useful in god's kingdom we're never too old to serve god i love it as long as we have breath ladies the lord will use us so um i love that anna represents there for the elderly and the next we learned that she's a widow it said that she had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity and this woman was a widow of about 84 years who did not depart from the temple so she's probably 96 or older because if she was married for seven years and then was a widow for 84 years that was a long time but she had to be young when she got married and then she was only married seven years and lost her husband widows then they would need support or care and usually their kids would take care of them but she was only married seven years and we don't learn anything about anna's children so she would need support or care unless she got remarried but anna didn't go and sign up for anna went to the temple she the pain the pain of losing her husband didn't take her out what that pain did was draw her closer to the lord a couple of weeks ago when we were in our discussion time i love that susie brought up crying tears forward are crying tears backwards and that's when we go through these pain and hardships and there's going to be tears because we get hurt and there's pain and there's sorrow and so the tears are part of our grieving so we have to go through that but when you shed your tears you get up and you keep moving forward don't let it keep you stuck or don't keep looking back we'll cry tears forward right i love that that's a little one that i'll keep in my bible so anna also did not turn bitter she made a choice to be better and i believe it is a choice in times like like that or in times that we experience it's not easy to make the the good choice but it's possible and i know that because the bible says so the bible says that with god does anybody know that with god yeah there you go yeah i'm sorry if you're falling asleep because of the heaters [Laughter] but god tells us that all things are possible even the hard things ladies because we can do all things through christ who strengthens us right on our own we can't where it's too big for us it's overwhelming it's too big but god with god through god's strength he we can do these things so anna went to the temple and where we go when we're encountering these trials and hardships and heartaches where we go matters ladies it matters she went to the temple she went to a good place she made a good choice and the choices you make really matter because there are always consequences to our choices if you made bad choices there's going to be consequences now god still loves us god will forgive us but there's consequences to our sin and a lot of time if we if we make a bad choice and we fall into sin it's never just me that it hurts it hurts my family it hurts my friends sin is is is bad it's like a cancer it spreads so the choices we make matter so if you make bad choices there's going to be consequences but if you make good choices you'll stay under the umbrella of god's protection and love so we want to make good choices right and also when you encounter these trials where do you turn first do you turn to your husband do you turn to your best friend do you turn to the internet or social media yeah thank you no god should be the first one we turn to he should be our first responder our 9-1-1 our speed dial right he should be number one now your husband and your best friends are great to talk to but jesus is first he's our wonderful counselor he's the one that can bring us through and when we do second corinthians 1 3 and 4 tells us blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and god of all comfort who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by god isn't he so good he's the god of all comfort and when we're going through our trial he's going to bring us through even times when we don't think we're going to make it i don't know about this one lord it's too big but he brings us through and then um he'll allow us to comfort others because how often how often does it happen in your life you go through something a major trial um and then you know god brings you through hallelujah praise the lord and then he brings a person in your life that's going through the same thing right so then he wants you to use what he's comforted you with to comfort that person he's a good god and he wants to use us in that way and i can imagine how many widows anna encouraged being at the temple for all those years so also for for widows like anna i know there's some here you know that are widows and and i've seen my mom go through this too and during that time it's a new it's a new normal right it's a it's a whole new way of life and so some other widows came alongside of my mom and they encouraged her and they gave her scriptures and they prayed with her and they encouraged her on the road before her and you know what my mom is standing strong and her faith in god has been awesome because people have come alongside and now my mom encourages other widows so i love how god does that so he's definitely not done with the widows i love how he used widows and and there are a lot here at calvary chapel south bay and they're such a blessing they love the lord and they love to serve and i've had the privilege of co-laboring with a lot of them and the bible tells us that god loves and cares for the widow so there's a few verses i'm going to read psalm 68 5 says a father of the fatherless a defender of the widows is god in his holy habitation psalm 146 9 says the lord protects the foreigners among us and he cares for the orphans and the widows and then proverbs 15 25 says the lord tears down the house of the proud but he protects the property of the widows isn't that cool he speaks often of the widow because he's for them and widows widowhood and even singleness it's a season for us to serve ladies not that god doesn't use married ladies because he does we know that by our pastor's wife right and and susie and there's a lot of you married ladies that are serving but for the widow and the single person we have a little more time on our hands we're not taking care of our husbands or our families we have a little more time on our hands to serve which brings us to our next point about anna anna was a servant and he said that she didn't depart from the temple but serve god day and night and so this tells me that she was sold out and it was devoted to serving the lord and his people and it always comes to his people too because you can't serve in a temple not serve people you can't serve at the church and not serve people because the church is people