Week 5 - Mastering The Camera

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hey guys welcome to the next section of After Effects training today we're going to talk about camera movements camera tools using them in 3d space I'm gonna start out I'm just gonna make two text layers we're gonna do text 1 and I'll slide this over and I'll duplicate it by Apple D or ctrl D I'm gonna make this text too I'm gonna turn both motion blur on for the comp and the layers and turn 3d on cameras when you're using cameras if you don't have 3d turned on for the layer the camera essentially cannot see any layers that do not have 3d tour not so if if 3d is not checked it's essentially invisible to a camera it might show up in the 2d plane but when your camera is moving around it's not gonna it's not gonna move so we've got our two text layers I am going to shift one of these back in z space we'll go back quite a bit so we have text one closer to us text you for text two further away if I click on my active camera I can select custom view here and I can see that my text 1 is here if i zoom out a text to is way back here if I bring it back in z space you can see this moving back z space so back to my camera this has active camera active camera just defaults to front if there's no camera so this is really the same as front there's no real difference I don't think maybe there is I don't know it's just like default as if you have a camera that you didn't adjust at all so I'm gonna create a new camera when you created the camera you get this fun dialog box there are some options here that you can set up when you create it you could set your focal length so 15 millimeters would be like a very wide angle lens 200 millimeters would be a very zoomed focus zoom focal length very close up 35 is kind of the default it's not really wide it's not really zoom it's kind of like you know as if you're looking at something with your eyeballs we can adjust our film size our angle of view stuff like that we can turn on depth of field I kind of just like to leave this as default like thirty five-millimeter and then I go back and edit that stuff later so we have our new camera here I'm going to arrow down we have our transform properties for our camera we get a new transform property within camera for that layer which is point of interest if I go to my back to on custom view you can see you can see my camera where it's kind of hard to see but if I click on my camera this little crosshair right here is my point of interest so if I click and move this around you can see down here that my point of interest is actually shifting around with it so that's what our point point of interest means when you orbit around something this is gonna stay locked on to it so if I move like my position but not my point of interest my point of interest stays there on my target but I can kind of mark around a text layer or something like that so if you want the whole camera to move with the point of interest there's there's kind of certain ways you want to do that so we have point of interest we hast of our position orientation and then our rotations which is which is fine if we rotate our whole camera like on a y-axis that'll rotate our point of interest as well but there's kind of better ways to do it so this is full rotation XYZ of our camera got a nice same thing with orientation we can we can rotate our camera so that's cool we have new transform properties if I arrow down into camera options we have lots of fun options for our camera we have zoom depth of field focal distance aperture blur level and then Ira shape to highlight saturation these options here honestly you're better off unless you get really in-depth those are kind of more advanced settings I barely rarely use them I'm always think what we have is kind of fine so you know you can you can play with them if you want but for this lesson we're not we're really gonna focus on zoom depth of field focal distance aperture and blur level so I'm gonna go back get out of my custom view go to active camera and we'll see what all of this means so right now I my zoom is really set based off of Phi double click my camera thirty five-millimeter preset right so if I change this preset that changes that zoom level if I go to 15 you can see it changed it to 800 pixels if I go back to 35 now I'm at 1866 point seven so that's where that comes from though those presets essentially just give you this value of what about a 35-millimeter camera would be depth of field is on even though it's kind of hard to tell right now there is some depth if I go back to my custom view and look at my camera and we adjust our focal distance you can see that this moving box is where our camera is focused on so right now it's focused on text one text to being way back here which we can't really see if I I'm just gonna zoom out on here so we can see everything so text to being far back you can tell that we move this focal distance it's you should be focused on text 1 this should be out of focus I'll go back to my active camera actually I'm just gonna split these views I'm into two two views I'm gonna do one we can do this as a top view that's fine so my camera is here my first text layer is here my second text layer is way back here I'm actually gonna move this a little bit closer so it's not so crazy so top this is gonna be my top view I'll zoom in a little bit so we can see everything camera layer layer over here is what my cameras gonna be seeing so increase this we can see a little bit better so text 2 if you look at that fullscreen it's actually out of focus right now it's kind of hard to tell because it's not very out of focus the way we can increase our depth of field is by increasing our aperture right so if I increase my aperture you can see text to begins to kind of become out of focus here so aperture increasing our aperture will increase that depth so it'll make things more out of focus that aren't aligned with our focal length here so if I