Animation: Create a Liquid Smoke Effect (intermediate) | Freepik

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to your new tutorial this is what we're going to be creating here you can see it's two dots from different colors and they are going to be flying around and live in an ink trace around them so it's looking pretty cool and it's actually very fun to create so let's jump to After Effects of course and let's create a composition we can make it 800 pixels on each side and we can leave the duration on ten seconds for now probably we'll cut them later but for now this works so the first thing that we are going to do is to create a solid layer go to layer new and solid you can leave the color however whatever color that you want because we're going to add an effect here and now we're going to take a pen tool and we're going to draw a figure you can draw anything that you want I'm going to draw a line like this I'm going to click here and then I'm going to draw it like this and then something like this and then we'll go back to this point all right something kind of like this you can fix the path later the important thing is that you don't create a straight line you can't you have to create always curved lines so that this effect you can see that it's pretty seamless you don't have some weird cut in on any part it's all going it's all looking pretty pretty seamless so this this is very important to not create straight lines so a shape like this is perfect for now you can fix anything that you want here by taking these handles okay now with this maybe we can take this up a little bit like this all right now that we have this now that we have this we can rename this for example we can rename these like line one and now we're going to look for an effect called 3d stroke which is from trapcode you can find this plug-in on the trapcode what website now with 3d stroke when you apply the fact you can see that we created a white stroke here so what we're going to do is to click on the stopwatch on start and M now open these keyframes and you can see that the start is at 0 and the end is on a hundred so we're going to create we're going to move like one second probably it's going to be less later about right now one second is okay and we're going to click on the keyframes again now for the M the first one will be zero now we take the keyframes for the start and we move them a little bit to the right and we change the first one is okay on zero but the last one will be 102 so what this does is to create this effect you can see that the stroke and is beginning on zero for the N and goes all the way to a hundred here but in the meantime the start is beginning to act so it's going to take all this time to get here to this point where it ends completely all right we have a nice effect here now it's time to convert these key frames into easiest key frames and now taking all of these we're going to go to the graph editor and take these two and take them a little bit to the right and these two a little bit to the left like this so this will create a nicer animation because you can see let's see how it acts you can see that it starts slow then goes very fast and goes back to slow motion all right but now it's too fast so we're going to probably need to spread these a little bit now what I want to do is to create this effect that it goes fast and stops and then goes fast again and stops again so to create that all I have to do is to play around with the keyframes for example this keyframe instead of being a hundred could be let's try thirty five so it's going to be like this we can narrow this a little bit all right and for this one also we can take it to 35 and now we can duplicate this instead of three five we can take take it to 70 so it's taking more time here like this this one can also be 70 and finally we just create some duplicates and this one will be hundred now let's play this it's looking fine but this disk Ephraim's instead of 70 let's try 65 all right I like this animation you can see that it's smoother now all right this looks good we're fine with this now it's time to play around with the thickness and the colors for example for the color I'm going to use this tone of magenta like this one okay click OK now here on the 3d stroke effect controls click here on taper and click on enable you can see how this works now instead of having having two simple points on the end you can see that now the ends are more narrow you can see that it ends on a really thin em okay so I like this let's see how it looks perfect so far so good so now it's time to add another effect and we're going to add an effect called roughen edges double click on it and you can see that now this 3d stroke the adds are a rough because that's what this effect does okay so we may need to play around a little bit for example we can work with the border we can add like 40:14 and make sure that the edge sharpness is very very high because I don't want any blur and this so we may need to change this let's see thing like five is okay we can add some more later let's let's set it to seven and see how this looks alright we're getting there now now let's go back to the 3d stroke and add some more thickness like this like I think that 14 it's okay alright we have a nice animation here now here's what we're going to do now this part may be a little messy because we're going to create a lot of new layers so don't worry about it just create two duplicates you can see we have line one two and three but this one the line two are actually going to call this shadow 93 we're going to call it mask you will see why right now on the shadow we're going to take you can see that it has the same effect we're going to change the color to a slightly darker tone alright maybe even darker and now just take this layer down a little bit so that we can see both colors now turn on your mask and go to toggle switches and modes and on the shadow click on track map and select alpha matte so what we did is to use this layer with this shape as a mask so that the shadow is attached to this other layer so you can see now how it looks we have two different tones and it's looking pretty nice all right we're good now let's add some more stuff to these lines so far we're good but I want these to have like more more stuff here on the end you can see on here you can see that we have some more like splashes on the tail of the of the dot so I want to create that and what I did is I created a duplicate of this original file the line one let's rename this at us I don't know tail can be and all I did is to offset it a little bit just a little bit not too much so we have like two lines you can see it here but on this tail layer I'm going to change some things for example let's solve it and I'm going to lower the thickness like this just a little bit so that we can see that it's no longer like a straight line but it's just a bunch of of trails and maybe we can change the border on the rough and edges like this so when you see it's going to look like this now we may need to offset it a little less so that it begins with the other one just like this so now you see that we have a nice effect here and it's looking pretty cool alright now let's duplicate again the line one take it here to the bottom and we're going to call this we can call this help because it's going to be this little dot that's glowing and we're going to change a couple things here for example we're going to delete the rough Annette just effect and here on taper we're going to take this out to view the taper start and we're going to drag it all the way to a hundred and you can see that we created a little round edge here on the right end now for the standard shape we're going to drag it all the way to ten and you will see