right so she was devoted to serving the lord and his people she committed herself to a place where she would find hope healing and peace again where we place ourselves matters place yourself in a good place ladies i can relate just a little bit to anna because i've been serving in the ministry a little over 20 years i started when i was 15. this morning it was ten now i put it up five more years it's still a big lie i'm sorry please forgive me lord but it's been the best job i have ever had i love what the lord has called me to do in ministry what he allows um just me to see and to witness you know people giving their lives to the lord i mean still every service people are giving their lives to lord that never gets old people's lives are restored there's healing physically emotionally relationships are healed marriages are healed people are encouraged and uplifted and it's just like there's nothing greater in this world than seeing god's at hand at work in a life and i am just so privileged and honored that he called me into the ministry and i've been that's been a little over 20 years for me and it was there 84 years that woman must have seen so much and been so blessed and just her faithfulness the more you see the god the the more you see the lord's faithfulness the more you want to stay with him and keep following him because it just gets better and better with the lord every day it doesn't go backwards it just gets better you think like okay i've arrived i've known the lord this long and then boom he opens this whole other world of knowing him more so it just gets better and better one way that anna served the lord was through prayer and fasting a way that we can serve god is through prayer prayer is a way to communicate and seek god and it's a powerful part of ministry we do it a lot here at calvary topple south bay but it's not just for people in the ministry it's available to all of us so we can be women of prayer we could be women women of the word and also women of prayer because prayer accomplishes much james 5 16 says the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results now our own righteousness is as filthy rags right we all know that but because of the blood of jesus his righteousness covers us right and if we're well women in the word if we're you know women of prayer if we're following what the lord tells us and in his word then we're going to be these righteous people who can pray with great power that produces wonderful results isn't that encouraging that makes me want to pray more like okay lord let's let's get our list down and pray it strengthens our relationship with the lord because it's communicating with him it's spending time with him it's getting to know him more and we can also intercede for others through prayer right we have our own relationship with god through prayer but we can intercede for others and i love this because this is a way we can be like jesus because the bible tells us that jesus is in heaven making intercession for us so we got jesus praying for us and we can in turn pray for others and it didn't just pray though it said prayer and fasting she took it up a notch so fasting that's a little deeper and that could be another study but also when we deny our flesh when we starve our flesh our spirit is strengthened so fasting is a way to just go a little deeper in your prayer life and drawing closer to god but it says she did this night and day not like she didn't pray once a week or once a month praying fast she says she did it night and day and this is a rhetorical question so you don't have to answer out loud but how often do you pray and then i'll ask how often can we pray we can pray 24 7 right because god is always available we can pray morning noon and night we can pray in our car we can pray at work we can pray anywhere psalm 121 4 says indeed he who watches over israel never slumbers or sleeps our god never sleeps he's always available he's always awake he's always ready to hear from us and ready to answer so if you have nights of insomnia because i know that happens to a lot or if you wake up in the middle of the night and you can't go back to sleep you know then talk to him use that time to talk to him and pray and ask him it's it's not that he doesn't know because god's aware of everything so use that time use that time to talk to him pour your heart out to him for for even for having insomnia lord you know how long but then use that time to intercede for others while we're awake lord let's chat let's talk who can we cover in prayer right you could talk to him about your concerns family members friends the world anything god loves to hear your voice he loves to hear from his children so use that time our final verse reads and the coming and then coming in that instant she gave thanks to the lord and spoke of him to all those who looked for redemption in jerusalem now remember she came in after simeon was there with mary joseph and baby jesus so simeon's blessing and dedicating baby jesus to the lord and she knew it was jesus when she walked in the messiah that simeon had been forewarned about that he was told he would see before he died was there in the temple when anna walked in how cool is that that has been so amazing because she was in the temple because she was serving and because she was waiting on the lord with expectation anna saw jesus right so you know are we serving are we you know staying in fellowship are we serving are we waiting with expectation we read also that she gave thanks she had a grateful heart and that's important to have a grateful heart right because god is good i'm going to share some verses about giving thanks in colossians 3 17 it says and whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god the father through him so whatever you're doing and work our deed just give thanks to him because he gives us the strength to do it right psalm 104 says enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless his name right we have much to be thankful for psalm 107 1 says give thanks to the lord for he is good his faithful love endures forever wow i'm thankful for that that's good and first thessalonians 5 18 says in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you so that pretty much covers it right and everything give things and i love that people sometimes ask well i don't know what the will of god is you know what's the will of god and when we come across verses like this it's very cool when you're giving things when you're thankful you're doing the will of god that could be a check on our list huh thank you lord i'm in your will i'm being thankful and next week is