adjust my focal distance to align with this text layer up here kind of see it aligned with it there now text 2 is InFocus text ones out of so I'm gonna set this back to where we were bring this back down everybody else so now that x1 is in focus blur level you can you can increase your blur even more if you want to increase your blur level I can just leave that a hum percent and I set my aperture to something that I like the depth of but it's kind of nice this this layer back here if I move this further back in z space it'll be more blurred out right if I move this closer and Z space it won't be as blurry so it's kind of nice when things fly by if something's in the foreground here of my camera you can see it's out of focus if I move it behind our subject it gets more out of focus the further it is behind just like a real camera I'm just kind of fun so we've got we've got our zoom which all these are obviously fully animatable so I don't even know if that's work and you can animate all of these so we have zoom depth of field kind of go over that focal distance gone over that after blur level we're good right so we've gone over all the main settings of our camera so let's say we want this camera to do a crash zoom in and then rack focus to text - we'll just do a quick animation like that so that's gonna that's gonna play with my zoom that's gonna play with my focal distance my focus distance so I want my focal distance to be on this layer and I want my zoom to start here and let's see in half a second I want it to zoom in so I'll zoom in on these two right and then once the zoomed in I haven't really done any focal since animating yet so we get rid of that once it zooms in I want it to change my focal distance so I'm gonna create a keyframe a focus distance go forward in time a little bit maybe a half second and then I'll adjust this to go to my back layer we're good so now our animation zooms in changes focus okay really basic stuff but you can do a lot with just these five settings here so let's talk a little bit about move if I want my camera to move around we have a lot of different tools to move it you can use your transform properties your point of interest your position orientation and rotations to move your camera but I'm gonna get rid of text too and Center text one here but as someone a few people pointed out when you're kind of hard to use it doesn't feel like it's it's kind of limiting right so if I want to let's say do a full 360 rotation around this layer it's kind of hard to do that right I mean I might create a keyframe here on position by a point of interest will always stay in the middle so that's kind of easy but honestly it's kind of hard to do a full nice arcing rotation so how do we do that well we have my camera looking at my my subject here will go forward in time I created a keyframe there and there's no way to like do a 360 arc animation you kind of have to do it in pieces so if I take my my position and I bring it to the other side so essentially we're going straight forward through it at this point right our my focal or my my target my point of interest stays on here we're not intimating that so this will stay here no matter where my camera goes but we can bring it to this side and then essentially we can bring it back because we know half way through is going to be up here the other half is down here so if I bring this back to its original position I'm gonna reset this now we're back where we started so really we have it flies through it and then flies back right so if we look at that animation it's just a straight line well we want this to be a circle and the way we can do that is whenever you animate and have a layer selected and that let layer has some some movement animation like when we select position here we get this little box right here right and we can Bezier bezzie a these lines to arc this camera out right so if I take this and I bring it out to the side it like maybe like a 45 degree angle or whatever I can kind of arc this camera around if like we go back up here then should have an arc up here as well if we click on this keyframe oops sometimes it gets kind of honky maybe you won't let us do that up there if I easy ease my beginning and end all that make a difference but you can see it's starting to get this arcing look now or it's coming around it's just not far enough we want this to be so right now our keyframe interpolation you click on this if you notice when I clicked on that we didn't have those lines to pull out these boxes like we did down here right I can't I can't smooth this out into a more rounded animation so I think if we click on this keyframe and go to keyframe interpolation this could be wrong and change my temporal to Bezier nope that didn't work let's do my spatial interpolation so that work no that doesn't work over time no that doesn't work keyframe velocity so why does it give us that here you there they're just hidden what's the deal here oh it's right on top of it okay so that's why I don't even know how do I pull that mouth then okay let's do this let's adjust this to bring it out you know imported after-effects now let's just do this okay so I pulled it out I'm gonna bring this these are my starting and ending keyframes I'll stack these back on top of each other here so now I have these these two that I can play with so then try to kind of create a circle animation so if I bring these back down here we just want to form a circle that's kind of an oval so I'll stretch these out even further this isn't perfect we have to spend a little bit more time we get this perfect that's close enough so now if I look at this now we're we're completely re arcing around this you might say well why wouldn't we just rotate this text ball if we have other stuff in this scene you know that we want we want it to really be a camera move then that would be why but we have to do it this way because there's no way you know when you rotate like before when we had rotation as a