that we created this figure right here so if we uncheck this it's going to look very cool because it's looking like it we have a little help over here following the in trail and now we can increase the thickness a little bit like this maybe 220 it's okay and we have this nice effect all right all right now that we have this I'm going to show you how to make it look like a seamless animation you can see that here we don't see any cuts they are just flying around and this animation actually is three seconds three seconds long but it looks like it's going on forever so I'm going to show you how to do this and it's actually quite easy just go to second three where it's like this and take all of your layers and click on ctrl D to create duplicates for all of them now all these layers get them to the and make them start right on second three like this so you will begin like this and it's going to be over here on the three second and now just go to second six where it's like this and press m and click here on this third second and click on B and just click on trim comp to work area so now the animation starts like this and it goes on forever now that we have this take all of these layers and recompose them that's called these first animation remember to check on move all attributes and we have here the first animation now that we have this let's position this word we can see a lot of the lines now with this selector we are going to create a new layer a new solid layer we'll take it behind and we're going to look for an effect called particular wishes from trap code to double click on it and you will have this right now it's not it's nothing you can see that it's a bunch of particles being thrown into the space but we need to play around with this particular effect for example on a mirror type instead of point let's select layer now let's go to layer emitter and on layer let's choose first animation now but first we have to make this first animation layer into a 3d layer because otherwise particular won't work so click here on 3d now go back here and go to layer emitter and select first animation now go to the top on particles per second you can see that right now it's on 100 we need to increase this a lot and you will see that we are going to have some dots surrounding this this line of ink that we created just use any number that you feel comfortable with all right now for the particle let's increase the size maybe to 20 we're going to probably need less particles I think that around 1800 it's okay now on particle feather leave it on Syrah that we don't see we don't have this blur all right and probably smaller size here okay with this selected let's go again and choose an effect called simple shocker now right now it's not doing anything but if we increase this chalk map you can see that what it does is that it's joining slide it's like blending all of these shapes into little shapes so what we created is this effect like in spots and you can see how cool these looks all right but you can see that it's not actually the effect that we are looking for we need to play around with the parameters here so we're going to to play around with a bunch of stuff for example the life per second probably we're going to use one second for now let's see how it looks on lay your emitter on lay your sampling instead of steel let's set it to particle birth time and you can see that we are actually getting there another thing that we can do is to increase the velocity from motion so that the fact it's smoother you can see that now these dots stay around a little bit now on particle let's go to size our life let's spread this a little bit and now on presets choose this one the one that goes to the bottom on the right like this and now we should have a smoother animation and that's it for this animation it's looking really nice now it's time to add some stuff for example if we go into the first animation and we had we select the help we can add some glow to this head because you can see on the on the preview you can see that it has some some lights to it so I want to create that select glow and we're going to increase the radius and a little bit of the intensity like this to 70 it's okay now close this and now take all of these layers you can see that we have the one R with the with the particular the first animation pre-comp and we have this that the particular created choose all of them and click on pre-compose and let's call this one and now I want to I want to duplicate this line but I can just duplicate it like this because if I do this and I create some change to this layer then we're going to change everything on the original to so what I have to do is to go to the project panel and here I can duplicate this as 1 1 2 and rename this I'm going to rename this as 2 now I can drop it here on the timeline so we have a duplicate here but on this duplicate I have to change a couple of things for example I have to create a duplicate of the first animation and we can call this second animation and drop it here instead of the first animation hang here on the one with the particular we need to change the layer to second animation and of course make this 3d and now we're set to create the duplicate now of course I want the duplicate to be in a different direction so let's go to layer transform and I'm going to flip it horizontal so we will have this nice effect now I'm going to transform and select on flip vertical to so they are going to cross like this alright but now we have to change the color for the second version so let's click here and change the color we can change this to a nice blue to make things easier copy this extra decimal code and just place it all the way for the shadow we can use a darker tone and we will have this alright now we need to do the same for the bottom layers and we will have this animation now go back to your main composition and we have the two lines now to finish this tutorial I want to create some nice final effects for example I'm going to create a solid and I'm going to choose a color which is a very dark blue click OK place it behind everything and I also want to add an adjustment layer place it on top of everything and I'm going to add an effect called 'rain click on app grain imbuing mode select final output and we will have this now you can see that the animation for the grain is too much so I'm going to change the animation to around maybe 200 or 300 you can see let's try this and the intensity we're going to lower it again to 200 the size can be 0 and the softness can be 200 again and the intensity can be up to 300 or 600 and you will have this and now that's it you can see that it's a seamless animation you can see that it never ends if you take these two Photoshop and create a gif you will have a gift just like this so you can see how easy it is to create something like this of course we can use this to create a bunch of stuff you can create a nice title animation to where these dots get to the middle and create attacks or something like that but you can create anything that you want with this very cool effect so I hope that you enjoy this tutorial and if you have any question remember that you have the discussion board and please leave some comments on what you get and if you can you can upload your works too so thank you for joining me and see you on another tutorial [Music]
Channel: Freepik Company
Views: 16,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, designer, free vector, adobe illustrator, freepik, tutorial, design tutorial, design tut, graphic design tut, Illustrator, design video tutorial, tutpad, Cinema 4D, After Effects, 3ds Max, ZBrush, 3D, Liquid, Smoke, Animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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