thanksgiving how fast right but wouldn't it be special to sit around at our family gathering small of course to decode it but sitting at our family gatherings and before partaking of all that the lord has blessed us with because if you're like our family you have way too much food but before you do that to give thanks to god i thought it would be so cool like for each person to go around and thank god for something one thing some may have more but at least one thing just to pause and give him thanks it's been a unique year with this pandemic with the social distancing with the no gathering you know it's it's it's been very unique and there's been unrest there's been loss of loved ones due to covet or not i know in our family we had great loss you know and i know many of you have too but in all that but god even through it all we have a reason to give thanks god is sovereign and in control of all things if we believe that we know he's still in control no matter how crazy the world looks no matter what's going on in my life god is sovereign and in control i'm thankful for that god is good always not sometimes but always and god has saved us for eternity we have a reservation in heaven so regardless of what we're going through now we still have things to be thankful for and i think if we can find one reason to thank god we're going to find there's much more to be thankful for we just got to get started in that in being thankful and then finally we learned that anna was a great witness it says she spoke of him to all those who looked for redemption in jerusalem and the new living translation says she talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly our world is sad and torn it's wicked and bruised and it's hopeless but ladies we have hope we have the light of the world we we have jesus and me the hope of glory right so we are hope for the darkness in this world we are the light share jesus with others god's going to send people your way that are confused they're they're lost they're discouraged he'll send them your way and share with them just tell them what you know you might think well um i'm not like greg laurie i'm not an evangelist i don't know what to say but when we had our discussion a few weeks ago again i love our discussion we talked about when when it comes time to sharing if you don't know what to say go back to what you do know and we talked about what we know about god and i jotted a few things down we said that what we know about god is that he's good we know that god does not lie we know that god's promises are true we know that his love never fails that he's for us and not against us god loves us and god has a plan for us that's just a few of the things i jotted down that's what we know so when god sends people your way tell them what you know you know this ladies you've been coming you've been learning you've been growing we can share that with others so just in concluding in concluding um all this for tonight anna was a servant she waited on the lord with expectation a long time she waited on the lord and we know that jesus went to prepare a place for us right he said he's going to come back so are you waiting with expectation we should be waiting isn't always easy but it's good so i have some verses for you i'm waiting psalm 24 psalm 27 14 says wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait i say on the lord he's saying be courageous don't be fearful just wait on the lord and he'll strengthen your heart isaiah 30 18 says therefore the lord will wait that he may be gracious to you and therefore he will be exalted that he may have mercy on you for the lord is a god of justice blessed are all those who wait for him the lord waits not to torture you not to drive you crazy the lord waits that he may be more gracious to you so think about that when you're mad because you're waiting he's waiting to be more gracious to you that is very cool isaiah 40 31 says but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint are you feeling weary are you feeling faint those who wait on the lord will be renewed said that you'll mount up on wings like eagles you're going to run and not be weary i don't think i can run to the back of these chairs and not be tired but he said that we'll run and not be weary so god is working in the waiting ladies so so just know that anna served the lord faithfully and with gladness and she used her gifts for others in first peter 4 10 and 11 it tells us god has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts you hear that god has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts use them well to serve one another not use them well to serve yourself use them well to serve one another do you have the gift of speaking then speak as though god himself were speaking through you do you have the gift of helping others do it with all the strength and energy that god supplies because he will supply you with all that you need then everything you do will bring glory to god through jesus christ all glory and power to him forever and ever amen amen so when we're serving god in his in by his spirit he's going to um it'll bring glory to him it's going to glorify our father in heaven but it'll be him working through us we just need to yield and let his spirit do the work in us when we focus on on others and serving them god does healing in our own heart he'll take care of our needs just focus on someone else focus on serving others and then god god will fulfill our needs and you might think be thinking well where can i serve you know i i don't i don't know where to serve titus 2 tells us that the older women can train up the younger that's something we can do during this kobe time in in titus 2 it says teach them to love their husbands and children to live wisely and be pure to work work in their home and do good just um you know working in the home we all should be working in our home god has created us to work not to be um princesses who just said around but to work so um you know during this uh covet season i was saying talk about spring cleaning you could do winter spring summer and fall right we've had a lot of time so your junk drawer should be cleaned or you know our closet should be minimal we should be able to be working on these kind of things but um also i found i've become quite a good gardener i've been working in my yard a lot so you could discover skills you didn't know you had in the season but you could teach these younger practical things how to clean how to cook how to sew way back in the day when i was in high school we had home economics where they taught young women how to cook and how to sew they don't