parameter we could set the amount of rotations right this is eight rotations around well there's no way to really do that here we're changing the position value of of this guy so it's it's kind of tough and confusing and there's other ways to do it a little more advanced ways but this is a very basic sense of getting a camera to move while only only animating position right so let's kind of talk about another way to animate I'm gonna get rid of these keyframes we're gonna go back a little bit easier way to animate and zoom in here so we can see this a little bit closer animate camera movement is using these camera tools up here if we write if we left click and hold we have four camera tools unified camera tool orbit camera tool track XY and track a Z right so if we know we want a camera movement using these guys these are always affecting our point of interest and our position so if I if I create some keyframes here and I go forward in time any movement now I use with these is going to create a create new keyframes at this point time so we have an orbit tool so you can orbit around an object this kind of swings it around in that that 360 right well you may say well that's that's kind of what we want that's that's that 360 look so you could orbit it around here at one point and that looks good you think that like you see in this part of the screen that this is what the moves gonna be like but you can see over here that it's not it's just gonna be a straight line forward right so you got to think of it as how you're moving in in your camera viewer isn't necessarily gonna be the movement of your camera you also have to look at what's going on over here in your camera move so when I set this I'm gonna go back and undo it so we're just our 0.5 if I do this animation where it swings around to the back you can see it's actually just a straight line so when I go back and watch through this it's just a straight forward line and you're like well that's not at all what I did well we have to look at it over here that's why we had to we had to grab these these guys and bring them out right that's why we had to do that now we're arcing that move around right so you can see how it's affecting that so when you're animating cameras I highly recommend using this to view look that way you can see exactly what path your camera is going in so camera orbits really cool I really like that and let's play with track now track is up down left right track X X&Y here up down left right so if I want to slide my camera to the left you can see it's sliding the camera position and it's also sliding the point of interest here so my point of interest is also being changed which is kind of nice when we were orbiting the point of interest as actually was not being changed at all right so if I grab back my orbit tool and you pay attention to point of interest down here that's not moving it's always staying Center so that's good to know as well lastly track track Z is just in and out forward and back so unify if it kind of works differently based on which computer using for me when I use my unified my left-click is in orbit and I can orbit 360 up-down left-right just like the orbit tool does if I right-click and use it that's that trucks in and out and then if I if I left or if I middle mouse click it does track X Y so that may not be the case for you that's why we didn't talk about it in class for sometimes it it only auto Orient's the the camera so it's like you're looking around it doesn't actually move it just adjust the point of interest really depends on how the computers set up we're not really gonna get into point of interest stuff so it's like we really focused on these so orbits track X Y & Z really they can get a ton done for you but it's really important when you're doing that to also look over here at exactly what your cameras doing in that movement so it's kind of cool I don't know if we've talked about it before but any movement when you're outside of this active camera view and you're in these like top left-right views that you see here we're on top right you can see this movement from top view so we know our cameras sliding this way down this line right that's our move right so very helpful especially when you're working with with cameras so let's let's go create a new composition we're gonna do this jungle scene that we did in class I got some some plants here and I've got a jungle background we're gonna do a little slide through with a little jungle scene so I'm gonna bring my my jungle background I'm just gonna rename this I'm going to rename this background and I'm gonna bring out my plants and I'm gonna put those on top of my background and I'm going to turn them all on 3d I'm gonna turn all motion blur on I'm gonna turn motion blur on here really quick if you have multiply times you can left-click and drag down and it'll enable it for all your layers just a quick tip so so we have our plants in our background are all stacked on this layer here some of you in class are saying how come I can't see my plants well when they're all stacked exactly on the same z space it defaults to your hierarchy over here so if your plants are under your background you're gonna see your background first but when we pull them out of this space in z space that won't matter anymore so so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna creating camera I'm gonna do a will do a 35-millimeter camera that works so now my view over here defaults my 35-millimeter camera it's his active camera it's also camera one same thing and I'm gonna start pulling these plants apart in z space so I'm gonna pull them my cameras here I'm gonna pull them much closer to my camera and I'm gonna kind of slide them over I'm gonna select another one I'm gonna move this in z space I'm just gonna kind of separate these in z space so they're at all kind of different areas right so if we look on this side it's kind of a mishmash which kind of looks pretty messy right now but now we can