Anna Kendrick Is the Queen of Between the Scenes | The Daily Show

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This is wonderful. I really hope it was unscripted and unplanned; that just makes it more magical.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/fhtagnfhtagn 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
sometimes just don't wanna know what the movies about and then you oh hi I just want to say I really like the between the scenes stuff I always watch it on YouTube so like can I hang out oh wow thank thank you but it's not a like it's it's not like a which I'm just I just talk to the audience do you think the audience doesn't talk to me we like to talk about your dad talk again if I'm everybody on again what it's not like I just brought up my dead dog someone in the audience asked me about my dead dog and then that's that's how it see it's happening again just like I said it doesn't matter it again he's bombing everybody I'm you know it's just like between the scenes just like it's just like a random I've never been snow no I'm in a hoodie because you know the studio is freezing and the ladies have to wear the cute dresses and I wanted to finally be comfortable in a studio because of the patriarchy it's always freezing [Applause] comfortable I feel like you've taken my between the scenes and turned it against me it's like an intimate moment I share with and you guys just turned on me as well we were hanging out n-now you just flipped it on me so so what do you what do you want to do did you say so do you say so give us wedding like the love cheering for sweaters now I there's no no sweaters rule in this next level give us sweater Trevor this is how a Arab Spring start this is like we want the sweaters no yeah I genuinely thank you for enjoying between the scenes but I like I don't know if there's anything to come on between the first guest who's come out after we're done with you I felt really really confident so you were just like I'm just gonna come I don't know what to do right now I don't because when I between the seats what you do is what I'll do you can pick who the question comes from that's what I do hey hey okay great you're a great girl how you doing you're doing good you haven't put a ring on it yet what's going on cool am I on your list - no I've got options wait can you can you back what what do you mean on your list like how it's so cute in your list no I like somebody my favorite actresses they like somebody that you can sleep with with like you get like a hall pass for like five people is like five people five people you can sleep with if you run into them not like a normal relationship thing you just go like there are five people you can and then you are like she's on your list but like so you thought you can I don't understand how this works no I mean like there's the list so do you know about you know who's like you know that you're on lists or do you how does that work people have made me aware that I'm on lists but they don't consult you at all I don't have to sleep with him forever I'm say get to be with her she's like just say you know you're on his list like it's like it's okay wow she's trying to wingman her own boyfriend and I respect it you might feel it back like this listing is like I feel like the list is a lot more like fun when the person is not real like like because right now it's like the list is real now isn't it supposed to be like someone you'd never meet and now you're like they're like like you're smiling a lot Wow okay who's on your list then he's too nice and he's like Australian nice which makes it even worse he's like super super super sorry and nice to see you again oh yeah so who else okay Hugh Jackman Bon Jovi who else is on the list and sympathy Muskogee sympathy missed me thought out lists hugh jackman bon jovi anyone else Matthew McConaughey well it's funny you say that because yeah that that was a real thing that happened is Ana came to the show and then Ana was basically like backstage she's like hey I'm not here for the daily show for like this part I just want to do the between the scenes and I appreciate that I appreciate it's completely more relaxed it's just what you don't know I completely appreciate it what I did what happened often was like I appreciate it when it was my no no it is our thing in it is [ __ ] I don't mind that let me explain what happened so I so then Ana says to me backstage hey I want to do you between the scenes then I'm like what what do you mean like do it's not a thing she's like yeah I'm gonna come do the nothing with you and then I'm like yeah but it's not a did like it I don't even like planned I'm just gonna talk she's like then I will come and just not plan and talk with you then we did it then the thing blows up on line then it's like huge in the millions of people like oh my god I loved Anna Kendrick a new one between the scenes now this thing like it's a movie that we started together that's like a thing it's like you know and so then I was like oh that's great and I love that and I was eternally grateful but then people would come to the show random people and then they'll just be like can I also do a super off-the-cuff relaxed thing but make it super controlled you see and I'm gonna be kind of really performing throughout it and that's the only thing that's an excellent point that's like and then now what you have created is I let one person in the door and now everybody wants to come in the door and this wasn't the thing and it's not authentic like me [Applause] yo let me ask you a question you got you got a pair of sneakers as a gift from DS and arrow and then I saw on your Instagram like you cause like a storm in like the sneaker head community I need to give you like like I know they give you like a dope pair of Jordans and then and then you took a picture and in the in the in the Instagram post you you're like you bending you know when you crease the shoe and yeah that's what the reaction was online and she was like thanks for the shoes guys and they're like just like feasting again thanks for the shoes did you do it on purpose what was great with Jesus in mural we're both like who cares dude yes I'll buy another pair no the people were like no it's not even about this it's about like what happens to the shoe itself it's the crease the feeling that people have I'm not a sneaker head but I understand it's like when I'm around sneaker heads I walk like this I'm seeing like they are they're like adamant about not creasing that part I that's the only thing I want to know is if you did it on purpose that it's I didn't do it on purpose but I did encourage it because I was like this is oh okay so you have in mind the sneaker backlash oh well cause it's I mean that's no way to live your life it's like it's like not taking the toys out of the box and then many people who don't take the toys they just don't take the toys out of the box you seem more invested in this for somebody who's not a sneaker head I feel like no I'm I want to know publicly shame me not at all not at all no I'm I'm always invested in outraged I love outraged yeah that's what I'm investing outrage online I'm like what did you do because I love I love outline outrageous like sometime you know why because when the makeup youtubers were going at each other's throats and I was like I don't know who any of you are but I got so exactly here's what I love about outrage is that it's levels are never like there they never correlate to what actually happened so the outrage is just like I'm not on track you get I'm saying and it would be the same as like war criminal and you know and so like when you click you don't know what you're gonna get you just like water and the kendrick do did she bomb a small village no no she crease her sneakers [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 3,019,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, daily show trump, trevor noah trump, trump, between the scenes, anna kendrick, queen of between the scenes, behind the scenes, audience interaction
Id: AcItCuUtcPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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