do that anymore so it's it's our part ladies to pour into the younger generation and and to help them teach them how to set a table how to do laundry so that when they go out the out into the world when they move out on their own they'll be set up for success not failure so we can pour into them and we can teach them godly principles things we're learning here right kindness considering others to be humble they don't learn this in the world teach them about a devotional life how to read their bible every day let them know that the lord is where their help comes from that he he will be with them in and through everything we can mentor someone at some point when you think back to when you first gave your life to the lord a sister came along your side i'm sure and prayed with you prayed for you shared scripture with you help you work things out as you're transitioning from that old life into the new life somebody mentored you so how about we pay it forward and pour into someone else and it doesn't matter how old you are you can always pour into someone else so think about how someone blessed you and you can in turn bless somebody else and in all this ladies don't grow weary and doing good because it is good and the the word tells us that in due season we will reap blessings if we do not give up so don't quit don't quit on the person you're pouring into maybe they're not returning your calls maybe they're not growing as fast as you like them to don't give up god never gave up on us so don't give up on on those you're pouring into okay anna was a woman of prayer so let's commit to increasing our prayer life even now we're going to be on break for a couple of months so you can maybe exchange um get a prayer partner from the bible study so you're not going to be seeing her every tuesday maybe you guys can pray with each other every tuesday once a week or daily or whatever you need but find a prayer partner that you can pray with anna also shared jesus if our hearts are full we will overflow onto others so it needs to be full of the lord right because when we get bumped something's going to come out so we want it to be good jesus loved us so much that he died for us right he died so we could spend eternity with him now i love my family and i would hope i would lay my life down for them but jesus did it even while we were yet sinners that's how much he loved us so that we could spend eternity with him and our names are written in the book of life that's exciting right talking about jesus is uplifting i love even when you say jesus it like kind of makes you smile right jesus so just say his name a lot when you're sad jesus it'll make you happy um i want to share a little story a couple of weeks ago i was on a zoom call with my mom emma nina my nina is my godmother and these are two anna's in my life one is 78 and one is 80. they are both widows and they both love the lord with all their heart so we do devotions together four to five times a week on a zoom call and so one day we're reading luke chapter 10 verse 20 where jesus is talking and saying nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven and we got so excited about our names being written in heaven we were just like they're talking i'm talking and it's like yeah my real name is janine so i said it's going to say janine nini luna because i'm a friend of god and my friends call me nini so i know it's going to say that so we were just so excited so when you're talking to others about the lord it does it encourages an uplift so it's just such a good thing to do it's when we talk about god's word with somebody else it's exciting encouraging fulfilling refreshing and it's just good that's why in ephesians it says to speak to one another in psalms and spiritual songs because when we're speaking the word into each other's lives it's it's um it's edifying it's encouraging it's uplifting so let's be servants like anna regardless of our circumstances let's commit to being in the temple that's in church and fellowship you ladies good job being here and finishing coming out at night in the cold you guys are amazing so good job being when um well women we want to be women of the word you're doing that too you're coming to get in the word weekly i how you take it a notch further and do it daily in your personal devotions if you're not be a woman of prayer serve the lord by serving others have a grateful heart and share the love of jesus thanksgiving and christmas are coming you're going to be around family and friends shine the light of jesus let's share his love with them amen i think this is the desire of our hearts i think deep down we all want to be like an anna and psalm 37 4 says delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart so i'm going to close in prayer and lauren's going to come up and sing a song let her rejoice over you with singing let it be the prayer of your heart and whenever you feel like you just jump in there and sing too but just to to settle what god has spoken to you and to just um you know commit in our hearts god we want to be like anna so let's pray lord thank you so much for our sister anna in the bible for in these three little verses lord we can learn so much thank you for all the women we've been studying thank you for the whole bible god that that is our our um our map to life lord how to live how to be pleasing how to get closer to you how to lord just live in this world until you take us home so god i pray that all these parts that we learned about hannah god that it would be evident in our lives that we would impact others god by being servants god and by being women of the word by being women of prayer god so would you um continue to be our strength for this um for thanksgiving and christmas god would you bless these ladies god would you fill their house their homes with your spirit god and god for those of us who have unsaved loved ones lord help us to be a light god help us to love them god like you loved us before we came to you help us to be you in our homes god to these that don't know you so we love you lord we thank you for this time and we pray that you would just continue to love us like you do lord we're so blessed to be loved by you so we pray all these things in your precious name jesus amen you
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 943
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ccsb, ccsouthbay, Calvary Chapel South Bay, South Bay, Jesus Christ, Lord, God, Jeff Gill, Pastor Jeff Gill, Bible, Scriptures, Connie Gill, women
Id: GR3wusQYn_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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