kind of organize them with how we would want them to look so if this layer is the first layer on the Left I'll kind of put this in the corner and I might even bring that a little bit closer and I might rotate it here give it some Y rotation I mean some Z rotation I'm sorry I kind of want to create a frame with it on the bottom left okay that's neat let's line up this top top one I might rotate this guy as well just kind of angle how I want it that size looks fine well pay attention to this guy here actually let's bring this separate these a little bit further I'm gonna put this guy in the middle of these two layers so let's focus on this one let's bring this down there's this one look like it's like a long weird groovy thing let's rotate that so it's kind of frames that as well so I'll do it like that looks cool and this last one this guy here kinda hard to see it's this one in the corner this will be I'll rotate this as well so I'm kind of just framing everything around this camera keeping it out of the camera view so my camera's gonna start back here and I'm gonna have my camera push through these items when they come through camera so I might have to adjust them but that's a good starting point bring these all down so I can focus on them and I'm gonna go back to my one view here by active camera that way we can see this a little bit better so we've got our comp a rough start right I'm gonna create a little bit more depth with this background if we go to the top view it's kind of close to these objects here I'm gonna grab this and move it back so let's kind of a further away background here go back to the active camera and now it's obviously it's not big enough so I need to scale it up so let's scale this up looks good okay so we've got our camera we've got some leaves and stuff roughly placed let's create a text layer we'll just call it jungle looks good I will make it 3d turn on motion blur but for my plants and I will adjust my size here okay it's good if I go back to my custom view I should all do top kind of want this to be behind those a little bit so I'm bringing that about here so my camera if I arrow down my options here go to camera options eye depth the fields turned on at my focal distance right now is a little shy of where this guy is right but while I'm moving my camera that's gonna move along with it because I'm not adjusting my focal length is fixed so that might be something we want to animate as this move starts so let's kind of ignore depth-of-field for now and let's just get my camera moved down so let's go to active camera we've got my camera is the starting point here so I'm going to go to I'm gonna use my my tools up here to do it so track Z is what I'm gonna use I'm gonna create keyframes on position and point of interest because that's that's what these all adjust position and point of interest so no matter what I'm doing I always just create to keep both keyframes I'll do like a three second truck in on jungle here okay pretty cool right um really quick just cuz it's gonna get annoying let's let's let's make jungle look a little bit better here I'm gonna put a ramp on this on see see it's gradient ramp I think but let's let's make this look a little bit better let's give this like a orangie yellow look I copy both from the ramp and I'm gonna bring these are my my start and ending points of my ramp I'm just gonna make this maybe a little bit darker it's a little bit lighter and now it's good I'm also gonna do a bevel alpha this creates a bevel on the text so it gives it a little bit of light like a lights hitting it just kind of nice okay decent starting point let's that looks a little bit better at least so let's go back now that we have our camera move we just have a very chilled out camera of it notice the point of interest when I did that move a point of interest actually didn't create a keyframe here when I did that move that's because it's just followed along with it so it didn't animate that so I can just turn that off we're just gonna be playing with position which is fine so here's the move right let's see if I can even start a little bit further back yeah what if we start about there that's kind of fun so that's what that's what our camera moves gonna do so now let's let's take a look at depth everything for the most part now there is some depth it's just not oops it's just not exactly where I would want it to be I want to I want to be of just a crazy amount of depth so let's arrow down go into the camera options and if you remember aperture is what determines the depth here so if I crank this up to about there that's 105 now and this comes across like it's pretty cool so let's look at the top view and see exactly what's going on here the focal distance is where this pink line ends right so if I look my focal distance starts with oops with nothing really perfectly in focus my focal length ends just after my last leaf layer here and where it ends is past my jungle layer so there's a couple ways we could do this we could set the focal distance to the ending point of where that jungle text layer is which is right here so it's everything starts you know relatively out of focus and it as it moves in I'll go back to by active camera as it moves in and finishes its move jungle becomes in frame or in focus I'm just gonna do a Ram preview of this so we can see a little bit better version of it that's gonna go super slow so let's do a half quality my computer's creeping by today I don't know what's going on so as we move through here jungle will slowly come into focus just think of it like a real camera it's like you're not you're doing your move but you're not adjusting your focus at all you're setting it and you know when that the ending point of your camera move it'll be in focus which is perfectly fine I kind of want my camera right now moves pass all my leaves which I guess is fine I mean we could adjust those leaves on where they end up but so that's one move and right when it hits that end we know that this is perfectly in focus if we wanted to keep jungle InFocus the whole time how would we do that well if I look at my top view and I look at what's where I'm animating here oops I want to bring out my transform properties because I want to see this position I would I would keyframe my focal distance along with my position move here so I would create just keyframes along with the start and the end of my move I'm gonna easy ease all this by the way so it's nice and smooth hitting f9 or function f9 if i zoom out look at my camera I will my I know my ending point it ends on it which is good I just need to set my beginning point right so let's go down to focal distance and I want to line this up with where that text layer is right here so if you'll focus on this pink line throughout this move it locks on to that now right it's not moving with it so as I get closer I'm kind of wracking my focus to along with it to stay focused right on my my jungle text layer so go back to active camera you probably can't see it too well because kind of hard to see the nuance of that but if we we cranked up the aperture a bunch like if I did like crazy amount here you'd really be able to tell that jungle does stay in focus no matter where in this animation we end right so kind of nice kind of cool we talked a little bit about how we get this camera to do that like wiggle effect well I didn't want to get new expressions much so we'll do that in the later weeks of how you kind of simulate more of a shoulder camera look it's you could technically animate it by hand using position but it just gets it would be very difficult to do it well so so that's that's one way of animating camera let's let's go talk about another way and we want to look at let's see let's just do a new cop here and we'll play with it we've got this paper layer here I'm going to flip this guy 90 degrees so it's more landscape for us and scale it up so what we're gonna try to do is like a camera move on a piece of paper like some parchment so I am going to copy and paste some just sample text here lorem ipsum they have like a generator just for random texts I don't gonna grab so we'll do like ten paragraph of texts all right so we've got all this great text I'll just grab a chunk of this and we'll go back here we will create new text and actually let's not do that let's draw on our text layer if you click if you have your text layer selected and you click you can type and it will work just fine if you grab your text tool and you click and drag it'll create a text box and then we can paste all that text in there so I'm going to decrease the text size of this to fill up this paper I'm going to adjust the font so it's more of like handwriting I don't know what that would be it's taken its time okay that looks fancy make this a little bit bigger here so it fills up a little bit better and I'm gonna change my color I'm going to grab this guy I'm gonna pick the color from the background here it's not gonna do that we'll do a fill instead see if that works better we'll give it a fill effect and my computer hates me today we'll throw a fill effect over text I'm gonna grab my color picker and just pick the background so we get we get our base color and I'm just gonna drag it to a darker version of that because when you're you know when you use a black pen it may look black but it's actually still pulling from the pigment of that papers a little bit better for something like that so okay so we have text on the background which is a paper texture and actually now that I see this I'm actually gonna adjust my text box a little bit and give it a little more pad on the top and bottom okay so actually doing that I may have scaled it did I scale it or did I adjust my text box let's bring up scale yeah I did so I adjusted grabbing these corners I actually adjusted the scale which is not what I wanted to do so I'm gonna go back I'm gonna make these both 85 so it's still nice and uniform I'm gonna lock that back in you have to click inside your text field here and then you can grab these corners now I'm not adjusting scale I'm adjusting the boundaries of my text box which is what I wanted to do so okay so we've got our background parchment or paper texture we've got a text layer on top of it let's turn on motion blur let's make both of those layers 3d right now let's create a new camera 35-millimeter it's fine for now we may do some adjusting after that but now we're looking through our camera so let's what we want to do like a sweeping shot with a lot of depth focusing on some of these this text right so let's let's zoom in let's truck in I'll bring this down to a quarter my computer is just creeping today no I don't know that'll work might have to do full get nice and close and actually we may lose some of our a resolution here so rather than getting SuperDuper close let's just make this text bigger make it like 140 okay that looks better one more high resolution so let's set our camera up on the left side up here I'm gonna kind of orbit the camera get like an angled view right and I'll use my track tool up here to kind of set it up into this corner so this will be my starting point so I'm going to arrow down go to transform create position and point of interest keyframes and then I'll find my ending keyframe I want it to orbit around back down this way maybe and I'll have them I use my track to move my camera actually I'm just gonna go to be unified so I'm gonna left click his orbit for me I'm gonna I'm a truck out bring it down here truck out maybe a little bit further okay so what does that do what does that move look like now we're too close here you can see it we get like way too close if I go to my top that's a decent starting point for my move but if I look at my top and click my thing here you can see that my target is looking past it which is okay I mean I can grab my my targets here and adjust them to be in line with here that way it always sticks right along with the paper but we get a little bit too close so if I click these guys I can I can drag this out and then get that more like circular motion I'd be a little bit too much but let's see what that looks so if it's kind of arcing around it like that what does that look like nice low okay so that's one way to do it it's kind of hard to tell but you can get the gist of the motion I easy easy guys and I'll render it out just so you can see what it'll look like oops see now at the beginning when we adjusted that you can see it changed how we're looking here so we need to adjust I'll go to my orbit and all I'll clean that beginning part up so now that's what our camera moves gonna do again are any spots messed up so we got to adjust you don't want to show that black there I think in the example I did it stayed on this type of it didn't rotate orbit around like that so I'm gonna delete these go forward in time and I think I'm gonna grab the unified tool I'm gonna sorry I'm going to middle click and move kind of down here to the bottom and truck in the bottom may orbit around just a hair I do that what does that move like that's funky let's do this let's just delete we're back at the beginning here let's start over let's get these guys in here let's find a new spot grab my track kind of track to the bottom and we'll truck in and I'm gonna orbit just to adjust that crop a little bit I don't want to see the black over here so all right what does that look like that's better yeah I kind of just want it to scroll down the text like this which is kind of cool so I'll bring this up I will render this you can take a peek see what it looks like and rendering this in full is just gonna take too long let's have it also have in class but some people took off from class I just want to make sure that you guys see how this is gonna look so you get the idea it's gonna kind of slowly sweep down through this text which is fun but we don't have any depth we need to get our depth going right so you kind of see how this is gonna play out all right kind of cool let's get our depth flow if we have our movement done it's go to camera options depth appeal is on but there's just not much I'm gonna crank out my aperture you can see everything now it's out of focus because our focal distance is wrong so let's go to our top and we need to set our focal distance in line with our paper so we need to bring this guy down to be in line you see our target right here I'm just gonna kind of put it in the middle of our target kind of where this line my target line intersects with my paper which is on this line kind of right in the middle there so if I go back to my active camera my focal point should be kind of right in the middle right pretty cool pretty neat looks fairly realistic I like it looks good we could put a vignette on here and make it look really good we haven't done masks will do masks next week and I'll show you guys how to do really cool vignettes if you want a quick peek on that here's one way to do it if we go to new adjustment layer an adjustment layer is something that affects every layer below it so it'll affect all these layers nothing above it though we can create a new adjustment layer we go up to our ellipse tool with our adjustment layer selected and double click it it'll create a circle around that layer which is cool if we go to our curves effect we can throw a curves effect on that layer and see this mask down here again we'll do this next week so we're kind of getting into it early we got to subtract well actually I'll leave it on adds you can see what'll do it I take my curves and I bring this way down it darkens it I changes to subtract now we're starting this vignette look and if I go to arrow down my mask and I bring my feather up now we have this nice like vignette it'd look not quite so far down but now like kind of a cool vignetting edged animation right pretty cool so that's a big chunk of camera movement obviously camera movement there's a million different ways to do it a lot of the times we'll even move a null object and parent a camera to the null object because it gives us a little bit more flexibility we'll do that in the future talk about what that means but I really just wanted to intro a few different ways to move a camera the big thing is use two views see how this cameras moving during this animation to see if it's exactly what you want right it gives you a much more clear view of exactly what's going on and and what you're watching when you're creating your keyframes in your camera view doesn't necessarily mean was that that's how your animations gonna look when you go back and look at it so it's something that you might have to smooth out using these these curved curved buzzy aid lines stuff like that and there's a lot of extra tools here that you can use to really perfect exactly what you want to do so when we get into to more stuff with After Effects more advanced stuff we'll talk about maybe some more advanced camera movement stuff like that but for now I would use easy ease on your movements I would make sure that you got motion blur turned on for your the layers that it's moving around make sure your motion blur for your comp is turned on and I think that you guys can make some pretty cool stuff so look forward to seeing what you guys do for next week in class and we will talk next week about masks and shape layer different shape layers different layer types and stuff like that I think I gotta go back and look my memories horrible but I know we're talking about masks so appreciate it guys we'll see you next week
Channel: After Effects Training
Views: 288,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After effects training, brdc491, after effects tutorial, camera, animation, animating a camera, Adobe After Effects (Software), depth of field, focus distance, focal distance, camera tutorial
Id: 3JcuN34quas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 13 2015
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